SR :: Volume #7

#697: Crush

Clang! 锵! The Chu Feng also blade sheathes, no longer uses Reincarnation Blade, only depends on a pair of fist, then from top to bottom the energy ebullition, after Yang Qi achieves an extreme, even if he stands there, has not moved, the surroundings had the large explosion! 楚风还刀入鞘,不再动用轮回刀,只靠一双拳头,接着浑身上下能量沸腾,阳气达到一个极点后,他哪怕站在那里,还没有动,周围就已经发生大爆炸! In his surroundings, leaps many golden mushroom clouds, this is the human body nucleon fission, the aura terrifying is likely scary. 在他的周围,腾起很多金色蘑菇云,这像是人体核子裂变,气息恐怖骇人。 Lightning Fist! 闪电拳 Chu Feng turns into a ray of light, the person moves along with fist mark, blows out the ray that soars to the heavens all of a sudden, when stretches the body, fist light dazzling, making Eastern Sea outside islands seethe with excitement. 楚风化成一道光,人随拳印而动,一下子爆出冲霄的光芒,舒展身体时,拳光刺目,让岛屿外的东海都跟着沸腾。 The complexions of all people changed, reveals the alarmed and afraid color. 所有人的脸色都变了,露出惊惧之色。 World of the Living's martial arts!” 阳间的武功!” This is the World of the Living's secret skill, is the non- world inheritance, he learns this kind of fearful wonderful technique unexpectedly!” “这是阳间的秘技,是不世传承,他居然学会这样一种可怕妙术!” Unexpectedly some people guessed correctly, because of recently about the World of the Living's person and matter noisy is very ominous! 居然有人猜到,因为最近关于阳间的人与事闹的很凶! Everyone can feel, that is a fearful flaming aura, Chu Feng likely is Divine Furnace, billowing Yang Qi is turbulent, the person of oppression must suffocate! 谁都能感受到,那是一股慑人的炽盛气息,楚风像是一座神炉,滚滚阳气汹涌,压迫的人要窒息! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! This piece of place large explosion, a Chu Feng fist is heavier than a fist, finally drives out a that thick star splendor, before tearing the Xu Chengxian body, so-called Myriad Laws Immunity light screen. 这片地方大爆炸,楚风一拳比一拳重,最终生生轰开那厚厚的一层星辉,撕裂徐成仙身前所谓的万法不侵光幕。 Clang! 锵! Chu Feng bare-handed collides in the Xu Chengxian lance together, his body big change that hits. 楚风徒手跟徐成仙的长矛碰撞在一起,打的他身体剧震不已。 How possible?!” Xu Chengxian is unbelievable, his Myriad Celestial Physique is known as the invincible bloodlines, with the All Heavens star resonance, can suppress the peer, finally he will become the universe Overlord level will exist, how can expect some people such to drive out the strength of rich Star Sea. “怎么可能?!”徐成仙难以置信,他的万星体号称无敌血脉,跟诸天星斗共鸣,能压制同辈人,最终他会成为宇宙霸主级存在,怎能料到有人就这么轰开浓郁的星海之力。 At this time, Chu Feng showed a faint smile, changed wonderful technique instantaneously, no longer used World of the Living's Divine Skill, because he had the spectrum, experimented Divine Skill to finish. 这时,楚风微微一笑,瞬间改变妙术,不再动用阳间的神技,因为他心里有谱了,试验神技完毕。 Buzz, assembles the strength of star when Xu Chengxian crazily, makes up for outside the body light screen the gap, Chu Feng resorts to another method, his left hand there, presents an vortex. 嗡的一声,在徐成仙疯狂调集星斗之力,弥补体外光幕的缺口时,楚风动用另一手手段,他的左手那里,出现一个漩涡。 Then, Cave appears, ancient, but great changes, is absorbing that rich star light, swallowed completely. 接着,一座石洞浮现,古老而沧桑,在吸收那浓郁的星光,全部吞了进去。 This is Chu Feng, in the Xilin Clan construction has on that stars of dead star, swallows that wisp of mysterious light, marches one secret technique that the Eating Rosy Clouds Realm postosome understands. 这是楚风西林族建造有死星的那颗星辰上,吞掉那缕神秘之光,进军餐霞境界后体悟出的一种秘术 This Cave, like him in that ancient cave that End of Reincarnation saw! 这座石洞,像极了他在轮回尽头看到的那口古洞 Buzz! 嗡! Shivers void, finally all star splendors turn toward in Cave to well up, was swallowed most probably. 虚空颤抖,最后所有的星辉都向着石洞中涌去,被吞掉了大半。 Has saying that Myriad Celestial Physique is very fierce, previously in that dying on-board decisive battle, Chu Feng uses this method directly to kill Xilin Clan these old talents. 不得不说,万星体很厉害,早先在那颗死星上决战时,楚风利用这种手段将西林族的那些老天才都直接干掉。 But now Xu Chengxian has not actually been swallowed. 而现在徐成仙却没有被吞进去。 However, Myriad Celestial Physique actually did not think so, he is somewhat alarmed and afraid, opposite party method was too fearful, restrains his invincible physique simply specially. 不过,万星体却不这么看,他有些惊惧,对方这种手段太可怕了,简直是专门克制他的无敌体质。 Those who most make him be hard to accept, the opposite party has fist mark, obviously to melt Cave these two methods, can break Great Influence of his Myriad Laws Immunity. 最让他难以接受的是,对方拥有拳印、显化石洞这两种手段,都可以破他万法不侵大势 Chī! 哧! Chu Feng brandishes a sword once more, ruptured his lance, but another suddenly took out Star Origin Golden Bracelet, was too towering, quickly to letting the person cannot respond. 楚风再次挥刀,崩开他的长矛,而另一手则突然祭出星辰母金手环,太突兀了,快到让人反应不过来。 Is this Origin Gold bracelet is mainly terrorist, the metal ring center presents the black hole, can absorb the star splendor of Xu Chengxian outside the body. 主要是这母金手环过于恐怖,金属环中央出现黑洞,能吸收掉徐成仙体外的星辉。 Bang, Xu Chengxian responded that the rapid took out shield prevents, may be hit hard, can that shield block Origin Gold bracelet? Blasts out directly. 砰的一声,徐成仙反应迅速祭出盾牌阻挡,可还是遭受重击,那盾牌怎么挡得住母金手环?直接炸开。 Of bang, the Myriad Celestial Physique big mouth spits blood, an arm at the scene bone fracture, is that half body is the bloodstain, is injured heavily. 轰的一声,万星体大口吐血,一条手臂当场骨折,就是那半边身体都是血迹,受伤不轻。 This is also he, changes a person to be pounded by Origin Gold bracelet, must explode one group of blood mist at the scene! 这也就是他,换一个人被母金手环砸中,当场就得爆成一团血雾 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Xu Chengxian angrily roars, he has defeated, moreover must encounter the mishap, those who most make him get angry and hate with is ashamed and resentful, Star Origin Golden Bracelet that the opposite party uses was him, this is his accident/surprise in the biggest good fortune that dies on-board obtains, wanted the life junction to cultivate, the evolution is Paramount Weapon, finally was seized. 徐成仙怒吼,他败了,而且要遭遇不测,最让他恼恨与羞愤的是,对方所用的星辰母金手环原本属于他,这是他意外在一颗死星上获得的最大造化,原本要性命交修,演化为究极兵器的,结果被夺。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng erupts, collides with him one after another, finally continues coughing up blood that he shakes, flies upside down. 楚风爆发,跟他接连碰撞,最后将他震的咳血不止,倒飞出去。 You, are not good!” In the Chu Feng station midair, said to his cold sound. “你,不行!”楚风站半空中,对他冷声说道。 Then, he hints Ouyang Feng take action, gives toad processing. 然后,他示意欧阳风出手,交给蛤蟆处理。 Other people must move, particularly Spirit Race large quantities of troops clash, must rescue Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian, finally was blocked by Chu Feng one person, said: „To pass, first passes my this pass/test!” 其他人要动,尤其是灵族大批人马冲起,就要营救万星体徐成仙,结果被楚风一人拦住,道:“想过去,先过我这一关!” I do not want with your defeated showdown, he to be too weak!” The Ouyang Feng whole body golden color streak sparkle, he is holding the both arms, the big mouth, is slanting the eye to look at the person, appearance that disdaining. “我不想跟你的手下败将对决,他太弱了!”欧阳风浑身金色斑纹闪耀,他抱着双臂,咧着大嘴,斜着眼睛看人,一副不屑的样子。 Xu Chengxian happen to was flown this position by the Chu Feng bang, saw that this is burning with anger, gets angry and hate, unexpectedly including toad to despise him, at this moment he happen to routs, naturally was stimulated to is not good. 徐成仙正好被楚风轰飞到这个方位,见到这一幕怒火中烧,恼恨不已,居然连一只蛤蟆都在鄙视他,此刻他正好大败,自然被刺激到不行。 toad, I have ripped you!” Xu Chengxian throws to strike forward, wants to lead to inundate the Heavenly Star splendor, finally discovered that his injury is very serious, the physique is damaged, is unable with the All Heavens star resonance. 癞蛤蟆,我撕了你!”徐成仙向前扑击,想要带动起漫天星辉,结果发现他伤势很重,体质受损,无法跟诸天星斗共鸣。 However, he does not fear as before, kills forward. 但是,他依旧不惧,向前杀去。 What are you? The masters do not want to fight you, was too weak, I want to kill Good Fortune Divine Physique!” Ouyang Toad can draw the hatred, quite disdains, casts a sidelong glance slantingly he, then , spouts big saliva. “你算什么?爷不想跟你打,太弱了,我想杀无劫神体!”欧阳蛤蟆十分能拉仇恨,相当不屑,斜睨他,然后噗的一声,喷出一大片口水。 Xu Chengxian consistently has the cleanliness/mysophobia, he is intimate with the stars, the bathing star splendor, always the fine dust does not dye, saw that toad such crazily spits the saliva to him, the air/Qi to is not good. 徐成仙一向有洁癖,他亲近星辰,沐浴星辉,向来纤尘不染,看到一只蛤蟆对他这么狂吐口水,气到不行。 He naturally cannot let the saliva being near body, prevents by the light screen, simultaneously subconscious stop, no longer attack. 他自然不会让口水临身,以光幕阻挡,同时下意识的停顿,不再进攻。 However, he discovered to be swindled quickly, toad of that whole body golden color streak did not say with his showdown, but was making a show, actually already under extreme methods. 然而,他很快发现上当了,那只满身金色斑纹的蛤蟆说不和他对决,但只是在耍花样,其实已经下死手。 This saliva impulse is too intrepid, the embodiment Ouyang Feng innate Divine Beast essence, one group of dim light hide in middle, did not say that is he most strikes also similarly! 这口口水冲击力太强悍,内蕴欧阳风的先天神兽精气,一团朦胧的光藏在当中,不说是他的最强一击也差不多! Bang, the saliva scatters, strikes the astigmatism curtain, that innate Divine Beast essence attacks to Xu Chengxian. 砰的一声,口水四溅,击散光幕,那口先天神兽精气冲击向徐成仙 "Ah...... ” Xu Chengxian yelled when compared with Chu Feng wounded is wanted terrified many a moment ago, experienced the life most frigid matter likely, the voice has been trembling. “啊……”徐成仙大叫,比刚才被楚风击伤时要惶恐的多,像是经历了人生最为惨烈的事情,嗓音都在发颤。 Because, after the innate Divine Beast essence breaks through prevents, is bringing toad that mouth saliva completely with, simply is the stream of abuse, making the Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian whole body wet dá dá. 因为,先天神兽精气冲破阻挡后,带着蛤蟆那一嘴口水全部跟进去了,简直是狗血淋头,让万星体徐成仙浑身湿哒哒。 The must know, toad spurts the saliva each time with torrential downpour, now such a big mouth, drenches most probably on Xu Chengxian, usually had cleanliness/mysophobia him to receive? 须知,蛤蟆每次喷口水都跟瓢泼大雨似的,现在这么一大口,大半都淋在徐成仙身上,素来有洁癖的他怎么受的了? Not knows also thinks rending how, he called, that called pitiful, his staggered, then the vibration body, wanted to throw off these saliva. 知道的还以为怎么了呢,他叫的撕心裂肺,那叫一个凄惨,他一个踉跄,而后震动身体,想要甩掉那些口水。 The Ouyang Feng always skidding, incomparable cunningness, the eye already no longer squinted, fiery, turned into a ray of light to throw, exhausted ability, the double palm struck forward. 欧阳风一向滑溜,无比的刁钻,眼睛早已不再斜视,炯炯有神,化成一道光扑了上去,竭尽所能,双掌向前拍击。 gua!” “呱!” Yelled, he uses the source essence, the strength of Divine Beast completely reveals! 一声大叫,他动用本源精气,神兽之力尽显! Suddenly, he is still bellowing: „The Toad Heavenly Merit 81 st type, pride goes before a fall!” Entire messes up, he yells carelessly, harasses the opposite party mind. 一刹那间,他还在大吼:“蛤蟆天功第81式,亢龙有悔!”整一乱套,他胡乱喊叫,扰对方心神。 This pair of palm strength was too big, in addition he is true Divine Beast, attacks desperately, fights a decisive battle with the opposite party, but the Myriad Celestial Physique hasty strain, is underprepared. 这双掌力量太大了,加上他是真正的神兽,死命出击,跟对方决战,而万星体却仓促应变,准备不足。 The final result is, , the Xu Chengxian shaken big mouth spits blood, the body flies horizontally, bitter experience heavy losses. 最终的结果就是,噗的一声,徐成仙被震的大口吐血,身体横飞出去,遭遇重创。 Who is Ouyang Feng? Initially when the place of ancient rite of making sacrifices, just met can die to knock with Chu Feng, was only once with Chu Feng intense preying long-term native place lifeforms. 欧阳风是谁?当初在封禅之地,刚见面时就能跟楚风死磕,是唯一曾经跟楚风激烈搏杀很长时间的本土生物 Now evolves Eating Rosy Clouds Realm, his strength rises suddenly! 现在进化到餐霞境界,他的实力可谓暴涨! You were too weak, master disdains to hit with you!” Ouyang Feng resulted in cheaply has also shown off cleverness, backed up, because of his knows, Xu Chengxian estimated that wanted insanely, the whole face whole body that then a love clean person, was spurted by his saliva was, but also was attacked to be damaged suddenly, naturally must go crazy. “你太弱了,爷不屑跟你打!”欧阳风得了便宜还卖乖,哧溜一声倒退出去,因为他知道,徐成仙估计要疯了,那么一个爱干净的人,被他口水喷的满脸满身都是,还被突然袭击受创,自然要发狂。 Little Yellow, the calf, gave you.” Ouyang Feng shouts to Yellow Ox: My a while hits Good Fortune Divine Physique!” 小黄,牛犊子,交给你了。”欧阳风黄牛喊道:“我一会儿打无劫神体!” Yellow Ox disdains, does not meet head-on. 黄牛不屑,不去迎战。 Ouyang Feng reminded, said: Do not forget, some time ago Myriad Celestial Physique once mentioned names, said that must receive you for the mount, this stance can you endure?!” 欧阳风提醒,道:“别忘了,不久前万星体曾经指名道姓,说要收你为坐骑,这种姿态你能忍吗?!” Yellow Ox knits the brows, indeed so, then, he has stood, meets the approaching enemy. 黄牛皱眉,的确如此,然后,他站了出来,迎击上去。 Xu Chengxian has hair dishevelled, is bringing the bloodstain, the whole body by wet that the saliva drenches, at this time the eye was red, who keeps off him to kill anyone, on Yellow Ox around the nature stared by him, direct killing. 徐成仙披头散发,带着血迹,浑身被口水淋的湿漉漉,此时眼睛都红了,谁挡他就要杀谁,黄牛上前后自然被他盯上,直接扑杀。 But, Yellow Ox is powerful, dreaded including Ouyang Feng, is the Chu Feng's guide, the origin is also mystical, after the Monster Race restricted area Unextinguishable Mountain's baptism, transforms a very terrifying situation now. 可是,黄牛实力非常强,连欧阳风都忌惮,同时也算是楚风的领路人,来历神秘,经过妖族禁地不灭山的洗礼,如今蜕变到了一个非常恐怖的地步。 Bang! 轰! Comes up, Yellow Ox then blocks Myriad Celestial Physique, fights a decisive battle with him, domineering in a complete mess! 一上来,黄牛便拦住万星体,跟他决战,强势的一塌糊涂! The eyes of all people were straight, because present Yellow Ox looks like also then the 5-6 year appearance, the full head golden hair is mild-mannered, the big eye is similar to the gem, is a child! 所有人的眼睛都直了,因为现在的黄牛看起来也就五六岁的样子,满头金发柔顺,大眼如同宝石,还是个孩子! But he actually blocks Myriad Celestial Physique! 可是他却挡住万星体 Xu Chengxian is honored as a rare talent, the 17-18 year youngster, is powerful, but does not have the injury without the contrast, Yellow Ox looks like immaturer, actually may resist with all one's strength him! 徐成仙被誉为奇才,十七八岁的少年,实力强大,可是没有对比就没有伤害,黄牛看起来更幼小,却可力敌他! the dragon wars, the tiger battles, Myriad Celestial Physique looks pale, corners of the mouth in overflowing blood, because he most formidable ability cannot use, expires with the All Heavens Star Sea resonance, he was wounded by Chu Feng, this stage bloodlines are still growing, now because of the physique is damaged, but is unable to activate. 龙争虎斗,万星体面色苍白,嘴角在溢血,因为他最强大的本领不能动用了,跟诸天星海共鸣失效,他被楚风击伤,这个阶段血脉还在成长中,现在因体质受损而无法激活。 What most makes his unendurable is, the opposite party young are too more than him, this cannot take, he feels the cheek to be burning, may more worry with be anxious he more to make a mistake. 最让他难以忍受的是,对方比他年幼太多,这样都拿不下,他感觉面皮火辣辣,可越是着急与焦躁他越是出错。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! In the end, he encounters hitting hard of Yellow Ox one after another, that is the secret of Monster Race's not passing on, is one of the highest wonderful technique, named Heavenly Monster slaughter immortal technique! 到头来,他接连遭遇黄牛的重击,那是妖族的不传之秘,是最高妙术之一,名为天妖仙术 Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian hit half Divine Son is the blood, again horizontally flies, finally from airborne crashes to go to the islands. 万星体徐成仙被打的半边神子都是血,再一次横飞,最后更是自空中向岛屿坠落而去。 Kills!” “杀啊!” Behind, the Spirit Race person bellows, summoned that various clan Holy Son rescues, previously they were blocked by Chu Feng, but now the situation is too critical, all people go crazy. 后方,灵族的人大吼,号召各族圣子救援,早先他们被楚风挡住,但现在情况太危急,所有人都发疯。 „To gang up on, but also feared that you are inadequate?!” “想群殴吗,还怕你们不成?!” Big Black Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Old Lama and other group of people all appear, facing various group of Evolver of coming in swarms, they raises the hand, throws Amethyst Heavenly Thunder. 大黑牛东北虎老喇嘛等一群人全都出现,面对蜂拥而来的各路进化者,他们扬起手,投掷紫晶天雷 Bang! 轰隆! On Unextinguishable Island leaps fearful thunder light, the deafening, fierce large explosion must tear the eardrum of person simply, the troops of various clans threw off. 不灭岛上腾起可怕的雷光,震耳欲聋,剧烈的大爆炸简直要撕裂人的耳膜,各族的人马被掀翻很多。 Is off their feet, took down including some Holy Son, in the islands the bloodstained, the allied armies retreat like surging tides, leave behind a place corpse. 人仰马翻,连一些圣子都被放倒,岛屿上血迹斑斑,联军如潮水般退去,留下一地尸体。 Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian has dropped down, caused heavy losses by Yellow Ox forcefully, several times want to crawl to be defeated, the whole body is the blood, finally by Yellow Ox with spirit tying rope tying up a big steamed rice dumpling, captures alive to capture alive. 万星体徐成仙已经倒下,被黄牛硬生生重创,几次想爬起来都失败,浑身是血,最后被黄牛捆灵绳给绑成一个大粽子,生擒活捉。 hee-haw does hee-haw, dare to speak the last words with my brother? Myriad Celestial Physique is also mediocre, defeated!” Old Donkey laughs, as if this is the person who he catches. 儿啊儿啊,敢跟我兄弟叫板?万星体也不过如此,手下败将!”老驴大笑,仿佛这是他抓到的人。 One crowd of big monsters of Kunlun Mountains were crying loud and long, dead many brothers, was related with Spirit Race, they were holding a memorial service for the dead. 昆仑的一群大妖则在长啸,死去不少兄弟,都跟灵族有关,他们在祭奠死者。 Who also dares to come a war? The Horse King master three eyes, extinguish your this crowd of Jun Tuo eggs.” Horse King speaks the last words, greatly bald brightly burnished, exhibits the stance, said: Looks at my like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, by comet fist completely suppress and kill!” “谁还敢过来一战?马王爷三只眼,灭你们这群钧驮蛋。”马王叫板,大光头锃亮,摆开架势,道:“看我天马行空,以彗星拳全部镇杀!” this King here, who dares to fight?” Eating Rosy Clouds Realm's (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger long and loud cry. 本王在此,谁敢一战?”餐霞境界的东北虎长啸。 One crowd of big monsters challenge the enemy to battle here, the domineering is incomparable. 一群大妖在这里叫阵,强势无比。
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