SR :: Volume #1

#3: Bronze Kunlun Mountains

"Dang!" “当!” The bronze vibrato vibrates, is having the great changes feeling of years. 青铜颤音震动,带着岁月的沧桑感。 Chu Feng puts down the stone in hand, believes firmly that this is the copper tablet without doubt, this makes him somewhat unbelievable, several thousand jin (0.5 kg) bronze ancient artifact, this is not the minor matter. 楚风放下手中的石块,确信这是铜碑无疑,这让他有些难以置信,数千斤重的青铜古器,这可不是小事。 If passes on, definitely will cause the stir. 如果传出去的话,肯定会引起轰动。 Above is carving the western king two characters, is having the precipitation of time, plain also has the mysticalness, the appealing mind, knows is not what age remains. 上面刻着西王二字,带着时光的沉淀,古朴中亦有神秘,吸引人的心神,真不知道是何年代所留。 „Does who bury it in Kunlun Mountain?” 什么人将它埋在昆仑山中?” Chu Feng strikes the copper tablet, metal vibrato is unceasing, what a pity he is not archaeology, cannot draw any valuable conclusion. 楚风敲打铜碑,金属颤音不断,可惜他并不是考古者,得不出什么有价值的结论。 „Before perhaps long years, here once had an extremely magnificent bronze civilization.” He talked to oneself, so speculation. “或许漫长岁月前这里曾经有一个极其辉煌的青铜文明。”他自语,这般推测。 He is always unsuperstitious, even if Kunlun Mountains has too many myth colors, and sees to inscribe the western king two characters towering the bronze great tablets, he does not believe these legends. 他一向不迷信,即便昆仑有着太多的神话色彩,并且突兀见到刻有西王二字的青铜巨碑,他也不怎么相信那些传说。 Chu Feng thought that even if Queen Mother of the West had existed, perhaps was also only the leader of some ancient times formidable tribe, but here was only a piece of vestige. 楚风觉得,西王母即便真的曾经存在过,或许也只是某个远古强大部落的首领,而这里只是一片遗迹。 Fierce earthquake, initiates the mountain massif magnetic field value to be unusual, inspires the cloud layer electric discharge, again the giant bronze that climbs mountains to reveal, therefore brings in the thunder and lightning to wind around?” “剧烈的地震,引发山体磁场值异常,引动云层放电,再加上山上露出的巨大青铜,所以引来雷电缭绕?” Chu Feng even more thought, possibly is this reason. 楚风越发觉得,可能就是这一原因。 He wants to dig very much this copper tablet, carefully looks at an outcome, how it to bury in underground has the small half, does not have the tool in the hand, is very difficult to succeed. 他很想将这块铜碑挖出来,仔细看个究竟,奈何它埋在地下有小半截呢,没有工具在手,很难成功。 Here the pacing back and forth moment, he climbs once more upwardly. 在这里徘徊片刻,他再次向上攀登。 The big crack on mountain is very wide is also very deep, dark, shocking, a ruined scene. 山上的大裂缝很宽也很深,黑乎乎,触目惊心,一片破败景象。 Any road, the appearance of the mountain danger is not along the way steep, the giant stone lies, upwardly is more difficult to walk. 沿途并没有什么路,山势险陡,巨石横陈,越向上越不好走。 The mountain massif is great, alone walks above, is feeling its vigor, thinks again about its many legends, in the Chu Feng heart is somewhat unusual, looks into the distance, the great mountain and vault of heaven are connected, the scene is very grand. 山体宏大,独自走在上面,感受着它的雄浑,再想到关于它的诸多传说,楚风心中有些异样,眺望远方,巨山与天穹相连,景象十分壮阔。 Climbed more than thousand meters upwardly, mountain going forward line when earthquake, this was not the distance that was good, met the rock to become less crowded, but tumbling, was dangerous. 向上攀走了千余米,在地震后的大山上前行,这可不是一段好走的路程,遇到山石松动而滚落时,非常危险。 Front, big pile of stones, the mountain wall some time ago was breaking drops one section. 前面,有一大堆土石,山壁在不久前断落下一截。 Was away from has a distance, Chu Feng saw exceptionally, he revealed startled accommodates, the fast advance, climbed upwardly, wanted to determine that saw whether for. 隔着有段距离,楚风就看到了异常,他露出惊容,快速前进,向上攀去,想要确定所见是否为真。 Likely is the verdigris!” “像是铜绿!” , He saw a piece of green mark from afar, the rusty stain is motley, in cliff there, this is not a small variety, but is very big a piece. 远远的,他看到了一片绿痕,锈迹斑驳,就在断崖那里,这可不是一小簇,而是很大一片。 Finally to the near, he saw clearly. 终于到了近前,他看清楚了。 Really!” “真是!” This may be more frightening than the copper tablet that previously saw. 这可比早先看到的铜碑更让人心惊。 On the mountain massif has a bulk cliff wall to break the backwardness, the separation place, is pasting mountain massif steep place there, reveals the dust-laden truth. 山体上有一大块崖壁断落后,断开的地方、贴着山体陡峭处那里,露出尘封的真相。 Is depending on stone wall, there green rust Large expanse, ancient is bringing mystically, this is the bronze construction body, falls the part to appear along with the mountain massif. 依着石壁,那里绿锈成片,古旧中带着神秘,这是铜质的建筑体,随着山体滑落部分而显现出。 Three bronze houses, are plain and silent, back on stone wall, constructs there, some parts were being buried by the stone, but can see the majority. 三座青铜房屋,古朴而寂静,背靠石壁,修建在那里,有些部分被土石埋着,但还是能看到大部分。 The bronze houses model is ancient, broad is having the heavy/thick feeling of history. 青铜房舍式样古老,恢宏中带着历史的厚重感。 In the bronze house, these tiles are also the bronze cast, is one after another neat and orderly, looks, likely is the green scale bedding there. 铜质房屋上,那些瓦片也是青铜所铸,一块又一块,整齐而有规律,一眼望去,像是绿色的鳞片铺盖在那里。 Chu Feng is startled, in the heart is unable to be tranquil. 楚风着实吃惊,心中无法平静下来。 This is the resounding discovery, bronze Artifact, such huge, this is several bronze houses, constructs in Kunlun Mountain, once was being buried by the depth. 这可是轰动性的发现,青铜器物,这么的庞大,这可是几座铜质房屋啊,建在昆仑山上,曾被深埋着。 The thing of what age this is, is who constructs? 这是什么年代的东西,是何人所建? According to his guess, this region definitely had one radiant bronze civilizations, had the years extremely long ago, the extant history book has not recorded. 依照他的猜测,这片区域绝对曾经有过一片璀璨的青铜文明,存在岁月极其古远,现存的史书都不曾记载。 While heart startled, he also has to be restless and puzzled. 只是在心惊的同时,他也有不安与不解。 Simuwuding is known as biggest bronze ancient artifact, but now looks like not only compared with that copper Bei Qing , compared with the present house, that cannot be a treasure. 司母戊鼎号称最大青铜古器,可现在看来不仅比那铜碑轻,和眼前的房屋比起来,那就更加不能算是重器了。 Without a doubt, the construction of this houses casts the cauldron more difficult than it. 毫无疑问,这种房舍的建造比之铸鼎更难。 The bronze house is casts, casting in same place, broad and solemn and respectful is passing mystically. 青铜房屋是铸成的,浇铸在一起,恢宏与肃穆中透着神秘。 If this were discovered by the outside, certainly is regarded as the treasure level bronze great talent, in the past had never seen type huge Artifact, has subversive. 这如果被外界发现,一定会被视为瑰宝级青铜大器,过去从未见过样庞大的器物,具有颠覆性。 Chu Feng encounters a difficulty is always very calm, but actually cannot be calm today, in the mountain range on western earth really has this bronze vestige, is really astonishing! 楚风遇事一向很镇定,但今日却不能从容了,西部大地上的山脉中竟然有这种青铜遗迹,实在惊人! He tries a thrust aside bronze door, the grating metal fricative spreads slightly, the copper gate was opened. 他尝试用力推开一扇青铜门,略微刺耳的金属摩擦声传出,铜门被打开了。 Chu Feng has not gone in immediately, has stood the moment outside, after ventilating, discrete taking a step, inside is very peaceful, as if has isolated with the outside, falling the needle may hear, but is bare, anything does not have. 楚风没有立刻进去,在外面站了片刻,通风后才谨慎的迈步,里面很安静,仿佛与外界隔绝了,落针可闻,但光秃秃,什么都没有。 On ground or wall, without any other Artifact. 无论是地上还是墙上,没有其他任何器物 Other two bronze houses are also so, the interior is spacious, not furniture. 其他两座青铜房屋也是如此,内部空旷,并无桌椅等。 The careful examination, has not lost the reveal, the copper room is spatial. 仔细查看,没有遗露,铜屋就是空的。 Chu Feng draws back, looks at three bronze houses, in the heart has too many puzzled, this is the building that the ancient occupies, when sacrificial offering uses? 楚风退出来,看着三座青铜房屋,心中有着太多的不解,这是古人居住的建筑物,还是祭祀时所用? In that remote ancient times, this was too luxurious! 在那遥远的个古代,这真的太奢侈了! When the history book had the record, the Simuwuding casting of Shang Dynasty time has used 200-300 artisans, coordinated difficultly to complete closely. 史书中有记载,殷商时代的司母戊鼎铸造时足足动用了两三百名工匠,密切配合才艰难完成。 Ancient times, if the casting three copper rooms, that can have the how big difficulty?! 古时,如果铸造三座铜屋,那得有多么大的难度?! Chu Feng settles down long time, to climb mountains here finally once more, after several hours, finally soon arrived at the summit, the distance also had about 200 meters, he left many sweat. 楚风在这里驻足良久,最后再次上山,几个小时后,终于快要到山顶了,距离还有200米左右,他出了很多汗水。 His physique surpasses, body is slender, is very strong, but hikes such mountain, for a long time gets down is very exhausted. 他的体质超好,身体修长,很强健,只是登这样的大山,长时间下来还是非常疲累。 Close to the summit, looks out into the distance, the mountain range fluctuates, the earth is grand, but individual appears incomparably tiny, is similar to the dust. 临近山顶,极目远眺,山脉起伏,大地壮阔,而个人则显得无比渺小,如同尘埃。 Stands on the great mountain, looks up to that near at hand deep blue vault of heaven, making the person heart happy, can forget all worriedly, individual honor or disgrace, all, appeared not worthy of mentioning. 站在巨山上,抬头看向那近在咫尺的碧蓝天穹,让人心胸都为之舒畅,可以忘记一切烦忧,个人的荣辱,所有的一切,都显得微不足道了。 Here elevation was high, but has not actually seen the snow, and has the vegetation as before, this makes Chu Feng think somewhat strangely. 这里的海拔已经非常高,但却未见到积雪,并且依旧有草木,这让楚风觉得有些奇怪。 Has the trace of thunder strike!” “有雷击的痕迹!” Chu Feng discovered that on the mountain has the scorch, once had been divided by the thunder and lightning, has vegetation turn into ashes of bulk region, pitch-black. 楚风发现山上有焦痕,曾被雷电劈过,有大块区域的草木化成灰烬,一片乌黑。 In addition, the rock was broken out, the mountain massif damage of big piece. 除此之外,山石都被劈开了,大片的山体损毁。 This makes him believe firmly, before several days dates, here bad fog is strong, the blue light winds around, is actually the lightning, this place had encountered the thunder strike. 这就更加让他确信,数日前这里大雾浓重,蓝光缭绕,其实是闪电,这片地方曾经遭遇过雷击。 The front road is difficult to walk, giant stone stack, Chu Feng detours, wants to come up from the mountain massif. 前方的路不好走,巨石堆积,楚风绕行,想从山体另一侧上去。 However, after he turns around, to another side of summit, the body becomes stiff slightly, a pupil contraction, the first feeling shock so. 然而,当他转过来后,到了山顶的另一边时,身体微微发僵,瞳孔一阵收缩,第一次感觉这般的震惊。 When is sees the copper room, he does not have so. 就是见到铜屋时,他也没有如此。 Here mountain massif had landslide, the stone has tumbled very thick, reveals metallic feel. 这边的山体曾经发生过滑坡,土石翻滚下去很厚的一层,露出金属质感 copper mountain!” 铜山!” After the stone large surface area turns falls, the scene that reveals is really astonishing. 土石大面积翻落下去后,露出的景象实在过于惊人。 Summit region unexpectedly bronze, once was buried by the soil layer under. 山顶这块区域竟然是铜质的,曾被土层埋在下方。 This is not a scrap region, to summit about 200 meters far, this big piece region has revealed the bronze sense of reality. 这可不是一小块区域,离山顶近200米远,这大片地带都已露出青铜质感。 This can have other ideas, this mountain is the bronze, the semblance is covering the stone, gets down just now is real scenery? 这怎能不让人产生其他想法,这座山是青铜的,外表掩盖着土石,下方才是“真景”? Really is unthinkable! 实在是匪夷所思! How the truth, is unknown, but most at least these 200 meters high mountain massifs are the bronze, is sufficiently shocking. 真相如何,不得而知,但最起码这200米高的山体是青铜,足以惊世。 Chu Feng was feared, this is a mountain in Kunlun Mountains, the interior is bronze, has subverted his train of thought that the test in the past the idea of long since formation. 楚风被惊住了,这是昆仑中的一座山,内部是铜质,颠覆了他的思绪,考验过去久已成型的观念。 He does not believe these profound different matters, always so-called legend, when the story listens. 他不信那些玄异的事,一向将所谓的传说当故事听。 But at present here is passing strangely, could not explain. 但眼下这里透着诡异,解释不清。 After being struck by lightning, reveals azure copper mountain to take seriously. 被雷击后,露出青铜山顶真相。 Here matter somewhat shocks everybody really! 这里的事着实有些惊世骇俗! When Chu Feng climbed along copper mountain upwardly, is away from the summit about hundred meters halted, because here was exceptionally steep, was one bronze precipices, was very difficult to be upward. 楚风沿着铜山向上攀,距离山顶将近百米时止步了,因为这里异常陡峭,是一片青铜绝壁,很难向上了。 Meanwhile, he smelled delicate fragrance, sends with the wind. 同时,他闻到了一股清香,随风送来。 This place is copper material, is the ice-cold metal, previously had not seen the vegetation, bare. 这块地方都是铜料,是冰冷的金属,早先并没有看到草木,光秃秃。 Chu Feng raises head to watch, seeks carefully. 楚风仰头观看,仔细寻找。 Really saw, on the azure copper mountain cliff, there is a plant! 果然见到了,在青铜山崖上,有一株植物! There belonged to the summit region, after he returns, seeks for the way that can climb up upwardly from other positions once more, gradually approaches, wants to look is more careful. 那里已经属于山顶区域,他退回后,从其他方位再次寻找可以向上攀爬的路径,逐渐接近,想看的仔细一些。 Shortly, although cannot arrive at the summit as before, but actually saw clearly. 不久后,虽然依旧到不了山顶,但却看清了。 A green and glossy young tree, more than three chi (0.33 m) high, it takes root on the bronze cliff wall unexpectedly, ties a flower, is in bud. 一株绿油油的小树,三尺多高,它竟然扎根在青铜崖壁上,结有一朵花,含苞待放。 Chu Feng believes firmly oneself have not misread, there does not have the stone, some are only the bronze, it takes root on the bronze cliff wall, is really unthinkable. 楚风确信自己没有看错,那里没有土石,有的只是青铜,它扎根在铜质的崖壁上,实在匪夷所思。 This is astonishing, some are incomprehensible. 这过于惊人,有些不可理解。 He has traded a position, chooses place that has favored climbs upwardly, the distance was nearer, the clarity that looks , the young tree indeed takes root on the bronze! 他换了个方位,选择了一处更利于向上攀的地方,距离更近了,看的清楚,小树的确是扎根在青铜上! …… …… That many messages, the book review area is irritable, gains across the board, making me feel a little pressure, must result in writes Sacred Ruins to support facing everybody like this. 那么多的留言,书评区火爆,还有飘红等,让我觉得有点压力,必须得写好圣墟才能面对大家这样的支持。
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