SR :: Volume #16

#1523: Present age 1 st

Abyss is brilliant, falls in torrents up the rain outward, and associated gold/metal color lotus, this astonishing phenomenon makes everyone be in a daze. 深渊绚烂,向外倾泻光雨,并且伴生金色道莲,这惊人的异象让所有人都发呆。 The youngster madman succeeded, purified Great Heavenly Venerate, making this degeneration powerhouse recover since then comprehensively, returned from the darkness thoroughly. 那少年狂人成功了,净化了一位大天尊,让这位堕落强者从此全面复苏,从黑暗中彻底回归了。 But, the speed of this score was too fast, went beyond the expectation of people, doesn't he leap forward Abyss? Finally, shortly will work loose. 可是,这种战绩的速度太快了,超出了人们的预料,他不是才跃进深渊吗?结果,顷刻间就又挣脱出来了。 This speed, such victory, making people not feel, just like thunder storm, easily accomplished, but several breath, does he suppress one to degenerate Great Heavenly Venerate?! 这种速度,这样的战果,让人感觉不真实,宛若雷霆风暴,摧枯拉朽,不过几个呼吸而已,他就镇压一位堕落大天尊?! Fallen Immortal King Clan the man, scarlet golden armor zhou outside body is very bright, his both eyes no longer darkness and emptiness, but had the astonishing appearance. 堕落仙王族的这个男子,身体外的赤金甲胄很亮,他的双目不再黑暗与空洞,而是有了惊人的神采。 As can be seen, his body and spirit is shining, inscribes some sacred rune, his abdomen is similar the energy sea, swallows to accept the World of the Living's energy. 可以看到,他的体魄在发光,铭刻上了某种神圣的符文,他的腹部仿佛有一个能量海,吞纳阳间的能量。 His spine flip-flop makes noise, probably a big dragon is spirited, called to the day. His four limbs extension, probably to lead to universe Eight Desolates. His five internal organs are radiant, have the sutra chanting to transmit. 他的脊椎骨噼啪作响,像是一条大龙昂扬起来,向天而鸣。他的四肢伸展,像是通向宇宙八荒。他的五脏璀璨,有诵经声传来。 But his head is the blooming immortal light, spreads to the whole body. 而他的头颅更是绽放仙光,向全身蔓延。 I got out of trouble, I came back!” This Great Heavenly Venerate low roar, is on the rise suddenly, looks to the vault of heaven, then looks down to fist that oneself get hold. “我脱困了,我重新回来了!”这位大天尊低吼,猛然抬头,望向苍穹,接着又低头看向自己握紧的拳头。 His behind that Abyss is no longer jet black, is sacred, but middle ominous phantom dissipation, then thorough ruptured. 他身后的那口深渊不再漆黑,神圣起来,而当中的不祥虚影消散,而后彻底崩开 So-called Abyss, is after to the utmost bright, fuses together with his fleshly body gradually! 所谓的深渊,极尽灿烂后,与他的肉身渐渐融为一体! He really achieved, first Feather Sovereign succeeded, purified Great Heavenly Venerate!” Some people sighed. “他真的做到了,先羽皇而成功,净化了一位大天尊!”有人叹道。 This place is the institute of wind and cloud gathering, widely-noted. 此地是风云汇聚之所,举世瞩目。 World of the Living each region everyone is paying attention to here big showdown, no one has thought that youngster who kills halfway, first Fallen Immortal King Clan. 阳间各地所有人都在关注这里的大对决,谁都没有想到,半路杀出的少年,第一个度化堕落仙王族 Originally, creature of World of the Living Harmony Province lineage/vein prepared to cheer, must read aloud Feather Sovereign to be invincible high, but, currently has a youngster to kill strongly. 原本,阳间雍州一脉的生灵都准备欢呼了,要高诵羽皇无敌,可是,现在却有个少年强势杀出。 Although Feather Sovereign powerful without a doubt, defeats terrifying True Immortal, this score shakes the world sufficiently, but, lets this youngster first half-step, eventually is some minor defect in something otherwise perfect. 虽然羽皇之强大毋庸置疑,击败一位恐怖的真仙,这种战绩足以撼动天下,但是,让这少年抢先半步,终究是有些美中不足。 Not far away, Feather Sovereign came out, seriously is Emperor Heaven-Blessed the posture, sends out the endless light rain, the whole person is very dim, releases the radiant ray unceasingly, has invisible Great Influence, congeals with the world as one, resists all Fallen Immortal King Clan powerhouses. 不远处,羽皇出来了,当真是天纵帝姿,散发无尽的光雨,整个人很朦胧,不断释放璀璨光芒,有无形大势,和天地凝结为一体,抵住所有堕落仙王族的强者。 In his near, that degenerated True Immortal with purifying by the baptism, bowed to him, executed gift. 在他的近前,那位堕落真仙被洗礼与净化了,对他躬身,施了一个大礼 Many thanks Fellow Daoist, is divine might is seriously unparalleled!” Degenerates True Immortal to sigh, works loose thoroughly from the darkness, is very polite to Feather Sovereign, has the respect. “多谢道友,当真是神威盖世!”堕落真仙叹道,从黑暗中彻底挣脱出来,对羽皇很客气,带着敬意。 This lifeforms lifts the hand to puncture the wall, a person can suppress to the strong race, currently has the meaning of submitting. 这种生物抬手就可以打穿界壁,一人就能够镇压至强的种族,现在却有臣服之意。 Does this enable people in great surprise, unexpectedly to make peerless degeneration True Immortal admire? Everyone's vision falls on there! 这让人们大惊,竟可以让一位绝世的堕落真仙敬服?所有人的目光都落在那里! Dao Brother was polite.” The Feather Sovereign opens the mouth, is calm and calm. 道兄客气了。”羽皇开口,镇定而从容。 His sacred aura fills the air, the ray shone, affects trim, making other Fallen Immortal King Clan the dark strength of powerhouse somewhat feeble. 他的神圣气息弥漫,光芒普照,影响到了整片界地,让其他堕落仙王族的强者的黑暗之力都有些衰弱了。 Can he solitarily, suppress this place Fallen Immortal King Clan? 他只身一人,要镇压此地的堕落仙王族吗? Has saying that he now this tranquil and calm graceful bearing, making people feel an invincible self-confidence, had him in as if then to solve all problems. 不得不说,他现在这种平静与从容的风姿,让人感觉到了一种无敌的自信,有他在似乎便能解决一切问题。 This is Feather Sovereign, has never had the defeat!” A person sighed. “这就是羽皇,从未有过败绩!”一人叹道。 Right, he has the unbeaten Feather Sovereign reputation!” Is opening the mouth including an old monster. “没错,他有不败羽皇的美誉!”连一位老怪物都在开口。 Feather Sovereign the strong far ultra world imagines, degenerates powerhouses in extremely True Immortal to be convinced continually very much, showed the respect, making across World of the Living cheer. 羽皇之强远超世人想象,连堕落真仙中的绝顶强者都很服气,表示敬意,让阳间各地都在欢呼。 Has saying that the whole body is snatched the Chu Feng's crest of wave by Feather Sovereign that the ray submerged, after he since Abyss went out, was born just like immortal emperor, solitarily suppression this place. 不得不说,周身都被光芒淹没的羽皇抢了楚风的风头,他自深渊走出后,就宛若一尊不朽的帝者出世,只身镇压此地。 Feather Sovereign, lives up to reputation!” 羽皇,名不虚传!” Is whispering including some first ten big Dao Lineage's old clan head, is very surprised. 连前十大道统的某位老族长都在低语,很是吃惊。 As for Peng Race, Sub Immortal Clan wait/etc., is shocking, praised without cease. 至于鹏族亚仙族等,也都在震撼,赞叹不已。 Clearly is Chu Feng first kills, was the powerhouse who first suppressed Fallen Immortal King Clan, how Feather Sovereign actually first respected by the world?” “分明是楚风先杀出来,第一个镇压了堕落仙王族的强者,怎么羽皇却先被世人敬慕了?” In Sub Immortal Clan, Ying Xiaoxiao is discontented, muttered there. 亚仙族内,映晓晓不满,在那里咕哝。 She is not in the battlefield, even if grumbles still uselessly, outside abatement clansman, others cannot hear. 她不在战场中,即便发牢骚也无用,除却本族人外,其他人听不到。 She has a silver long hair, bright, but radiance is mild-mannered, is long, now she has become a graceful bearing peerless miss, is not original silver-haired Little Loli. 她拥有一头银色的长发,灿烂而光华柔顺,齐腰那么长,如今她早已成为一个丰姿绝世的姑娘,再也不是原先的银发小萝莉 Feather Sovereign, was too tyrannical, a person can suppress first, he purified peerless True Immortal, the nature is easy to rob the elegant demeanors of others, can only say, in this piece of Between Heaven and Earth, so long as has this person , over others are very difficult.” 羽皇,实在太强横了,一人便可镇压一世,他净化了一位绝世真仙,自然容易抢走其他人的风采,只能说,在这片天地间只要有这种人在,其他人就很难出头。” A Sub Immortal Clan old monster is sigh with emotion, is explained for Ying Xiaoxiao. 亚仙族一位老怪物感慨,也算是为映晓晓解释。 Ying Xiaoxiao was discontented, side her, Ying Zhexian of as if Ruoxian has not spoken, but calmly looks at the picture that in the valuable mirror Shining Upon has. 映晓晓更加不满了,在她身边,宛若仙子般的映谪仙没有说话,只是静静地看宝镜中映照出的画面。 Feather Sovereign is invincible, perhaps, he will exceed all, becomes the lead of this era!” On some famous mountains, there is an old monster even to make this judgment. 羽皇无敌,或许,他将超越所有,成为这一纪元的主角!”在某一座名山上,有老怪物甚至做出这种判断。 One like the past, has never defeated.” On a mountain peak, past Qin Luoyin, namely present Fairy Qing Yin, in the light language, her whole body is the multi-colored sunlight, obviously after she since awakened previous life, in rapid become stronger. “一如过去,从未败过。”一座山峰上,昔日的秦珞音,亦即如今的青音仙子,也在轻语,她满身都是霞光,显然她自从觉醒前世后,也在迅速变强中。 Meanwhile, Feather Sovereign sprinkles brilliance, the whole person stands erect probably in the supreme Great Dao's end, world myriad things one auspicious of shining. 此际,羽皇光辉洒落,整个人都像是矗立在无上大道的尽头,照耀的世间万物都一片祥和。 Without a doubt, present he, becomes the only focus, widely-noted. 毫无疑问,现在的他,成为唯一的焦点,举世瞩目。 At this time, he moved, both hands hold a thing, hinted to Buddha Race, must give to them. 这时,他动了,双手捧着一物,向佛族示意,要送给他们。 After seeing that is anything, everyone is startled! 当看到那是什么后,所有人都大吃一惊! Buddhist relics, perfectly round, but glittering and translucent, Dragon's eyes is so big, but has a wisp of black mark above, corroded the faint trace source of buddhist relics. 一颗舍利子,浑圆而晶莹剔透,龙眼那么大,只是在上面有一缕黑纹,侵蚀了舍利子的丝丝本源。 That is the Buddha Race Paramount powerhouse remains, although by burned into ashes, but left behind a slim chance of survival. 那是佛族究极强者所留,虽被焚成灰烬,但还是留下了一线生机。 Many thanks Feather Sovereign!” Buddha Race many people salute, reverent thanks. “多谢羽皇!”佛族许多人施礼,虔诚的感谢。 Some people sighed: „The Feather Sovereign justice and humanity, display peerless magical power, helping that fall into the dark buddhist relics purification, almost washed off all ominous, that Buddha Race powerhouse can reappear will happen one day.” 有人叹道:“羽皇仁义,施展绝世法力,帮那堕入黑暗的舍利子净化,几乎洗去了所有不祥,那位佛族强者终有一天能够再现出来。” At this time can say, even if Chu Feng first kills, works loose Abyss, few people paid attention, all looks to Feather Sovereign. 此时可以说,纵然楚风第一个杀出来,挣脱深渊,也都没有几人关注了,全都看向羽皇 Thanked Fellow Daoist to assist.” Some people salute to Chu Feng finally, expressed gratitude, Great Heavenly Venerate that precisely that put on scarlet golden armor zhou. “谢道友相助。”终有人对楚风施礼,表示感谢,正是那位穿着赤金甲胄的大天尊 Bang! 轰! After passing the moment, in the people acclaimed Feather Sovereign, there is a powerful fluctuation to send out, another Abyss broke open, and had the blood to scatter. 过了片刻后,正在众人赞叹羽皇时,有强大的波动散发开来,又一座深渊破开了,并有血液四溅。 Old Gu has hair dishevelled, quite distressed, flushed, after all he becomes the big beginning of the universe level powerhouse, just Transcends Tribulation succeeded, therefore this fights very difficultly. 老古披头散发,相当的狼狈,冲了出来,毕竟他成为大混元级强者,刚渡劫成功,所以这一战很艰辛。 However, his background is eventually enormous, grasps Li Da to pass to him some invincible technique, defeats Abyss, the opponent defeating, killed the place of darkness. 不过,他终究来头极大,掌握有黎龘传给他某种无敌术,生生击破深渊,将对手给战败了,杀出黑暗之地。 I, Gu Chenhai, in big beginning of the universe Dominion first under the heavens!” “吾,古尘海,大混元领域天下第一!” After he works loose, such high-profile publicized, is not humble. 他挣脱出来后,就这么高调的自我宣扬了,一点也不谦逊。 However, after the people have visited him surprisedly, turned the head, focuses in Feather Sovereign there again. 然而,众人惊讶的看过他后,又都转头了,再次聚焦在羽皇那里。 Old Gu is speechless, is somewhat in a daze, what condition is this? No one can say several of pleasant to hear, must call out in alarm to him makes noise! 老古无言,有些发呆,这是什么状况?就没有人能够说几句好听的吗,怎么也得对他惊呼出声啊! Then, his knows what situation, Feather Sovereign defeated peerless True Immortal, that is the incomparably magnificent score, degenerates the True Immortal unique Great Realm fetter, was almost incomparable lifeforms. 然后,他就知道了什么情况,羽皇击败绝世真仙,那是无比辉煌的战绩,堕落真仙超脱大界束缚,几乎算是无匹的生物了。 Now, Feather Sovereign subdued one, therefore the whole world is all startled. 现在,羽皇折服了一尊,所以举世皆惊。 Old Gu turns sour, cannot bear say: Present age first, undefeated record? I have to see, my big brother Li Da swept away Prehistoric Era, now who dares saying that can challenge him? Sovereign Wu was patted by him in the past has fainted!” 老古发酸,忍不住道:“当世第一,不败战绩?我又不是没见过,我大哥黎龘横扫了史前时代,现在又有谁敢说可以挑战他?武皇当年都被他拍晕过!” His direct boasts great war achievement, clearly was Sovereign Wu suffered the black brick, was hit badly beaten, finally was talked into by him patting the corona. 他直接夸大战绩,分明是武皇挨了黑砖,被打了个头破血流,结果却被他说成给拍晕了。 This place, naturally has the Lunatic Wu disciple disciple grandson to arrive, actually the short distance observes Fallen Immortal King Clan how, hears this irresponsible words to glower finally. 此地,自然有武疯子弟子徒孙到来,近距离观战堕落仙王族究竟如何,结果听到这种不负责的话语都怒目而视。 Brothers, did you also kill? Is quicker than me!” Old Gu sees Chu Feng in not far away with a Great Heavenly Venerate conversation of degeneration clan, immediately walked to greet fast. “兄弟,你也杀出来了?比我还快!”老古看到楚风在不远处与一位堕落族的大天尊交谈,顿时快速走了过去打招呼。 He is not accidental/surprised, after all Chu Feng has double Dao Fruit, and was close to revere quickly permanently, let alone with Great Heavenly Venerate for the enemy, was meets Supreme Being to kill it! 他一点也不意外,毕竟楚风拥有双道果,并且都快接近恒尊了,别说与大天尊为敌,就是遇上大能都可杀之! Chu Feng first kills!” Some people open the mouth, unexpectedly is Young Lady Xi, she rushed. 楚风第一个杀出来!”有人开口,竟是少女曦,她赶到了。 Present she is elusive the dust, is treading the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, arrived at the place of wall, the fine dust did not dye, just like celestial fairy near world. 如今的她空灵出尘,踏着朝霞,来到了界壁之地,纤尘不染,宛若天仙子临世。 At this time, many people looked, surprisedly in Zhou Clan this young girl beautiful pretty, was too shocking. 这时,不少人都望了过去,惊讶于周族这位少女的明媚靓丽,太惊艳了。 Meanwhile, people have to look again to Chu Feng, after all mentioned him again, at this time, even if he were snatched the crest of wave, brought to attention of people. 同时,人们也不得不再次看向楚风,毕竟一而再提及他,这时,哪怕他被抢了风头,也引起众人的瞩目了。 Old Gu walked, the whole face smiles, said: „ Sees not to have, this is my brother Chu Feng, present age first, looks to put on All Heavens, in Heavenly Venerate Dominion is unrivaled! 老古走了过去,满脸都是笑,道:“看到没,这是我兄弟楚风,当世第一,望穿诸天,天尊领域中无人可敌! The people are speechless, immediately realizes, this Gu Chenhai discontented in the attitude of people, after all his big brother Li Da once was honored as the first Paramount powerhouse. 众人无言,立刻意识到,这个古尘海不满于众人的态度,毕竟他大哥黎龘曾被尊为第一究极强者。 Now, many people altogether revere Feather Sovereign, making him not be feeling well. 现在,许多人共尊羽皇,让他不爽了。 In addition, he in the brothers who the present age recognize, as if indeed is also uncommon, quickly on suppression Great Heavenly Venerate, really somewhat is so inconceivable. 此外,他在当世认的这个兄弟,似乎也的确不凡,这么快就镇压一位大天尊,实在有些不可思议。 If not Feather Sovereign reveals itself, is forever glorious, attracted everyone's attention, many people must certainly call out in alarm in the Chu Feng's score a moment ago. 如果不是羽皇出世,光芒万丈,吸引了所有人的注意力,刚才许多人肯定要惊呼于楚风的战绩了。 Brothers, but can also take action?” Old Gu asked low voice. “兄弟,还能出手吗?”老古小声问道。 No issue.” Chu Feng nods, to him, this is indeed stress-free, oneself are not exhausted. “没什么问题。”楚风点头,对他来说,这的确毫无压力,自身并无疲累可言。 Dao Brother invited, assisted I and others to be separated from the darkness!” 道兄请,也相助我等脱离黑暗!” At this time, side had three degeneration powerhouses almost also to open the mouth, all had Great Heavenly Venerate Dao Fruit. 这时,旁边有三位堕落强者几乎同时开口,皆拥有大天尊道果 People suck in a cold breath, thinks that does not pay attention to here is not good, baptism with purifying Great Heavenly Venerate, if was unable to cause the people to pay attention, if that suppresses three again, that overstepped the limit, is terrifying, can he sweep away in this Dominion all degeneration powerhouses?! 众人倒吸冷气,想不关注这里都不行了,洗礼与净化一位大天尊如果还不能引起众人注意的话,那么如果只身再镇压三尊,那就太出格了,过于恐怖,他一个人要横扫这个领域中所有堕落强者吗?! In people heart trembles, cannot help but looked. 人们心中震颤,不由自主都望了过去。 Feather Sovereign is very strong, but can he be a worthy opponent solitarily same level several certainly top degeneration True Immortal? Perhaps has very big difficulty, not necessarily can achieve. 羽皇很强,但是他能够只身一人匹敌同层次数位绝顶级的堕落真仙吗?恐怕有很大的难度,不见得能做到。 Chu Feng takes a step forward, prepares take action, must purify three powerful degeneration powerhouses solitarily, but can arrive at World of the Living's to degenerate Immortal Race, not mediocre, the achievement special Dao Fruit, was extremely fearful. 楚风向前迈步,准备出手,要只身净化三位强大的堕落强者,而能够来到阳间的堕落仙族,没有凡俗,都成就了特殊的道果,极其可怕。 The Old Gu look very shines, he is hoping for, as Li Da's sworn brothers, he naturally hopes that person can continue that type to be bright and magnificent. 老古眼神贼亮,他在希冀,身为黎龘的结拜兄弟,他自然希望身边的人能够延续那种灿烂与辉煌。 Everyone is paying attention, turns very quiet, calmly looks. 所有人都在关注,屏住呼吸,静静地看着。 Three leaders 三掌门 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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