SR :: Volume #16

#1525: Heaven-Blessed

Chu Feng not joyful, even if in bystander opinion, this victory is magnificent, solved close to a Fallen Immortal King Clan powerhouse who revered permanently, was worth recording at length, but, he did not have the sound. 楚风没有喜悦,哪怕在外人看来,这种战果辉煌,解决掉了一位接近恒尊的堕落仙王族强者,值得大书特书,可是,他自己却没有声音。 In his heart is somewhat disappointed, even some do not feel better, sighs in the man who in the hell looks up to the heaven for that is really pitiful, the life cannot see brightly, is on the rise to seek for that unreachable light in Abyss. 他心中有些怅然,甚至有些不好受,为那个在地狱中仰望天堂的男子而叹,实在可悲,一生都看不到灿烂,只身在深渊中抬头寻找那不可及的光明。 Finally, that man go, leaves behind the most good wishes and expectation, lets read wants to live in the outside world, but is that he? A sustenance. 最终,那个男子自己赴死,留下自身最美好的愿望与憧憬,让念想活在外界,可那还是他吗?只是一种寄托。 Therefore, is discussing in various clans, when the exclamation, the Chu Feng suitable restraint, without the sound, is more impossible to go to congratulate. 所以,在各族都在热议,都在惊叹时,楚风却相当的克制,没有声音,更不可能去与人庆贺。 He remains silent, maintains total silence. 他保持沉默,一语不发。 Meanwhile, everyone had not actually noticed that his is not high-spirited, countless people are discussing, thinks that Chu Feng is very strong, can be called heaven blessed genius. 此际,所有人却都没有看到他情绪不高,无数人在谈论,认为楚风真的很强,称得上天纵之资 Great Heavenly Venerate, sufficiently was proud, can look disdainfully various group of eminents, can be called invincibility in Heavenly Venerate Dominion. 大天尊,就足以自傲了,可以睥睨各路翘楚,称得上天尊领域中的无敌者。 But is close to revere permanently? That was more fearful, Chu Feng defeated such creature, the domineering and overbearing puncture Abyss walks, how can not the startled four directions. 而接近恒尊呢?那就更可怕了,楚风战胜了这样的生灵,强势而霸道的击穿深渊走出来,怎能不惊四方。 Talent different reported, he many big age, can put to death extremely Great Heavenly Venerate, in the future he is doomed to tread reveres in Dominion now permanently!” “天赋异禀,他才多大年岁,就能诛杀绝顶大天尊,未来他注定要踏今恒尊领域中!” Some people sighed, thinks Chu Feng is doomed to become peerless reveres permanently, by that time, in same Realm fought all over the world to be unpaired! 有人叹道,认为楚风注定要成绝世恒尊,到了那个时候,同境界中打遍天下无对手! Reveres permanently, did not say, from ancient to present, how many have presented? 恒尊,绝非说说而已,自古至今,出现过几尊? In, World of the Living definitely has, bounteous, has this Heaven-Blessed hero inevitably, but, the absolute hand can count. 在古史中,阳间肯定有,地大物博,必然有这种天纵英杰,但是,绝对一只手数得过来。 Moreover, the past events after all became, cannot trace. 而且,往事毕竟都成为过去了,不可追溯。 In Sub Immortal Clan, having ancient in the eyes divine light is sparkling, is also having Ying Xiaoxiao this to talk to the sisters with Ying Zhexian. 亚仙族内,有宿老双目中神光烁烁,正在与映谪仙还有映晓晓这对姐妹对话。 This person is not very simple, previously I only noticed his frivolous, has not thought that so, peerless uncommon, you should take a walk with him. Person lifeforms, the friendship and friendship, needs to contact with takes a walk mutually, otherwise the time grew was estranged.” “这个人很不简单,早先我只注意到了他的轻狂,没有想到如此了得,绝世不凡,你们应该与他多走动。人这种生物,彼此间的交情与情谊等,是需要联络与互相走动的,不然时间长了就生分了。” The Ying Xiaoxiao silver hair, the face shining white is beautiful, the red lip is bright, after her hearing this, immediately is not glad, said: Three Grandpa clan head, your too broker, among people cannot be like this profit-centered, said again, I and Chu Feng are sharing hardships...... friend!” 映晓晓银发齐腰,面孔莹白而绝美,红唇鲜艳,她闻言后顿时不乐意了,道:“三族长爷爷,你也太市侩了,人与人之间不能这样功利,再说,我与楚风原本就是共患难的……知己!” After this three clan head hear, pair of eyes divine glow rises suddenly, haha smiled, said: That is better, Xiao I favors you, many shares hardships with him!” 这位三族长听到后,双眼神芒暴涨,哈哈笑了起来,道:“那更好,晓晓我看好你,多与他共患难!” Ying Xiaoxiao was speechless immediately, then, cannot bear goes to her elder sister quietly, discovered that she is still quiet silent, Ruoxian person gentle and spatial bright. 映晓晓顿时无语了,而后,忍不住悄悄去她的姐姐,发现她依旧平静无声,若仙人般文静而空明。 Oh, my elder sister almost became the couple with him in the past!” Ying Xiaoxiao sighed. “唉,我姐姐当年与他差点成为夫妻!”映晓晓叹道。 What, this matter?” Sub Immortal Clan this three clan head are startled, his status is too high, in the past had not understood that experienced anything from Little World of the Dead this group of clansmen specifically. “什么,还有这种事?”亚仙族这位三族长吃惊,他身份太高,过去从来没有去了解过来自小阴间这群族人具体都经历了什么。 Now after hearing, his both eyes are profound, show the happy expression. 现在听到后,他双目深邃,露出笑意。 However, Ying Xiaoxiao sighed to suppress lightly the words of his mouth. 然而,映晓晓一声轻叹就将他嘴里的话都憋回去了。 My elder sister in the past was really difficult, with him......!” She cannot bear sigh. “我姐姐当年真是太难了,与他……唉!”她忍不住叹气。 Outside the wall, can arrive here is the elites of various clans, all has the old monster to accompany, looked that the Chu Feng's look is very special. 界壁外,能够亲身来到这里的都是各族的精英,皆有老怪物陪着,看楚风的眼神都很特别。 Arrived this level, the angle of view was absolutely superior, had long realized that Chu Feng going against heaven's will how, wants knows Feather Sovereign to hit the same level True Immortal to exhaust a lot of time. 到了这种层次,视角绝对超常,早已意识到楚风多么的逆天,要知道羽皇打同层次的真仙都耗去不少时间呢。 But, the Fallen Immortal King Clan showdown of this Chu Feng and same level, actually in a minute on difficulty-relief. 可是,这个楚风与同层次的堕落仙王族对决,却在片刻间就脱困而出。 The tactical situation has not stopped, but must continue, is present Chu Feng somewhat hesitates, can as before again take action? He is not really cruel enough. 战况并未止住,还要继续,可是现在楚风却有些犹豫,依旧要再出手吗?他真的不忍心了。 Many thanks you spend me!” The man of dying, it read thinks, the happy prospect incarnation, the opens the mouth, extends appreciation now like this to Chu Feng. “多谢你度我!”死去的男子,其念想,美好的愿景化身,现在开口,对楚风这样表达谢意。 His knows are of happy the sustenance desire? He knows, isn't True Body actually able to turn head, dies in Abyss? 知道自己只是美好愿望的寄托吗?他是否知晓,真身其实无法回头,死在了深渊中? Chu Feng is silent, returns salute to this man, has not said anything. 楚风寂静,对这个男子还礼,没有说什么。 Then, that full head silver long hair, is very who elegantly beautiful the female Fallen Immortal King Clan powerhouse and is close to revering permanently to walk forward, hints Chu Feng take action. 接着,那个满头银色长发、很冷艳、接近恒尊的女性堕落仙王族的强者向前走来,示意楚风出手 No choice, Chu Feng rises with a spring, approaching this figure is slender, beautiful tall and graceful, but actually the makings very cold female reveres permanently, finally intrudes in Abyss. 没的选择,楚风一跃而起,逼近这个身段修长,婀娜挺秀,但是却气质很冷的女性准恒尊,最终闯入深渊中。 The fight erupts in the dark world, this female defeated, she also sobered temporarily, clear(ly) became aware all, the mood is somewhat low and deep, is somewhat moved. 战斗在黑暗的天地中爆发,这个女子败了,她也暂时清醒了,明悟了所有,情绪有些低沉,有些伤感。 I am true I, what outside is only my heart most beautiful prospect, is my sustenance.” “我才是真正的我,外面的只是我心底最美的愿景,是我的寄托。” Her light language, she is very beautiful, itself to degenerate rare the beautiful woman in Immortal Race, the strength and appearance coexists, is the present chilly wound is incomparable. 她轻语,她真的很美,本身就为堕落仙族中的少见的丽人,实力与容貌并存,可是现在却凄伤无比。 She did not have to say anything again, according to such as previous that Fallen Immortal King Clan man, her sad intent, looks at Chu Feng, making him begin. 她没有再多说什么,依如早先的那位堕落仙王族男子,她只是略带悲意,看着楚风,让他动手。 Chu Feng even more hesitant, like this is right? 楚风越发的犹豫,这样对吗? Fallen Immortal King Clan person don't tell me really cannot rescue, had no chance thoroughly? 堕落仙王族的人难道真的救不回来,彻底没有希望了吗? If there is a possibility, the life he really does not want to finish a talent very being that strong like this, graceful bearing moving reveres permanently, this also once was one generation of heroes. 如有可能,他真的不想这样结束一位天赋很强、风姿动人的准恒尊的性命,这也曾是一代英杰。 She ignorant the long years, the time solidified her body, actually cannot congeal the darkness of her within the body, the blood and chaotic, cruelly and corroded in her bone callously 只是,她浑噩了漫长岁月,时光凝固了她的身,却凝不住她体内的黑暗,血与乱,残暴与冷酷侵蚀到了她的骨子中 Begins!” Her light language. “动手吧!”她轻语。 Chu Feng when the final moment, clearly saw many people and scenery in her both eyes deep place, is that young she? It is pure, loaths to part with a youth, steps the immortal road respectively, in light of this life and death two boundless, her talent is astonishing, rapid growth, but actually falls into dark Abyss finally. 楚风在最后的片刻中,分明看到了她双目深处的许多人与景,那是年少时的她吗?还很纯真,与一个青年依依惜别,各自踏上仙路,就此生死两茫茫,她天赋惊人,迅速成长,可是最终却堕入黑暗深渊 That person, you where?” “那个人,你在哪里?” Finally, she opened the mouth, like sleep talking, in a soft voice twittering. 终于,她还是开口了,如同梦呓,在轻声呢喃。 Chu Feng knows, what she said is its pair of pupil deep place Shining Upon has the man, so many years pass by, should in the world, not die for many years. 楚风知道,她说的是其双瞳深处映照出的男子,这么多年过去,应该早已不在世上了,死去多年。 Chī! 哧! If she likes a moth to the flame, to/clashes toward Chu Feng, asked that is only willing to stay behind to the future attachment, left behind that incarnation to happy sustenance. 她如飞蛾扑火,向着楚风冲来,求死,只愿留下对未来的眷恋,留下那个对美好寄托的化身。 When Chu Feng appears in the outside world again, he sighed lightly, felt that somewhat sank depressed, really does not want again take action. 楚风再次出现在外界时,他轻叹,感觉有些沉郁,真不想再出手了。 Especially, he noticed that reading of that silver-haired female thinks, in beautiful silhouette, has the bright smile at this time, extended appreciation to him, helping her purify successfully, Chu Feng had a pricking unexpectedly, the guilt. 尤其是,他看到那个银发女子的念想,在外界这道美丽的身影,此时带着灿烂的微笑,对他表达谢意,帮她净化成功,楚风竟有种刺痛感,负疚感。 Starts well and ends well, I!” “善始善终,也度我!” Last extremely Great Heavenly Venerate walks , was almost the Fallen Immortal King Clan powerhouse who revered the level permanently. 最后一位绝顶大天尊走来,也几乎算是准恒尊层次的堕落仙王族强者了。 Has nothing to choose, Chu Feng take action, enters Abyss again, him purification. 没什么可选择,楚风再次出手,进入深渊,将他“净化”。 Three big shoulder to shoulder vertical powerhouse, in the future should be able to become three big Heaven-Blessed characters who revere permanently, all was defeated by Chu Feng one person, punctures Abyss, was all purified, drops the curtain by this. 三大并肩而立的强者,未来应该可以成为恒尊的三大天纵人物,全都被楚风一人击败,打穿深渊,皆被净化,以此落下帷幕。 Heaven-Blessed is invincible, this Chu Feng was underestimated by everyone, if to Paramount Dominion, he whether can also such domineering suppress and kill all enemies?” 天纵无敌,这个楚风被所有人低估了,如果到了究极领域中,他是否还能够这样强势的镇杀一切敌?” When thinks that this possibility, various clans nearly boil. 当想到这一可能,各族近乎沸腾。 When wants knows, Feather Sovereign with degenerating the True Immortal battle, spent long time, this is the brilliant achievement, vibrates World of the Living. 知道,羽皇与堕落真仙交战时,也花费了很长时间呢,这已经算是辉煌战果,震动阳间 If Chu Feng to that level, became not rotten Great Universe creature, if he can also be so strong, pushes horizontally, simply unimaginable. 如果楚风到了那个层次,成为不腐烂的大宇生灵,他若是还能这么强势,一路横推过去,简直不可想象。 Chu Feng, this person must rise seriously, this score was too astonishing, a person sweeps away several Great Heavenly Venerate, no, could call it reveres permanently!” 楚风,此人当真要崛起了,这种战绩太惊人了,一个人横扫数位大天尊,不,或许可以称之为准恒尊!” How can so? Shortly will end the fight, his is don't tell me the true permanence reveres?!” “怎能如此?顷刻间结束战斗,他难道是真正的恒尊?!” The outside world, many people were guessing, is startled in the heart. 外界,不少人都在猜测,都在心惊。 He was so unexpectedly strong, the time quite flies.” On a mountain peak, past Qin Luoyin, today's Fairy Qing Yin, opens the mouth in a soft voice. “他竟然这么强了,时间好快。”在一座山峰上,昔日的秦珞音,今天的青音仙子,轻声开口。 But in Sub Immortal Clan, three clan head simply are the Flame Bear of bear combustion Eight Trigrams (gossip), closely examines to Ying Xiaoxiao about Chu Feng's all, wishes one could to reconcile successful one pair evidently. 亚仙族内,三族长简直是八卦之火熊熊燃烧,向映晓晓追问关于楚风的一切,看样子恨不得要撮合成功一对。 Across the world discusses spiritedly, is discussing the Chu Feng's strength. 天下各地议论纷纷,都在谈楚风的战力。 After all widely-noted, various World of the Living clans great war of attention wall place, countless people were seeing the Chu Feng's score, immediately in an uproar. 毕竟举世瞩目,阳间各族都在关注界壁处的大战,无数人看到了楚风的战绩,顿时都哗然。 Some time ago, he by the crest of wave that Feather Sovereign robbed, now without doubt by, the strength has not been said that the praise hit. 不久前,他被羽皇抢走的风头,现在无疑都被还回来了,实力不是说出来的,赞誉是打出来的。 “Wú, I thought that talent disciple that initially taught to receive respectively, on large quantities of person of soul light did not carve characters, what was the inscription? ” “唔,我想起来了,当初各教收的天才弟子,不是有一大批人魂光上被刻字了吗,落款是什么的?” Chu Feng!” 楚风!” Right, right, I remember the characters in these soul light to be very interesting, is My uncle is Chu Feng!” “对,没错,我记得那些魂光中的字很有意思,很多都是我叔是楚风!” Like this after revealing, many people are in a daze. 这样揭示后,许多人都发呆。 At this moment, Old Gu flushed, is very excited, is advocating Chu Feng this is more stimulated, said: Brothers you are really refinedly unusual, needs this sweeping away all overbearing strengths, the air/Qi swallows ten thousand li (0.5 km), who can keep off?” 此刻,老古冲了过来,很激动,比楚风这个正主都要亢奋,道:“兄弟你果然超凡脱俗,就是需要这种横扫一切的霸道力量,气吞万里,谁可挡?” The strange dragon in the distant place, naturally witnessed this victory, smiled like flower bud, with own several youngest brothers was telling that is liberal with the praise. 怪龙在远方,自然见证了这一战果,笑的如同一朵花骨朵似的,正在跟自己的几位老兄弟讲述呢,不吝夸赞。 His youngest brother Qi Feng only has a few words, said: Some time ago, you are still clenching jaws, said that is a scapegoat the dragon!” 他的老兄弟祁锋只有一句话,道:“不久前,你还在咬牙切齿,自称背锅龙!” Long Dayu: „......” 龙大宇:“……” He wants saying that the youngest brother you can chat? Must choking directly! 他很想说,老兄弟你会不会聊天?直接要把人给噎死! Zhou Xi also came, she saw Chu Feng's is low and deep, said: You not joyful.” 周曦也来了,她看出了楚风的低沉,道:“你并没有喜悦。” I am all right!” Chu Feng shakes the head. “我没事!”楚风摇头。 "Um? ” The Old Gu doubts, then, turn around to look to the four directions, said: Brothers, should you not be worried about some strong clans? Might as well, has my Old Gu, no issue!” “嗯?”老古疑惑,然后,转身看向四方,道:“兄弟,你该不会担心一些强族吧?无妨,有我老古在,没什么问题!” He is striking one's chest, then looks to the four directions, immediately stared at Yuan Clan. 他拍着胸脯,然后看向四方,顿时盯上了沅族 You think that take action does cope with my brother?” The Old Gu villain, said very much: Who knows am I?” “你们想出手对付我兄弟?”老古很恶棍,道:“知道我是谁吗?” He almost spurts, my big brother is Li Da, but, he thought that oneself cannot be so superficial, does not need saying that name, is enough. 他差点就喷出来,我大哥是黎龘,不过,他觉得自己不能如此肤浅,无需说出那个名字,已经足够了。 Yuan Clan, indeed came many people, is powerhouses, and they outward, will not stand, in World of the Living this on tattered ship that is doomed to sink. 沅族,的确来了不少人,都是强者,并且他们内心向外,并不会站在阳间这艘注定要下沉的破烂船上。 However, at this time, they actually do not dare at the World of the Living internal strife, particularly this situation, if looks for hero Chu Feng to be troublesome, that was too stupid. 不过,这个时候,他们却也不敢在阳间内讧,尤其是这种场合,若是找功臣楚风麻烦的话,那就是太愚蠢了。 Therefore, cold snort/hum who they are mad, does not want to provoke villain Old Gu. 所以,他们气的冷哼,不想招惹“恶棍老古”。 "Um, is don't tell me a Sovereign Wu lineage/vein person wants take action? ” Old Gu turns head again, looks to another direction. “嗯,难道武皇一脉的人要出手?”老古再次回头,看向另外一个方向。 Lunatic Wu successor really came, moreover is leader big disciple, almost must exceed big Primeval Beginning Supreme Being extremely, must touch Great Universe Dominion. 武疯子传人真的来了,而且是掌门大弟子,一位几乎要超越大混元的绝顶大能,都要触摸进大宇领域了。 Big nephew, you restrains the point to me, do not overdo it.” Old Gu warned, but is a little afraid. “大侄子,你给我克制点,别乱来。”老古警告,但有点心虚。 After all, Lunatic Wu big disciple is very strong, even some people suspected, he probably had the permanent level fruit position in Primeval Beginning Dominion, permanent Yuan powerhouse! 毕竟,武疯子弟子很强,甚至有人怀疑,他都可能是在混元领域中拥有恒级果位了,恒元强者! Sovereign Wu big disciple, looked at Old Gu one, this called chatty, really does not want to respond him. 武皇的大弟子,看了老古一眼,这叫一个腻歪,真不想搭理他。 If not Li Da is also living, this fellow is the brothers of Lebanese black mole, Sovereign Wu big disciple will not really be able to bear soon patting him. 若非黎龘还活着,这家伙是黎黑子的兄弟,武皇的大弟子真会忍不住即将将他给拍死。 After all, no one is willing to become the big nephew, particularly has his person who has the position. 毕竟,没人愿意当大侄子,尤其是有他这种有身份地位的人。 At this time, humming sound the sound was grating, probably had any fearful demon bird to dance in the air, located several creature in this wall, very strange, very fearsome. 这时,嗡嗡声刺耳,像是有什么可怕的魔禽飞舞,在这界壁处来了几个生灵,很奇异,也很可怖。 They have the rich energy aura, by the bad fog package, was arrived on the ground. 他们带着浓郁的能量气息,被大雾包裹,降临在地上。 „Are you Chu Feng? Escapes from Reincarnation, should not have the memory to appear in World of the Living's creature, follows us!” “你是楚风?一个逃脱轮回,理应不该带着记忆出现在阳间的生灵,跟我们走吧!” And a lifeforms opens the mouth, is very desolate, is very direct and overbearing, informs Chu Feng, do not revolt, immediately follows them. 其中一个生物开口,很冷淡,也很直接与霸道,告知楚风,不要反抗,立刻跟他们走。 At this time, everyone pupil contracted, some people recognized their status-- Reincarnation Hunter! 这时,所有人瞳孔都收缩,有人认出了他们的身份——轮回狩猎者 When World of the Living meets head-on outward, they appeared unexpectedly, and looking Chu Feng. 阳间对外迎战之际,他们居然出现了,并且找上楚风 Even the Old Gu complexion changed, is very ugly, his knows this lifeforms how is not affable, stared by them after locking, means that lives is not long. 老古的脸色都变了,很难看,他知道这种生物多么的不好惹,被他们盯上与锁定后,就意味着活不长了。 „Does everyone, what have to misunderstand?” The Zhou Xi opens the mouth, is very anxious, feared that Chu Feng has the matter. “各位,有什么误会吧?”周曦开口,很焦虑,怕楚风出事儿。 No misunderstanding, your make way, Chu Feng, you and we walk!” In bad fog, a Reincarnation Hunter desolate urging. “没什么误会,你们都闪开,楚风,你和我们走吧!”大雾中,一个轮回狩猎者冷淡的催促。 Here cannot talk clearly, didn't some misunderstanding explanations pass on the line?” The Chu Feng very temperate opens the mouth, no rash, he avoids conflicting vigorously. “在这里不能说清吗,一些误会解释通不就行了吗?”楚风很温和的开口,没有一丝的心浮气躁,他极力避免冲突。 Everyone, now World of the Living foreign, is meeting the enemy, whether to discuss afterward?” Zhou Clan famous elder Zhou Bo goes forward, helping Chu Feng speak. “各位,现在阳间对外,正在迎敌,能否事后再论?”周族的名宿周博上前,帮楚风说话。 Your Zhou Clan should knows, we present the place, without compromising two characters, he will be locked, is unable to change.” A Reincarnation Hunter faint response. “你周族应该知道,我们出现之地,没有妥协二字,他将被锁走,无法更改。”一位轮回狩猎者淡漠的回应。 Then, another Reincarnation Hunter supplemented, said: We do not belong to World of the Living, walks across All Heavens.” 接着,另一个轮回狩猎者补充,道:“我们不属于阳间,行走在诸天各地。” At this time, even Old Gu was a little angry, in this situation, including most wants to kill Chu Feng's Lunatic Wu lineage/vein, did not have take action, silent by right. 这时,连老古都有点愤怒了,在这种场合下,连原本最想杀楚风的武疯子一脉,都没有出手,沉默以对。 Because, now the Chu Feng's score is also the World of the Living's victory, has the great merit. 因为,现在楚风的战绩也算是阳间的战果,有大功。 Even if the Yuan Clan heart has the evil intention, wants to kill Chu Feng, but on has not displayed outwardly, suitable restraint. 纵然沅族心有恶意,很想弄死楚风,可明面上也没有表现出来,相当的克制。 However, this so-called Reincarnation Hunter, after coming several people, actually must arrest the person directly, was too overbearing! 然而,这所谓的轮回狩猎者,来了数人后,却直接就要缉拿人,实在太霸道了! Zhou Xi wants to open the mouth, Chu Feng shakes the head, making her withdraw, oneself walk up directly, said: Your I am unable to communicate, what didn't allow me to say?” 周曦想开口,楚风摇了摇头,让她退后,自己直接走上前去,道:“你我无法沟通,不容我说些什么吗?” Does not need!” Reincarnation Hunter said lightly, finally sees clearly his True Body. “没有必要!”一位轮回狩猎者淡淡地说道,终于是看清他的真身 He has a fox head, the forehead has vertical eye only, the body of human form, the body three chi (0.33 m) comes high, shoulders the rotten wing, the physique quite strange. 他拥有一颗狐头,眉心有只竖眼,人形的身子,躯体三尺来高,背负腐烂的羽翼,形体可谓相当的奇怪。 Doesn't need? Good!” “没必要?那好吧!” Spoke these words, Chu Feng erupts suddenly, the whole body is radiant, probably barbarian dragon of human form, appears, dive in the past! 说完这句话,楚风忽然爆发,周身璀璨,像是一条人形的蛮龙,横空出世,俯冲过去! Bang! 轰! His take action, whole-heartedly, bang, played to explode extremely strong Reincarnation Hunter, this may seriously be overbearing, the ardent nature is full. 出手了,全力以赴,砰的一声,将一位实力很强的轮回狩猎者打爆了,这可当真是霸道,烈性十足。 Since had nothing saying that that Chu Feng began! 既然没什么可说的了,那楚风就动手! The blood rain scatters, making the world thunder, is resonating, Chu Feng this fist got down is too terrifying, in a twinkling hit to collapse that Reincarnation Hunter. 血雨四溅,让天地都在轰鸣,都在共振,楚风这一拳下去太恐怖了,霎时间打崩那位轮回狩猎者 Suddenly, world big change! 一时间,天下剧震 Today said that the matter of cartoon, some people ran to look happily, there are some brothers naturally also possibly is sisters, was very excited, tells me, wants to hold the black brick to ask me to speak face-to-face, the heat chatted. These excited brothers and sisters, what do you have to misunderstand? Puts down the brick to speak well. «Strange World» this cartoon, I formed in one's mind several years ago, then gave the person to go to the picture. All are the story that because in the brain wants to write are too many, may not have the time to write, therefore wants to show me in the form of cartoon once an idea good work. Does not affect me to write a book completely now, «Strange World» several years ago formed in one's mind, had nothing to relate with the present, but it was truly splendid. Anyone, you sits down, please put down the black brick. Un, the words that wants to look at can go to the Tencent animation to look. Does not adapt to the cartoon, reads my writing book dedicated, is one after another splendid forever, right, must boast self-confidently. Said early, the Sacred Ruins very perfect ending, imperfect will not finish, was quick, at the end of March or early April, has not run. 今天说完漫画的事,有人开心的跑去看了,也有个别兄弟当然也可能是姐妹,很激动,告诉我,想揣着黑砖来找我面谈,热聊。这几个激动的兄弟姐妹,你们是不是有啥误解?放下砖好好说话。《陌生世界》这个漫画,我在几年前就构思完了,然后交给人去画了。一切都是因为脑子里想写的故事太多,可又没时间都写出来,所以就想以漫画的形式来展现我曾经构思好的一部作品。完全不影响我现在写书,《陌生世界》几年前就构思完了,和现在没什么关系了,但它确实很精彩。那谁,你坐下,请放下黑砖。嗯,想看的话可以去腾讯动漫看。不适应漫画的,就专注看我的文字书吧,一部又一部永远精彩,对,必须得自夸自信。早说了,圣墟会非常完满的结尾,不完满不结束,快了,三月底四月初,没跑了。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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