SR :: Volume #1

#1: The other shore flower in desert

The lone smoke on the desert is straight, River falls the Japanese Yen. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 The stretching to the horizon desert, is spacious and lofty, is grand and vigorous, when west the red glowing sun falls, horizon end dark red, boundless also has a desolate feeling. 一望无垠的大漠,空旷而高远,壮阔而雄浑,当红日西坠,地平线尽头一片殷红,磅礴中亦有种苍凉感。 The beacon of antiquity already elapsed in the years, although the Yellow River ancient road went through the change, but as in. 上古的烽烟早已在岁月中逝去,黄河古道虽然几经变迁,但依旧在。 A Chu Feng person is travelling, is very exhausted, he lies down on the yellow sand, looks at the blood-color setting sun, how long knows does not want to leave this deserts. 楚风一个人在旅行,很疲惫,他躺在黄沙上,看着血色的夕阳,不知道还要多久才能离开这片大漠。 Before several days dates, he has graduated, in the goddess with campus said says goodbye, perhaps could not see, after all he once by tactful informing, henceforth lived far apart, should bid good-bye. 数日前他毕业了,同时也跟校园中的女神说再见,或许见不到了吧,毕竟他曾被委婉的告知,从此天各一方,该分手了。 After leaving the school, he then comes out to travel. 离开学院后,他便出来旅行。 The setting sun is very red, hangs in the end of desert, has a tranquil beauty in spacious. 落日很红,挂在大漠的尽头,在空旷中有一种宁静的美。 Chu Feng sat to drink some water, felt that the energy restored much, his body was the slender strong that type, the physique was good, gradually abated exhaustedly. 楚风坐起来喝了一些水,感觉精力恢复了不少,他的身体属于修长强健那一类型,体质非常好,疲惫渐消退。 Stands to look into the distance, he thought that soon left the desert, will walk a distance perhaps to see the tent of herdsman again, he decided to continue. 站起来眺望,他觉得快要离开大漠了,再走一段路程或许就会见到牧民的帐篷,他决定继续前行。 Westbound, he leaves behind one string to be very long in the desert, very far footprint. 一路西进,他在大漠中留下一串很长、很远的脚印。 Silent, the haze, this was unexpectedly rare in the desert. 无声无息,竟起雾了,这在沙漠中非常罕见。 Chu Feng is surprised, but this fog unexpectedly is the blue color, gives people in this late autumn season a cool feeling. 楚风惊讶,而这雾竟然是蓝色的,在这深秋季节给人一种凉意。 The fog is gradually heavy, blue color winds around, dim, has covered this desert. 不知不觉间,雾霭渐重,蓝色缭绕,朦朦胧胧,笼罩了这片沙漠。 The desert end, the setting sun appeared somewhat strange, turned into gradually for one round blue date, had a demonic nature beauty, but the hot cloud was also dyed the blue color. 大漠尽头,落日都显得有些诡异了,渐渐化成一轮蓝日,有种魔性的美,而火云也被染成了蓝色。 Chu Feng knits the brows, although his knows, the weather of desert is changeable, but really is not quite at present normal. 楚风皱眉,虽然他知道,沙漠的天气最是多变,但眼前实在不太正常。 A silence, he stops footsteps. 一片寂静,他停下脚步。 Before entering desert, he once listened to the local old herdsman saying that a person walks in the desert, sometimes will hear some strange sounds, will see some strange things, wants the great care. 在进大漠前,他曾听当地的老牧民讲过,一个人走在沙漠中,有时会听到一些古怪的声音,会见到一些奇异的东西,要格外谨慎。 At that time he had not cared. 当时他并未在意。 As before tranquil, in desert abatement were many dim blue fog, other accidents have not occurred, Chu Feng steps out, he wants to leave here as soon as possible. 依旧宁静,沙漠中除却多了一层朦胧的蓝雾,并没有其他变故发生,楚风加快脚步,他想尽快离开这里。 The end of desert, setting sun blue monster different, dyed blue the western sky, but it soon vanished in the horizon eventually. 大漠的尽头,落日蓝的妖异,染蓝了西部的天空,不过它终究快要消失在地平线上了。 The Chu Feng's speed is getting more and more fast, starts to run, he does not want to stay in this type strangely, fills the uncertainty place. 楚风的速度越来越快,开始奔跑,他不想呆在这种诡异、充满不确定性的地方。 In the desert, mirage such marvelous sight occurred under scorching sun overhead much, at present does not tally, this likely is not any mirage. 在沙漠中,海市蜃楼那样的奇景多发生在烈日当空下,眼下不相符,这不像是什么蜃景。 Suddenly, front transmits the light sound, like has any thing broken sand . Moreover the sound is very crowded, continuously. 突然,前面传来轻响,像是有什么东西破沙而出,而且声音很密集,此起彼伏。 Chu Feng stops the footsteps quickly, is staring at the desert, the front ground blue light twinkle star, scatters a place blue drill likely, clear translucent, is sparkling in the setting sun afterglow. 楚风倏地停下脚步,盯着沙漠,前方地面蓝光星星点点,像是散落一地蓝钻,晶莹透亮,在落日的余晖中闪耀着。 That is one after another tender shoots, less than one inch high, break out from the ground from the desert, is having the beautiful gloss, bright, but monster different, everywhere is. 那是一棵又一棵嫩苗,不足一寸高,自沙漠中破土而出,带着美丽的光泽,剔透而妖异,遍地皆是。 Short stagnation, afterward rustling sound Large expanse , the blue color is shining, all tender shoots fast raise, grows in a flash. 短暂的停滞,随后沙沙声成片,蓝色灿灿,所有嫩苗都快速拔高,一瞬间生长起来。 The horizon, the blue date sank, soon will vanish, the mist filled the air, the vast desert was similar to has put on a strange blue tissue. 天边,蓝日下沉,即将消失,雾气弥漫,浩瀚的大漠如同披上了一层诡异的蓝色薄纱。 bo!” “啵!” The sound that the flowers bloom spreads, in desert deep blue, in instant, these plants that setting sun will soon vanish start to bloom the large expanse of flowers. 花朵绽放的声音传出,沙漠中一片湛蓝,在夕阳即将消失的刹那,这些植物开始绽放出成片的花朵。 Massive plumbago auriculatas, clear point, if still illusion, somewhat intoxicant, spreads in the desert, is not real. 大量的蓝花,晶莹点点,犹若梦幻,有些醉人,遍开在沙漠中,非常不真实。 This plant more than one foot high, such as the blue coral is all over the body translucent, flower petal, are beautiful and charming, just like putting in another state, is having the demonic nature, appealing mind. 这种植物一尺多高,通体如蓝珊瑚般透亮,花瓣一条条,妖艳而迷人,宛若盛放在另一片国度,带着魔性,吸引人的心神。 Chu Feng withdraws, however, full is this plant, the blue light is mobile, cannot look side. 楚风退后一步,然而,身后也已满是这种植物,蓝光流动,一眼望不到边。 He is very surprised, careful looks, identifies diligently, this resembles the other shore was colored, flower petals launch , the retroversion, is extremely beautiful. 他很吃惊,仔细的看着,努力辨认,这像极了彼岸花,一条条花瓣展开,又向后弯曲,极其美丽。 However, the brightness of other shore Chinese pear-leaf crabapple, but it is actually the blue color, never hears to have the blue other shore to be colored. 不过,彼岸花红的鲜艳,而它却是蓝色的,从未听闻有蓝色彼岸花。 The other shore flower exists, is having the strong religious color, has too many legends about it, but Chu Feng does not believe these, is only startled for the present scene. 彼岸花真实存在,带着浓烈的宗教色彩,关于它有太多的传说,但楚风不信这些,只为眼前的景象而惊。 The desert is dry, water scarcity, only then extremely scarce drought-enduring plant is occasionally seen, is scattering fragmentarily. But the other shore flower likes the gloomy and moist environment, how regardless of should not appear here, but also so beautiful. 沙漠干燥、缺水,只有极其稀少的耐旱植物偶尔可见,零星散落着。而彼岸花喜欢阴森、潮湿的环境,无论如何也不该在这里出现,还如此的妖艳。 Here everywhere is, cannot look at the end. 这里遍地都是,一眼望不到尽头。 The desert is vast, the mist dyed blue the setting sun, has soaked the horizon, but the trim spacious boundless desert opened up the blue other shore flower, strange and mysticalness that could not say! 大漠浩瀚,薄雾染蓝了落日,浸透了天边,而整片空旷无垠的沙漠都生出蓝色的彼岸花,说不出的奇异、神秘! Wisp of light fragrant drifting, making the person wallow. 一缕淡淡的芬芳飘漾,让人沉迷。 Chu Feng makes an effort to shake the head, careful taking a step, avoids these flowers, he discovered that only has a region not this plant, that is the--- Yellow River ancient road. 楚风用力摇头,小心的迈步,避开这些花,他发现只有一个地带没有这种植物,那就是———黄河古道。 Multiple change in years, after changing course, it passes through this deserts, now already near dry, the blue other shore flower spreads over a wide area both banks, is crowding around it. 在岁月中多次变迁,几经改道,它贯穿这片大漠,如今已近干涸,蓝色彼岸花开遍两岸,拥簇着它。 The flower opens both banks, each other remote sees. 花开两岸,彼此遥见。 Finally, Sun sank, but also precisely in this time, these plants put, the flower arrived at the pinnacle, changed to the blue sea, shining. 终于,太阳沉下去了,而也正是在此时,这些植物盛放,花开到极致,化作蓝色的海洋,流光溢彩。 Although dusk fall, but here blue gloss winds around, the pinnacle is dazzling, gorgeous extraordinary. 虽然暮色降临,但这里蓝色光泽缭绕,极致炫目,艳丽的出奇。 Chu Feng stands on the Yellow River ancient road, in the heart is unable to be tranquil, but he actually does not stop, goes forward along the river course fast. 楚风站在黄河古道上,心中无法宁静,但是他却不作停留,沿河道快速前进。 The weather fades out, final setting sun afterglow has also disappeared. 天色渐暗,最后的落日余晖也已不见了。 Blue desert brilliance, suddenly, with a crash, after all blue other shore flowers are then in full bloom, is unexpectedly on the wane in the flash. 蓝色的大漠光彩点点,而后突然间,砰然一声,所有蓝色彼岸花怒放后,竟然在一瞬间同时凋零。 The beautiful flower petal withers, then the entire plant starts withered, they lose the color, exhausts the vitality, turns yellow rapidly, then the disruption, likely lost in the flash for dozens years. 妖艳的花瓣枯萎,接着整株的植物开始干枯,它们失去色彩,耗尽生机,迅速发黄,而后碎裂,像是在一瞬间失去了数十年。 Bang!” “砰!” Final instant, everywhere a withered blue other shore flower cuns (2.5 cm) break, turned into the powder. 最后的刹那,遍地干枯的蓝色彼岸花寸寸断裂,化成了粉末。 This strange scene, is very difficult to explain. 这诡异的景象,很难解释。 They are similar to the fireworks, the short brilliance, arrives at the pinnacle beautifully, then on the wane, becomes the ashes. 它们如同烟花般,短暂的绚烂,美丽到极致,而后便凋零,成为灰烬。 The withered and yellow powder falls in the sands, is very difficult to distinguish in the twilight, but at this time the blue fog also already vanished, the desert restored the original design, is anything has not occurred likely, is once more tranquil. 枯黄的粉末落在沙地间,在暮色中很难辨出,而此时蓝雾也早已消失,大漠恢复了原样,像是什么都不曾发生过,再次宁静。 Chu Feng has not settled down, the stride vanguard, in the twilight, he crossed many sand dunes, finally saw mountain shadow in the horizon, must leave the desert. 楚风没有驻足,大步前行,在暮色中,他翻过许多座沙丘,终于见到了地平线上的山影,要离开大漠了。 The weather is gradually black, he walked finally, clear saw the mountainous region, was indistinct saw the tent at the foot of the hill herdsman. 天色渐黑,他终于走出来了,清晰的看到了山地,也隐约间看到了山脚下牧民的帐篷。 When turns head again, the desert is vast, is very silent, is different from the ordinary day. 再回头时,身后大漠浩瀚,很寂静,跟平日没什么两样。 The mountainous region front, the lights drag, when to at the foot of the hill is far heard some noises, there is not quiet, like has any matter to occur. 山地前方,灯火摇曳,离山脚下还较远时就听到了一些嘈杂声,那里不平静,像是有什么事情正在发生。 In addition, cattle and other domestic animal terrified cries, as well as concealed mastiff depressed low roar. 此外,还有牛羊等牲畜惶恐的叫声,以及藏獒沉闷的低吼声。 Has exceptionally the matter? Chu Feng steps out, rushes to at the foot of the hill, close to the dwelling place of herdsman. 有异常之事吗?楚风加快脚步,赶到山脚下,临近牧民的栖居地。
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