SR :: Volume #16

#1540: Touches saying that sees the emperor

If this words make one hear, certainly will be considered as the madman crazy language. 这种话语如果让人听到,一定会被认为是狂人狂语。 The related powerhouse ensure wants to kill him. 相关强者保证想打死他。 When Sovereign Wu became the measuring unit, when did Lunatic Wu become others to establish with the small target that wants to exceed?! 什么时候武皇成计量单位了,什么时候武疯子成为别人立下与想超越的小目标了?! Chu Feng's spirit fast goes forward, he saw oneself fleshly body, falls down, is not far from the purple big tree. 楚风的灵快速向前而去,他看到了自己的肉身,倒在地上,距离紫色的大树不远。 Unexpected, seed germination grows, the flower bud bloomed for a long time, set up the body not to wither unexpectedly. 出乎意料,种子发芽生长,花蕾绽放这么长时间了,树体竟还没有枯萎。 Although the Chu Feng's physique has not dissipated thoroughly, but the condition is not very good. 楚风的形体虽然还没有彻底消散,但是状态很不好。 The, tattered and torn, the bone revealed that gloomy, loose, no gloss. 其身,千疮百孔,骨头都露出来了,暗淡,疏松,没有什么光泽。 As for the flesh, most spots had vanished, but some places only have dry hide, even the salvo silk was decayed. 至于血肉,大多数部位都早已消失了,而有些地方只剩下一层干皮,甚至连发丝都腐朽了。 Only then on some bones brings the spoiled blood, and lacks the vitality. 只有部分骨头上带着腐血,且缺少生机。 Regardless how to see, this died probably very long appearance, this makes in the Chu Feng heart sink, but, he not depressed, not desperate. 无论怎么看,这都像是死去很久的样子了,这让楚风心中一沉,不过,他没有沮丧,更没有绝望。 The bone still, above also has the blood, although putrefied, but should have such spirituality, he induced. 骨头还在,其上还有血,虽然腐化了,但应该还有那么一丝灵性,他感应到了。 In his opinion, the death tribulation that perhaps, this must experience, should face confidently. 在他看来,或许,这就是必然要经历的死劫,应坦然面对。 „The meat is the root of soul, I must induce carefully. The root has not extinguished, the spirit came back, when can return nurturing to parents!” “肉是魂之根,我要仔细感应。根未灭呢,灵回来了,当可以反哺!” Everywhere spirit granule, just like fine sand of illumination, if still the time ripples, falls toward that withered bone, his spirit all returned. 漫天的灵粒子,宛若发光的细沙,又犹若时光荡漾,向着那具枯骨落去,他的灵全部回归了。 Without the accident/surprise, he felt death aura heavy, after spirit return body, boundless death aura also has the darkness to submerge him. 没有意外,他感觉到了死气沉沉,灵回归身体后,无边的死气还有黑暗将他淹没。 Body of this dying, if usually has no feeling, but currently he has to plant to return to the female universe, becomes a experience of stretch of the world. 这具死去的身体,若是平日没什么感觉,但现在他却有种回到母宇宙,自成一片天地的体会。 This is his body, this is the root of his soul, now came back, but oneself primary human body universe died unexpectedly. 这是他的身体,这是他的魂之根,现在回来了,可是自己原初人体宇宙竟是死去了。 Has not died thoroughly, the flame has not extinguished, but also the root of having mystical powers is dormant, the waiting recovers, I must look!” “没有死透,还有火光未熄,还有灵之根在蛰伏,等待复苏,我要找出来!” Suddenly, the Chu Feng's spirit ray writings, he chanted sutras, the sensibility, must awaken the root in within the body, making the dead human body world resurrect. 一时间,楚风的灵光芒大作,他诵经,感悟,要唤醒体内的根,让死去的人体世界重新复活。 I saw, witnessed, even if dried up, almost died thoroughly, in this fleshly body is also retaining the root of that withered soul, can regain consciousness!” “我看到了,见证了,哪怕枯竭了,几乎彻底死去了,这肉身内还保留着那干枯的魂之根,能苏醒!” Chu Feng shocks. 楚风震撼。 He saw a piece of death aura heavy universe, when the dry lonesome planet dense and numerous arrangements and crash, one group of fires , the section of special root hair are still floating. 恍惚间,他看到了一片死气沉沉的宇宙,枯寂的星球密密麻麻排列与坠落时,有一团火还在,有一截特殊的根须在漂浮。 Naturally, this is his spirit reveals the photo the picture, actually, the real situation is a skeleton. 当然,这是他的灵的自我显照的画面,其实,真实情况就是一具骨架。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng's threw spirit, the endless light granule ebullition, integrated in that group of fires, entered in the withered root hair. 楚风的灵扑过去了,无尽的光粒子沸腾,融入那团火中,进入干枯根须内。 Suddenly, the sutra chanting is unceasing, he in whole-heartedly, making True Body recover! 一时间,诵经声不绝,他在全力以赴,让真身复苏! He forgot the time, stripped the influence of time, only has mystical powers is fluctuating, is recovering, finally his human form soul light blooms, the skeleton starts to have the gloss. 他忘记了时间,剥离了光阴的影响,只有灵在起伏,在复苏,最后他的人形魂光绽放,骨骼开始有光泽。 Also not knows how long, Chu Feng sat, he lowers the head, feels somewhat inconceivable, fleshly body restored unexpectedly directly! 也不知道多久,楚风坐了起来,他低下头,感觉有些不可思议,肉身竟直接恢复了! His finger is pure white, just like the jade, has the powerful strength, gently a point, the expansive sky seems like, was punctured thoroughly by him who the paper sticks. 他的手指洁白,宛若玉石般,拥有强大的力量,轻轻一点,长空像是纸糊的般,就被他刺透了。 Returned like this, dead did fleshly body resurrect?” “就这样回归了,死去的肉身复活了?” Even he feels somewhat inconceivable, is strange. 连他自己都觉得有些不可思议,非常诡异。 He thinks that will be very difficult, this process will be very long, will be defeated. 他以为会很艰难,这个过程将无比漫长,甚至会失败。 However, he has no feeling, in dimness, in partly awakes ignorant half, oneself restored. 但是,他都没有什么感觉呢,在朦胧间,在半醒半懵懂中,自身就恢复了过来。 Moreover, he is double reveres the fruit position now absolutely permanently! 而且,他现在绝对是双恒尊果位! Chu Feng raised the head, sees the purple big tree of not far away also, not on the wane, this explained that the time will not be long, he in completely spiritless, resurrected rapidly fleshly body. 楚风抬头,看到不远处的紫色大树还在,没有凋零,这说明时间不会很长,他于无知无觉间,迅速复活了肉身 Spirit, is born in fleshly body, this is an inalienable conjunction, the body is not a relay station, does not allow to discard, now has been confirmed that between my spirit and fleshly body have the matter that some I did not have completely to understand, very short time made fleshly body live!” “灵,诞生在肉身中,这是一种不可分割的契合,身体绝非驿站,不容舍弃,现在得到验证,我的灵与肉身间发生了一些我没有完全理解的事,很短的时间就让肉身重新活过来了!” Chu Feng sets out, arrives under the big tree, wants to wait till it to be on the wane, takes away the seed, but, it is maintaining the silk threads vitality as before, had not died. 楚风起身,来到大树下,想等到它凋零,收走种子,可是,它依旧保持着丝丝缕缕的生机,没有死去。 When the Chu Feng fleshly body recovery, two battlefields, Yaoyao stops offering a sacrifice to the dance, her knows Chu Feng lived was returning to this world, broke out of the previous fearful condition. 楚风肉身复苏时,两界战场,妖妖停止祭舞,她知道楚风活着回到了这个世上,摆脱早先的可怕状态。 At this time, Zhou Xi whole face tears, excited, the lingering fear, the palpitation, was finally joyful, said: Chu Feng, did you come back? I recalled you!” 这时,周曦满脸泪水,激动,后怕,心悸,最后欣喜,道:“楚风,你回来了?我记起你了!” She the heart was very a moment ago painful, only felt oneself lost anything, resembled forgot a person, but actually could not think, erased from her heart thoroughly. 她刚才心很痛,只感觉自己失去了什么,似是遗忘了一个人,但却始终想不起来,彻底从她心中抹除了。 Now, as Chu Feng returns, that silhouette reappears in her hearts. 现在,随着楚风回归,那个身影重现她的心间。 Hiss!” Old Gu holds breath cold air, his feelings are very big, scalp tingles, is dark from estimating, what did Chu Feng experience? First vanishes, reappears, unexpectedly can hidden go from the memory of people, too to terrify person. “嘶!”老古倒吸一口凉气,他感触很大,一阵头皮发麻,暗在自揣度,楚风到底经历了什么?先消失,又再现,居然可以从人们的记忆中隐去,太瘆人了。 The Long Dayu look is complex, finally face upwards to sigh, said: good people don't live long lives, the disaster loses hundred discipline, such as I so!” 龙大宇神色复杂,最后仰天而叹,道:“好人不长命,祸害遗百纪,就如我这般!” Those present look is complex, matter too much that they experienced a moment ago was different, Chu Feng that did from the Little World of the Dead's demon, actually encounter what? May the time interval unexpectedly when their hearts presently. 在场的人神色复杂,刚才他们经历的事太特殊了,楚风那个来自小阴间的魔头,究竟遭遇了什么?竟可在他们心中时断时现。 Feather Sovereign and Lunatic Wu, degenerate True Immortal wait/etc., the complexion is most unusual, some lifeforms may vanish from the memory world of people unexpectedly, the involved thing is too fearful, they fully realize how terrifyingly! 羽皇武疯子,还有堕落真仙等,脸色最为异常,某个生物竟可从众人的记忆世界中消失,涉及的东西太可怕,他们深知多么恐怖! Sovereign Wu first recovers, locks Yaoyao again! 武皇最先回过神来,再次锁定妖妖 World of the Living, on some famous mountains, in years past Qin Luoyin, present Qing Yin, she is slightly lost, but the shining white on the beautiful face the look was somewhat complex. 阳间,某座名山上,昔年的秦珞音,如今的青音,她略微出神,莹白而绝美的面孔上神色有些复杂。 She remembers that Chu Feng, actually touched what, with is related to high Dominion?! 她记忆中的那个楚风,究竟触及了什么,与至高领域有关吗?! ...... …… I want fleshly body to touch saying that sees the emperor!” “我要肉身触道,见帝!” Chu Feng whispered, now, he only has a thought that in the shortest time become stronger, then went to two battlefields to look for Yaoyao, cannot make her leave again accidentally/surprisingly. 楚风低语,现在,他只有一个念头,在最短的时间内变强,然后去两界战场找妖妖,不能再让她再出意外了。 Developing road on pollen real road, that several old people, has suggested him, when he is bold in attempting to be good! 花粉真路上的拓路者,那几位老人,早已暗示过他了,他当勇于尝试才行! Touches saying that sees the emperor, naturally wants lifeforms of feelings that source, pours the female in real road end pool of blood mystically. 触道,见帝,自然是要感触那源头的生物,神秘倒在真路尽头血泊中的女子。 However, before the action, he must adjust best oneself, placed the strongest condition may! 但是,在行动前,他要将自己调整到最佳,保持在最强的状态才可! Chu Feng in the eyes has magnificently intense rune to revolve, is burning down, Discerning Eyes sprinkles the non- Chang Ming bright light rain, he looks to put on the vault of heaven, looks straight ahead outside territory. 楚风双目中盛烈符文在旋转,在焚烧,火眼金睛洒落出非常明亮的光雨,他望穿苍穹,直视域外 Will happen one day, will have the shocking big collision, will have unique extra mundane the decisive battle between creature, present he is weak, he incomparably longs for the strength. 终有一天,会有惊世大碰撞,会有超脱世外的生灵间的大决战,现在的他远不够强,他无比渴望力量。 Chu Feng moves toward the distant place, leaves purple big tree that has not withered, stands on a mountain, the black hair dances in the breeze, the body tightens, wants to soar like dormant human form True Dragon! 楚风走向远处,离开还未枯萎的紫色大树,站在一座高山上,黑发飘舞,身体绷紧,如同一条蛰伏的人形真龙欲腾空! Then, he throws stone jar, puts an arc path, falls in the pile of stones. 而后,他将石罐抛出去,划出一道弧线轨迹,落在乱石堆中。 Before going touches say/way, he prepares first to quenching fleshly body, rams Dao Foundation, overcomes an obstacle with the strongest stance, sees the emperor! 在去“触道”前,他准备先淬炼肉身,将道基夯实,以最强姿态去闯关,见帝! That emperor, mostly is Immortal Emperor! 那个帝,多半是仙帝 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The light of direct access to the highest authorities appears together, has the mountain is so thick fully, probably planet burns to pound to fall, just like extinguishing world! 一道通天之光出现,足有山岳那么粗,像是星球燃烧着砸落下来,宛若灭世! Instantaneously, he sets up the mountain of body to disintegrate, explodes fine powder! 瞬间,他立身的山岳分崩离析,炸成齑粉 As expected, after discarding stone jar, Heavenly Tribulation first looked for him, moreover was such certainly, wild. 不出所料,抛掉石罐后,天劫第一时间找上了他,而且是这么的强绝,狂暴。 Was so thick the lightning to the mountain, approaches like end the world. 闪电到了山岳这么粗,如同末世来临。 The previous time, he evolves Great Heavenly Venerate, moreover is double Dao Fruit, because there is stone jar in the body, had not been looked by Thunder Retribution! 上次,他进化成大天尊,而且是双道果,因为有石罐在身,一直没有被雷罚找上呢! Now, he went a step further, has double revered Dao Fruit permanently, abandoned stone jar on own initiative, will naturally be looked by Heavenly Tribulation. 现在,他更进一步,拥有了双恒尊道果,主动抛开石罐,自然会被天劫找上。 He by the fleshly body carrying/sustaining lightning, must complete this level to be called the strongest-- tribulation. 他以肉身承载闪电,要完成这个层次可以称为最强的——劫。 In others opinion, this time may be very die Great Calamity, but was actually regarded as the opportunity by Chu Feng, regards the baptism. 在别人看来,这是一次很可能会殒落大劫,但却被楚风视为机会,当成洗礼。 In some sense, Chu Feng was also powerful lifeforms on World of the Living Evolution Road. 从某种意义上来说,楚风也算是阳间进化路上的强大生物了。 At least, he in the same level, arrived at to the utmost Dominion, therefore brings in is also the strongest tribulation! 最起码,他在同层次中,走到了极尽领域,因此引来的也是最强之劫! Bang! 轰! The big mountain massif vanishes in a puff of smoke, raises everywhere in the electric light the sand, vitality entirely to extinguish, there becomes the deathtrap. 高大的山体灰飞烟灭,在电光中扬起漫天的沙,生机俱灭,那里成为了死地。 All life aura were divided to disperse by Heavenly Tribulation, do not say the vegetation, is the void energy granule, the Between Heaven and Earth say/way , then fragment, by this special thunder light evaporation! 所有的生命气息都被天劫劈散了,不要说草木,就是虚空中的能量粒子,天地间的道则碎片等,也都被这特殊的雷光蒸干! This is the tribulation of murder! 这是杀人之劫! Exactly said, this is kills in history specially Heavenly Punishment of some Dominion most lifeforms, does not give the opportunity, is to destroy thoroughly. 确切的说,这是专杀史上某一领域生物天罚,不给机会,就是要彻底毁灭。 It looks like in the world rule, this is surpasses the rule lifeforms, should not save the world, when cancels! 在天地规则看来,这是超出规则的生物,不应该存世,当抹去! By the present, his Chu Feng had not seen that other true permanence revere, but he is double reveres the fruit position permanently! 到现在,他楚风还没有见到其他真正的恒尊呢,而他已是双恒尊果位! Therefore, how can Great Calamity not be terrifying? May be called this era, in this Realm's most Heavenly Tribulation. 故此,大劫怎能不恐怖?堪称这一纪元,在这个境界的天劫 Chu Feng boiled, even if deducted the human form skeleton, even the bone blasted out, he also no snort/hum, clenched teeth to insist. 楚风熬下来了,哪怕劈成了人形骷髅,甚至骨头都炸开了,他也没有哼一声,咬牙坚持了下来。 Until finally, everywhere thick thunder light vanishes. 直到最后,漫天粗大的雷光消失。 Makes up the thing greatly, has to plant comes again, I have not eaten enough!” “大补物,有种再来啊,我还没吃够呢!” He shouts, the body was incomplete, not ChngRn shape, but actually clenches teeth to provoke there. 他喊道,躯体都残缺了,不ChngRn形,但却在那里咬牙挑衅。 This indeed is beneficial to him, fleshly body by the baptism, he was felt hidden in the body unknown place rotten, ominous and other factors, dropped one section. 这的确对他有益,肉身被洗礼,他感觉隐藏在身体未知处的腐烂、不祥等因子,都下降了一截。 Even, he thought that this way, takes the Great Universe road to not exposed to can corrupt. 甚至,他觉得再这样下去,走大宇路都见不得能腐烂。 „It is not right, is my misconception, is this must lull me? Never does not see spoiled Great Universe, even, never has to live Great Universe lifeforms that comes to the end!” “不对,是我的错觉,这是要麻痹我吗?从来不见未腐的大宇,甚至,从未有活着走到尽头的大宇生物!” He alerted, had not been hoodwinked the mind, understands thoroughly the truth. 他警醒了,没有被蒙蔽心灵,洞彻真相。 Quick, Chu Feng restored, remoulds True Body at the visible speed, clear twinkle Dao marks, has a special halo, is more tenacious. 很快,楚风恢复了过来,以肉眼可见的速度重塑真身,晶莹中闪烁道纹,有种特殊的光晕,更加坚韧。 In addition, his soul light also by thunder baptism, even more powerful, firm, is lending the immortal aura. 此外,他的魂光也被雷霆洗礼,愈发的强大,坚固,散发着不朽的气息。 Chu Feng flashed vanished, changed a place, arrived under the purple big tree, must touch to say by fleshly body, entered in that strange world. 楚风一闪就消失了,换了一个地方,来到紫色大树下,要以肉身触道,进入那诡异的世界中。 He strokes gently stone jar by the hand, said: Your anything foot, once really stripped to hope for the pollen, bright, sends the pollen, in some sense, your background is bigger!” 他以手摩挲石罐,道:“你到底什么根脚,曾为花粉真路带来希望,光明,送来花粉,从某种意义上来说,你来头更大!” I take you, goes to that strange world, the source of pollen road, does there have the trace of staying behind?” “我带上你,去那奇异的世界,花粉路的源头,那里有你的留下的痕迹吗?” Indistinct within, Chu Feng felt unexpectedly stone jar trembled probably lightly! 隐约间,楚风竟感觉石罐像是轻颤了一下! He sits cross-legged under the purple big tree, starts to grasp principles, whispers: Helps my helping hand, making us return to the source!” 他盘坐在紫色大树下,开始悟道,低语道:“助我一臂之力,让我们回归源头!” Chu Feng starts to experience the fearful mutation again, fleshly body is dim, but this time has not dissipated, the innumerable light granules appear, construct the pollen real road, he rushes rapidly. 楚风再次开始经历可怕的异变,肉身朦胧,但是这次没有消散,无数光粒子浮现,构建出花粉真路,他迅速冲了上去。 During this process, the stone jar light cry, how many pictures making Chu Feng catch also really also the imaginary in fast, is stone jar this at-large? 在此过程中,石罐轻鸣,让楚风在电光石火间捕捉到亦真亦幻的几幅画面,石罐这是在逃吗? Or it is witnessing, was it along some path vanguard, passing through eras? 或者说,它在见证,它在沿着某种轨迹前行,贯穿了一个又一个纪元? But how many old people on pollen real road, being predestined friends powerhouse but who it runs into on the road? 而花粉真路上的那几位老人,只是它在路上无意间遇到的有缘强者? Too terrifying, its .asxs. Immemorial is old, once was several old people's ethnic groups brought about the hope, brought the light and expectation. 太恐怖了,它的.asxs.太古老,曾为几位老人的族群带来希望,带来光明与憧憬。 Several fuzzy pictures dodge not to have, vanished. 几幅模糊的画面一闪而没,都消失了。 Chu Feng stands in a stretch of ruined battlefield, here does not have the corpse, without the weapon, all was decayed, with the wind however extinguishes. 楚风站在一片破败的战场上,这里没有尸体,没有兵器,一切都腐朽了,随风而灭。 Occasionally sees section of Origin Metal Sword, was discovered, touches with the hand gently, becomes fine powder instantly. 偶尔看到一截母金剑,被发现后轻轻用手一触,也刹那成为齑粉 My this was successful, did fleshly body come here?!” The Chu Feng sound shivers. “我这是成功了吗,肉身来到了这里?!”楚风声音颤抖。 Many that this time, he discovers! 这一次,他发现的更多! The black natural moat, spans the front, separates trillion li (0.5 km) space, is the interruption years, makes so-called eternal separated...... 黑色的天堑,横亘前方,割裂亿万里空间,更是截断岁月,让所谓的永恒都断开了…… It is difficult to imagine, even the time was corroded! 很难想象,连时光都被侵蚀! The time fragment is putrefying unexpectedly, the time at fester, was obliterated gradually. 光阴碎片居然在腐化,时光在“溃烂”,渐渐被磨灭。 Does this world have something eternal?! 这世间还有什么可以永恒?! Even time Great Dao, rune of its most core is even dissipating, is belonging to the nihility. 连时光大道,连其最核心的符文都在消散,都在归于虚无。 All must turn over to empty, all will not see. 一切都要归虚,所有都将不见。 Existed will elapse, eternal all spatial. 存在的都将逝去,万古皆空。 Chu Feng shocks, for a very long time cannot the language. 楚风震撼,久久不能语。 After for a long time, he recovers. 很长时间后,他才回过神来。 I succeeded, True Body to here!” Chu Feng is excited, joyful, he feels himself as if in become stronger, by real road inexplicable baptism. “我成功了,真身到了这里!”楚风激动,喜悦,他感觉自身仿佛在变强,在被真路莫名的洗礼。 fleshly body bridges over the inconceivable impediment, after arriving died in the world? 肉身跨过不可思议的阻隔,来到了死后的世界中? Meanwhile, he is also paying the price. 同时,他也在付出代价。 The Chu Feng both eyes drop blood, just transformed more powerful double reveres level Discerning Eyes to be cracked permanently, cannot withstand there scene to illuminate obviously. 楚风双目滴血,刚蜕变出来的更加强大的双恒尊级火眼金睛都在龟裂,承受不住那里的景象显照。 On his golden pupil, presents one after another crack, probably the crystal must blast out, blood in silent flowing, incarnadine his cheek. 他的金色瞳孔上,出现一道又一道裂纹,像是晶体要炸开了,血在无声的流淌,染红其面颊。 Has not contacted, he sees some truth of black natural moat opposite shore, has made him probably drop forever, sinks to dying Concept. 并没有接触,他只是看到黑色天堑对岸的部分真相,就已经让他要永堕下去,沉到死的意境中。 Touches saying that sees the emperor! 触道,见帝! He achieved, clarity that this time looks, that female figure is very beautiful, the long hair obstructs the immortal face, falls down, nearby dark red, the blood does not seem dry. 他做到了,这次看的真切,那个女子身形很美,长发遮仙颜,倒在地上,附近一片殷红,血似乎还未干涸呢。 But special veined pattern of to terrify person wait/etc., precisely sends out from the body of that female, Order, Great Dao radiate outward, spreads to the pollen real road. 而瘆人的特殊纹路等,正是从那女子的身上散发出来,一条条秩序,一条条大道向外辐射,蔓延向花粉真路。 Really so, is she, the powerhouse of source has problems, radiates to the Great Dao fragment of pollen road, was equal to that the indirect transmission to each follower, walked the person of this road to be equal to getting sick!” “果然如此,是她,源头的强者出了问题,辐射向花粉路的大道碎片,等于是间接传递给了每一个信徒,走这条路的人等于都病了!” Chu Feng whispered, this time, his fleshly body and spirit rare has not dissipated, probably after experiencing the previous time suffering, some immunities. 楚风低语,这一次,他的肉身与灵难得的没有消散,像是经历了上次的煎熬后,有些免疫了。 Or is, how many old people's suggestions, fulfilled in this, True Body arrived here, as if obtained certain advantage? 更或者是,几位老人的暗示,在此应验了,真身来到这里,似乎得到了某些好处? Only surpasses this female, can solve the basic issue of this road!” Chu Feng said low and deep. “唯有超过这个女子,才能解决这条路的根本问题!”楚风低沉地说道。 That is, her also has the thing behind?!” “那是,她的身后还有东西?!” Next quarter Chu Feng both eyes almost disrupt, what did he see? 下一刻楚风双目几乎碎裂,他见到了什么? In that female behind, several coffins, span unexpectedly there, extremely strange inexplicable. 在那女子的身后,竟还有几口棺,横亘在那里,极其的诡异莫名。 Is seeing the coffin instantly, Chu Feng felt, he seemed like the variation, had the inexplicable change! 在见棺的刹那,楚风觉得,自身像是变异了,发生莫名的变化! How was this?” “这是怎么了?” He must therefore transform, said, will soon present not the good matter. 他要因此蜕变吗,还是说,即将出现不好的事。 Females behind, how many coffins has unexpectedly, was too unusual, was they caused all? Said, they are also the injured parties. 女子的身后,居然有几口棺,实在太异常了,是它们导致了一切吗?还是说,它们也是被害者。 Buzz! 嗡! In an instant, startled changes continues! 刹那间,惊变不止! In female behind, and rear area of coffin, has the blade light sword shadow unexpectedly, has the blood to clash! 在女子的身后,以及棺的后方,竟有刀光剑影,有血在冲起! The truth opened, what does there have?! 真相揭开了吗,那里还有什么?! Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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