SR :: Volume #16

#1528: Yaoyao

Who stops up person in the coffin? Naturally is Li Da. 堵门之棺中的人谁?自然是黎龘 He since Prehistoric Era has the matter, has been dormant here, nourish with boiling down True Body not knows many years. Since the innumerable time, he has sat looked that the world wind and cloud gets up, its fleshly body has never gone out. 他自从在史前时代出事儿后,就一直蛰伏在这里,温养与熬炼真身也不知道多少年了。无数个时代以来,他坐看天下风云起,其肉身从未出去过。 At this time, he looked that to from the female who Great World of the Dead comes, indeed revealed the look of surprise, making people like him pay attention, will somewhat care, fully explained that the unusualness of female, will be extremely shocking. 此时,他看向自大阴间而来的女子,的确露出异色,让他这种人都会关注,都有些在意,足以说明女子的超凡,极其惊艳。 The Li Da opens the mouth, said: Uses pollen Evolution Road as the main foundation, amended Fallen Immortal King Clan the law of predecessor, recombination Great World of the Dead that once is proven very strongly, but actually the rare person can arrive at the abruption of head, such fusion, found a balance point, if can walk to pass, truly certainly colorful. Very is not great, interesting, no wonder such uncommon.” 黎龘开口,道:“以花粉进化路为主要根基,修堕落仙王族的前身之法,再结合大阴间那条曾被证明很强但却罕有人可以走到头的断路,这样融合,找到了一个平衡点,若是能走通的话,确实绝艳。唔,很是了不起,有意思,难怪这么的不凡。” The Lebanese three dragons are nodding, can be commended by him repeatedly, can cause a stir in world absolutely, what a pity various World of the Living clans no one here, have not heard this praise. 黎三龙在点头,能够被他连声称赞,绝对是可以轰动世间的,可惜阳间各族没有人在此,不曾听到这种赞誉。 Actually, essence that Li Da said that is also the truth of Yaoyao evolution, this is astonishing, shakes the world, is incomparably fearful, if passes on, will trigger the big storm absolutely, is dreadful mighty waves. 其实,黎龘所说的本质,也就是妖妖进化的真相,这才是惊人的,震世的,也是无比可怕的,如果传出去的话,绝对会引发大风暴,是一场滔天波澜。 She uses pollen Evolution Road as the foundation, unexpectedly dares to amend the Fallen Immortal King Clan former movement, this was too astonishing! 她以花粉进化路为根基也就罢了,居然敢修堕落仙王族的前身法,这就太惊人了! The must know, this road has been considered, becomes the consensus early, no one can dare to cultivate again, once because will step is polluted, will have the fearsomest mutation. 须知,这条路已经被认为断了,早成共识,没有人能敢再修,因为一旦涉足就会被污染,发生最为可怖的异变。 How does Fallen Immortal King Clan come? 堕落仙王族何以来? Their this is Immortal Race , because cultivated this law, thus degenerated, therefore was changed the name by All Heavens, had that two characters as the prefix. 他们本为仙族,就是因为修炼了这种法,从而堕落了,所以被诸天改了名字,有了那两个字作为前缀。 However, this road is indeed terrorist, once was the Celestial Emperor method, is very astonishing to Dao Lineage that high creature handed down! 不过,这条路的确恐怖,曾是天帝法,至高生灵传下的道统无比惊人! In the Yaoyao side, that old man is astonished, looks to the sarcophagus, he really has not thought that some people can see the foundation and mastery of young girl. 妖妖的身边,那个老者惊异,看向石棺,他真是没有想到有人可以一眼就看出少女的根基与底蕴。 „Very strong!” The old men are staring at the sarcophagus, reveals extremely grave expression. “很强!”老者盯着石棺,露出极其凝重之色 The graceful bearing peerless female, the corners of the mouth curls upwards at this time, incomparable beautiful, the elegantly beautiful makings instantaneously changed, she shows a faint smile, said: With the different Evolutionary Civilization Great Dao chain coffins, nourishes oneself body, extraordinary, the senior air/Qi swallows the world, the road that must take is very astonishing.” 丰姿绝世的女子,此时嘴角微翘,无比的明媚,刚才的冷艳气质瞬间变了,她微微一笑,道:“以不同进化文明大道链锁棺,滋养己身,了不起,前辈气吞天下,要走的路很惊人。” You come here, can have so many things, no wonder can fuse the Great World of the Dead's path and Fallen Immortal King Clan law, is really not simple.” Li Da nods. “你才到这里,就能出这么多东西,难怪可以融合大阴间的道路与堕落仙王族的法,果然不简单。”黎龘点头。 Then, he did not say anything, direct making way path. 然后,他就不说什么了,直接让开道路。 The sarcophagus trembles lightly, thundering, Great Dao's divine music is ear-spitting, that is locks in the stone jar different Evolutionary Civilization Great Dao chains to vibrate, is sending out the vibrato. 石棺轻颤,轰鸣,大道神音震耳,那是锁住石罐的不同进化文明大道链在抖动,在发出颤音。 The path appears, including the World of the Living's gateway, rapid opening, various electric arc twinkles, the Great Dao fragment is dancing in the air immediately, jumps toward Yin Province shoots, had immeasurable Yin Qi to fill. 道路出现,连着阳间的门户,迅速开启,顿时各种电弧闪烁,大道碎片飞舞,向着阴州迸射,同时有无量的阴气灌过去了。 Many thanks, said goodbye!” “多谢,告辞!” The group pass through here, formally enters World of the Living! 一行人走过这里,正式进入阳间 At this time, Old Gu still shouts wildly in the heart, talked over the name of Li Da unceasingly, this was so-called does not think the reverse operation that did not read, making him alert, careful should not be raided by the enemy. 此时,老古还在心中狂呼呢,不断念叨黎龘之名,这就是所谓的不想不念的反向操作,让他警醒,小心不要被敌袭。 How to gnaw the elder brother and pit elder brother again, Old Gu cannot really injure someone, therefore he was worried, was anxious, unceasing talking over, reminded the Sinister Hand Li attention. 再怎么啃哥与坑兄长,老古也不能真害人,所以他担心了,焦虑了,不断的念叨,提醒黎黑手注意。 But, Li Da knows, he what kind of divine ability are now general, holds his faith token, talked over to be able by him to be understood thoroughly the truth one time. 可是,黎龘早就知道了,他现在何等的神通广大,持他信物,念叨一次就能被他洞彻真相。 Therefore, present Li Da was equal to that was harassed unceasingly, even his type deep cannot bear with the heart black people, was somewhat agitated. 所以,现在的黎龘等于被不断骚扰,连他这种深沉与心黑的人都受不了,有些烦躁了。 This damn Little Gu, serves the interest of outsiders, annoys to me unexpectedly troublesome, really thinks that pinches to consider as finished.” “这见鬼的小古,吃里扒外,竟给我惹麻烦,真想一把捏死算了。” Then, he called Great World of the Dead one group. 然后,他就唤住了大阴间一行人。 The old men are most vigilant, because, incomparably dreaded to Li Da, fears his noisy make trouble out of nothing. 老者最为警惕,因为,对黎龘无比忌惮,怕他闹幺蛾子 "Um, everyone, I have my presumptuous request. ” Li Da opens the mouth. “嗯,各位,我有个不情之请。”黎龘开口。 What matter?” Yaoyao is surprised, stops the footsteps, looks to stopping up a coffin. “何事?”妖妖惊讶,停下脚步,看向堵门之棺。 You must go to the World of the Living wall place to observe, un, there saw surnamed Gu hits, guarantee right!” “你们要去阳间界壁处观战,嗯,在那里见到姓古的就打,保证没错!” However, Li Da supplemented, hits one well, do not destroy, physical suffering then. 不过,黎龘又补充了一句,打一顿就好,不要打坏了,皮肉之苦即可。 The group are speechless, creature of this level needs help from the person, but also thinks that is what Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering massacre, finally is helps him hit the person?! 一行人都无语,这种层次的生灵有求于人,还以为是什么惊天动地的惨案呢,结果就是帮他打人?! Great World of the Dead one group of people are speechless, leave this place. 大阴间一群人无语,离开此地。 In the sarcophagus Li Da talked to oneself: even/including does father's black history also dare to shake outward? Is my blood brother must hit half dead!” 石棺中黎龘自语:“连老子的黑历史也敢向外抖?就是我亲兄弟也得打个半死!” Then, his vision is spooky, said: That group of false gods, so-called Reincarnation Hunter backstage and high level, if dares to come to here to criticize me, when my True Body spins a cocoon in the coffin completes the transformation, each and every one hits to explode you. Does not look for me, I also guarantee under the black brick to you, all pats remnantly! Really thinks what I said is the lie? I melt obviously is only obsession, rotten fleshly body here, had not sent out. Un, now the body recovers, fresh, if newborn, such as that innate sacred fills the delicate fragrance, was about to succeed!” 然后,他目光幽幽,道:“那批伪神,所谓的轮回狩猎者的后台与高层,若是敢来这里清算我,等吾的真身在棺中结茧完成蜕变,一个个都打爆你们。就是不来找我,吾也保证对你们下黑砖,全拍残!真以为我说的是假话?吾显化出去的都只是执念,腐烂的肉身一直在此,从来没出动过呢。嗯,如今身体复苏,新鲜若初生,如那先天神圣般弥漫出清香,快成功了!” No one hears, if Lunatic Wu and safe identically equal people know, will be certainly frightened, did Sinister Hand Li say for on the same day really? Is his obsession are too many, therefore divides a wisp of another wisp, sent out from the start isn't True Body?! 无人听到,若是武疯子、泰恒等人知晓,一定会惊悚,黎黑手当日所言为真?是他执念太多,所以分出去一缕又一缕,出动的压根就不是真身?! ...... …… Great World of the Dead one group, go out of shortly after that Dao Sect, when wraps Yin Qi after body to be getting more and more thin, they felt blazing of difficult word, just like must burn down. 大阴间一行人,走出那道门不久,当包裹在身体外的阴气越来越稀薄后,他们感受到了一股难言的炽热,宛若要焚烧。 Is the women's whole body of head clear, directs the air/Qi of World of the Living to attach on own initiative on the body, the deep breath, feels this stretch of completely new world, reveals the color of being enchanted by unexpectedly. 为首的女子周身晶莹,主动引阳间之气附着在身体上,深呼吸,感受这片全新的天地,竟露出迷醉之色。 Her grace and talent peerless, in piece of brand-new Greater World, experienced different Great Dao at this time, in careful listened respectfully to a sound, felt and comprehends. 她风华绝代,此时在一片全新的大世界中,体验到了不同的大道,在仔细的聆听道音,感受与参悟。 In a flash, she starts to see the light suddenly unexpectedly, the whole body is Dao marks, has the flame to beat, might burn down, but actually becomes the fire of baptism finally! 一瞬间,她竟开始顿悟,周身都是道纹,有火光跳动,像是要焚烧了,可是最终却成为了洗礼之火! This natural talent, this root bone, is really makes one be speechless. 这种天资,这种根骨,实在是让人无话可说。 In her side, the old man is also good, within the body leaps the Great World of the Dead's aura, blends with the energy of this stretch of the world, the resonance gets up. 在她的身边,老者也还好,体内腾起大阴间的气息,与这片天地的能量交融,共鸣起来。 However, others were less optimistic, some people can resist, the guarantee is well, but some slightly weak people just like fired by Samadhi True Fire. 不过,其他人就不容乐观了,有些人可以抵住,保证无恙,可是稍弱的一些人宛若被三昧真火灼烧。 „Is this on the source place of genuine pollen road?” The Yaoyao light language, on the beautiful peerless face wrote all over surprisedly, she saw many light granules, the twinkle star, floats in this world, was received and instructed by her. “这是就真正的花粉路的本源地吗?”妖妖轻语,美丽绝伦的面孔上写满了惊讶,她看到了许多光粒子,星星点点,漂浮在这片世间,被她接引而来。 She seeing the light suddenly instantly, saw the fuzzy essence between this heaven and earth unexpectedly! 她在顿悟的刹那,居然看到了这天地间的模糊本质! If some people could not insist that goes back.” The old man opens the mouth, told behind person reluctantly. “如果有人坚持不住就回去吧。”老者开口,告诉身后的人不要勉强。 However no one retreats, leaves Great World of the Dead, in light of this walk from all walks of life, this is a big chance, for is the experience different Great Dao roads. 不过没有人退却,离开大阴间,就此行走各界,这是一桩大机缘,为的就是体会不同的大道路。 The group start off again. 一行人再次上路。 Moreover, they are getting quicker and quicker. 而且,他们越来越快。 Previously the group walked in the ground, to excessively, to a stretch of brand-new world, with the Great World of the Dead completely different scalding hot Great Dao world, need a process of adaptation after all. 早先一行人在地面上行走,也只是为了过度,毕竟到了一片崭新的天地,与大阴间完全不同的灼热大道世界,需要一个适应的过程。 Bang! 轰! The definite Coordinate, finally, they turned on the space channel, passes through the chaos fog directly, rushed to two battlefields, before arriving in the wall . 确定坐标,最后,他们开启了空间通道,径直贯穿混沌雾,赶到了两界战场,抵达界壁前。 Great World of the Dead's person, abatement Yaoyao and old man shockingly as well as enough powerful, with the World of the Living's Dao marks resonance, is obtained beyond the baptism by oneself, others are also exposing the rich cold aura, making World of the Living many famous elders shocking. 大阴间的人,除却妖妖与老者自身惊艳以及足够强大,已经与阳间的道纹共鸣,让自身得到洗礼外,其他人都还暴露着浓郁的冷冽气息呢,让阳间许多名宿震惊。 Such rich Yin Qi, this type faintly with the source that World of the Living opposes, should this not be...... Great World of the Dead's creature?!” “这么浓郁的阴气,还有这种隐隐与阳间相对立的本源,这该不会是……大阴间的生灵吧?!” Has old monster suck in a cold breath and whispering, first thinks of these. 有老怪物倒吸冷气并低语,第一时间就想到这些。 Now, All Heavens wanted chaotically, from all walks of life are preparing, may have various world big tangled warfare, the World of the Living's old monster naturally have various types of mental association and guesses. 现在,诸天都要乱了,各界都在备战,有可能会发生诸世界大混战,阳间的老怪物自然有各种联想与猜测。 After Great World of the Dead's one group of arrive, immediately becomes the focus, brings to everyone's attention, is gazing. 大阴间的一行人到来后,顿时成为焦点,引起所有人的注意,都在注视。 Especially that is the female of head, flies high to stand, the long skirt flap flap, the graceful bearing is peerless, is too shocking, making one think that does not pay attention is not good, she has to have a fine and busy face, beautiful some are not real. 尤其是那为首的女子,凌空而立,长裙猎猎,风姿绝世,实在太惊艳,让人想不注意都不行,她有拥有一张精致而无暇的面孔,美丽的有些不真实。 What is most essential, her Evolution Road seems special, making Fallen Immortal King Clan some want to be intimate with, making the World of the Living's person also somewhat be mistaken as the person on oneself this path. 最为关键的是,她的进化路似乎很特殊,让堕落仙王族都有些想亲近,让阳间的人也有些误认为是自己这条道路上的人。 Celestial or angelic appearance jade bone, grace and talent peerless, this is successor of which family/home, how I felt, she compares always blames me not being weak, seems extremely unusual, quite shocking.” “仙姿玉骨,风华绝代,这是谁家的传人,我怎么感觉,她比老怪我都不弱,似乎极其超凡,相当的惊艳。” A famous elder is startled, whispered there, suspected very much oneself felt wrong. 一位名宿吃惊,在那里低语,很是怀疑自己感觉错了。 At this moment, Ying Wudi of battlefield edge is thorough, doesn't he possibly know Yaoyao? In the person regarding this legend, the Little World of the Dead universe by recognized Number One Genius, he naturally was been from ancient to present clear, and has seen. 这一刻,战场边缘的映无敌彻底傻眼,他怎么可能不认识妖妖?对于这传说中的人,小阴间宇宙自古至今被公认的第一天才,他自然清楚,而且见到过。 She came unexpectedly, moreover from Great World of the Dead, but to? Ying Wudi heard whispering of old monster to guess, immediately shocked. 她竟然来了,而且是从大阴间而至?映无敌听到了老怪物的低语猜测,顿时震撼。 Heaven, this deity elder sister she is also living,...... appeared again!” In Sub Immortal Clan, Ying Xiaoxiao shocks. 天啊,这个神仙姐姐她还活着,再次……出现了!”亚仙族内,映晓晓震惊。 Ying Zhexian is also startled, first changing countenance. 映谪仙也吃惊,第一次动容。 Three clan head reveal being astonished color, cannot bear ask: Who is she?” 族长露出讶色,忍不住问道:“她是谁?” „An once myth.” Ying Xiaoxiao is staring blankly responds, somewhat forgets the discretion, said: I estimated that gives her the time, she can Old Ancestor in our clan, the old monsters, all throw off, can kill.” “曾经的一个神话。”映晓晓在发怔中回应,有些忘记分寸,道:“我估计给她时间,她能够将咱们族中的老祖,还有老怪物们,全都掀翻,都可以打死。” Ying Xiaoxiao said mindless, immediately made three clan head complexions immediately black, this damned child, how spoke!? 映晓晓没心没肺地说道,顿时让三族长的脸色当即就黑了,这死孩子,怎么说话呢!? Some World of the Living place, past Manchurian Tiger, present Dong Dahu through crystal wall Shining Upon, saw the sceneries of places of two battle, immediately mood fluctuating is fierce. 阳间某一地,昔日的东北虎,如今的东大虎通过晶壁映照,看到了两界交战之地的景物,顿时情绪起伏剧烈。 Suddenly, he is moved to tears, the nose turns sour. 一时间,他热泪盈眶,鼻子发酸。 In the past, they were killed by Extreme Martial, after Yaoyao rushed, the bloody battle before Great Abyss, the strength put together Extreme Martial, kills itself to drop forever the Great Abyss deep place, could not see again, since then in the world did not have Yaoyao. 当年,他们都被太武杀死,妖妖赶到后,在大渊前血战,力拼太武,杀到自身永堕大渊深处,再也见不到,从此世上无妖妖 These were Dong Dahu in World of the Living hear of Chu Feng said that because, following fought him unable to witness. 这些都是东大虎阳间楚风说的,因为,后面的一战他没能亲眼目睹。 Loses, in the recollection of heartache from Chu Feng's, Dong Dahu had known about that service completely. 楚风的失落、心伤的回忆中,东大虎早已对那一役全部了解。 Yaoyao was also revenged for them at that time, in a universe that had the ceiling to suppress, she cut Extreme Martial to be imprisoned Dao Body with level, was this one outstanding shocking? 妖妖那时也算是为他们报仇了,在一个有天花板压制的宇宙中,她生生斩掉太武被禁锢到同层的道身,这是怎样一个盖代惊艳了得? That invincible score, seriously is surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries! 那种无敌的战绩,当真是震古烁今 After all, how to say again, Extreme Martial is also Heavenly Venerate, even if were suppressed the magical skill and cultivation base, but the vision and fight experience were placed there, should the undefeated, innate invincible. 毕竟,再怎么说,太武也是天尊,哪怕被压制了道行与修为,可是眼光与战斗经验等摆在那里,理应不败,先天无敌。 But, the final result is actually, Extreme Martial was killed stone embryo Dao Body! 可是,最终的结果却是,太武被杀了石胎道身 Finally, Extreme Martial becomes angry out of shame, does not count the price, uses mystique method, restores the Heavenly Venerate level the energy, finally was actually drawn Great Abyss, the Dao Physique tragic death. 最终,太武恼羞成怒,不计代价,动用秘法,恢复天尊层次的能量,结果却被拖进大渊,道体惨死。 These were Dong Dahu hear of Chu Feng said that although has not witnessed, but after listening, he just like experiencing personally, warm-blooded rushed, this elder sister was too fierce, went against heaven's will simply, was equal to that took revenge for them. 这些都是东大虎楚风说的,虽然没有亲眼目睹,可是听罢后,他宛若身临其境,热血澎湃,这位姐姐太厉害了,简直逆天了,等于为他们复仇了。 The arrival of Yaoyao, captured the attention of many people. 妖妖的到来,吸引了许多人的目光。 The Zhou Xi small mouth opens becomes O shape, was startled, but also thinks parts forever, after leaving Little World of the Dead, cannot see this female, has not thought that she came, is really from Great World of the Dead, but to? 周曦小嘴张成“O”形,被惊到了,还以为是永别,离开小阴间后再也见不到这个女子,不曾想她来了,真是从大阴间而至吗? Young Lady Xi is somewhat puzzled, in her opinion, Yaoyao is the myth female, giving her pressure is big. 少女曦有些纠结,在她看来,妖妖是神话般的女子,给她压力好大。 Did not say that the Yaoyao air/Qi field is big, but was in the past, Young Lady Xi had a headache to this female. 不是说妖妖的气场大,而是当年,少女曦对上这个女子就非常头疼。 Opposite party beautiful is speechless, is certainly colorful, is, character actually also such stubbornly disobedient, she had once been sexually harassed by Yaoyao initially. 对方美丽的无话可说,绝艳,可是,性格却也那么的“顽劣”,她当初都曾被妖妖调戏过。 Past, the Yaoyao remnant soul, exactly said that is remnant broken obsession, once took possession Chu Feng, compared notes with Zhou Xi, to obtain the World of the Living method, continuously stimulated Young Lady Xi, pinched her nose, even spanked her, simply was...... the demonic path fairy maiden. 昔日,妖妖只有残魂,确切的说是残碎执念,曾经附体楚风,与周曦切磋,为了得到阳间法,不断刺激少女曦,捏她的鼻子,甚至打她屁股,简直是……魔道仙子。 It looks like in Zhou Xi, Yaoyao is bright and beautiful, game mortal world, but is also shocking and stubbornly disobedient, made the incomparably profound impression on her. 周曦看来,妖妖灿烂而明媚,游戏红尘,可也惊艳又顽劣,给她留下了无比深刻的印象。 Even, finally Yaoyao also takes possession her, shares one with her, quenchings its remnant soul by the body of World of the Living, perhaps should call it remnant broken divine consciousness. 甚至,最后妖妖还附体她,与她共用一身,以阳间之体淬炼其残魂,或许应该称之为残碎神识 That was only a wisp of obsession, Yaoyao underwent too many tribulations on ancient scripture, can remain a vitality, simply was the miracle. 那只是一道执念,妖妖在上古经历了太多的磨难,能够遗存下来点点生机,简直就是神迹。 Even Zhou Xi regretted, Yaoyao delayed the too long time, if gives her the years, gives her complete body, perhaps she can disregard the Little World of the Dead's Realm ceiling to suppress, can go against heaven's will breaks that universe to the strong imprisonment, breaks through to some unimaginable life level. 周曦都惋惜,妖妖耽搁了太长的时间,如果给她岁月,给她完好的身体,说不定她可以无视小阴间的境界天花板压制,可以逆天打破那一宇宙的至强禁锢,突破到某种不可想象的生命层次。 Now, did Yaoyao have true fleshly body? Zhou Xi looked! 现在,妖妖有了真正的肉身周曦看出来了! She is joyful, excited, some headaches, but shouted one: Yaoyao elder sister!” 她喜悦,激动,同时也有些头疼,但还是喊了一声:“妖妖姐!” Yaoyao reviews, after arriving here , she is the elegantly beautiful makings, after seeing Zhou Xi, she somewhat has doubts, is then quick she to recall certain memories probably. 妖妖回眸,来到这里后她一直是冷艳的气质,看到周曦后,她有些疑惑,而后很快她像是回想起某些记忆。 Obviously, present Yaoyao has some conditions. 显然,如今的妖妖还是存在一些状况呢。 However, this cannot have a great influence, after she returns thinks, instantaneously shows the bright smiling face, suddenly makes this stretch of the world follow to be beautiful. 但是,这并不能影响很大,她回思后,瞬间就露出灿烂的笑容,一时间让这片天地都跟着明媚起来。 She smiles the beautiful woman, bright, if the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, the makings transform was too quick. 她一笑倾城,灿烂若朝霞,气质转变的太快了。 Little Xi!” She shouts. 小曦!”她喊道。 This name makes Young Lady Xi happy, somewhat is anxious, should this deity elder sister do not do the matter? 这个称呼让少女曦开心,同时也有些紧张,这位神仙姐姐该不会又要搞事情吧? Then, Zhou Xi rushes over, intimate incomparable, once in Little World of the Dead just like blood sisters, but after coming back, she through some channels heard that Yaoyao die in Great Abyss, she was once sad for a long time. 然后,周曦就冲了过去,亲热无比,曾经在小阴间宛若亲姐妹,而回来后她通过一些渠道听说妖妖殒落大渊,她曾伤心了好久。 Now can meet again, she deeply feels accidental/surprised and surprised, many moves, why she knows Yaoyao has died, dares to wield a sword to Extreme Martial solitarily, and cuts to kill its Dao Body, the Realm's disparity may not span, the vision and experience were also away from the natural moat, but, these cannot block past Yaoyao, that simply is the unprecedented score! 现在能够再次相见,她深感意外与吃惊,还有许多的感动,她已经知道妖妖为何而死,只身一身敢向太武挥剑,并斩杀其道身,境界的差距远不可跨越,眼光与经验等也隔着天堑,但是,这些都没能挡住当年的妖妖,那简直是前无古人的战绩! Yaoyao remnant spirit past game mortal world, was bright-colored and bright, but now tends to elegantly beautiful side. 妖妖的残灵当年游戏红尘,明艳而灿烂,而现在更趋于冷艳的一面。 However, when met with Zhou Xi, she glowed the past appearance, like the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, was very beautifully joyful, flies high to cross, welcomed rapidly. 不过,当与周曦相遇,她又焕发出当年的神采,明媚如朝霞,很喜悦,凌空而渡,迅速迎来。 Old Gu looks at that to come from Great World of the Dead's in not far away just like the celestial fairy female, not knows why eyelid jumps, in the heart feels nervous, he is perplexed, what condition is this?! 老古在不远处看着那来自大阴间的宛若天仙子般的女子,不知道为何眼皮直跳,心中发慌,他不明所以,这是什么状况?! Yaoyao elder sister, Chu Feng a moment ago also in this place, but annoyed the catastrophe, has to flee.” Zhou Xi rapidly and told her low voice some situations. 妖妖姐,楚风刚才也在此地,只是惹了大祸,不得不遁走。”周曦迅速而小声的告诉她一些情况。 What?!” Obviously, Yaoyao is very surprised, the complexion changes. “什么?!”显然,妖妖很吃惊,脸色微变。 Her not knows Chu Feng arrives at World of the Living, even, she not clear, when the yearly payment completely final strength picks up from Great Abyss Chu Feng, places outside, whether he can live. 她并不知道楚风来到阳间,甚至,她都不清楚当年费尽最后的力气将楚风大渊中托起,放在外面,他是否能活下来。 After all, at that time she at point of death, is ignorant, is also incapable of handling more things again. 毕竟,那时她弥留之际,早已浑噩了,再也无力做更多的事情。 Now, she hears Chu Feng also in World of the Living, naturally changes countenance, is very surprised. 现在,她听到楚风也在阳间,自然动容,很是吃惊。 Then, her makings changed, looks to distant place 13 Supreme Being, that crowd of Reincarnation Hunter. 然后,她的气质就变了,看向远处一十三位大能,那群轮回狩猎者 „Does my person, you also dare to move?” She spatially is still bright the dust, the words sound is not very high, but, listens in everyone's ear bank, actually like startling thunderclap. “我的人,你们也敢动?”她依旧空明出尘,话语声音也不是很高,但是,听在所有人的耳畔,却如惊雷般。 My person three characters, are not ambiguous, is not overbearing, when is the Yaoyao game mortal world joke. 我的人三个字,不是什么暧昧,也不是什么霸道,而是妖妖游戏红尘时的戏言。 She had once said to Chu Feng, Manchurian Tiger, Yellow Ox and the others, my, even your people are my, the joke receives one group of people to become the little brother, making Big Black Ox such Mang Huo docile, does not dare to brave the thorn, lets like spurting person of face saliva Divine Beast toad Ouyang Feng to be honest, does not dare to talk back. 她曾对楚风东北虎黄牛等人说过,我的,连你们的人都是我的,戏言收一群人当小弟,让大黑牛那样的莽货都服服帖帖,不敢冒刺儿,让爱喷人一脸口水的神兽蛤蟆欧阳风都老老实实,不敢顶嘴。 In battlefield, a silence, people are all fearful and apprehensive, this beautiful like female who in the picture scroll goes out, unexpectedly is finding fault that supreme organization? 战场中,一片寂静,人们全都心惊肉跳,这个美丽的如同画卷中走出的女子,居然在挑刺那个无上组织? A graceful bearing peerless female, after arriving here, looks disdainfully unexpectedly directly Reincarnation Hunter, moreover is one person alone to 13 Supreme Being! 一个丰姿绝世的女子,来到这里后,竟直接睥睨轮回狩猎者,而且是一人独对十三位大能 What organization your knows is provoking, is speaking to whom?!” It seems like skeleton Supreme Being Level Reincarnation Hunter cold severe looks, both eyes are gradually scarlet, murderous aura erupts in an instant, dreadfully on! “你知道在挑衅什么样的组织吗,在对谁说话吗?!”一位看起来像是骷髅般的大能级轮回狩猎者冷厉的望来,双目渐渐猩红,杀气刹那间爆发,滔天而上! „Do you want to kill me? Come!” The Yaoyao opens the mouth, does not have the billows without the wave, how to see seems like one celestial fairy the dust female, but, is actually challenging Reincarnation this terrifying organization. “你要杀我?来!”妖妖开口,无波无澜,怎么看都像是一位天仙子般的出尘女子,可是,却在挑战轮回这个恐怖的组织。 That both eyes become scarlet Reincarnation Hunter, although is skinny, is lending the decayed aura, but indeed is terrifying Supreme Being, one step takes, the void large explosion, he is powerful, revolves the scary energy, kills toward Yaoyao. 那位双目变得猩红的轮回狩猎者,虽然皮包骨头,散发着腐朽的气息,但的确是一位恐怖的大能,一步迈出,虚空大爆炸,他强大之极,运转骇人的能量,向着妖妖杀去。 Then...... he did not have then! 然后……他就没有然后了! Yaoyao wields a pure white fist, looks very light and lively, has an indescribable aesthetic sense, but makes the world thunder instantly, Dao marks resonating, then that Supreme Being did not have, was covered by a fist of white sparkling, has not contacted, that piece of Dao marks then breaking! 妖妖挥动一只洁白的拳头,看起来很轻灵,有种难以言喻的美感,但是却让天地刹那轰鸣,道纹共振,然后那位大能就没了,被一只白莹莹的拳头覆盖,不曾接触,那片道纹便将之震碎! High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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