SR :: Volume #16

#1530: Empress road

Two battlefields, although is the breeze strokes lightly, is very weak, but somewhat is cold. 两界战场,虽是微风轻拂,很弱,但却有些寒冷。 The detritus sprinkles from the midair, thick falling, that is Supreme Being Level lifeforms is disintegrating, the physique changes to the dust. 碎屑自半空洒落,纷纷扬扬,那是一位大能级生物在瓦解,形体化作尘埃。 But all these are because, flies high the female who comes to raise the hand, the light rain of big piece covers, strikes the powder to be the result that powerful Reincarnation Hunter. 而这一切都是因为,凌空而来的女子扬起手,大片的光雨覆盖,将那强大的轮回狩猎者击散所致。 Is this what kind of mighty force? 这是何等的伟力? People by the deep startled fear, seemingly bright-colored local products, the peerless beautiful woman of elusive mortal world guest, so did not go against heaven's will unexpectedly. 人们被深深的惊慑了,一个看起来明艳不可方物,空灵不似红尘客的绝代丽人,居然如此逆天。 She turns in the palms, easily the booklet falls Supreme Being Level Reincarnation Hunter! 她翻掌间,轻易折落大能级轮回狩猎者 In addition, what did people see? Six Supreme Being Level creature jointly attack, lists peerless Domain, summoned fuzzy Reincarnation Road, but actually struck off one section by her! 此外,人们看到了什么?六位大能级生灵合击,列出绝世场域,将一条模糊的轮回路都召唤了出来,可是却被她击断一截! Is being thundered, in two battlefields shivers fiercely, that by mysterious Ancient Road that the fog covers, but also is crashing, blasted out a big section. 在轰鸣中,在两界战场的剧烈颤抖中,那条被雾霭笼罩的神秘古路,还在崩塌,炸开了一大段。 This was too astonishing, which does the family on the scene have is mediocre? 这实在太惊人了,在场的家族有哪一个是凡俗? Can come here Dao Lineage, dares with the inheritance of Fallen Immortal King Clan showdown, to be the top ethnic group that passes through long, naturally knows Reincarnation Road. 能够来这里的道统,敢与堕落仙王族对决的传承,无不是贯穿漫长古史的顶级族群,自然知晓轮回路 But, it strikes off a section of road now unexpectedly, was too scary. 可是,现在它居然被人击断了一段路,实在太骇人了。 This young and grace and talent peerless female, seems like has Immortal Qi very much, absolutely beautiful has the dust, but once begins is actually easily accomplished, is simply irresistible! 这个年轻而风华绝代的女子,看起来很有仙气,绝丽出尘,可一旦动手却是摧枯拉朽,简直不可阻挡! Time wonderful technique, matchless, once had the invincible law to say!” “时光妙术,举世无双,曾有无敌法之说!” An old monster sighed, he is Paramount creature, even he such character esteems, it can be imagined this law certainly. 一位老怪物叹道,他是一位究极生灵,连他都这样的人物都推崇,可想而知此法之强绝。 In fact, from passing score, as well as from Prehistoric Era various legends, Time Technique indeed such fearful, making one hear the look changes. 事实上,从过往的战绩,以及自史前时代的各种传说来看,时光术的确就是这么的可怕,让人闻之色变。 Otherwise, in the past hand of Lunatic Wu losses in the Li Da hand, how braved death to dig up one after another famous mountains, vertical a narrow escape must find Time Technique that is lost. 不然的话,当年武疯子黎龘手中手,何以冒死去挖开一座又一座名山,纵九死一生也要找到失传的时光术 Lunatic Wu really violated the enormous bad risk in the past, the must know, under certain famous mountains the suppression has the last era, even more ancient era ago inexplicable existence. 武疯子当年真的是犯了极大的凶险,须知,某些名山下镇压有上一个纪元,甚至更古老纪元前的莫名存在。 But he does this, wants to transform, must be stronger, affiliation Time Technique resists the Li Da's invincible method. 而他这样做,就是想蜕变,要更强,藉时光术对抗黎龘的无敌法。 Yuan Clan, has this mystique method, but seems like incomplete!” At this time, another old monster whispered. 沅族,亦有这种秘法,不过似乎是残缺的!”这时,又一位老怪物低语。 In field, several Reincarnation Hunter whole body death aura heavy, very gloomy and cold, the pupil is still scarlet, they are special lifeforms, according to life essence calculates that early damn. 场中,几位轮回狩猎者全身都死气沉沉,很阴冷,瞳孔依旧猩红,他们都是特殊的生物,按照寿元算早该死了。 But, after Reincarnation this organization detaining, this ancient Supreme Being saved the life forcefully, but oneself are rotten, the monster is very evil. 可是,经过轮回这个组织的强行“挽留”,这种古老的大能保住了生命,但自身却腐烂不堪,很妖邪。 In the rumble, other same place five people rapidly change movement technique, lets that Reincarnation Road at the light cry, was summoned, the meaning without given up. 在隆隆声中,原地余下的五人迅速改变步法,让那轮回路在轻鸣,被召唤出,并没有罢手的意思。 Several hunter that in the rear area brings up the rear also start to take action, one of them moved to the shape to change positions like the evil spirit, resembles the spirit to glisten to extinguish suddenly, fills died that person of vacancy. 在后方压阵的几个狩猎者也开始行动,其中一人更是如厉鬼般移形换位,似幽灵般忽闪忽灭,填补了死去那人的空缺。 Although Reincarnation Road crashes an corner/horn, but actually also even more clear, starts to arrive at this place truly! 轮回路虽然崩塌一角,但是却也越发的清晰,开始真正降临此地! After Yaoyao attacks, has not received the meaning of hand, since how many people insist on attacking, she possibly lenient? 妖妖出击后,并没有收手的意思,既然几人执意进攻,她怎么可能手软? If she surging waves fairy maiden, resembles that from Fairy of Ninth Heaven that in the ancient times great lake walked, looks probably light and lively and slowly crossed, but actually quickly to Peak. 她若凌波仙子,又似那自远古大湖中走来的九天玄女,看着像是轻灵而缓缓的渡来,但其实快到极致 Bang's first, she is a palm racket falls, the light rain blots out the sky, is the clear time granule, this feeling gives very sacred ceremony feeling, but actually so fearful, is shattered to prevent. 轰第一声,她又是一掌拍落,光雨铺天盖地,全都是晶莹的时光粒子,这种感觉给人以非常神圣的仪式感,但却是如此的可怕,破灭一切阻挡。 In this world, what most fearful? 在这个世间,什么最可怕? Some old monsters, will certainly say are the time, he can obliterate the powerhouse, lays down various types to the strong family, but can also bury the countless eras. 有些老怪物,一定会说是时光,他能磨灭强者,埋下各种至强的家族,还能葬下数不尽的纪元。 In the time, all will be decayed, great existence will also be on the wane, if finally the dust diverges. 在时光中,一切都将腐朽,再伟大的存在也会凋零,最终如尘埃般散去。 Nothing can forever, the base and low ant insect, is to strong ultimate lifeforms, is equal in the time, finally is all difficult to escape to vanish into thin air. 没有什么可以永远,无论是卑微的蚁虫,还是至强的终极生物,在时光中都是平等的,最后皆难逃烟消云散。 Many people are frightened, even the great distance is very far, cannot bear back up, was for fear that swept by that time granule, no one is willing to withstand that fearsome consequence. 许多人惊悚,即便相隔很远,也都忍不住倒退,生怕被那时间粒子扫中,没有人愿意承受那种可怖的后果。 Then is some old monsters is narrowing the eye, revealed the look of surprise. 便是一些老怪物都眯着眼睛,露出异色 Such a spatial bright peerless beautiful woman, can deduct Time Technique unexpectedly arrives at so the position, somewhat is really scary. 这样一个空明的绝代丽人,居然能将时光术演绎到如此境地,实在有些骇人。 Hands down, this wonderful technique most hard to repair. 相传,这一妙术最为难修。 Otherwise, how to be known as the invincible technique in world strongest top three? 不然的话,何以号称世间最强前三甲内的无敌术? But the Lunatic Wu later generation, complaint is hard cultivate successfully, he has no other choice but to dismantle Time Technique, simplified to become to cut millenium coarse version, Chu Feng had once encountered. 武疯子的后人,诉苦难以修成,他不得已才拆解时光术,简化成为斩千秋这种粗陋版,楚风曾遭遇过。 Bang! 砰! These time is more fearful, light granule like sea of clouds, if the rosy-colored clouds at dawn shine world, in the brightness, in the sacredness, obviously according to the supreme mighty force, making three Supreme Being all dissipate. 这一次更为可怕,光粒子如云海,又若朝霞普照世间,在灿烂中,在神圣间,显照无上伟力,让三位大能全都在消散。 Their bodies seem like the sandburg on beach, when the time spray strikes comes, completely in rapid annihilation. 他们的身体像是海滩上的沙堡,当时光浪花拍击而来时,全部在迅速的湮灭。 Occasionally has the fleshly body sand to splash, is the dust that in the years omits. 偶尔有肉身沙粒溅起,也不过是岁月中遗漏的尘埃。 Time Technique hits, nothing can resist! 时光术打来,没有什么可以抵挡! Even Reincarnation Blade in their hand were corroded, was gloomy, then breaks in the ka-cha sound. 连他们手中的轮回刀都被腐蚀了,暗淡了,然后在喀嚓声中断裂。 That three people of bodies are defeated and dispersed, said the bone to disintegrate, the innumerable pellets flew upwards, sprinkle in the place. 那三人身体溃散,道骨瓦解,无数的颗粒飞扬,洒落在地。 Of bang, this world Reincarnation Road appears, probably row of existing side by side black hole, is deep and quiet and profound, delays toward Yaoyao, must swallow her. 轰的一声,这世轮回路浮现,像是一排并立的黑洞,幽邃而深远,向着妖妖延展过来,要将她吞掉。 She avoided, has not shaken hardly. 她避开了,没有硬撼。 She has induced, raised the head quickly, looks to that fuzzy Ancient Road end, the unexpectedly bright red big coffins, lie in the dim place! 她有所感应,倏地抬头,望向在那条模糊的古路尽头,竟有一口朱红的大棺,横陈在昏暗之地! How many old Paramount, as well as degenerate True Immortal, in suck in a cold breath, their looks how is all sharp? Also saw that fearful one! 几位老究极,以及堕落真仙,皆在倒吸冷气,他们的眼神何其锐利?也见到了那可怕的一幕! Does the fuzzy Reincarnation Road end have this type of thing unexpectedly?! 模糊的轮回路尽头居然有这种东西?! In instantly, several other Reincarnation Hunter that Yaoyao avoids attack, whole-heartedly, must rumble to kill her! 妖妖避开的刹那,另外几位轮回狩猎者出击,全力以赴,要轰杀她! A Yaoyao palm bang goes forward, the time fragment dances in the air, probably tsunami incomparable violence , when that person was submerged immediately. 妖妖一掌向前轰去,时光碎片飞舞,像是海啸般无比的猛烈,首当其中的那个人顿时被淹没了。 His whole body is the light, the brightness of flash, experienced the innumerable gorgeous time probably, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, his whole person dies of old age, decency, decayed, then destroys. 他满身都是光,一瞬间的灿烂,像是了经历了无数个绚丽的时代,沧海桑田,他整个人老去,风化,腐朽,而后溃灭。 By -path really fearful, does not have the thing not to kill, such top Supreme Being cannot block Yaoyao to strike! 时间道则实在可怕,无物不杀,这样一位顶尖大能都挡不住妖妖一击! Obviously, Yaoyao uses Time Technique, own consumption is also very big, after routing this Supreme Being, she once short stagnation, did not have sweeping away in one vigorous effort in the past. 显然,妖妖动用时光术,自身的消耗也很大,击溃这位大能后,她曾短暂的凝滞,没有一鼓作气的横扫过去。 Remaining two Supreme Being, in the pupil bloom the scary blood light, fly upon. 剩下的两位大能,瞳孔中绽放骇人的血光,猛烈攻击。 One of them grasps Reincarnation Blade, from stood to divide directly forward. 其中一人手持轮回刀,从正面向前立劈了过去。 A person, is holding up the dark red luster long blade, depending on rich Power of Reincarnation, cuts from the back to Yaoyao. 还有一人,擎着暗红色泽的长刀,挟浓郁的轮回之力,自背后斩向妖妖 Two Supreme Being attacks whole-heartedly, the dense and numerous Great Dao runes twinkles, interweave, the world is thundering! 两位大能全力以赴的出击,密密麻麻的大道符文闪烁,交织,天地都在轰鸣! In addition, several other Reincarnation Hunter also prepared for some time, wants took out trump card. 此外,剩余的几位轮回狩猎者也准备多时了,也要祭出杀手锏 At this moment, Yaoyao has not displayed Time Technique, moreover these stands erect time in the midair, has not avoided, but very direct hard shakes that from the opponent who the dead ahead and behind attacks simultaneously. 此刻,妖妖没有施展时光术,而且这一次屹立在半空中,并未躲避,而是很直接的硬撼那自正前方与背后同时攻来的对手。 Her body slightly side, the right hand is pure white, pinches fist mark, hits toward the front, immediately erupts radiant Dao marks, fist mark great such as the heaven pressure falls. 她身体微侧,右手洁白,捏拳印,朝着前方打去,顿时爆发出璀璨的道纹,拳印宏大如苍天压落。 This does not seem like a female behavior, imposing manner suddenly, unexpectedly so daring, majestic, keeping off is irreversible. 这根本不像是一个女子所为,一刹那间的气势,竟是如此的气吞山河,大气磅礴,挡无可挡。 Reincarnation Blade disintegration of bang, her fist mark pounds, and exploding that hits that Supreme Being opens, turns into piece of blood mist in the front directly. 轰的一声,她的拳印砸的轮回刀崩碎,并且将那位大能打的爆开,在前方直接化成一片血雾 Meanwhile, when she is sideways, another also, raises up just like heavenly blade, rearward detachment. 与此同时,她侧身时,另一手也在动,宛若天刀般竖起,向后方劈去。 ka-cha, was known as that firm and evil and cruel Reincarnation Blade is split up, bare-handed struck off by her, and her pure white being in charge separate is void. 喀嚓一声,号称坚固而歹毒的轮回刀四分五裂,被她徒手击断,并且她洁白的掌印割裂虚空。 , she that Supreme Being also disintegrated behind, is cut open by rune that her palm blade blooms, relationship of form and spirit all collapse in midair. 噗的一声,她身后那位大能也瓦解了,被她的掌刀绽放的符文剖开,在半空中形神皆崩散 Bare-handed destroys two Reincarnation Blade, and domineering peerless bang kills that two Supreme Being Level Reincarnation Hunter, Yaoyao this strength blows everyone. 徒手打碎两口轮回刀,并且强势绝伦的轰杀那两位大能级轮回狩猎者,妖妖这种战力着实镇住所有人。 This time, altogether came 13 Supreme Being, such Reincarnation Hunter strength terrifying, but is only left over three people now, completely will be executed by Yaoyao shortly. 这一次,共来了十三位大能,这样的轮回狩猎者实力恐怖,可是现在只剩下了三人,余者尽在顷刻间被妖妖格杀。 So the score lets everyone suck in a cold breath, in the heart the mighty waves are dreadful. 如此战绩让所有人都倒吸冷气,心中波澜滔天。 How domineering? She flies high to stand, the women's clothing is white, does not dye the dust, does not moisten the bloodstain, seems like aloof in the extra mundane. 怎一个强势了得?她凌空而立,衣裙洁白,不染尘埃,不沾血迹,看起来像是超脱在世外。 But, precisely such female of dust, actually kills ten Supreme Being continually, shocked everyone, lets World of the Living each region big change, discusses. 可是,正是这样一个出尘的女子,却连杀十位大能,震惊了所有人,让阳间界各地都剧震,热议起来。 This fearful excess, she has this strength unexpectedly! 这可怕的过分,她竟有这种战力! Many years, have no lifeforms, dare to strive for hegemony with my Reincarnation organization, you were unscrupulous, annoy the catastrophe!” “多少年了,已经没有什么生物,敢与我轮回组织争雄,你肆无忌惮,惹下了大祸!” What is rare, Reincarnation Hunter opened the mouth unexpectedly, said this words, but no longer was such as previously like that cold severe as well as silent its. 难得的是,轮回狩猎者居然开口了,说出这种话语,而不再是如先前那般冷厉以及缄默其口。 Usually, they are always indifferent, really must kill anyone, must hunt anyone, how to speak this words, direct under extreme methods and that's the end! 平日间,他们一向是冷漠的,真要去杀谁,要去狩猎谁,怎么会说这种话,直接下死手就是了! Today, remaining three Supreme Being felt timid obviously, dreaded, does not want to be driven to death after suffering an injustice, opens the mouth to delay the time unexpectedly, was this fears?! 今日,剩下的三位大能显然发怵了,忌惮了,不想枉死,竟开口拖延时间,这是怕了吗?! Everyone is startled, this snow clothes such as the female of immortal, kills the Reincarnation Hunter heart to tremble unexpectedly, doesn't dare to resist directly? Many years have not had this matter! 所有人都吃惊,这个雪衣如仙的女子,竟杀到轮回狩猎者心颤,不敢直接对抗了?多少年未有这种事了! Laughable, you must kill Chu Feng, I do not permit, dares to begin to me absurdly, oneself dislike the life to be long!” Yaoyao opens the mouth. “可笑,你们要杀楚风,我不允许,又妄敢对我动手,自己嫌命长!”妖妖开口。 The words, making Old Gu of distant place grin, is uncomfortable very much, he cannot bear whisper: Chu Feng that Jun Tuo lamb, said that I gnaw the elder brother clan, he gnaws the elder sister clan!” 一席话而已,让远处的老古直咧嘴,很不是滋味,他忍不住低语道:“楚风钧驮羔子,说我是啃哥族,他自己才是啃姐族!” Side, smiles from Great World of the Dead's that old man, is giving a tongue-lashing a mouth yellow thread chaser, looks to Old Gu, immediately makes him shut up, was honest. 旁边,来自大阴间的那位老者笑眯眯,呲着一嘴黄板牙,看向老古,顿时让他闭嘴,老老实实了。 So to be how strong?!” “怎么会这么强?!” The distant place, some even/including monster people in the light language, think that Yaoyao simply has not achieved Paramount Dominion, is why a strength so powerful? Brings the Reincarnation energy and rune long blade, cannot cut her physique unexpectedly! 远处,连老怪物都有人在轻语,认为妖妖根本没有达到究极领域,可是一身战力为何这般的强大?带着轮回能量以及符文的长刀,竟切不开她的形体! How he knows, what has Yaoyao experienced? 他怎知,妖妖经历过什么? In Great Abyss, by the ancient and unparalleled Great Universe Level creature energy emission long years, the Heaven-Blessed female who its fleshly body not rotten, does not destroy, how can not be strong? 大渊中,被古老而盖世的大宇级生灵的能量辐射漫长岁月,其肉身都不腐烂、不溃灭的天纵女子,怎能不强? Experiences that frigidity, its fleshly body by the rich Paramount aura radiation, was wheted, year to year boils down, never the death, how went against heaven's will! 经历那种惨烈,其肉身被浓郁的究极气息辐射,磨砺,常年熬炼,始终不死,怎一个逆天了得! Therefore, she even bare-handed, can still destroy Reincarnation Blade, grinds kills Supreme Being, its physique just like first Heavenly Immortal embryo, receives seemingly gently and charmingly everywhere along the road, beautiful holy, actually firm does not extinguish. 所以,她即便是徒手,也能打碎轮回刀,碾杀大能,其形体俨然就是先天仙胎,承载道则,看起来娇柔美丽圣洁,却是坚固不灭。 At this time, having creature also wants state of mind fluctuating to be fiercer than the World of the Living's Paramount old monster, precisely several degenerate True Immortal. 此时,有生灵阳间的究极老怪物还要心绪起伏剧烈,正是几位堕落真仙 They are what kind of strengths, and cultivates mystique method that Celestial Emperor leaves behind, terrifying extremely, first had the suspicion, thinks that Yaoyao comprehended Fallen Immortal King Clan the law of predecessor. 他们是何等的实力,且修有天帝留下的秘法,极其的恐怖,第一时间就有了怀疑,认为妖妖参悟了堕落仙王族的前身之法。 She used the soldier character secret art, but also displayed secret technique about time, this...... is Celestial Emperor remains absolutely, moreover is purest legitimate lineage!” “她动用了兵字诀,还施展了关于时光的秘术,这……绝对都是天帝所留,而且是最为纯净的正统!” Degenerates True Immortal expression grave, whispered there. 一位堕落真仙神色凝重,在那里低语。 Indeed does not have being lost slightest legitimate lineage! Actually is which Celestial Emperor remains?” Another degenerates True Immortal also to change countenance. “的确是没有失传分毫的正统!究竟是哪位天帝所留?”另一位堕落真仙亦动容。 I think my knows, should be the law that the empress keeps, this don't tell me is she...... separates the world sole successor?” After degenerates True Immortal saying that its pupil rapid contraction! “我想我知道,应是女帝所留的法,这难道是她……隔世的的唯一传人?”一位堕落真仙说出后,其瞳孔急骤收缩! High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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