SR :: Volume #8

#707: Extremely painful mourning

Mu Qinghan wears purple battlesuit, elegant, her silver temples tall Wan, sends among the silk the gold/metal step to shake, phoenix casts a sidelong glance slantingly, in the snow white face is having the smile. 穆青涵身穿紫色战衣,雍容华贵,她云鬓高挽,发丝间金步摇颤动,凤目斜睨,雪白面孔上带着微笑。 She is Spirit Race Saint, with a Yaoyao time, once fought on Sky Vine with Yaoyao, was nearly struck to kill, she who Yaoyao once suppressed despairs. 她是灵族圣人,跟妖妖一个时代,曾跟妖妖天藤上战斗,险些被击杀,妖妖曾压制的她绝望。 However, these many years in the past, she already Sanctification! 不过,这么多年过去后,她已经成圣 She incomparably is hostile to Yaoyao and to Earth lineage/vein, therefore in this action, Spirit Race was very positive, left vigorously. 她对妖妖、对地球一脉无比敌视,所以在这次的围剿行动中,灵族很积极,出了大力。 Naturally cannot have the accident/surprise, ties this wild planet, from now on here will become the hunting fields of our juniors.” “自然不会有意外,一战平掉这颗蛮荒星球,今后这里将成为我们那些子弟的狩猎场。” Deity Race Supreme Being nods, although is very amiable, but his strength is immeasurably deep, in addition came from one of the universe strongest races, has a dignity. 天神族一位大能点头,虽然很随和,但他实力深不可测,再加上来自宇宙最强种族之一,自有一番威严。 "Um, this planet once was also magnificent, the antiquity time was formidable, now it recovers once more, happen to helped your me and the others the juniors, from now here was the place of tempering! ” “嗯,这颗星球也曾辉煌,上古时期非常强大,现在它再次复苏,正好成全你我等人的子弟,从此以后这里就是磨砺之地!” Another Saint opens the mouth. 另有一位圣人开口。 Xilin Clan, Great Dream Pure Land, Netherworld Race wait/etc. had Saint here, one crowd of person strengths shock everybody, stand in the extraterrestrial outer space, overlooks under. 西林族大梦净土幽冥族等都有圣人在此,一群人实力惊世骇俗,站在地球外太空中,俯视下方。 As for Evolver of troop Golden Body Monk level, although is also very strong, but could not interpose, peacefully stood in the distant place. 至于一大群金身罗汉层次的进化者,虽然也很强,但是根本插不上话,都在远处安静站立。 The Evolver ingredient of Golden Body level is complex, some from formidable ancient Sect, some stemmed from some evolution dynasties, but also some for universe pirate as well as interstellar explorer. 金身层次的进化者成分复杂,有的来自强大的古老门派,有的出自一些进化皇朝,还有的为宇宙海盗以及星际探险者。 Now, finally arrived has carved up benefit the time, in all person empty space on a chessboard twinkle shining ray. 现在,终于到了瓜分利益的时刻,各方人马眼中都在闪烁灿灿光芒。 „It is not this!” to report shivers, big mouth respite, he thinks oneself said enough understood, as a result, was Saint has then misunderstood him. “不是这样的!”禀报者颤抖,大口喘息,他以为自己说的足够明白了,结果发现,便是圣人都误会了他。 Meanwhile, his heart is terrified, after truth exposes, can the words that the Saint cheek cannot hang, a palm of the hand blast that he pats, turns into beach blood? 同时,他心头惶恐,真相揭露后,圣人面皮挂不住的话,会不会一巴掌将他拍的炸开,化成一滩血液? At this moment, his not only body shivers, is the soul is palpitating, the whole person is almost weak there. 这一刻,他不仅身体颤抖,就是灵魂都在悸动,整个人几乎瘫软在那里。 What's the matter?” A Saint opens the mouth, frowns to look to him, in the heart has not the wonderful feeling, because this to report look is having the fear, even despairs. “怎么回事?”一位圣人开口,皱着眉头看向他,心中生出不妙的感觉,因为这个禀报者眼神带着恐惧,甚至绝望。 Reported Saint, on below planet...... Left the important matter!” This person body trembles, body surface had mildew perspiration, he braces oneself, said: Allied armies all extinguish!” “禀告圣人,下方的星球上……出大事了!”这个人身躯瑟瑟发抖,体表出了一层白毛汗,他硬着头皮,道:“联军全灭!” In a flash, four directions is silent. 一瞬间,四野寂静。 All people stop the words, even vanished including the heartbeat, formidable Evolver stiffly here, complete silence. 所有人都止住话语,甚至连心跳都消失了,一个又一个强大进化者都僵在这里,鸦雀无声。 Too peaceful, in the outer space dies the general dreariness, various group of troops are similar to petrify, motionless. 太安静了,外太空中死一般的沉寂,各路人马都如同石化,一动不动。 Spirit Race female Saint Mu Qinghan, was having the temperate smiling face, is now, her face is stiff in an instant, elegant makings restraining, has a type of quiet cold aura to fill the air. 灵族女圣穆青涵,原本带着温和的笑容,可是现在,她的面孔刹那间僵硬,雍容华贵的气质收敛,有种幽冷的气息在弥漫。 Her pupil is contracting, the bright red lips turns purple gradually, all her perform in grasping the stance vanish in a flash, some are only the air/Qi of withering. 她的瞳孔在收缩,鲜红的双唇渐渐发紫,她那种一切尽在掌握中的姿态转瞬消失,有的只是肃杀之气。 Meanwhile, her innermost feelings think the shame, even there is an ashamed and resentful feeling, all that she said completely are expected, to manifest unexpectedly in this form. 同时,她内心觉得耻辱,甚至有种羞愤感,她所说的一切尽在预料中,居然以这种形式体现出来。 At this moment, she thought that on the face has suffered a palm of the hand likely, burning pain. 此刻,她觉得脸上像是挨了一巴掌,火辣辣的痛。 Deity Race's Supreme Being is also at this moment in a daze, is similar to the clay sculpture woodcarving, figure was decided thoroughly there. 天神族的大能此刻也在发呆,如同泥塑木雕般,身形被彻底定在那里。 Great Dream Pure Land, Machine Race, Xilin Clan, Great Qi Dynasty and Netherworld Race, their Saint are stunned, a moment ago how they were discussing carve up the Earth benefit, divides equally these vestige and famed scenery, but all people as if were hit now. 大梦净土机械族西林族大齐皇朝幽冥族,他们的圣人都愕然,刚才他们已经在谈论如何瓜分地球利益,怎么平分那些遗迹与名山大川,可是现在所有人都仿佛被打了一记耳光。 Just now, they are calm, assuredly, it is expected that this war wins, wipes out on Earth dares to disobey in Star Sea various clan wills punctures, since, this planet will degenerate into the colony. 方才,他们都从容、笃定,预料这一战大胜,全歼地球上敢于拂逆星海中各族意志的“刺头”,自从之后,这颗星球将沦为殖民地。 How can expect, unexpectedly is this kind of result! 怎能料到,居然是这样一个结果! Indeed wipes out, but, is actually not Indigenous on destruction wild planet, but went against heaven's will by these thorn, annihilates various clan allied armies! 的确是全歼,但是,却不是覆灭这颗蛮荒星球上的土著,而是被那些刺头逆天,歼灭各族联军! Is impossible!” A universe pirate of Golden Body level called out, is aggressive, in eye ruthless offense ray sparkle, because his biological grandson leads a group of pirates to enter Earth, he is hard to accept this result. “不可能!”一位金身层次的宇宙海盗叫道,非常凶悍,眼中狠戾光芒闪耀,因为他的亲孙子带领一批海盗进入地球,他难以接受这个结果。 Has the interstellar explorer also to puff, said: How possibly to be able to be this result? About ten thousand Evolver attack, army threatens the border, is on this planet all people together revolts also radically insufficiently looked how to rout, moreover was all extinguished?!” 有星际探险者也在喘粗气,道:“怎么可能有会是这种结局?近万名进化者出击,大军压境,就是这颗星球上所有人一起反抗也根本不够看,怎么会大败,而且被全灭?!” The extraterrestrial outer space cooker, formidable such as lifeforms of Golden Body level is also agitated, questioned to the result of this service, really does not dare believe. 地球外太空炸锅,强大如金身层次的生物也都情绪激动,对这一役的结果质疑,实在不敢相信。 Before then, they have thought perhaps various possibilities, in these Evolver of Earth some people run away, not necessarily can all extinguish, but never has thought various outside territory clan allied armies will rout, moreover all extinguishes! 在此之前,他们想到过各种可能,或许地球的那些进化者中有人逃走,不见得能全灭,但就是从未想到过域外各族联军会大败,而且是全灭! Shut up!” “闭嘴!” A Sub Saint opens the mouth, replaces Supreme Being on the scene to maintain Order, the showing dignity. 一位亚圣开口,代替在场的大能维持秩序,彰显威严。 Saint of various clans surface sinks at this time the water, suddenly fills terrifying aura, nearby all people were peaceful, trembles. 各族的圣人此时都面沉似水,瞬息间弥漫出恐怖之极的气息,附近所有人都安静了,瑟瑟发抖。 After Saint gets angry, extraterrestrial outer space is trembling, erupts the bellow, various fuzzy Order symbols appear, suppress the trim world. 圣人发怒后,地球外太空都在颤栗,爆发出轰鸣声,各种模糊的秩序符号出现,镇压整片天地。 pū tōng! 噗通 The large expanse of person kneels to bend down, various macroevolution Sect's Golden Body level characters, from universe pirate, to some dark hunter wait/etc., so long as Saint, physically weak has not shaken chaff, shivers under the Saint prestige, frightened boundless. 成片人跪伏下去,各大进化门派的金身级人物,从宇宙海盗,到一些黑暗狩猎者等,只要未达亚圣者,都体弱筛糠,在圣威下颤抖,恐惧无边。 The flash, this news reaches in Star Sea, was reported by some platforms. 一刹那,这则消息传进星海中,被一些平台报道出去。 Quick, result that this fights was likely winged, flies across the universe, many life planet Evolver heard, a more exhaustive news was delivered to the tables of many domineering characters. 很快,这一战的结果像是长了翅膀,飞到宇宙各地,诸多生命星球进化者都听到了,更为详尽的消息被送到许多强势人物的桌案上。 More than 9000 Evolver, to get close to over a hundred evolution Sect, such allied armies will rout unexpectedly, is considered Indigenous that on Earth declines swallows. 9000多名进化者,接近上百的进化门派,这样的联军居然会大败,被认为没落下去的地球上的土著吞噬。 A person has not run away! 一个人都没有逃出来! Only then some scouts, had not entered Unextinguishable Island at that time, in the Eastern Sea dense fog distant sees that making them at that time the whole body ice-cold, the blood almost solidified. 只有部分探子,当时没有进不灭岛,在东海迷雾中远远的看到那一幕,让他们当时浑身冰冷,血液都几乎凝固。 Great Demon Chu Feng reappears on Earth! 楚风大魔头再现地球上! All these are he do! 这一切都是他做的! The thunderclap news spreads, making Evolver of various clans both ears buzz. 炸雷般的消息传出,让各族的进化者双耳嗡嗡作响。 Recently was passing on Chu Feng to leave Earth, entered Star Sea, even the case of hearsay Xilin Clan universe dark prison cell was he does, finally now he reverts Earth, swept the outstanding heroes. 最近都在传楚风离开地球,进入星海,甚至传闻西林族宇宙黑牢的大案是他做的,结果现在他又归回地球,扫荡群雄。 "Ah...... Demon Chu Feng, I must baring your scalp, rinse the merpeople fat, selects the heavenly light you! ” “啊……楚风魔头,我要将剥开你的头皮,灌进人鱼油脂,将你点天灯!” Some people were screaming, has hair dishevelled, there noisy wail. 有人在尖叫,披头散发,在那里长嚎。 Waste, to get close to over ten thousand troops, cannot take one crowd of small monsters, by being panic at the news that Demon Chu kills, the army suffers a defeat and flees, but also does not have a face, dies considers as finished certainly!” “废物,接近上万人马,都拿不下一群小妖,更是被一个楚魔头杀的闻风丧胆,全军败亡,还有什么脸,都死绝算了!” Sir, indeed almost died certainly, almost nobody lived!” “大人,的确差不多死绝了,几乎没有人活下来!” "Ah, my grandchild also died, the painful ghost I, I must execute Chu Feng, killed off these Indigenous! ” “啊,我的孙儿也死了吗,痛煞我也,我要毙掉楚风,杀尽那些土著!” ...... …… In starry sky chaos, because this matter affected was too big, related to Sect were too much, leading was the one's favorites of various clan some elders. 星空中大乱,因为这件事影响太大了,涉及到的门派过多,带队的都是各族一些长老的心头肉。 In addition, even if not Holy Son, is the juniors of grandson and explorer of some universe pirates and others, how could they eat have owed like this greatly, some old monster demons are going crazy. 此外,即便不是圣子,也是一些宇宙海盗的嫡孙、探险者的子弟等,他们何曾吃过这样的大亏,一些老妖魔都在发狂。 As for Deity Race, Xilin Clan, Great Dream Pure Land wait/etc., is similar to the storm in the future, in ethnic group Yin Qi heavy, the atmosphere constrains to suffocate to get close to. 至于天神族西林族大梦净土等,更是如同暴风骤雨将来,族群内阴气沉沉,气氛压抑到接近窒息。 They cannot accept this war! 他们不能接受这种战局! The must know, these time differs from the past, they drag in lots of people, that many troops, summoned that various clans work with concerted efforts, goes on an expedition wild planet together. 须知,这一次不同以往,他们兴师动众,那么多的人马,号召各族同心协力,一起征战蛮荒星球 Finally, the allied armies were all extinguished! 结果,联军被全灭! This lets their face chest cavity burning pain, this slap and slap in the face was too resounding, their knows, knows does not have many people to look at the joke. 这让他们的脸膛火辣辣的痛,这个耳光太响亮了,他们知道,也不知道有多少人在看笑话。 First ten big are not that harmonious, Deity Race, Netherworld Race and other somersaults of planting were too ruthless, their clear realizing, by the serious challenge, own power and influence and influence could drop! 前十大不是那么和睦,天神族幽冥族等这一次栽的跟头太狠了,他们清楚的意识到,被严重挑战,自身的威势与影响力等可能要下降! They ate in Chu Feng there greatly have more than once owed, their Divine Son previously were cut, this like this routed, was destroyed completely more than 9000 people by a person with Domain, making them arrive at the extreme grievedly, hated to want crazily. 他们在楚风那里吃了不止一次大亏,他们的神子早先都被斩掉,今次又这样大败,被一个人用场域灭掉9000多人,让他们心痛到极点,恨欲狂。 Reflects the crimson latest report from Sub Immortal Clan resident Earth reporter, the allied armies destroys, loses Unextinguishable Mountain, named Chu Feng's Earth Evolver sweeps away all people by Domain.” “来自亚仙族常驻地球记者映绯红的最新报道,联军溃灭,折戟不灭山,名为楚风的地球进化者场域横扫所有人。” From the Buddha Race newest flash, allied armies Saint of extraterrestrial outer space gets angry, causing many Golden Body level Evolver to be affected, some people of die.” “来自佛族最新快讯,地球外太空的联军圣人发怒,导致许多金身层次进化者遭受波及,有人殒落。” From the Dark Blood Colosseum live transmission platform reporter flash, Myriad Celestial Physique, Good Fortune Divine Physique and Yuan magnetic body was captured alive to capture alive by Chu Feng, three big physique defeat in a person of hand!” “来自黑血角斗场旗下直播平台记者快讯,万星体无劫神体、元磁身体被楚风生擒活捉,三大体质都败在一人手中!” In universe starry sky, thorough ebullition! 宇宙星空中,彻底沸腾! The news that this fights wants to cover is not good, because, pays attention may not only be own participant Deity Race, Netherworld Race that this fights wait/etc., neutral evolution Sect wait/etc. reported one after another. 这一战的消息想掩盖都不行,因为,关注这一战的可不仅是亲身参与者天神族幽冥族等,还有中立的进化门派等相继报道。 Especially Sub Immortal Clan and Buddha Race were reporting the details that unexpectedly this fights, have Beast Source Platform, Dark Blood Colosseum wait/etc. to carry on skinning in detail, all sorts of details disclosed. 尤其是亚仙族佛族居然都在报道这这一战的详情,更有原兽平台黑血角斗场等进行详细“扒皮”,种种细节都透露出来。 A difficult situation, among major galaxies surges up, innumerable Evolver by dumbfoundedness of being startled, as long as understood after the details, for a long time is speechless, finally noisily boils. 一片惊涛骇浪,各大星系间波澜起伏,无数的进化者都被惊的目瞪口呆,但凡了解详情后很长时间都无言,最后又喧沸。 Arrived the present, Demon King Chu savage well-known, such big sound is startled to fall all parties' chin, simultaneously makes many person bodies feel cold. 到了现在,楚魔王的凶残可谓尽人皆知,这么大的动静惊掉各方的下巴,同时让很多人身体发冷。 Only separates the half day, in the sea outside Unextinguishable Island islet has a steamship to drive out of the dense fog region, above sits Chu Feng and one crowd of big monsters. 仅隔半日,不灭岛屿外的海洋中有一艘大船驶出迷雾区域,上面坐着楚风与一群大妖。 They appear unexpectedly haughtily, and expresses the opinion, in various group of Evolver facing the starry sky, permits the gather intelligence interview of resident Earth confidently particularly. 他们居然大模大样的出现,并且发表言论,坦然面对星空中各路进化者,尤其是允许常驻地球的情报搜集者采访。 Chu Feng indicated, he is responsible for this event. 楚风表示,他对此次事件负责。 shit! 玛德! After the related enemy opposite party hears, wants to kill him, after detonating this terrible thing, he also dares to come out to install the big tail wolf, too ignominiously was really hateful. 相关敌对方听闻后都想打死他,引爆这种可怕事件后他还敢出来装大尾巴狼,实在太可耻可恨了。 I am in the extremely painful mood, here mourning victim!” “我怀着沉痛的心情,在这里哀悼死难者!” Chu Feng is heavy there tone, unexpectedly was speaking, was startled a place chin. 楚风在那里语气沉重,居然在演讲,惊掉一地下巴。 Many people want to say that your extremely painful wool, the person is not you kills? 很多人想说,你沉痛个毛,人不都是你杀的吗? Life must understand to treasure, how can ignore oneself life, optional rejection?” Chu Feng said seriously, when facing lens does not have stage fright, is very calm, a sincere stance, said: Life, only then one time, cannot the gravity head come again, advised politely everybody, when was a warning.” “人生要懂得珍惜,怎能罔顾自己性命,随意舍弃?”楚风郑重说道,面对镜头时不怯场,很镇定,一副语重心长的姿态,道:“人生只有一次,不可以重头再来,奉劝各位,当以此为戒。” In various clan troops winds disorderly, what wind does this demon pull out? Here adopts this stance to do, did the mourning dead, warn the successor?! 各族人马风中凌乱,这魔头抽什么风?在这里摆出这种姿态想干什么,哀悼死者,告诫后来人?! However, is quick they to discover that this demon stemming from any good intention, the opinion of publication did not change flavor quickly. 不过,很快他们发现这魔头不是出于什么好心,发表的言论很快变味了。 Chu Feng said: We are here deep the pain to recall, the dead is over, the living takes warning, cherish what you have at the moment, life, when strives to improve, must be self-possessed, do not deliver the vegetable again, because, you were too weak!” 楚风道:“我们在这里深痛缅怀,死者已矣,生者引以为戒,各位且行且珍惜,人生当自强,要自重,不要再来送菜,因为,你们太弱了!” His is in serious...... Hit the face! This serious stance, said such words, lets clenching teeth that Supreme Being of various outside territory clans hated, thinks really a palm of the hand clapped him. 他这是在一脸严肃的……打脸!这种一本正经的姿态,说出这样的话,让域外各族的大能恨的咬牙,真想一巴掌拍死他。 Good, mourns, below returns to the subject, three days later I will hold a charity dinner auction, naturally considered that everybody is distanced many galaxies, is far away, the 90% troops are hard to arrive, therefore everybody can also draw support from inter-satellite network bidding. Auction obtained, with help Unextinguishable Mountain's native place Evolver, therefore, hopes at the appointed time everybody supports much, supports Earth. Un, if Deity Race, Xilin Clan, Great Dream Pure Land, Netherworld Race wait/etc. needed the special invitation, I can refine several for you urgently, relax, my this golden invitation cannot like Great Dream Pure Land say that becomes invalid becomes invalid, in this solemn promise, life-long effective, my auction welcome you to bid and select and purchase at any time and ensure is closely linked with you!” “好吧,哀悼完毕,下面回归正题,三天后我将举办一场慈善晚宴拍卖会,当然考虑到各位相距很多个星系,路途遥远,九成的人马难以驾临,所以各位也可以借助星际网络竞拍。拍卖所得,用以帮助不灭山的本土进化者,所以,届时希望各位多多捧场,扶持地球一把。嗯,如果天神族西林族大梦净土幽冥族等需要特殊的邀请函,我可以为你们加急炼制几张,放心,我这种金色请柬不会像大梦净土那样说作废就作废,在此郑重承诺,终生有效,我的拍卖会随时欢迎你们来竞拍、选购,保证与你们息息相关!” Such the words language, making various clan Evolver dumbfounded, knows, he certainly must do the important matter! 这么一番话语,让各族进化者目瞪口呆,都知道,他肯定要搞大事! As for Deity Race, Great Dream Pure Land, Xilin Clan wait/etc., each and every one felt that the face was swollen by the fan, burning hurting, all the startled anger occurred simultaneously. 至于天神族大梦净土西林族等,一个个感觉脸都被扇肿了,火辣辣的疼,全都惊怒交加。 Was right, forgets to introduce that this something by auction, besides head store characteristics product-- Holy Son Holy Daughter, various rare treasures piles up, in addition has the next to last act something by auction, we are attempting to eliminate Myriad Celestial Physique, Good Fortune Divine Physique and Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique rare blood relationship, if successful, will decide will sell.” “对了,忘记介绍本次拍卖品,除了本店特色物产——圣子圣女,还有各种秘宝堆积如山,此外另有压轴拍卖品,我们正在尝试剥夺出万星体无劫神体元磁圣体的稀珍血统,若是成功,定会出售。” In the starry sky, many people shock, the blood relationships of three big invincible physique must be sold, can he eliminate?! 星空中,很多人震撼,三大无敌体质者的血统要被售卖,他能剥夺出来?! Let alone ordinary Evolver, is some Supreme Being, Dao Lineage's Old Ancestor of most top could not sit still, in an uproar. 别说普通进化者,就是一些大能,最顶级的道统的老祖都坐不住了,一片哗然。 First was ignorant as for Spirit Race and Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique behind influence, then goes crazy, standing up that some Saint leap, wishes one could to kill Earth to go immediately. 至于灵族元磁圣体身后的势力则第一时间懵了,然后发狂,一些圣人腾的站起,恨不得立刻杀进地球去。
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