SR :: Volume #1

#4: strange tree and beast of prey

The Kunlun Mountains summit, highest cliff wall place, a three chi (0.33 m) young tree alone grows. 昆仑山顶,最高崖壁处,一株三尺小树独自生长。 Regards the bronze is the soil, makes nourishment, takes root tenaciously, green and lush, is having the gloss all over the body. 视青铜为土壤,作养料,顽强扎根,通体绿莹莹,带着光泽。 The tree trunk has the wrist/skill to be thick or thin, although it is not big, but is bringing the old tree skin, tensioning crack, is similar to a layer upon layer scale, has the vigorous feeling unexpectedly. 树干有手腕粗细,它虽不高大,但却带着老树皮,张裂着,如同一层层鳞片,竟有苍劲感。 Its leaf blade is similar to the emerald carving, insightful rich spirituality, the shape is similar to the palm of baby, holding some clear dewdrop, the cool breeze to stroke obsolete, is similar to the pure white pearl rolls on the jasper plate. 它的叶片如同绿玉雕刻而成,通透中富有灵性,形状如同幼儿的手掌,托着一些晶莹的露珠,清风拂过时,如同洁白珍珠在碧玉盘上滚动。 Long has a flower bud in the peak of young tree, the fist is big, all over the body silver white, but is leading gold/metal Ban, treats in the precipice puts, the delicate fragrance has drifted, is very beautiful. 在小树的顶端长有一个花骨朵,拳头大,通体银白,但带着金斑,于绝壁中待放,已经清香飘漾,很美。 Monster different young tree, static proud stand. 妖异的小树,静静傲立着。 Chu Feng has attempted several times, azure copper mountain body one side indeed cannot come up, he decides to take risk, from full is that side climb of rolling stone, but needs especially carefully, will otherwise possibly lose the life. 楚风尝试了几次,青铜山体这一侧的确上不去,他决定冒险,从满是滚石的那边攀登,但需要格外小心,不然可能会丢掉性命。 He draws back from the copper wall, arrives at the flat terrain, around the mountain massif the line, simultaneously upwardly waits and sees. 他从铜壁这一边退下,来到平坦地带,绕着山体而行,同时向上观望。 How will it grow on bronze?” Chu Feng cannot think through. “它怎么会生长在青铜上?”楚风想不通。 He can only sum up, once had the world of several accidents more and more unable to understand. 他只能归根于,曾发生过数起变故的世界越来越无法让人理解了。 The Chu Feng state of mind was calm, he knits the brows, is pondering all these, the strange plant, strange azure copper mountain, all these do not conform to the common sense. 楚风心绪已平静,他皱着眉,细想着这一切,奇异的植物,诡异的青铜山,这一切都不符合常理。 silhouette appears in his hearts together, because that person once had said some words, at that time he had not cared, but makes him somewhat touch at present. 一道身影在他心间浮现,因为那个人曾说过一些话,当时他并未在意,可眼下却让他有些触动。 One day, perhaps the weed of roadside will have the fist big bright red fruit, we see ordinary perhaps not.” “有一天,也许路边的一株杂草都会结出拳头大的鲜红果实,我们所见到的平凡或许都将不在了。” This is the words that Lin Nuoyi spoke, is very light, is speaks thoughtlessly likely. 这是林诺依说的话,很平淡,像是随口而出。 Said to Chu Feng when like her bids good-bye, slightly has the faintness, the sound is somewhat far, is she stands in the high place likely, spoke these words. 就像她跟楚风说分手时一样,略有淡漠,声音有些远,像是她站在很高处,说了那些话语。 Chu Feng thinks that she was saying the matters of two worlds, the life or the emotion anything is not unmodifiable. 楚风以为她是在说两人间的事,无论是人生还是情感等没什么不可改变。 „Did she say to refer to?” “她言有所指?” The civilized time after this, the world once had had several accidents, although most people not knows inside story, but always has some young people to know the truth. 在这后文明时代,世界曾发生过数起变故,虽然绝大多数人都不知道内情,但总有小部分人知晓真相。 Lin Nuoyi knows what? 林诺依到底知道什么? In the heart appears her silhouette, Chu Feng sighed, although is somewhat disappointed, but past makes it pass. 心中浮现她的身影,楚风叹了一口气,虽然有些怅然,但过去的就让它过去吧。 He raised the head once more, looks to the azure copper mountain top, revealed the look of surprise. 他再次抬头,看向青铜山顶,露出异色 She said to refer to, perhaps along her mentality, is going to change ordinary, then originally extraordinary rare different tree? 她真的言有所指吗,沿着她的思路,许多平凡或许都将要改变,那么本就不平凡的稀有异树呢? A such young tree, even if before has not experienced the mutation, it definitely is also extraordinary! 这样的一株小树,即便在没有经历过异变前,它也肯定非凡! The quarry stone of under foot are many, Chu Feng has arrived at the edge of azure copper mountain body, here road is too difficult to walk. 脚下的乱石很多,楚风已经走到青铜山体的边缘了,这边的路太难走。 Suddenly, strong winds well up, the Chu Feng eyelid jumps, he saw that a piece of shadow suddenly appears on the ground, immediately must block from him. 突然,一阵狂风涌来,楚风眼皮直跳,他看到有一片阴影突然出现在地上,马上就要把他遮住了。 Has any thing to be close! 有什么东西在接近! He was agile, the body was vigorous, direct turned over/stood up, has avoided fast, he tumbled rapidly on the mountain a distance, was takes out the self-defense in this process the folding crossbow, effective and quick assembly. 他反应敏捷,身体矫健,直接一个翻身,快速躲避了出去,他在山上迅疾翻滚出去一段距离,在这个过程中更是取出防身的折叠弩,有效而快捷的组装。 In the outdoors, a person travels particularly, how can not have some appliances of self-defense, Chu Feng turns around is a steel arrow, bang has shot. 在户外,尤其是一个人旅行,怎么能没有一些防身的器具呢,楚风转身就是一支钢箭,砰的一声射了出去。 Meanwhile, he saw that is anything! 同时,他看到了那是什么! On the Chu Feng's face appears difficult word startled accommodates, this lifeforms build was too big, far ultra similar. 楚风的脸上浮现出难言的惊容,这生物的体形太大了,远超同类。 A golden bird of prey, wing is very bright, extends sufficiently the 5-6 meter, dives from the sky, nearly grasped a moment ago on his body. 一头金色的猛禽,羽翼很亮,伸展开来足以五六米长,从天空中俯冲而下,刚才险些抓在他的身上。 When, steel arrow horizontal, hits not far away a big blue stone, sparks splashes randomly, is scratching ferocious bird, was shunted by it unexpectedly. 当的一声,钢箭横过,击中不远处的一块大青石,火星乱溅,擦着凶禽而过,竟被它躲开了。 Meanwhile, that sharp big claw, scratches the stone of ground, the fricative is grating, making one think to send to terrify, it soars on, wind sound/rumor whistling. 同时,那锋利的大爪子,擦中地上的土石,摩擦声刺耳,令人觉得发瘆,它腾空而上,风声呼呼。 The Chu Feng back sends coldly, if a moment ago were not he responds rapidly, was grasped by this ferocious bird, the consequence was dreadful. 楚风脊背发寒,刚才如果不是他反应迅疾,被这凶禽抓中的话,后果不堪设想。 The common falcon can catch the crack hare and other prey of easily the skulls, a such big golden bird of prey, its strength can be imagined, if a moment ago were slightly late one step, that scene was very absolutely miserable. 一般的鹰隼可以轻易抓裂野兔等猎物的头骨,这么大的一头金色猛禽,其力量可想而知,刚才如果稍微迟一步,那场面绝对很惨。 Chu Feng first backs up, chooses advantageous topography, backs in a giant stone, then he grasps the folding crossbow, aims at the sky, is alerting discretely. 楚风第一时间倒退,选择有利地势,背靠在一块巨石上,然后他手持折叠弩,对准天空,谨慎的戒备着。 In the midair, the golden bird of prey circles, was too fierce, is pasting the mountain massif, swings the gale! 半空中,金色的猛禽盘旋,太凶猛了,贴着山体,荡起大风! Has never seen such big bird. 从未见过这么大的禽类。 Looks at its appearance, likely is the golden eagle, does not have the mixed wool, is all over the body luminous, build big scary, the very overwhelming power, the golden pupil is shining, is wild, the body is bringing the vicious tendencies. 看它的样子,像是金雕,没有杂毛,通体光亮,体形大的吓人,非常威猛,金色瞳孔灿灿,野性十足,身上带着戾气。 The general golden eagle possibly so will be how big, this is the different kind, is not normal! 一般的金雕怎么可能会这么大,这一头算是异类,太不正常了! If in the ancient times, some clans and tribes may regard the Great Peng bird this golden bird of prey. 如果是在古代,有些部族或许会将这头金色的猛禽当成大鹏鸟。 When, the ancient carries on the record, are many some exaggeration. 5-6 meter golden color ferocious bird absolutely is Anomaly, if appears, definitely will initiate the big mighty waves. 因为,古人进行记载时,多有些夸张。五六米长的金色凶禽绝对算是一个异数,如果出现的话,肯定会引发大波澜。 Especially in this Kunlun Mountain region, will add the mysterious air. 尤其是在这昆仑山地带,更会平添神秘色彩。 The golden great birds and beasts are very ominous, but immediately has not actually dived, but is circling, it has unusual keen, obviously has also realized in the Chu Feng hand the might of that crossbow. 金色巨禽很凶,但是却没有立刻俯冲过来,而是在盘旋,它有着非同一般的敏锐,显然也意识到了楚风手中那把弩的威力。 Suddenly, Chu Feng smelled a fishy smell. 忽然,楚风闻到了一股腥味。 Three snow leopards from the mountain massif come, to be quietly slowly, the pupil is spooky, the mouth holds to the bloodstain, the snow white fang is sharp, obviously some time ago had hunted and killed any lifeforms. 三只雪豹从山体下方缓缓而来,悄无声息,瞳孔幽幽,嘴巴都粘着血迹,雪白獠牙锋利,显然不久前曾经猎杀过什么生物 They stare at Chu Feng, the body are bending slightly, simultaneously looks to the golden bird of prey in midair, dreaded, exudes the restless low roar. 它们盯着楚风,身体略微弓起,同时又看向半空中的金色猛禽,非常忌惮,发出不安的低吼声。 Three snow leopards compared with the common similar strong, sharp claw flood the cold light, the powerful body are making the preparatory movement that momentarily can kill. 三只雪豹远比一般的同类强壮,锋利的爪子泛着寒光,有力的躯体做出随时会扑杀的预备动作。 Chu Feng frowns, has not thought that will meet this danger, airborne has golden ferocious bird, the ground has to run the extremely fast leopard, his situation is worrying. 楚风蹙眉,没有想到会遇上这种危险,空中有金色凶禽,地上有奔跑极速的豹子,他处境堪忧。 Suddenly, three snow leopard fur vibrate, the hair root root of neck has set upright but actually, they avoid fast, prance, enters in the pile of stones. 突然,三头雪豹皮毛抖动,颈部的毛根根倒竖了起来,它们快速躲避,腾跃而起,进入乱石堆中。 Silent, on mountain were many a yak, the pitch-black luminous, black wool is all over the body same as silk fabrics, flowing black light, pair of thick buffalo and cow horns raise, to sky. 无声无息,山上多了一头牦牛,通体乌黑光亮,黑毛跟绸缎子一样,流动乌光,一对粗大的牛角扬起,对着天空。 This can be called is consumes Ox King, more than one zhang (3.33 m) are fully long, the four limbs are sturdy, the physique is huge, with black hill, stands there. 这称得上是一头耗牛王,足有一丈多长,四肢粗壮,体格巨大,跟一堵黑色的小山似的,站在那里。 This makes the Chu Feng heart startled, this black yak is so huge, walks does not have the sound with the snow leopard same unexpectedly, is the towering appearance, cannot discover ahead of time. 这让楚风心惊,这头黑色的牦牛这么庞大,走路居然跟雪豹一样没有声息,也是突兀出现的,没能提前发现。 Moreover, that three snow leopards feared very much this pitch-black luminous big yak, hid in stone Dui, this is not very normal! 而且,那三头雪豹很怕这头乌黑光亮的大牦牛,躲进了石碓中,这很不正常! The black big yak looked up golden ferocious bird in midair, was then motionless, calmly stood there, looked to the azure copper mountain top. 黑色的大牦牛抬头看了一眼半空中的金色凶禽,而后便不动了,静静站在那里,望向青铜山顶。 These three did lifeforms come here? 这三种生物怎么都到了这里? Chu Feng knows is in the dangerous situation, has not acted rashly, he leaves in the waiting opportunity. 楚风知道身在险境中,没有轻举妄动,他在等待机会离开。 The distant place, a 6-7 beast shadow is running, comes to the mountain, the speed is quick, reveals the white fang, ominous takes in everything at a glance. 远处,六七道兽影在奔跑,向山上而来,速度很快,露出白色獠牙,凶性一览无余。 That is six wolves, is very big, strongly in similar, is the head wolf all over the body snow white, only then an eye, the green light is spooky, appears most ominous ferocious. 那是六头狼,都很高大,强壮于同类,为首的“头狼”通体雪白,只有一只眼睛,绿光幽幽,显得最为凶狞。 After they to vicinity, settles down short, saw after black big yak, slightly has the anxiety, looks to golden ferocious bird, appears is restless. 它们到了近处后,短暂驻足,看到黑色的大牦牛后略有焦躁,又看向金色的凶禽,显出不安来。 Suddenly, was broken tranquilly, six ominous wolves catch up together, simultaneously turns toward the summit to flush away along the quarry stone region. 突然,平静被打破了,六头凶狼一起发力,沿着乱石区域同时向着山顶冲去。 Meanwhile, three snow leopards also moved, the speed is extremely with lightning speed fast, withstand/top rush through toward azure copper mountain. 与此同时,三只雪豹也动了,风驰电掣,速度极快,向着青铜山奔行 Chu Feng backs up, he wants to leave in light of this. 楚风倒退,他想就此离开。 Nearby the summit, the beast roar is unceasing, they are struggling coming up. 山顶附近,兽吼声不断,它们争着上去。 Bang! 砰! big change transmits, a face of snow leopard distorted, covered with blood, numerous fell from the mountain, it was turned by the yellow shadow racket together. 一声剧震传来,一头雪豹的面部变形了,血肉模糊,重重的从山上摔了下来,它是被一道黄影拍翻的。 That likely is a lightning, was too quick, in slanting thorn towering appearance, breaks in the beast group. 那像是一道闪电,太快了,斜刺里突兀的现身,冲入兽群中。 That is a mastiff, neck there wool is thick and long, is similar to the temple wool of lion, is almost big with the general concealed mastiff, on the claw is leading leopard blood. 那是一头獒,脖子那里的毛浓密而长,如同雄狮的鬓毛,个头跟一般的藏獒差不多大,爪子上带着豹血。 However, it was too swift and violent, leaps is several meter/rice is far, plunges the front. 但是,它太迅猛了,一跃就是数米远,扑向前方。 The wolf howling sound gets up, is very frigid, has the blood splash to splash, a azure wolf was cut by biting the neck, flung to fly. 狼嚎声响起,很惨烈,有血花溅起,一头青狼被咬断脖子,甩飞了出去。 Another wolf is flown, pounds on stone wall that vicious dog hits, at the scene dispirited. 另一头狼则被猛犬撞的飞起,砸在石壁上,当场萎靡。 This is the real mastiff in Tibetan region hearsay!” Chu Feng is startled. “这是藏区传闻中的真獒!”楚风吃惊。 According to local people, real mastiff life in the open country, may with tiger leopard Weidi, the quantity be extremely scarce, was discovered rarely. 据当地人讲,真獒生活在野外,可与虎豹为敌,数量极其稀少,罕被人发现。 But this real mastiff is fiercer than hearsay, like the lightning, intrudes in the beast group quickly, a contact, solves leopard two wolves. 而这头真獒比传闻更厉害,快如闪电,闯入兽群中,才一接触而已,就解决掉一豹两狼。 This is Mastiff King, Chu Feng guessed, it is even fiercer. 这是獒王,楚风猜测,它甚至更厉害。 That mastiff jumps once more, has 7-8 meter far fully, the big claw falls, the might endures compared with the bear's paws, , laid out an eye of wild wolf, tumbled. 那头獒再次跃起,足有七八米远,大爪子落下,威力堪比熊掌,噗的一声,将一只野狼的眼睛拍出,翻滚了出去。 Landing at the same time, this mastiff falls down a snow leopard, the roar is scary, they tumble there, this is the wild nature release. 落地的同时,这头獒又扑倒一头雪豹,吼声骇人,它们在那里翻滚,这是野性的释放。 The snow leopard pours in the pool of blood, throat was bitten through, could not live shortly. 雪豹倒在血泊中,喉咙被咬穿,眼看活不成了。 This mastiff has not been injured, neck there is similar to growing hair of lion temple explodes is standing, although is not big, but is similar to Suan'ni beast, has a special imposing manner, it jumps once more, charges into several other beast of prey. 这头獒并没有受伤,颈项那里如同狮鬓的长毛炸立着,个头虽然不大,但是如同狻猊兽般,有股特别的气势,它再次跃起,冲向另外几头猛兽。 Chu Feng almost some does not dare believe, has the overwhelming power mastiff dog so unexpectedly! Several rises, soon solved these wild animals. 楚风几乎有些不敢相信,竟有这般威猛的獒犬!几个起落而已,就快要将那些野兽解决完了。 Last snow leopard also died, only the silver of remaining that one-eyed „a wolf goes all out to flee, flushes away to the mountain, wants to live is leaving here. 最后一头雪豹也死了,只剩下那头独眼的银色“头狼”拼命奔逃,向山下冲去,想活着离开这里。 But, during several rises, it by that mastiff overtaking, a big mouth has opened, ruthlessly cuts by biting its neck, the entire wolf head almost breaks to fall. 可是,几个起落间,它就被那头獒给追上了,一张血盆大口张开,狠狠的咬断它的脖子,整颗狼头都差点断落下来。 Was solved then such nine fierce wild animals in a short time. 就这样九头凶猛的野兽在短时间内都被解决了。 Chu Feng grips tightly the folding crossbow, is ready in full battle array, is alerting there, this place was too dangerous! 楚风紧握折叠弩,严阵以待,在那里戒备着,这个地方实在太危险了! That mastiff was peaceful, on mouth is the beast blood, but is not it, it is motionless, raises head to look at that young tree on azure copper mountain cliff. 那头獒安静了,嘴上全是兽血,但不是它自己的,它一动不动,仰头看着青铜山崖上的那株小树。 Its is not very big, but, actually appears overwhelming power especially, the brown temple wool completely dyes the blood of other beast of prey, the power and influence is cold. 它个头不是很高大,但是,却显得格外的威猛,土黄色的鬓毛尽染其他猛兽的血,威势凛凛。 In this process, that black yak in staring at the young tree on azure copper mountain, has not been moving from beginning to end, is very unexpectedly calm. 在这个过程中,那头黑色的牦牛一直在盯着青铜山上的小树,自始至终都没有动过,竟然十分镇定。 But that golden ferocious bird circles in midair, with was some time ago same, is overlooking here. 而那头金色凶禽在半空盘旋,也跟不久前一样,俯视着这里。 Three strange lifeforms are very calm, like spirituality of some people, can calm down, the goal is that young tree, but immediately has not actually moved, resembles is waiting for anything. 三只诡异的生物都很沉稳,像是有人的灵性,非常沉得住气,目标是那株小树,但却没有立刻行动,似在等待着什么。 Chu Feng deeply feels amazed, because these three lifeforms are really unusual. 楚风深感惊诧,因为这三头生物实在非同寻常。
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