SR :: Volume #16

#1526: Overlooks all living things

The four directions are all static, everyone has not expected, Chu Feng dares take action, moreover so overbearing, neat got down the extreme methods, executed that to Reincarnation Hunter that he desolate, does not allow him to speak. 四方皆静,所有人都没有料到,楚风竟敢出手,而且是如此的霸道,干净利落的下了死手,格杀了那位对他冷淡、不容他说话的轮回狩猎者 On the spot, the blood of spots has not sprinkled completely, the time as if solidified, seems like so shocking. 现场,斑斑点点的血还未完全洒落,时光仿佛凝固了,看起来是这般的触目惊心。 This Reincarnation Hunter is not absolutely weak, is Fang Qiang, finally was actually killed instantaneously, he was callous, but actually is only left over finally alarmed and afraid, then the face is split up, the relationship of form and spirit dissipates. 这位轮回狩猎者绝对不弱,算是一方强者,结果却被瞬间击毙,他原本冷酷无比,可是最后却只剩下惊惧,而后面孔四分五裂,就此形神消散。 In that same place, only then a youngster, stands alone on the scene, is spirited and vertical, his whole body is shining, all over the body is golden rune covers. 在那原地,只有一个少年,独自站在场中,昂扬而立,他周身都在发光,遍体都是金色的符文覆盖。 This makes him seem like especially powerful, just like a youngster war-god that walks from the high antiquity, this stretch of the world is illuminated by the radiant ray that he blooms, sacred incomparable. 这让他看起来格外的强盛,宛若一尊从远古时代走来的少年战神,这片天地都被他绽放的璀璨光芒照亮,神圣无匹。 The four directions are silent, everyone is unbelievable, this youngster unexpectedly is such domineering and boldness, what did he make? Cuts to kill a envoy of supreme organization unexpectedly! 四方寂静,所有人都难以置信,这个少年竟是如此的强势与大胆,他做了什么?竟斩杀一个无上组织的使者! Across the world, everyone was blown. 天下各地,所有人都被镇住了。 After tranquil, the noise sound is ear-spitting. 宁静后,喧嚣声震耳。 Then is one piece discusses, particularly the younger generation argued intensely, noisy. 接着是一片热议,尤其是年轻一代激烈争论,沸反盈天。 Elders many people are in a daze, no one compared with them was clear that organization's terrifying how, but was this youngster so unexpectedly decisive, executed Reincarnation Hunter? 老辈许多人则在发呆,没有人比他们清楚那个组织多么的恐怖,而这个少年竟如此果断,格杀了一位轮回狩猎者 Cannot believe to some present many people! 到现在都有许多人不敢相信呢! Reincarnation Hunter, these lifeforms backgrounds were too big, its source boundless terrifying. 轮回狩猎者,这些生物的来头太大了,其源头无边恐怖。 From its name on knows, they are making anything. 从其名字就可知道,他们在做什么。 Dares to walk Reincarnation Road and succeeds to bring creature that the memory is reincarnated, which is mediocre? Has the huge root foot inevitably, previous life cannot imagine magnificently. 敢走轮回路并成功带着记忆转世的生灵,哪一个是凡俗?必然都有天大的根脚,前世之辉煌不可想象。 Even so but, this organization also dares to hunt that creature, and from ancient to present insists, they were never shovelled the draw, fully explained all! 可是即便如此,这个组织还敢去狩猎那种生灵,并且自古至今坚持下来,他们从未被人铲平,足以说明一切! The long eternity, the rare person can go against their wills. 悠悠千古,罕有人能违背他们的意志。 At least, even if there is the great person is reincarnated , is very low-key, for a long time avoids this crowd of hunter, on lets each other be able outwardly going, gotten down coming to Taiwan. 最起码,纵有大人物去转世,也都很低调,很长时间都避开这群狩猎者,明面上让彼此能够过的去,下的来台。 The world boiled! 天下沸腾了! This lord is really a ruthless person, today witnesses fortunately, he rumbles unexpectedly in the presence of everyone to become Guzha Reincarnation Hunter, the blood splashes the wall, fierce in a complete mess!” “这主真是个狠人,今天有幸亲眼目睹,他竟将一个轮回狩猎者给当众轰成骨渣,血溅界壁,猛的一塌糊涂!” Is decisive and overbearing, when this/should take action on take action, is not loathsome, a youngster madman!” “果断而霸道,该出手时就出手,毫不拖泥带水,一个少年狂人啊!” Many people discuss, are primarily the young people, no matter they that organization is powerful, various World of the Living clans whether can press cannot ventilate. 许多人热议,以年轻人为主,他们才不管那个组织多么强大,是否会压的阳间各族透不过气来。 Has the young girl to cover the chest, quite sympathizes about Chu Feng. 更有少女捂着胸口,对楚风颇为同情。 Chu Feng, seems like such delicate youngster, is spatially bright the dust, has the Zhexian tone, was actually compelled this step, does not hesitate to break off with Reincarnation Hunter, the life and death resistance, is very pitiful.” 楚风,看起来这么清秀的少年,空明出尘,有谪仙气韵,却被逼到这一步,不惜与轮回狩猎者决裂,生死对抗,很可怜。” Yes, he must be chased down by this organization immediately, throughout the ages, few people can escape from hunt of this colossus, the fate will be very pitiful.” “是啊,他马上就要被这个组织追杀了,古往今来,没有几人能够逃脱这个庞然大物的追捕,下场会很凄惨。” Has saying that sometimes clean, but the sunlight face, the pure look, a delicate appearance, is very easy to cause the sympathy of people. 不得不说,有时候干净而阳光的面孔,纯净的眼神,一副清秀的样子,很容易引起人们的同情心。 Naturally, has many of this sympathy is the special crowd, is primarily the age shallow young girl. 当然,有这种同情心的多为特殊的人群,以年岁较浅的少女为主。 When hears this words, their respective Senior Brother younger brothers cannot bear want to correct, that lord appearance is very delicate, but, where had Immortal Qi? Had not looked that rumbled the bone dregs, the blood dyed void! 当听到这种话,她们各自的师兄弟都忍不住想纠正,那主长相是很清秀,但是,哪里有仙气了?没看都将人轰成骨头渣了,血染虚空! Especially, when his fist hits, the space caved, black crack crack width several chi (0.33 m), below Heavenly Venerate being close must be cut the fragment, did this also call Immortal Qi? 尤其是,他那拳头打出去时,空间都塌陷了,黑色的裂缝宽数尺,天尊以下的接近都要被切割成碎片,这也叫有仙气 However, this correction just said that was controlled to have the sympathy young girl to refute by one crowd of faces. 然而,这种纠正刚说出口,就被一群颜控而有同情心的少女反驳了。 He was compelled take action . Moreover, then he will be miserable, from ancient to present, several people after killing Reincarnation Hunter, can escape their pressing for payment, his pitiful result can see, do you have the sympathy?” “他是被逼出手的,而且,接下来他可能会非常凄凉,自古至今,有几人在杀了轮回狩猎者后,能逃过他们的追索,他可怜的结局都能看到了,你们还有没有同情心?” What one crowd of can Senior Brother say? Shut up! 一群师兄能说什么?还是闭嘴吧! However, they think carefully, truly, sighed in a soft voice, this Chu Feng clear/pain madman, his fate will not be mostly good. 不过,他们仔细想一想,也确实如此,轻声一叹,这个楚风楚狂人,他的下场多半不会很好。 Various Great Clan were also discussing, by Chu Feng unexpected murdered to blow. 大家族也在议论,都被楚风出乎意料的杀伐镇住了。 „Hasn't old man misread? Did he really kill Reincarnation Hunter?!” “老夫没看错吧?他真杀了一位轮回狩猎者?!” This is three clan head in Sub Immortal Clan, he is at a loss, still in the active operation, wants to let Ying Xiaoxiao and Ying Zhexian goes to share hardships with Chu Feng. 这是亚仙族内的三族长,他在嘬牙花子,原本还在积极运作,想让映晓晓映谪仙去与楚风共患难呢。 But, is he by the look delay of being startled, what condition, given to kill one now directly?! 可是,他现在被惊的眼神呆滞,什么状况,直接就这么给打死一个?! Before World of the Living wall, falling the needle may hear, the blood of ground also has the steam, the atmosphere is very tight. 阳间界壁前,落针可闻,地上的血还有热气呢,气氛无比紧张。 Remaining several Reincarnation Hunter, the look like the blade edge, is staring at Chu Feng, their some cannot believe that this youngster so brave fierce. 剩下的几位轮回狩猎者,眼神如同刀锋般,盯着楚风,他们自己都有些不敢相信,这个少年如此的勇烈。 They have not begun, finally the opposite party first launched an attack. 他们还未动手呢,结果对方就先发难了。 In their opinion, this is lawless, violates Reincarnation going against the flow, this lifeforms must eradicate, calamity embryo that cannot leave behind. 在他们看来,这就是无法无天,违背轮回的逆行者,这种生物必须得铲除,是决不能留下的祸胎。 Today, who comes uselessly, must dissuade not, dares to strike to kill Reincarnation Hunter absurdly, is not tolerated by heaven or earth, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds will pass on its, executes!” “今天,谁来了都无用,莫要劝阻,敢妄自击杀轮回狩猎者,天地不容,诸天万界都将传其名,共诛!” Reincarnation Hunter coldly said that no anger, only then gloomy and cold, the brutal and quiet woods, he was announcing, sentenced the Chu Feng death penalty. 一位轮回狩猎者冷冷地说道,没有什么怒火,只有一种阴冷,无情而幽森,他在宣告,判了楚风死刑。 Is you wants me dead, my such isn't take action very normal?” Chu Feng shoulders both hands, under foot Great Dao runes blooms, probably the golden lotus flower, holds his both feet one after another, extremely fast the line, forces to that several people. “是你们想要我死,我这样出手不是很正常吗?”楚风背负双手,脚下大道符文绽放,像是一朵又一朵金色的莲花,托着他的双足,极速而行,逼迫向那几人。 His indifferent opens the mouth, said: I fight for World of the Living, you calculate that which side, after arriving at the wall, before did not ask, because, does not allow me to speak, does not give the opportunity that I communicate, determines guilt for me directly, must kill me, why?!” 他冷漠的开口,道:“我为阳间而战,你们到底算哪一方,来到界壁后,不问前因,不允许我说话,不给我沟通的机会,直接为我定罪,要杀我,凭什么?!” Everyone is startled, the Chu Feng's aura was too powerful, the whole body is radiance, even full head round of silk clear, interweaves various Dao marks, dances in the air to the day. 所有人都吃惊,楚风的气息太强盛了,周身都是光华,连满头发丝都晶莹起来,交织出各种道纹,向天飞舞。 Many person hearts startled, his is must continue take action, puts to death surplus Reincarnation Hunter? 许多人心惊,他这是要继续出手,诛杀剩余的轮回狩猎者 Who gives your authority, which reveres you to keep aloof, today, if not give me a view, I killed you to be complete!” “谁给你们的权柄,哪个尊你们高高在上,今天,如果不给我一个说法,我杀了你们全部!” Chu Feng shouts out said! 楚风大喝道! He really got angry, because he has the memory, but the reincarnation, must be hunted, by brutal putting to death? 他真的怒了,就因为他带着记忆而转生,就要被狩猎,被无情的诛杀? Why? 凭什么? He is World of the Living fights, has the great merit, even Yuan Clan does not dare to act rashly, even Lunatic Wu lineage/vein have not asked him to trouble in this case. 他在为阳间而战,有大功,连沅族都没有敢妄动,连武疯子一脉都没有在这种情况下找他麻烦。 But this organization actually adopts this stance, keeps aloof, indifferent is overlooking him, determines guilt to him directly, the opportunity of speaking did not give, was how overbearing, too. 而这组织却摆出这种姿态,高高在上,冷漠的俯视着他,直接就给他定罪,连说话的机会都不给,何其霸道,太自我了。 Therefore, Chu Feng attacks, he is not always not a law-abiding lord, starts from Little World of the Dead so. 所以,楚风出击,他从来都不是一个不安分主,自小阴间开始就如此。 Who gives your guts, but is Heavenly Venerate, dares to arrest me, adds the crime for me, is courting death?!” “谁给你们的胆量,不过是天尊而已,也敢来缉拿我,为我加罪,都在找死吗?!” The Chu Feng sound ice is cold, now, he flies high float, extremely fast closed on the near, started to overlook several Reincarnation Hunter. 楚风声音冰寒,现在,他凌空悬浮,极速逼进到了近前,开始俯视几位轮回狩猎者 Nearby, some people are speechless, felt that followed the move. Unexpectedly Heavenly Venerate was even despised, was belittled, making some old men bitter and astringent. 附近,一些人都无言,感觉跟着中招了。居然连天尊都被轻视了,被小觑了,让一些老头子苦涩。 They looked at Chu Feng of youngster body, looks again to own aged body, almost covers the face seriously, is really ashamed. 他们看了看少年身的楚风,再看向自己的老迈躯体,当真是差点掩面,实在羞愧。 Several Reincarnation Hunter do not look like being unable to withstand that Chu Feng said that at least middle has Great Heavenly Venerate, Supreme Being, what a pity, what creature their not knows Chu Feng has killed, some time ago had cut Supreme Being! 几个轮回狩猎者并非像楚风说的那么不堪,最起码当中有位大天尊,更有一位大能,可惜,他们不知道楚风都杀过什么样的生灵,不久前斩过大能 Moreover, they were too self-confident, arrived here not to understand, did not know him in also to purify three to fall into dark Great Heavenly Venerate a moment ago. 而且,他们太自信了,来到这里都没有去了解,并不知晓他在刚才还净化了三位堕入黑暗的的大天尊 News that they obtain, Chu Feng or Everlasting King. 他们所得到的消息,楚风还是恒王呢。 At this time, several Reincarnation Hunter pupils are cold and gloomy, without responding to Chu Feng, their each one takes out the special weapon slowly, some type of dark-red long blade! 此时,几位轮回狩猎者瞳孔森冷,没有回应楚风,他们各自缓缓取出特殊的兵器,某种暗红色的长刀! Standard weapon-- Reincarnation Blade! 制式兵器——轮回刀 The Chu Feng pupil contraction, he had once seen the close weapon on Reincarnation Road, but is farther than these difference at present. 楚风瞳孔收缩,他曾在轮回路上看到过相近的兵器,不过比眼前这些差远了。 This absolutely is the updated version, suits the Heavenly Venerate use. 这绝对是升级版,适合天尊动用的。 From the past to the present, these belts the memory is rushing to Reincarnation creature hardly, finally the dust turns over to the dust to turn over to the earth, you will not become the exceptional case!” “自过去到现在,那些带着记忆硬闯轮回生灵,最终都尘归尘土归土,你也不会成为特例!” A Reincarnation Hunter opens the mouth, clang, in his hand the long blade flood hemorrhage light, the dark-red blade is cold, aims at Chu Feng. 一位轮回狩猎者开口,锵的一声,其手中长刀泛出血光,暗红色的刀刃寒冷刺骨,指向楚风 I am most repugnant the stance that you keep aloof, is seemingly indifferent, can overlook all living things, but actually you calculate anything, is others' servants!” “我最讨厌你们高高在上的姿态,看似冷漠,可以俯视芸芸众生,但其实你们算个什么东西,都是别人的奴仆罢了!” Who gives your right, manages others' life and death, frequently can determine guilt for others?” “谁给你们的权利,主掌别人的生死,动辄可为他人定罪?” Whose verbal command your demons and monsters are listening, dares is so overbearing, belittles the world, presumptuously thinks those who submit will prosper , those who resist shall perish?” “你们这些妖魔鬼怪在听谁的号令,敢这么霸道,小觑天下,妄想顺者昌逆者亡?” Chu Feng fearless, shouts a question unceasingly, the same time his in the wrist/skill radiance blooms, he takes down Vajra Cutter, holds in the hand. 楚风无惧,不断喝问,同时间他的手腕上光华绽放,他取下一枚金刚琢,持在手中。 In Reincarnation Hunter, a body withered and four chi (0.33 m) high lifeforms walked, dense fog dispersing, reveals his appearance/portrait. 轮回狩猎者中,一个身体干枯、不过四尺高的生物走了出来,迷雾散开,露出他的真容。 The human form body, actually the house sparrow bird head, the ash throws, no characteristics, simultaneously he also pair of rotten wings, is the bird. 人形躯体,却有一颗麻雀般的鸟头,灰扑扑,没有什么特色,同时他也有一对腐烂的羽翼,也是鸟雀的。 This lifeforms appearance is strange, is very strong, is Supreme Being, is carrying Reincarnation Blade, indifferently and brutally forced, must kill Chu Feng. 这个生物长相古怪,可是很强,是一位大能,拎着轮回刀,冷漠而无情地逼迫了过来,要杀楚风 This Bio-Energy enough arrives today this step, the incomparable self-confidence, oneself are very naturally powerful simultaneously! 这种生物能够走到今天这一步,自然都无比的自信,同时自身真的很强大! Supreme Being in Reincarnation Hunter attacked! 轮回狩猎者中的大能出击了! Chu Feng, hurries!” Zhou Xi is anxious, urged there, she feared that organization wells up large quantities of expert. 楚风,赶紧走吧!”周曦焦虑,在那里催促,她怕那个组织涌来大批高手 Some Zhou Family famous elder people go forward, wants to attempt to advise again, making several Reincarnation Hunter do not begin eagerly, all can sit to discuss. 周家名宿有人上前,想再次尝试劝阻,让几位轮回狩猎者不要急于动手,一切都可以坐下来谈。 That throws bird Supreme Being like the ash, was very desolate, shot a look at the Zhou Clan person, said: This matter you cannot control!” 那位如同灰扑扑鸟雀般的大能,很冷淡,瞥了眼周族的人,道:“这事儿你们管不了!” He raises the blade to come, every time goes out one step, will split several chi (0.33 m) wide black big crack void, spreads not knows many li (0.5 km), to lead to horizon! 他提刀而来,每走出一步,虚空都会裂开数尺宽的黑色大裂缝,蔓延出去也不知道多少里,通向了天际! This scene is extremely fearful, he radiates the scary energy, various Dao Ancestral Matter, divine nature particles wait/etc., all in enormous and powerful, fluctuating, making some mountain massifs of distant place disintegrate, is falling down. 这种景象极其可怕,他辐射出骇人的能量,各种道祖物质神性粒子等,全都在浩荡,起伏,让远处的一些山体都在瓦解,都在倾塌。 Many people are uncontrolled, all back up, the energy field that because this person sends out was too strong. 很多人不受控制,全都倒退出去,因为此人散发的能量场太强了。 Fortunately, various clans have the old monster here, direct take action, then resisted this fluctuation. 还好,各族都有老怪物在这里,直接出手,便抵住了这种波动。 In Reincarnation Hunter this Supreme Being, steps on void, actually spreads the sound of footsteps, like treading on the hearts of many people, the person who the strength is insufficient cannot bear, even Heavenly Venerate is pale, the incomparable discomfort, the heart as if must split, must cough from the mouth. 轮回狩猎者中这位大能,踩在虚空中,却传出脚步声,如同踏在许多人的心脏上,实力不足的人根本受不了,连天尊都脸色发白,无比的难受,心脏似乎要裂开了,要从嘴里咳出去。 Scarlet blade light in this Supreme Being hand is getting more and more abundant, the whole person is very fearful! 这位大能手中的赤红刀光越来越盛,整个人无比可怕! Chu Feng flies high to stand, grasps Vajra Cutter, is staring at them, said: „To take me? What a pity, you on also insufficiently look together!” 楚风凌空而立,手持金刚琢,盯着他们所有人,道:“想拿下我?可惜,你们一起上也不够看!” Bang! 轰! Then his take action, domineering peerless, fleshly body was too terrifying, when crosses, lets the void large explosion, white Immortal Vapours boils the mushroom cloud. 然后他就出手了,强势绝伦,肉身太恐怖了,横渡出去时,让虚空大爆炸,白色的仙雾沸腾成蘑菇云。 dang! dang! dang! 当!当!当! The grating metal impact noise sends out, sparks fly in all directions, shatters void, making the vault of heaven cave , the scene is extremely fearful, that is Vajra Cutter and Reincarnation Blade is colliding, Dao marks are innumerable, is similar to Sun to bloom in void one after another, dazzling and terrifying. 刺耳的金属撞击声发出,火星四溅,震裂虚空,让天穹都在塌陷,景象极其可怕,那是金刚琢轮回刀在碰撞,道纹无数,在虚空中如同一轮又一轮太阳绽放,刺目而恐怖。 Chu Feng resists with all one's strength Supreme Being, with it big showdown, does not drop the wind, even is stronger! 楚风力敌大能,与之大对决,丝毫不落下风,甚至更强! People really shocked, is he suppressing Supreme Being?! 人们真的震撼了,他在压制大能?! In clear impact noise, people noticed that Reincarnation Blade broke, becomes more than ten, flying shoots at all around, was pounded to explode with Vajra Cutter by Chu Feng. 在清脆的撞击声中,人们看到那口轮回刀断裂了,成为十几段,飞射向四面八方,被楚风金刚琢生生砸爆。 Bang! 轰! In final rune, the Chu Feng ray is dreadful, probably Demon God, murderous aura is boundless, grasps Vajra Cutter to puncture the vault of heaven, flies high that the Supreme Being puncture that float, extremely fast backs up! 在最后的符文中,楚风光芒滔天,像是一个魔神,杀气无边,手持金刚琢打穿天穹,更是将那凌空悬浮、极速倒退的大能击穿! The blood scatters, incarnadine high sky. 血液四溅,染红高天 Chī! 哧! Chu Feng to/clashes, the Five Coloured Divine Light twinkle, he used Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique, the acquired five treasure materials deduct five immortal swords, cuts down that Supreme Being, the body breaks is several sections, the head/number of people tumbles! 楚风一冲而过,身后五色神光闪烁,他动用了七宝妙术,收集到的五种奇珍物质演绎五口仙剑,将那大能劈杀,身体断为数截,人头滚落! Does not allow him to reorganize fleshly body, cuts into Sword Qi as well as Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique in his body rune, blooms comprehensively, , he disintegrates, the relationship of form and spirit dissipates. 不容他重组肉身,斩入他体中的剑气以及七宝妙术符文,全面绽放,噗的一声,他就此瓦解,形神消散。 Supreme Being died, was cut to kill by Chu Feng! 一位大能死去,被楚风斩杀! Bang! 轰隆! The world large explosion, Chu Feng crosses by fleshly body, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in this place, in it behind is rich white Immortal Vapours, boiled, his True Body kills to several other people. 天地大爆炸,楚风肉身横渡,纵横于此地,在其身后是浓郁的白色仙雾,沸腾了起来,他的真身杀向另外几人。 In vision that various clans shock at present, under the vision of observing delay, he like fighting the immortal near the world, slaughters, sweeps away all obstacles. 在眼前各族震撼的目光中,在外界观战者呆滞的目光下,他如同战仙临世,大开杀戒,所向披靡。 Terrifying thundering, presses the blood light to flash before, in pū pū the sound, several other Reincarnation Hunter was executed by Chu Feng completely, does not have remaining! 恐怖的轰鸣,按着血光闪现,在噗噗声中,剩余的几位轮回狩猎者全部被楚风格杀,一个都没有剩下! A person sweeps away the square enemy, all opponents were cut by him. 一人横扫四方敌,所有的对手都被他斩掉。 The expansive sky is silent, only the delicate youngster, the body spills over a golden light, stands is in void, is no longer overbearing, appears the spatial bright makings. 长空寂静,唯有一个清秀的少年,身体泛出点点金光,立身在虚空中,不再霸道,浮现空明的气质。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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