SR :: Volume #1

#5: The flower blooms

Nearby the summit falls into silent, did not have the sound. 山顶附近陷入寂静,没有了声音。 Three lifeforms have not paid attention to Chu Feng, neglected him likely. 三头生物没有理会楚风,像是将他忽略了。 Chu Feng understands, he is far from summit now, moreover they possibly thought that he does not have the threat, therefore and does not care, appointed he stands under. 楚风明白,他现在离山顶较远,而且它们可能觉得他不具备威胁,所以并不在意,任他站在下方。 This is three has spirituality extraordinary lifeforms. 这是三头有灵性的非凡生物 Leaves while the present!” “趁现在离开!” Chu Feng decides to descend the mountain, although he takes root the young tree on azure copper mountain to that is curious, longs for understanding, but here is too dangerous regarding him, momentarily will lose the life. 楚风决定下山,虽然他对那株扎根在青铜山上的小树非常好奇,渴望了解,但是这里对于他来说太危险,随时会丢掉性命。 The fragrance changed rich, transmitted from azure copper mountain. 香气变浓郁了,从青铜山上传来。 That mastiff moved, like the lightning, during several rises, then passes through the pile of stones quickly, then along that steep mountain massif, directly rushed to the summit. 那头獒动了,快如闪电,几个起落间,便穿过乱石堆,而后沿着那陡峭的山体,径直冲上了山巅。 One zhang (3.33 m) long black yak, the whole body is pitch-black, head thick horn is very fearful, its starting to walk hoof, at a moderate pace following in rear area. 一丈多长的黑色牦牛,周身乌黑光亮,头上粗大的犄角很慑人,它迈开蹄子,不紧不慢的跟在后方。 It walks is very steady, along having one side of stone that unexpectedly has also mounted precipitous azure copper mountain. 它走的很稳,沿着有土石的那一侧,居然也登上了险峻的青铜山 That ferocious bird in midair with golden casting, the wing is even more radiant, the pupil flashing golden light, it decreases in the altitude, close to the cliff, is gazing at the young tree. 半空中的那头凶禽跟黄金浇铸似的,羽翼越发璀璨,瞳孔闪动金光,它降低高度,临近山崖,注视着小树。 When the Chu Feng preparation retreats, that fragrance rich the several fold has continued, the flower bud will soon bloom. 楚风准备退走时,那股香气浓郁了数倍不止,花蕾即将绽放。 bo!” “啵!” Although is away from has a distance, the sound that but Chu Feng clear hearing spends, young tree peak that fist big silver white flower bud bloomed a petal. 虽然隔着有段距离呢,但是楚风清晰的听到花开的声音,小树顶端那拳头大的银白花骨朵绽放了一瓣。 The flower opens the sound! 花开有音! Flower fragrance Xiren, was a moment ago richer, it looks like has a special demonic nature, making one be enchanted by. 花香袭人,比刚才又浓郁很多,它像是有一股特殊的魔性,令人迷醉。 The flash, three lifeforms rush to near cliff, to the near, was gazing at intensely, moreover starts the violent force to smell that flower fragrance, is swallowing in the big mouth likely fragrantly. 一刹那,三头生物冲到山崖边,到了近前,紧张的注视着,而且开始猛力地嗅那花香,像是在大口吞咽着芬芳。 Chu Feng turns head, sees this exactly, their strange actions make him surprised. 楚风回头,恰好看到这一幕,它们那怪异的举动让他惊愕不已。 Three lifeforms is about unable to bear, wants to attack the opposite party, will show the fearful wild nature. 三头生物快忍不住了,都想攻击对方,将展现出可怕的野性。 Light sound one after another transmits, the silver white flower petal blooms unceasingly, is bringing the misty white fog, intermittent clear, spends the sound, fragrant rich ten times continue! 接连的轻响声传来,银白花瓣不断绽放,带着蒙蒙白雾,还有阵阵晶莹,花开有声,芬芳浓郁十倍不止! Chu Feng honestly startled, this is any flower, this type of fragrance was too attractive, making him unable to bear want to turn around, charged into that summit. 楚风着实心惊,这是什么花,这种香气太诱人了,令他都忍不住想转身回去,冲向那山顶。 Three chi (0.33 m) high young tree peak, the fist big silver white flowers bloom thoroughly, the white fog has lifted leaves, fills the air in the azure copper mountain cliff, makes there as if Ruoxian boundary. 三尺高的小树顶端,拳头大的银白花朵彻底绽放,白雾散出,在青铜山崖弥漫,令那里宛若仙境般。 On that flower petal is bringing the golden spot, at this time shines, in the white fog, the stained golden light corpuscle is similar to the star sparkle, splendid. 那花瓣上带着金色的斑点,此时一齐发光,在白雾中,斑斑金色光粒如同星斗闪耀,熠熠生辉。 This scene is somewhat magnificent, is very charming. 这景象有些瑰丽,很迷人。 Three lifeforms is at this moment, when it is mature! 三头生物等的就是这一刻,待它成熟! They compete, fierce hit, sharp claws across the sky, this is the primitive wild nature release, is very crazy, wants to possess of that strange flower alone. 它们争夺,剧烈撞击,利爪横空,这是原始野性的释放,无比疯狂,都想将那朵奇花独占为己有。 When that pitch-black yak visits, the summit that shakes lightly is trembling, the strength is greatly infinite. 那乌黑的牦牛踏足时,震的山顶都在轻颤,力大无穷。 dang! 当! In the midair, golden ferocious bird opens the big claw, hits with that rough buffalo and cow horns in the same place, the sound is ear-spitting. 半空中,金色的凶禽张开大爪子,跟那粗糙的牛角撞在一起,响声震耳。 That mastiff is roaring lowly, the sound is sad, just like thunderous. 那头獒在低吼,声音沉闷,犹如雷鸣。 Three lifeforms are slaughtering, each other attack, competes for the flowers that is in full bloom. 三头生物在厮杀,彼此攻击,争夺盛开的花朵。 In this process they fiercely are also smelling, reckless seizing flower fragrance. 在这个过程中它们也在猛嗅,不顾一切的攫取花香。 Azure copper mountain withstand/top the white fog to curl, is dim, the golden mark shakes, shines in the fog like flake Star Sea, there is extremely mystical and beautiful. 铜山顶白雾袅袅,朦胧间,金色斑痕摇动,像是有一小片星海在雾霭中发光,那里极其神秘与美丽。 Bang! 砰! They touch the green and lush young tree, the big claw of that mastiff scratches the flowers. 它们触及到绿莹莹的小树,那头獒的一只大爪子擦中花朵。 The gale stirs, golden ferocious bird dives, shakes that mastiff hardly, the sharp claw drops, wants to tear that mastiff. 大风鼓荡,金色凶禽俯冲,硬撼那头獒,锋利的爪子落下,想要将那头獒撕裂开来。 Previously they each other did not begin, because dreaded mutually, but now after the flowers split open, they to compete, did not hesitate to go all out, disregarded! 早先它们彼此不动手,因为相互忌惮,而现在花朵绽开后,它们为了争夺,不惜拼命,不管不顾了! When that golden ferocious bird both wings fan, several flower petals wither and fall from the big claw of that mastiff, falls gently along with the strong winds to azure copper mountain. 在那头金色凶禽双翅扇动时,几片花瓣从那头獒的大爪子下凋落,随着狂风飘落向青铜山下。 This place appearance of the mountain is extremely steep, binds the flower petal of white fog to fall quickly to Chu Feng there. 这地方山势极陡,裹着白雾的花瓣很快落向楚风那里。 He lifts the hand to catch one piece, fragrance rich not being able to melt, making him nearly keel over drunk here, carefully looked, bringing the golden spot flower petal inner wall also to have clear. 他抬手就接住一片,香气浓郁的化不开,让他险些醉倒在这里,仔细看,带着金色斑点的花瓣内壁还有一层晶莹。 Pollen!” “花粉!” Has glued on pollen above, is flowing the gloss. 在上面粘上了一层花粉,流淌着光泽。 Chu Feng puts out a hand, meets four flower petals successively in the hand, two fragrance are slightly pale, because has only stuck the little pollen, another two pieces strongly fragrant fragrant, above is clear, fragrance rich not being able to melt. 楚风伸手,先后将四片花瓣接在手中,其中两片香气略淡,因为只粘了少许花粉,另外两片则馥郁芬芳,上面晶莹密布,香气浓郁的化不开。 Three lifeforms that azure copper mountain withstand/top downward looked at one, the look is cold, then starts to prey intensely, competes for the flower petal that has not crashed. 铜山顶的三头生物都向下看了一眼,眼神冷冽,而后又开始激烈搏杀,争夺未曾坠落的花瓣。 Chu Feng sees that grips the tight flower petal. 楚风见状,攥紧花瓣。 However, he discovers quickly unusually, the palm flower petal is no longer mild, a withered feeling, he spreads out the palm unexpectedly, discovered that clear on four flower petal vanished, the flower petal is also withered! 但是,他很快发现异常,手心的花瓣不再温润,竟有一种枯萎感,他摊开手掌,发现四片花瓣上的晶莹消失了,花瓣也干枯! The flash, they lost gloss, did not have the activeness, becomes withered and yellow. 一刹那而已,它们失去了光泽,没有了活性,变得枯黄。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Makes an effort slightly, a flower petal turns into the detritus. 稍微一用力,其中一片花瓣化成碎屑。 Chu Feng is astonished, he other three withered flower petals will drop out, shouts to the summit: Gives back to you.” 楚风惊愕,他将剩余的三片干枯花瓣抛下,冲着山顶喊道:“还给你们。” Afterward, he turns around decisively, no longer pays attention to these, flushes away to the mountain. 随后,他果断转身,不再理会这些,一路向大山下冲去。 Although flees eagerly, but he cannot bear ponder over all the way why that four flower petals did wither in his hands instant? This change is very strange! 虽然急于逃离,但一路上他还是忍不住思忖,那四片花瓣为什么在他手中刹那枯萎了?这变化很古怪! When passed by the copper room and bronze tablet, he has not stayed, wholeheartedly wants to descend the mountain fast, the following distance appearance of the mountain gradually tended to be gentle, the speed can speed up. 路过铜屋、青铜碑时,他没有停留,一心想快速下山,后面的路程山势渐渐趋于平缓,速度可以加快了。 Time-consuming is very long, when Chu Feng rushes to at the foot of the hill, the red glowing sun west fell. 耗时很久,当楚风赶到山脚下时,红日都已西坠。 What rejoices, that three unusual lifeforms has not pursued, but also at summit battle. 庆幸的是,那三头非同一般的生物没有追下来,还在山顶争斗呢。 The Chu Feng whole body is the sweat, carries on such fierce movement on the so high mountain, even if his physique good also to think again exhausted. 楚风满身都是汗水,在如此高的大山上进行这么剧烈的运动,哪怕他体质再好也觉得精疲力竭。 Is really tired, he sits in gasping for breath at the foot of the hill big mouth, after for a long time, can hear the sound that oneself heart play jumps, he thump thump pours water to the mouth. 实在过于疲乏,他坐在山脚下大口的喘气,很长时间后还能听到自己心脏剧跳的声响,他咕咚咕咚向嘴里倒水。 Looks behind mountain, like confuses seriously. 回望身后的大山,当真像是迷一样。 west king Tongbei, the mysterious copper room, copper mountain, the palatial mountain is really bronze? 西王铜碑,神秘铜屋,还有铜山,巍峨大山内部真为铜质的吗? If possible, he wants to bare this mountain really the soil layer, carefully looks that the interior is actually what kind. 如果有可能,他真想剥开这座大山的土层,仔细看一看内部究竟怎样。 This mountain massif is only Kunlun Mountains one, what secret is this region hiding? 这座山体仅是昆仑山脉其中的一座,这片区域到底藏着什么秘密? Must hurry to leave, if that three lifeforms clash, incomparable danger.” “得赶紧离开,万一那三头生物冲下来,将会无比危险。” Before several days dates, once had the earthquake, on the mountain massif has many big cracks, at the foot of the hill here is no exception, when Chu Feng falls the foot careful avoidance. 数日前,曾发生过地震,山体上有不少大裂缝,山脚下这里也不例外,楚风落足时小心的避开。 He sees a stone in the crack together, more than three cuns (2.5 cm) high, square, has very regular shape unexpectedly, pours also rarely. 无意间,他在一道地缝中看到一块石头,三寸多高,四四方方,竟具有很规则的形状,倒也少见。 Chu Feng picks up conveniently , to continue to start off. 楚风随手捡起,继续上路。 Not knows whether is the misconception, Chu Feng always thought all the way within the body is somewhat unusual, is very subtle, occasionally will touch a warm current, flows in the flesh. 知道是否为错觉,一路上楚风总觉得体内有些异样,很微妙,偶尔会触到一丝暖流,在血肉中流淌。 Realized carefully, it vanished, does not go to manage it, then unknowingly appears. 仔细去体会,它又消失了,不去管它,则又在不经意间出现。 Is the misconception, the body allergy? 错觉,还是身体过敏? His suspicion, own sensation disorder? 他一阵怀疑,自己的感知紊乱了吗? „From this hand.” “是从这只手开始的。” He spreads out the left hand, most when early perceived, precisely left palm heart spot, but there not anything. 他摊开左手,最早有所觉察时,正是左掌心部位,可那里并没有什么。 Four flower petals once in my left hand inexplicable withered.” “四片花瓣曾在我左手中莫名干枯。” Chu Feng hurries along, while ponders over this matter, he thought that is not simple, this matter is somewhat strange, making him not feel relieved very much. 楚风一边赶路,一边琢磨这件事,他觉得没那么简单,这事有些古怪,让他很不放心。 That flower petal once sent out the white fog, stained luminous spot, how regardless to see strangely. 那花瓣曾散发白雾,还有斑斑光点,无论怎么看都诡异。 That bronze Kunlun Mountain, has impacted his original idea today, has subversive, making him have to think. 身后的那座青铜昆仑山,今日着实冲击了他原有的观念,具有颠覆性,让他不得不多想。 That three lifeforms are not ordinary, they on competing for the tree that flower, should be harmless.” “那三头生物都不普通,它们在争夺树上那朵花,应该无害。” Although worried, but Chu Feng thought, this flowers should be harmless to the body, how otherwise to initiate rare ferocious beast to slaughter, fights for at risk of life. 虽然有所顾虑,但是楚风觉得,这花朵应该对身体无害,不然的话怎么会引发罕见的凶兽厮杀,拼死争抢。 He shook the head, temporarily did not think these, the stride toward having the herdsman residential area hurried. 他摇了摇头,暂时不想这些了,大步向着有牧民居住区赶去。 Under curtain of night, on boundless plateau especially peaceful, occasionally the distant place transmits a beast to roar, then added a spacious and desolate feeling. 夜幕下,无垠的高原上格外的安静,偶尔远方传来一声兽吼,则更平添了一种空旷与苍凉之感。 Chu Feng stays overnight in somebody's home in the herdsman family/home, he will decide to step the return trip tomorrow. 楚风借宿在牧民家中,他决定明日就踏上回程。 Night, his static reading, simultaneously realized that previously when that warm current, is evasive, seems to be does not have, not knows whether will have anything to change. 夜里,他静静的看书,同时体会早先时的那丝暖流,可是不可捉摸,似有似无,不知道是否会有什么变化。 Long time, he sighed lightly: Allow nature to take its course.” 良久,他轻叹:“顺其自然吧。” Because, the attempt, he discovered in every possible way more cares, pays attention, more cannot realize, on the contrary does not pay attention instead to realize fuzzily. 因为,百般尝试,他发现越是在意,去关注,越是察觉不到,相反不去理会反而能模糊的体会到。 Pollen, catalyst.” Chu Feng read these characters gently, he thought of a matter suddenly. “花粉,触媒。”楚风轻轻念出这几个字,他忽然想到一件事。 When the graduation leaves school, the Lin Nuoyi's family member once sent a vehicle to meet her, was indistinct once mentioned these characters, was only somewhat far, clear that he cannot listen. 毕业离校时,林诺依的家人曾派车去接她,隐约间曾提到这些字,只是有些远,他未能听的清晰。 Although bid good-bye, but he wants to deliver her at that time, but saw that the Lin Family person slightly has the indifference, light looks to him, Chu Feng only waved then to walk at that time. 虽然分手了,但他那时还是想送一送她,不过看到林家人略有冷漠,平淡的看向他,楚风当时只挥了挥手便走了。 Is lost in thought slightly, he unknowingly sees a stone. 略微出神,他不经意间看到身边的一块石头。 „The shape of this stone such has the rule unexpectedly.” “这石头的形状居然这么有规则。” He thinks over this stone in the tent, although is the cube, but the border part does not have the edges and corners, is slightly smooth, looks like has polished, is somewhat clear. 他在帐篷中掂量这块石头,虽然是正方体,但边沿部分无棱角,略微光滑,就像是打磨过,有些圆润。 Carefully looked, in the stone has the fuzzy mark to wind unexpectedly, this is forms naturally? 仔细看,石块上竟有模糊的纹络,这是天然形成的吗? The mark winds very gloomily, the words that does not examine carefully will be very easy to neglect. 纹络很暗淡,不细看的话很容易就会忽略掉。 Is the artificial trace?” “是人为的痕迹吗?” In Kunlun Mountain at the foot of the hill, he has not cared, but thought that it is very regular, has picked conveniently, is thinking all the way copper mountain matter, absent-minded is throwing in the hand, then brought. 在昆仑山山脚下时,他根本就没在意,只是觉得它很规则,顺手捡了起来,一路上想着铜山的事,心不在焉的在手中抛着,便带了回来。 Now, he suddenly discovered, this stone is somewhat special. 现在,他突然发现,这石块有些特别。 Chu Feng cleans the stone, careful observation under lights. 楚风将石块洗净,在灯火下仔细观察。 Stone three cuns (2.5 cm) high, is dust color, some very fuzzy marks wind to surround it, likely is the vine, mark that also naturally forms likely, is very obsolete. 石块三寸高,呈灰褐色,有一些很模糊的纹络环绕着它,像是藤蔓,又像是自然形成的斑痕,十分陈旧。 Paleolith whether left behind for ancient times tribe? He so guessed. 是否为远古部落留下的旧石器?他这般猜测。 Chu Feng harps on the same old story looks, caresses to these traces, suddenly, a ka-cha light sound, slightly has grating in this tranquil night. 楚风翻过来掉过去的看,抚向那些痕迹,突然间,喀嚓一声轻响,在这宁静的夜间略有刺耳。
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