SR :: Volume #8

#702: Results in the treasure

Bang!” “轰!” The world large explosion, Yang Qi is turbulent, two people are using trump card, Zhou Shang evade not to be possible to evade, can only shake hardly. 天地大爆炸,阳气汹涌浩荡,两人都在动用杀手锏,周尚避无可避,只能硬撼。 But result in the end is actually, his mouth and nose spurts the blood, backs up unceasingly, the body is trembling, because an arm on full is the fissure, almost must strike off by fist mark. 可是到头来的结果却是,他的口鼻喷血,不断倒退,身体在发抖,因为一条手臂满上是裂痕,几乎要被拳印击断下来。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng attacks again, making him fly horizontally, an arm twists, bone stubble came out, Zhou Shang caused heavy losses. 楚风再攻,让他横飞起来,一条手臂扭曲,骨茬儿都出来了,周尚被重创。 Injures this appearance him unexpectedly, the conceivable Chu Feng's striking power has god how to be fierce, if not Good Fortune Divine Physique can reduce the injury of 70-80%, finally is more fearful. 竟然将他伤成这个样子,可以想象楚风的攻击力有多么神猛,如果不是无劫神体能能够消减掉七八成的伤害,结果更可怕。 Zhou Shang, when I kill you, are you without a fight?!” Chu Feng approaches. 周尚,等我杀你,还是你自己束手就擒?!”楚风逼近。 In the entire islands was peaceful, all troops are out of sorts, did the fight such end? They are unbelievable! 整座岛屿上都安静了,各方人马失神,战斗就这么落幕了吗?他们难以置信! Divine Physique, Saint Physique, two big physique any present world, can initiate the great unrest, in the end can arrive at the evolution the side summit, if no accident/surprise to show disdain for a time! 一位神体,一位圣体,两大体质者任何一个出现世间,就能引发轩然大波,到头来能走到进化的极巅,若无意外的话可傲视一个时代! However, what now did the people see? Two big physique both caused heavy losses, soon lost the battle efficiency. 然而,现在人们看到了什么?两大体质者都被重创,快要失去战斗力了。 Especially Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique was torn up the both arms, the whole body is bleeding, and was carried by Chu Feng in the hand, cannot withstand weakly. 尤其是元磁圣体被撕掉双臂,浑身都在淌血,且被楚风拎在手中,虚弱不堪。 Chu Feng, you stem from my anticipation, draws in me the hopeless situation, compels me to this step.” At this time, Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique opened the mouth unexpectedly, was a little low and deep. 楚风,你真是出乎我的意料,将我拖入绝境中,逼我到这一步。”这时,元磁圣体竟然开口,有点低沉。 He loses very much, solemn invincible physique, was being such carried, some humiliations. 他很失落,堂堂无敌体质,被人这么拎着,有些屈辱。 "Pa!" “啪!” A Chu Feng palm of the hand has clapped, numerous striking in his face chest cavity, this result made Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique ignorant, made the allied armies on islands be in a daze. 楚风一巴掌拍了下去,重重的击在他的脸膛上,这一结果让元磁圣体懵了,也让岛屿上的联军发呆。 Solemn had Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, pulled out a big slap and slap in the face in the presence of everyone? 堂堂元磁圣体,被人当众抽了一个大耳光? Chu Feng said: „The capital of what undefeated, invincible physique, since you collaborate instant, what even if can not, you not have the self-confident person to defeat me, matched speaks these words to me?” 楚风道:“什么不败之资,无敌体质,自从你们联手的刹那,就算不得什么了,你们没有自信一个人战胜我,也配这么跟我说这些话?” Complete silence, four directions short outcome. 鸦雀无声,四野短暂究竟。 Allied armies all people change countenance, this is really Great Demon, is a madman, hasn't looked at Saint Physique in the eye? Among the spoken language stances despises. 联军所有人都动容,这果然是一个大魔头,是一位狂人,都没有将圣体看在眼中吗?言语姿态间太蔑视。 "Ah...... ” the Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique noisy wail, he recovers, is in an uncontrollable rage, is similar to a wild animal is roaring, the whole body trembles, is making furiously. “啊……”元磁圣体长嚎,他回过神来,怒不可遏,如同一头野兽在咆哮,浑身颤栗着,在奋力挣动。 Also refuses to accept?!” Chu Feng has given him once more a palm of the hand. “还不服?!”楚风再次给了他一巴掌。 That together dies!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique erupts, thorough crazy, at this time his chest splits, appears together the god magnetism from his within the body, blooms myriad radiance. “那就一起去死吧!”元磁圣体爆发,彻底疯狂,此时他的胸膛裂开,从他的体内浮现一块神磁,绽放万千光华。 God magnetism treasure seal?” Chu Feng surprised at the same time, wool bone trembling in fear however. “神磁宝印?”楚风惊讶的同时,毛骨悚悚然。 This is together the great seal, flowing auspicious red clouds, absolutely is the God Level material, even surmounts the god magnetism. 这是一块大印,流动瑞霞,绝对是神级材料,甚至超越神磁。 „The marriages of some god magnetism and magnetic marrow?” Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, the god magnetism is the Domain researcher yearn for something even in one's dreams thing, is the treasure. “神磁与部分磁髓的结合体?”楚风倒吸冷气,神磁就已经是场域研究者梦寐以求的东西了,是瑰宝。 As for the magnetic marrow, that is the thing in legend. 至于磁髓,那则是传说中的东西。 This god magnetism is congealing some magnetic marrow, by Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique refining, becomes together valuable seal, nourish in his within the body, congeals with him as one. 这块神磁凝结着部分磁髓,被元磁圣体炼化,成为一块宝印,温养在他的体内,跟他凝结为一体。 Hateful, I obtain god Magnetic Mountain Seal, in refining, is needing to nourish with the flesh, otherwise so to be how distressed!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique nurses hatred to say. “可恨啊,我得到神磁山印,正在炼化中,需要用血肉滋养,不然的话何以这么狼狈!”元磁圣体含恨说道。 He already went crazy, an energy pours into this Mountain Seal, urges to send it, making it enlarge rapidly, no one is able to stop this trend. 他已然发疯,一身的能量都灌入这块山印中,催发它,让它在迅速放大,谁都无法阻挡这种趋势。 Bang! 轰! The god Magnetic Mountain Seal terrifying is boundless, causing Chu Feng to back up, because, its internal aura in the ebullition, soon must blast out. 磁山印恐怖无边,导致楚风都不得不倒退,因为,它内部的气息在沸腾,即将要炸开了。 Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique wisp of Spiritual Imprint hides in middle, leads all these, as for his main body by the suck dry, the essence and energy completely lost. 元磁圣体的一缕精神烙印藏在当中,主导这一切,至于他的本体则被吸干了,精气与能量尽失。 Bang!” Chu Feng has thrown Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique directly, shouted to the distant place: Tied up to me!” “砰!”楚风直接将元磁圣体扔了出去,冲远方喝道:“给我绑了!” He halts, has not backed up again, attempts to suppress god Magnetic Mountain Seal, because does not think really this treasure ruins, he is the Domain researcher, coveted to this Mountain Seal, once controls, later in walk famed scenery is more relaxed pleasant. 他自己则止步,没有再倒退,尝试镇压神磁山印,因为真的不想这块瑰宝毁掉,他是场域研究者,对这块山印太眼热了,一旦掌控的话,以后行走名山大川间更加轻松如意。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng whole-heartedly, suppresses, preventing Mountain Seal to disintegrate! 楚风全力以赴,进行镇压,阻止山印解体! Dies!” That in Mountain Seal said that Spiritual Imprint sends out roaring of hatred, Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique the spiritual imprint congeals with the treasure as one, controls all. “去死吧!”山印中的那道精神烙印发出怨毒的咆哮,元磁圣体的这道精神印记跟宝物凝结为一体,掌控一切。 If can have the choice, Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique will not ruin this rare treasure, grasps it to control the strength of Between Heaven and Earth many profound magnetism, even can break various Domain. 如果能有选择,元磁圣体绝不会毁掉这块秘宝,掌握它就能掌控天地间诸多玄磁之力,甚至能破各种场域 But now, he must be struck to kill, how this grade of treasure can leave the enemy. 可是现在,他要被击杀了,这等瑰宝怎能留给敌人。 However, he noticed that Chu Feng must suppress forcefully, slightly hesitates, felt that catches the vitality. 不过,他看到楚风要强行镇压,又略有迟疑,感觉捕捉到生机。 Ten thousand soldiers come toward!” The critical moment, he does not have immediately from exploding, but resorts to another method. “万兵来朝!”关键时刻,他没有立刻自爆,而是动用另一种手段。 Clang clang clang...... 锵锵锵…… At this moment, in the islands all people shock, as long as because wears the metal weapon, these rare treasures all soar, flies toward the sky. 这一刻,岛屿上所有人都震撼,因为但凡佩戴金属兵器的,那些秘宝全都腾空而起,朝着天空中飞去。 flying sword like the rain, the rare treasure like rainbow, was too crowded, all attacks to Chu Feng there. 飞剑如雨,秘宝如虹,一条条、一道道,太密集了,全都攻击向楚风那里。 This is result that god Magnetic Mountain Seal causes, it can attract the metal weapon, controls them! 这是神磁山印导致的结果,它能吸引金属兵器,操控它们! Chu Feng had a scare, simultaneously to this rare treasure being interested even more, even gives up locking Zhou Shang for this reason, copes with this divine object with single-hearted devotion. 楚风被吓了一跳,同时对这件秘宝越发的感兴趣,为此甚至放弃锁定周尚,专心对付这种神物 Bang! 轰! In his outside the body, golden luster Golden Bell Cover appears, carries on to protect the body, simultaneously before his left hand, Cave also appears, the black vortex rotation, resists these weapons. 在他的体外,黄金色泽的金钟罩浮现,进行护体,同时他的左手前石洞也浮现,黑色漩涡转动,对抗那些兵器。 In addition, his Lightning Fist also rumbles, sweeps away the square weapon. 此外,他的闪电拳也轰出,横扫四方兵器。 The Chu Feng knows Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique intention, the opposite party wants to go on living actually, and does not arrive at the final moment not to ruin this treasure, therefore he must give an opposite party ray of hope now. 楚风知道元磁圣体的心意,对方其实想活下去,且不到最后关头不想毁掉这瑰宝,所以他现在得给对方一线希望。 Suddenly, he looks like quite distressed, was blocked by ten thousand soldiers! 一时间,他看起来颇为狼狈,被万兵阻击! In fact, Chu Feng has self-confidently all blocks. 事实上,楚风有自信全都挡住。 The innumerable weapons dance in the air, sword light like the rain, is likely void in the separate, interwines, attacks Chu Feng. 无数的兵器飞舞,剑光如雨,像是在割裂虚空,交织在一起,进攻楚风 Quick, god Magnetic Mountain Seal is slightly gloomy, the energy that Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique pours into must be exhausted. 很快,神磁山印略微暗淡,元磁圣体灌入的能量要被耗尽了。 Was a pity that cannot kill you eventually, this treasure destroys!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique that wisp of mark was sighing, his knows, Great Influence went, must blast out with this treasure together. “可惜啊,终究是不能杀你,此宝毁灭吧!”元磁圣体的那缕印记在叹息,他知道,大势已去,就要跟此宝一起炸开。 Late, this thing is my, you do not have qualifications handling!” “晚了,这东西是我的,你没资格处置!” Buzz, the Chu Feng left hand to the throat, Cave appears, black vortex revolving was more rapid, extracts wisp of spiritual imprint from god Magnetic Mountain Seal, pouches in the hole, then destruction! 嗡的一声,楚风左手向前探去,石洞浮现,黑色漩涡旋转的更加迅疾了,生生从神磁山印中抽出一缕精神印记,吞进洞中,而后毁灭! Bang! 砰! Brings god Magnetic Mountain Seal of some magnetic marrow to fall into the Chu Feng hand, returns to the original condition, this is together valuable seal, is similar to the mountain massif, is heavy, was controlled by him firmly. 带着部分磁髓的神磁山印落入楚风手中,恢复原状,这是一块宝印,如同山体,非常沉重,被他牢牢掌控。 Haha......” Chu Feng laughs, he is Domain Master, is not inferior to Evolver to see the Origin Metal material to the affection of this type of thing. “哈哈……”楚风大笑,他是场域大师,对这种东西的喜爱不亚于进化者看到母金材料。 "Ah...... ” distant place, the Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique main body roars, his item of zi wants to crack, his knows own that wisp of spirit final moment hesitated with give the opposite party opportunity hesitant, was won the rare treasure. “啊……”远处,元磁圣体的本体怒号,他目眦欲裂,他知道自己的那缕精神最后关头迟疑与犹豫给到了对方机会,被夺走秘宝。 Otherwise, the direct detonation, can the opposite party go well? Moreover may draw the opposite party to start off very much together. 不然的话,直接引爆,对方怎么能得手?而且很有可能拉着对方一同上路。 Old Donkey has given him directly a donkey hoof, on his forehead that tramples the large package sticks out is very high, said: hee-haw hee-haw, ghost howling anything, you now is a captive, is the captive, turns head to look whether to squeeze anything, or sells a good price, otherwise forces in the latrine pit you directly!” 老驴直接给了他一驴蹄子,踹的他脑门上大包隆起很高,道:“儿啊儿啊,鬼嚎什么,你现在是俘虏,是阶下囚,回头看一看能否压榨出什么,或者卖出个好价钱,不然的话直接将你塞进茅坑!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique cannot withstand weakly, his present energy was drained, but is not convinced very much, said: Hateful, if were not recently refining god Magnetic Mountain Seal to the most critical moment, I so will be how easy to suffer defeat, many methods are unable to display.” 元磁圣体虚弱不堪,他现在的能量被抽干了,但很不服气,道:“可恨,如果不是最近炼化磁山印到了最为关键时刻,我怎么会这么容易败北,很多手段都无法施展。” A Big Black Ox palm of the hand claps on his head, said: cocky anything, two hit one likely clutches chicken young by Chu Feng grasping, but also has a face to call, honest!” 大黑牛一巴掌拍在他脑袋上,道:“得瑟什么,两个打一个都被楚风像是揪小鸡仔似的给抓回来,还有脸叫,老实点!” In the islands, Chu Feng moves in extremely fast, he is chasing down Zhou Shang, Discerning Eyes endures to break all fabricatedly, even if the opposite party the stealth, wants to hide uselessly. 岛屿上,楚风极速移动,他在追杀周尚,火眼金睛堪破一切虚妄,对方哪怕隐身,想要藏起来都没用。 Zhou Shang, your this skill, your imposing attitude, you do not say True Son, come, do not run away!” Chu Feng ridicules. 周尚,你就这点本事吗,你的气魄呢,你不是自称真子吗,来啊,不要逃!”楚风奚落。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… In the sky, two people are fighting, pursues runs away, from time to time collides, the blood splashes unceasingly. 天空中,两人在交手,一追一逃,时而碰撞,血液不断溅起。 Zhou Shang is frightened, he indeed does not beat, does not hit Chu Feng, this makes in his heart get angry, aggrieved at the same time fills unwillingly, in his opinion, the inheritance of Earth should be him, because he obtains the mysterious energy tower first, obtains the approval. 周尚惊悚,他的确不敌,打不过楚风,这让他心中发怒,憋屈的同时充满不甘,在他看来,地球的传承应该都属于他,因为他最先得到神秘能量塔,获得认可。 The person who this Demon Chu, this hooligan comes, he one step obtains Plundering Guide Breathing Method unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly first, making his inheritance imperfect. 这个楚魔头,这个野路子出身的人,竟意外先他一步得到盗引呼吸法,让他的传承不完满。 The Zhou Shang face darken, he thinks , if not Chu Feng intercepts his chance, if he has Plundering Guide Breathing Method, will be more formidable, by his physique, can achieve truly invincibly! 周尚脸色阴沉,他认为如果不是楚风截获他的机缘,他若是拥有盗引呼吸法的话,将会更加强大,凭借他的体质,真正可以做到无敌! You seized were my thing!” His whole body is the wound, the blood scatters, even more greatly hates. “你夺了属于我的东西!”他浑身是伤,血液四溅,越发的大恨。 Chu Feng is contemptuous, reveals the color of despising, said: I think that you are strong, mediocre, you think that the trim world does revolve you to transfer? You thought that what is your? You are nothing!” 楚风轻蔑,露出鄙夷之色,道:“我以为你多强呢,不过如此,你以为整片天地都围绕着你转吗?你觉得什么都是你的?你算个屁啊!” Bang! 轰! Chu Feng chases down to him, take action is overbearing, fist mark is one by one heavy, moreover various trump card that after he uses the Cave vortex before left hand to block Zhou Shang goes crazy, starts, for example Flying Immortal Spear this secret technique! 楚风对他追杀,出手霸道,拳印一次比一次重,而且他用左手前的石洞漩涡挡住周尚发狂后发动的各种杀手锏,比如飞仙矛这种秘术 Bang! 砰! Zhou Shang is cracked all over the body, was hit by Chu Feng horizontal flew, does not escape. 周尚通体龟裂,被楚风打的横飞,逃脱不了。 What kind, begins?” Some Netherworld Race there people open the mouth. “怎么样,动手吗?”幽冥族那里有人开口。 Another person responded: „It is not anxious, so-called Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique and Good Fortune Divine Physique, indeed shock everybody, but they are also not my clan, died died, so as to avoid after the date, rose, dominated in Star Sea, nobody may keep in balance.” 另一人回应道:“不急,所谓元磁圣体无劫神体,的确惊世骇俗,但他们又不属于我族,死了就死了,免得日以后真个崛起,在星海中称霸,无人可制衡。” Some Great Dream Pure Land there people were also whispering, inquired whether at this time can suppress Chu Feng. 大梦净土那里也有人在低语,询问此时是否可以镇压楚风 Ok, we drag in lots of people, is not stabbed, our such Dao Lineage, have a mind to suppress Indigenous , will also be defeated?” “可以,我们兴师动众,不是来挨刀的,我们这样的道统,真有心压制一个土著,还会失败吗?” In sky, Good Fortune Divine Physique hit horizontal flies, his arm was kicked to explode by Chu Feng, scrap void, the blood sprinkles. 天空中,无劫神体被打的横飞,噗他的一条手臂被楚风踢爆,炸碎虚空中,血液洒落。 Even if so-called non- tribulation, that also relative, the true crucial moment, time in peril, he same cannot withstand. 哪怕所谓的无劫,那也是相对的,真正生死关头,危亡时刻,他一样承受不了。 The Chu Feng's striking power is too strong, after being reduced 70-80%, is the incomparable fearfulness! 楚风的攻击力太强,被消减掉七八成后,还是无比的可怕! Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Chu Feng leaves the foot one after another, kicks the four limbs of Zhou Shang, shakes his spine, strikes to disperse the energy of his within the body, throws the rearward him, said: Tied up!” 楚风接连出脚,踢断周尚的四肢,震断他的脊椎骨,击散他体内的能量,将他扔向后方,道:“绑了!” This person had antiquity Fighting Skill of Earth, is inheritance that Chu Feng coveted, needs to capture alive. 此人有地球的上古战技,是楚风所眼热的传承,需要活捉。 Behind, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger they are stepping on Zhou Shang, bundles him becomes the steamed rice dumpling, throws on the rotten steamship! 后方,东北虎他们踩着周尚,将他捆成粽子,扔在腐烂大船上! Young people, self-satisfied, is in high spirits, very happily? I look, stop.” Netherworld Race there, the old man opens the mouth, is bringing light smiling. “年轻人,志得意满,神采飞扬,很开心是吗?我看,到此为止吧。”幽冥族那里,有一位老者开口,带着淡淡的笑。 Their this clan once was the destruction archaic Earth Evolver's main force, finally substitutes for the rank of this life planet, the recovery of nature to present Earth highly cares, wants to put down. 他们这一族曾经是覆灭上古地球进化者的主力,最终取代这颗生命星球的排名,自然对如今地球的复苏非常在意,想要扫平。 At this time, Deity Race, Spirit Race, Xilin Clan and Great Dream Pure Land had the old fogy to go out, prepare to use trump card. 这时,天神族灵族西林族大梦净土都有老家伙走出,准备动用杀手锏 Young people, should end.” They sneer. “年轻人,该落幕了。”他们冷笑。 Said probably performs, in you grasp are the same, you have trump card, doesn't don't tell me your Uncle clear/pain have the energy? Died!” Chu Feng cold spooky saying. “说的好像尽在你们掌握中一样,你们有杀手锏,难道你楚大爷就没有底气吗?都去死好了!”楚风冷幽幽的说道。
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