SR :: Volume #16

#1536: Passes through the blood of Space and Time River

The sacrificial offering sound of ancients, from that unknown is transmitting, although is very distant, if even breaks if continues, but actually gives people the great and desolate feeling. 先民的祭祀音,正从那未知地传来,虽然很悠远,甚至若断若续,但是却给人宏大与苍凉之感。 Was that the summon of prehistoric? 那是史前的呼唤吗? No, perhaps is remote, is to the utmost ancient, which era not knows is, that is ancients' pray, solemn and stirring calls of trillion creature. 不,或许更为久远,极尽古老,不知道属于哪一纪元,那是先民的祈祷,亿万生灵的悲壮呐喊。 gradually, he heard shouted "kill" heavenshaking, but he is approaching that world! 渐渐地,他听到了喊杀震天,而他正在临近那个世界! He in the front, as if some innumerable powerhouses fight, even can feel that the astral wind of that separate world, howls. 他在的前方,仿佛正有无数强者交手,甚至能够感觉到那割裂天地的罡风,呼啸而过。 In the , unrivalled great war is performing. 就在附近,一场旷世大战正在上演。 Chu Feng wants to witness, wants to participate, but the eye actually cannot catch these creature, but, the war cries of ear bank even more were intense. 楚风想见证,想要参与,可是眼睛却捕捉不到那些生灵,但是,耳畔的杀声却越发激烈了。 War, the beacon-fire, Sword Qi cracks everywhere various boundary/world! 恍惚间,金戈铁马,遍地烽火,剑气裂诸界! Chu Feng felt, oneself is placing oneself in a stretch of most intense and fearful battlefield, is why, can't he see any scenery? 楚风觉得,自己正置身于一片最为激烈与可怕的战场中,可是为什么,他看不到任何景物? He suspected seriously, in not far away, here, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, True Immortal like clouds, Divine General like the rain, the blood dyes the vault of heaven, killed unusual frigid! 他严重怀疑,就在不远处,就在这里,天上地下,真仙如云,神将如雨,血染苍穹,杀的异常惨烈! His body is trembling, is unquenchable, wants to go to battle for the ancients, because, his clear heard the prayer sound, the shouts, are urgent, the situation is very critical. 他的身体在微颤,难以抑制,想为先民出战,因为,他真切的听到了祷告声,呼唤声,非常迫切,形势很危急。 But, he could not see, opens Discerning Eyes diligently, may be useless, in golden pupil that is going to disperse fuzzily, only then the blood flows, anything cannot see. 可是,他看不到,努力睁开火眼金睛,可没有用,模糊将要散的金色瞳孔中,只有血流淌出来,什么都见不到。 Slaughters the sound, the prayer sound, clearly looks like in the side, these sounds are getting more and more clear, he seems standing in stretch of great battlefields, but cannot see. 厮杀声,还有祷告声,分明就像是在身边,那些声音越来越清晰,他仿佛正站在一片宏大的战场间,可就是见不到。 Was this? He somewhat suspected, the don't tell me physique is going to dissipate, therefore ignorant auditory hallucination?! 这是怎么了?他有些怀疑,难道自己形体将要消散,所以懵懂幻听了吗?! Chu Feng is very anxious, worries too much, he wants to go into that dim world, why can't integrate? 楚风很焦急,忧心如焚,他想闯入那个朦胧的世界,为什么融入不进去? How was my?” “我这是怎么了?” Is irritable, he recalls suddenly, oneself in the soul light rain, fleshly body are even dim, must dissipate. 急躁间,他忽然记起,自己正在魂光化雨,连肉身都在朦胧,要消散了。 „Will I have died, therefore, has not entered that world truly, but hears?” “我将死未死,所以,还没有真正进入那个世界,只是听到而已?” The flash, he such as the cold water sprinkles the head, does he want dead? 一刹那,他如冷水泼头,他要死去了? Some memories appear, but also the part blurred, records radically is unclear. 部分记忆浮现,但也有一部分模糊了,根本记不清了。 Who I am, where is this must to go?” “我是谁,这是要到哪里去?” Chu Feng by oneself calm, then, returned to think of many things finally, he is evolving, stepped the pollen real road, then, witnessed end lifeforms. 楚风让自己冷静,然后,终于回思到了不少东西,他在进化,踏上了花粉真路,然后,见证了尽头的生物 Then, his memory blurred, even fleshly body must be defeated and dispersed, he close to final truth. 而后,他的记忆就模糊了,连肉身都要溃散,他在接近最后的真相。 Chu Feng lowers the head, looks to own both hands, looks to the body, really even more fuzzy, such as smoke, if the fog, is the last dissipation edge, the light granule leaps unceasingly. 楚风低头,看向自己的双手,又看向身体,果然越发的模糊,如烟,若雾,处在最后消散的边缘,光粒子不断腾起。 I was dying, must go to another world to go on an expedition.” “我要死了,要去另外一个世界征战了。” Bang, he poured, the body could not support, face upwarded to fall down on the ground, the physique was gloomy, the innumerable granules evaporated. 砰的一声,他倒下去了,身体撑不住了,仰天栽倒在地上,形体暗淡,无数的粒子蒸发了出来。 The Chu Feng consciousness is unclear, being at a loss whether there is to perform, he discovers himself to hike up, exactly said, the innumerable luminous spots fill the air from the body. 楚风意识不清,有无尽的迷惘,他发现自己飘起,确切的说,无数的光点从身体中弥漫出。 This is his spirit condition? 这是他的“灵”的状态吗? It looks like on the pollen real road, he saw these spirits, the probably innumerable candlelights drag, probably scatters in the dandelion that in the darkness shines, did he also become this shape? 就像是在花粉真路上,他见到了那些灵,像是无数的烛火摇曳,像是在黑暗中发光的蒲公英飘散,他也成为这种形态了吗? He looks back, fleshly body pours there, very short time, then must corrupt comprehensively, some place bones revealed. 他向后看去,肉身倒在那里,很短的时间,便要全面腐烂了,有些地方骨头都露出来了。 „Did I really die?” “我真的死去了?” But, after he cannot melt dead the world, heard the war cry, has not actually seen the ancients who struggles as before, has not seen the enemy. 可是,他还是没有能融进死后的世界,听到了喊杀声,却依旧没有见到挣扎的先民,也没有看到敌人。 Quick, Chu Feng discovers unusually, he melts the big piece the granule, is spirit, is wrapping stone jar, was it preserves him not to disperse thoroughly? 很快,楚风发现异常,他化大片的粒子,也就是灵,正包裹着一个石罐,是它保住了他没有彻底散开? Now, he is the spirit condition, but as before is the human form. 现在,他是灵的状态,但依旧是人形。 Who I am, I am Chu Feng, I must remember all, I must find the truth of pollen road, I must move toward end there.” “我是谁,我是楚风,我要记住所有,我要找到花粉路的真相,我要走向尽头那里。” But, he maintains in this special condition, cannot retrocede to live, cannot go forward to the world after dying. 可是,他保持在这种特殊的状态中,不能后退活过来,也不能前进到死后的世界中。 Therefore, when he looks back, can see when the body that oneself are blurring rottenly, looks into the distance forward, only has the sound, without scenery. 所以,他回首时,能够看到自己在腐烂模糊下去的身体,向前眺望时,却只有声音,没有景物。 This is the true onset and retreat can not. 这是真正的进退不得。 However, after terrifying light beam blooms, broke all, completely changes his strange non-solution the situation. 不过,当一声恐怖的光束绽放后,打破了一切,彻底改变他这种诡异无解的处境。 He has a window mullion paper to be ripped open at present probably, sees the light, sees the scenery, sees the truth! 他眼前像是有一张窗棂纸被撕开了,见到光,见到景物,见到真相! That is the pollen road end!” “那是花粉路尽头!” There too dazzling, has the immeasurable light to send out, making spirit condition he unable to bear, is hard to look straight ahead. 只是,那里太刺目了,有无量光发出,让“灵”状态的他也受不了,难以直视。 In the fearful light beams, there is a blood to splash, causes the trim world, even was even the time must fester, must move toward the end point. 在可怕的光束间,有血溅出来,导致整片天地,甚至是连时光都要溃烂了,一切都要走向终点。 He sees an corner/horn scene, in can the world all then end?! 他才看到一角景象而已,世上所有便都又要结束了?! Then, Chu Feng detected, the space and time is not steady, is bursting, All Heavens crashes, thorough dying! 然后,楚风发觉,时空不稳,在破裂,诸天坠落,彻底的死去! Pollen road there, the issue was too serious, is the source of trouble beginning, there had/left the big problem, therefore causes various types startled to change. 花粉路那里,问题太严重了,是祸源的起点,那里出了大问题,所以导致各种惊变。 Even if there is stone jar in the side, he discovered that oneself still has the fearful change, even light granule in gloomy, is compressing, can he wither away thoroughly? 即便有石罐在身边,他发现自己也出现可怕的变化,连光粒子都在暗淡,都在压缩,他彻底要消亡了吗? Can after he enter dies the world? 他要进入死后的世界? But, after the person died, does the pollen road really also model a special world? 可是,人死去后,花粉路真的还塑有一个特殊的世界吗? Quick, he turned into a drop of blood, beautiful but unfortunate red, stone jar accompanying in bank. 很快,他变成了一滴血,凄艳的红,石罐相伴在畔。 Who I am, what is experiencing?” “我是谁,在经历什么?” Also or, what is he witnessing? 亦或是,他在见证什么? Buzz prosperous! 嗡隆! Suddenly, big change, the past and present at the resonance, will be trembling in the future lightly, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds that died originally, world and extra mundane, solidified. 突然,一声剧震,古今未来都在共鸣,都在轻颤,原本死去的诸天万界,世间与世外,都凝固了。 Chu Feng discovered, oneself and stone jar with trembling. 楚风发现,自己与石罐都在跟着震颤。 Then, he saw the innumerable world, the space and time was not destroying, framed, only then blood of creature, turned into a grain of another grain of clear luminous spot, passed through the eternal space and time. 接着,他看到了无数的世界,时空不在毁灭,定格了,只有一个生灵的血液,化成一粒又一粒晶莹的光点,贯穿了万古时空。 Even, the blood of that creature, rushes to the end of pollen road, prevented the spread of source of trouble. 甚至,那个生灵的血,涌向花粉路的尽头,阻挡住了祸源的蔓延。 The pollen road had/left the big problem, origin place there once had true blood to splash, was not a good phenomenon! 花粉路出了大问题,起源处那里曾有真血溅起,绝不是好现象! But now, another creature splits the bloodletting light, consolidated all these, prevents the pollen road end the continuation spread of catastrophe. 而现在,另有一个生灵绽放血光,稳固了这一切,阻挡住花粉路尽头的大祸的继续蔓延。 Dim within, Chu Feng as if saw a person , is very very gloomy, is unable to see the appearance/portrait, in his heart the miraculous glow one presently, is that...... that in No.9 mouth?! 朦胧间,楚风仿佛见到了一个人,很远,很暗淡,无法看到真容,他心中灵光一现,那是……九号口中的那位?! First Mountain once divided together the sword light, the present blood is consistent with that sword light aura!” Chu Feng affirmed very much. 第一山曾劈出过一道剑光,眼下的血与那剑光气息一致!”楚风很肯定。 That blood, once passed through eternally, then, does not know intends, is, blocked the pollen road end disaster, causes it not turbulently. 那位的血,曾经贯穿万古,然后,不知是有意,还是无意间,挡住了花粉路尽头的祸患,使之没有汹涌而出。 At this time, Chu Feng remembers recovered, thinks of many matters. 此时,楚风连带记忆都复苏了许多,想到不少事。 No wonder end that lifeforms of road will make me remember to vanish, fleshly body also or erasing of scar, existence of this progression is unable to imagine!” “难怪路的尽头那个生物会让我记忆消失,肉身也要不留痕迹的抹除,这种级数的存在根本无法想象!” Chu Feng did overwhelmed by emotions, witness the history?! 楚风心潮澎湃,见证了历史吗?! That of creature of pollen road end in nine one is really the same progression to superior, but creature of pollen road had/left the accident/surprise, possibly died! 花粉路尽头的生灵与九道一口中的那位果然是同一个级数的至高强者,只是花粉路的生灵出了意外,可能死去了! I am a drop of blood, floats in this eternal space and time, the indirect participation, is the testimony, related with them?” “我是一滴血,在这万古时空中漂浮,间接参与,见证,与他们有关吗?” Chu Feng suspected, he hears the prayer, like some ceremony, enters in this condition, actually to mean what? 楚风怀疑,他听到祷告,如同某种仪式般,才进入这种状态中,究竟意味着什么? don't tell me...... is he concerned with that to superior? 难道……他与那至高强者有关? No! 不! He believes firmly, but saw, witnessed an corner/horn truth, is not they. 他确信,只是看到了,见证了一角真相,并不是他们。 My blood, with their differences , there is nothing to do with them.” “我的血,与他们的不一样,与他们无关。” Chu Feng talked to oneself, then he looks to stone jar, oneself are the blood, attaches on, was stone jar leads him to witness all these! 楚风自语,然后他看向身边的石罐,自身为血,附着在上,是石罐带他见证了这一切! The pollen road was too dangerous, the end had/left the boundless terrifying event, had/left the accident/surprise, but that in nine, in the process that oneself practice, as if did the unconsciousness block all these? 花粉路太危险了,尽头出了无边恐怖的事件,出了意外,而九道一口中的那位,在自身修行的过程中,似乎无意识挡住了这一切? Even, when the Chu Feng memory recovery, the instant miraculous glow flashes through, what he was indistinct held, that outcome what condition, where? 甚至,在楚风记忆复苏时,刹那的灵光闪过,他隐约间抓住了什么,那位究竟什么状态,在何方? He as if had some not mature guess! 他似乎有了某种不成熟的猜测! :.: :。: Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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