SR :: Volume #1

#6: stone box

Night, in the tent was very static, the towering sound cuts peacefully, Chu Feng's there, stopped all movements stiffly. 夜晚,帐篷中原本很静,突兀的声响划破安宁,楚风的手僵在那里,停止了所有动作。 Will the cube stone make this sound? 正方体石块怎么会发出这种声音? A slit appears in the stone. 一道缝隙出现在石块上。 Chu Feng puts down it, feared that has any accident to appear, the careful observation, has experienced some different matters today, his great care. 楚风放下它,怕有什么变故出现,仔细观察,今日经历过一些异事,他格外谨慎。 stone box?!” He is surprised. 石盒?!”他惊讶。 Surrounds the stone these marks to wind, once covered up this slit, now opens after slightly, this clearly appears. 环绕石块的那些纹络,曾遮掩住这道缝隙,现在略微开启后,这才清晰显现出来。 Previously, stone box fitted together perfectly, muddy, if a body, in addition had the mark to cover, was discovered very much difficultly had different. 早先,石盒太严丝合缝,浑若一体,再加上有斑痕覆盖,很难被发现有异。 Who will pay attention this unexpectedly is cube stone box? Three cuns (2.5 cm) high, is very plain. 谁会留意这竟是一个正方体的石盒?三寸高,很古朴。 Things have gotten to this point, Chu Feng somewhat anticipated, because stone box is somewhat mystical, picks in Kunlun Mountain at the foot of the hill, when originally only it is the stone, who once wants to have the universe unexpectedly. 事已至此,楚风有些期待,因为石盒有些神秘,在昆仑山山脚下捡到,原本只当它是石块,谁曾想竟另有乾坤。 Chu Feng keeps off the brass basin in tent before the body, defends, then careful opening stone box, making that slit increase. 楚风将帐篷中的铜盆挡在身前,进行防御,而后小心的开启石盒,让那缝隙变大。 Kā! 喀! The lid is separated, not anything exceptionally, non- dangerous occurrence. 盒盖脱离,并没有什么异常,无危险发生。 Chu Feng puts down the heart, sizes up stone box. 楚风放下心,打量石盒内部。 Some of do his slightly hopes, actually have what to seal in middle? 他略有希冀,究竟有什么密封在当中? The stone box inner space is very small, only then a very shallow scoop channel, almost cannot have any thing, obviously is impossible to hide the pearl beautiful jade. 石盒内部空间很小,只有一个很浅的凹槽,几乎装不下什么东西,显然不可能藏着明珠美玉等。 However, middle indeed has the thing. 不过,当中的确有物。 In that scoop channel, three withered seeds, fill up there thoroughly, in addition, does not have other again. 在那凹槽内,有三颗干瘪的种子,彻底将那里填满,除此之外,再无其他。 Chu Feng quite disappointed, picks stone box that in Kunlun Mountain, thinks that hides any rare treasure, the result has not been thinking, only has three seeds. 楚风相当的失望,在昆仑山捡到的石盒,原以为藏着什么秘宝,结果不曾想,就只有三颗种子。 A seed pitch-black, was already withered, somewhat distorted likely, lacks the vitality seriously. 一颗种子乌黑,早已干瘪,像是有些变形了,严重缺少生机。 Another seed is the purple brown, oblate, was compressed likely, it can have the fingernail to be so big. 另一颗种子呈紫褐色,扁圆,像是被压扁了,它能有指甲盖那么大。 Last seed is slightly normal, besides external skin fold, but also is full, it is not most at least shrivelled, the whole is the circular, is only somewhat withered and yellow. 最后一颗种子稍微正常,除了表皮褶皱外,还算饱满,最起码它不瘪,整体是圆形的,只是有些枯黄。 Chu Feng stares blankly, such three seeds? And two also dry looking awful, this really...... With widely divergent of imagination. 楚风发怔,就这么三颗种子?其中两颗还干巴巴的不成样子,这实在……跟想象的大相径庭。 Thinks picks stone box that to be somewhat mystical from Kunlun Mountain, perhaps is sealing any extraordinary thing, finally actually such ordinary. 原以为从昆仑山脚下捡到的石盒有些神秘,说不定封着什么了不得的东西,结果却这么的普通。 He places palm three seeds, carefully looked looked, really not extraordinary place. 他将三颗种子放在掌心,仔细看了又看,真的毫无出奇之处。 How many years did this thing bury in underground? It is not good to judge, but looked that this stone box past was absolutely remote enough, these marks wound the mark to blur. 这东西埋在地下多少年了?不好判断,但是看这石盒年代绝对足够久远,那些纹络斑痕都模糊了。 Was this ancient times thing? 这是远古的东西吗? However, if the antiques, after three seeds are unearthed, has not rotted, poured also calculates well. 不过,如果是古物,三颗种子出土后没有腐坏掉,倒也还算不错了。 Ancient thing of some underground seals, once every day light, some will immediately possibly damage. 一些地下密封的古旧之物,一旦得见天光,有些可能会立时损毁。 Chu Feng looked looked, really did not recognize them is any seed, has never seen, which three plants knows this did not correspond. 楚风看了又看,实在认不出它们是什么种子,从未见过,不知道该对应哪三种植物。 He is somewhat speechless, had to peep at the rare treasure a moment ago the fiery thought that but now is actually in a daze to three dry seeds! 他有些无言,刚才还有窥视秘宝的火热念头呢,而现在却对着三颗干巴巴的种子发呆! Finds the opportunity to plant, looks that can grow anything to come.” Chu Feng is pondering over. “找机会种下,看一看到底能长出什么来。”楚风琢磨着。 The years of three seed experiences are somewhat far, he was a little worried, but can also germinate, two were both withered. 只是,三颗种子经历的岁月有些远,他有点担心,还能发芽吗,其中两颗都干瘪了。 Can plant, maybe poisonous herb then line, if when the time comes grows the bean, or any vegetables, it is estimated that were also the ancient variety.” He smiled. “真能种出来,别是毒草就行,到时候要是长出豆子,或者啥蔬菜,估计也算是古老品种了。”他笑了。 The starry sky of plateau as if leaves the ground to be very near, the star light is shining, the moonlight like the water, sprinkles in this piece desolately and on the somewhat desolated earth. 高原的星空仿佛离地面很近,星光灿灿,月光如水,洒落在这片苍凉而有些荒芜的大地上。 Late at night, is especially silent. 深夜,格外寂静。 Dim within, Chu Feng hears Kunlun Mountain direction to hear the giant beast roar, reverberates in the hills, this makes him awaken from the dream. 朦胧间,楚风听到昆仑山方向传来巨大的兽吼声,在群山间回荡,这让他从梦中惊醒过来。 The staying overnight in somebody's home place is far from there, unexpectedly can hear the depressed beast roar in the night, is really astonishing. 借宿的地方离那里非常远,居然能在深夜听到沉闷的兽吼,着实惊人。 Obviously, in Kunlun Mountain has any matter to occur, hears the sound likely is not the roar of that mastiff and yak, has other beast of prey to appear. 显然,昆仑山中有什么事情正在发生,听声音不像是那头獒与牦牛的吼声,另有其他猛兽出现。 Indistinct within, the ground of that mountain scene lineage/vein lightly was trembling, passed on, uneasy was even more static. 隐约间,那片山脉的地面都在轻颤,传了过来,越发不宁静。 Some herdsmen were awakened, reverent prayer, is lying prostrate in worship to Holy Mountain, in the mouth was muttering anything. 一些牧民被惊醒,虔诚祷告,对着圣山顶礼膜拜,口中喃喃着什么。 Chu Feng also sets out to go out of the tent, he hears words of old herdsman. 楚风也起身走出帐篷,他听到一位老牧民的话。 „The living buddha in mountain regained consciousness.” “山中的活佛真的苏醒了。” Chu Feng is puzzled, even if there are ancient monk, how can accompany the beast roar? 楚风不解,即便有古僧,怎么会伴着兽吼声? You do not understand, this is we hides the place the legend, tomorrow morning you will hurry to leave.” The old herdsman said. “你不懂,这是我们藏地的传说,明早你赶紧离开吧。”老牧民说道。 Was in the mountain these Saint beasts must walk?” Another middle-aged person said. “是不是山中那些圣兽要走出来了?”另一位中年人说道。 The legend, Holy Mountain of plateau deep place has Ancient Beast of several deep sleep, some may compare favorably with Divinity, the strength is greatly infinite, can the exorcize demons, some are extremely fierce, will cause the disaster. 传说,高原深处的圣山有几头沉睡的古兽,有的可与神祇媲美,力大无穷,能够降魔,也有的极其凶猛,会造成灾难。 Chu Feng hearing this, pondered over, although he not entire letter, but did not think that the Tibetan said does not have the basis. 楚风闻言,一阵思忖,他虽然不全信,但却也不觉得藏民所说没有根据。 After all, he personally experienced the matter of azure copper mountain, indeed saw some Mutant Beast. 毕竟,他亲身经历了青铜山之事,的确见到了一些异兽 For example, that golden ferocious bird, has the 5-6 meter fully, if this in the ancient times, mostly will be called the Golden Winged Peng bird. 比如,那头金色的凶禽,足有五六米长,这要是在古代,多半就会被称作金翅大鹏鸟。 That pitch-black luminous yak, more than one zhang (3.33 m) are all over the body long, was afraid it including the leopard, the azure wolf, azure copper mountain that once when the strength is greatly infinite, visits shook to withstand/top trembles lightly, if mostly will be called Demon Ox in the ancient times. 那头通体乌黑光亮的牦牛,一丈多长,连豹子、青狼等都害怕它,力大无穷,踏足时曾震的青铜山顶轻颤,若是在古代多半会被称为牛魔 Some ancient legends, had exaggeration much, the time one long by the myth. Especially when the ancient records different heard, every time has the action of exaggeration, thinks that here is also so. 一些古代传说,多有夸张,时间一长就被神话了。尤其是古人记载异闻时,每有夸大之举,想必这里也是如此。 Late at night, the spacious plateau was finally peaceful, the depressed beast roar in distant place mountain vanishes. 后半夜,空旷的高原终于安静了,远方大山中的沉闷兽吼声消失。 The moonlight like the water, such as light smoke sprinkles, here as if with the starry sky links, is dim and peaceful. 月光如水,如薄烟般洒落,这里仿佛与星空连接在一起,朦胧而安谧。 The herdsmen no longer worried, grows the one breath. 牧民不再担忧,长出一口气。 Chu Feng also returns to the tent, falls into the deep sleep. 楚风也回到帐篷中,陷入沉睡中。 Next day, Chu Feng started off very early in the morning, afterward goes through many places to enter a western great city, he must board the train that goes home from here. 第二天,楚风一早就上路了,随后辗转进入西部的一座巨城,他要从这里踏上回家的列车。 Post- civilized time, after reconstruction, although did not have so to be in years past bright, but the disparity was not very huge, various transportation vehicle also convenience. 后文明时代,经过重建后,虽然没有昔年那么灿烂,但差距也不是非常巨大,各种交通工具也还算方便。 This days, Chu Feng in the open country, had broken the relation with the outside, now enters in the great city, has unexpectedly just likes separates the feeling of world. 这段日子,楚风一直在野外,跟外界断了联系,如今进入巨城中,竟有恍若隔世的感觉。 When the plateau, desert and mountain, his communication facilities has closed, once more opening, many news also pass. 一直在高原、沙漠、大山间,他身上的通讯工具都关闭了,再次开启时,许多消息同时传到。 The parents urged him to be careful, the attention security outside, there is a schoolmate friend to ask when he went back, other news. 父母叮嘱他一个人在外要小心、注意安全,也有同学友人问他什么时候回去,还有其他消息等。 Chu Feng replies one by one, until boarding train. 楚风逐一回复,直至登上列车。 He besides buying pile of between-meal snack, is bringing along the thing is few, on the road processed. 他除了买了一堆零食外,随身带着的东西很少,都在回来的路上处理掉了。 Found own position, put down thing, he grasped communication, started to read recently these days news, immediately was astonished. 找到自己的位置,放下东西,他手持通讯器,开始看最近这些日子的新闻,顿时惊异不已。 For several days, land had presented the bad fog, even the overseas also so, had the pale blue, had the scarlet red, the purple, the wide scope fell all over the area. 这些天以来,全国各地都出现过大雾,甚至国外也是如此,有淡蓝色的,有深红色的,还有紫色的,大范围普降。 Some people said, the mutation that this possibly is the past war left behind the nuclear radiation that initiates. 有人说,这可能是当年战争遗留的核辐射引发的异变。 But the expert spikes a rumour immediately, informs people, all securities, this is only the fog of nature, after vanishing, has been all right, is terrified. 但专家立刻辟谣,告知民众,一切安全,这只是自然界的雾霭,消失后就没事了,没必要惶恐。 Poll, there is another sound, said that this is the accident, just like historically that several times, affects each region. 民意调查,也有另一种声音,说这是变故,跟历史上那几次一样,波及各地。 About these, nobody dares vigorously to deny, when to the post- civilized time, this is not the first time, inside water is very deep. 关于这些,没有人敢极力否定,因为时至后文明时代,这已经不是第一次了,里面的水很深。 This is any matter, in midair has the plant to reappear, but also was really blames.” “这是什么事,半空中有植物浮现,还真是怪了。” After train start, a fatty arrives sits down, looking at the age should be almost big with Chu Feng, the medium stature, the belly is not small, on the face the fat, the ear was very big, smiled the eye narrows two seams, with maitreya buddha. 列车启动后,一个胖子走到近前坐下,看年纪应该跟楚风差不多大,中等个子,肚子不小,脸上肉呼呼,耳朵很大,笑起来时眼睛眯成了两道缝,跟弥勒佛似的。 When his unique jubilation feeling, did not speak, his a little benign countenance, was also bringing smiling, more looked more looks like the maitreya buddha. 他特有喜庆感,不说话时,他也有点慈眉善目,带着笑,越看越像弥勒佛。 Chu Feng has smiled immediately, this person is not definitely weary. 楚风顿时笑了,这人肯定不招人厌烦。 Brother, where goes to?” Short and stocky are originally ripe, greets. “兄弟,去哪里?”胖墩儿自来熟,打着招呼。 Taihang Mountains.” Chu Feng responded with a smile. “太行山脚下。”楚风笑着回应道。 „Aren't we a fellow villager? Said the exact location.” Fat people with a laugh. “咱不会是老乡吧?说具体位置。”胖子笑呵呵。 After asking, two people destinations were really same, immediately thought to be intimate with much, was the people in same place. 一问后,两人的目的地还真相同,顿时都觉得亲近不少,都是同一个地方的人。 The fat people called Zhou Quan, very safe the name, once studied in the west, this time was also the former home grounds revisit, came back to look. 胖子叫周全,很“安全”的名字,曾在西部读书,这次也算是故地重游,回来看一看。 Chu Feng also the news that notes Zhou Quan saying that recently some reports said, discovered airborne presents some strange float plants, this is a little strange. 楚风也注意到周全说的新闻,近日有报道称,发现空中出现一些奇异的悬浮植物,这有点诡异。 I am not clear, how they do not crash!” Fatty Zhou mumbled. “我就不明白,它们怎么不坠落下来!”周胖子叨咕。 Chu Feng read that news, is very puzzled. 楚风看了那则新闻,也很不解。 What important matter do not have?” Zhou Quan is at a loss. “不会要发生什么大事吧?”周全嘬牙花子。 Hope is safe, this world made people unable to understand more and more.” Nearby some people said. “希望平平安安,这世界越来越让人无法理解了。”旁边有人说道。 Yes, was peacefully best, somewhat discomforting heart.” “是啊,太太平平最好了,真有点让人不安心啊。” This as if caused alarm, some people echo. 这似乎引起了共鸣,一些人附和。 Estimate must have an accident sooner or later, these years had many unable to explain mysterious phenomena, various hearsay came out.” Some people said low voice. “估计早晚要出事,这些年已经有不少无法解释的神秘现象了,各种传闻都出来了。”有人小声说道。 Here has lived it up immediately, said anything has. 这里顿时热闹了,说什么的都有。 After two hours, Zhou Quan was very ripe with Chu Feng, after all is a person in place, is intimate with inborn. 两个小时后,周全楚风很熟了,毕竟都是一个地方的人,天生亲近。 He collects, mystical, said to Chu Feng: I listened to a relative to say in the past few days, he knows an outstandingly able person, said that this world must change.” 他凑过来,神神秘秘,对楚风说道:“我前些天听一个亲戚说,他认识个奇人,说这世界要大变了。” What will have to change?” Chu Feng asked. “会有什么变化?”楚风问道。 Will present the matter that some god gods talked on endlessly.” The Fatty Zhou sound is very small. “会出现一些神神叨叨的事。”周胖子声音很小。 I thought that you are more like god god talk on endlessly.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “我看你更像是神神叨叨。”楚风笑道。 „, Do not believe , my relative is not a person of speaking at a venture, usually is very rigorous and reasonable, the contact level is not very ordinary.” The fat people stare. “真的,你别不信,我那亲戚不是一个乱说话的人,平日很严谨与靠谱,接触的层面十分不一般。”胖子瞪眼。 Chu Feng shakes the head with a smile. 楚风笑着摇头。 The fat people somewhat are discouraged, said: Actually, I do not believe that the outstandingly able person rambled on unexpectedly, disclosed word that suggested unexpectedly some Western mythical characters were the type, said us also similar.” 胖子有些泄气,道:“其实,我也不太信,那奇人竟瞎扯,透露出的只言片语,竟暗示西方一些神话人物是种出来的,说我们这边也差不多。” !” “噗!” Nearby person is drinking water, hears exactly, water puffed out directly, keeps laughing. 旁边一人正在喝水,恰好听到,一口水直接喷了出去,笑个不停。 Goes, goes, goes, has anything to be laughable, does not say!” The fat people also thought awkwardly. “去,去,去,有什么可笑的,不说了!”胖子也觉得尴尬了。
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