SR :: Volume #16

#1531: The whereabouts of empress

Law that the empress keeps, obtained her inheritance?! 女帝所留的法,得到了她的传承?! Degenerating True Immortal’s words, although is very light, but, listens actually to be as good as the thunderclap in the ear of people, deafening, the state of mind fluctuates violently. 堕落真仙的话语虽然很轻,但是,听在众人的耳中却不亚于炸雷,震耳欲聋,心绪猛烈地起伏。 Mentioned the empress, as long as was the old monster, must know, in their clans had the record, which didn't understand? 提及女帝,但凡是老怪物,不可能不知,他们的族中都有记载,哪个不晓? Even if era destruction, big world ups and downs, the inheritance that but, these do not extinguish still leaves leeway scripture book and first ancestor personally written letter, recorded some secret of past. 即便纪元覆灭,大世沉浮,可是,这些不灭的传承也都留有经书与始祖手札等,记录了昔日的部分秘辛 Empress, is in three Celestial Emperor the only female, startled certainly colorful, shows disdain for eternally, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, is vertically and horizontally difficult to meet the opponent. 女帝,是三天帝中唯一的女性,惊才绝艳,傲视万古,纵横天上地下,难逢对手。 Unexpectedly was the law that she left behind, Yaoyao obtained her inheritance? 居然是她留下的法,妖妖得到了她的传承? Never hears the empress to have disciple, how this can not be astonishing, how to shock? 从未听闻女帝有弟子,这怎能不让人吃惊,如何不震撼? Is the old monsters of various clans, in the rotten Great Universe lifeforms pupil divine light rises suddenly, the chest fluctuates, the breathing rapidly, this makes them have mixed feelings. 就是各族的老怪物,腐烂的大宇生物都眸中神光暴涨,胸膛起伏,呼吸急促,这让他们都心情复杂。 If can become that skip-generation successor, this crowd of old monsters rather pay any price, what a pity, they do not have that chance. 如果能够成为那位的隔代传人,这群老怪物都宁愿付出任何代价,可惜,他们没那个机缘。 In many people gaze in the midair that white clothing to dance in the air, black hair to flutter and empty such as the female celestial clearly 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, she opened the mouth to respond. 在许多人注视半空中那个白衣飞舞、青丝飘扬、空明如仙女子时,她自己开口回应了。 My not knows you are saying anything.” “我不知道你们在说什么。” Very brief words, as if broke people's some suspicion all of a sudden, she obtained the Celestial Emperor inheritance, but actually not Empress knows? 很简短的话语,似乎一下子打破了人们的某种猜想,她得到了天帝传承,但是却并不知道女帝? However, she reveals the colors of some differences, probably is recalling, thinks process of inheritance oneself obtain. 不过,她露出些许异样之色,像是在回忆,想到了自己得到的传承的过程。 That year, Yaoyao saw light rain everywhere, a thought bloomed flower, on the clear flower petal is engraving the scrip­tures piece by piece...... 那一年,妖妖见到光雨漫天,一念花开,片片晶莹的花瓣上都镌刻着经文…… Even your root foot is very extraordinary, may slaughter Reincarnation Hunter like this, brought the big trouble as before!” “即便你根脚很了不得,可这样屠杀轮回狩猎者,依旧闯了大祸!” In remaining three Supreme Being, skinny and shriveled-up looking, physique very withered lifeforms opens the mouth. 剩下的三位大能中,一个瘦小枯干,形体非常干瘪的生物开口。 It is not human, the human body goshawk head, five chi (0.33 m) come high, the appearance is strange, although said like this, how but regardless of to see that he lacks in resonance. 它不是人类,人体苍鹰头,不过五尺来高,样貌古怪,虽然这样说,但无论怎么看他都底气不足。 Some people saw, this is backing down for oneself as Reincarnation Hunter they, the preparation retreated. 有人看出,这是身为轮回狩猎者的他们在为自己找台阶下,准备退走了。 Knows perfectly well not to beat, can only be driven to death after suffering an injustice, the remaining three people do not want to go all out, more importantly must go back the news belt/bring, this is the female may be skip-generation successor of empress, the news too explodes, is very important! 明知不敌,只能枉死,剩下的三人不想拼命,重要的是要将消息带回去,这个是女子有可能是女帝的隔代传人,消息太爆炸,无比重要! Yaoyao visits them with a smile, immediately lets three Supreme Being scalp tingles, never knows fears them in intent, at this time unexpectedly have one's hair stand on end. 妖妖笑吟吟地看着他们,顿时让三位大能头皮发麻,从来不知道惧意的他们,此时居然毛骨悚然 At this moment, they just like meeting the natural enemy, within the body source tremble, feeling disaster is imminent! 此刻,他们宛若遇到天敌,体内本源颤栗,感觉大祸临头! This is not good.” Some critical moment people open the mouth, is over Reincarnation Hunter. “这样不好吧。”关键时刻有人开口,为轮回狩猎者出头。 Everyone is astonished, then looks, even the Fallen Immortal King Clan people look askance. 所有人都讶异,不禁回头看去,连堕落仙王族的人都侧目。 People change countenance, the person of opening the mouth is Yuan Clan outcome lifeforms! 人们动容,开口的人是沅族的究竟生物 It is old, the full head round of silk silver white and short man, he is frowning. 一个很苍老、满头发丝银白、身材矮小的男子,他正皱着眉头。 This is the Yuan Clan extremely ancient monster, many years are not born, today arrive unexpectedly, he shocked myth lifeforms of time truly. 这是沅族极其古老的怪物,很多年不出世了,今日竟然到场,他是真正震慑了一个时代的神话生物 Sees people to look to him, Yuan Clan old Paramount light said/tunnel: My World of the Living has the custom, Great World of the Dead's lifeforms arrives, does not want to become the words of mortal enemy, does not get take action.” 看到人们望向他,沅族的老究极淡淡地道:“我阳间有规矩,大阴间的生物到来,不想成为死敌的话,不得出手。” Similar that this view, its general idea/careless and Li Da mentioned. 这种说法,其大意与黎龘提及的差不多。 World of the Living younger generation, even is many famous elders is startled, they have never heard, even from the start not knows Great World of the Dead whether exists. 阳间小字辈,甚至是许多名宿都吃惊,他们从未听说过,甚至压根就不知道大阴间是否真实存在。 But the old monster of Paramount level, not only understood, unexpectedly understood thoroughly various customs of past. 究极层次的老怪物,不仅了解,居然洞彻昔日的各种规矩。 "hē hē, the old fogy, you may be really old, did the live years are very remote, but, endure quickly? ” Yaoyao behind, from the Great World of the Dead's old man opens the mouth, smiles as before, is giving a tongue-lashing the yellow thread chaser. “呵,老家伙,你可真苍老,活的岁月很久远,但是,也快熬到头了吧?”妖妖身后,来自大阴间的老者开口,依旧笑眯眯,呲着黄板牙。 The Yuan Clan Paramount powerhouse, the myth in myth, the hearing this complexion was not cheerful in the past, he wants saying that you did not relax experienced and reliably, what qualifications has to ridicule me? 沅族究极强者,当年神话中的神话,闻言脸色不愉,他很想说,你自己都老到直不起腰了,有什么资格揶揄我? Naturally, his knows, the enemy is intimidating him, threatens him! 当然,他知道,对方是在恫吓他,威胁他呢! Opens the mouth from the Great World of the Dead's old man again, not anxiously not slow, said: Custom has the premise, if others attack me and others, we can counter-attack, do you want to try?!” 来自大阴间的老者再次开口,不急不缓,道:“规矩有前提,若是别人进攻我等,我们是可以反击的,你要不要试试?!” This is very strong, can set up the prestige? 这很强势,要立威吗? Yuan Clan what position? The World of the Living's family, the foundation is extremely solid, was offers services to the extra mundane doubtful creature, the present stage was Buddha Race, Dao Race wait/etc. does not dare easily to provoke. 沅族什么地位?阳间的绝顶家族,底蕴深厚,更是疑似投效世外的生灵了,现阶段便是佛族道族等都不敢轻易招惹。 Yaoyao not knows Yuan Clan with her relations, actually at all not knows its profound ancestor Still Feather experienced what kind of life tragedy, otherwise, is impossible to be friendly at present. 妖妖并不知道沅族与她的关系,根本不知道其玄祖羽尚究竟经历了怎样的人生悲剧,不然的话,眼下绝不可能善了。 As for the Yuan Clan old monster, at present how is also not clear this talent peerless female to come, has not known has big karma! 至于沅族的老怪物,也不清楚眼前这个天赋绝世的女子出身如何,还不知晓彼此间有大因果 Yaoyao turns a deaf ear, from the start has not paid attention to the Yuan Clan old monster, stand forth. 妖妖充耳不闻,压根就没有理会沅族的老怪物,向前走去。 What do you want to make?” Three Reincarnation Hunter held up the long blade in hand, the scarlet cutter body twinkle cold ray, has the monster different Reincarnation energy. “你要做什么?”三位轮回狩猎者都举起了手中的长刀,赤红的刀体闪烁冷冽的光芒,带着妖异的轮回能量。 Yaoyao did not answer, walked as before forward. 妖妖不答,依旧向前走。 Finally, some people could not bear, Supreme Being takes the lead to launch the attack, another two Supreme Being have to follow up, chops the long blade in take action full power. 终于,有人忍不住了,一位大能率先发动攻击,另外两位大能不得不跟进,全力劈出手中的长刀。 Bang bang bang!” “砰砰砰!” Does not have the suspense, the Yaoyao double sleeve such as the white lightning, wielded to cut to void, pulled out broken three Reincarnation Blade, in dense and numerous rune, hit to collapse three Supreme Being. 毫无悬念,妖妖双袖如白色闪电,向虚空中挥斩了出去,抽碎三口轮回刀,在密密麻麻的符文中,将三位大能打崩。 All extinguishes! 全灭! Reincarnation Hunter has not lived, was executed in this place. 轮回狩猎者没有一个活下来,都被格杀在此地。 First has Chu Feng, latter has Yaoyao, strikes to kill the powerhouse of Reincarnation organization in the presence of everyone, does not let off, vibrated the outside world, initiates the giant mighty waves. 先有楚风,后有妖妖,当众击杀轮回组织的强者,一个都不放过,着实震动了外界,引发巨大的波澜。 From ancient to present, who dares to disobey them? 自古至今,有谁敢违逆他们? At least on does not have outwardly, was the past great sinister hand Li Da not indignation, was secretly under sinister hand, several Reincarnation Hunter patting. 最起码明面上没有,便是当年的大黑手黎龘不忿,也是暗地里下黑手,将几位轮回狩猎者给拍死了。 Now, some people are in front of entire world person, executes, all extinguishes them! 现在,有人当着全天下人的面,就这么格杀,全灭他们! You may really dare to begin, the heart is not common big.” The Yuan Clan old monster opens the mouth, both eyes are profound, does not have take action to prevent, but does not seem to favor Great World of the Dead's one group, quite some stances of seeing a play. “你们可真敢动手,心不是一般的大啊。”沅族的老怪物开口,双目深邃,并没有出手阻止,但似乎不看好大阴间的一行人,颇有些有些看戏的姿态。 The Great World of the Dead's old man is not used to him, straightforward, scolded face to face, said: Ignorant, does not understand do not open the mouth randomly! Do not think that your Yuan Clan plant root depth, unique All Heavens, has turning of old codger in the extra mundane, felt safely. This situation changes constantly, who in the end also uncertain is dies!” 大阴间的老者一点也不惯着他,直截了当,当面就呵斥,道:“无知,不懂就不要乱开口!不要觉得你沅族根子深,超脱诸天,有老不死的投靠在世外,就觉得稳妥了。这局势风云变幻,到头来还不定是谁死呢!” People change countenance, is this Great World of the Dead guest? His knows Yuan Clan, understood unexpectedly this/should clan turned to beside All Heavens! 人们动容,这是大阴间来客?他居然知道沅族,更了解该族投靠诸天之外了! Everyone is startled, is fearful and apprehensive, Yuan Clan really counter-, with strange as well as ominous back lifeforms colluded with each other?! 所有人都吃惊,不禁心惊肉跳,沅族果然反了,与诡异以及不祥背后的生物勾结在一起了吗?! The flash, many people realized, the Great World of the Dead's person also contacted to pass away mostly outside lifeforms, even has seen Firmament creature, otherwise their knows Yuan Clan instead? 一刹那,许多人意识到,大阴间的人多半也接触过世外的生物,甚至见到过上苍生灵,不然他们怎么知道沅族反了? The Yuan Clan old monster stern voice and appearance, said: Do not mislead the person of same belief, this , if making false accusations, my Yuan Clan just and honourable, has not betrayed the World of the Living interests, is only the life-saving, the extra mundane may not only an influence!” 沅族的老怪物声色俱厉,道:“你不要误导同道,这等若在血口喷人,我沅族正大光明,不曾出卖过阳间利益,只为救人,世外可不只一股势力!” The powerhouses on the scene no one opens the mouth, has not easily taken a stand. 在场的强者都没有人开口,未曾轻易表态。 Because, actually Yuan Clan turned to anyone, now has not said that also can only guess that surrenders to the enemy. 因为,沅族究竟投靠了谁,现在还不好说,也只能猜测投敌而已。 After all, so far, outside abatement officiating, three Emperor Artifact back creature, if Yuan Clan offers services to the latter, that has really not said anything. 毕竟,到目前为止,除却主祭者外,还有三件帝器背后的生灵,若是沅族投效后者,那还真不好说什么。 Because, three Emperor Artifact back people, hand down Dharma Decree now, as if gave World of the Living a slim chance of survival! 因为,三件帝器背后的人,现在传下法旨,似乎给了阳间一线生机! Beyond the influences of abatement these two big oppositions, There is still one to high lifeforms, is that threatens to step on the emperor bone, creature that must return from Firmament! 除却这两大对立的势力外,还有一个至高生物,就是那位扬言踩着帝骨、要从上苍之上归来的生灵 At that moment, Heavenly Mystery is it may be said that chaotic, who is an enemy, who is the strongest disaster from outside territory, is very difficult to talk clearly. 当下,可谓天机混乱,谁是敌人,谁是来自域外的最强灾难,都很难说清呢。 You really think, our Great World of the Dead does fear Reincarnation Hunter? Others not knows their details, we understand several points, asked so many years, can lifeforms of road end once dare to send hunter to enter me?” “你真以为,我们大阴间轮回狩猎者吗?别人不知道他们的底细,我们可是了解几分的,试问这么多年,路尽头的生物可曾敢派狩猎者进入我界?” The old men open the mouth lightly, quite calm. 老者淡淡地开口,相当的镇定。 This words make people be startled, do not say across World of the Living, is the Paramount old monster on the scene changes countenance, doesn't the shock, in Reincarnation dare to enter Great World of the Dead? 这种话让人们大吃一惊,不要说阳间各地,就是在场的究极老怪物都动容,都震惊,轮回手里者不敢进入大阴间 Really somewhat unimaginable! 实在有些不可想象! This is real, what secret facts middle has? 这是真的吗,当中有什么隐情? How many only has to degenerate True Immortal to shock, the state of mind fluctuation is fierce, they are indistinct to guess that what, don't tell me was related to the empress, has the responsibility with her? 唯有几位堕落真仙震撼,心绪波动剧烈,他们隐约间猜测到了什么,难道事关女帝,与她有干系? Once Fallen Immortal King Clan, what cultivated is the Celestial Emperor method, but lifted the clan to be polluted afterward, was corroded, degenerated completely. 曾经的堕落仙王族,修的是天帝法,只是后来举族被污染了,被侵蚀了,全部堕落。 Present their dark True Body in Abyss, the happy prospect of reposing outside, body both sides. 如今的他们黑暗真身深渊,寄托出的美好愿景在外面,一体两面。 At this time, degenerates in True Immortal some people to endure the turbulent state of mind, yearned that rosy-colored clouds at dawn bright that side, magnificently intense, must understand the truth gradually. 此时,堕落真仙中有人忍着动荡的心绪,向往朝霞灿烂的那一面,渐渐盛烈,要了解真相。 They are some suspicions, some guesses, the empress has walked possibly is Great World of the Dead's that road! 他们是有些怀疑的,一直有猜测,女帝走的可能是大阴间的那条路! „The law of empress there, her person, actually where?” Degenerates True Immortal to say in a low voice. “女帝的法在那里,她人呢,究竟在何方?”一位堕落真仙低声道。 Said that is the law of empress, actually three Celestial Emperor each other say/way are interlinked, has grasped the road of opposite party, the inheritance that leaves behind represented Celestial Emperor legitimate lineage. 说是女帝的法,其实三位天帝彼此的道相通,都早已掌握对方的路,留下的传承就代表了天帝正统 Probably has any extraordinary matter to happen, the somewhat dust-laden truth must open.” “像是有什么了不得的事情要发生,有些尘封的真相要揭开。” Suddenly, has the faint sound to transmit, the large expanse of time granule dances in the air, there is person bronze skin, wears a shoulder, to here. 突然,有淡漠的声音传来,成片的时光粒子飞舞,有一个人古铜色皮肤,着一个肩头,向这边而来。 He is treading the time, is stepping on time rune, reveres sovereign just like one, is dignified, the aura terrifying is dreadful. 他踏着时光,踩着光阴符文,宛若一个尊皇者,非常威严,气息恐怖滔天。 He from distant place, but, cut the fetter of space instantaneously, probably going against the flow in time River, among breaths may reach the Great Dao other shore. 他从远方而至,瞬间划破了空间的束缚,像是时间长河中的逆行者,一息间就可达大道彼岸。 After Old Gu sees this person, the direct neck, cannot bear wants to draw back backward. 老古看到此人后,直接脖子,忍不住就想向后退。 Who is this? Sovereign Wu, a madman, his True Body arrives at this! 这是谁?武皇,一个狂人,他真身降临到此! This is not Lunatic Wu the old age condition of skinny and shriveled-up looking, when is he is in the prime of life, blood energy such as the middle-aged condition of sea, the stature is tall and straight, the black hair hangs loose, the look like the blade, is very wild. 这不是武疯子的瘦小枯干的老年状态,而是他年富力强时、血气如海的中年状态,身材挺拔,黑发披散,眼神如刀,很是狂野。 Especially that type of powerful aura, deters many people, even if with is the Paramount creature old monster were dreading! 尤其是那种强大的气息,震慑住许多人,纵然同为究极生灵的老怪物都在忌惮! At this time, the World of the Living Wasteland's border region, Chu Feng lived initially a long time Ji Clan tribe, its in region sending out dim light. 这个时候,阳间边荒区域,楚风当初生活了很长一段时间的姬族部落,其所在区域散发朦胧的光。 Now here is different, the temple fairy maiden awakens previous life, powerful, deductive ground Heavenly State, retrieved the previous existence to strong strength. 如今这里早已不同了,神庙仙子觉醒前世,强大之极,演绎地上天国,找回了前生的至强力量。 Chu Feng's acquaintance-- Dong Qing, although as before bucket waist, just like man, jar sound jar air/Qi, but somewhat was also different, the aura is very strong. 楚风的熟人——冬青,虽然依旧水桶腰,宛若男子,瓮声瓮气,但是也有些不同了,气息很强。 At this time, Dong Qing is opening the mouth, said: Young lady, two battlefield there spread the news of empress, do we want to step onto one?” 此时,冬青正在开口,道:“小姐,两界战场那里传来女帝的消息,我们要走上一趟吗?” Naturally must go!” Temple fairy maiden opens the mouth, must arrive at the scene. “自然要去一趟!”神庙仙子开口,也要亲临现场。 Besides them, some famous mountains are also shaking, existence that is somewhat inconceivable incessantly, must be born finally, must go to two battlefields! 除了她们之外,有些名山也在摇动,不止一座,有些难以想象的存在,终于是要出世了,都要前往两界战场! The wind and cloud focuses two battlefields, all parties focus attention on! 风云聚焦两界战场,各方瞩目! At this time, is especially most urgent by Fallen Immortal King Clan, some people awaken bright side, actually wanted knows that empress how, now where. 此时,尤以堕落仙王族最为急迫,有人觉醒光明的一面,想要知道那位女帝究竟怎样了,如今到底在何方。 Because, from essence, if who can save them thoroughly, perhaps also only had the empress! 因为,从本质来说,如果有谁能够彻底挽救他们,或许也只有女帝了! You said, Reincarnation Hunter does not dare to enter Great World of the Dead, has what evidence, why?” The Yuan Clan old monster opens the mouth, looks to the front. “你说,轮回狩猎者都不敢入大阴间,有何证据,为什么?”沅族的老怪物开口,看向前方。 The Great World of the Dead's old man shoulders both hands, swept his one eyes, said: I need to think that you explained that which scallion do you calculate?” 大阴间的老者背负双手,扫了他一眼,道:“我有必要想你解释吗,你算哪颗葱?” Despises Yuan Clan outcome creature in the presence of everyone, this old fogy is not the general self-confidence, lets the person sigh with emotion and sighs lightly, this is an old fierce dragon! 当众蔑视沅族的究竟生灵,这老家伙的不是一般的自信,让人感慨与轻叹,这是一条年老的猛龙! Also asked Fellow Daoist to indicate clearly, actually the empress did go to where?!” Degenerates True Immortal to execute gift, consults very much respectful and prudent. “还请道友明示,女帝究竟去了哪里?!”一位堕落真仙大礼,很恭谨地请教。 That to exists high, perhaps should be the empress who you said that indeed enters Great World of the Dead, precisely because of so, Reincarnation Hunter does not dare to be dissolute, some feet of my knows Reincarnation organization!” “那位至高存在,或许应该就是你们所说的女帝,的确进入大阴间,也正是因为如此,轮回狩猎者不敢放肆,我界知道轮回组织的部分根脚!” Also asked Fellow Daoist to grant instruction!” Several degenerate True Immortal to salute, was even more respectful, is related with the empress, this matter is very significant! “还请道友赐教!”几位堕落真仙都施礼,越发的恭敬了,与女帝有关,此事无比重大! High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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