SR :: Volume #16

#1538: Shoulders completely big karma

Goes back!” Several old people urged. “回去!”几位老人催促。 Their physique withered, sends weeds that the silk such as withers, the old facial features are very thin and pale. 他们形体枯槁,发丝如枯萎的野草,苍老的面容十分憔悴。 When several people look to Chu Feng, some hopes, is incapable, some little is miserable and solemn and stirring, they must start off, is doomed not to come back again. 几人看向楚风时,有希冀,也有无力,更有几许凄凉与悲壮,他们也要上路了,注定再也回不来。 This one leaves, the life does not see! 就此一别,此生不见! Chu Feng also sees something from their gloomy looks, some expectation, have the despair, is very contradictory, will this be does not favor in the future? Filled sadly. 楚风从他们暗淡的眼神中还看出一些东西,有憧憬,更有绝望,很矛盾,这是不看好未来吗?充满了忧伤。 What they saw, what to despair, why so depressed? 他们到底见到了什么,绝望什么,为何这么消沉? Chu Feng alerts, if will lack the hope in the future, then he can personally experience these? 楚风警醒,若是将来缺少希望,那么他是否要亲身经历那些? Although yes, spanned not knows many time, is separated by many eras, several old people are unable to discuss, but Chu Feng wants to open the mouth. 尽管明白,跨越了不知道多少个时代,相隔着很多个纪元,几位老人无法多谈,但楚风还是想开口。 Several seniors, what do first you have to suggest on point of departure?” “几位前辈,临别前你们有什么建议吗?” No suggestion, actually, ten thousand Dharma Idol are near, reaching the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, is interlinked to high Realm, the title is different. Regarding arriving at that Dominion creature, how each one walks right, will perhaps discover in the end, all are such seeming to have met before, just liked yesterday.” “没什么建议,其实,万法相近,殊途同归,至高境界都是相通的,称谓不同而已。对于走到那一领域生灵来说,各自怎么走都对,也许到头来会发现,一切都是那么的似曾相识,恍若昨日。” An old man whispered, the vision was gloomy, waves to start off. 一位老者低语,目光暗淡,挥了挥手就要上路。 „Doesn't senior, favor my future?” Chu Feng is very sensitive, always thought that in their looks has disappointed, is very sad. “前辈,是不是不看好我的未来?”楚风很敏感,总觉得他们的眼神中有怅然,情绪很低落。 If sees the hope on him, should be not limited to this? 如果在他身上看到希望,应该不止于此吧? Non- boasted, our several people are very strong, may die, becomes the spirit. But you...... also good, but if only arrives our step, is insufficiently.” Old person great changes said very much. “非自夸,我们几人真的很强,可还是死去了,成为了灵。而你……也不错,但如果仅走到我们这一步,还是不够。”一位老人很沧桑地说道。 This was equal to saying many issues. 这等于道出了很多问题。 Their several people how powerful, has the possibility very much is the developing passer- by pollen road! 他们几人何其强大,很有可能便是花粉路的拓路人! Several old person absolute sidewise compression over years, belong to some era invincible lifeforms! 几位老人绝对横压过一段岁月,属于某纪元无敌的生物 But they died, this speaks for itself the gravity. 可他们还是死了,这足以说明问题的严重性。 They think that the Chu Feng talent is good, does not know that really praised, in giving him was self-confident, said after him, could arrive their step. 他们认为楚风天赋不错,不知是真的夸赞,还是在给他自信,说他以后也许能走到他们那一步。 However, this and insufficient! 然而,这并不够! An old person white hairlace the blood is mounting fully is on the face of wrinkle, probably sees him to have the question, said: You were only spirit came, if fleshly body also arrived here, and can the feelings to us, perhaps, have such several wisps of hopes in the future.” 一位老人白发带着血黏在满是皱纹的脸上,像是看出他有疑问,道:“你只是‘灵’来了,若是肉身也走到这里,并能感触到我们,或许,未来就有了那么几缕希望。” Does fleshly body come here? In Chu Feng heart one cold, realized anything, but this is how difficult! 肉身来到这里?楚风心中一凛,意识到了什么,可这何其艰难! Now, his physique will disperse, perhaps has burst to vanish spoiled, is not naturally able to arrive at this place with him together. 现在,他形体将散,或许都已经腐溃消失了,自然无法与他一起到达此地。 Moreover, after this does not die the world, can fleshly body also come?! 而且,这不是死后的世界吗,肉身也能来?! Spirit is lived by fleshly body, if fleshly body can cross this, will be naturally more hopeful.” An old person opens the mouth. “灵由肉身而生,肉身若能渡到此,自然会更有希望。”一位老人开口。 Chu Feng is somewhat lost, regarding the exploration of visible body, he thinks has never put down, he always incomparably attaches great importance, now looks has not made the huge mistake. 楚风有些出神,对于有形之体的探索,他自认为从未放下过,他一向无比重视,现在看没有犯大错。 Some ancient books, some ancient book, record the soul to cross number, abandons fleshly body to go, moreover esteems very much, saying fleshly body was the body, was the relay station, may trade momentarily. 有些典籍,有些古册,记载着魂渡数界,舍肉身而去,而且很推崇,说肉身是躯壳,是驿站,随时可换。 Now looks like, has certainly the major problem! 现在看来,有绝大的问题! Several old people are impossible to be aimless, since selected, that concerned really in a big way. 几位老人不可能无的放矢,既然点到了,那就关乎甚大。 The spirit that oneself fleshly body are born, naturally wants to come nourish! 自己之肉身诞生的灵,自然要自身来温养 If treats as the relay station, treats as the guest-quarters, thinks that can leave the body casually, may abandon, may trade, short-term perhaps no major problem. 若是当作驿站,当作客舍,认为可以随便离开躯壳,可舍,可换,短期也许没什么大问题。 However, if to some level, looked with the unique vision, perhaps that is the most serious flaw! 但是,若是到了某种层次,以超脱的眼光看,或许那就是最严重的缺陷! Spirit is lived by the meat.” “灵由肉生。” Chu Feng thinks are too many, even, he thinks that in the middle of fleshly body also has mystical powers, takes root there, but so-called root , still has been possible to nourish the spirit! 楚风想到了太多,甚至,他认为肉身当中还有灵,扎根在那里,而所谓的“根”一直都还在,可滋养灵! fleshly body is the root of soul, even if to top level, perhaps also influential?” Chu Feng is probing asking. 肉身是魂之根,哪怕到了至高层次,或许也有影响吧?”楚风试探着问道。 Several old people visit him, has not opened the mouth, finally started off again, everyone breaks the clothes rotten coat, goes far away, will not come back. 几位老人看着他,并没有开口,最后再次上路了,每一个人都破衣烂褂,一路远去,再也不会回来。 That road, without homeward journey, pitiful, feels pitiful, they must die, this actually fills in the natural moat, is doomed not to turn over. 那条路,没有归途,让人同情,觉得可怜,他们必死,这是却填天堑,注定无归。 Developing road of pollen road, ends up such result unexpectedly. 花粉路的拓路者,竟落得这样的结局。 Chu Feng looks in the distant place, gazes after them to take a long journey, is close that inobservable dim natural moat. 楚风在远处看着,目送他们远行,去接近那不可测的昏暗天堑。 The innumerable spirit granules dance in the air, melt the ChngRn shape, becomes ancients one after another, all in rags, making one realize that they struggle the difficulty that and resists, miserable no use. 无数的灵粒子飞舞,化ChngRn形,成为一队又一队的先民,全都衣衫褴褛,让人体会到他们挣扎与抗争的艰难,凄凉无助。 Even, in the team, many little child, wears the tattered clothes, the small face is dirty, but the look is so pure. 甚至,在队伍中,还有许多很小的孩子,都穿着破烂的衣服,小脸脏兮兮,但眼神却那么纯净。 The spirit, past child, the talent outstanding young boy, with starting off, oneself will also be going to the black natural moat unexpectedly. 灵,当年的孩子,天赋出众的幼童,居然也在跟着上路,将自身投向黑色的天堑。 Chu Feng silent, silent, observes calmly the forthcoming matter. 楚风无声,沉默着,静观即将发生的事。 Most people, most spirits, after entering the natural moat, becomes the granule once again, then the silent dissolution, vanished, really including a water splash flood. 大多数人,大多数的灵,进入天堑后,再次成为粒子,然后无声的溶解了,消失了,真的连一朵水花都泛不出。 All are so fearful! 一切是如此的可怕! The noise that several special old people, they make is especially big! 只有几个特殊的老人,他们闹出的动静格外大! Chu Feng nowadays under this condition, actually does not have both eyes, but he can actually see all as before. 楚风现今这种状态下,其实没有双目,但是他却依旧能看到一切。 In the black natural moat, crawled lifeforms! 黑色的天堑中,爬出来了生物 Because, several old people are too strong, the made sound is extremely astonishing, raises the black great waves there, wants to rout the natural moat, crosses. 因为,几位老人太强,闹出的动静极其惊人,在那里掀起黑色的浪涛,想要击溃天堑,横渡过去。 That is lifeforms a person? Was alarmed, the movement was too quick, moreover can be called, swallows the time, gnawed Great Dao Order. 生物是人吗?被惊动出来,动作太快了,而且称得上至强,吞咽时光,啃噬大道秩序 It is pale, just like the ghost, cannot see the sunlight year to year, pesters in an old person together, grasps bites. 它脸色苍白,宛若鬼,常年见不到阳光,与一个老人纠缠在一起,抱住就咬。 That old person whole body bloodstain, oneself burnt down suddenly, illuminated the trim natural moat, the dark region was insightful, the innumerable granules proliferated from him on, baptism trim world. 那位老人满身血迹,自身忽然焚烧,照亮了整片天堑,黑暗地带都通透起来,无数的粒子自他身上扩散,洗礼整片世界。 Bang! 砰! Under that lifeforms big half body turn into ash, crashes the natural moat deep place. 那个生物大半截身体成灰,坠落下天堑深处。 But old person also become the spirit granule, forever lonesome! 但老人自己也成为灵粒子,永寂! During this process, the light that the old person turns into drives innumerable spirit granule fluctuating, the shake, then the impact trim world, Chu Feng here was also even submerged. 在此过程中,老人化成的光带动无数的灵粒子起伏,震荡,而后冲击整片世界,连楚风这里也被淹没了。 „Is this?!” “这是?!” Chu Feng is startled, he saw differently, the surrounding spirit granule, was shone by the light beam, completely miniature illuminates obviously. 楚风吃惊,他看出了不同,周围的灵粒子,被光束照射,全部具体而微的显照出来。 Previously, he thought on the pollen real road all spirit granules clear, pure, but actually discovers now, had the fearful mark to wind unexpectedly! 早先,他认为花粉真路上所有的灵粒子都是晶莹的,纯净的,可是现在却发现,竟有可怕纹络! Is this is corroded?! 这是被侵蚀过?! He thinks that is only the human body is corroded, even soul light was polluted, now sees unexpectedly these spirit granules of entire pollen real road last past years were also corroded. 他以为只是人体被侵蚀,甚至魂光被污染,现在竟看到整条花粉真路上当年的那些灵粒子也都被腐蚀了。 A little fearful mark on each granule! 在每一颗粒子上都有一点可怕的印记! This makes Chu Feng all over the body icy cold, no wonder this road is considered that has the major problem. 这让楚风通体冰凉,难怪这条路被认为有大问题。 Such road, but how also to walk? The so-called real road had been corroded continually. 这样的路,还怎么走下去?连所谓的真路都早就被侵蚀了。 However, now some good changes are happening. 不过,现在一些好的变化正在发生。 That old person burnt down, illuminated the trim pollen road world, he in the baptism, is purifying all spirit granules! 那个老人焚烧,照亮了整片花粉路世界,他在洗礼,在净化所有的灵粒子! As he is radiant, then moves toward the deterioration to be gloomy, until to become Jin, the marks in Chu Feng surrounding these spirits, these special marks wound is been clean by the baptism. 随着他自身璀璨,而后又走向衰败暗淡,直至成烬,楚风周围那些灵上的印记,那些特殊的纹络都被洗礼干净了。 These spirit granules, are truly insightful like the crystal, the fine dust does not dye, carefully looked, does not have the spot again, erased the mark to wind the mark. 那些灵粒子,真正如水晶般通透,纤尘不染,仔细看,再也没有斑点,抹除了纹络印记。 Another old person moved, is duty-bound not to turn back, enters the natural moat, really has lifeforms to crawl again, locked him. 又一位老人动了,义无反顾,进入天堑,果然再次有生物爬出来,锁定了他。 Clarity that this time, Chu Feng looks , the old person was too powerful. 这一次,楚风看的真切,老人太强大了。 He various types of Great Dao chain knitting ready-made clothing, is throwing over the endless Great Dao fragment unexpectedly, bathes divine ring, under foot reappearing time River, crossed! 他竟将各种大道链编织成衣,披着无尽的大道碎片,沐浴神环,脚下浮现时间长河,横渡了过去! When its periphery, is the infinite universe, is the dying of old age universes, whether there is Dao marks completely, as well as rich light energy, his time River line, even All Heavens in decayed, deteriorates, he is lossless. 在其周围,是大千世界,是一片又一片老去的宇宙,更有无尽的道纹,以及浓郁的时光能量,他蹚着时间长河而行,即便诸天都在腐朽,衰败下去,他都无损。 But after, lifeforms in natural moat crawls, as before to other party becomes the serious injury. 可是,当天堑中的生物爬出来后,依旧给他造成严重伤害。 That lifeforms has the flesh, is not the body of rule, the complexion quite pale, like does not see the ghost corpse that the sunlight in the old grave crawls from that year to year, the corners of the mouth is flowing Dark Blood, its movement is too quick, across the time rivers, makes old person's right shoulder vanish immediately! 那个生物有血肉,并非规则之体,脸色相当的惨白,如同从那常年不见阳光的老坟中爬出来的鬼尸,嘴角流着黑血,它的动作太快,穿过时光河流,顿时让老人的右肩头消失! Old person shoulder there, the spirit blood to/clashes, spirit granule dispersing...... baptism world. 老人肩部那里,灵血冲起,灵粒子散开……洗礼世界。 Finally, the old person strikes to kill that lifeforms! 最终,老人将那个生物击杀! However, he also turns into the light, impacts the trim pollen real road world, came the most sacred purification, but oneself forever lonesome! 但是,他自身亦化成光,冲击整片花粉真路世界,来了一场最为神圣的净化,而自身则永寂! In addition, the light that he blooms, spreads a road, spreads to the natural moat deep place, remaining three old person extremely fast the line, is treading the light granule, charges into the opposite shore. 此外,他绽放的光,铺成一条路,蔓延向天堑深处,剩下的三位老人极速而行,踏着光粒子,冲向对岸。 Some people are fighting along the way, crash, finally turns into the light, purifies the pollen real road, oneself disappear forever. 有人在沿途交手,坠落,最后化成光,净化花粉真路,自身永远消失。 Also some people succeeded. 也有人成功了。 Bang! 砰! An old person treads the opposite shore, does not have any choice, burns down the spirit directly! 一位老人踏到对岸,没有任何选择,直接焚烧灵! What is his must make? 他这是要做什么? Chu Feng does not have both eyes, but feels like has the pupil to contract as before, innermost feelings big change. 楚风没有双目,但是却依旧感觉像是有瞳孔在收缩,内心剧震 Old person melt the light, melts the fire, can burn down that female? 老人自身化光,化火,要焚烧那个女子吗? That was the plant root of pollen road, the end had/left the most serious concern, can he purify that female?! 那是花粉路的根子,尽头出了最为严重的问题,他要净化那女子?! Immeasurable spirit fire burning down, making the world and void is vanishing, belongs to empty lonesome. 无量灵火焚烧,让天地与虚空都在消失,归于虚寂。 Chu Feng could not see clearly, because, he nearly changes to drop of blood once again, attaches on stone jar. 楚风看不清了,因为,他又一次险些化作一滴血液,附着在石罐上。 This matter is very fearful, the entire pollen real road has the fatal issue, even the source was polluted, how does this make the successor also walk?! 这件事很可怕,整条花粉真路有致命的问题,连源头都被污染了,这让后来者还怎么走?! Must seperately pave the way, treads one again to high Great Dao? 要另外开辟道路,再踏出一条至高大道吗? Develops the road, creates the law, takes a completely different road, this...... how difficult! 拓路,创法,走出完全不同的一条路,这……何其艰难! The Chu Feng body is icy cold, the road that until now, his all evolutions, take is wrong? 楚风身体冰凉,时至今日,他所有的进化,走所的路都是错误的吗? Most front Dominion had/left the big problem! 最前沿领域都出了大问题! Can he also walk? 他还能走下去吗? However, wants seperately to tread a road, is not realistic. 然而,想另外踏出一条路,根本不现实。 Suddenly, he thinks of old person's words, the end of road, final Dominion, actually almost. 突然,他想到老人的话,路的尽头,最后的领域,其实差不多。 Reaching the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, is interlinked to high Dominion! 殊途同归,至高领域是相通的! Even, the old person has added the inexplicable words, once arrives at that Dominion, may feel to seem to have met before, just liked yesterday. 甚至,老人还说过莫名的话,一旦走到那个领域,或许会觉得似曾相识,恍若昨日。 Does not need to demand the different roads, so long as refers, profits from the real righteousness, some Ancient Road once left behind the vestiges, tracks down to try to prove its essence and that's the end.” “没有必要强求不同的路,只要参考,借鉴到真义,有些古路曾留下残迹,追寻求证到其本质就是了。” All were peaceful, the Chu Feng actually state of mind difficult draw, several old people dead, is impossible to appear. 一切都安静了,楚风却心绪难平,几个老人都死去了,都再也不可能出现。 Although knows, they are only spirit, True Body actually died early, but he is some does not feel better, always felt, spirit demise, died serious innumerable times compared with it fleshly body. 尽管知道,他们只是灵,真身其实早死了,可他还是有些不好受,总觉得,灵的灭亡,比之肉身死去严重无数倍。 The spirit dispersed, means truly forever lonesome, regardless of many time pass by, they were impossible to resurrect, not obvious. 灵都散了,意味着真正的永寂,无论多少个时代过去,他们都不可能复活了,再也不可见。 Even, Chu Feng saw, road that several old people pass through, at present is different, the footprint dissipation along the way, the void crack was smoothed, all traces were erased. 甚至,楚风看到,几位老人走过的路,眼下都不同了,沿途的脚印消散,虚空裂纹被抚平,所有痕迹都被抹除。 The desolated battlefield, once had about their Stele, records their entire life. 荒芜的战场,曾有关于他们的石碑,记载着他们生平 However, the present Stele decency, such as the dust caves. 但是,现在的石碑风化,如尘埃塌陷下去。 In many era ago underground vestiges, about the Origin Metal book that they leave behind, inherits secret texts, degenerates into fine powder in ka ka the sound unexpectedly, sprinkles. 很多个纪元前的地下遗迹中,还有关于他们留下的母金书,传承秘典,竟也在咔咔声中沦为齑粉,洒落。 Nearby the natural moat, several old men have contacted land, as well as natural moat void, is disintegrating rapidly, vanishes. 天堑附近,几位老者接触过的土地,以及天堑虚空等,都在迅速瓦解,消失了。 Chu Feng startles shivers spirit, is this fate that extinguishes spirit? 楚风激灵灵打了个冷颤,这就是灵灭的下场? Was once belonging to their world, anything has not stayed behind. 在曾经属于他们世界,什么都没有留下。 Initially, the peerless powerhouses of sidewise compression innumerable time, true era invincible creature, henceforth among in the world gone with no trace. 当初,横压无数个时代的绝世强者,真正纪元无敌的生灵,从此于世间渺无痕迹。 Several portraits have not appeared! 几人像是从来没有出现过! Past developing road, pollen road having several several created the legal person, dying was so dismal, making in the person heart be depressed. 当年的拓路者,花粉路有数的几个创法人,死的这么悲凉,让人心中发堵。 What is very fearful, now lifeforms after Chu Feng not knows natural moat, what background, what foot, all are the fans. 很可怕的是,现在楚风都不知道天堑后的生物,到底什么来头,什么根脚,一切都是迷。 With offering a sacrifice to related? 与祭地有关吗? But, he always felt, related to the level was too high! 可是,他总觉得,涉及到的层次太高了! If only officiating, but also does being insufficient make the entire pollen real road have the matter? That females pour in the end. 如果只是一个主祭者,还不至于让整条花粉真路都出事儿吧?那个女子都倒在尽头。 I fight!” “等我来战!” Chu Feng looks place that several old people vanish, he cannot bear a low roar: This karma I met!” 楚风看着几位老人消失的地方,他忍不住一声低吼:“这桩因果我接了!” Once developing road, the creation legal person of pollen real road, how can die in vain, even was the trace brutally erased?! 曾经的拓路者,花粉真路的创法人,怎能白死,连痕迹都被无情抹除?! Of bang, among this heaven and earth has the thunderclap explosive, but, what he raised the head actually not to see, dark, what big karma probably really had to fall on his Chu Feng's condensed the ChngRn shape spirit, both eyes also takes shape, the vision was cold, is staring at the vault of heaven, even if all fell on him, making him shoulder, how can also?! 轰的一声,这天地间有炸雷爆响,但是,他抬头却什么也没有看到,冥冥中,像是真有什么大因果落在了他的身上楚风的灵凝聚ChngRn形,双目亦成型,目光冷冽,盯着天穹,纵然一切都落在他身上,让他一个人扛下,又能怎样?! He should experience also experienced, already fearless all, at the worst doesn't die? 他该经历的也都经历了,早已无惧一切,大不了不就是一死吗? Living, powerful, pushes various Shidi horizontally!” Chu Feng body illumination, blooming spirit granule light beam especially dazzling. “活着,强大,横推诸世敌!”楚风身体发光,绽放的出灵粒子光束格外的刺目。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, three groups of flames are exceedingly high, fierce burning down, making All Heavens ten thousand thunder, trembled, including the natural moat also such as is, is vibrating unexpectedly! 突然,三团火光通天,剧烈焚烧,让诸天万道都轰鸣,都颤栗了起来,包括天堑亦如是,竟在抖动! Then, Chu Feng saw three people, sits cross-legged in the exceedingly high light beam, passes through Time River! 然后,楚风看到了三个人,盘坐通天的光束中,贯穿时光长河 Who? 谁? Quick, is almost in an instant, he thinks who they possibly are, in legend...... three Celestial Emperor?! 很快,几乎是刹那间,他想到了他们可能是谁,传说中的……三天帝?! Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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