SR :: Volume #7

#700: Your Uncle clear/pain

You think that who you are, will regard is the Divine Demon heir, thought are one beast of prey that in the chaos is born? Do you give me dead?!” “你以为你是谁,将自己当成是神魔的子嗣,还是觉得自己是混沌中诞生的猛兽?你给我去死?!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique raises the sound, a fist bang comes, directly is a piece of Yuan magneto-optical! 元磁圣体拔高声音,一拳轰来,直接就是一片元磁光! When his build is very strong, is tall, erupts full power silver blood energy passes the body, within the body flows purely is not the bright red blood, but also is having some silver, this is Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, the blood relationship is special. 他的体形很强健,身材高大,全力爆发时银色的血气透体而出,体内流淌的不纯粹是鲜红的血液,还带着部分银色,这就是元磁圣体,血统特别。 Has saying that this person is super, the energy is vigorous, very fearsome, shakes void is thundering, a Yuan magneto-optical sweeps away to be obsolete, surroundings all parties Evolver is startled. 不得不说,这个人超级霸道,能量雄浑,非常可怖,震的虚空都在轰鸣,元磁光横扫而过时,周围各方进化者都吃惊。 Because, many metal weapons in their hand are shivering, at resonance. 因为,他们手中的许多金属兵器在颤抖,在共鸣。 Bang, Chu Feng prevents by fist mark, meets the tough head-on with toughness, during the thunder, blocks the Yuan magneto-optical. 砰的一声,楚风拳印阻挡,硬碰硬,电闪雷鸣间,挡住元磁光。 What Demon Chu? You are anything, gives me dead, early looked at you not to be feeling well!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique shouted, the method was infinite, among yawns color light departed, a Yuan magnetism cut like the blade to Chu Feng. “什么楚魔头?你算什么,给我去死,早看你不爽了!”元磁圣体喝道,手段无穷,张口间一片彩光飞出,元磁气如刀般斩向楚风 Clang! 锵! Chu Feng Discerning Eyes, both eyes erupt two fire light, resonates with the Yuan magneto-optical, then routs it. 楚风火眼金睛,双目爆发出两大火光,跟元磁光共振,而后击溃之。 I am fuck you!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, the opposite party is so rampant, he naturally also completely obviously makes widely known, does not place the stance in eye Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique. “我算是你大爷!”楚风开口,对方这么嚣张,他自然也是尽显张扬,一副丝毫不将元磁圣体放在眼中的姿态。 Bang!” “轰!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique erupts, the silver blood energy ebullition, making this sky turn into the silver-white color, in his blood energy covers in the range, he is similar to Divine Demon, has hair dishevelled shows the formidable aura! 元磁圣体爆发,银色血气沸腾,让这片天空都化成银白色,都在他的血气笼罩范围内,他如同一尊神魔,披头散发间透出强大的气息! Today must kill you!” He shouts, in the pore spurts to be thin to have sword glow together, this is a Yuan magnetism turns into! “今天必杀你!”他嘶吼,毛孔中喷薄出一道有一道剑芒,这是元磁气化成的! His body was equal to putting on one to bring Full-Body Armor of sharp thorn, dashed barbarically, kills to Chu Feng. 他的身上等于披上了一层带着尖刺的甲胄,野蛮冲撞,扑杀向楚风 Bang!” “轰!” However, Chu Feng fearless, is quite calm and calm, sends the silk to hike up, flies upwards to be self-confident, the right leg swings, has swept away directly. 然而,楚风无惧,相当的冷静与镇定,发丝飘起,飞扬而自信,右腿摆动,直接横扫了过去。 Kills me? fuck you is fuck you, cannot change!” Chu Feng explodes drinks. “杀我?你大爷就是你大爷,改变不了!”楚风爆喝。 Arrived present this situation, he has been able to apply flexibly various wonderful technique, in this leg is containing the resonating technique and spiral technique in a big way, the destructive power to boundless. 到了如今这个地步,他能将各种妙术活用,这一腿中包含着共振术、螺旋术,破坏力大到无边。 Bang! 砰! Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique avoids, leaps suddenly, afterward bows to dash to come, what he uses is the knee, is fierce, towering top to the Chu Feng's chest. 元磁圣体避开,猛然一跃,随后屈膝冲撞而来,他动用的是膝盖,非常凶猛,突兀的顶向楚风的胸膛。 Chu Feng vision Ling very cold, the body flying high surges, a knee of heel opposite party hits in together, between both terrifying radiance blooms, deafening. 楚风目光凌冽,身体凌空翻腾,一脚跟对方的膝盖撞击在一起,两者间恐怖光华绽放,震耳欲聋。 This strength at all is not average person can withstand! 这种力量根本不是一般人所能够承受的! Chī! 哧! Fearful sword light flies, Good Fortune Divine Physique in back take action, he is good at seizing the opportunity, each take action is very cunning sinisterly, elects, in Chu Feng is most passive. 可怕的剑光飞来,无劫神体在背后出手,他善于把握时机,每一次出手都很刁钻毒辣,选在楚风最被动时。 The Divine Sword thorn in his hand to the Chu Feng's back of the head, is sinister and ruthless and fearsome, so long as penetrates the head, even if your marvelous ability also possibly can unusually at the scene die. 他手中的神剑刺向楚风的后脑,阴毒而可怖,只要穿透头颅,哪怕你神功超凡也可能会当场殒落 The Chu Feng complexion is cold, at this time his slightly evaded that this fatal sword, sword edge almost pastes one side of his head to overrun, murderous aura is torrential. 楚风脸色冷冽,此时他只是稍微偏头避过这致命的一剑,剑锋几乎是贴着他的头颅一侧冲过去,杀气滔滔。 In fact, during this process, Chu Feng's protects the stamina quantity to leap, otherwise, even if avoids this Divine Sword, Sword Qi separate cheeks that must be sent out by it. 事实上,在此过程中,楚风的体能量已经腾起,不然的话,哪怕避开这神剑,也要被它散发的剑气割裂脸颊。 Bang! 轰! He is backing up, almost pastes the long sword to go backward, the double elbow attacks fiercely backward, and back of whole person hits Good Fortune Divine Physique Zhou Shang of rearward. 他在倒退,几乎是贴着长剑向后而去,双肘向后猛击,且整个人的背部撞向后方的无劫神体周尚 The flash energy ray erupts, rune makes void at the fulmination. 一瞬间能量光芒爆发,符文让虚空都在爆鸣。 Death!” “死!” Good Fortune Divine Physique bellows, rare dies to knock with Chu Feng, carries on shakes hardly, his right arm is bringing Divine Sword to the back feed, must hug Chu Feng with the sword simply before the body, must cut his head directly. 无劫神体大吼,难得的跟楚风死磕到底,进行硬撼,他的右臂带着神剑向回扫,简直是要用剑将楚风搂在身前,要直接割下他的头颅。 Bang! 轰! Deafening! 震耳欲聋! The Chu Feng's whole body pore in the lasing pale golden energy, in a twinkling condenses a golden bell, the towering protection in outside the body, erupts a loud sound that works as, the long clock audio and video the opening day time trillion years ago transmits, is indistinct is accompanying rule rune! 楚风的周身毛孔都在激射淡金色的能量,霎时间凝聚成一口金色的大钟,突兀的守护在体外,爆发出当的一声巨响,悠悠钟音像是在亿万年前的开天时代传来,隐约间伴着规则符文 This is sudden, formidable such as Good Fortune Divine Physique also body big change, his Divine Sword cuts after the bell is blocked, is unable to rip the Chu Feng's head. 这非常突然,强大如无劫神体也身体剧震,他的神剑斩在大钟上后被挡住,无法割掉楚风的头颅。 Moreover, the bell such suddenly erupts before his body, is the violent extrusion and dashes him simply, lets his body big change, by the golden bell attack. 而且,大钟这么突然在他身前爆发,简直是猛烈的挤压与冲撞他,让他身体剧震,被金色钟体攻击。 Golden Bell Cover that Plundering Guide Breathing Method condenses, is exceptionally solid and fearful, if common Evolver is hit the muddy flesh by the bell absolutely, dies a violent death. 盗引呼吸法所凝聚的金钟罩,异常的结实与可怕,如果是寻常的进化者绝对被大钟撞成肉泥,死于非命。 Good Fortune Divine Physique horizontally flies unexpectedly, the body staggers slightly. 无劫神体居然只是横飞出去,身体稍微踉跄而已。 However, this has not ended, Chu Feng follows up, but also is backing on him to hit, and loudly disintegrated in this time bell, such blasted out, the bang killed Zhou Shang! 不过,这还没有完,楚风跟进,还在背靠着他撞击,且就在这个时候大钟轰然解体,就这么炸开,轰杀周尚 Because Chu Feng loathes the extreme to him, so long as gives him near body with the opportunity that he fights, under that wants the extreme methods, wishes one could to execute the Zhou Shang life immediately. 因为楚风对他厌恶到极点,所以只要给他近身与他交手的机会,那就要下死手,恨不得立刻毙掉周尚性命。 Good Fortune Divine Physique this time stuffy, the body uncontrolled fluttering, in the mouth bleeds, was injured. 无劫神体这次闷哼,身体不受控制的翻飞,口中淌血,受到伤害。 This makes Chu Feng be startled, this life and death preying suddenly, even if changes into Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian, fleshly body by so sudden bang , must to be seriously battered. 这让楚风吃了一惊,这样瞬息间的生死搏杀,哪怕换成万星体徐成仙,肉身被这般突然轰中,也得要遭受重创。 But, Zhou Shang indeed is wounded evidently, has not actually imagined is so serious. 可是,看样子周尚的确负伤,却没有想象中那么严重。 Worthily is Good Fortune Divine Physique, any injury can reduce 70-80%, this is really a physique of going against heaven's will!” “不愧是无劫神体,任何伤害都能消减掉七八成,这果然是一种逆天的体质!” Distant place, even if Deity Race and Netherworld Race's commands the level character pupil contraction greatly, suck in a cold breath, Holy Son of various clans dread incomparably. 远处,哪怕是天神族幽冥族的大统领级人物都瞳孔收缩,倒吸冷气,各族的圣子都忌惮无比。 This is Good Fortune Divine Physique, is very difficult the disaster being near body, divine light that his within the body is born can melt falls. 这就是无劫神体,很难有劫难临身,他体内诞生的神光能够化掉。 Bang! 轰! At this time, Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique that killed directly arrived, wielded the fist, the whole body was the silver white ray, blood energy and war air/Qi congeals in together, whole person imposing manner a big magnificence burst, was similar to Divine Demon, wished one could a fist to be broken the Chu Feng bang! 这时,正面杀来的元磁圣体到了,挥动拳头,全身都是银白光芒,血气与战气凝结在一起,整个人气势大盛,如同神魔,恨不得一拳将楚风轰碎! Low status planet Indigenous, I did not believe unable to kill you!” He was whispering, in sneering, in the eye completely was heartless murderous intention. “低等星球土著,我就不信杀不了你!”他在低语,在冷笑着,眼中尽是无情的杀机 Chu Feng leaps, Lightning Fist erupts, the bang kills, shakes with him hardly, the flash void thunder, the strength of Yuan magnetism explodes to well up. 楚风腾起,闪电拳爆发,轰杀过去,跟他硬撼,一刹那虚空中电闪雷鸣,元磁之力爆涌而出。 Bang! Bang! 砰!轰! The fearful sound wave spreads one after another, there ray dazzling, blooms unceasingly, two worlds fight intensely, likely is two Divinity at the showdown. 一声又一声可怕的音浪传出,那里光芒刺目,不断绽放,两人间激烈交手,像是两尊神祇在对决。 fuck you you are fuck you!” When separates, the Chu Feng calm and indifferent opens the mouth, launches the offensive finally once more on own initiative, said: You think that you are Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique can the unmatched in the world? Let you collaborate with so-called Good Fortune Divine Physique on, insufficiently looked, comes several physique again, my one spoon braises!” 你大爷你还是你大爷!”分开时,楚风镇静而冷漠的开口,最后再次主动发起攻势,道:“你以为自己是元磁圣体就能天下无敌?让你跟所谓的无劫神体联手上,也不够看,再来几个体质,我一勺烩!” Rumbleeeeee! 隆隆隆 The Chu Feng whole body is the ray, Lightning Fist is deducted to the boundary of Perfection, had the demonic nature, in the end is the hand of Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique is shivering, in meeting the tough head-on with toughness in great war, he nearly wants the convulsion, in battlesuit to have the blood to flow. 楚风全身都是光芒,闪电拳被演绎到出神入化之境,拥有了魔性,到头来就是元磁圣体的手都在颤动,在硬碰硬大战中,他近乎要痉挛,战衣内有血在流淌。 He was wounded by World of the Living's Divine Skill Lightning Fist! 他被阳间的神技闪电拳击伤! Chī! 哧! Good Fortune Divine Physique likely is a poisonous snake, often launches the attack in the back, every time is fatal, but actually also by Chu Feng blocking. 无劫神体像是一条毒蛇,不时在背后发动攻击,每一次都是致命的,但是却也被楚风给挡住了。 Chu Feng person of great war two physique, the shock entire islands, Holy Son of various clans have tarried, in their impressions, such physique, so long as presents one to initiate the stir, will treat as invincible seed culture in Dao Lineage them. 楚风一人大战两种体质,着实震惊整座岛屿,各族的圣子都呆住了,在他们的印象中,那样的体质只要出现一个都会引发轰动,所在道统会将他们当做无敌种子培养。 In fact, historical proof also understands their great strength, can let a Great Clan resurgence, can make a strong clan rise, becomes Overlord. 事实上,历史也的确证明了他们的强大,可以让一个大族中兴,能让一个强族崛起,成为霸主 But at present, Indigenous on decline planet is actually domineering such, shakes with two big physique solitarily hardly, slaughters intensely, even is very calm, is very calm, is very overbearing, has been attacking on own initiative. 可是眼下,一个没落星球上的土著却是这么的强势,只身一人跟两大体质硬撼,激烈厮杀,甚至很冷静,很从容,也很霸道,一直在主动进攻。 Reaches an agreement, Good Fortune Divine Physique that grandson leaves me, had actually been blocked by you, what to do lets me?” Ouyang Feng there cocky, said finally: Cloudy day rains dozen of grandsons, idles is also idling, I hit your this group of grandsons!” “说好的,无劫神体那孙子留给我,却被你拦住了,让我怎么办?”欧阳风在那里得瑟,最后道:“阴天下雨打孙子,闲着也是闲着,那我就打你们这帮孙子吧!” The Ouyang Feng speech damages, is slanting the eye, stared at other Holy Son, then flushed them to beckon, called a number there, must make war with them. 欧阳风说话太损,斜着眼睛,盯上了其他圣子,而后冲他们招手,在那里叫号,要跟他们开战。 The faces of these human spirits were green, challenged the enemy to battle and is provoked by this only toad, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 那些人气的脸都绿了,被这只蛤蟆叫阵与挑衅,忍无可忍。 Has killed him!” “杀了他!” This crowd of person where will speak any custom, the noisy crowd rushes goes to twenty, the preparation gangs up to surround and beats up, wants to kill him instantaneously. 这群人哪里会讲什么规矩,一窝蜂就冲上就去二十几个,准备围殴,想在瞬间将他击毙。 Brothers, on! Dares to gang up on us? They do not want to live!” Ouyang Feng shouted. “兄弟们,上!敢群殴我们?他们不想活了!”欧阳风大喊。 Then, he summoned the rotten steamship directly, jumped, battered in this stretch of region, until meeting to leave behind, will throw duel with striking to kill. 接着,他直接召唤出腐烂大船,跳了上去,在这片地带横冲直撞,直到碰见落单的,才会扑过去单挑与击杀。 He is Divine Beast, without a doubt is flowing divine blood, the strength is fearful, how general Holy Son is his match, is meant the death by duel! 他是神兽,毫无疑问的流淌着神血,实力可怕,一般的圣子怎么是他的对手,被单挑就意味着死亡! Kills, the brothers revenge to!” Big Black Ox and the others went crazy, a person of rotten steamship, summoned from Unextinguishable Mountain. “杀啊,兄弟们报仇的时候到了!”大黑牛等人发狂,一人一艘腐烂大船,都是从不灭山中召唤出来的。 great war eruption! 大战爆发! The Yellow Ox person is smallest, but is steadiest, the time attention battlefield, where presents the danger, it plunges there, its cultivation base is scary. 黄牛人最小,但是最稳重,时刻关注战场,哪里出现危险,它就扑向那里,它的修为非常骇人。 In battlefield, Chu Feng with two big physique fierce combat, even more intense, projects on the ground from the space, kills in the sea from the ground, then returns the islands that Unextinguishable Mountain is. 战场中,楚风与两大体质激战,越发的激烈,从天上打到地上,又从地上杀到海中,而后又杀回不灭山所在的岛屿。 At this moment, he is getting more and more calm, open and aboveboard, fist mark is great, the ray presses the day, is Divine King is going on a journey likely, in suppression evil spirits. 这一刻,他越来越沉稳,举手投足间,堂堂正正,拳印宏大,光芒压天,像是一尊神王在出行,在镇压魑魅魍魉。 Any Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, Good Fortune Divine Physique, your this skill, but also insufficiently looked, gives me again become stronger some!” “什么元磁圣体,无劫神体,你们就这点本事吗,还不够看,再给我变强一些!” Chu Feng in the opens the mouth, the sound is enormous and powerful, shocks the entire islands. 楚风在开口,声音浩荡,震动整座岛屿。 Wasn't this to the allied armies, too the attack morale, two big physique both his match? Shocks everybody, on Earth this Indigenous strong? 这对联军来说,太打击士气了,两大体质者都不是他一个人的对手吗?惊世骇俗,地球上这个土著到底有多强? Bang! 砰! Chu Feng suspends the leg, is similar to Golden Snake soars, sweeps away Good Fortune Divine Physique, he who shakes flies upside down. 楚风摆腿,如同金蛇腾空,横扫无劫神体,震的他倒飞出去。 In the fierce struggle, a Chu Feng round of silk flies upwards, the whole person is similar to is burning down, turns into a golden big fireball, charges into Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, fights to the death with it. 在激斗中,楚风发丝飞扬,整个人如同在焚烧,化成一个金色的大火球,冲向元磁圣体,跟其决一死战。 Yuan magnetic to seal/confer heaven!” “元磁封天!” Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique shouts, he has stood in the islands, holds up the head to look at the day, a full head round of chaotic dance, the eye pupil swiftly and fiercely is similar to two Divine Sword. 元磁圣体嘶吼,他已经站在岛屿上,昂头望天,满头发丝乱舞,眼眸凌厉如同两口神剑 The entire islands shine, from underground surges the boundless Yuan magnetism, the earth with him likely is the congealment as one, he is drawing support from this planet energy, must lock in Chu Feng. 整座岛屿发光,从地下涌动出无边的元磁气,大地与他像是凝结为一体,他在借助这颗星球的能量,要锁住楚风 ! 嗷! The ferocious beast shouting sound erupts, in islands flies another monster, is a Yuan magnetism, flushes away to Chu Feng, surrounds him, then all monster fusion normalizing, turn into the Yuan magnetism cauldron, must carry on refining. 凶兽的嘶吼声爆发,岛屿上飞起一只又一只怪兽,都是元磁气所化,向楚风冲去,将他包围,然后所有怪兽融合归一,化成元磁鼎,要进行炼化 Resorts to Yuan magnetism method to me? fuck you researches in thorough detail Domain, fears you?!” Chu Feng sneers, the whole body Domain symbol erupts, then bang, making this cauldron blast out, he flushed instant, killed to Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique. “对我动用元磁手段?你大爷精研场域,怕你吗?!”楚风冷笑间,周身场域符号爆发,而后砰的一声,让这鼎炸开了,他刹那就冲了出来,杀向元磁圣体 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! He wields fist mark dozens times, lets the arm vibration of Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique, tick-tock bleeding, staggers to back up. 他一口气挥动拳印数十次,让元磁圣体的手臂抖动,滴滴答答的淌血,踉跄倒退。 Such selects the method, executes your life!” Chu Feng shouted. “就这么点手段吗,毙掉你们的性命!”楚风喝道。 He like the thunder and lightning, intense fiercely attacking, wants to strike to kill Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique quickly, is attacking Good Fortune Divine Physique, simultaneously aims at two big expert. 他快如雷电,激烈的猛攻,想击杀元磁圣体,也在攻伐无劫神体,同时针对两大高手
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