SR :: Volume #16

#1539: 3 the emperors illuminate the past and present

The exceedingly high light beam, the tearing past and present, shook time River, making the natural moat thunder, shivered fiercely! 通天光束,撕裂古今,震断了时间长河,让天堑都轰鸣,剧烈颤抖不已! What condition is this? 这是什么状况? In three ray of light columns, three fuzzy silhouette sit cross-legged, although silent motionless, but actually as if can the collapsing by pressure eternal expansive sky. 道光柱中,三个模糊的身影盘坐,虽寂静不动,但是却仿佛可以压塌万古长空。 Can this scene, how make Chu Feng not startled? 这种景象,怎能让楚风不惊? He has a feeling, that is three Celestial Emperor! 他就是有一种感觉,那是三天帝 Because, he sees has degenerated True Immortal, has contacted that road, induced the same source on the bodies of these three big powerhouses, and three people were the sources, had similar aura. 因为,他见到过堕落真仙,接触过那条路,在这三大强者的身上感应到了相同的源,且三人是源头,有类似的气息。 Three emperors just like sit on 9th Heavenly Layer high, the energy , the terrifying is boundless, far ultra degenerates True Immortal not to know several magnitudes, was too fearful. 只是,三帝宛若高坐九重天上,能量至强,恐怖无边,远超堕落真仙不知几个数量级,太慑人了。 Meanwhile, he also sees exceptionally, although one of them sends out the infinite terrifying energy, but is also twining magnanimous death aura, spreads by the holy light glow, did he as if...... die?! 同时,他也看出异常,其中一人虽然散发无穷的恐怖能量,但是也缠绕着海量的死气,透过神圣光芒蔓延出来,他似乎……死掉了?! Above that person of top of the head, is hanging a bell, seeming to have met before, the feeling is very familiar, is that the master of dog sovereign?! 在那人头顶上方,悬着一口大钟,似曾相识,感觉很熟悉,那是狗皇的主人?! Is too far, is unable to determine that does not look clearly! 只是太远,无法确定而已,看不真切! Another person silent motionless, like fossil, before the body, Copper Coffin, the physique just like the dead wood, is losing the vitality horizontally probably, seems like sits shut up in Buddhist or Daoist meditation, not knows anything condition. 另一人寂静不动,如同化石,身前横着一口铜棺,形体宛若枯木,像是失去生机,又像是坐关,不知道什么状态。 Chu Feng felt, this person is very astonishing, if well, should be very strong, even can say that arrives powerful oddly, to not understandable degree. 楚风觉得,这个人很惊人,若是无恙,应该很强,甚至可以说强大到离谱,到了不可理解的程度。 What condition is this person? 此人是什么状态? Chu Feng felt when this should be goes on an expedition Soul River, finally from the bronze reveals the photo to have silhouette that Celestial Emperor! 楚风觉得,这应该是征战魂河时,最后从青铜中显照出身影的那个天帝 He wants to see clearly, but, no matter how what he could not see diligently, has one group of fog on the face of that person, throughout covering, is unfathomed. 他想看清楚,可是,任他怎么努力都见不到,在那个人的面孔上有一团雾,始终笼罩着,无法窥探。 King does not see the king, the emperor does not see the emperor!” “王不见王,帝不见帝!” In this state, Chu Feng cannot bear mutter as before, teased, was rather self-ridiculing, after all his present range that level is too far! 在这种状态下,楚风依旧忍不住咕哝,与其说是调侃,不如说是在自嘲,毕竟他现在距离那个层次还太远! The There is still one female, can only see a white clothing, is very indistinct , reveals itself to the dust very much, if induces carefully, has to plant to the high constriction. 还有一个女子,只能看到一身白衣,很飘渺,很远,出世离尘,但是若仔细去感应的话,有种至高的压迫感。 She rules the world, sidewise compression various world. 她君临天下,横压诸世。 This female precisely is not really able to estimate, the infinite universe are innumerable, all moves around her, some world were decayed, deteriorated, but she actually as before bright. 这个女子真正是无法揣度,身后大千世界无数,全都围绕着她旋转,有些世界腐朽了,衰败下去了,可她却依旧明净。 Although she sits cross-legged there, its True Spirit,...... is also as if going far away, is to sit in meditation to practice, is the special condition? 只是,她虽然盘坐在那里,其真灵,似乎……也在远去,是要入定修行了,还是也处在特殊的状态? Chu Feng believes firmly, if although so has not seen the appearance/portrait now, but has seen this female absolutely, in special space in the Supreme restricted area. 楚风确信,虽然如现在这般始终没有看到过真容,但绝对见到过这个女子,就是在太上禁地内特殊空间内。 The empty body that there, after having the transformation of empress, leaves behind! 在那里,有女帝的蜕变后留下的虚身! Three have Celestial Emperor, as if contacted?! 天帝,似乎都接触过?! But they were too fuzzy, moreover some people possibly died are very long. 可他们太模糊了,而且有些人可能死去很久了。 Why, they appeared simultaneously, what can make? 为何,他们同时出现了,要做什么? The next flash, Chu Feng is startled, he heard very empty indistinct sound, is very familiar, sways very spatially far, is who? 下一瞬间,楚风大吃一惊,他听到了十分虚缈的声音,很熟悉,也十分飘摇空远,是谁? Three emperor technique normalizing, hero soul according to the past and present......” “三帝术归一,英灵照古今……” He hears this words unexpectedly, this is some people summons three emperors, melts the greatest prestige energy obviously?! 他竟听到这种话语,这是有人召唤三帝,显化莫大的威能?! How possibly, who can summon three Celestial Emperor?! 怎么可能,谁能如此召唤三天帝?! In fact, some people are also startled compared with Chu Feng, two battlefields, everyone saw the Yaoyao sacrifice dance, heard her mysterious incantation word sound. 事实上,有人比楚风还吃惊,两界战场,所有人都看到了妖妖的祭舞,听到了她的神秘咒言声。 Then, people then see the light beam to be exceedingly high, probably had anything to imprison is opened, had fuzzy three silhouette to reappear, Shining Upon in vault of heaven. 然后,人们便看到光束通天,像是有什么禁锢被打开了,有模糊的三尊身影浮现,映照在苍穹上。 Three emperors?” “三帝?” Heaven!” 天啊!” I saw anyone, my eye not blind?!” “我看到了谁,我的眼睛没瞎吧?!” At this time, do not say others, degenerates True Immortal to shock, trembles, they inherit from three Celestial Emperor, had naturally understood. 此时,不要说别人,就连堕落真仙都在震惊,颤栗不已,他们传承就是源自三天帝,自然有所了解。 When these three fuzzy silhouette appear, first, who they understood thoroughly this are. 当这三尊模糊的身影浮现时,第一时间,他们就洞彻了这是谁。 Old Paramount on the scene, shocked. 在场的老究极,也都震撼了。 People look to Yaoyao, thought that this female was too astonishing, what kind of mystique method displayed, why can communicate three Celestial Emperor?! 人们看向妖妖,觉得这个女子太惊人了,到底施展了怎样的秘法,为何能够沟通三天帝?! Even the Feather Sovereign painstaking care surges, how possibly, three can Celestial Emperor appear?! 羽皇都心血翻腾,怎么可能,三天帝要出现了?! The Lunatic Wu wool, this was not realistic, that three people of even some people died, how to illuminate together obviously? 武疯子都毛了,这不现实,那三人甚至都有人死去了,怎么一同显照? On the spot, everyone such as the clay sculpture woodcarving, whispered until some people finally, yelled intensely, frantic incomparable. 现场,所有人都如泥塑木雕般,直到最后才有人低语,激烈喊叫,狂热无比。 Really is they must return? My big brother, must be overcautious in dealing with people, does not dare to be crazy!” Old Gu first talked over his elder brother, gave difference to comment. “真是他们要回归吗?那我大哥,都得要夹着尾巴做人了,不敢狂了!”老古第一时间念叨他哥,给予“差评”。 Yin Province, stops up in a coffin, person almost under sinister hand of some lying down coffin, almost must go to two battlefields to look for trouble. 阴州,堵门之棺中,某个躺棺的人几乎下黑手了,差点要去两界战场找麻烦。 True God, Heavenly Immortal, did you summon three Celestial Emperor?!” Long Dayu cries out strangely, looks at Yaoyao, even more feels to look familiar, where has probably seen. 真神啊,天仙啊,您召唤出了三天帝?!”龙大宇怪叫,看着妖妖,越发觉得眼熟,像是在什么地方见到过。 Three emperors sit cross-legged, keep aloof, very fuzzy. 三帝盘坐,高高在上,十分的模糊。 However the Great Dao fragment that their projections, they leave behind is condensing, was indistinct opened a road, what can receive and instruct? 不过他们的投影,他们留下的大道碎片在凝聚,隐约间开启了一条路,要接引什么? Hiss!” “嘶!” Some person of suck in a cold breath. 有人倒吸冷气 Especially degenerates True Immortal, the expression on face is most especially complex, now they believe firmly, this named Yaoyao female obtained three emperor secrets. 尤其是堕落真仙,脸上的表情最尤为复杂,现在他们确信,这个名为妖妖的女子得到了三帝秘传。 „Is she only disciple of empress? Or is three Celestial Emperor's together successor, even it can be said that most core skip-generation inheritance!” Some people open the mouth. “她是女帝的唯一弟子?或者说是三天帝的共同传人,甚至可以说是最核心隔代传承者!”有人开口。 Otherwise can so? No one can summon three Celestial Emperor like this! 不然的话可以如此?没有人可以这样召唤三天帝 Only if relates incomparably closely with them, obtains some far ultra in law secret curse/incantation who three emperors left behind. 除非与他们关系无比密切,得到了三帝所遗留的远超于法的某种秘咒。 Offers a sacrifice to the dance, can the critical moment summon three Celestial Emperor?! 祭舞,关键时刻能召唤三天帝?! But Yaoyao at this time actually unretentive displayed, normal, this should be the top-secret method of maintaining life. 妖妖在这时却毫无保留的施展了出来,正常来说,这应该是保命的绝密手段。 Now, she saves a person in the attempt! 现在,她在尝试救一个人! Was, three Celestial Emperor were impossible to appear, was their traces, was their Great Dao fragments is condensing, illuminated together obviously, through offering a sacrifice to the dance summoned.” Lunatic Wu awakens. “是了,三天帝不可能出现,是他们的痕迹,是他们的大道碎片在凝聚,共同显照,通过祭舞召唤出来。”武疯子醒悟。 Without a doubt, Yaoyao is rescuing Chu Feng, wants to lead to come back him. 毫无疑问,妖妖在救楚风,想把他带回来。 Her not knows what happened on Chu Feng, but felt that he is going pale, dissipates from her memory, must erase thoroughly. 她不知道楚风身上发生了什么事,只是感觉他在淡去,从她的记忆中消散,要彻底抹除了。 Even if Yaoyao Heaven-Blessed is incomparable, once had the Number One Under the Starry Sky reputation, but does not have other means that can only displaying without hesitation offer a sacrifice to the dance! 纵然妖妖天纵无匹,曾有星空下第一的美誉,但也没有其他办法,只能毫不犹豫的施展祭舞! Is you, Yaoyao, you where?” “是你吗,妖妖,你在哪里?” After dying the world, Chu Feng of spirit condition, knows the familiar sound was anyone finally, how can forget that is Yaoyao! 死后的世界,灵状态的楚风,终于知道了熟悉的声音属于谁,怎能忘记,那是妖妖 Then, he saw the return avenue, is world that fleshly body is, he walks step by step, must return. 然后,他看到了归路,是肉身所在的世界,他一步一步走去,要回归了。 Thank you Yaoyao!” “谢谢你妖妖!” Although, his knows should also be able to go back by oneself, but when the Yaoyao sound conveys, felt saving him, makes him be moved as before, in heart hot. 虽然,他知道靠自己也应该能回去,但当妖妖的声音传来,感觉是在救他,依旧让他感动,心中热乎乎。 Meanwhile, he is pleasantly surprised, not being able to bear want to cry loud and long, hadn't Yaoyao died? 同时,他惊喜,忍不住想长啸,妖妖没有死去? She once lost in Great Abyss, making in his heart uncomfortable with the severe pain incomparable, but now did she...... appear?! 她曾失落在大渊中,让他心中难受与剧痛无比,而现在她……出现了?! Chu Feng wishes one could first to hurry to see Yaoyao! 楚风恨不得第一时间赶去见到妖妖 Three emperors shine divine radiance, the trace that even if stays behind is condensing, is the aura is releasing, but also blooms the astonishing mighty force, opens a road. 三帝普照神圣光辉,哪怕只是留下的痕迹在凝聚,是气息在释放,但也绽放出惊人的伟力,开启一条路。 Even, this flash, Chu Feng penetrates three emperors who in the sky reveal the photo, saw two battlefields fuzzy scenes. 甚至,这一瞬间,楚风恍惚间透过天空中显照的三帝,见到了两界战场的模糊景象。 Really has Yaoyao there! 真的有妖妖在那里! Meanwhile, he also saw Lunatic Wu dimly, as if locked Yaoyao, this wants take action? 同时,他也朦胧地看到了武疯子,似乎锁定了妖妖,这是要出手吗? „Does lunatic, what you want to make?!” The Yaoyao back, a that mouth yellow tooth old man scolded, the body energy aura rose suddenly. “疯子,你想做什么?!”妖妖的背后,那个一嘴黄牙的老者呵斥,身上能量气息暴涨。 Meanwhile, Yaoyao also goes forward, fearless taking a step! 同时,妖妖亦上前,无惧的迈步! This , after Chu Feng treads dead truly the world saw. 这一幕,也在楚风真正踏出死后的世界时看到了。 Chu Feng saw the distant place, the physique of oneself unclear condition, has not diverged thoroughly. 楚风看到了远处,自己不明状态的形体,还没有彻底散去。 Lunatic Wu, you dare to move Yaoyao, I must hit to explode you!” 武疯子,你敢动妖妖,我必然要打爆你!” Whether not knows two battlefields can illuminate his here situation obviously, Chu Feng or the earliest possible time exuded the declaring war sound. 知道两界战场是否能够显照他这里的情况,楚风还是第一时间发出了宣战声。 Then, he walked thoroughly, returned to own world. 然后,他彻底走出来了,回归自己的世界。 Yaoyao appeared, but there is a trouble, Lunatic Wu must start to her, I must go a step further now, is stronger, transforms again, then goes to two battlefields!” 妖妖出现了,但是有麻烦,武疯子要对她下手,我现在还要更进一步,更强,再蜕变,然后去两界战场!” Chu Feng felt, must go all out, must transform here again is good, the need is stronger, he disregarded, in a short time must evolve again is good. 楚风觉得,要拼命了,要在这里再蜕变才行,需要更强,他不管不顾了,短时间内必须要再进化才行。 Person needs to force itself, I must go to the pollen road end by the fleshly body condition, such as several old person who develops path said like that is such hopeful?!” “人需要逼迫自己,我要以肉身状态去花粉路尽头,如几位拓路的老人所说那般,那样才有希望?!” I will be certainly stronger in a short time!” Chu Feng firm. “我一定会在短时间内更强!”楚风坚定信念。 Although his spirit has not belonged to fleshly body, but, he has the astonishing plan. 他的灵虽然还未归于肉身,但是,他已经有了惊人的打算。 First decides a small target to oneself, from hitting Lunatic Wu starts!” “先给自己定一个小目标,从打武疯子开始!” Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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