SR :: Volume #7

#699: Sweeps away and others

Good Fortune Divine Physique appears, in this case, kills in back, is similar to that time of Kunlun Mountains, starts to Chu Feng suddenly lethality strikes. 无劫神体出现,在这种情况下,在背后袭杀,就如同在昆仑的那一次,突然间对楚风发动致命性的一击。 …… …… However, Chu Feng has defended, his divine awareness exceptionally keen, first discovers the clue, in outside the body of bang leaps the rich energy, protects the body Golden Bell Cover formation, changes to a bell to cover in outside the body. 不过,楚风防住了,他的神觉异常的敏锐,第一时间发现端倪,轰的一声体外腾起浓郁的能量,护体金钟罩形成,化作一口大钟笼罩在体外。 dang! 当! Zhou Shang is flying horizontally in the crowd, toward front leg , the double palm pats on the Chu Feng rear golden color bell, if this has not blocked, the Chu Feng's head will be beaten by his being in charge directly, must die without doubt. 周尚在人群中横着飞来,头朝前脚朝后,双掌拍在楚风后方的金色大钟上,这要是没有挡住的话,楚风的头颅直接就会被他的掌印打烂,必死无疑。 The heavenshaking sound, dazzling golden light explodes, the energy is similar to the landslide tsunami. 震天之响,刺目的金光爆开,能量如同山崩海啸般。 Clang! 锵! Meanwhile, Chu Feng backhands a blade to cut backward, the scarlet blade glow sweeps away thousand army, separates the air, initiates the fierce fulmination sound. 与此同时,楚风反手一刀向后斩去,赤红刀芒横扫千军,割裂空气,引发剧烈的爆鸣声。 Good Fortune Divine Physique such as Golden Snake soars, sets up the body all of a sudden, leaps toward the upper air, evades this fearful blade. 无劫神体金蛇腾空,一下子立起身子,向着高空腾去,避过这可怕的一刀。 After this blade sweeps, has not cut Zhou Shang, behind piece of Spirit Race and Deity Race's Knight cuts Chu Feng, is off their feet, Blade Qi separates the bodies of some ferocious beast mounts as well as people, the smell of blood irritates the nose. 这一刀扫出后,没有斩中周尚,将楚风身后一片灵族天神族的骑士斩中,人仰马翻,刀气割裂凶兽坐骑以及一些人的身体,血腥味刺鼻。 The dazzling red blade glow creates about hundred people of buckles, this is a swift and fierce blade, murderous aura surges! 耀眼的红色刀芒造成近百人折损,这是凌厉的一刀,杀气激荡! In the midair, Good Fortune Divine Physique has not run away, after such as Golden Snake rushes, in an instant he reverses to return, head down the foot toward on, grasps Divine Sword, dives, thorn to the Chu Feng's top of the head. 半空中,无劫神体并没有逃走,如金蛇般冲上去后,刹那间他又倒转而归,头朝下脚朝上,手持一口神剑,俯冲下来,刺向楚风的天灵盖。 Has saying that when this person is very fearful, is motionless is dormant in secret, silent such as gloomily blue, once launches an attack, the movement rapidly is similar to the thunder and lightning, was fierce and overbearing, unified the assassin and person ready dead a generation of merit, was very difficult to deal with. 不得不说,这个人很可怕,不动时蛰伏暗中,寂静如幽蓝,一旦发难,动作迅疾如同雷电,凶猛而霸道,结合了刺客与死士之辈的优点,很难应付。 Bang! 轰! A Chu Feng blade to the day detachment, dark red blade light is very bright, such as a stretch of sunset glow incarnadine world, chilly colorful is also bringing unprecedented renouncing. 楚风一刀向天劈去,殷红的刀光很灿烂,如一片晚霞染红天地,凄艳中也带着一往无前的决绝。 The sword has not hit when the same place, the energy in advance has surged! 刀剑未撞在一起时,能量就已经先行激荡! Two people send out Yang Qi, surging forward, is similar to two immortal great furnace, sends out the scalding hot ray, is burning down the World of the Dead's quiet cold aura. 两人都散发阳气,汹涌澎湃,如同两座不朽的洪炉,发出灼热的光芒,焚烧着阴间的幽冷气息。 The intense explosion, dazzling blade light and Sword Qi, leap large expanse of rune. 激烈的爆炸,刺目的刀光剑气,腾起成片的符文 dang! 当! Finally, when the blade and sword hit in the same place, nearby many people called out pitifully, bled profusely from the head, by light beam heavy losses that in these two weapons burst out. 最终,当刀与剑撞在一起时,附近许多人都惨叫,七窍流血,被这两口兵器中迸发的光束重创。 Clang clang clang...... 锵锵锵…… In a minute, they collide dozens over a hundred times, the sword across the sky, the long blade is the scarlet red, dances in the air just like Vermilion Bird, swift and fierce emits the dazzling red multi-colored sunlight, is flaming and overbearing, long sword such as a flood dragon, although also ray dazzling, but somewhat is ruthless spicy and gentle and reserved, the angle of attack is cunning. 片刻间,他们碰撞数十上百次,刀剑横空,长刀为赤红色,宛若朱雀飞舞,凌厉中喷吐刺目的红色霞光,炽盛而霸道,长剑则如一条蛟龙,虽然也光芒刺目,但却有些狠辣与阴柔,出击的角度非常刁钻。 Bang! 轰! When the blade and sword collide, two people fists and palms are also colliding, every time to striking likely is thundering, deafening! 在刀与剑碰撞时,两人的拳与掌也在碰撞,每一次对击都像是在打雷,震耳欲聋! This is the top showdown between young expert, may be called strives for hegemony! 这是年轻高手间的顶级对决,堪称争霸! Without a doubt, several months have not seen, Good Fortune Divine Physique Zhou Shang was fiercer than before, the evolution was obvious, can only say that he obtained too many things on Earth, grew to a very terrifying situation. 毫无疑问,几个月未见,无劫神体周尚比以前更厉害,进化明显,只能说他在地球上得到了太多东西,成长到一个非常恐怖的地步。 Most at least, archaic Earth the secret of many passing on was not obtained by him, this is also he and Yuchi Kong the reason that legitimate lineage poses as. 最起码,上古地球的许多不传之秘都被他得到,这也是他与尉迟空正统自居的原因。 But what makes him regret, he has not obtained Plundering Guide Breathing Method, only obtains part of remnant secret arts from the starry sky, can only replace with another terrifying breathing method. 但让他遗憾的是,他没有得到盗引呼吸法,仅从星空中得到一部分残诀,只能用另一种恐怖的呼吸法代替。 Therefore, he is seeking Chu Feng wholeheartedly, wants to suppress him, seizes Plundering Guide, this he can become this planet Not just in name only, but also in reality successor, monopolizes all good fortunes. 所以,他一心在寻楚风,想将他压制,夺来盗引,这样的话他就能成为这颗星球名副其实的继承人,独享所有造化。 zhēng zhēng zhēng ! 铮铮铮 In the midair, Good Fortune Divine Physique right hand Divine Sword punctures, Sword Qi thousand, the lasing goes, making the universe tremble, with the Chu Feng's Reincarnation Blade big showdown. 半空中,无劫神体右手神剑刺出,剑气千道,激射而去,令天宇都在颤栗,跟楚风的轮回刀大对决。 This sword origin is uncommon, may collide not to damage with Reincarnation Blade. 这口剑来历不凡,可跟轮回刀碰撞而不损。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 His left hand, the five fingers opened suddenly, display very fearful antiquity secret technique Flying Immortal Spear! 他的左手,突然五指张开,施展出一种非常可怕的上古秘术飞仙矛 Departs one after another divine glow from his palm and finger, turns into the energy lance, is more fearful than the it genuine lance, the prestige can huge incomparable. 从他的掌心与手指间飞出一道又一道神芒,化成能量矛,比之真正的长矛还要可怕,威能巨大无比。 Chu Feng has wanted to obtain the authentic inheritance of this wonderful technique, but, is unavailable throughout, this is can kill the Shining Upon All Heavens level character peerless Fighting Skill! 楚风一直想得到这种妙术的正宗传承,但是,始终不可得,这乃是可以杀映照诸天级人物的的绝世战技 archaic Earth most famous two wonderful technique are Heaven Overturning Seal and Flying Immortal Spear, finally the latter falls in the hand of Good Fortune Divine Physique Zhou Shang, he has now displayed. 上古地球最出名的两种妙术便是翻天印飞仙矛,结果后者落在无劫神体周尚的手中,他现在施展了出来。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng fearless, with the World of the Living Divine Skill Lightning Fist resistance, rumbles to hit with him in the same place, the ray dazzling. 楚风无惧,用阳间神技闪电拳对抗,跟他轰撞在一起,光芒刺目。 In the sky well-illuminated, Good Fortune Divine Physique is hard to deal with, in his surroundings, the shatter is riotous, is the golden lotus flower, is bringing strong Yang Qi. 天空中一片通明,无劫神体非常难缠,在他的周围,落花缤纷,全都是金色的莲花,带着浓烈的阳气 Finally, these lotus flowers take root, golden light dazzling, is the product of some Energy Body and World of the Living Fighting Skill union. 最后,这些莲花生根,金光刺目,是能量体与某种阳间战技结合的产物。 Without a doubt, this is the result that senior Supreme Being studies, attempts to unify with the certain methods of this piece of universe World of the Living Fighting Skill, hopes to form a fiercer chapter. 毫无疑问,这是前辈大能研究出来的结果,尝试将阳间战技与这片宇宙的某些法门结合起来,希望形成更厉害的篇章。 Chu Feng is imposing, he first suspected that this is the law that the Yaoyao grandfather keeps, after all archaic Earth only then he never forgets to World of the Living doubtful, the goal and average man are different. 楚风凛然,他第一时间怀疑到这是妖妖的爷爷所留的法,毕竟上古地球只有他疑似对阳间念念不忘,目标与常人不同。 Unexpectedly by Zhou Shang obtained? 竟然被周尚所得吗? Chu Feng not any worried look . Moreover, his domineering even more, in its periphery, the rough stone ball Energy Body illumination, resonates along with Lightning Fist, the bang goes forward. 楚风没有任何忧色,而且,他越发的强势,在其周围,粗糙的石球能量体发光,一颗又一颗,随着闪电拳而共振,向前轰去。 In the sky, golden divine lotus some blast out, some turn into up the blade, stands chops these rough stone ball. 天空中,金色神莲有的炸开,有的则化成光刃,立劈这些粗糙的石球 Between both, just like war of the annihilation! 两者间,宛若一场湮灭之战! Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Among their two energy cloud blasts out one after another, the four directions horizontal corpse are many, nearby person met with a disaster, go crazy runs away. 他们二者之间一团又一团能量云炸开,四野横尸不少,附近的人遭殃,发疯般逃窜。 The Chu Feng war is fiercer, Lightning Fist has the mighty force of suppression simply with generation, making Good Fortune Divine Physique feel that huge pressure, his complexion changed changed. 楚风越战越猛,闪电拳简直有镇压同代之伟力,让无劫神体感觉到了巨大的压力,他的脸色变了又变。 Because, his arm is sore, was attacked by scalding hot energy great waves unceasingly, lets his surrounding golden divine lotus rapid on the wane. 因为,他的手臂酸痛,被一股灼热的能量浪涛不断冲击,让他周围的金色神莲迅速的凋零。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng is carving characters, forehead shines, consumes the spirit to carve the Domain symbol on surroundings rough stone ball, this is Domain and fusion of Evolver method, he must siege Zhou Shang, hunting and killing! 与此同时,楚风在刻字,眉心发光,耗费精神在周围粗糙的石球上刻写场域符号,这是场域进化者手段的融合,他要围困周尚,将之猎杀! Zhou Shang feels the pressure, suddenly, shows wonderful technique one after another, is some methods of being lost, even makes including Heaven Overturning Seal! 周尚感觉到压力,突然间,接连展现妙术,全都是一些失传的手段,甚至连翻天印都打出一记! It and Flying Immortal Spear are Divine Skill in this piece of universe! 它与飞仙矛都算是这片宇宙中的神技 Heaven Overturning Seal, Zhou Shang that palm terrifying is incomparable, he works loose, runs out in range that rough stone ball arranges, does not dare to be surrounded. 翻天印一出,周尚的那只手掌恐怖无比,他挣脱出去,冲出粗糙石球所排列的范围内,不敢被围拢在内。 Where walks!” Chu Feng shouts out, chases down in behind. “哪里走!”楚风大喝,在后面追杀。 Zhou Shang sneers, maintains total silence, turns around to escape into the crowd, from attending to retreating. 周尚冷笑,一语不发,转身遁入人群中,自顾退走。 Chu Feng said: Zhou Shang your this prospect, you do not want my breathing method, to obtain it, you take great pains, does not hesitate to cope with my parents, chases down the friend of mine, today I came personally, the words that wants you roll, takes depending on the skill!” 楚风道:“周尚你就这点出息吗,你不是想要我的呼吸法吗,为了得到它,你煞费苦心,不惜要对付我的父母,追杀我的朋友,今天我亲自来了,想要的话你就滚过来,凭本事拿!” During the speeches, he is similar to a ray of light is flying, the place visited, the thunder, dives to Zhou Shang there. 说话间,他如同一道光在飞行,所过之处,电闪雷鸣,俯冲向周尚那里。 Bang! 砰! In the ground, some outside territory Evolver had bad luck, was hit by Chu Feng's Lightning Fist, is swept by the dark-red long blade that he controls, the loss is serious. 地面上,有些域外进化者倒了大霉,被楚风的闪电拳击中,被他驾驭的暗红色长刀扫中,损失惨重。 take action!” 出手!” Suddenly, Zhou Shang stops, drinks lowly, has after that crowd several old men hear his sound nods, with joint forces a took out treasure, that is a rags pocket. 突然间,周尚停下,一声低喝,在那片人群中有几名老者听到他的声音后点头,合力祭出一件宝物,那是一口破布口袋。 It opens instantaneously, sends out ten thousand wisps of light beams from the pocket, shines toward Chu Feng. 它瞬间张开,从口袋内发出万缕光束,向着楚风照耀而来。 Receives!” Zhou Shang shouted, and participated, stimulation of movement this rags pocket, this was a prestige can obviously the enormous weapon, was the valuable thing in rare treasure. “收!”周尚喝道,并且参与进去,跟着催动这破布口袋,显然这是一件威能极大的兵器,属于秘宝中的珍品。 It needs many people to collaborate to stimulate to movement unexpectedly! 它竟需要多人联手催动! Whiz, Chu Feng was received, submerges in the pocket, at this moment let alone the rear Kunlun Mountains big monster, is outside territory the crowd of Evolver is also surprised. “嗖”的一声,楚风被收了进去,没入口袋中,这一刻别说后方的昆仑大妖,就是域外的这群进化者也都非常吃惊。 Such savage Demon Chu, was taken away unexpectedly. 这么凶残的楚魔头,居然被人收走。 An old man laughs: Haha, Chu Feng you have today, repeatedly opposes with my Penglai island, you think that who you are? legitimate lineage lost, we now are legitimate lineage!” 一位老者大笑:“哈哈,楚风你也有今日,屡次跟我蓬莱岛作对,你以为你是谁?正统已失,我们现在才是正统!” They impressively are the people in Penglai island, with for Earth main body Evolver, but collaborates with Zhou Shang now, thinks suppress and kill Chu Feng. 他们赫然是蓬莱岛的人,同为地球本体进化者,但如今跟周尚联手,想镇杀楚风 Now they went well! 现在他们得手了! This is small Cosmos Bag.” Another old man opens the mouth, is having the self-satisfied color, said: Hey, some vestiges on our knows Earth, unearthed this rare treasure luckily, but it was damaged fiercely, was somewhat decayed, everyone came at once refining, when strove with a sense of urgency first discarded this demon!” “这是小乾坤袋。”另一位老者开口,带着得意之色,道:“嘿,幸好我们知道地球上的一些遗迹,挖掘出来了这件秘宝,不过它受损厉害,有些腐朽,诸位速来炼化,争取抓紧时先废掉这个魔头!” The world has not de-archived thoroughly, in the Penglai islands has other formidable rare treasures unable to bring, this is they digs from the Earth principal space somewhere vestige. 天地没有彻底解封,蓬莱岛屿上有其他强大的异宝也带不出来,这是他们从地球主空间某处遗迹中挖出来的。 Kills!” The distant place, Ouyang Feng and Yellow Ox are anxious, kills together forward. “杀!”远处,欧阳风黄牛焦急,一起向前杀来。 At this time, Chu Feng falls into so-called small Cosmos Bag, does not worry, he has thought over stone box, has not emitted the final variegated flame. 此时,楚风落入所谓的小乾坤袋中,一点也不着急,他掂量了一下石盒,并未放出最后的斑斓火光。 Meanwhile, he has not used in heart the most assured that card in a hand. 同时,他也没有动用心中最为笃定的那种底牌。 He takes out God blood streamer once more, wants to try this thing whether can cut open the cloth sack, he a little suspected, before this possibly is the long years, part of some Spirit Race type of Taboo weapon, otherwise, how the old woman of Golden Body level cuts, covertly enters Earth, wants nourish this soldier, making it recover. 他再次取出神灵化血幡,想试一试这东西是否能剖开布袋,他有点怀疑,这可能是漫长岁月前灵族某种禁忌武器的一部分,不然的话,金身层次的老妪何以自斩,偷偷摸摸进地球,想要温养此兵,让它复苏。 Bang! 轰! He wields the God blood streamer, shells this rags pocket. 他挥动神灵化血幡,轰击这破布口袋。 At this time, an outside scene of jubilation, seems a grand feast, Saints is celebrating, was happy. 此时,外界一片欢腾,仿佛是一场盛宴,诸圣子都在庆祝,非常高兴。 Zhou Shang is be with smile on the face, then corners of the mouth reveal the color of ridicule, is staring at the rags pocket. 周尚更是面带微笑,接着嘴角露出嘲弄之色,盯着破布口袋。 Bang, rags pocket blasts out suddenly, the broken cloth strip chaotic dance, the several old men in Penglai island bear the brunt, called out pitifully first. 砰的一声,破布口袋突然炸开,碎布条乱舞,蓬莱岛的几名老者首当其冲,最先惨叫起来。 They still in take action, together refining, wanted to turn into beach bloody pus with the aid of small Cosmos Bag Chu Feng a moment ago, how can expect this decayed rare treasure to be broken slightly unexpectedly. 他们刚才还在出手,一起炼化,想要借助小乾坤袋楚风化成一滩脓血,怎能料到这略微腐朽的秘宝竟被破开。 Several people fly horizontally, all encounters the heavy losses. 几人横飞,全都遭遇重创。 Is the Zhou Shang also vitality surges, the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, because he also stands. 就是周尚也气血翻腾,嘴角溢血,因为他也站在旁边。 Chu Feng flushed, is similar to the Immemorial ominous tiger of floodgate, grasps the long blade to sweep away nearby Evolver, nobody can block. 楚风冲了出来,如同出闸的太古凶虎,手持长刀横扫附近的进化者,没人挡得住。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! The people in Penglai are similar to are cut vegetable, was killed a big piece, several old men who then, that collapsed flew away exits are panic-stricken, they were also covered by blade light. 蓬莱的人如同被切菜般,被杀了一大片,接着,那崩飞出去的几名老者惊骇,他们也被刀光笼罩了。 They roar, furiously resistance, but the heads of some people are flying instant, was cut to kill. 他们怒号,奋力对抗,但是有人的头颅在刹那飞起,,被斩杀了。 Chu Feng sweeps away, he main goal or Good Fortune Divine Physique, shouted: Zhou Shang do you also match for Earth True Son? Such do not say again, loses face too, does not dare with my open and aboveboard war, you to be any Good Fortune Divine Physique, matches to hide in the gloomy place offends somebody, where walks!” 楚风横扫过去,他最主要的目标还是无劫神体,喝道:“周尚你也配为地球真子?别再这么自称,太丢人,都不敢与我堂堂正正一战,你算什么无劫神体,也就配躲在阴暗处伤人,哪里走!” Zhou Shang does not pay attention, turns around to walk, has not made war with him, rushes to another position. 周尚不理会,转身就走,没有跟他开战,闯向另一个方位。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the ground cracks, some people kill Chu Feng, Zhou Shang also in an instant the tone has killed at the same time. 突然间,地面崩裂,有人袭杀楚风,与此同时周尚也刹那间调头杀了回来。 Underground, the Yuan magneto-optical ebullition, Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique appears, blocks Chu Feng! 地下,元磁光沸腾,元磁圣体出现,阻击楚风 The Zhou Shang rotation, hunts and kills together! 周尚回转,跟着一起猎杀! Chu Feng avoids, afterward the horizontal blade stands, is very calm, said: I, since returns to Earth, dares to face all of you, I do not take the trouble to socialize with you, but must suppress, I do not fear you to besiege, a person can also sweep away and others, but also who? On together!” 楚风避开,随后横刀而立,十分镇静,道:“我既然回归地球,就敢面对你们所有人,我并不是要与你们费力周旋,而是要镇压,我不怕你们围攻,一人也能横扫尔等,还有谁?都一起上吧!”
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