SR :: Volume #16

#1524: Truth that is unable to come back again

Fallen Immortal King Clan, makes one hear the changes countenance, extremely powerful with terrifying race, once was various world legitimate lineage, obtained the true Celestial Emperor's inheritance. 堕落仙王族,一个让人闻之变色,极其强大与恐怖的种族,曾经是诸世的正统,得到了真正天帝的传承。 But now, their results are very pitiful, was polluted, lifted the clan to be corroded, lost. 可是现在,他们的结局很可悲,都被污染了,举族皆被侵蚀,失去了自我。 Present age, this/should clan has some people to recover, awakens previous life, may look like in some World of the Living people, was unable to draw the final conclusion. 当世,该族有部分人复苏,觉醒前世,可在阳间一些人看来,还不能得出最终的结论。 However, their great strength are without a doubt, once fought all over All Heavens, is difficult to meet the anti- hand, throughout the ages, talks about to degenerate Immortal Race, from all walks of life all look changes. 但是,他们的强大是毋庸置疑的,曾经打遍诸天,难逢抗手,古往今来,谈及堕落仙族,各界无不色变。 At this time, opposite of Chu Feng's, three degeneration powerhouses, is Great Heavenly Venerate, even if in Immortal Race were also the achievement special Dao Fruit, was very strong. 此时,在楚风的对面,有三位堕落强者,全都是大天尊,哪怕是在仙族中也算是成就了特殊的道果,很强。 Three people are extremely unusual, in their surroundings, energy rich is astonishing.. 三人都极其超凡,在他们的周围,能量浓郁度惊人。。 One of them full head golden color sends the silk to hang loose, he just like the sun god, launches in salvos on the silk to inscribe slightly, but actually dazzling Immortal Race rune. 其中一人满头金色发丝披散,他宛若太阳神般,连发丝上都铭刻着细微但却炫目的仙族符文 This lifeforms, was close to revere quickly permanently, it may be said that with powerhouse in extremely Dominion, even if goes all over from all walks of life, could not find many opponents. 这种生物,都快接近恒尊了,可谓同领域中的绝顶强者,纵然是走遍各界,都找不到多少对手。 Obviously, this person is stronger than the man who Chu Feng purified a moment ago! 显然,这个人比刚才楚风净化的男子更强! He stands there even, stands one's ground steadfastly, presses void fuzzy, caves, its golden color sends the Immortal Race rune twinkle on silk, the separate is void, is more fearful than Divine Sword. 他即便站在那里,岿然不动,都压的虚空模糊,塌陷下去,其金色发丝上的仙族符文闪烁,割裂虚空,比神剑都可怕。 What a pity, in his back Abyss too to terrify person, indicates that he fell into dark is very long. 可惜,在其背后的深渊太瘆人,预示着他堕入黑暗很久了。 The second person is a female, the snow white flesh, the silver white long hair, looks very beautiful, doing to this person is very cold, particularly a pair of pupil like black hole, swallows the surrounding energy, making the soul of person probably perish. 第二人是一个女子,雪白的肌肤,银白的长发,看起来很美,奈何此人很冷,尤其是一双瞳孔如同黑洞似的,吞噬周围的能量,让人的灵魂都要沉沦进去。 Another close to lifeforms that reveres permanently, letting the person has to the back emit the cold air, Fallen Immortal King Clan such talent different reported that superior powerful? 又一位接近恒尊的生物,让人不得不后背冒出寒气,堕落仙王族都这么天赋异禀,超常的强大吗? In name is Great Heavenly Venerate, but is actually top lifeforms in this/should Dominion, can call it quickly reveres permanently. 名义上是大天尊,可却已是该领域中的顶尖生物,都快可以称之为恒尊了。 Does not need to suspect, the third person is not also weak, even, he has the silk threads revered the aura permanently, this degeneration Immortal Race that was doomed to rise. 不用怀疑,第三人同样不弱,甚至,他都有丝丝缕缕的恒尊气息了,这注定是要崛起的堕落仙族 Obviously, these three people must walk revere the path permanently, in the following time, they want certainly achievement that Dao Fruit, otherwise cannot promote step Supreme Being. 显然,这三人都是要走恒尊道路的,在接下来的光阴中,他们肯定要成就那种道果,不然不会晋阶大能 Three big powerhouses exist side by side there, sends out Immortal Race rune, whole body clear, Dao marks is interweaving, making them seem like such divine might to be cold. 三大强者并立在那里,散发仙族符文,全身上下都晶莹,道纹在交织,让他们看起来是如此的神威凛凛。 They stand erect in the front, suppresses World of the Living here Heavenly Venerate cannot help but to back up unexpectedly, some unexpectedly flocks of sheep meet the feeling of Lion King, was shocked. 他们屹立在前方,竟压制阳间这边的天尊都不由自主倒退,竟有种羊群遇到狮子王的感觉,被震慑了。 That air/Qi field is very terrifying, three people exist side by side, shows disdain for powerhouse of one crowd sufficiently with Dominion, incomparable fearful, driving surrounding void thundering, some mountain massifs of distant place to follow to rise straight from the ground, cuns (2.5 cm) break in midair! 那种气场实在很恐怖,三人并立,就足以傲视一群同领域的强者,无比的慑人,带动着周围的虚空轰鸣,远处的一些山体都跟着拔地而起,在半空中寸寸断裂! The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: You want to come, is on together?” 楚风开口,道:“你们想一个一个来,还是一起上?” This words, the four directions are all static, everyone is in a daze, then shows the surprised look. 这种话语一出,四方皆静,所有人都发呆,而后露出吃惊的神色。 Is his how self-confident? 他这是多么的自信? Solitarily, can suppress three big degeneration powerhouses simultaneously? This was really proud, does not do well itself to die a violent death, shortly will die a tragic death. 只身一人,要同时镇压三大堕落强者?这实在太自负了,一个弄不好自身就要暴毙,顷刻间惨死。 First since I start, many years, I forgot the taste that tastes the defeat, do not disappoint me.” “先从我开始吧,很多年了,我都忘记了尝到败果的滋味,不要让我失望。” That full head is the golden color sends the silk the male sound to be low and deep, the pupil is deep and quiet, has a demonic nature, making one see his double pupil, cannot help but thinks of the world to crash, All Heavens planet crashes with the picture of destruction. 那个满头都是金色发丝的男子声音低沉,瞳孔幽邃,有种魔性,让人看到他双瞳,不由自主就想到世界崩塌,诸天星球坠落与毁灭的画面。 Once this person grows absolutely is terrifying degeneration True Immortal, quite fearful. 这个人一旦成长起来绝对是一个恐怖的堕落真仙,会相当的可怕。 In his foreheads, flows the next wisp to degenerate true blood, his forehead split probably, the whole person must be divided into two pieces, but in his back, Abyss clear, pitch-dark, immeasurably deep. 在他的额头间,流淌下一缕堕落真血,他眉心像是裂开了,整个人都要被分为两片,而在他的背后,深渊更加的清晰,黑洞洞,深不可测。 At this time, the entire world people are staring at this place, or arrives at the scene, either has this place through special crystal wall Shining Upon all, pays close attention to the tactical situation. 此时,全天下人都在盯着此地,或亲临现场,或通过特殊的晶壁映照出此地的一切,密切关注战况。 Very powerful, soon, this person must to become Hengzun!” Some people whispered. “好强,用不了多久了,此人必成恒尊!”有人低语。 Do not say others, is the World of the Living ten big Dao Lineage's elites, has the palpitation feeling, facing this degeneration powerhouse, thought that does not have the energy. 不要说其他人,就是阳间十大道统的精英,都有种心悸感,面对这个堕落强者,都觉得没有底气。 Chu Feng has not said anything, takes a step directly, the big sleeve is floating, has the immortal rhyme, has overbearing, bang, he brings the immeasurable light, invests in that Abyss. 楚风没有说什么,径直迈步,大袖飘飘,有种仙韵,更有种霸道,轰的一声,他带着无量光,投入那口深渊中。 He indeed fearless, oneself double Dao Fruit is close to revere permanently, in fight with level, whom will also fear? 他的确无惧,自己双道果都接近恒尊,在同层次的战斗中,还会怕谁? This time, he decides to carefully look at this Abyss, studies, too was some time ago quick, after he that lifeforms purifies, has not completely understood this stretch of strange region. 这一次,他打定主意要仔细看一看这口深渊,研究一番,不久前实在太快了,他将那个生物净化后,都没看透这片奇异地带呢。 Mainly is, he was very discrete at that time, after all enters that type of strange and fearsome place for the first time, does not dare to have slightly negligently, therefore whole-heartedly, used the strongest strength. 主要是,他那时很谨慎,毕竟第一次进入那种奇异与可怖之地,不敢有丝毫大意,所以全力以赴,动用了最强力量。 fleshly body changes to the shackles, this is unifies with soul light, blends with Dominion, finally is the black hole that the meat, soul and territory manifestation has?” 肉身化作牢笼,这是与魂光结合,又与领域交融,最终是肉、魂、域化生出的黑洞?” Chu Feng is astonished, sees some ways. 楚风讶异,看出一些门道。 In Abyss, jet black boundless, cannot see the light, seems the universe develops initially, just time that starts to form, as if must erupt momentarily. 深渊中,漆黑无边,看不到光,仿佛是宇宙初演,刚开始要成形的时刻,似乎随时要爆发开来。 Front, phantom is together fuzzy, stands erect in the darkness, that is the strange body of opponent, dark surface of body both sides, is lending the rich ominous aura. 前方,一道虚影模糊,矗立在黑暗中,那是对手的诡异身躯,一体两面的暗面,散发着浓郁的不祥气息。 Bang!” “轰!” Chu Feng has not said anything, a fist bang goes forward, was too overbearing, too firm and fierce, just like must puncture this piece of dark universe, blooming light. 楚风没说什么,一拳向前轰去,太霸道了,也太刚猛了,宛若要打穿这片黑暗的宇宙,绽放光明。 Bang! 砰! Jet black, that lifeforms opens the pupil, the terrifying is boundless, suddenly the blood-color dyes this piece of black Abyss, corrodes this piece of Primordial world. 漆黑中,那个生物张开眸子,恐怖无边,一时间血色染遍这片黑色的深渊,侵蚀这片原始的天地。 And, that strange energy, ominous Dao Ancestral Matter, boiled completely, corrodes comprehensively toward Chu Feng. 并且,那诡异的能量,不祥的道祖物质,全部沸腾了起来,全面向着楚风侵蚀过来。 Meanwhile, that lifeforms blocked Chu Feng's this fist. 同时,那个生物挡住了楚风的这一拳。 He by backing up that the strength of Chu Feng huge boundless fist mark shakes, backs up again, staggers the line, withstood the boundless vast energy. 只是,他被楚风巨大无边的拳印之力震的倒退,再倒退,踉跄而行,承受了无边的浩瀚能量。 "Um!? ” “嗯!?” The Chu Feng vision is fearful, this ominous material, this Dao Ancestor granule, is pestering the rich dark aura, the strange energy was too rich. 楚风目光慑人,这种不祥的物质,这种道祖粒子,纠缠着浓郁的黑暗气息,诡异的能量太浓郁了。 He believes firmly, here has the special dark material, is less inferior than it fog, very fearsome, trades the words that a person comes possibly really to have an accident. 他确信,这里有特殊的黑暗物质,比之灰雾并不逊色,很可怖,换一个人来的话可能真的会出事。 This energy, this quiet woods internal energy, corrodes fleshly body and soul of opponent unceasingly, no wonder several Paramount when resisting True Immortal have enough to do, not only this is the resistance of strength, because some type repels one another is the result. 这种能量,这种幽森气机,不断侵蚀对手的肉身与灵魂,难怪几位究极者在对抗真仙时都很吃力,这不光是力量的对抗,更因为某种相克所致。 In Chu Feng's within the body, grey Little Millstone rotates slowly, reduces and solves these dark materials gradually, was absorbed and used by him! 楚风的体内,灰色小磨盘缓缓转动,渐渐化解那些黑暗物质,被他所吸收并利用了! However, he maintains composure, does not want to let person knows his ability, regarding Fallen Immortal King Clan, he has not believed. 不过,他不动声色,不想让人知道他的这种能力,对于堕落仙王族,他还不怎么相信呢。 Chu Feng goes forward, watches Abyss, is staring at that ominous silhouette comprised of rune, he blooms suddenly Human King Dominion, the bang hits, must imprison the opposite party, careful research. 楚风上前,观看深渊,也在盯着那个由符文组成的不祥身影,他猛然绽放人王领域,轰撞过去,要禁锢对方,仔细研究。 Bang! 轰! Intense great war erupted, this person really exceeded previously that Great Heavenly Venerate one section, was very strong, finally showed some to revere the prestige energy unexpectedly permanently. 激烈的大战爆发了,这个人果然胜过早先那个大天尊一截,很强,最后竟展现出部分恒尊威能。 He can fight with nowadays Chu Feng unexpectedly fiercely! 他竟可以与现如今的楚风剧烈交手! What a pity, he met Chu Feng, how long has not exhausted, Chu Feng rumbles to put on him, brings the big piece black blood, that is rune, is the real degeneration immortal blood? 可惜,他遇上了楚风,并没有耗去多长时间,楚风将他轰穿,带起大片的黑色血液,那是符文所化,还是真实的堕落仙血? Chu Feng walks, imprisoned him, the squatting down body, stares at him to look by Super Discerning Eyes carefully, and examines with the powerful energy, investigates his body. 楚风走过去,禁锢了他,蹲下身子,以超级火眼金睛仔细盯着他看,并用强大的能量去检验,去探查他的身体。 In addition, Chu Feng is also touching Abyss, the unceasing analysis, must make a thoroughness. 此外,楚风也在触摸深渊,不断的解析,要弄个透彻。 After the moment, he knits the brows, detected very not good situation, this Abyss, here dark material, obliterates very much difficultly thoroughly cleanly, perhaps shortly after can also be born. 片刻后,他不禁皱眉,发觉了很不好的情况,这种深渊,这里的黑暗物质,很难彻底磨灭干净,或许不久后还能诞生出来。 So-called routing Abyss, hits to explode thoroughly, finally is meaningful? 所谓的击溃深渊,彻底打爆,最终有意义吗? „Did you also see?” Underground ominous silhouette whispered, was hoarse-voiced, actually this is soul light sound transmission, but felt very real, probably is starting talking. “你也看出了是吧?”地下的不祥身影低语,声音沙哑,其实这是魂光传音,只是给人的感觉很真实,像是在开口说话。 If can obliterate the darkness, but also true I reappear, why to wait till this, early some people of take action, after all we once are legitimate lineage, is the Celestial Emperor's later generation, these past worthies will not visit us to perish, get sucked into the darkness.” “如果能够磨灭黑暗,还真正的我再现,何必等到这一世来,早有人出手了,毕竟我们曾是正统,是天帝的后辈,那些前贤不会看我们沉沦,深陷黑暗中。” This lifeforms is whispering, is very tranquil, is very indifferent, probably was saying with matter that oneself has nothing to do with. 这个生物在低语,很平静,也很冷漠,像是在说着与己无关的事。 Abyss that actually, you must scatter, is original True Self, but, we are unable to turn head, forever stalemate is burying within the earth dark.” “其实,你要打散的深渊,才是原本的真我,只是,我们无法回头了,永远的陷入在黑暗葬土中。” He sighed lightly, raises the head, looked to Abyss exit|to speak there, probably is seeking for the light. 他轻叹,扬起头,看向深渊的出口那里,像是在寻找光明。 „In the hell, looks up to the heaven, this is our fate, occasionally can such as today be so sober, but, evil crimes fill the Heaven, does not have most of the time.” “身在地狱,仰望天堂,这是我们的宿命,偶尔可以如今天这般清醒,但是,大多时候都罪恶滔天,没有自我。” His sound is very low and drawn out, is very light, but said one to despair bloody and, also very miserable truth. 他的声音很低缓,也很平淡,但却说出了一个血淋淋、很绝望、也很凄凉的真相。 Is this fact? Chu Feng was silent. 这才是事实吗?楚风沉默了。 Is True Body that outside that so-called awakens who? 外面那所谓觉醒的真身又是谁? We once were legitimate lineage, is Immortal Race that the Celestial Emperor's inheritance developed, if can recall, why to wait till the present, endured this to make you and others rescue.” “我们曾是正统,是天帝的传承发展起来的仙族,如果能够挽回,何必等到现在,熬到这一世让你等来解救。” He also in opens the mouth. 他还在开口。 Chu Feng is silent, that is true, some Celestial Emperor lineage/vein people are definitely also living, if can save them, early take action, how to go so far as to this. 楚风默然,的确如此,天帝一脉肯定还有人活着,如果能救他们的话,早出手了,何至于此。 Outside person, he...... was not once I, I!” “外面的人,他……不是曾经的我,我才是啊!” In Abyss, this lifeforms sobered, was roaring lowly, finally had the sentiment of person, he was very sad, resembles is weeping blood, were their conditions how pitiful? 深渊中,这个生物清醒了,在低吼,终于有了人的感情,他很悲伤,似在泣血,他们这种状态何其可悲? The entire ethnic group, everyone so, incessantly is his such case. 整个族群,所有人都如此,不止是他这样的个例。 Fallen Immortal King Clan sobs in Abyss, in darkness desperate, perishes, no one can save them, only has itself to look up to the hell, cannot redeem. 堕落仙王族深渊中哭泣,在黑暗中绝望,沉沦,没有人能够救他们,唯有自身在地狱中仰望,不可救赎。 Who is that outside person?” Chu Feng cannot bear ask him finally. “那外面的人又是谁?”楚风终于忍不住开口问他。 He, is only I to the happy future one sustenance, hopes that he will see the light forever, not dropping darkness, he is my reading thinks.” The ominous person is whispering. “他,只是我对美好未来的一种寄托,希望他永见光明,不堕黑暗,他是我的念想。”不祥的人在低语。 Chu Feng feels depressed, but can also kill in Abyss this man? 楚风觉得沉闷,还要杀深渊中这个男子吗? You begin, at least, after you cut me, I to the future sustenance , he can live normally the last years, enjoying to be bright and bright.” ominous male opens the mouth. “你动手吧,最起码,你斩掉我后,我对未来的寄托,他,能够正常活上一段岁月,享受到光明与灿烂。”不祥的男子开口。 His how long can have the matter?” Chu Feng asked. “他多久会出事儿?”楚风问道。 Should be able to live mortal I is so remote, later, may die again, may return to darkness forever perishing.” The men whispered. “应该能活上凡人一世那么久远吧,再之后,或许会死,或许会重归黑暗永远的的沉沦。”男子低语。 Mortal I, is about dozens years, most hundred years, in Abyss that happy sustenance of man, in the end why only then such short years? 凡人一世,不过数十年,最多不过百年,深渊中男子的那种美好的寄托,到头来为什么只有这么短暂的一段岁月? Mortal I, if live enrichment, live brightness, enough length!” The voice of man even more low and deep. “凡人一世,如果活的充实,活的灿烂,已经足够长了!”男子的声音越发的低沉。 Chu Feng was silent, his really being able to get down hand, incomparably sympathizes with this man, but in fact, Fallen Immortal King Clan many people so! 楚风沉默了,他真的下不去手,无比同情这个男子,而事实上,堕落仙王族许多人都如此! Begins, does not need to sympathize with me, the darkness will return, I will not be I, you will see my cold blood, cruel, cruel side, do not hesitate, I once in years radiant, in contemporaries peerless powerful, will not need anybody to sympathize!” “动手吧,没有必要同情我,黑暗将回归,我将不是我,你会看到我的冷血,残忍,暴戾的一面,不要犹豫,我曾在岁月中璀璨,在同龄人中绝世强大,不需要任何人同情!” This male opens the mouth, is very serious, is very earnest, asking Chu Feng to start. 这个男子开口,很严肃,无比认真,请楚风下手。 Sees Chu Feng to be motionless, he opens the mouth, said: I repose happily, the light in my heart lives brightly outside, he also in!” 看到楚风不动,他又开口,道:“我美好的寄托,我心中的光明灿烂活在外面,他还在!” Chī! 哧! Finally, while the final sobriety, he plunges Chu Feng's Human King Dominion, goes to own initiative, otherwise, as ominous lifeforms in darkness, he wants to solve itself to be difficult. 终于,趁着最后的清醒,他扑向楚风的人王领域,主动赴死,不然的话,身为黑暗中的不祥生物,他想解决掉自身都难。 Chu Feng shakes the fist, in darkness, furiously helpless however the mood made firm and fierce low and deep but overbearing fist mark. 楚风挥拳,在黑暗中,奋力而无奈又情绪低沉地打出了一记刚猛而霸道的拳印 Bang! 轰隆! Reappears radiantly, the blooming immeasurable light, Chu Feng stood was in the outside world, he solved and purified close to a powerhouse who extremely revered permanently, that person once in generation in incomparable, but Chu Feng was very silent. 璀璨重现,绽放无量光,楚风立身在了外界,他解决与净化了一位接近恒尊的绝顶强者,那个人曾在同代中无匹,可楚风却很沉默。 But others call out in alarm, shock, Evolver of various clans, many people all yelled excitedly. 而外界其他人则惊呼,震撼,各族的进化者,很多人全都激动的大叫了出来。 I formed in one's mind a very long story to start now, but did not show in the form of writing, but was the cartoon, the name was «Strange World», the different splendors, the details please add the Chen Dong WeChat public number and micro blog understood, invited everyone generous support! 我构思很久的一篇故事现在开始了,不过不是以文字的形式展现,而是漫画,名字是《陌生世界》,不一样的精彩,详情请加辰东的微信公众号与微博了解,请大家多多支持! High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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