SR :: Volume #16

#1527: Immortal lord

The distant blue sky such as washes, if the gem is perfectly clear. 远方碧空如洗,若宝石般清透。 But nearby the wall, the mountain is palatial, Primal Chaos Qi fills the air. 而界壁附近,大山巍峨,混沌气弥漫。 Chu Feng stands is in the midair, whole body golden light, clearly reveals itself spatially, if still Zhexian near world. 楚风立身在半空中,周身金光点点,空明出世,犹若谪仙临世。 Only has the blood of ground to prompt everyone, precisely this delicate youngster, slaughtered a moment ago, kills all Reincarnation Hunter completely. 唯有地上的血提示着所有人,正是这个清秀的少年,刚才大开杀戒,将所有轮回狩猎者全部击毙。 This is big, being doomed to have the huge storm! 这是大,注定要起天大的风暴! From ancient to present has the ruthless person, but has not actually looked like him so bravely fierce, is in front of entire world person to break off with this organization, the bang kills in the presence of everyone. 自古至今并非没有狠人,但是却不曾像他这般勇烈,当着全天下人的面与这个组织决裂,当众轰杀。 four directions is silent, in everyone heart palpitates. 四野寂静,所有人都心中悸动。 Even the Feather Sovereign pupil contraction of distant place, without the speech, his whole body was covered by clouds and mist, is sacred and aloof, stands is on a vigorous mountain massif. 连远处的羽皇都瞳孔收缩,没有说话,他满身都被烟霞覆盖,神圣而超然,立身在一座雄浑的山体上。 entire world loses the sound probably, in regional people hearts big change, stares dumbfounded. 全天下都像是失去声音,外界各地的人们都心中剧震,瞠目结舌。 Did his give to get rid of Reincarnation Hunter like this completely? 他这就这样将轮回狩猎者全部给干掉了? Walks quickly!” Old Gu in secret anxious sound transmission. “快走!”老古暗中焦躁的传音 He and Zhou Xi are the same, wants to make Chu Feng escape, flees the world years. 他与周曦一样,想让楚风去逃亡,遁世一段岁月。 Pierced the day!” “将天捅破了!” The outside world, regional people responded. 外界,各地的人们都反应过来了。 Silver hair such as smooth such as silk fabrics Ying Xiaoxiao, shining white, but on the beautiful face wrote all over the worried look, this result was too fearful, offends Reincarnation Hunter, was impossible to be friendly, no matter what under did not have the place of Chu Feng's taking shelter on this day mostly. 银发如光滑如绸缎的映晓晓,莹白而绝美的面孔上写满了忧色,这种结果太可怕了,得罪轮回狩猎者,根本不可能善了,任这天下之大都没有楚风的容身之地。 This also too...... decisive, was too aggressive, respects the young!” In Sub Immortal Clan, three clan head by heavy of being startled, were pulled apart the next section the beard incautiously. “这也太……果断,太生猛了,后生可畏啊!”亚仙族内,三族长被惊的不轻,一不小心将胡须都扯断下一截。 In his opinion, Chu Feng was too staunch, should not take action, if turned around to walk were good, first avoided these Reincarnation Hunter, this was the best plan. 在他看来,楚风太刚烈了,不该出手,而若是转身就走就好了,先避开这些轮回狩猎者,这才是上策。 He believes, Chu Feng should leave in advance, hides previous some time, when oneself are powerful enough, asked Zhou Clan to act again with that organization private talk, could have the favorable turn. 他认为,楚风应该先行离开,躲上一段时间,等自身足够强大时,再请周族出面去与那个组织密谈,或许能有转机。 His where knows, Chu Feng secret are too many, has rushed to Reincarnation Road by fleshly body directly, not just soul light sneaks across. 他哪里知道,楚风身上秘密太多,直接以肉身闯过轮回路,并非仅魂光偷渡。 This matter cannot withstand, after that organization has a sleep/felt, let alone Zhou Clan, is Heng Clan, Dao Race wait/etc. the first ten families acts together, will not have the effect. 这事经不起查,那个组织有所觉后,别说周族,就是恒族道族等前十的家族一起出面,都不会有效果。 Reincarnation Hunter discovered after this traces, will go all the way with it absolutely! 轮回狩猎者发现这种蛛丝马迹后,绝对会一查到底! Chu Feng is clear, he is different from other Reincarnator, therefore, has prepared for dying to knock. 楚风清楚,他与别的轮回者不一样,所以,早就做好死磕到底的准备了。 On the spot, several famous elder bodies of Zhou Clan become stiff, they also want to say anything, but even if now lists various principles to estimate that is also difficult to make that organization give up. 现场,周族的几位名宿都身体发僵,他们还想说什么呢,可是现在纵然列出各种理估计也难让那个组织罢手。 Across the world boils noisily, is at a loss including some old monsters of various clans, unexpectedly witnessed this matter, a youngster challenges the dignity of supreme organization. 天下各地喧沸,连各族的一些老怪物都在嘬牙花子,居然亲眼目睹了这种事,一个少年挑战无上组织的威严。 "Um? ” “嗯?” Chu Feng turns head quickly, looks to some position, there twists void, blurs, silver ancient palace appear a corner/horn. 楚风倏地回头,看向某一个方位,那里虚空扭曲,模糊起来,有一座银色的古殿浮现出一角。 „...... Died!?” “都……死了!?” In the silver Vanuatu palace spreads the hoarse sound, the intonation is slightly stiff, some cold severe, resemble very puzzled, in dense fog of pair of blood pupil appears in silver palace. 银瓦殿中传出沙哑的声音,语调略微僵硬,有些冷厉,似很不解,一双血瞳在银殿内的迷雾间浮现。 Chu Feng paces forward, must start! 楚风向前踱步,显然又要下手了! Old Gu big, rushes over directly, held on him, wants saying that under the ancestor you did want the extreme methods?! 老古头大,直接冲了过去,一把拉住了他,想说,祖宗你又要下死手了?! Zhou Xi shakes the head worried, and flies high to come, with Chu Feng stands. 周曦充满忧虑地摇头,并凌空而来,与楚风站在一起。 Her in secret sound transmission, this is only an empty palace, acts as the eye to use, making the Reincarnation Hunter back organization see clearly here result. 她暗中传音,这只是一座虚殿,充当眼睛用,让轮回狩猎者背后的组织看清这里的结果。 I said the brothers, you are really violent temperament, you like this are staunch, killing? Hits remnantly, leaving behind the living witness is also good!” Old Gu full head cold sweat. “我说兄弟,你真是个暴脾气,你怎么这样刚烈,都给打死了?打残,留下活口也好!”老古满头冷汗。 His look was melancholy, because, this matter is not good to solve. 他的眼神都忧郁了,因为,这事儿不好解决。 He also really feared that Chu Feng was killed, fully realized that organization too fearsome. 他还真怕楚风被弄死,深知那个组织太可怖了。 In this anxious situation, Old Gu seemed like anything to dare saying that said: You want to kill several, behind wanting starts, about this, you must study my big brother, he delivered some youngest brother to be reincarnated initially, after Reincarnation Hunter stares, is unbearable of air/Qi, finally looks for no one's place, under the back sinister hand, all gave to kill, coming World of the Living to evaporate!” 在这种焦躁的情况下,老古似乎什么都敢说了,道:“你就是想打死几个,也要背后下手啊,关于这点,你得学我大哥,他当初送某位老兄弟去转世,被轮回狩猎者盯上后,也是气的够呛,最后找个没人的地方,背后下黑手,全都都给弄死了,来了个阳间蒸发!” After hearing this words, people are dumbfounded, is all speechless. 当听到这种话后,人们都目瞪口呆,皆已无言。 Even if several old Paramount , the look is strange, looks to Old Gu. 纵然是几位老究极,也都眼神诡异,看向老古 In that silver palace, the pupil very ominous offense in dense fog, the ice was cold, is staring at Chu Feng, but looks now directly to Old Gu. 那座银色殿宇中,迷雾中的眸子原本很凶戾,冰寒刺骨,正盯着楚风呢,可是现在直接望向老古 „It is not under my back the extreme methods, you adjust the lord to go!” A Old Gu afraid appearance, straightens one's neck there is supporting. “又不是我背后下死手,你找正主去!”老古一副心虚的样子,梗着脖子在那里强撑着。 Many people are speechless, have such sworn brothers, is the attainment much tired? Is obviously looking for trouble for his elder brother Li Da, whom really did not have. 许多人都无言,有这么一个结拜兄弟,心得多累啊?明显是在为他兄长黎龘招灾惹祸,真是没谁了。 My big brother is Li Da!” “我大哥是黎龘!” Old Gu supplemented, that meaning is, do not look for me, does not want the making a mistake person! 老古又补充了一句,那意思是,你别找我,不要弄错人! Side, including always relates anxious enemy Zhou Bo with Old Gu, has not made a sound, has not coerced Old Gu, because really does not want to say his anything. 旁边,连与老古一向关系紧张的对头周博,都未吱声,没有挤对老古,因为实在不想说他什么了。 Although Long Dayu not in battlefield near, the clarity that but also looks at through the crystal wall in the distant place, the color of face intertwining, walks with Old Gu this type of pit goods in the same place, guarantees does not permit which day also to be able by the pit. 龙大宇虽未在战场近前,但也在远方通过晶壁看的真切,一脸纠结之色,与老古这种坑货走在一起,保不准哪一天也会被坑。 Especially he had being unjustly discredited attribute, frequently pours the blood mildew, if this walks with that Gu Chenhai excessively near, settled that must die by to subdue|grams while still alive. 尤其是原本他自身就有黑锅属性,经常倒血霉,这要是与那古尘海走的过近,说定要被活活克死。 Fills the air in this murderous aura, very solemn occasion, actually many person revealed the look of surprise, want to smile the Sinister Hand Li first illustrious name to be subverted including certain old monsters, hands over brothers' vision to be really not much, this Gu Chenhai is too incredible, skeleton elegant. 在这种杀气弥漫,很严肃的场合,却有不少人露出异色,连某些老怪物都想笑黎黑手一世英名被颠覆,交兄弟的眼光实在不怎么样,这个古尘海太荒诞,骨骼“清奇”。 One person does not believe like this, Chu Feng looks to Old Gu, sighed one lightly, said: Does not need so!” 只有一个人不这样认为,楚风看向老古,轻叹了一声,道:“不必如此!” His clear knows the Old Gu intention, was seemingly fantastic, is somewhat laughable, even was ridiculed, but this is not the Old Gu conduct is rough. 他真切的知道老古的心意,看似荒诞不经,有些可笑,甚至遭人嘲弄,但这绝非老古行事粗糙。 In fact, Chu Feng first realized, Old Gu thought through a matter, conscientiously did the matter that this letting person ridiculed. 事实上,楚风第一时间就体会到了,老古用心良苦,认真做了这种让人奚落的事。 Old Gu this is withstand/top the vat with his big brother, carries cauldron, this really passes the burden the hatred, to share the injury, rescues Chu Feng. 老古这是拿他大哥来顶缸,来背大锅,这实在是转嫁仇恨呢,为的是分摊伤害,救下楚风 Walks quickly!” Old Gu in secret sound transmission. “快走!”老古暗中传音 Chu Feng nods, he must evolve, the body has enough Supreme Being Level soil texture, can be rapidly powerful. 楚风点头,他要去进化了,身上有足够的大能级土质,可以迅速强大起来。 When he rises swiftly and violently, after being stronger, then kills Reincarnation Hunter again and that's the end, who really must die to knock words to fear who? 待他迅猛崛起,更强后,再接着杀轮回狩猎者就是了,真要死磕到底的话谁怕谁? If lets person knows his thought that it is estimated that all wants scalp tingles, was this lord insane? Dares to be like this bold! 如果让人知道他的念头,估计全都要头皮发麻,这主疯了吗?敢这样胆大包天! Void distortion, slurred, is very gloomy, a pair of blood pupil blood to terrify person in silver palace, exceptionally is very cold, has the hatred, is staring at Chu Feng stubbornly. 虚空扭曲,模糊不清,十分暗淡,银色殿宇中的一双血瞳血很瘆人,异常冷冽,带着怨毒,死死地盯着楚风 This buries in the deathtrap innumerable years probably, the evil spirit recoveries of deep sleep many era, that look, that resentment is wicked, making one be afraid, by him was looked seemed like cursed. 这像是埋在死地无数岁月,沉睡很多个纪元的厉鬼复苏,那种眼神,那种怨恶,让人不寒而栗,被他看一眼都像是被诅咒了。 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, an explosive, the world was broken out, the energy is really vast and boundless, probably is opening a world, shakes All Heavens. 突然,一声爆响,天地被劈开了,能量实在过于浩瀚与磅礴,像是在开辟一个世界,震荡诸天 Chu Feng launches an attack suddenly, the use strongest energy, took out Vajra Cutter, pounds in distortion that silver palace in void, goes to that pair of virulent blood pupil. 楚风突然发难,动用最强能量,祭出金刚琢,砸在扭曲的虚空中的那座银色殿宇上,冲着那双恶毒的血瞳而去。 Bang, the silver palace blasted out, explodes void broken, transmits a gloomy and cold evil spirit to shout the sound there, all dissipated, the palace collapses. 砰的一声,银殿炸开了,虚空爆碎,在那里传来一声阴冷的厉鬼嘶吼声,一切就都消散了,殿宇崩坏。 The blood of twinkle star sprinkles, that pair of pupil is shattered, instantly vanishes. 星星点点的血洒落出来,那双眸子破灭,霎时消失。 True Body arrival of not that lifeforms, this is he by the blood pupil that the peerless method evolves, in the void palace, was destroyed like this. 并非那个生物真身到来,这是他以绝世手段演化的血眸,在虚空殿宇中,就这样被毁。 Chu Feng flies high, the bright rune radiance is surrounding him, after the silver palace blasts out, blood raindrop point, by Shining Upon scarlet striking, actually no drops on his body. 楚风凌空,灿烂的符文光华环绕着他,银殿炸开后,血雨点点,被映照的猩红醒目,却没有一滴落在他的身上。 At this time, he launches in salvos the silk to shine, is silent and calm, stands erect there, stands one's ground steadfastly. 此时,他连发丝都在发光,沉默而镇定,屹立在那里,岿然不动。 People petrify, kills this pair of blood pupil with killing Reincarnation Hunter, this is completely two concepts, this blood pupil possibly involved high-level creature of this organization. 人们石化,杀这双血眸与杀轮回狩猎者,这完全是两个概念,这血瞳可能涉及到了这个组织的高层生灵 Even if this is only the rune blood pupil of his manifestation, but manifestation are innumerable, is mostly magnanimous, but will not allow the person to insult lightly! 即便这只是他外放符文血眸,可化生无数,多半是海量的,可也绝不会允许人轻侮! Old Gu was big, pushes Chu Feng directly, said: Walks quickly!” 老古头大了,直接推楚风,道:“快走!” Zhou Xi is also anxious, pulled out an own charm amulet, wears directly on the Chu Feng's neck, making him hurry to leave here, is dormant this era to pass. 周曦也焦急,将自己的一枚护身符掏了出来,直接戴在楚风的脖子上,让他赶紧离开这里,蛰伏到此纪元过去。 Chu Feng was touched greatly, was needless saying that to them the polite words, may feel very warm. 楚风大受触动,对他们不用说客气的话,可还是觉得心中很暖。 „It is not an organization, compared with it hell how?” Chu Feng opens the mouth, but also has not in really felt relieved, in his opinion, this so-called Reincarnation Hunter, is the hell puts mostly? “不就是一个组织吗,比之地府如何?”楚风开口,还真没放心里,在他看来,这所谓的轮回狩猎者,多半就是地府放出来的吧? No matter what said that he once in Soul River's Bank great war, even if affiliation stone jar assumes an awe-inspiring pose, after all still has experienced the terrifying campaign of that progression. 不管怎样说,他曾在魂河畔大战过,即便是藉石罐发威,毕竟也算是经历过那个级数的恐怖战役。 „Very strong, is very special, not necessarily is weaker than the hell, this is a strange and terrifying strength!” Old Gu said. “很强,很特殊,不见得比地府弱,这是一股怪异而恐怖的力量!”老古说道。 Chu Feng is startled immediately, this organization and hell are not matter, isn't the same source?! 楚风当即就一怔,这个组织与地府不是一回事儿,不是同一个源头?! He had not felt relieved a moment ago on, now a parade is big, as if really kicked the sheet iron, trampled a ruthless stubble? 他刚才还没怎么放心上,现在则一阵头大,似乎真的一脚踢到铁板了,踹出来一个狠茬子? Does not manage, he shakes the head, first leaves here to evolve, then fights again, he and Old Gu have Zhou Xi to say goodbye, vanishes instantly! 不管了,他摇了摇头,先离开这里去进化,回头再战,他与老古还有周曦告别,刹那消失! Chu Feng with the aid of Domain, silhouette goes pale, the great distance same place dozens states are so suddenly far. 楚风借助场域,身影淡去,瞬息间已经相隔原地数十州那么远。 Wall here, the instantaneous peace, shortly after is a low sound of talking, can come here is expert of various clans, is brought by the old monsters of various clans, at this time was startled heavy. 界壁这里,瞬间的安静,不久后才是一片低语声,能够来这里的都是各族的高手,被各族的老怪物带着,此时都被惊了个不轻。 Ying Wudi in the battlefield edge, the look is complex, simultaneously he believes firmly, this is real Demon Chu, where arrives, disaster where. 映无敌就在战场边缘,神色复杂,同时他确信,这才是真实的楚魔头,走到哪里,祸害到哪里。 No matter what said, sees Chu Feng to depart, he also grows the tone, although looked that demon is not pleasing to the eyes, wishes one could dozen of remnants, but does not want to see him dead in this place. 不管怎样说,看到楚风离去,他也算是长出口气,虽然看那魔头不顺眼,恨不得打残,但也不想见他死在此地。 I am worried to do for him, how to toss about again jumps for joy, tosses about World of the Living from Little World of the Dead, the powerhouse rank of disaster is getting higher and higher, I thought that he sooner or later will run up to above Firmament to toss about.” “我为他担心干什么,再怎么折腾都活蹦乱跳,从小阴间折腾到阳间,祸害的强者等级越来越高,我看他早晚有一天会跑到上苍之上去折腾。” Ying Wudi feeling, if the honest duty, that absolutely is not Chu Feng, definitely by person body possession. 映无敌感慨,如果老实本分,那绝对不是楚风,肯定被人夺舍了。 Suddenly, the low and deep music transmits, probably death knell at light cry, and there are innumerable black light to rip open void, let a front world twist deformation. 忽然,低沉的乐声传来,像是丧钟在轻鸣,并且有无数的乌光撕开虚空,让前方的一片天地都扭曲变形了。 The probably innumerable crows are fluttering, is hitting the metal, rips open the space. 像是无数的乌鸦在振翅,在撞击金属,撕开空间。 The Reincarnation Hunter back organization, will really not give up, now made the big move, had anything to come out. 轮回狩猎者背后的组织,果然不会善罢甘休,现在弄出了大动静,有什么东西要出来了。 A road, is gloomy and rugged, passes through void, delays to the outside world, has skinny lifeforms to become Lie going out, has the decayed aura. 一条路,暗淡而崎岖,贯穿虚空,延展到外界来,有皮包骨头的生物成列的走出,带着腐朽的气息。 Their Immemorial was old, not knows saved world several eras, did not seem like normal creature, survived by some mystique method even Forbidden Technique. 他们太古老了,都不知道存世几个纪元了,根本不像是正常的生灵,是以某种秘法甚至禁术存活下来的。 13 Supreme Being, the hair is sparse, almost fell up, the eye socket got sucked like the hole, body only flesh is pasting the bone, like skeleton. 共有十三位大能,头发稀疏,几乎落光了,眼窝深陷如同窟窿,身上仅有的一层血肉贴着骨头,如同骷髅。 It is not able to guess how long they lived, this is preserves, to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence Primeval Beginning level lifeforms of this in the special method, is Supreme Being in the world eyes. 根本无法猜测他们活了多久,这是以特殊手段保存下来、苟延残喘到这一世的混元生物,也就是世人眼中的大能 Everywhere crow is flying, corrupted, but is actually living, flies from that Reincarnation Road. 漫天的乌鸦在飞,都腐烂了,但却活着,也是从那轮回路上飞出来的。 Loses the bird, everywhere is, ominous sound fluctuating, is very noisy. 丧禽,到处都是,不祥的声音起伏,很嘈杂。 Enough 13 Supreme Being, this is what kind of tyrannical, overbearing, after that organization was offended, almost came such a strengthening of the armed forces in a minute. 足足十三位大能,这是何等的强横,霸道,那个组织被人冒犯后,几乎是片刻间就来了这样一股强军。 Everyone suck in a cold breath, the Reincarnation Hunter back organization was too strong, instantaneously, dispatches such a team of manpower, somewhat is really fearful. 所有人都倒吸冷气,轮回狩猎者背后的组织太强了,瞬间,遣出这样一队人手,实在有些慑人。 Meanwhile, blood-color Dharma Decree appears in void: Chu Feng, sneaks across Reincarnator, kills! 同时,一张血色的法旨在虚空中浮现:楚风,偷渡轮回者,杀! Simple do such a line of characters, let people surprisedly, unexpectedly to his special description, the stowaway? Unlike the past. 就这么简单的一行字,让人们惊疑不已,竟还有对他专门的描述,偷渡者?跟以往不一样。 If Chu Feng here, will certainly alert, perhaps this crowd of person knows he rushed to Reincarnation creature by fleshly body, needs to take strict precautions. 若是楚风在此,一定会警醒,这群人或许知道他是以肉身轮回生灵了,需要严加戒备。 At this time, the outside world, one group of people have mixed feelings, are staring at the situation before battlefield through the crystal wall, on the respective immature face wrote all over intertwining. 此时,外界,有一群人心情复杂,都在通过晶壁盯着战场前的景况,各自稚嫩的面孔上写满了纠结。 This is one group of youngster, is heaven blessed genius, for various Major Sect's core disciple, their age was similar, has a common ground, soul light carves characters! 这是一群少年,都是天纵之资,为各大教的核心弟子,他们年龄相仿,有个共同点,魂光都被刻字了! Although had guessed that is actually who does, but sees that blood-color Dharma Decree now, clear writes the stowaway and name, is equal to giving the most solid evidence. 虽然早已猜测到究竟是谁干的,但是现在看到那张血色的法旨,清晰的写着偷渡者与名字,等于是给出最为确凿的证据。 My uncle is Chu Feng!” 我叔是楚风!” A few years ago, taught when receiving disciple respectively, inspected the root bone and soul of disciple, has seen these words, a face was all ignorant, all not knows anything situation, made the big noise. 前些年,各教在收弟子时,检查弟子的根骨与灵魂时,都见到过这句话,皆一脸懵,全都不知道什么情况,闹出好大的动静。 People had understood, Chu Feng sneaks across to come from Little World of the Dead, time was that is taken advantage of loopholes by him on the road mostly, carved many characters. 人们已经了解,楚风是从小阴间偷渡而来,多半就是那一次在路上被他钻了空子,刻了不少字。 „Our crowd of person talents different reported, comes like this?!” “我们这群人天赋异禀,就是这样来的?!” Some people are in a daze, was past experience, or was a victim. 一些人在发呆,都是当年的经历者,或者说是苦主。 Recently for these years, their talents are often becoming friends with secretly, formed one quickly huge organized, they think that body duplicate character were a person on one's own side, inborn uncommon, the root foot could not imagine, with that innate sacred-- Chu Feng, had the greatest responsibility. 最近这几年,他们这种天才不时在暗地里结交,都快形成一个庞大的组织了,他们认为身体覆字者都是自己人,天生不凡,根脚不可想象,与那个先天神圣——楚风,有莫大干系。 Finally now...... the truth makes known, many people are in a daze, actually can also respect-- Chu Feng?! 结果现在……真相揭晓,不少人都发呆,究竟还要不要敬仰——楚风?! Regardless how to see, Chu Feng this demon was insincere in the past, even some people gods altogether indignant, when smuggling carves characters on them on the way? 无论怎么看,楚风这魔头当年都不厚道,甚至有些人神共愤,偷渡时顺路在他们身上刻字? This fears the wrong way, the wicked interest occupies them to be cheap, some...... want to kill him simply! 这是怕迷路,还是恶趣味占他们便宜,简直有些……想打死他啊! At this time, their some people are very easy to associate to such and such to this roaming scene. 此时,他们有些人很容易联想到某某到此一游这种景象。 Owes they for these years, but also continuously in proud, established the huge talent alliance, reveres Chu Feng of that not knows root foot is the immortal lord, regards as sacred, regarded a belief. 亏他们这么多年来,还一直在自傲,成立了庞大的天才联盟,尊那不知道根脚的楚风为仙主,视为神圣,当成了一种信仰。 After all, can be born has the character to arrive in this world, was the evildoer/monstrous talent, they were very proud, think that each other was the same kind of person. 毕竟,能够出生就带着字符来到这世上,也算是妖孽了,他们都很骄傲,认为彼此是同一类人。 Finally, the truth opened, really wants to hit the person, wants to make remnant that kidnapper, one group of people are doing a lot of talking. 结果,真相揭开,真想打人,想弄残那个人贩子,一群人在磨牙。 Especially one group of young girls, soul thing is others can bump randomly? One group of people intertwine, must chase down Chu Feng. 尤其是一群少女,灵魂这东西是别人能乱碰的吗?一群人纠结,要不要去追杀楚风 I felt, he has the graciousness to us, you looked, I and other on soul light have rune, contains the special law, promoted us the growth in innate mother's womb, the obtained advantage are many!” “我觉得,他对咱们还是有恩的,你看,我等魂光上有符文,蕴含特殊的法,促进了我们在先天母胎中的成长,得到的好处很多!” Some people open the mouth, wants to accept this reality. 有人开口,想接受这个现实。 However also some people intertwine, the compensation that after this is don't tell me he scribbles to doodle casually, gives? 但是也有人纠结,这难道是他随便乱写乱画后给予的补偿吗? I am invariable to the immortal main belief, but, the so-called immortal main only lives after that in my heart, with that having nothing to do surnamed Chu!” “我对仙主的信仰不变,不过,此后所谓的仙主只活在我心中,与外界那个姓楚的无关!” I believe, he is others had the obligation to me eventually, you perceive Finally, rune on soul light is breathing method, may revolve, making me and others be congenital!” “我认为,他终究是对我等有大恩,你们觉察到了吗,魂光上的符文都是呼吸法,可自行运转,让我等先天强大!” I also...... approve him temporarily!” “我也……暂时认可他!” Most person has mixed feelings about Chu Feng, some people feel grateful, some people want to beat him, is really is hard to say this mood. 大部人对楚风心情复杂,有人感激,也有人想殴打他,实在是难以说出这种心情。 After having the old monster sensation arrives, suck in a cold breath, this talent alliance really must grow, in the future the potential will be huge, what will be most essential will be they come from each region, will be teaching various core disciple, if will affect to radiate, in the future this alliance will be doomed to become a colossus! 有老怪物感知到后,不禁倒吸冷气,这个天才联盟真要成长起来,未来潜力巨大无边,最关键的是他们来自各地,是各教的核心弟子,而若是将影响辐射出去,将来这个联盟注定要成为一个庞然大物! Some day, that Demon Chu Feng should unable but therefore verbal command world?” Has the old monster in the doubt. “有朝一日,那个楚风魔头该不会因此而号令天下吧?”有老怪物在狐疑。 In fact, Chu Feng forgot this early, if these talents will not look for him in the future, it is estimated that could not think. 事实上,楚风早忘记这茬儿了,如果将来这些天才不去找他,估计根本想不起来了。 Chu Feng became famous, not only because of this service, kills all Reincarnation Hunter, because also various core disciple of teaching involve with him. 楚风出名了,不仅是因为这一役,击毙所有轮回狩猎者,还因为各教的核心弟子都与他有牵连。 My uncle is Chu Feng!” 我叔是楚风!” In the following some time, teaches to be doomed respectively to mention these words. 接下来的一段时间,各教内都注定要提及这句话。 If teaches within, without such disciple, is not the prestigious family big faction! 如果一教之内,没有这样的弟子,都算不上是名门大派! Because that batch of soul light were been inborn strong on Soul Power by the person of carving characters in the past, in addition Chu Feng's rune nourish, naturally is the top talent. 因为当年那批魂光被刻字的人天生就魂力强壮过人,再加上楚风的符文温养,自然都是顶尖天才。 Therefore, when the future some time, the judgment taught the clan was whether powerful enough, from received this kind of special disciple to see 12 for the disciple. 所以,在未来某段时间,评判一教是否族够强大时,从有没有收到这类特殊弟子为徒就能看出一二。 Naturally, immortal lord, innate sacred-- Chu Feng, therefore and attracts worldwide attention in some years, was paid attention. 当然,仙主,先天神圣——楚风,也因此在某段岁月中而举世瞩目,备受人关注。 Before wall, the Reincarnation Hunter expressions of 13 Supreme Being levels are stiff, the cheek would hardly move, does not have the vitality, one of them stared at Old Gu. 界壁前,十三位大能层次的轮回狩猎者表情僵硬,面皮几乎不会动,毫无生机,其中一人盯上了老古 You said, some Prehistoric Era people did kill several Reincarnation Hunter?” This like skeleton lifeforms, should be human, is only too decayed, when the body moves, within the body joint creaks to make noise. “你说,史前时代有人杀了几个轮回狩猎者?”这个如同骷髅般的生物,应该是人类,只是太腐朽,身体动时,体内骨节都嘎吱嘎吱作响。 Right, indeed has such a person, he called Li Da, in Yin Province, you asked him to criticize!” Old Gu compromised and confessed happily, this called deft, did not need to question in detail, confesses entirely. “对,的确有这么一个人,他叫黎龘,在阴州呢,你们去找他清算吧!”老古痛快地妥协与坦白了,这叫一个麻利,都不用细问,全招了。 Surroundings everyone is speechless, some old monster cheek cramps, really want for Li Da over, to kill him to consider as finished. 周围所有人都无语,一些老怪物面皮抽筋,真想替黎龘出头,打死他算了。 13 Supreme Being have not moved, after knows news, has not paid attention to this again. 十三位大能没动,知道消息后,没再理会这茬儿。 Old Gu guessed, it is estimated that they must ask the high level to go into action, even the giant of this organization and others sent out, dares to look for the prehistoric Paramount myth-- Sinister Hand Li. 老古猜测,估计他们得请高层出马,甚至这个组织的巨头等出动,才敢去找史前的究极神话——黎黑手 Otherwise, Supreme Being, even if were past one big piece must die. 不然,大能纵然是过去一大片也得死。 Chu Feng where?” 13 Supreme Being observed closely Old Gu again. 楚风在哪里?”十三位大能再次盯住了老古 Yin Province, went to Li Da!” Old Gu stated categorically, the tone affirmed. 阴州呢,投奔黎龘去了!”老古一口咬定,语气非常肯定。 Yin Province, that special places, void have a Dao Sect household, these days all day the thunder, has the golden electric arc to depart from the gate. 阴州,那片特殊之地,虚空中有一道门户,这段时间整天电闪雷鸣,有金色的电弧从门中飞出。 This is linking the Great World of the Dead's gateway! 这是连着大阴间的门户! But the Li Da's sarcophagus in this behind, is called stops up a coffin, in some legend with history looks like. 黎龘的石棺就在这门的后面,被称作堵门之棺,与史上的某个传说非常像。 The sarcophagus by several different Evolutionary Civilization Great Dao chains, middle was lying down a person, the whole body is Dao marks, just like spinning a cocoon. 石棺被数道不同进化文明大道链锁着,当中躺着一个人,浑身都是道纹,宛若在结茧。 In fact, this coffin in World of the Living and Great World of the Dead's crevice, situated in two blending regions. 事实上,这口棺在阳间大阴间的夹缝中,位于两界交融地带。 At this time, in the coffin the person knit the brows, because some people are grasping its faith token, read its, summoned unceasingly, was heard by him. 这时,棺中人皱眉,因为有人在手持其信物,念其名,不断呼唤,被他听到了。 Big brother, Reincarnation Hunter brings up old scores, has the possibility to ask you to trouble!” “大哥,轮回狩猎者翻旧账,有可能去找你麻烦!” In an instant, in the coffin the person intention moves, then all knows, a toothache, really wants to go out to pat that bastard! 刹那间,棺中人心念一动,便全都知道了,一阵牙疼,真想出去拍死那个王八蛋! Suddenly, Great World of the Dead direction thunders, the Yin fog is dreadful, on that chilling land, one team of troops closes on slowly, cuts open the space in the special method, close to sarcophagus here! 突然,大阴间方向一阵轰鸣,阴雾滔天,在那冷硬的土地上,有一队人马缓缓逼进,以特殊手段剖开空间,临近石棺这里! What is the head is a female, grace and talent peerless, the long skirt flap flap, the full head black hair dances in the air, the face is beautiful, a pair of beautiful eye is especially limpid and bright, the eyelash is very long, red lip white teeth, entire slender beautiful, skin color shining white like semi-transparent jade. 为首的是一个女子,风华绝代,长裙猎猎,满头青丝飞舞,面孔美丽绝伦,一双美目格外清澈而有神,睫毛很长,红唇贝齿,整个修长婀娜,肤色莹白如羊脂玉。 She is very tranquil, not happy no worries, the light and lively steps, but have some power and influence under this celestial fairy tone, at least her nearby person has the respect, like many things around a center, led by her. 她很恬静,无喜无忧,轻灵的踏步,但在这种天仙子的气韵下也有某种威势,最起码她身边人都带着敬意,如同众星捧月,以她为首。 Why you did arrive at this place?” The person in sarcophagus opens the mouth. “尔等为何来到此地?”石棺中的人开口。 According to agreement, to not make war, only to tour the World of the Living mountains and rivers, but, also observes Fallen Immortal King Clan and war of pollen Evolver while convenient.” “按照约定,不为开战,只为游览阳间山河而至,亦顺便观堕落仙王族与花粉进化者之战。” In that female behind, the old man opens the mouth, has the agreement unexpectedly, not knows is what age achieves. 在那女子的身后,有一个老者开口,竟有约定,不知道是什么年代达成的。 In the coffin the person's and others to the old man did not care, but is sideways, looks is the female of head, said: „Do you name?” 棺中人对老者等都不在意,只是侧身,看着为首的女子,道:“你叫什么名字?” Obviously, in the coffin the person cares about the female who and inquired, was not mediocre, the ordinary person definitely cannot enter in the sarcophagus that discernment. 显然,棺中人在意与询问的女子,绝非凡俗,一般的人肯定入不了石棺中那位的法眼。 Yaoyao.” The females replied. 妖妖。”女子答道。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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