SR :: Volume #16

#1541: Most ancient time that coffin

The opposite shore, the blade light sword shadow, the blood light scatters, is the fight still continuing? 对岸,刀光剑影,血光四溅,战斗还在继续? This is somewhat scary, how many years, the pollen real road source area, unexpectedly unrivalled hadn't great war terminated?! 这样有些吓人,多少年了,花粉真路起源地,竟有一场旷世大战还没有完结?! Can deduce, this does not calculate at the year, but weighs by the era ups and downs, how many big time have become the spray that in the history is shattered, but hasn't here fight ended? 可以推演,这不是以年计算的,而是以纪元沉浮来衡量,多少大时代早已成为历史中破灭的浪花,而这里的战斗还未终结? This is rather scary! 这未免过于骇人! That immortal physique dustlessness stainless female, beautiful hair is hanging loose, blocked from the appearance, the nearby is the blood, the corpse on the ground ground, was struck to kill? 那个仙体无尘无垢的女子,秀发披散着,遮住了容颜,附近都是血,伏尸地上,是被人击杀的吗? Thinks is very fearful, she may be one to high Dominion creature! 只是想一想就无比慑人,她有可能是一位至高领域生灵 What incomprehensible and frightened, she in the rear area, how many mysterious inner and outer coffins, the years trace is countless, the surrounding space and time spoiled mark is motley, whose is that? 让人不解与惊悚的是,她在后方,还有几口神秘的棺椁,岁月痕迹累累,周围的时空腐迹斑驳,那又是谁的? Several coffins in the near of female, definitely have the huge background! 几口棺在女子的近前,绝对有天大的来头! The Chu Feng eye severe pain , the left eye has and finally split comprehensively, flows the silk threads Human King Blood, if not he hurries closed eyes, must vertical blast out. 楚风眼睛剧痛,到了最后,左眼已经全面裂开,流淌丝丝缕缕的人王血,若非他赶忙闭目,就要立地炸开了。 Then, he shocks, trembling sound said: I...... saw a sword light probably!?” 接着,他又震撼,颤声道:“我好像……看到了一道剑光!?” He does not count the price, is staring there, no matter what the pupil is cracked, must explode broke to pieces, but actually wants to see clearly is what creature to fight. 他不计代价,在那里盯着,任瞳孔都龟裂,都要爆碎了,只是想看清楚究竟是什么样的生灵在战斗。 Finally frequently, he sees finally, the special sword light sidewise compression, has intruded in the terrifying battlefield that piece of blood scatters, broke balanced, making there have the confusion. 最后时刻,他终于看到,有一道特殊的剑光横压而过,闯入那片鲜血四溅的恐怖战场中,打破了平衡,让那里有混乱。 „Very familiar!” “很熟悉!” Chu Feng startles shivers spirit, was this once chops from the First Mountain deep place that sword light? Really looks like very much! 楚风激灵灵打了个冷颤,这是曾经从第一山深处劈出过的那道剑光吗?真的很像! Also is that in nine one?! 又是九道一口中的那位?! Did he participate in this war?! 他参与了这一战?! In the Chu Feng heart big change continues, but also has the doubts and puzzled, as if time to not on. 楚风心中剧震不止,不过也有疑惑与不解,似乎时代对不上。 What fight, will continue is so long? 什么样的战斗,会持续这么久? Moreover, evidently, that divided this sword light/only, intruded together afterward rashly, did not seem like the earliest period on participation that war. 而且,看样子,那位只是劈出这一道剑光,是后来贸然闯入的,不像是最早时期就参与那一战。 Perhaps, when is only that rise, in not the bright time, as well as not in the bright world, a sword that erupts, passed through Time River, projected on this place?! 或许,只是那位崛起时,在未明时代,以及未明的天地中,爆发出的一剑,贯穿了岁月长河,打到了此地?! Because, he heard to cross more than once, creature of that progression, after a sword cut, affected was too broad, will produce boundless big karma. 因为,他不止一次听人说过,那个级数的生灵,一剑斩出后波及太广了,会产生无边的大因果 If that sword, direct counter models the time desert, did not cut the opposite shore carefully, possibly had. 若是那一剑,直接逆塑时间瀚海,不小心斩到了对岸,也不是没有可能。 Said, actually all these had finished, I see, is only the trace that the past years left, but scene of these fight brand marks in years are rippling, is expanding?!” “还是说,其实这一切都早已结束了,我所看到的,都只是当年留下的痕迹,只是那些战斗烙印在岁月中的景象在荡漾,在扩张?!” When thinks that this possibility, Chu Feng even more felt, perhaps this is the truth. 当想到这一可能,楚风越发觉得,或许这就是真相。 After all, the females died, should be a loser, was struck to kill, means that the fight had ended! 毕竟,那女子都死了,应该是失败者,被人击杀,意味着战斗已经结束! Trace that stays behind, but had fought in the past space and time, is so fearful, Chu Feng is away from the natural moat to look out, oneself then must be destroyed momentarily, is really scary. 只是留下的痕迹,只是当年战斗过的时空,就已经这么可怕,楚风隔着天堑遥望,自身便随时要被毁灭了,实在骇人。 Unexpectedly, he lowers the head suddenly discovered, stone jar is shining, dim golden rune covered him comprehensively, camouflages him in middle. 蓦地,他低头突然发现,石罐在发光,朦胧的金色符文全面笼罩了他,将他遮蔽在当中。 Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, is scared, even more realized, the fight of that progression simply terrifying to inconceivable position! 楚风倒吸冷气,一阵发毛,愈发意识到,那个级数的战斗简直恐怖到了不可思议的境地! Even if trace that may stay behind, before is the innumerable eras , the aura that leaves behind is filling the air, cut to kill all pryers sufficiently. 即便有可能只是留下的痕迹,是无数个纪元前留下的气息在弥漫,就足以斩杀一切窥探者了。 Without stone jar, he wrote off mostly directly. 若是没有石罐,他多半直接被抹杀了。 Even, he suspected, even if True Immortal goes to this place, does not have the slight suspense, was erased the trace rapidly, dies without the burial ground! 甚至,他怀疑,即便是真仙来到这个地方,也没有丝毫悬念,迅速被抹去痕迹,死无葬身之地! What in the past had, the conflict why, who killed the pollen real road end to the high lifeforms-- mysterious female, is actually who?!” “当年发生了什么,冲突因何而起,谁杀了花粉真路尽头的至高生物——神秘女子,究竟是谁?!” In the Chu Feng heart is hanging the question, thinks knows urgently, invincible creature of that progression will die an untimely death, this somewhat was fearful. 楚风心中悬着疑问,迫切想知道,那个级数的无敌生灵都会横死,这就有些可怕了。 Very easy to believe, this female should be pollen real road highest achievement! 很容易让人相信,这女子应该是花粉真路最高成就者! The female of this road source has problems, therefore, radiates related rune from her, as well as fearful curse, not understandable say/way , then the fragment, polluted the person on entire road. 这条路源头的女子出了问题,所以,从她身上辐射相关的符文,以及可怕的诅咒,还有不可理解的道则碎片等,污染了整条路上的人。 All successors got sick! 以至于,所有后来者都病了! If guessed from this, the source has an accident to bring disaster to the entire road, then Fallen Immortal King Clan, who had an accident? Cannot think that was too terrifying! 若是由此推想,源头出事殃及整条路,那么堕落仙王族呢,谁出事了?不能多想啊,实在太恐怖了! Chu Feng has caressed the eyes, the spirit and fleshly body resonance, making the eyes of bleeding alleviate the little pains. 楚风抚过双眼,灵与肉身共鸣,让流血的双眼缓解了几许痛感。 He wants to see clearly behind that female all truth, is actually who is slaughtering? 他想看清那女子后方的所有真相,究竟是谁在厮杀? His eye bleeds again, just like the tears of blood, has delimited the cheeks, is dark red and scary, eye like covering entirely spider web, is the fearful fissure. 他的眼睛再次流血,宛若血泪,划过脸颊,殷红而吓人,眼睛如同布满蛛网,全是可怕的裂痕。 Has not seen the person eventually, perhaps, does not see is better! 终究是没看到人,或许,不见更好! After all, the females of dying were so fearful, if sees to high Dominion in living lifeforms, may initiate is not possible the forecast to change. 毕竟,死去的女子都如此可怕了,若是看到至高领域中的活着的生物,或许会引发不可预测之变。 In the Chu Feng sudden heart palpitates, starts to pay attention to several ancient coffin. 楚风突然心中悸动,开始关注向几口古棺 Inner and outer coffin is very special, is that progression the creature die institute of after of morgue?!” “棺椁很特别,是那个级数的生灵殒落后的停尸之所吗?!” Said, in several inner and outer coffins has the universe, is hiding a more fearful unknown secret?” “还是说,几口棺椁内另有乾坤,隐藏着更为可怕的不为人知的秘密?” Because, after even the female dies, pours in the pool of blood, has not lain down in the coffin, is too in a hurry, said the status to be short, or she for successor but actually here? 因为,连那女子死后都是倒在血泊中,并没有躺在棺内,是太匆匆,还是说身份欠缺,亦或是她为后来者倒在这里? Has the possibility, after the female arrived here, because of several coffins, but gets down but actually, is related with it?!” “是否有可能,女子走到这里后,因为几口棺而倒下去,与之有关?!” This matter also really has no way to investigate carefully, is extremely scary, Chu Feng earnestly seeks become stronger intensely, until having the qualifications kills, inquires into to be clear about all these. 这种事还真没法细究,太过骇人,楚风强烈渴求变强,直至有资格杀过去,探究清楚这一切。 Otherwise, in his heart uneasy. 不然的话,他心中不宁 He really wants to press for payment the ultimate truth. 他真的很想追索出终极真相。 Chu Feng discovered, vision transfers after the inner and outer coffin, felt that the boundless terrifying aura, as if can sweep across the ancient and modern boundless universe instantaneously, might destroy completely All Heavens immediately! 楚风发现,目光转注向棺椁后,感觉到了无边的恐怖气息,似乎可以瞬间席卷古今苍茫宇宙,像是要立刻灭掉诸天 He turns the head rapidly, does not dare to look, what's all this about? 他迅速转头,不敢看了,这是怎么回事? He even perceives, stone jar has the change. 他甚至觉察到,石罐有异动。 It is trembling lightly, as if dreaded extremely. 它在轻颤,似乎极为忌惮。 Finally but he could not bear, pays attention again, in the heart startles instantly greatly, what's the matter? It unexpectedly also there?! 可是最后他没忍住,再次关注,刹那心中大骇,怎么回事?它竟也在那里?! Previously had not paid attention, now, he sees clearly finally, had a coffin to see. 早先不曾注意,现在,他终于看清了,有口棺应该见到过。 His scalp tingles, realized, today here perceives some astonishing and terrifying truth. 他头皮发麻,意识到,今日在这里觉察到部分惊人而恐怖的真相。 In the middle of several coffins, there is young Copper Coffin! 几口棺当中,有一口青铜棺 It is like several other, is having the infinite years aura, should be stationed in the world not knows many eras, the long time elapses, is unable to research. 它与另外几口一样,都沾染着无穷的岁月气息,应该驻世不知道多少个纪元了,漫长光阴逝去,无法考证。 Because is away from the natural moat , in addition that stretch of region somewhat is too fuzzy, Chu Feng's both eyes bleed, therefore had not looked previously clearly. 由于隔着天堑,太远,加之那片地带有些模糊,楚风的双目淌血,所以早先没有看真切。 I must look at a care, it how there?” “我要看个仔细,它怎么在那里?” In the Chu Feng heart the play trembles, will not admit mistakes, is that coffin, it was opened, the coffin covers falls slantingly in side, moreover incessantly a coffin lid. 楚风心中剧颤,绝不会认错,就是那口棺,它被打开了,棺盖斜滑落在旁,而且不止一个棺盖。 Because, it altogether has three! 因为,它共有三层! Is it, will not admit mistakes!” “是它,不会认错!” In Chu Feng heart surging dreadful mighty waves. 楚风心中涌起滔天波澜。 When that in No.9 mouth, left initially, it is reported that during is sits the coffin of most inner layer to depart, crosses dyes with blood various world, the world does not see. 九号口中的那位,当初离开时,据传,就是坐着当中最内层的棺离去的,横渡染血的诸世,就此人间不见。 Also, that Celestial Emperor in dog sovereign and carrion mouth, once carried off a coffin, even there is years once in lying down in the coffin, the life and death does not know. 还有,狗皇、腐尸口中的那位天帝,也曾带走一口棺,甚至有段岁月曾在躺在棺中,生死不知。 Thus it can be seen, this Copper Coffin is mystical and important, not only the background big arrives boundlessly, but also in afterward long years, related to person, extraordinary, is the unparalleled powerhouse. 由此可见,这口铜棺神秘而重要,不仅来头大到无边,而且在后来的漫长岁月中,涉及到的人,亦都了不得,皆为盖世强者。 Coffin has third layer, hands down, the significance of representative big arrives boundlessly, might affect to pass, concerns the present age, the radiation in the future!” “棺有三重,相传,代表的意义大到无边,有可能影响过去,关乎当世,辐射未来!” Chu Feng talked to oneself how he can not change countenance, doesn't shock? This is only he, nine first-grade person there understood from the dog sovereign some secrets that cannot think when this saw its ancient trace. 楚风自语,他怎能不动容,不震撼?这只是他从狗皇、九道一等人那里了解到的部分秘密,想不到在此见到其古代时的踪影。 He believes firmly, the matter of this road end, should pass not knows many eras, at that time Celestial Emperor wait/etc. should not rise. 他确信,这条路尽头发生的事,应该过去不知道多少个纪元了,那个时候天帝等应该还没有崛起呢。 Is better than Celestial Emperor wait/etc., even is that in nine one, is far from this Copper Coffin being ancient, actually no one knows this is whose inner and outer coffin! 强如天帝等,甚至是九道一口中的那位,都远远没有这口铜棺古老,没有人知道这究竟是谁的棺椁! But Chu Feng now, may contact that time unknown secret! 楚风现在,有可能接触到那个时代不为人知的秘密! Is , is actually whose coffin, traced the past words, that buried is being who. 是谁,究竟是谁的棺,追溯到过去的话,那当中葬着是什么人 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng's left Neiyan rune flashes, destroyed directly, then the blood splash splashes, even if Discerning Eyes cannot withstand, when stares several coffins are looking, left eye self-destroying. 楚风的左内眼符文一闪,直接毁了,接着血花溅起,哪怕是火眼金睛也承受不住,盯着几口棺看时,左眼已然自灭。 He is unwilling, but also is continuing, must completely understand the penetrating. 他不甘心,还在继续,要看个透彻。 Finally, on another eye all fissures are also enlarging rapidly, Discerning Eyes rune breaks open, Human King Blood scatters. 结果,另外一只眼上所有的裂痕也在迅速放大,火眼金睛符文破开,人王血四溅。 This is because has the stone jar asylum, finally, he falls to this paddies, it can be imagined, the dim place terrifying of how natural moat opposite shore. 这还是因为有石罐庇护,结果,他还是落到这步田地,可想而知,天堑对岸的昏暗之地多么的恐怖。 Without the stone jar round binds his body by rich golden rune, even if degenerated True Immortal wait/etc. also to flicker to extinguish! 若是没有石罐发以浓郁的金色符文裹住他的躯体,纵然堕落真仙等来了也要瞬灭! Chu Feng has not drawn back, he was still insisting, observes by spirit, in a twinkling, his fleshly body was also corroded, like must gasify does not see. 楚风没有退,他还在坚持,以“灵”来观,霎时间,他的肉身也被侵蚀了,如同要气化般不见。 Saw, is that the extra mundane? Where is that? Cannot estimate!” “看到了,那是世外吗?那是什么地方?不可揣度!” The scene that Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, he sees, making his whole person probably dissipate directly. 楚风倒吸冷气,他看到的景象,让他整个人都要直接消散了。 Can shelter stone jar continuously? 石罐都要庇护不住了吗? At this moment, stone jar thunders, had the unprecedented change unexpectedly. 这一刻,石罐轰鸣,竟有了前所未有的异动。 It has not looked like so, nearly is burning down golden rune today, covers Chu Feng, defended him. 它从来没有像今天这般,近乎焚烧着金色符文,覆盖楚风,守住了他。 Then, Chu Feng sees-- that piece of ancient land! 然后,楚风看到——那片古地 :.: :。: Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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