SR :: Volume #16

#1535: Vanishes from your world

What I saw, is that the truth?” “我看到了什么,那是真相吗?” The Chu Feng soul palpitates, his body and heart are trembling lightly. 楚风灵魂悸动,他的身与心都在轻颤。 The opposite shore, there is lifeforms! 对岸,有一个生物 His clear saw, is not an misconception! 他真切的看到了,绝非错觉! But, his eye severe pain, is hard to endure that corrosion now, is unable to continue to stare again was looking, the eyeball was being torn by the inexplicable material. 可是,现在他眼睛剧痛,难以忍受那种腐蚀,无法持续再盯着看,眼球在被莫名物质撕裂。 Road to the end, has not seen eternal, has the powerhouse on the wane!” “路到尽头,未见永恒,有凋零的强者!” Chu Feng seems like in the sleep talking, wants to remember all that diligently saw a moment ago, is very fuzzy, very dim picture, but truly incomparable importance. 楚风像是在梦呓,努力想记住刚才看到的一切,很模糊,很朦胧的画面,但确实无比的重要。 His knows, this is concerning the future of pollen road, cannot forget. 知道,这关乎着花粉路的未来,不能遗忘。 No matter what, he had double revered the fruit position permanently, his memory is also dissipating, and must blast out, what kind of Dominion was very difficult to imagine this to involve! 可是,任他拥有了双恒尊果位,他的记忆也在消散,并要炸开了,很难想象这涉及到了怎样的领域 Why? In his brain unexpectedly a blank. 为什么?他脑中竟一片空白。 He is at a loss very much, looked continually will aim, had been cursed? 他很迷惘,连看一眼都会被针对,已被诅咒了吗? He seems like must lose, not only remembers, own existence cannot guarantee, even he must dissipate with that segment memory! 他像是要失去自我,不光是记忆,连自身的存在都不能保证了,连他自己都要随着那段记忆消散了! No!” Chu Feng making a fist low roar! “不!”楚风握拳低吼! How can so? 怎会如此? What is that? 那到底是什么? The pollen road had/left the accident, the issue in end there! 花粉路出了变故,问题就在尽头那里! He saw some truth, but he was actually instead eclipsed, cannot remember there all. 他看到了部分真相,可是他却被反蚀了,记不住那里的一切。 As can be seen, the Chu Feng's body empty was pale, with he sees, is not very clear, is very dim, must disperse in the time. 可以看到,楚风的身体都虚淡了,与他所看到的一样,很不真切,很朦胧,要在时光中散掉。 His fleshly body is fuzzy, will not exist, is this how fearful event?! 肉身模糊,将不复存在,这是何其可怕的事件?! It looks like him not to appear generally, in this world as if never has him! 就像是他从来没有出现过一般,这个世上仿佛从来都没有他这个人! All these were too terrifying, is unable to imagine simply! 这一切太恐怖了,简直是无法想象! Then is powerhouse in extremely True Immortal, as well as comes to the rotten end Great Universe Level lifeforms to come here, saw after this situation, is also frightened, frightened, turns around to flee. 便是真仙中的绝顶强者,以及走到腐烂尽头的大宇级生物来到这里,见到这一景况后也要惊悚,恐惧,转身逃离。 Otherwise, even creature of that progression is also hard to get rid, will belong to dimly, empty lonesome, disintegrates in this heaven and earth. 不然的话,连那种级数的生灵也难以摆脱,会归于朦胧,虚寂,分崩离析在这天地中。 When life and death, the survival difficult final moment, Chu Feng thinks of a person, that in nine. 生死之际,生存艰难的最后关头,楚风想到一个人,九道一口中的那位。 About that person, no one mentioned the name, he blurred gradually in everyone's memory, year by year dissipated, has probably never appeared. 关于那个人,没有人提及姓名,他在所有人的记忆中都渐模糊下去了,逐年消散,像是从未出现过。 But at present, the end of road, lifeforms, causing the Chu Feng memory to obliterate, in the brain the blank, even the body blurred, the whole person will dissipate. 而眼前,路的尽头,也有一个生物,导致楚风记忆磨灭,脑中空白,连身体都模糊了,整个人都将消散。 Is this similar lifeforms?! 这是同类生物吗?! Chu Feng saw creature of this progression, because is facing, therefore the issue is more serious!? 楚风见到了这种级数的生灵,更因为正在亲身面对,所以问题更严重!? He must die! 他要死去了! This cause of death is very pitiful, will be forever lonesome, has the passing trace to be erased continually. 这种死法很可悲,算是永寂,连存在过往的痕迹都被抹除。 Even, including knowing and being familiar with his person, will forget him. 甚至,连认识与熟悉他的人,都会将他遗忘。 This was too pitiful, incomparable misery! 这太可悲了,无比的凄凉! He seems like has not arrived in this world, vanishes from everyone's memory, cancels. 他像是从来没有来到过这个世上,从所有人的记忆中消失,抹去。 Vertical dies, no one knows. 纵死,亦无人知。 It is difficult to imagine, what kind of one he faces to exist today. 很难想象,他今天到底面对了怎样的一个存在。 In this, all over the world, in the mind of many people about Chu Feng's silhouette really in empty pale, dissipates unceasingly, will soon disappear. 于此之际,世界各地,许多人的脑海中关于楚风的身影果然在虚淡,不断消散,即将就此不见了。 This is an unusual to terrify person's change, remembers about one, about a person, must vanish unexpectedly baseless, since then becomes the blank! 这是一种非常瘆人的变化,关于一段记忆,关于一个人,居然要凭空消失,从此成为空白! If understands the truth, jumps out of this strange circle to carefully examine, goes to view mutation, who isn't afraid? Even if degenerates True Immortal still to for it have one's hair stand on end. 如果了解真相,跳出这个怪圈去审视,去观这种异变,谁不害怕?即便是堕落真仙也要为之毛骨悚然 Obviously, some people feel this fearsome change. 显然,有人感受到这种可怖的变化。 For example, has the person of close relation with Chu Feng, first perceives improper. 比如,与楚风有密切关系的人,第一时间觉察到不妥。 Sub Immortal Clan, a silver long hair hangs to Ying Xiaoxiao of waist border, on the shining white face confused, muttering: Strange, was my? In heart empty, probably was cut the incomparably important thing, is very uncomfortable, wants to grasp cannot hold, I lost anything probably!” 亚仙族,一头银色长发垂到腰际的映晓晓,莹白面孔上略带迷茫,喃喃着:“奇怪,我这是怎么了?心中空空落落,像是被斩掉了无比重要的东西,很难受,想抓却抓不住,我好像丢失了什么!” Roar......” “吼……” The losing place of Mutant Desolation Tiger clan, Dong Dahu roared, covered the head, the corner of the eye must stare the crack, is breathing heavily, shouts: What had? My memory fault/chasm, the years, very important experiences caved, could not link up unexpectedly!” 异荒虎族的遗地,东大虎一声咆哮,捂着头,眼角都要瞪裂了,喘着粗气,嘶吼:“发生了什么?我的记忆断层了,有一段岁月,有一段非常重要的经历塌陷,竟连贯不起来!” Two battlefields, Zhou Xi looks pale, she had a premonition anything, innermost feelings intense anxiety. 两界战场,周曦面色苍白,她预感到了什么,内心强烈的不安。 Chu Feng, is you, how you, I felt that you must disappear, goes from my memory pale, why can like this?” 楚风,是你吗,你怎么了,我感觉你要消失了,从我的记忆中淡去,为什么会这样?” Because, she is thinking the Chu Feng's matter, some time ago he just departed, therefore some of her also impressions, but, actually must be erased, she terrified and fear. 因为,她正在想楚风的事,不久前他刚离去,所以她还有些印象,但是,却也要被抹除了,她惶恐与害怕。 How you, why must disappear from my world, did you happen accidentally/surprisingly......?!” Zhou Xi cries. “你怎么了,为什么要从我的世界中消失,你发生……意外了吗?!”周曦落泪。 She came from the World of the Living sixth family, knows are more than average man, has naturally heard that situation. 她来自阳间第六家族,所知道的远比常人多,自然听闻过那位的情况。 But now, Chu Feng must vanish from her memory unexpectedly, certainly encountered the matter that is inconceivable. 而现在,楚风居然连人都要从她的记忆中消失了,一定遭遇了难以想象的事。 No!” “不!” She is anxious, frightened, is in an instant, she discovered own anything did not have the impression, in even/including Kou had just called name also so strange. 她不安,恐惧,可是刹那间,她就发现自己什么都没有印象了,连口中刚喊过的名字也是如此的陌生。 I lost the incomparably important thing, is quite grieved, I could not think!” The Zhou Xi sob, she rebukes oneself, is anxious and anxious, fears. “我丢失了无比重要的东西,好心痛,我想不起来了!”周曦哭泣,她自责,揪心与忧虑,为之而恐惧。 That is a person, I could not remember him, you...... came back quickly!” She is crying the summon. “那是一个人,我记不得他了,你……快回来!”她哭着呼唤。 Those present, have compared with her powerful person, reveals startled accommodates, because they were also affected, was affected. 在场的人,有许多比她实力强大的人,也都露出惊容,因为他们亦被波及,被影响到了。 Is powerful creature, the time of can insisting is longer, although the difference is not big, but now some of their also impressions. 越是实力强大的生灵,所能坚持的时间越长一些,尽管区别不大,但现在他们还有些印象。 For example Old Gu, his old enemy, famous elder Zhou Bo of Great Primeval Beginning level, is fearful and apprehensive, they can the clear feeling in the heart in blowing off. 比如老古,还有他的老对头,大混元层次的名宿周博,全都心惊胆颤,他们能够清晰的感受到心中在“放空”。 Chu Feng, how you blurred, can dissipate from my mind?!” Old Gu is scared, the complexion is pallid. 楚风,你怎么模糊了,要从我的脑海中消散?!”老古发毛,脸色煞白。 Zhou Bogeng is the facial color changes suddenly, his not knows what situation, oneself experienced and reliable muddled? Some such people, why must disappear from the heart. 周博更是面色骤变,他不知道什么情况,自己老到糊涂了吗?有那样一个人,为何要从心中消失。 Chu Feng, from my memory gradually gloomy, henceforth did not see......” past Qin Luoyin, today's Qing Yin, stands on a mountain peak, she was very puzzled, was somewhat disappointed, putting out a hand has from the sky delimited, a nihility. 楚风,从我的记忆中渐渐暗淡,从此不见……”昔日的秦珞音,今天的青音,站在一座山峰上,她很不解,也有些怅然,伸手在空中划过,一片虚无。 A strange dragon face is confused, very fears, he thought of own life experienced cut off, not knows should rejoice to extricate, was this/should low-spirited deep sigh. 怪龙一脸迷茫,很恐惧,他觉得自己人生的一段经历被斩断了,不知道是该庆幸解脱了,还是该黯然长叹。 Who is Chu Feng?” However in a minute, Old Gu was also at a loss, does not remember that what status Chu Feng has and origin, even this name is strange. 楚风是谁?”不过片刻间,老古也迷惘了,不记得楚风有什么样的身份与来历,连这个名字都是陌生的。 „Are you saying Chu Feng?” Zhou Xi is sad, her knows forgot a person probably, but who actually not knows he was, now hears Old Gu to whisper, she grabbed the last straw probably, wants to recall diligently, but, she actually could not achieve, her cultivation base bad was too far. “你是在说楚风?”周曦悲伤,她知道自己好像忘记了一个人,但是却不知道他是谁了,现在听到老古低语,她像是抓住了最后一根稻草,努力想忆起,可是,她却做不到,她的修为差的太远了。 I do not want to give up you, I must recall you, appear in my world!” Zhou Xi sobs, the clear teardrops fall from the snow white cheeks unceasingly. “我不想放弃你,我要将你记起,出现在我的世界!”周曦抽噎,晶莹的泪珠不断从雪白的脸颊上滑落。 Even if Lunatic Wu revealed the look of surprise, is quite surprised, overlooks some void. 纵然是武疯子露出异色,颇感意外,俯视某一片虚空。 Interesting, Little World of the Dead's that person, has had hearing, now blurs unexpectedly, will dissipate with the wind, what did he meet? don't tell me is that staying behind scrip­tures, the treasure, was touched after by him, is unbearable? One want such as the legend like that not existing, what kind of one experience is this?!” “有意思,小阴间的那个人,一直有耳闻,现在竟模糊下去,将随风消散,他遇到了什么?难道是那位留下的经文,重器,被他触动后难以承受?自身要如传说那般,不复存在,这是怎样的一种体验?!” Lunatic Wu pondered over, even his memory blurred, the news of concerned that person will be defeated and dispersed cleanly from his heart. 武疯子思忖,连他的记忆都模糊了,有关那个人的讯息将从他心中溃散干净。 His knows this means anything, that person is dying! 知道这意味什么,那个人要死了! Moreover, if no accident/surprise, that person forever lonesome, all traces were wiped to extinguish cleanly. 而且,若无意外,那个人将永寂,所有痕迹都被抹灭干净。 He had once heard this legend, the years that after all, Lunatic Wu experiences are extremely remote, the contact has been to the inexpressible secret history to be not few! 他曾听到过这种传说,毕竟,武疯子所经历的岁月极其久远,接触到过不可言说的秘史不算少! „Is Chu Feng...... you?!” Yaoyao raises the head, pure white chin slightly upward, looks somewhat stubborn. 楚风……是你吗?!”妖妖扬起头,洁白的下巴微向上,看起来有些倔强。 She is always very self-confident, long ago was honored as Number One Under the Starry Sky, in addition the looks are peerless, in the world eyes, it may be said that is grace and talent peerless. 她一向很自信,早年就被誉为星空下第一,再加上姿容绝世,在世人眼中,可谓是风华绝代 But now, she actually reveals the worried look, cannot be unflustered, she stretches out the fair and elegant finger, touching is void. 可是现在,她却露出忧色,不能从容自若了,她伸出白皙而纤秀的手指,触摸虚空。 She sees is different from others, she can be common with Chu Feng unexpectedly, sees spirit! 她看到的与别人不一样,她竟能与楚风一般,见到“灵”! She noticed that like incandescent particle that the candlelight sways, big piece flies, flashes on and off erratically. 她看到如同烛火般飘摇的发光粒子,大片的飞起,明灭不定。 In these spirits, she as if saw the Chu Feng's face, comprised of the spirit granule, is going far away, steps a road of no return! 在那些灵中,她仿佛看到了楚风的面庞,由灵粒子组成,正在远去,踏上一条不归路! Three emperor technique normalizing, hero soul according to the past and present......” “三帝术归一,英灵照古今……” Yaoyao chants in a low voice rapidly, and stretches the body, the lotus root arm has delimited void, and both feet treads the strange path, she seems like conducting an ancient sacrificial offering, seems like tying seal, displays to be lost for a long time secret technique. 妖妖迅速低吟,并且舒展身体,藕臂划过虚空,且双足踏出奇异的轨迹,她像是在进行一种古老的祭祀,又像是在结印,施展失传已久的秘术 This very strange, is very strange. 这很奇异,也很古怪。 Her word incantation and sacrifice dance unite, unexpectedly makes the space shake fiercely, the command time fragment hysterical/frenzy dances in the air, the space and time resonance, is receiving and instructing anything probably! 她的言咒与祭舞合一,居然让空间剧烈震荡,令光阴碎片狂乱飞舞,时空共鸣,像是在接引什么! „Does emperor offer a sacrifice to?!” “帝祭?!” At this moment, Feather Sovereign is startled, changes countenance instantaneously, he suspected that misread! 这一刻,羽皇吃惊,瞬间动容,他怀疑看错了! Does that female, understand this being lost sacrifice dance unexpectedly? 那个女子,居然懂这种失传的祭舞? What she must make, does don't tell me also want to summon true Celestial Emperor to be inadequate?! 她要做什么,难道还想召唤出一位真正的天帝不成?! In the eye of Yaoyao, seen is different from the average man, the fuzzy scene, spirit such as the dandelion of illumination died of old age at the night, faded and fallen, goes far away, she wants to communicate! 妖妖的眼中,看到的与常人不同,模糊的景象,“灵”如发光的蒲公英在黑夜凋谢,飘零,远去,她想沟通! ...... …… Chu Feng's body in empty pale, even the part disintegrates, starts to melt the light, melts the candlelight, changes into the granule, he even more illusory. 楚风的身体在虚淡,甚至部分瓦解,开始化光,化烛火,化为粒子,他越发的虚无缥缈。 The whole person seems like not real, is only together dim silhouette. 整个人看起来都不真实了,只是一道朦胧的身影 His body and soul are palpitating, how can so? 他的身与魂都在悸动,怎能如此? I see some scenes, can dissipate?” “我只是看到部分景象,就要消散了?” He is unwilling, many wishes, too many people had not waited to have a reunion, meets, must find them of reincarnation, but he actually must first step die now. 他不甘心,许多心愿未了,还有太多的人等着去重逢,去相见,要将转世的他们都找到,可是现在他自己却要先一步死去了。 Actually did I see what?!” “我究竟看到了什么?!” The fuzzy picture appears, end there of pollen road...... has a powerhouse, although is very dim, but absolutely is the human form, was that creature affects all these. 模糊的画面浮现,花粉路的尽头那里……有一个强者,虽然很朦胧,但绝对是人形的,是那个生灵影响到了这一切。 Chu Feng recalled diligently, understanding that he wants dead. 楚风努力回想,他想死的明白。 The end of pollen road, that creature as if died, on the road, pours there horizontally! 花粉路的尽头,那个生灵似乎死去了,横在路上,倒在那里! Long hair obstructs the surface, the whole body is the blood......” Chu Feng talks during sleep, he recalled these pictures! “长发遮面,满身是血……”楚风呓语,他回想到了这些画面! This creature does not intend to harm him, but was too powerful, own existence affected continuing of entire pollen Evolution Road and stabilizes! 这个生灵不是有意害他,而是太强大了,自身的存在就影响到了整条花粉进化路的持续与稳定! Is he, that in No.9 mouth?!” “是他吗,九号口中的那位?!” Does not have to blow off when the heart thoroughly, surviving recalls old, Chu Feng thinks of these instantly, the source of don't tell me pollen road, most powerful creature unexpectedly with that nine did say is the same person?! 在心中没有彻底放空,还有残存旧忆时,楚风刹那想到这些,难道花粉路的源头,最强大的生灵竟与九道一所说的那位是同一个人?! Otherwise, how to have the similar essence, he is close slightly, the memory then must dissipate, fleshly body so. 不然,何以有相似的本质,他稍微接近,记忆便要消散,连带肉身都如此。 But, the time to, the years does not tally, both are not creature of same discipline. 可是,时代对不上,岁月不相符,两者不是同一纪的生灵 Perhaps, having the road to seek, being correct to walk, since that is not, that... perhaps really may be the same person!” “也许,有路可寻,有道可走,既然那位不属于一部古史,那…或许真有可能是同一人!” I close to truth!?” “我在接近真相吗!?” I am dissipating, do I want to go toward him?!” “我在消散,我要朝他而去?!” Chu Feng felt, oneself was dying, must disintegrate, fleshly body like smoke, such as fog, he close to the front natural moat, this is a road of no return! 楚风觉得,自己要死了,要瓦解了,肉身如烟,如雾,他在接近前方的天堑,这是不归路! However, he also has an misconception, probably a ceremony, must return! 但是,他也有种错觉,像是一种仪式,要回归了! In a twinkling, he heard some sounds, that is...... the sacrificial offering sound of ancients, is some summon? 霎时间,他听到了一些声音,那是……先民的祭祀音,是某种呼唤吗? He wanted ignorantly, will die, must disintegrate quickly, but, in this in an instant, had the dazzling miraculous glow to delimit probably, his some clear(ly) became aware. 他要浑噩了,将死去了,很快要分崩离析,但是,在这刹那间,像是有刺目的灵光划过,他有些明悟。 The death, is not the final home to return to! 死,不是最终的归宿! This is starts, he as if sees war, hears to shout "kill" heavenshaking, after dying, goes on an expedition? 这才是开始吗,他仿佛看到金戈铁马,听到喊杀震天,死后去征战? Suddenly, he is somewhat at a loss, where is his must go to?! 一时间,他有些迷惘,他这是要去哪里?! Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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