SR :: Volume #16

#1534: Pollen road most powerhouse

In stone jar, purple brown young trees, but the palm of the hand is high, listless, the leaf blade drooped, the peak has a flower bud of semi-closure. 石罐中,有一株紫褐色的小树,不过巴掌高,病恹恹,叶片都耷拉了下来,顶端有一朵半闭合的花蕾。 The previous time, Supreme Being Level mutated soil is insufficient, Chu Feng is forced to interrupt the evolution, nearly leaves accidentally/surprisingly, now he continues the road ahead again. 上一次,大能级异土不够,楚风被迫中断进化,险些出意外,现在他再续前路。 Has nothing hesitant, he first prepared eight rare and special soil texture directly, if insufficiently, but can also add again. 没什么可犹豫的,他直接就先准备好了八份稀珍而特殊的土质,如果不够,还可以再加。 This is the evolution resources accumulates the abundant result, in his hand has massive Primeval Beginning level soil texture, does not care about the consumption, so long as can evolve, all pay are worth. 这就是进化资源积累充裕的结果,他手中有大量混元级土质,根本不在乎消耗,只要能进化,一切付出都值得。 The effect is to get quick results, the young tree that the previous dispirited gets down, grows at present fiercely again, rises straight from the ground instantaneously, no longer gloomy with sending to fade. 效果是立竿见影的,上一次萎靡下去的小树,眼下剧烈再生长,瞬间拔地而起,不再暗淡与发蔫。 Bang, is accompanying the thunderous sound unexpectedly, is accompanying the chaos fog, seems World Tree, in splitting heaven and earth apart, deducts the scene of Absolute Beginning. 轰隆一声,居然伴着雷鸣声,伴着混沌雾,仿佛是一株世界树,在开天辟地,演绎太初之景象。 All leaf blades are changing, Purple Qi curls, the chaos bad fog transpiration, at the beginning of the world scene illuminates obviously, Great Dao interweaves, Order grows, the first wisp of light passes, grants the myriad things vitality, the first sound blooms, enlightens ten thousand spirits...... 所有叶片都在翻动,紫气袅袅,混沌大雾蒸腾,世界之初的景象显照出来,大道交织,秩序生长,第一缕光流转,赐予万物生机,第一道声音绽放,教化万灵…… This is extremely special, making Chu Feng a little dumbstruck, with the previous difference, the young tree rises straight from the ground, second growths, after the recovery, unexpectedly entirely different. 这极其特殊,让楚风都有点发懵,和上次不一样,小树拔地而起,二次生长,复苏后居然大不相同。 He thinks that this tree body grows, the flowers are not excessive split, finally, the scene astonishing were too more than previous time. 他以为这次树体生长,花朵不过重绽而已,结果,景象却是比上次惊人太多了。 He carefully observes, although that splitting heaven and earth apart scene is very dim, does not happen truly, but, takes to his enormous touching as before, making him see the light suddenly! 他仔细观察,尽管那开天辟地般的景象很朦胧,并非真正发生,但是,依旧带给他极大的触动,让他顿悟! Bang! 轰隆! Road that the law that these cannot think through, as well as cannot go forward again, now unexpectedly is caught the turning point by him, comprehends many. 那些想不通的法,以及不能再前进的路,现在居然被他捕捉到契机,参悟出很多。 Among his mouth and nose, the white fog turnover, that is the innate essence, after he revolves Plundering Guide Breathing Method, with this splitting heaven and earth apart young tree world exchange aura. 他的口鼻间,白雾进出,那是先天之精,在他运转盗引呼吸法后,同这开天辟地般的小树世界交换气息。 Suddenly, the Chu Feng whole body was dim, was set up Purple Mist of body to include, was covered by the chaos. 一时间,楚风周身都朦胧了,被树体的紫雾包括,被混沌覆盖。 He returned to the myriad things newborn time probably, saw the first wisp of light, listened respectfully to the first wisp of sound, was opened a day of time by that first wisp of Dao marks in the body construction special design...... 他像是回归到了万物初生的时代,看到了第一缕光,聆听到了第一缕音,又被那开天时代的第一缕道纹在身体构建特殊的图案…… Chu Feng is breaking through, turns toward truly reveres in Dominion to lead the way permanently! 楚风在突破,真正向着恒尊领域中前行! Heavenly Venerate this Realm, "Great" character generation on high, but after entering permanent character Dominion, may overlook the vault of heaven, unique outside, even can say looking disdainfully past and present all mighty people! 天尊这个境界,大字辈已然高高上,而入恒字领域后则可俯视苍穹,超脱在外,甚至可以说睥睨古今诸雄 lifeforms of permanent character level, are not really many, at least in World of the Living present age in this generation of creature, Chu Feng has not seen living reveres permanently! 恒字级的生物,真的不多,最起码在阳间当世这代生灵中,楚风还没有见到活着的恒尊! "Ah...... ” “啊……” Chu Feng roared, the sound was sad, the probably injured wild animal was pierced by the innumerable lances, was sewn in the prisoner's cage. 楚风一声咆哮,声音沉闷,像是受伤的野兽被无数杆长矛刺穿,被钉在囚笼中。 His real whole body is the blood, is the blood hole, the severe pain is all over the body hard to endure. 他真的满身是血,通体都是血窟窿,剧痛难忍。 This not misconception, matter that but has, he from head to foot is the wound. 这是不错觉,而是真实发生的事,他从头到脚都是伤口。 As can be seen, in void, the innumerable weapons, from the blade of Order to the decayed lance, to him, is all piercing him, separate! 可以看到,在虚空中,无数的兵器,从秩序之刀到腐朽的长矛,全都对着他,将他刺穿,割裂! In the Chu Feng eye socket is bleeding, one line of tears of blood hang all over the cheeks, he is very painful, is very confused, will soon break through, immediately must become permanent Heavenly Venerate, how to be blocked? 楚风眼窝中都在淌血,一行血泪挂满脸颊,他很痛,也很迷茫,即将突破,马上就要成为恒天尊,怎么会被阻? Moreover, this dead tribulation so towering, has not given people the response time. 而且,这种死劫是如此的突兀,根本就没有给人反应的时间。 Even his Discerning Eyes was sewn to put on, this pain average man is unendurable, but, his actually stuffy, the double pupil flows rune, compels two lances. 连他的火眼金睛都被钉穿,这种痛楚常人难以忍受,但是,他却一声闷哼,双瞳流淌符文,逼出两根长矛。 Blocks my Evolution Road, extinguishes my Great Dao?!” “阻我进化路,灭我大道?!” Chu Feng low roar, although both eyes were penetrated, is seriously battered, but can actually feel periphery all as before. 楚风低吼,虽双目被穿透,遭受重创,可是却依旧能够感受到周围的一切。 At this time, the boundless darkness, dyed the black the trim world probably, arrived to the dark time, submerged the world myriad things. 此时,无边的黑暗,像是将整片世界都染成了黑色,至暗时刻到来,将天地万物都淹没了。 On his body surface, these weapons are not illusory, but is so real, that is the ominous essence, or some type to the source of high energy? 他的体表上,那些兵器不是虚幻,而是如此真实,那是不祥的本质,亦或是某种至高能量的源头? The world is silent, only then Chu Feng send out the weak light, the entire mountain scene forest, the trim boundless mountain range was covered by the bad fog, Sun and Moon lost radiance, the world changes colors. 天地寂静,只有楚风自身散发虚弱的光,整片山林,整片苍莽山脉都被大雾遮盖,日月无光,天地失色。 And, Chu Feng listened respectfully to the death knell sound, is calling for him? 并且,楚风聆听到了丧钟声,在为他而鸣? His body started to corrupt, the comprehensive deterioration, started from wound there, spreads to all the limbs and bones, corroded the innermost soul. 他的身体开始腐烂了,全面恶化,从身上的伤口那里开始,蔓延向四肢百骸,又侵蚀进灵魂深处。 The moment, he danger such, will not have fallen into the hopeless situation. 从来没有一刻,他会这么的危险,陷入绝境中。 Truly rotten, comprehensive decayed, many start from Great Universe Level. 真正腐烂,全面腐朽,多数是从大宇级才开始。 But, his premature disassimilation, from previous time appeared, but today more serious several times continue, this is very fearful hardship changes! 可是,他过早的异化了,自上次就出现了,而今天更加严重数倍不止,这是非常可怕的厄变! "Dang!" “当!” Long bell ring, this is not the misconception, but is the truly black bells appears in the time end, was vibrating to Chu Feng. 悠悠一声钟响,这不是错觉,而是真正有一口黑色的大钟在时光尽头浮现,对着楚风震动了一下。 The flash, his whole body is black rune, everywhere is the rotten aura, dense and numerous strange veined pattern are found in the wound place of whole body. 一刹那,他满身都是黑色符文,到处都是腐烂的气息,密密麻麻的诡异纹路遍布全身的伤口处。 Was this? 这是怎么了? He is evolving, soon when transformation, by such strength of blockade measuring not, was been probably unlucky, seems like rooted in the inborn suppression of Great Dao source! 他在进化,即将蜕变时,被这样的莫测之力阻击,像是不祥,又像是根植于大道源头的天生压制! Right, Chu Feng believes, entire Evolution Road had/left the big problem, its basic reason seems to be related with the Great Dao source, the entire road was corroded. 没错,楚风认为,整条进化路出了大问题,其根本原因似乎与大道源头有关,整条路都被侵蚀了。 I must recover, jumps to a life higher level!” “我要复苏,向生命更高层次跃迁!” He roars lowly, the whole face is the bloody water, flows from in the eyes, is, wound also even more fearsome, black veined pattern interweaves the weapon, inserts fills his whole body. 他低吼,满脸都是血水,是从双目中流淌出来的,可是,身上的伤口也越发的可怖,黑色纹路交织成兵器,插满他的全身。 The rotten aggravation, his whole person turned over to Yellow Springs awfully. 腐烂更加恶化,他整个人都要命归黄泉了。 I do not die, how to possibly drop down on Evolution Road!” “我是不死的,怎么可能会在进化路上倒下!” The Chu Feng low roar, the whole body the blooming brilliance, must pursue these mysterious and fearful marks winds, revolution breathing method, comprehensive baptism blood and soul. 楚风低吼,全身都在绽放光辉,要驱逐那些神秘而可怕的纹络,运转呼吸法,全面洗礼自身血与魂。 Meanwhile his long body, from head to foot inscribing golden color writing, this came from the special classical Chinese literature on stone jar. 同时他长身而起,从头到脚铭刻金色文字,这是源自石罐上的特殊古文。 Purple brown young tree shaking, has grown to six zhang (3.33 m) high, the leaf blade changes, is turning just like the scroll sutra, and really spreading makes one calm the mind the sutra chanting with rapt attention. 紫褐色的小树摇动,已经生长到六丈高,叶片翻动,宛若经卷在翻篇,并真的传出让人静心凝神的诵经声。 Sets up the body peak, that pure white flowers bloom, under and sprinkles the white fog pollen, submerges Chu Feng. 树体顶端,那朵洁白的花朵重新绽放,并洒落下白雾般的花粉,将楚风淹没。 I must transform, I want become stronger!” “我要蜕变,我要变强!” Of bang, the Chu Feng whole body rushes, release the strength of not extinguishing, from head to foot golden writing, if the eternal light, wraps him, melts in his blood, flows to various whole body places, purifies to him. 轰的一声,楚风周身澎湃,释放出不灭之力,从头到脚金色文字若永恒之光,将他包裹,融进他的血液中,流淌向全身各处,对他净化。 However, has saying that this hardship becomes extremely fearful, his whole body is the wound, has the decayed aura as before, cannot all erase. 然而,不得不说,这一次厄变极其可怕,他满身都是伤口,依旧带着腐朽的气息,并未能全部抹除。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The Chu Feng body had iron chain collapsing probably, the energy in his flesh seemed like the volcanic eruption, when oneself were rotten, his strength unexpectedly terrifying rose suddenly a big truncation. 楚风身体像是有一条铁链崩断了,他血肉中的能量像是火山喷发,在自身腐烂时,他的实力居然恐怖的暴涨一大截。 Reveres permanently! 恒尊! At this moment, Chu Feng becomes the permanent character generation in Heavenly Venerate Dominion, World of the Living was rare since ancient times, even if in the All Heavens history book few people. 此时此刻,楚风成为天尊领域中的恒字辈,阳间古来难得一见,纵然是诸天史书中都没有几人。 At least in histories in form of biographies so, coming of recorded lifeforms number! 最起码正史中如此,被记述的生物数的过来! The Chu Feng pupil lives the splendor sparklingly, the bleeding eye socket is healing, the whole body golden light like the waterfall, from head void falls in torrents, covers every inchs the flesh. 楚风眸子烁烁生辉,流血的眼窝在愈合,周身金光如瀑,自头上虚空中倾泻,覆盖每一寸血肉。 At present he is single Hengzun the fruit position, this Dao Fruit not simultaneously promote step, but he is not anxious, today is doomed double Dao Fruit to sublimate completely may. 目前他是单恒尊果位,这一次道果并没有同时晋阶,不过他不急,今天注定要双道果全部升华才可。 But is a little improper, his wound, rotten has not eradicated, even if transformed, becomes reveres permanently, but hardship changes is also still evolving. 但有一点不妥,他身上的伤口还在,腐烂并未根除,哪怕蜕变了,成为恒尊,可厄变也还在演变中。 And, at this time, when thunders, time end, Great Dao source deep place, a black death knell again loud. 并且,这个时候,当的一声轰鸣,时光尽头,大道本源深处,一口黑色的丧钟再响。 His whole body clear spot also starts to be cracked, and wanted to be comprehensively decayed! 他周身晶莹的部位也开始龟裂,并且要全面腐朽了! This is from the Great Dao root fatal strikes?!” “这是来自大道根源的致命一击吗?!” Chu Feng is afraid, always thought that today touched what Taboo Dominion, extremely unusual. 楚风不寒而栗,总觉得今天触及了什么禁忌领域,极其的非同寻常。 He even more felt, the issue of this road is very serious, has the condition in that source, does not know for the later generation. 他愈发觉得,这条路的问题很严重,在那源头有状况,并不为后人所知。 Perhaps, this was the road ahead broke, causing no one to be able the cross past and achievement to the origin of high fruit position! 或许,这就是前路断了,导致无一人可以跨过去并成就至高果位的根由! In the middle of this whether there is side the bad risk, has the Peak terrifying inevitably! 这当中必然有无边凶险,有极致恐怖! Chu Feng outstretches the hand, a darkness, was completely split. 楚风伸开手,一片漆黑,完全干裂了。 His promote step, was transforming, but the whole body becomes dark now, moved toward the decrepit, the flesh festered the big piece. 原本他晋阶了,正在蜕变,可是现在满身都发黑,走向衰朽,血肉溃烂了大片。 Changed the experience to be related with special hardship. In addition, I accumulate eventually am also the insufficient depth, now starts backlash.” Chu Feng light language. “与刚才的特殊厄变经历有关。此外,我积淀终究是还不够深,现在开始反噬。”楚风轻语。 He not flurried, carefully examines itself with the unique mentality. 他没有慌乱,以超脱的心态审视自身。 Regarding this phenomenon, he has certain preparation. 对于这种现象,他早就有一定的心理准备。 After all, in the Zhou Xi family's ancestor palace, he once examined, looks that also whether to evolve again rapidly. 毕竟,在周曦家族的祖殿,他曾检验,看一看还能否再迅速进化。 Finally, the scene to terrify person who at that time his Shining Upon had/left, the Zhou Clan old monster told him very much clearly, cannot be risky, needs to let the cooling itself several thousand years to 10,000 years. 结果,当时他映照出的景象很瘆人,周族的老怪物明确告诉他,不能再冒险,需要让自身冷却数千年到一万年。 In addition today's hardship becomes unusual, causing him to suffer Great Calamity now! 再加上今天的厄变过于非同寻常,导致了他现在遭受大劫 Does his no choice, how possibly limit the 10,000 years? Present stage various worlds must extinguish, he makes good use of one's time, even if risks danger must transform. 他没的选择,怎么可能限制自身一万年?现阶段诸世都要灭了,他只争朝夕,哪怕行险也要蜕变。 At this time, the Supreme Being Level soil texture are many enough, can definitely support this purple brown big tree growth, the entire tree body sends out Purple Qi, is full of a rhyme. 此时,大能级的土质足够多,完全能支撑这株紫褐色的大树生长,整株树体都散发紫气,充满道韵。 The splitting heaven and earth apart aura fills the air, the flower petal blooms completely, falls in torrents all pollen gradually, making Chu Feng another Dao Fruit also be in the essential situation. 开天辟地的气息弥漫,花瓣全部绽放,渐渐倾泻完所有的花粉,让楚风另一道果也到了关键的地步。 Was a pity really very much, the drug efficacy of pollen as if cannot slow down the Chu Feng's failure to change completely, this seriously affected evolution! 着实很可惜,花粉的药效似乎也不能完全减缓楚风的衰竭变化,这严重影响到了的进化! The pollen made his life sublimate sufficiently, the achievement double reveres the fruit position permanently, but hardship changes too much to be different, the towering attack, he was blocked! 原本花粉足以令他生命升华,成就双恒尊果位,可是厄变太特殊,突兀来袭,他被阻击了! Person ultimate must depend on itself.” “人终极是要靠自己。” Chu Feng light language, in this type most dangerous, in position that the life does not guarantee, he as far as possible by oneself calm, has not lost the discretion. 楚风轻语,在这种最危险,性命不保的境地中,他尽量让自己冷静,没有失去分寸。 Lifts in the hands, shedding of his flesh to become Kuaicheng block, that is obliterated by the decayed aura, the bone loosened unexpectedly, loses the gloss. 抬手间,他的血肉成块成块的脱落,那是被腐朽的气息磨灭的,还有骨头居然都疏松了,失去光泽。 He calms the mind, grasps principles, deducted the evolution law that the life contacts, was emptied clear(ly) by oneself gradually, even if next quarter decayed, does not go to the manages. 他静心,悟道,将一生所接触的进化法都演绎了一遍,让自身渐渐空明,哪怕下一刻腐朽,也不去管。 Chu Feng determined, Plundering Guide Breathing Method eventually is the foundation! 楚风确定,盗引呼吸法终究是根基! Abandons all, racing to the source, since is the pollen road, breathing method that corresponds is the root, he is deducing, conducts to agree with his expiration and inspiration, the breath, soul light resonating. 抛弃一切,追本溯源,既然是花粉路,相对应的呼吸法就是根,他在推演,进行契合自身的吐纳,呼吸,魂光共振。 In fact, at this time his soul light was being corroded, like the pulp, as if corrupted gradually. 事实上,这个时候他连魂光都在被侵蚀,也如同肉质般,仿佛渐渐腐烂掉了。 Not happy no worries, under his sitting cross-legged tree, breathe the inexplicable essence again, before arriving at splitting heaven and earth apart, all belong to Absolute Beginning, the return origin. 无喜无忧,他再次盘坐树下,呼吸莫名的精气,宛若来到了开天辟地前,一切都归于太初,回归起源。 Here he can see clearly Evolution Road, Chu Feng's is becoming aware firmly, blends with the mysterious say/way source. 在这里他能够看清进化路,楚风的确在悟,与神秘道源交融。 Everywhere granule raises, probably the innumerable candlelights in darkness, seem like the innumerable dandelions in setting sun to dance in the air, everywhere is the pollen road seed. 漫天的粒子扬起,像是黑暗中的无数烛火,又像是夕阳中的无数蒲公英飞舞,到处都是花粉路的“种子”。 That is spirit, is the material of most root. 那是灵,是最根源的物质。 Also some people believe, this is the granule that the past worthies hero soul turns into. 也有人认为,这是前贤英灵化成的粒子。 No matter what, this is Dao Foundation of pollen road, is the most essential thing, once crashed above Firmament, decline return native place. 不管怎样,这是花粉路的道基,属于最本质的东西,曾冲进上苍之上,又没落回归故里。 Now, under the Chu Feng sitting cross-legged purple brown big tree, he is tracing, he must clarify this road to have problems. 现在,楚风盘坐紫褐色的大树下,他在追溯,他要弄清楚这条路到底出了什么问题。 Since he can enter to this special scene, perhaps said that is in strange Dominion, his time must walk, sees clearly the certain essences of this road. 既然他可以进入到这一特殊的场景,或许说是奇异的领域中,他这次要走下去,看清这条路的某些本质。 The previous time, he had once contacted, but also once drove Old Gu to grasp principles, saw this road. 上一次,他就曾接触过,还曾带动老古悟道,看到了这条路。 This also further causes, afterward when Old Gu broke through Supreme Being, achievement big Primeval Beginning Fruit position. 这也进一步导致,后来老古自身突破大能时,成就了大混元果位。 Everywhere is spirit, innumerable candlelight drags, illuminates the darkness, a fuzzy road appears, Chu Feng stands to be, his stand forth. 漫天都是“灵”,无数的“烛火”摇曳,照亮黑暗,一条模糊的路浮现,楚风立身在上,他向前走去。 Time probably static, cannot feel its passing, Chu Feng starts off alone, the two sides are the endless deep holes, if falls, meets destroy both body and soul! 时光像是静止了,感受不到它的流逝,楚风独自上路,两边是无尽的深窟,若是跌下去,会形神俱灭 Such road, spans in the deep holes, filled hard and dangerously. 这样的路,横亘深窟间,充满了艰险。 When he raised the head, saw the end again the scene, the abruption, the black natural moat spans, blocked all. 他抬头时,亦再次看到尽头的景象,断路,黑色天堑横亘,挡住了一切。 Will happen one day, I must become pollen road most powerhouse!” “终有一天,我要成为花粉路最强者!” His heart has the pledge, emptied clear(ly) gradually, no matter what the flesh dried up, soul light was gloomy, throughout is maintaining tranquil. 他心有誓言,渐渐空明,任血肉枯竭,魂光暗淡,始终保持着宁静。 The innumerable spirits, dance in the air in everywhere, gathers gradually, paves in his under foot, constructs shining Dao marks, making him speed up leading the way. 无数的灵,在漫天飞舞,渐渐汇聚过来,铺就在他的脚下,构建出灿灿的道纹,让他加快前行。 In addition, a large area of spirit even more gorgeous, howling, such as the light rain is throwing toward his body, nourishes its body. 此外,大面积的灵越发的绚丽,呼啸着,如光雨般向着他的身体扑去,滋养其躯。 Decayed was stopped temporarily, but has not eradicated. 腐朽暂被止住,但并未根除。 How long does not know, cannot feel dissipation of time, probably flash. 不知多久,感受不到时光的消逝,像是才一瞬间而已。 But realized carefully, seemed like for several thousand years to pass, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, world hundredth, Chu Feng experienced on the road, stopped from time to time, the clear sensibility, pondered over, his breathing method adjusted slightly several times! 可仔细去体会,又像是数千年过去了,沧海桑田,人间百世,楚风在路上经历了很多,走走停停,真切感悟,亦思忖了很多,他的呼吸法都略微调整了数次! ka-cha! 喀嚓 His within the body spreads the sound of break, the imprisonment, a Great Dao chain was pulled apart together, he lifts the head unexpectedly, the achievement double has revered the fruit position permanently! 他体内传出断裂的声响,一道禁锢,一条大道链被扯断了,他蓦地抬首,已经成就双恒尊果位! The powerful strength is turbulent, Chu Feng heartfelt feeling the rise of oneself strength, but, he has not actually revealed the happy expression, because on the body has the black mark to wind as before, previously pierced blood hole as before, these wounds, have not changed for the better. 强大的力量汹涌,楚风真切感受到了自身实力的提升,但是,他却没有露出喜色,因为身体上依旧有黑色的纹络,早先被洞穿的血窟窿依旧,那些伤口还在,不曾好转。 And, treads after this fuzzy road, he heard the death knell sound once again. 并且,踏在这条模糊的路上后,他又一次听到了丧钟声。 I did not believe unable to obliterate your me to tread Strongest Road.” “我不信磨灭不了你我要踏出最强路。” Chu Feng whispered, does not believe that hardship changed cuts not, did not eradicate. 楚风低语,并不相信厄变斩不尽,根除不了。 Meanwhile, he was indistinct to feel the major problem of this group of sources, there had anything, had what not good unusual thing to cause all these. 同时,他隐约间感受到了这路源头的大问题,那里有什么东西,有什么不好异常事物导致了这一切。 Chu Feng in the fuzzy road going forward line, looks into the distance, fearful light beam that in the eyes projects, totally becomes special rune, pierced the bad fog. 楚风在模糊的路上前行,眺望,双目中射出的慑人的光束,完全成为特殊的符文,洞穿了大雾。 The natural moat, the end of road, has the horror to illuminate obviously! 天堑,路的尽头,有恐怖景象显照! Is that trillion years of past event? Concerns above Firmament! 那是亿万年的旧事吗?关乎上苍之上! Is that the truth? 那就是真相吗? What that is, the most powerhouse of pollen road?!” “那是什么,花粉路的最强者吗?!” This road broke, its source really had/left the big problem, the essence appeared there, the photo had/left the initial scene! 这条路断了,其源头果然出了大问题,本质在那里浮现,照出当初的景象! Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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