SR :: Volume #7

#698: Meeting no resistance

In the islands, two Great Factions oppositions are obvious, middle that region bloodstained, a corpse big piece, has bent down place. 岛屿上,两大阵营对立明显,中间那片地带血迹斑斑,尸体一大片,伏了一地。 Dense fog also, but was scattered most, in addition the quarry stone, the rotten old tree, here has a bleak feeling, likely forgotten ancient times battlefield. 迷雾还在,不过被打散大半,再加上乱石、腐烂的古树等,这里有种荒凉感,像是被遗忘的远古战场。 hee-haw hee-haw, southeast appointed the northwest wind, does the master from standing one's ground steadfastly, which dare to come a war? A donkey master hoof delivers you to see your grandfather!” 儿啊二啊,任尔东南西北风,爷自岿然不动,哪个敢来一战?驴爷一蹄子送你去见你姥爷!” Old Donkey the big thread chaser to challenge the enemy to battle, was shouting the slogan, provoked all outside territory Evolver, but also often liao kicked. 老驴呲着大板牙叫阵,喊着口号,挑衅所有域外进化者,还不时尥蹶子。 Donkey, come over to die!” “驴子,过来领死!” The opposite also has violent temperament, tone also very much to/clashes very much, grasps a wolf tooth big stick, that is a god ape of all over the body black fur illumination, is having a black wing, this is the powerhouse of flying demon ape clan, is in Star Sea a very formidable race. 对面也有暴脾气的,口气很大也很冲,手持一根狼牙大棒,那是一只通体黑色皮毛发光的神猿,长着一对黑色的翅膀,这是飞天魔猿族的强者,是星海中非常强大的一个种族。 His look is green and glossy, all over the body the black light circulation, the wings are similar to the devil wing, height one zhang (3.33 m), are quite rough and overbearing, the Duke of Thunder mouth, the fang is prominent, arrives at the battlefield center directly. 他眼神绿油油,通体乌光流转,羽翅如同恶魔翼,身高一丈,相当的粗犷与霸道,雷公嘴,獠牙突出,直接来到战场中央。 Even if the Spirit Race Divine Son Xu Chengxian rout, becomes a captive, some allied armies also a large number of people fearless, obviously also has the fierce character to manage the general situation. 哪怕灵族神子徐成仙大败,成为阶下囚,联军也有相当一部分人无惧,显然还有厉害人物主持大局。 They have the energy, because here also has other physique terrifying characters, for example Good Fortune Divine Physique and the others have not made an appearance. 他们还有底气,因为这里还有其他体质的恐怖人物,比如无劫神体等人还没有露面。 After the flying demon ape walks, murderous aura was steaming, lets the Old Donkey past war, that wolf tooth big stick must have tens of thousands jin (0.5 kg), but he, if carried the straw to be relaxed. 飞天魔猿走出来后,杀气腾腾,让老驴过去一战,那狼牙大棒得有几万斤,可是他如拎稻草般轻松。 I scratch, the gorilla you were tired of living, whom called the donkey? I am your donkey grandfather!” Old Donkey cursed, he most did not like listening to others to shout him the donkey. “我擦,大猩猩你活腻了吧,叫谁驴子呢?我是你驴爷爷!”老驴诅咒,他最不爱听人家喊他驴子。 The flying demon ape sneers, said: In my eyes you are the wild animals, Indigenous on low status planet, has not evolved the proper civilization, is the chicken dog mules, calculates what?!” 飞天魔猿冷笑,道:“在我眼中你们都是野兽,低等星球上的土著,还没有进化出应有的文明,都是鸡犬骡马,算的了什么?!” Gorilla, who you said that your evolution incomplete body, the whole body is a lanugo , the meaning said the donkey master well, you shut up to me, I am most at least handsomer than you.” Old Donkey scolds. “大猩猩,你谁说呢,你个进化不完全体,浑身都是胎毛,也好好意思说驴爷,你给我闭嘴,最起码我比你英俊。”老驴呵斥。 All people are speechless, this goods knife edge the greatly long ear, the big thread chaser is irregular, felt all right to say were oneself handsome? 所有人都无语,就这货支棱着大长耳朵,大板牙参差不齐,也好意思说自己英俊? Since Old Donkey has been a spineless person, always likes talking does not begin, now looked that the flying demon ape is so flagitious, naturally very much feels timid. 一直以来老驴都是个软骨头,一向喜欢动嘴不动手,现在一看飞天魔猿这么凶残,自然很犯怵。 But, he reveals the color of face despising in the end, said: Gorilla, master being disinclined manages you, is specialized unsuitable with you, I make your Second Uncle punch you, guaranteed your crying father who hits shouted mother, regretted to arrive in this world!” 可是,到头来他露出一脸鄙夷之色,道:“大猩猩,爷懒得理你,跟你专业不对口,我让你二叔揍你,保证打的你哭爹喊娘,后悔来到这个世上!” Then, he looks to Faction, looks to Great Forest Temple Old Ape, the appearance that flattering, said: Monkey elder brother, but also asked you to go into action, this gorilla taught deficient, please use the family discipline, took away your this big nephew!” 然后,他看向己方阵营,瞄向大林寺老猿,一副讨好的样子,道:“猴哥,还请你出马,这大猩猩缺乏管教,请你动用家法,收走你这大侄子!” Flying demon ape: @#¥#@%......” 飞天魔猿:“@#¥#@%……” The look of flying demon ape is cold and gloomy, how to say again he is also clan Holy Son, moreover is a very famous race, finally in wild animal Indigenous by his eyes was ridiculed, immediately murderous intention reveals completely. 飞天魔猿的眼神非常森冷,再怎么说他也是一族圣子,而且是还是一个很出名的种族,结果被他眼中野兽般的土著奚落,顿时杀机毕露。 Great Forest Temple Old Ape goes through the evolution, the Eating Rosy Cloud food air/Qi, fur shed turns into the silver-white color, is silver casts likely, only has an eye with edible tulip, very shines! 大林寺老猿几经进化,餐霞食气,一身皮毛已经蜕变成银白色,像是白银铸成,唯有一双眼睛跟金灯似的,贼亮! He walked, is carrying a big club, is Chu Feng the weapon that brings from the universe, has given to him. 他走了出去,拎着一根大棒子,是楚风从宇宙中带回来的兵器,送给了他。 Roar!” “吼!” Almost is in an instant, two big apes and monkeys also begin, jet black like black ink, just like coming from hell, silver white brightly burnished, divine light shines, the energy is fearful. 几乎是刹那间,两大猿猴同时动手,一个漆黑如墨,宛若来自地狱,一个银白锃亮,神光照耀,能量慑人。 dang! 当! These two are famous for the strength greatly infinitely, after coming up, turn the club to kill in the same place, with hammering, sparks fly in all directions, makes noise sonorously. 这两人都以力大无穷著称,上来后就轮动棍棒杀在一起,跟打铁似的,火星四溅,铿锵作响。 The ground in entire islands in their under foot tremors, the strengths of these two apes and monkeys was too formidable, the wolf tooth big stick and iron rod pound in the same place make void thunder, let the air large explosion. 整座岛屿的地面都在他们的脚下颤动,这两个猿猴的力量太强大了,狼牙大棒与铁棍砸在一起让虚空都在轰鸣,让空气大爆炸。 As can be seen, consequence that the sonic boom incurs makes them be covered by the white fog, the scene is astonishing. 可以看到,音爆引发的后果让他们被白雾遮盖,景象惊人。 “Chi!” “哧!” Suddenly, the dazzling light beam flies together, that is together the arrow feather, flies to the back of the head of Old Ape, this is fatal strikes, from allied armies. 突然,一道刺目的光束飞出来,那是一道箭羽,飞向老猿的后脑,这是致命的一击,来自联军中。 Without a doubt, the take action person strength is very strong, is vicious and fearful, the arrow feather is the golden purple color, is burning down in void, is similar to a comet hit, but. 毫无疑问,出手的人实力很强,狠毒而可怕,箭羽呈紫金色,在虚空中焚烧着,如同一颗彗星撞击而至。 The Chu Feng's eye is swift and fierce immediately, he has been paying attention to the battlefield, Discerning Eyes, divine awareness promotes to the utmost, to fear that has any not good matter occurrence. 楚风的眼睛顿时凌厉起来,他一直在关注战场,火眼金睛,神觉提升到极尽,就怕有什么不好的事情发生。 Chī! 哧! In he read, golden flying sword leapt, charged into that arrow feather fast. 在他一念间,一口金色飞剑腾起,快速冲向那支箭羽。 Bang! 轰! In the sky has the fierce explosive sound, the arrow feather of that purple sparkling is a rare treasure, is having the rich energy, meets to prevent, cannot pass through, blasts out directly. 天空中发生剧烈的爆炸声,那紫莹莹的箭羽是一件秘宝,带着浓郁的能量,遇到阻挡,没有能贯穿过去,直接炸开。 Can expect, if Old Ape is intimate this arrow in fierce combat, even if the back of the head were not passed through, must be thrown into confusion, will suffer a loss. 可以料想,如果老猿在激战中挨上这一箭,即便后脑不被贯穿,也要手忙脚乱,会吃大亏。 Whiz! 嗖! When Chu Feng stimulates to movement flying sword prevents, oneself also moved, the energy aura ebullition, his as if rib lives the both wings, likely is golden Great Peng across the sky, agreed with rush ahead instant. 楚风催动飞剑阻挡时,自身也动了,能量气息沸腾,他仿佛肋生双翅,像是一头金色的大鹏横空而起,刹那就俯冲杀到了。 You dare!” “你敢!” Courted death, has killed him!” “找死,杀了他!” A piece scolds the sound to send out, allied armies here murderous aura leaps the day immediately, all people hold up the weapon, wields toward Chu Feng, many person took out rare treasures, share a common hatred. 一片呵斥声发出,联军这里顿时杀气腾天,所有人都举起兵器,向着楚风挥动,许多人祭出秘宝,同仇敌忾。 In their opinion, the Chu Feng courage was too big, daring all alone enters in the army, if makes him go well really attacks the morale! 在他们看来,楚风胆子太大了,竟敢孤身一人进入大军中,如果让他得手实在打击士气! Holy Son of various clans are very initiative, does not use the multi- languages, begins together, some mouth spits the sword light, some forehead split together vertical eye, projects fearful killing off, but also some people wield fist mark, has the difficult situation energy. 各族的圣子很主动,不用多语,一起动手,有的口吐剑光,有的眉心裂开一道竖眼,射出可怕的杀光,还有的人挥动拳印,带起惊涛骇浪般的能量。 However, Chu Feng happy fearless, such throws in the crowd, bang, the energy is billowing, in the hand Reincarnation Blade sweeps, the scarlet light surges. 然而,楚风怡然无惧,就这么扑进人群中,轰的一声,能量滚滚,手中轮回刀一扫,赤光激荡。 This stretch of region is not everyone is Holy Son, are large quantities of their followers, the direct bitter experience calamity, cut in two at the waist one piece, corpse on the ground place. 这片地带不是每一个人都是圣子,还有大批他们的追随者,直接遭遇厄难,被腰斩一片,伏尸一地。 shuā! 刷! Chu Feng avoids various Holy Son's attacks, brandishes a sword once more, the number of people are then billowing, he murders in the crowd, meets no resistance. 楚风躲避诸圣子的攻击,再次挥刀,接着人头滚滚,他在人群中杀伐,如入无人之境。 Bang! 轰! However, must to some on Holy Son's trump card, here rune glitter eventually immediately, the light beam is torrential, the intense fight erupted. 不过,终究是要对上一些圣子的杀手锏,顿时这里符文闪烁,光束滔滔,激烈的战斗爆发了。 Chu Feng you damn!” 楚风你该死!” Some person of shouts out, look gloomy and cold, the purple light beam flies together, precisely sneak attacked Old Ape that person a moment ago, draws a bow to Chu Feng, must kill him. 有人大喝,眼神阴冷,一道紫色的光束飞来,正是刚才偷袭老猿的那个人,对楚风张弓,要射杀他。 The Chu Feng look is indifferent, collides with several Holy Son one after another, making some people mouths cough up blood, his battlesuit also damaged, but he has not actually drawn back night/lodge, fights with the fists to explode the purple arrow feather, rushed over directly. 楚风神色冷漠,跟十几位圣子接连碰撞,让一些人大口咳血,他身上的战衣也破损了,但他却没有退宿,一拳打爆紫色箭羽,直接冲了过去。 This is one purple sends person, grasps the big bow, the bowstring shivers unceasingly, an arrow another arrow shoots. 这是一个紫发人,手持大弓,弓弦不断颤动,一箭又一箭的射来。 When Chu Feng kills, he throws away the arrow feather suddenly, then turns into a purple big hedgehog, has the hill to be so high fully, then ten thousand arrows fire! 楚风杀来时,他突然扔开箭羽,而后化成一头紫色的大刺猬,足有小山那么高,而后万箭齐发! This hedgehog all length thorns fall off, becomes the flying lance, he is Moulding Shape Realm's expert, at this time whole-heartedly, did not hesitate the vitality to damage severely, the whole body purple sharp thorn was shot by him, only to certainly kill Chu Feng. 这头刺猬所有的长刺都脱落,成为飞矛,他是塑形境界的高手,这个时候全力以赴,不惜元气大伤,满身紫色尖刺都被他射出去,只为绝杀楚风 Obviously, this is intends to ambush, attracts Chu Feng to come, then hunts and kills. 显然,这是有意伏击,吸引楚风过来,而后猎杀。 Meanwhile, the Spirit Race middle-aged man appears, leads a Spirit Race team, wields the weapon together, chops forward. 与此同时,灵族的中年男子出现,带领灵族一支队伍,一起挥动兵器,向前劈来。 The Deity Race's cavalry also sends out, although the previous battlefield was broken, died many people, but has organized now, under extreme methods to Chu Feng. 天神族的骑兵也同时出动,虽然早先的战阵被破,死了很多人,但现在又已经组织起来,对楚风下死手。 dang! 当! In Chu Feng's outside the body, a golden bell appears, he uses Plundering Guide Breathing Method, deductive shape intent Golden Bell Cover, protects the body and spirit. 楚风的体外,一口金色的大钟浮现,他动用盗引呼吸法,演绎形意金钟罩,护住体魄。 Meanwhile, his facial color is cold, said: Gangs up on, duel, elects as you like!” 同时,他面色冷冽,道:“群殴,单挑,随你们选!” Before his body, the magnanimous magnet fluttering, crashes to forward, a another profound magnetism flag appears, composes Domain, blocks Spirit Race and Deity Race's cavalry. 在他身前,海量的磁石翻飞,坠落向前,还有一柄又一柄玄磁旗出现,组成场域,拦住灵族天神族的骑兵。 dāng dāng dāng...... 当当当…… The purple lance of everywhere lasing hits when the golden bell, deafening, the ding is unceasing, but is actually not able to penetrate, was all blocked. 漫天激射的紫色长矛撞在金色大钟上时,震耳欲聋,钟声不绝,但是却无法穿透,全被挡住了。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng kills the near, is wielding Reincarnation Blade to this small mountain-like hedgehog. 与此同时,楚风杀到近前,对着这头小山般的刺猬就挥动轮回刀 You said that must help me block!” The purple big hedgehog screamed, casts the desperate vision to Spirit Race and Deity Race's person, but change anything. “你们说要帮我挡住的!”紫色大刺猬尖叫,对着灵族天神族的人投去绝望的目光,但是改变不了什么。 Two Great Clan groups cannot shelter him, was blocked by Domain. 大族群不能庇护他,被场域所阻。 Chu Feng wins enough time to kill, falls the hedgehog of light long thorn not to garrison simply likely, although it is also evading to draw back, is some took out weapons, but cannot block Reincarnation Blade. 楚风赢取到足够的时间杀到,落光长刺的刺猬简直像是不设防,它虽然也在避退,更是祭出一些兵器,但是挡不住轮回刀 The blood wave splashes, , a Chu Feng blade sets up him chops for two halves, deters the audience. 血浪溅起,噗的一声,楚风一刀将他立劈为两半,震慑全场。 He cuts enemy in the chaotic army! 他在乱军中斩敌! In fair showdown, you dare to kill secretly, this is the fate!” Chu Feng rushes, has not halted, but one in the crowd kills greatly. “公平对决中,你敢暗地里袭杀,这就是下场!”楚风闯过去,并没有止步,而是在人群中一顿大杀。 Master also came, pride goes before a fall!” Ouyang Feng also kills, the Divine Beast air/Qi field is full, but starts cunningly, sneak attacks from the back, a toad palm, hits to explode Holy Son. “爷也来了,亢龙有悔!”欧阳风也杀到,神兽气场十足,不过下手刁钻,从背后偷袭,一记蛤蟆掌,将一位圣子打爆。 Kill! 杀! Chu Feng and Ouyang Feng two people about in the same place, are two arrows bore a hole through likely prevent, intrude the crowd, attacks Spirit Race and Deity Race, slaughters. 楚风欧阳风两人合在一起,像是两根箭头般凿穿阻挡,闯入人群,冲击灵族天神族,大开杀戒。 Fellow Daoists, what do you also wait for? take action extinguished them together, do not bleed off!” Spirit Race middle-aged person shouts out. 诸位道友,你们还等什么?一起出手灭了他们,不要放走!”灵族的中年人大喝 Whom extinguishes, this time I come back not to visit you to be rampant, but must kill off you completely, the young masters do not bring to run away, I thought that your which dare to come!” Chu Feng shouted. “灭谁啊,这次我回来不是看你们嚣张,而是要杀光你们全部,小爷都不带逃的,我看你们哪个敢过来!”楚风喝道。 His aura rises suddenly, was born just like prehistoric ferocious beast, the dangerous aura eruption, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in this stretch of region, let Spirit Race and Deity Race loses seriously. 他气息暴涨,宛若一头史前凶兽出世,危险的气息爆发,纵横于这片地带,让灵族天神族损失惨重。 Heavenly Monster slaughter immortal technique!” 天妖仙术!” Behind, Yellow Ox also killed, although the person was small, but the strength was astonishing, in crazy take action, swept away the square enemy. 后方,黄牛也杀过来了,人虽然小,但是实力惊人,在疯狂出手,横扫四方敌。 Chu Feng, Yellow Ox and Ouyang Feng are distanced not far, directly rushes ahead in the allied armies, without a doubt, this stance makes many people startled get angry, fears. 楚风黄牛欧阳风相距不远,就在联军中直接冲杀,毫无疑问,这种姿态让许多人都惊怒,同时惧怕。 This clearly does not look at the allied armies in the eye, dares to rush to kill the four directions directly greatly, the confidence bursting arrives at the pinnacle, regarding the allied armies morale is a serious attack. 这分明是不将联军看在眼中,竟敢直接闯进来大杀四方,信心爆棚到极致,对于联军士气是一次严重的打击。 Saints child begins together, wishes one could to execute them immediately, even if causes heavy losses to one person also well, thus promotes the confidence and fighting intent of person on one's own side. 诸圣子一起动手,恨不得立刻毙掉他们,哪怕重创一人也好,从而提升自己人的信心与战意 But was a pity very much, they have been in unfavorable situation, no one has thought that Chu Feng their three such extremely bold, dare such hardly to rush, suddenly cannot block. 但很可惜,他们失利了,谁都没有想到楚风他们三个这么大胆包天,敢这么硬闯,一时间拦不住。 Kills!” “杀啊!” Behind, the Kunlun Mountains big monster also begins, in their hands also has Amethyst Heavenly Thunder unexpectedly, previously had not thrown, now rushes to the allied armies near, flings decisively. 后面,昆仑大妖等也都动手,他们手中居然还有紫晶天雷,早先没有都扔出来,现在冲到联军近前,果断甩出。 In islands, thorough chaos. 岛屿上,彻底大乱。 Offers sacrifice to heaven by the blood!” “以血祭天!” The Spirit Race middle-aged person bellows, eye woods are cold, he has been staring at Chu Feng, wants to seize him, trades Divine Son Xu Chengxian. 灵族的中年人大吼,眼睛森寒,他一直在盯着楚风,想要擒住他,换回来神子徐成仙 At this time, along with his shouting loudly, their behind dense fog dispersing, a blood-color altar suddenly appeared, this was the alternative deduction of God blood streamer, did not have the streamer, was only a shrine, but the effect was the same, even was more fearful. 这时,随着他一声大喝,他们身后的迷雾散开,一座血色祭坛突然出现,这是神灵化血幡的另类演绎,没有幡,只是一座神坛,但是效果一样,甚至更可怕。 It can be said that this is trump card that they prepare, to extinguish Chu Feng specially prepares, knows has not consumed many heavenly material earthly treasure. 可以说,这是他们准备的杀手锏,是专为灭楚风而预备的,也不知道耗费了多少天材地宝 Buzz! 嗡! The blood-color altar shines, rune is densely covered, whiz Chu Feng swallowing. 血色祭坛发光,符文密布,嗖的一声将楚风给吞了进去。 Chu Feng one startled, but did not fear, he has oneself trump card, after entering one piece void, he has not used these methods, but takes out a blood streamer directly. 楚风一惊,但是并不怕,他有自己的杀手锏,不过当进入一片虚空中后,他都没有施展那些手段,而是直接取出一杆血幡。 This is the Spirit Race thing, initially, cut the Golden Body magical skill in the old woman hand to seize from one, this streamer was very mystical, has the strength that not measured. 这是灵族的东西,当初,从一位自斩金身道行的老妪手中夺来,此幡很神秘,有莫测的力量。 Chu Feng shaking god streamer, in a twinkling, all divine ability of this blood-color altar as well as prepare the good blood essence, is instant gloomy, by God blood streamer absorption. 楚风摇动神幡,霎时间,这座血色祭坛的所有神能以及准备好的血精等,刹那暗淡,被神灵化血幡吸收。 Helps me raise the rare treasure, does not need to use my card in a hand, was really thanks.” Chu Feng whispered, stood sneers here. “帮我养秘宝吗,都不需要动用我的底牌,真是感谢了。”楚风低语,站在这里冷笑。 If others is absorbed by the altar, enters this blood-color spaces, is mostly more unfortunate than fortunate, is he is safe and sound, in the hand the God blood streamer was even more radiant. 如果是别人被祭坛吸收,进入这片血色空间,多半要凶多吉少,可是他却安然无恙,手中神灵化血幡越发的璀璨了。 Bang! 轰! Finally, his violent force shakes the blood streamer, the entire altar blasts out, at the same time his withdraw this rare treasure, has not wanted to expose, after remaining, makes Spirit Race shoulder big being unjustly discredited. 最后,他猛力一抖血幡,整座祭坛炸开,与此同时他收起这件秘宝,还不想暴露,留着以后让灵族背负一个大大的黑锅。 You......” Spirit Race middle-aged person startled anger. “你……”灵族中年人惊怒。 Old talent, accept your coming fate!” Chu Feng shouts out, runs out instant, brandishes a sword forward the detachment. “老天才,纳命来!”楚风大喝,冲出的刹那,挥刀向前劈去。 The Spirit Race middle-aged person is angry, since recently, their person of this ages most hated old talent title, wants to kill in the universe simply, looks proposes the person settlement of this view first. 灵族中年人大怒,最近以来,他们这个年龄段的人最恨老天才这个称谓,简直想杀进宇宙中,找最先提出这个说法的人清算。 dāng dāng dāng! 当当当 Blade Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, sparks fly in all directions, finally , the head of Spirit Race middle-aged person flies, was cut by Chu Feng. 刀气纵横,火星四溅,最后噗的一声,灵族中年人的头颅飞起,被楚风斩掉。 Bang!” “轰!” Also in this time, together terrifying radiance blooms, Yang Qi is billowing, the bang to the Chu Feng's back of the head, must strike to execute, time of choice is good, after when precisely Chu Feng strikes successfully kills the Spirit Race leader, slightly respite, the relaxation time of flash. 也就是在此时,一道恐怖的光华绽放,阳气滚滚,轰向楚风的后脑,要一击格杀,选择的时间点非常好,正是楚风成功击杀灵族头领后,稍微喘息之际,一刹那的放松时刻。 Chu Feng not flurried, the back is having the eye likely, cold sound said: Good Fortune Divine Physique? Already when waited for you to be many!” 楚风并未慌乱,背后像是长着眼睛,寒声道:“无劫神体?早就等你多时了!”
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