SR :: Volume #1

#2: Post- civilized time

Cattle and other domestic animals were doubtful, almost rushes out the stockade, the herdsman stops, was berating loudly, usually several very ominous concealed mastiffs bent down at this time lowly in the place, shouting, was very restless. 牛羊等牲畜疑似受惊,差点闯出栅栏,牧民阻拦,大声喝斥着,平日间几头很凶的藏獒此时低伏在地,嘶吼着,很不安。 Simultaneously also has the child to sob, the woman is comforting. 同时还有孩子在哭泣,女人在安抚。 Several old herdsmen in prayer, are very reverent, finally kneels down, kotows toward the big mountain range of distant place, is serious. 有几名老牧民在祷告,很虔诚,最后更是跪下,朝着远方的高大山脉叩首,非常郑重。 Arrives regarding Chu Feng's, the herdsman is not surprised, because had outsider to pass by frequently, in the tent of staying overnight in somebody's home herdsman. 对于楚风的到来,牧民并不吃惊,因为经常有外来者路过,借宿牧民的帐篷中。 After for a long time, at the foot of the hill noise weakens. 很长时间后,山脚下的嘈杂声才变弱。 Chu Feng has scoured the body with the hot water, is drinking the rich fragrance buttered tea, exhausted the retrogression are many immediately, he all candies will have given to the children. 楚风用热水擦洗过身体,喝着浓香的酥油茶,身上的疲惫顿时消退不少,他将身上所有的糖果都送给了孩子们。 Several child small faces are ruddy, that is the plateau is red, is bringing shy smiling, looks like very simple and honest, after dividing the candy disperses instantly, is very joyful and satisfied. 几个孩子小脸红扑扑,那是高原红,带着腼腆的笑,看起来非常淳朴,分完糖果后一哄而散,很快乐与满足。 Actually some time ago this mountain scene had what, was this question in Chu Feng heart, don't tell me here once was also in full bloom the monster different blue color other shore to be nearly colored? 不久前这片山地究竟发生了什么,这是楚风心中的疑问,难道这里也曾经盛开近乎妖异的蓝色彼岸花? The old herdsman hair in tent is gray, on the face the wrinkle is very deep, is having the obvious worried look, he looks to the tent, is staring at the mountain range of distant place. 帐篷中的老牧民头发花白,脸上皱纹很深,带着明显的忧色,他看向帐篷外,凝视着远方的山脉。 Quick, Chu Feng learned, here also presents the excessively blue fog, winds around in the mountainous region, many domestic animals therefore frightened, performance very is hot tempered, wants to flee. 很快,楚风得悉,这里果真也出现过蓝雾,在山地中缭绕,许多牲畜都因此受惊,表现的非常暴躁,想要逃离。 However, the strange blue other shore is not colored, and mist is very thin. 不过,并没有诡异的蓝色彼岸花,且雾气很稀薄。 Why can you kotow to the mountain?” Chu Feng asked. “您为什么要向山中叩首?”楚风问道。 That is the Holy Mountain direction.” The old herdsman replied. “那是圣山的方向。”老牧民答道。 Kunlun Mountains, is known as name of Divine Mountain and Holy Mountain, the myth color is strongest, from «Classic of Mountains and Seas» to «Huainanzi», arrives at «Records of the Grand Historian» again, various ancient book record many. 昆仑,素有神山、圣山之称,神话色彩最为浓烈,从《山海经》到《淮南子》,再到《史记》等,各种古册记载繁多。 Previously, this mountain scene neighbor, only then shallow blue fog, but some people saw, in the Kunlun Mountains direction was actually blue unusual rich. 早先时,这片山地附近只有一层较浅的蓝雾,可是有人看到,在昆仑山脉方向却是蓝的异常浓郁。 There bad fog is turbulent, the clear well-illuminated, dense ebullition, afterward was similar to the light beam, the blue light was torrential, blazing rosy cloud, very magnificently intense. 那里大雾汹涌,晶莹通亮,氤氲沸腾,后来更是如同光束般,蓝光滔滔,炽霞一道道,非常的盛烈 As if round dazzling blue great sun was being wrapped by the thick fog, ups and downs there, although is away from is very far, but often projects the ray, is similar to like lightning. 仿佛有一轮炫目的蓝色大日被浓雾包裹着,在那里沉浮,虽然隔着很远,但不时射出光芒,如同闪电般。 Looks from afar, is very mystical, the blue light is radiant, dances in the air unceasingly, is extremely dazzling. 远远望去,无比神秘,蓝光璀璨,不断飞舞,极其耀眼。 Therefore, some old herdsmen kotow to that direction, reverent prayer. 所以,一些年老的牧民向那个方向叩首,虔诚祷告。 Obviously, there phenomenon is extremely astonishing, blue fog rich not being able to melt, is having the flaming multi-colored sunlight, sees in the desert compared with Chu Feng. 显然,那里的异象极度惊人,蓝雾浓郁的化不开,带着炽盛霞光,比楚风在沙漠中所见到的更甚。 These miraculous scenes why? Chu Feng is pondering over. 这些神异景象到底因何而起?楚风思忖着。 He has thought a possibility, perhaps is the earthquake in mountain initiates. 他想到了一种可能,或许是山中的地震引发的。 In the past, place once had had the matter of being similar, in that mountain valley often arose suddenly the startling thunderclap, shelled the living creature. 过去,有一地曾发生过类似之事,那山谷中时常突发惊雷,轰击活物。 If the mountain range has the fierce earthquake, may cause the magnetic field abnormal value superelevation, by the electromagnetic field effect, the magnetic field function in electric charge and mountain in cloud layer, causing the electric charge to discharge, in addition the aurora effect, makes there colorful, becomes very special mine field, different in often/common. 山脉如果发生剧烈地震,可能会引起磁场异常值超高,在电磁场效应下,云层中的电荷和山中的磁场作用,导致电荷放电,再加上极光效应,使那里色彩斑斓,成为十分特殊的雷区,迥异于常。 Chu Feng is unsuperstitious, thought the matter that in mountain has mostly is only a natural phenomenon. 楚风并不迷信,觉得山中发生的事多半只是一种自然现象。 No matter what, how he explained, the old herdsman said anything does not believe that and looks angrily at to him, thinks that he blasphemed Holy Mountain, almost drives away him. 可是,任他怎么解释,老牧民说什么都不信,并且对他怒视,认为他亵渎了圣山,差点把他赶走。 In fact, indeed has unable to convince with the forced place, is Chu Feng thoroughly has not made thoroughly, for example some time ago beautiful flower in desert. 事实上,的确有说不通与牵强的地方,就是楚风自己也未彻底弄透彻呢,比如不久前大漠中的妖艳之花。 He sighed lightly, civilized time after this, many matter non-solutions, although the people tried hard to explain with the past rule, but this world more and more was actually hard to be understood. 他轻叹,在这“后文明时代”,有许多事都无解,尽管人们努力用过去的规律来解释,可是这世界却越来越难以被理解了。 The war once partly destroyed the earth, nearly changes to abandoned land, although after long restoration, earth once more vitality abundant, but in years past bright time was hard to return to original state eventually. 战争曾将大地半摧毁,险些化作废土,虽然经过漫长的恢复,大地再次生机盎然,但昔年的灿烂时代终究难以还原。 In the post- civilized time quite long years, the incidence the mysterious accident, the influence was very once big, may until now the non-solution. 在后文明时代较为漫长的岁月中,曾经发生数起神秘变故,影响很大,可至今无解。 In the morning, glowing red Sun leaps the horizon, the shining rosy-colored clouds at dawn have slid the hill, falls before the tent, on the lawn, performs obviously the full of vigor and vitality shape. 清晨,红彤彤的太阳跃出地平线,灿灿的朝霞滑过山丘,落在帐篷前,草地上,尽显朝气蓬勃之象。 Chu Feng said goodbye to this clan and tribe, started off once more. 楚风告别这个部族,再次上路。 He to the west, enters plateau. 他一路向西,进入高原。 Along the way, he finds that mysterious blue fog affects the range to be extremely broad, the region that most at least passes through once appeared. 沿途,他了解到,那神秘的蓝雾波及范围极广,最起码所走过的区域都曾出现。 Isn't together the mysterious accident?” He talked to oneself. “不会又是一起神秘变故吧?”他自语。 In the history that several times, once had very big disturbance, did not have the definite answer to the present. 历史上那几次,曾闹出很大的风波,到现在还没有确切答案呢。 The sky of Tibetan region especially blue, the cloud layer is pure white, is very low to the ground, as if puts out a hand to move slightly, desert, mountainous region and pasture are very tranquil, here likely is pure land of standing aloof from the world. 藏区的天空格外的蓝,云层洁白,离地面很低,仿佛稍微一伸手就能触碰到,戈壁、山地、草场都很宁静,这里像是一片与世无争的净土。 All the way, Chu Feng hears many hearsay. 一路上,楚风听到很多传闻。 Some herdsmen said that the living buddha on Holy Mountain regained consciousness, therefore has the blue light to flow, the bad fog fills the air, obstructs to gather together the four directions. 有牧民说,圣山上的活佛苏醒了,所以才有蓝光流淌,大雾弥漫,遮拢四方。 Also some people said that is Vajra bodhi Divine Tree is growing, must blossom and bear fruit. 还有人说是金刚菩提神树在生长,要开花结果了。 Dragon mastiff must be born!” Also some people said like this. “龙獒要出世了!”也有人这样说。 In native opinion, genuine mastiff lives in the open country, may with the lion tiger be the enemy, but is not the real mastiff that the person raises. A legend, in Holy Mountain has dragon Ao, several hundred years can present a head, the strength is greatly infinite, can the exorcize demons. 在当地人看来,真正的獒生在野外,可与狮虎为敌,而被人所豢养的不属于真獒。更有一种传说,圣山中有龙獒,数百年能出现一头,力大无穷,可以降魔。 After several days dates, Chu Feng close to the Holy Mountain region. 数日后,楚风临近圣山区域。 He has found, each region once presented the light blue fog along the way, mostly with historical that several times are the same, is a significant mutation. 他已经了解到,沿途各地都曾出现淡淡的蓝雾,多半跟历史上的那几次一样,又是一次重大的异变。 Meanwhile, this also means that also like the first several times, the ordinary person will not understand throughout the internal cause! 同时,这也意味着,又像前几次那样,一般的人始终都不会了解到内因! Even, most people knows will not incur what kind of consequence. 甚至,大部分人都不知道会引发怎样的后果。 Strange saying that originally is the late autumn season, the weather of Tibetan region should cold Cai be very right, may for several days, Chu Feng head west, actually gradually felt warm feeling. 说也奇怪,本已是深秋季节,藏区的天气应该很冷才对,可近几日来,楚风一路西行,却渐渐感觉到了一股暖意。 In the past few days, the yellow leaf was on the wane, fallen leaves everywhere, but now is different. 前些天,黄叶凋零,败叶满地,而现在却不同了。 The leaf that on the tree survives as if restored the vitality/angry, no longer withered and yellow, no longer falls gently. 树上残存的叶子仿佛又恢复了生气,不再枯黄,不再飘落。 Especially close to Kunlun Mountains, on along the way, the weeds, are the thorn trees, in warm weather green shines, full of vitality. 尤其是临近昆仑,沿途上,无论是野草,还是荆棘树木等,在暖和的天气中绿的发亮,生机勃勃。 Late autumn, actually lacks that dreary. 已是深秋,却缺少那种萧瑟。 Weather turned warm, is don't tell me the mutation causes?” Chu Feng guessed. “天气变暖了,难道是异变导致的?”楚风猜测。 Finally, Kunlun Mountain is in sight. 终于,昆仑山在望。 Is away from is very far, feels a constriction. 隔着很远,就感觉到一种压迫感。 Palatial big mountain range, with overpowering momentum, is continuous and broad, just like the back of world, spans there. 巍峨高大的山脉,气势磅礴,连绵而恢宏,宛若天地的脊梁,横亘在那里。 It is grand and vigorous, beyond comparison, the mountain of not has his right. 它壮阔而雄浑,无以伦比,古之大山莫出其右者。 This mountain scene lineage/vein carrying/sustaining the infinite legend, is covering extremely strong myth color from ancient to present. 片山脉承载着无穷的传说,自古至今都笼罩着极其浓重的神话色彩。 After entering the Tibetan region, Chu Feng must step the return trip, however hears Kunlun Mountain change all the way unceasingly, once the blue light was sparkling, he wants close to looking. 原本进入藏区后楚风就要踏上回程了,然而一路上不断听闻到昆仑山异动,曾蓝光烁烁,他想临近看一看。 Is here.” “就是这里。” Chu Feng to the destination, has stood at the foot of the hill, if lofty great mountain still god great city, is broad and huge, is situated on the western earth, the boundless and vigorous air/Qi heads on. 楚风到了目的地,站在山脚下,巍巍巨山犹若神之巨城,恢宏而庞大,坐落在西部大地上,苍莽与雄浑之气扑面而来。 This is only a tiny part of Kunlun Mountains, that evening this region of past few days the blue light was once flaming, nearby person saw, but these days the rare person dares to approach truly. 这仅是昆仑山脉的一小段而已,前些天的那个傍晚这块区域曾经蓝光炽盛,附近的人都看到了,不过这些日子罕有人敢真正走近。 Chu Feng walks into the mountain, gradually climbs. 楚风进山,逐渐攀登。 The appearance of the mountain is gradually high, is somewhat steep, the giant stone lies, the road is even more difficult to walk, but the vegetation is all the way green, is not obviously normal in this late autumn season. 山势渐高,有些陡峭,巨石横陈,路越发不好走,而一路上草木葱郁,在这深秋季节明显不正常。 In the past few days had had earthquake really?” Chu Feng is observing. “前些天真的发生过地震?”楚风观察着。 On the mountain massif has the crack trace, the surface has many thick cracks, obviously the giant stone that rolls down from the appearance of the mountain high place, some escarpments are break fall. 山体上有龟裂的痕迹,地表有不少粗大的裂缝,还有明显是从山势较高处滚下的巨石,一些崖壁更是断落。 Is this great mountain, once had the unusual scene. 就是这座巨山,曾经发生异常景象。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Chu Feng sees a giant stone, above has the character, the scratch is very deep, was being buried the majority by the stone. 楚风看到一块巨石,上面有字,刻痕很深,被土石埋着大部分。 After the earthquake, the mountain massif small part breaks falls, landslide, this giant stone reveals from the underground deep place. 地震后,山体小部分断落、滑坡,这巨石是从地下深处显露出来的。 The big Shishangyouyi level sight of green, likely is the withered moss. 大石上有一层绿意,像是干枯的苔藓。 West...... Kings!” “西……王!” Chu Feng strokes carving characters on stone with the hand, recognizes these two characters, this is the bronze inscription, an age very remote writing, the ancient times carves above in Zhongding much. 楚风用手抚摸石上的刻字,认出这两个字,这是金文,一种年代非常久远的文字,古时多刻于钟鼎之上。 The average people are very difficult to recognize. 一般人很难辨识。 The flash, floats thinks unceasingly, Chu Feng is lost in thought that how can be these two characters? 一刹那,浮思不断,楚风出神,怎么会是这两个字? Here sees the western king two characters, how can make the association, really had Queen Mother of the West to be inadequate in that era? 在这里见到西王二字,怎能不让人作出联想,在那上古时代还真有西王母不成? Perhaps is only the ancient comes this to be grieved the stayed behind inscribed text.” Chu Feng shakes the head, self- explanation. “或许只是古人来此凭吊所留下的碑文吧。”楚风摇头,自我解释。 Some are not right!” “有些不对!” Suddenly, he was startled, when stroking that carving characters trace, he discovered so-called withered moss was not normal. 忽然,他怔住了,在抚摸那刻字痕迹时,他发现所谓的“干枯苔藓”不正常。 Green copper rust!” This discovery makes in his heart shake. “绿铜锈!”这个发现让他心中一震。 This tablet once dust-laden, buries in the mountain massif, wants to come not to have any moss carefully to be right, the time that it has been through repeatedly is very long, after fierce earthquake is heavy every day light. 这块碑曾被尘封,埋在山体中,仔细想来也不会有什么苔藓才对,它所历经的时代十分漫长,直到剧烈地震后才重见天光。 It unexpectedly is the bronze material quality! 它竟为青铜材质! But, such big ancient bronzes are true rarely. 可是,这么大的一块古铜属实罕见。 Yin Dynasty ruins unearthed Simuwuding also less than 2000 jin (0.5 kg), is known as biggest bronze ancient artifact, but this copper tablet......” “殷墟出土的司母戊鼎也不足2000斤,便号称最大青铜古器,而这块铜碑……” Chu Feng shoves open some stones, conservative estimate, this bronze most at least must be the 5-6 thousand jin (0.5 kg), is really shocking, in ancient this absolutely was together the rare treasure. 楚风推开一些土石,保守估计,这块青铜最起码也得重达五六千斤,实在骇人听闻,在古代这绝对是一块稀世重器。 Its green rust stained, looked that has buried the antiques of long years. 它绿锈斑斑,一看就是埋了漫长岁月的古物。 If Stele, Chu Feng also thinks that is the predecessor comes this to be grieved to remain, now greatly together the copper tablet, he is so indefinite. 如果是石碑,楚风还认为是前人来此凭吊所留,现在这么大一块铜碑,他不确定了。 In that remote ancient times, only to reflect on old times, who can consume? 在那遥远的古代,仅为了怀古,谁能消耗的起? For a long time does not see ^ _ ^ new book Sacred Ruins to start to upload, the member click, the recommendation ticket and collection, asking everybody to put out a hand. 好久不见^_^新书圣墟开始上传,会员点击、推荐票、收藏,请大家伸伸手吧。 The book review area is fiery , many people gain across the board, thanks everybody's enthusiasm, thanks all book friends. 书评区非常火热,也有很多人飘红,谢谢大家的热情,谢谢所有书友。
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