SR :: Volume #8

#701: Insufficiently looks

Indigenous, is by the descendant of our ancestor nearly slaughter ethnic group completely, unexpectedly fierce to this step!” “一个土著而已,还是被我们祖上近乎屠尽的族群的后裔,居然厉害到这一步!” Deity Race commands greatly is also the head whispers, hides in the crowd, is appraising secretly, although Deity Race some time ago lost seriously, but he is as before calm. 天神族一个大统领也是负责人低语,躲在人群中,在暗自评估,尽管天神族不久前损失惨重,但是他依旧镇定。 In order to kill Chu Feng with one crowd of big monsters, they have brought some trump card, because Deity Race wants to bribe this Monster Race to train the Monster Saint restricted area. 为了击毙楚风与一群大妖,他们带来了一些杀手锏,因为天神族想染指这处妖族培养妖圣的禁地。 Even if after own ethnic group research, is unusable, can in some Monster Race giants with the universe exchange the benefit, is Deity Race seeks enough many chips. 哪怕自己的族群研究后不能用,也可以跟宇宙中一些妖族巨头交换利益,为天神族争取到足够多的筹码。 Kills him!” “射杀他!” At this time, the Deity Race's head waved, the person went out, the whole body covered black golden armor zhou, the hand-held big bow was very special, green and lush, murderous aura was threatening. 这时,天神族的负责人挥手,有一人走出,浑身都覆盖乌金甲胄,手持的大弓却很特别,绿莹莹,杀气逼人。 This is big Killing Weapon, they take to bring from outside territory are not very easy, can kill Moulding Shape Realm's expert easily! 这是一件大杀器,他们从域外带进来很不易,能轻易射杀塑形境界的高手 Green demon bow, regarding the following person of Golden Body Monk level is lethality, this is first big Killing Weapon that I give you to prepare, thinks really my Deity Race can provoke at will, let alone small Indigenous on your decline planet, is other formidable races is not good!” “绿魔弓,对于金身罗汉层次的以下的人来说是致命性的,这是我给你准备的第一件大杀器,真以为我天神族可以随意招惹吗,别说你一个没落星球上的小土著,就是其他强大种族都不行!” The middle-aged head sneers, ordering that person to draw. 中年负责人冷笑,命令那人开弓。 Locking!” Wears the person response of black golden armor zhou, is in itself Divine Archer, in addition this green demon bow is special, can say that is always an arrow is killed violently. “锁定!”身穿乌金甲胄的人回应,本身就是一个神射手,再加上这绿魔弓特殊,可以说从来都是一箭毙命。 Kills!” After these two characters put out, Between Heaven and Earth, together green light across the sky, too dazzling, making many people unable to bear call out in alarm, has closed the eye directly. “射杀!”当这两个字吐出后,天地间,一道绿光横空,太刺目了,让许多人忍不住惊叫,直接闭上了眼睛。 Chu Feng happen to also soars to the heavens with Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, when battle to intensity, he is using wonderful technique, left hand front Cave appears, thinks towering receives the opposite party, thus strikes to kill. 楚风正好跟元磁圣体同时冲霄,争斗到激烈时,他在动用妙术,左手前方一口石洞浮现,想突兀的将对方收进去,从而击杀。 But at this moment, together green light was too astonishing, just like pricks a immortal sword in sky from the ground, is very long, passes through the vault of heaven, extremely fast. 但就在此刻,一道绿光太惊人了,宛若从地面刺入天空中的一柄仙剑,很长,贯穿天穹,极速而来。 The Chu Feng transverse shift body, that green glow is scratching his body. 楚风横移身体,那条绿芒擦着他的身体而过。 The arrow feather pierces the cloud layer, the rich energy made in the islands the facial colors of all people change, the green demon arrow was too astonishing, could the second kill Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's expert! 箭羽洞穿云层,浓郁的能量让岛屿上所有人的面色都变了,绿魔箭太惊人,或许能秒杀餐霞境界的高手 Moreover, the matter has not terminated, the arrow feather across the sky, in light of this has not vanished, but is similar to a green immortal sword, chops downward in the upper air. 而且,事情还未完结,箭羽横空,没有就此消失,而是如同一柄绿色仙剑,在高空中向下劈来。 "Um?! ” The Chu Feng pupil is cold, stares at the arrow feather that lasing is coming, he avoids once more fast. “嗯?!”楚风眸子冷冽,盯着激射而来的箭羽,他再次快速躲避。 The green demon arrow is too terrifying, speed surmounts the common sense, generally Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's Evolver is unable the strain, to have flash that it vanished, then towering appears side Chu Feng, almost pierces his forehead. 绿魔箭太恐怖,速度超越常理,一般餐霞境界的进化者根本无法应变,有那么一瞬间,它消失了,而后突兀的在楚风身边出现,几乎洞穿他的眉心。 His fierce shaking, green divine light rubs him to fly, even if so, his forehead is also bleeding, that is, nearly pierces his frontal bone that murderous aura surges. 他猛的甩头,绿色神光擦着他飞过去,哪怕如此,他眉心也在淌血,那是被杀气所激荡的,险些就洞穿其额骨。 Chī! 哧! In the sky, the green demon arrow does not stand still, flies once more, moreover these time is more special, around the region that Chu Feng is , the path assumes the helix him to surround. 天空中,绿魔箭不停歇,再次飞来,而且这一次更特别,绕着楚风所在的区域,轨迹呈螺旋形将他包围在内。 Runs away quickly!” Distant place Yellow Ox shouted, with spiritual sound transmission, his knows this was anything. “快逃!”远处黄牛大喊,用精神传音,他知道这是什么了。 Deity Race has been expanding, planet that occupies are not few, is dyeing the blood, is they attacks, the law of refinement after green demon bow and arrow type of weapon is attacks wild planet, obtains. 天神族一直在扩张,占据的星球不算少,染着血,都是他们进攻下来的,绿魔弓箭这种武器就是攻打一颗蛮荒星球后得到的炼制之法。 This weapon refinement is not easy, but might strangely big! 这种兵器炼制不易,但是威力奇大 Bang! 轰! The green arrow feather flies around Chu Feng, after presenting the helix path, that sky one piece of green and lush, various symbols are densely covered, then directly blasts out. 绿色箭羽绕着楚风飞行,呈现螺旋形轨迹后,那片天空都一片绿莹莹,各种符号密布,而后直接炸开。 Between Heaven and Earth dazzling! 天地间刺目之极! There likely is place of destruction, the energy is too astonishing, as can be seen, escapes from the spiral range Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique its metal battlesuit to melt, then like the liquid evaporation, on him various rune twinkles, he as before is flying to draw back, avoids the central place finally, runs away to the distant place. 那里像是一片毁灭之地,能量太惊人,可以看到,逃出螺旋范围的元磁圣体其身上的金属战衣在熔化,而后又如液体般蒸发,他身上各种符文闪烁,他依旧在飞退,总算避开中心地,逃向远处。 Various Holy Son's complexions changed, conversion is they estimates unable to avoid. 圣子的脸色变了,换成是他们估计避不开。 As for Chu Feng of central place, people do not favor, all turns very quiet, is staring carefully, was don't tell me struck to kill? 至于中心地的楚风,众人不看好,全都屏住呼吸,仔细盯着,难道被击杀了吗? What is most fearful, that green demon arrow breaks in the central place finally, it has not obliterated, must carry on is finally fatal strikes! 最为可怕的是,那绿魔箭最后冲入中心地,它还没有磨灭呢,要进行最后致命一击! In the sky the magnet blasts out one after another, that is the Chu Feng's method, the people saw, Chu Feng's metal battlesuit is crashing, is melting, in to become gas. 天空中一块又一块磁石炸开,那是楚风的手段,人们看到,楚风的金属战衣在坠落,在熔化,在成为气体。 destroy both body and soul?!” 形神俱灭了吗?!” Perhaps, finished!” “或许,结束了!” Some person both eyes bloom divine light. 一些人双目绽放神光 However, the next quarter Chu Feng ice cold sound leaves to convey. 然而,下一刻楚风冰寒的声音出传来。 Deity Race, you such aim at me time and time again, sooner or later I will cut your Shining Upon All Heavens ancient ancestor, the slaughter fall all your Saint!” In the energy light, Chu Feng flushed, as can be seen, before his left hand, that Cave is not steady, forms an vortex, the green arrow feather that will fly finally absorbs. 天神族,你们一次又一次这么针对我,早晚我去斩掉你们映照诸天古祖,屠掉你们所有圣人!”在能量光中,楚风冲了出来,可以看到,他左手前那口石洞不稳,形成一个漩涡,将最后飞来的绿色箭羽吸收进去。 bo! 啵! Last light sound, in Cave spurts to be thin green fragment, the arrow feather of energy exhaustion was disintegrated, crashes outside Cave. 最后一声轻响,石洞中喷薄出一片绿色碎块,能量耗尽的箭羽被瓦解,坠落在石洞外。 Deity Race, dies to me!” Chu Feng bellows, he stood in the winning side a moment ago obviously, suppresses two big physique, wants suppress and kill Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, finally was broken by Deity Race. 天神族,都给我死!”楚风大吼,刚才他明显站在上风,压制两大体质,更是要镇杀元磁圣体,结果被天神族生生打断。 As can be seen, his body has some wounds, is bleeding, and has traded battlesuit. 可以看到,他身上出现一些伤口,在淌血,而且已经换了一件战衣 Skin flesh wound? Various clan Holy Son suck in a cold breath! They believe that if changes a position, they must die, was obliterated by that green demon arrow! 只是皮外伤吗?各族圣子倒吸冷气!他们自认为,如果换个位置,他们都得死,被那绿魔箭磨灭! When Chu Feng opens the mouth, he from same place disappeared, dives to Deity Race that position. 楚风开口时,他就从原地消失了,俯冲向天神族那个方位。 Where walks, Chu Feng you roll to me, kills!” The Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique blockade, blocks the way. “哪里走,楚风你给我滚过来,杀!”元磁圣体阻击,挡住去路。 At the same time, Zhou Shang also appears, unites in a rear person of sword, turns into the heaven shaking rainbow, the thorn to the Chu Feng's head. 同一时间,周尚也出现,在后方人剑合一,化成惊天长虹,刺向楚风的头颅。 Rolls to me!” The Chu Feng outside the body reappearing golden color bell, shakes two people, kills as before to the ground. “都给我滚!”楚风体外浮现金色大钟,震开两人,依旧杀向地面。 Wears person who black golden armor zhou, drew a bow a moment ago, he is very exhausted, energetic dispirited . Moreover the green big bow in hand projects thoroughly along with that arrow gloomy, has partly destroyed. 身穿乌金甲胄、刚才张弓的人,他无比疲惫,精神萎靡,而且手中的绿色大弓随着那一箭射出彻底暗淡,已经半毁。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng hits, likely is a golden angry lion, sweeps away here, this person was hit the body immediately, moves aside without enough time, finally in an instant becomes one group of blood mist. 楚风撞击下来,像是一头金色的怒狮,横扫这里,这个人当即被撞中躯体,来不及躲闪,结果刹那间成为一团血雾 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… The blood splashes unceasingly, the troops in Deity Race this region lose seriously, was almost all extinguished a cleanness. 血液不断溅起,天神族这片区域的人马损失惨重,几乎被全灭个干净。 That head already evaded distant place, is separated from here, his face darken, an overbearing arrow has not massacred Chu Feng like this, making his look ugly. 那个负责人早已逃避到远方,脱离这里,他脸色阴沉,这样的霸道的一箭都没有杀掉楚风,让他神色难看。 Also wants to walk?!” The Chu Feng's vision likely is the blade edge, Discerning Eyes, the clarity that looks, stared at him. “还想走?!”楚风的目光像是刀锋,火眼金睛,看的真切,已经盯上了他。 I want to kill you, who can detain, who can you? I thought where you can hide to go?!” Chu Feng to/clashes forward. “我想要杀你,谁能拦阻,谁能就你?我看你能躲到哪里去?!”楚风向前冲。 Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique and Zhou Shang intercept together, want to win the time for the middle-aged person, because their knows Deity Race also has trump card, wants to let the middle-aged person deactivate. 元磁圣体周尚一起截杀,想要为中年人争取时间,因为他们知道天神族还有杀手锏呢,想让中年人去激活。 Chu Feng, suffers to death!” Zhou Shang shouts out, the sword light like rainbow, his within the body spurts to be thin the rich energy, interweaves a god chart in outside the body, covers forward. 楚风,受死!”周尚大喝,剑光如虹,他体内喷薄出浓郁的能量,在体外交织成一张神图,向前笼罩。 He uses blood energy, to take the spirit for the paper to be really terrorist as the picture scroll that the pigment constructs, is Saints offers a sacrifice to Heavenly Chart unexpectedly! 他以血气为纸张、以精神为颜料构建的画卷果然恐怖,竟然是诸圣天图 Chu Feng, where runs away!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique also shouts out. 楚风,哪里逃!”元磁圣体大喝 The Chu Feng anger and war air/Qi congeals in together, before the body, is after death dreadful with the energy, just like shocking Great Demon King, exclaimed: You two also paired me saying that suffered to death and runs away these characters? Collaborates is not my match, the young master I must kill Deity Race's to command, I thought that your which can block? Rolls to me!” 楚风怒意与战气凝结在一起,身前与身后能量滔天,宛若一个惊世大魔王,吼道:“你们两个也配对我说受死与逃这几个字?联手都不是我的对手,小爷我要杀天神族的统领,我看你们哪个能拦住?都给我滚!” Bang! 轰! In his surroundings, over a hundred Energy Body appear, own picture scroll also launched, has swept away, collided with two people intensely, here erupted the fearsome ray. 在他的周围,上百个能量体浮现,自身的画卷也展开,横扫了过去,跟两人激烈碰撞,这里爆发可怖的光芒。 Finally, he shakes draws back two people, kills the near of middle-aged person, during this process, Deity Race this head has been running away, simultaneously was ordering, the use murdered divine spear! 最终,他震退两人,杀到中年人的近前,在此过程中,天神族这位负责人一直在逃遁,同时在下令,动用弑神矛 Murders fuck off divine spear!” The distant place, Big Black Ox, Old Donkey and the others shouted, is controlling the rotten steamship, to other Deity Race wanton bombing, is carrying on the crush. “弑你大爷的神矛!”远处,大黑牛老驴等人嘶吼,驾驭着腐烂大船,对着其余天神族狂轰滥炸,进行碾压。 Their knows who does not grasp is murdering divine spear, can only to hiding in Deity Race all person undifferentiated attacks in all directions, does not let their took out. 他们不知道何人掌握着弑神矛,只能对躲在四处的天神族所有人无差别的攻击,不让他们祭出 take action!” The middle-aged man is anxious and terrified, because of Chu Feng to at present, him, although is one old talent, is powerful, but absolutely is not the Chu Feng's match. 出手啊!”中年男子焦急与惶恐,因为楚风到眼前了,他虽然是一个“老天才”,实力强大,但绝对不是楚风的对手。 Bang! 砰! A bang of Chu Feng fist another fist, breaks Full-Body Armor, rare treasure of Deity Race middle-aged man, then a hand blade cuts his head, and grasps in the hand. 楚风一拳又一拳的轰出,震碎天神族中年男子的甲胄、秘宝等,而后一记手刀将他的头颅斩下,并抓在手中。 Then, he shoots up to the sky, faces Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique and Zhou Shang that chases down once more, has pounded the head, said: He is your fates!” 接着,他冲天而起,再次面对追杀过来的元磁圣体周尚,将头颅砸了过去,道:“他就是你们的下场!” That head blasts out, Deity Race head destroy both body and soul, this makes in the islands the troops of various clans all shock, two big physique collaborate unable to block Great Demon Chu, making him cast off the severed head of goal in thousand army, this is too ominous crazily, making them scared. 那颗头颅炸开,天神族负责人形神俱灭,这让岛屿上各族的人马全都震撼,两大体质者联手都拦不住楚大魔头,让他在千军中摘掉目标的首级,这实在太凶狂,让他们胆寒。 Chu Feng preys in Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, is attacking together Zhou Shang, whole-heartedly, own picture scroll launches, blood energy is dreadful, the bang kills to these two. 楚风元磁圣体搏杀在一起,同时也在进攻周尚,全力以赴,自身画卷展开,血气滔天,轰杀向这两人。 When has flash that Chu Feng picture scroll spreading, Yuan magnetic rune carve when hundred strong celestial body, unexpectedly short made void as if solidify. 有那么一瞬间,楚风画卷铺展时,将元磁符文刻写在百强星体上时,竟短暂的让虚空仿佛都凝固了。 Bang! 轰! The Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique big mouth coughs up blood, gets rid of the imprisonment difficultly, he looks pale, was decided a moment ago nearly there, was almost struck to kill. 元磁圣体大口咳血,艰难摆脱禁锢,他面色苍白,刚才险些被定在那里,几乎被击杀。 Zhou Shang is also the pupil contraction, even if he is known as Good Fortune Divine Physique, was injured, encounters Lightning Fist to strike, the shoulder almost blasts out. 周尚也是瞳孔收缩,哪怕他号称无劫神体,也受到伤害,遭遇闪电拳一击,肩头几乎炸开。 What Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, insufficiently looked radically, Zhou Shang does depend on your such person also to match by Earth True Son poses as? Now also deceives the outside territory person, the petty people of this revealing only part of the truth, die to me!” “什么元磁圣体,根本不够看,还有周尚就凭你这样的人也配以地球真子自居?如今还诓骗域外的人,你这个藏头露尾的鼠辈,给我死!” The Chu Feng rush, displays Lightning Fist at the same time, with spiral technique links, forward attack. 楚风冲杀,施展闪电拳的同时,也跟螺旋术结合在一起,向前进攻。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Intense great war, Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique takes main attack, blocks Chu Feng from the upfront, shakes unceasingly hardly, but after once more showdown over a hundred moves, his pitiful yell, an arm was held, first by the crack that Chu Feng's Lightning Fist shakes, wanted burnt, was torn by spiral technique. 激烈大战,元磁圣体作为主攻者,从正面挡住楚风,不断硬撼,但再次对决上百招后,他一声惨叫,一条手臂被抓住,先是被楚风的闪电拳震的龟裂,都要焦糊了,接着被螺旋术生生撕裂下来。 Afterward, Chu Feng also holds his another arm, tears downward, the blood sprays. 随后,楚风又抓住他的另一条手臂,向下撕扯,血液喷洒。 Then, Chu Feng brings Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique to flush away to one side, attacks Zhou Shang, suppresses a strong opponent at the same time, but also locks Good Fortune Divine Physique, before the left hand, Cave appears, wants suppress and kill Zhou Shang. 接着,楚风带着元磁圣体向一侧冲去,进攻周尚,压制一个强大对手的同时,还锁定无劫神体,左手前石洞浮现,要镇杀周尚 The Zhou Shang facial color changed, he uses oneself wonderful technique almost to integrate void, the average man cannot see his silhouette, is Chu Feng Discerning Eyes, first detected, kills the near. 周尚面色变了,他利用自己的妙术几乎融入虚空中,常人看不到他的身影,可是楚风火眼金睛,第一时间发觉,杀到近前。 The Good Fortune Divine Physique whole body essence fast is passing, wells up toward that Cave. 无劫神体的周身精气在飞快流逝,向着那口石洞中涌去。 He is surprised, then whispered, said: These wonderful technique are my, I am this planet successor, was intercepted by you.” 他大吃一惊,而后低语,道:“这些妙术原本都是我的,我才是这颗星球的继承者,被你截获了。” Other people cannot hear, is Chu Feng is also only indistinct within can hear. 其他人听不到,就是楚风也只是隐约间才能听闻。 Good Fortune Divine Physique is erupting, the palm refers , the mysterious symbol interweaves, rumbles forward. 无劫神体在爆发,掌指间,神秘符号交织,向前轰来。 Chu Feng does not allow to send in the middle, raises Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique to move forward to meet somebody, keeps off before own body, treats as the shield to use, but Cave before another hand was more fearful. 楚风在间不容发间,提着元磁圣体就迎了上去,挡在自己的身前,当作盾牌用,而另一只手前的石洞则更可怕了。 Bang! 砰! Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique called out pitifully, the chest almost blasted open, encountered Zhou Shang to strike. 元磁圣体惨叫,胸膛几乎炸裂开来,遭遇周尚一击。 Bang! 轰! When Zhou Shang by that Cave close, his frightened detects, oneself must submerge in that Cave, his bellows, rushed actually. 周尚被那石洞临近时,他惊悚的发觉发觉,自身都要没入那石洞中了,他一声大吼,硬是闯了出来。 However, he by a Chu Feng foot pedal on the chest, nearly was actually pierced, the chest caves , the blood scatters. 但是,他却被楚风一脚蹬在胸膛上,近乎洞穿,胸口塌陷,血液四溅。 If not the physique is special, is known as without the tribulation, he must explode one group of blood mist absolutely. 如果不是体质特殊,号称无劫,他绝对要爆成一团血雾 What Earth True Son, you think that the All Heavens star revolves you to transfer, are all secrets your? This is wonderful technique that I create, you insufficiently look!” “什么地球真子,你以为诸天星斗都围绕着你转,所有的秘笈都是你的?这是我自己创的妙术,你不够看!” Chu Feng shouted, a fist pounded forward! 楚风喝道,一拳向前砸去! Bang! 砰! Zhou Shang works loose difficultly, has not come to a stop, again was covered by that golden great fist mark below! 周尚艰难挣脱出去,还没有站稳,就再次被那金色的宏大拳印覆盖在下! This chapter was yesterday, today also has two chapters. 这章算是昨天的,今天还有两章。
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