SR :: Volume #16

#1529: After the immortal,

A fist, her bang kills Supreme Being unexpectedly! 一拳而已,她居然轰杀一位大能 All these are because, Yaoyao wields the pure white fist light and lively, then everywhere is Dao marks, seems like dense and numerous like lightning, covers that powerful Reincarnation Hunter, instantaneous tearing! 所有这些都是因为,妖妖轻灵挥动洁白的拳头,便漫天都是道纹,看起来像是密密麻麻的闪电般,将那位强大的轮回狩猎者覆盖,瞬间撕裂! This Supreme Being skeleton not saves, blood mist is defeated and dispersed in everywhere Dao marks, vanishes instantly, this powerful creature seems like has not appeared. 这位大能尸骨无存,血雾在漫天的道纹中溃散,刹那消失,这个强大的生灵像是从来没有出现过。 four directions, completely silent. 四野,鸦雀无声。 Two battlefields, Yaoyao snow-white skin, the women's clothing flap flap, the black hair fly upwards, is elusive the dust. 两界战场,妖妖冰肌玉骨,衣裙猎猎,青丝飞扬,空灵出尘。 When she smiles is very bright, making the world altogether shine, is bright , once when take action also is very cold, although is a female, but the conduct is decisive. 她笑时很灿烂,让天地都共辉映,明亮起来,可一旦出手时却也很冷,虽为一女子,但行事果断。 Present she can be called elegantly beautiful, powerful, this graceful bearing and strength, in the face of two battlefield various especially outstanding, if chilly war immortal near dust. 现在的她称得上冷艳,强大,这种风姿与战力,在两界战场诸强面前格外的出众,若清冷的的战仙临尘。 A fist executes Supreme Being, how unusual, must say that not young generation, was the famous elders of various clans as well as lived the old monster pupil contractions of various innumerable time, this female was too shocking in fight Dominion! 一拳毙大能,怎一个超凡了得,莫要说年轻一辈,就是各族的名宿以及活了无数各时代的老怪物都瞳孔收缩,这个女子在战斗领域中太惊艳了! The old monster understands thoroughly the truth, although this female in light and lively shaking the fist, but overbearing peerless, has not the most important thing is wasted an energy, wonderfully to the summit. 老怪物洞彻真相,这个女子虽然在轻灵的挥拳,但是霸道绝伦,最为重要的是没有浪费一丝能量,妙到毫巅。 When the fist light blooms, Dao marks everywhere, such as the lightning falls in torrents, is actually communicating the World of the Living rule, directing world Great Influence to strangle to death that Supreme Being, is also raiding the Great Dao fragment that Supreme Being condenses, disintegrates its physique from the interior. 拳光绽放时,道纹漫天,如闪电倾泻,其实是在沟通阳间规则,引天地大势绞杀那位大能,同时也在直袭大能凝聚的大道碎片,从内部将其形体瓦解。 Dao marks such as blazing the light, resembles the bright rosy-colored clouds at dawn, looks very beautiful, the result inside and outside resonate, shortly will execute from ancient and powerful lifeforms that in Reincarnation Road goes out. 道纹如炽光,似灿烂朝霞,看起来很美,结果内外共振,顷刻间毙掉自轮回路中走出的古老而强大的生物 Clang! Clang! 锵!锵! Reincarnation Blade has the sound of sheath to send out, two physique withered, the head sparse yellow sends scattered in disorder Supreme Being, pulls out the dark-red long blade that shoulders respectively! 轮回刀出鞘的声音发出,两个形体枯槁,头上稀疏黄发散乱的大能,各自抽出背负的暗红色长刀! This is the standard weapon, exactly the same, but the equivalent is extremely high, cuts the words of enemy, made the rival turn into beach bloody pus directly, was not feasible cycle of reincarnation. 这是制式兵器,一模一样,但是等阶极高,斩中敌人的话,直接令敌手化成一滩脓血,连转世轮回都不可行。 This is an extremely evil and cruel weapon, outside world not obvious, the blade edge holds after in addition of Reincarnation energy, is glittering the strange light beam. 这是一种极为歹毒的兵器,外界不可见,刀锋经过轮回能量的加持,闪烁着诡异的光束。 „Do you also want take action?” “你们也要出手?” The Yaoyao smooth mild-mannered sending silk dances in the breeze, oneself emptied clear(ly) like the immortal, the beautiful eye was profound, flesh snow white clear, sound magnetism, such as the sound of sounds of nature. 妖妖光滑柔顺的发丝飘舞,自身空明如仙,美目深邃,肌肤雪白晶莹,声音略带磁性,如天籁之音。 But, she actually also revealed murderous intention, the somewhat cold aura releases there, if broad cold moon/month in the sky. 可是,她却也露出了杀机,有些冷冽的气息在那里释放,若广寒冷月当空。 First draws a sword relative two Reincarnation Hunter, is not general Primeval Beginning level lifeforms, but is the true "Great" character generation, if is not skinny, consumed many vitalities in the long time, perhaps has into Supreme Being a permanent character generation of possibility. 第一时间拔刀相对的两位轮回狩猎者,绝非一般的混元生物,而是真正的大字辈,若非皮包骨头,在漫长光阴中耗掉了过多的生机,恐怕有成为大能中恒字辈的可能。 In their back, other Supreme Being also pupils project the scarlet glow, the preparation begin. 在他们的背后,其他大能也都瞳孔射出赤芒,准备动手。 Six people are arranging, the under foot treads strange movement technique, has the strange matter, makes fuzzy Reincarnation Road appear unexpectedly, in hauling greatest energy! 有六人在排列,脚下踏出奇异的步法,发生奇诡的事,竟让模糊的轮回路浮现,在牵引莫大的能量! Chī! Chī! 哧!哧! Is two people of head, was two big Primeval Beginning level powerhouses of drawing a sword first moved, the human form body has the decayed aura, skinny, shouldered a pair of rotten wing, whipping, was quicker than the lightning, lets blast out void, mushroom cloud Large expanse, toward Yaoyao killing in the past. 为首的两人,也就是拔刀的两位大混元级强者先动了,人形身体带着腐朽的气息,皮包骨头,背负一对腐烂的羽翼,拍打着,比闪电还要快,让虚空炸开,身后蘑菇云成片,向着妖妖扑杀过去。 They grasp Reincarnation Blade, at this time sends out the cold light beam, Blade Qi ten thousand heavy, submerged the world, was too terrifying, the Reincarnation strength blots out the sky! 他们手持轮回刀,此时发出冷冽的光束,刀气万重,淹没了天地,实在太恐怖了,轮回力铺天盖地! At this time, even the Fallen Immortal King Clan people change color, in the middle of Supreme Being outstanding person, true extremely big Primeval Beginning level lifeforms, all pupil contraction. 此时,连堕落仙王族的人都变色,大能当中的佼佼者,真正的绝顶大混元生物,全都瞳孔收缩。 Because, was too strong from Reincarnation Road's two hunter, blade light covers four directions, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth all were gloomy, only two blades become eternal, kills to front clear beautiful woman. 因为,来自轮回路的两个狩猎者实在太强了,刀光覆盖四野,天上地下一切都暗淡了,唯有两口刀成为永恒,杀向前方的清丽女子 Their rotten wings, Dao marks is dense and numerous, adds for oneself holds, uses an energy to pour into on the cutter body, can probably cut broken immortal, existing forever past and present in the future. 他们的腐烂羽翼,道纹密密麻麻,为自身加持,倾尽一身的能量都灌注在刀体上,像是可以斩破不朽,长存古今未来间。 Yaoyao flies high, clothes sleeve dances in the breeze, before she not to/clashes, but is displaying secret technique same place, element delimits void, pure white has had a halo, unexpectedly causes to empty in instantly the disorder! 妖妖凌空,衣袂飘舞,她并未前冲,而是在原地施展秘术,素手划过虚空,洁白中带着点点光晕,居然使空在刹那紊乱! Clang! Clang! Clang! 锵!锵!锵! Between Heaven and Earth, makes the fearful drawing a sword sound, some all around as if people are having the blade, is dim obviously, goes out of one after another silhouette in void, is drawing a sword, is very fuzzy, but is also fearful, Blade Qi like the sea, stands to divide toward two Reincarnation Hunter! 天地间,发出可怕的拔刀音,四面八方仿佛都有人都在出刀,朦胧间可见,在虚空中走出一位又一位身影,都在拔刀,很模糊,但也可怕,刀气如海,向着两位轮回狩猎者立劈过去! "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Is fluttering, compared with lightning also quick two hunter, the body tightens, the scalp must blast out, felt the huge threat, rapid lie figure, stopped movement technique. 正在振翅、比闪电还快的两位狩猎者,身体绷紧,头皮都要炸开了,感受到了巨大的威胁,迅速停驻身形,止住步法 From like the thunder, to is swiftly and violently silent, in they read complete. 从迅猛如雷霆,到寂静下来,都是在他们一念间完成的。 Two people are holding up the long blade, stands blade light and Great Dao that fragment back to back, to four directions silhouette indistinctly, facing is dividing innumerably, two people felt that the body must blast out, can be strangled to death unexpectedly?! 两人擎着长刀,背靠背站在一起,对着四方的影影绰绰的身影,面对无数劈来的刀光大道碎片,两人感觉身体都要炸开了,竟要被绞杀?! What mystique method is that? Various clan powerhouses are startled. 那是什么秘法?各族强者都吃惊。 Clang! Clang! 锵!锵! What is strangest, the long blades in two big Primeval Beginning level lifeforms are also resonating unexpectedly, and suddenly changes, cuts toward them! 最为诡异的是,两个大混元生物中的长刀竟也在共振,并突然间变向,向着他们自己斩去! The matter of incomparable terrifying happened, this trend is irreversible, two blades like the rainbow, scarlet like the blood, cut unexpectedly on their necks. 无比恐怖的事发生了,这种趋势不可逆转,两刀如虹,赤色如血,居然斩在他们自己的脖子上。 ! ! 噗!噗! The dark red long blade like the blood, falls on two powerhouse necks, shears to fall their heads directly, was too sharp , the monster was too evil, two people just like alienating oneself. 殷红的长刀如血般,落在两位强者颈项上,直接割落他们的头颅,太锋锐了,也太妖邪了,两人宛若在自绝。 This is Supreme Being Level Reincarnation Blade, although is the standard weapon, but is actually one of the world worst and cruelest several weapons, making them be out pitifully. 这是大能级轮回刀,虽然属于制式兵器,但却是世间最歹毒的几种兵器之一,让他们下场凄惨。 Two Supreme Being turn into two beach bloodstains instantly, even soul light has not escaped, dissolved, belongs to the nihility in the dark red blood-color, died instantaneously. 两位大能刹那化成两滩血迹,连魂光都没有逃脱,溶解了,在殷红的血色中归于虚无,瞬间死去。 They died under oneself blade! 他们死在了自己的刀下! But all these are among fast happen, has not responded quickly to many people, two flapped the rotten wing to kill to Yaoyao Supreme Being on die. 而这一切都是电光石火间发生的,快到许多人都没有反应过来,两个拍动腐烂羽翼杀向妖妖大能殒落了。 Too quick! 太快了! In Fallen Immortal King Clan Faction, in several True Immortal pupils appears Abyss, accompanies the picture that the starry sky is blasting out unexpectedly, has fuzzy silhouette to reappear together, deducts some law, path that similar Yaoyao both hands paddled a moment ago. 堕落仙王族阵营内,有几名真仙瞳孔内浮现深渊,竟伴着星空炸开的画面,更有一道模糊的身影浮现,演绎某种法,类似妖妖刚才双手划动的轨迹。 Soldier character secret art!” “兵字诀!” Degenerates True Immortal to shout lowly, is very shocking, this is Dominion that in their degeneration clan few person steps, is known as may various palm world clan weapons, but this road almost broke. 一位堕落真仙低呼,很震惊,这是他们堕落族中都少有人涉足的领域,号称可掌天下各族兵器,但此路几乎断了。 This technique is the inheritance that Celestial Emperor leaves behind, was deduced Peak, was only the Immortal Race overall blackening afterward, the old road is difficult to walk, some law variations, are very difficult to realize. 此术是天帝留下的传承,被推演到了极致,只是后来仙族整体黑化,旧路难走,有些法变异,很难练成。 Now, some people display Fallen Immortal King Clan non- world mystique method unexpectedly perfectly, how to make them be startled? 现在,有人居然完美的施展出堕落仙王族的不世秘法,怎不让他们吃惊? Several degenerate the True Immortal look drastic change, the state of mind fluctuates, this female cultivate successfully Fallen Immortal King Clan method, too was unexpectedly astonishing! 几位堕落真仙都神色剧变,心绪起伏,此女竟修成堕落仙王族的法,实在太惊人了! Two long blades fall to the ground, the flashing monster different red light, hits as in the sound that on the rock makes is somewhat grating, making everyone recover. 两柄长刀落地,依旧闪动妖异的红光,撞在山石上发出的声音有些刺耳,让所有人都回过神来。 Like this cut to kill hunter of two big Primeval Beginning levels?! 就这样斩杀了两位大混元级的狩猎者?! But she has not actually left same place, as before float in midair, the clothes sleeve show/unfolds moves, the black hair flies upwards, the whole person clearly has the immortal rhyme spatially, flies high to stand. 而她却没有离开原地,依旧悬浮在半空中,衣袂展动,青丝飞扬,整个人空明而有仙韵,凌空而立。 At this moment, all parties were blown, including from Reincarnation Road's hunter! 这一刻,各方都被镇住了,包括来自轮回路的狩猎者 Behind, Supreme Being of six sending out decayed aura, have stood the position, some Domain that the use can jointly attack, making fuzzy Reincarnation Road appear, finally actually does not dare to act rashly. 后方,有六位散发腐朽气息的大能,都已经站好方位,动用可以合击的某种场域,让模糊的轮回路都浮现了出来,结果却没敢妄动。 The Old Gu eye was straight, who this is, Chu Feng's old friend? Too powerful. 老古眼睛都直了,这是谁啊,楚风的故人?太强悍了。 That two dead hunter with big Primeval Beginning level lifeforms of Old Gu same progression, said killed killed, moreover probably made the two alienate oneself, strangeness and rapidness of dying. 那两位死去的狩猎者可是与老古同级数的大混元生物,说杀就杀了,而且像是让那两人自绝般,死的诡异而迅疾。 Old Gu shouted secretly, was too powerful, was too fearful. 老古暗呼,太强大,太可怕了。 Suddenly, the Old Gu whole face is bright, the wild flower in smiled spring probably, greeted on own initiative, tried to get close fast. 一时间,老古满脸灿烂,笑的像是春天里的山花,主动打招呼,快速套近乎。 Moreover, he not only originally ripe, but also wants to make Zhou Xi help the introduction. 而且,他不仅自来熟,还想让周曦帮着介绍。 My Old Gu, named Gu Chenhai!” “我老古,名叫古尘海!” Those who make Old Gu very satisfied is, after mentioning own name, Yaoyao, was salute to him with the tourmates, the vision was uniform, fell on him. 老古很满意的是,当提及自己的姓名后,无论是妖妖,还是与同行的人都对他行注目礼,目光整齐划一,都落在他身上了。 Old Gu felt immediately has the face very much, this notification name, attached great importance to by the Great World of the Dead's person unexpectedly like this, everyone looks like. 老古顿时感觉很有面子,这才一通报姓名,居然就被大阴间的人这样重视,所有人都看来。 He throws out the chest to raise the head, is giving a tongue-lashing the tooth, the smiling face is even more full of vigor and vitality, the whole face seems like shining. 他挺胸抬头,呲着牙,笑容越发朝气蓬勃,满脸都像是在发光。 „Are you surnamed Gu?” Asked from Great World of the Dead's that old man revealed the look of surprise. “你姓古?”来自大阴间的那位老者露出异色问道。 Yes, my is Old Gu very famous?” Giving birth for the first time that Old Gu smiles. “是啊,我老古很有名气吗?”老古笑的开怀。 The old men crack into a smile about Old Gu, reveals the depart yellow big thread chaser, smiled is also very happy. 老者对老古咧嘴一笑,露出发黄的大板牙,笑的也很开心。 The Old Gu smiling face has not reduced, but in the heart actually shuts out very much, despises secretly, what is a bad old man all right to me smiles? 老古笑容未减,但是心中却很嫌弃,暗自鄙夷,一个糟老头子没事儿对我笑什么? I am disinclined to respond you, hasn't the Old Gu unstated criticism, looked at me and in the air that Heavenly Immortal female dialogue? Your old man is all right to smile the wool! 我懒得搭理你,老古腹诽,没看我在与空中那个天仙般的女子对话吗?你个老梆子没事笑毛! The old men give a tongue-lashing the tooth, smiles, then bang, gave the bridge of the nose of Old Gu to come a fist directly, the strength was just right, not heavy heavy, the nosebleed scattered! 老者呲牙,笑眯眯,然后砰的一声,直接就给老古的鼻梁来了一拳,力道恰到好处,不重不轻,鼻血四溅! Old Gu called, he pain, he has not really guarded from the start, this old goods can give him to come, finally was beaten. 老古嗷的一声就叫了出来,真他么痛啊,他压根就没防备,这老货会给他来一下,结果遭捶了。 Old man, the old monster, old bastard, my how you, snatched your wife, beat your daughter, why attacked me?” Old Gu is resentful. “老梆子,老怪物,老东西,我怎么着你了,抢你媳妇,还是殴打你闺女了,为什么袭击我?”老古愤懑。 He has not begun actually, because, has looked, real can be victorious others, how saw that this old fogies seem like creature of Paramount level. 他倒是没动手,因为,早已看出来了,真打不过人家,怎么看这老家伙都像是个究极层次的生灵 "cough, Great World of the Dead exits there, has to lie down the person in coffin makes us hit surnamed Gu. ” The old men give a tongue-lashing yellow tooth to inform, the appearance that smiles, letting Old Gu wants to spit blood. “咳,大阴间出口那里,有个躺在棺材里的人让我们打姓古的。”老者呲着黄牙告知,那笑眯眯的样子,让老古想吐血。 Naturally, knew after the truth, he is thinks that hits to big Yin Province, asks for an explanation, absolutely is his big brother’s sinister stuff, this is using others the hand to teach him! 当然,得知真相后他更是想一头撞向大阴州,讨个说法,绝对是他大哥的黑货,这是在借别人之手教训他呢! Then, bang bang two, the Old Gu eye nest turned into the azure purple, suffered that old monster two fists, painful he a pitiful yell, but did not have the temperament, what to do, to hit? Said, now he does look for Li Da to do accounts? Cannot be victorious! 然后,砰砰两声,老古的眼窝子变成青紫色了,又挨了那老怪物两拳,痛的他嗷的一声惨叫,但却没脾气,怎么办,打回去吗?还是说,现在他去找黎龘算账?根本打不过! At this time, no one is Old Gu asks for redress, in fact outside abatement Great World of the Dead one group, without who pays attention to him, is staring at Yaoyao. 此时,没人为老古伸冤,事实上除却大阴间一行人外,没什么人关注他,所有都在盯着妖妖 For example Long Dayu, his face is now confused, is staring at Yaoyao, is frowning to rack one's brains, mutters: Why, looks such familiar, seems to have met before, did I know her before?!” 比如龙大宇,现在他一脸迷茫,盯着妖妖,而后皱着眉头苦思,喃喃:“为什么,看起来这么熟悉,似曾相识,我以前认识她?!” Emperor posture!” In Sub Immortal Clan, three clan head sigh with regret, if this daughters of their clan are good. “帝姿!”亚仙族内,三族长慨叹,这要是他们这一族的女儿多好。 Today why the sight evildoer/monstrous talent again, first have Chu Feng, latter has this female, making in Sub Immortal Clan this three clan head hearts very not balanced, divine soul fluctuates. 为什么今天一而再的见到妖孽,先有楚风,后有这个女子,让亚仙族这位三族长心中很不平衡,神魂起伏。 Across World of the Living, many people are observing through the crystal wall, saw this, all shocks incomparably. 阳间各地,许多人都在通过晶壁观战,看到了这一幕,全都震撼无比。 Who this is, was too astonishing, lifts in the hands to kill Supreme Being, is relaxed and calm, looks at her seems not creature of Great Universe level, so to be how powerful?” “这是谁,太惊人了,抬手间就可以杀大能,轻松而从容,看她似乎也不是大宇层次的生灵,怎么会如此强大?” Countless people were touched greatly, sigh are really fierce in the method of that female. 无数人都大受触动,叹于那个女子的手段实在厉害。 Silly, was feared by the score of this woman? According to my knowledge, this woman has the reputation of Number One Under the Starry Sky in another piece of universe, aptitude high scary.” “都傻了吧,被这女人的战绩惊住了吧?据我了解,这女人在另一片宇宙中有星空下第一之美誉,资质高的吓人。” Who your knows is she?” “你知道她是谁?” Naturally, this woman is extraordinarier than Heaven-Blessed that you imagine, Yaoyao, had not grown in the past, but once Kuajing has actually killed Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body, that war, illuminates Star Sea seriously magnificently, both missed several Realm!” “当然,这女人远比你们想象的天纵非凡,名妖妖,当年还没成长起来呢,可是却曾跨境杀过太武天尊道身,那一战,当真是光辉灿烂照星海,两者差了几个境界呢!” Some people questioned him, why understood such clearly. 有人质疑他,为什么了解这么清楚。 „Under I have gone to Little World of the Dead, nature knows that war, after Sovereign Wu disciple grandson Extreme Martial was killed Dao Body, that female also crashes Great Abyss, cannot think several years later, she came from Great World of the Dead unexpectedly.” “我去过小阴间,自然知道那一战,武皇的徒孙太武被人杀道身后,那个女子也坠落下大渊,想不到时隔多年,她居然自大阴间而来。” Initially, Extreme Martial, played chess and other Great Heavenly Venerate hangers-on altogether to go to Little World of the Dead muddily, seeks several Supreme Treasure that World of the Living lost, some indeed Evolver understood these past events. 当初,太武、浑弈等四大天尊的门下共赴小阴间,寻找阳间遗失的几件至宝,的确有部分进化者了解那些旧事。 That person said some truth. 那个人说出部分真相。 In fact, precisely that service achievement today's Yaoyao, how did she rise? Has the greatest relations with Great Abyss! 事实上,正是那一役成就了今天的妖妖,她何以崛起?与大渊有莫大的关系! Her fleshly body lost in the antiquity in Great Abyss, was nourished the innumerable years, coincides until the remnant spirit and fleshly body, there decisive battle Extreme Martial. 原本她的肉身就在上古失落在大渊,被滋养无数岁月,直到残灵与肉身相合,在那里决战太武 Finally, she sinks Abyss, many years have not appeared, no one knows she experienced anything. 最后,她沉下深渊,很多年都未出现,没有人知道她都经历了什么。 Under that there is living lifeforms of Great Universe level, that radiation cannot imagine, but Yaoyao fleshly body was shone there long ago, actually does not refuse stubbornly spoiled, this really goes against heaven's will, after struggling tenaciously, is unimaginable accumulation! 那下方,有活着的大宇层次的生物,那种辐射不可想象,而妖妖肉身早年就在那里被照耀,竟然不死不腐,这实在逆天,顽强挣扎下来后,便是一种不可想象的积淀! Also precisely because of so, after her spiritual sense regression, breaks through unceasingly, in addition she was peerless on the talent, originally for the past entire world first, after True Body was perfect, again also does not have any progress that can prevent her. 正是因为如此,她灵识复归后,不断突破,再加上她原本就天赋绝世,本就为昔日寰宇第一,真身完满后,再也没有什么能够阻挡她的进步。 With did not say, after she enters Great World of the Dead, comprehends three Evolution Road methods, its group of radiance! 就更用不说,她进入大阴间后,参悟三条进化路的法,其路璀璨! This woman was too fierce, in the future after might as well be able to be one generation of immortals !” Some people sighed. “这女人太厉害了,将来未尝不会是一代仙后!”有人叹道。 Some situations of past all appeared, initiated to discuss across World of the Living. 昔日的一些情况皆浮现了出来,在阳间各地引发热议。 This is must go against heaven's will, Chu Feng from the small space comes, this female from Great World of the Dead, but, is an old knowledge of place, is this must converge in World of the Living?” Said a moment ago there Little World of the Dead, had understood Evolver that Great Abyss fought sighed with regret. “这是要逆天吗,楚风从小间而来,这个女子从大阴间而至,本是一地的旧识,这是要在阳间汇合吗?”刚才在那里说去过小阴间、了解大渊一战的进化者慨叹。 You also dare saying that you have gone to Little World of the Dead, just wait, Demon Chu Feng guarantees kills you certainly!” “你还敢说你去过小阴间,等着吧,楚风魔头保准打死你!” Because, had gone to the Little World of the Dead's person in the past, is almost four Great Heavenly Venerate hangers-on, calculated on is the Chu Feng's foe. 因为,当年去过小阴间的人,几乎都是四大天尊的门下,算的上是楚风的仇敌。 „, Do I fear that kidnapper? Who his knows I am!” “切,我怕那人贩子?他知道我是谁啊!” „Aren't you play chess muddily Heavenly Venerate disciple? I know you, probably called what land Ren!” “你不就是浑弈天尊弟子吗?我认识你,好像叫什么陆仁!” Was miserable, Fellow Daoist do not say, sees again, does not see!” “惨了,道友不要说了,再见,就此再也不见!” That person ran, vanishes without the trace. 那个人跑了,消失无踪。 Naturally, not everyone is paying attention to this matter. 当然,也并非所有人都在关注这件事。 For example Still Feather Heavenly Venerate, is the Yaoyao true family member, but is living the lonesome and quiet life in the countryside now, stands aloof from the world. 比如羽尚天尊,是妖妖真正的亲人,可现在正在田园中过着幽静的生活,与世无争。 Every day, Jun Tuo will discuss the matter about Yaoyao for him. 每日间,钧驮都会为他讲关于妖妖的事。 Still Feather is likes is sorrow, his three children died, all plotted to murder by Yuan Clan, has the later generation to wander about destitute in Little World of the Dead, was his only bloodlines. 羽尚又是欢喜又是忧,他的三位儿女都死了,全被沅族谋害,有后人流落在小阴间,算是他仅有的血脉了。 He worried that Yaoyao life and death, the incomparable hope can see that not knows is several generation of granddaughters, his also not knows Yaoyao came at this time, and has overawed World of the Living! 他担心妖妖的生死,无比渴望能够见到那个不知道是第几代的孙女,他还不知道此时妖妖来了,并且已经威震阳间 Zi Luan picked a basket mulberry, returns to the yard, comforts saying: Old gentleman, do not worry, the Yaoyao elder sister luck has good luck ever after greatly, will not have the matter. Long ago when antiquity, she is considered die, finally has not appeared in the present age, and found fleshly body in Great Abyss, although sank to fall, but, I think that will not have the matter, instead will give full play to the vitality, was brighter. Perhaps she on coming the World of the Living's road, even to!” 紫鸾采摘了一篮子桑葚,回到小院中,安慰道:“老爷子,别担心,妖妖姐福大命大,不会出事儿。早年上古时,她在就被认为殒落了,结果还不是在当世出现,并在大渊找到肉身,虽然沉坠下去,但是,我想不会有事儿,反而会焕发生机,更加灿烂。说不定她已经在来阳间的路上,甚至到了!” Right, I must try hard to live, must wait till her to appear!” The Still Feather whole face is the smiling face. “是吗,那我要努力的活着,一定要等到她出现!”羽尚满脸都是笑容。 Your this must march Supreme Being Dominion, life essence will definitely promote a big truncation, naturally on the day of can wait till!” Jun Tuo flatters. “您这都要进军大能领域了,寿元必然会提升一大截,自然能等到那一天!”钧驮拍马屁。 Some time ago, he was held by Chu Feng that demon, almost scared to death, can live naturally pats the Still Feather horse buttocks, daily discussed the Yaoyao matter, therefore here especially respectful, the whole face smiled. 不久前,他被楚风那魔头抓住,差点吓死,能够活下来自然是拍羽尚马屁,天天讲妖妖的事,所以在这里格外的恭敬,满脸都是笑。 Two battlefields, Reincarnation Hunter is not willingly defeated eventually, they lived special lifeforms of very long years, fearless life and death. 两界战场,轮回狩猎者终究是不甘心失败,他们都是活了很漫长岁月的特殊生物,无惧生死。 At this time, that six want to jointly attack and arrange special Domain Supreme Being, holds up the long blade, and fuzzy Reincarnation Road appear before their bodies, is releasing the unimaginable energy! 此时,那六名想要合击、排列出特殊场域大能,纷纷举起长刀,并有一条模糊的轮回路浮现在他们的身前,在释放不可想象的能量! This is one of the Reincarnation Hunter trump card! 这是轮回狩猎者杀手锏之一! At this time, Yaoyao also initiatedded an attack, flies high to cross, the whole body was covered by the dim light, at this time her celestial or angelic appearance jade bone, looks disdainfully all hostile Supreme Being! 此时,妖妖也主动出击了,凌空而渡,周身都被朦胧的光笼罩,此时她仙姿玉骨,睥睨所有敌对大能 Bang! 轰! She wields the right arm, suddenly, the innumerable light beams depart, the light rain of big piece sprinkles, probably emergence flying immortal, especially gorgeous. 她挥动右臂,一时间,无数的光束飞出,大片的光雨洒落,像是羽化飞仙,格外的绚丽。 However, finally is also fearful, what is that? The light rain like the sea, from the twinkle star, to infinite falling in torrents, submerges front Ancient Road. 但是,结果却也是可怕的,那是什么?光雨如海,从星星点点,到无穷的倾泻,将前方的古路淹没。 Bang, that fuzzy Reincarnation Road breaks a section! 砰的一声,那条模糊的轮回路断裂一截! As for that six brandishing a sword Supreme Being , the body shakes, almost flies horizontally, one of them works as, was covered by the light rain. 至于那六位挥刀的大能,也都身体摇动,几乎横飞出去,其中一人首当其中,被光雨覆盖了。 The flash, he seemed like by the cracking-off a life span of era, the whole person was dried up was decayed, was split up, without blood, only then dust. 一刹那,他像是被剥脱了一个纪元的寿命,整个人干枯了腐朽了,而后四分五裂,没有血液,只有尘埃。 When he gets down but actually, unexpectedly turns into the dust! 当他倒下去时,居然化成尘埃! Strikes, can so, imitate unexpectedly, if time long, the eternity will pass, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, among breaths will experience for trillion years is so remote probably. 一击而已,竟能如此,仿若时光悠悠,千古流逝,沧海桑田,一息间像是经历亿万年那么久远。 ...... …… World of the Living, land of the polar north. 阳间,极北之地。 Lunatic Wu opens the eye quickly, said: As if sometimes by -path blooms, can make my Time Technique further transform.” 武疯子倏地睁开眼睛,道:“似乎有时间道则绽放,可以让我的时光术进一步蜕变。” He spoke, the whole body was the light rain, the time fragment fluttered about, he is treading the light wave, was born! 他说话间,周身都是光雨,时间碎片纷飞,他踏着光波,然后出世了! Sends out when Sovereign Wu, and took out Time Technique, some World of the Living famous mountains are also trembling lightly, have a crack, has lifeforms to recover, has the ancient sound to spread. 武皇出动,并祭出时光术时,阳间某一座名山也在轻颤,出现一道裂缝,有生物复苏,有古老的声音传出。 „When I sink the dormancy, some people walk into the mountain, dig my rotten time scroll sutra, now...... appears?” “我沉眠时,有人进山,挖我腐烂的时光经卷,现在……又出现了?” High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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