SR :: Volume #16

#1522: Young madman

Ying Wudi expression that may really an attractiveness, clench teeth, stunned, shock, puzzled, confuses, helpless, terrified, in a flash, his look changed changed. 映无敌的表情那可真叫一个好看,咬牙,错愕,震惊,不解,迷惑,无奈,悚然,一瞬间,他的的神色变了又变。 He has not thought, Chu Feng is so headstrong, was this ate the unconventional idea Celestial Emperor guts? Dares to rush to here, moreover is True Body reveals itself. 他怎么也没有想到,楚风这么莽,这是吃了仙心天帝胆了吗?竟敢跑到这里来,而且是真身出世。 At heart, he sympathizes about Chu Feng, holds the good intentions, but also repels intensely, has malice side, because this demon always pulls up his elder sister, in addition also gangs up with his sister. 从内心来说,他对楚风同情,抱有善意,但也强烈排斥,有恶感的一面,因为这魔头总是撩他姐,此外还勾搭他妹。 Meets each time, he has to plant to beat this kidnapper to half remnant impulsion, doing, he is really not an opponent, from the beginning he has not won to the present. 每次见面,他都有种想殴打这个人贩子到半残的冲动,奈何,他真的不是对手,从一开始到现在他就没赢过。 And, this distance gets bigger and bigger, when meets each time, he gets angry. 并且,这种距离越拉越大,所以每次见面时,他都黑着脸。 Chu Feng looks at his appearance, immediately very reproving of impolite: Your this elder sister controls, loves the younger sister crazy demon, sees me each time, that face falls into the coal pit with one, black to seems like in the nights that nearby person serves as contrast shines.” 楚风一看他这个样子,立刻很不客气的训斥:“你这个姐控,恋妹狂魔,每次见到我,那张脸就跟一头栽进煤坑中般,黑到将旁边的人衬托的像是在深夜间发光。” Ying Wudi this called air/Qi, he has not gotten angry, each time the demon who this harassed his family/home sisters to starting first to spurt him, who. 映无敌这叫一个气,他还没有发火呢,这个每次都骚扰他家姐妹的魔头到开始先喷他了,什么人啊。 The strength is inferior to the person, is evolving this Dominion he really not to have the means to compare with this anomaly, Ying Wudi can only close the mouth, chooses does not respond him. 实力不如人,在进化这一领域他真的没有办法与这个变态比,映无敌只能闭上嘴巴,选择不搭理他。 The Sub Immortal Clan's person is surprised, some people whispered, discussed, Demon Chu Feng of present stage had been hunted and killed in the monetary reward, Gaodeng World of the Living Deity List first. 亚仙族的人惊讶,有人低语,议论起来,现阶段的楚风魔头早已被人在赏金猎杀,高登阳间神榜第一名。 So-called Deity List, is Divine Level hunts and kills the list, first in the Heavenly Venerate following list, whom this great honor did not have, means that some people of insane fantasies got rid of him. 所谓神榜,也就是神级猎杀榜,在天尊以下的榜单中第一,这种殊荣也没谁了,意味着有人疯狂想干掉他。 In some sense, Deity List first, wants the high big truncation compared with the monetary reward that it Heavenly Venerate hunts and kills many people in list, the non- Great Influence strength cannot push. 从某种意义上来说,神榜第一,比之天尊猎杀榜中的许多人的赏金都要高一大截,非大势力不能推起来。 It can be said that wants not to need to think, powerful Dao Lineage wants to get rid of him incessantly. 可以说想都不用想,不止一个强大的道统想干掉他。 For example, Sovereign Wu lineage/vein, including were being struck to kill two Heavenly Venerate, is the Lunatic Wu disciple grandsons. 比如,武皇一脉,连着被击杀了两位天尊,都是武疯子的徒孙。 In addition, the underground world, several dark forces also suffer a disaster,...... had been instead looted by this demon. 此外,还有地下世界,几个黑暗势力也都遭劫,被这魔头……反洗劫过。 The front section day, Black Capital of underground world makes one give to smash, afterward showed, is this kidnapper does, he is not feeling well some people to hunt and kill him, runs on own initiative, ahead of time starts. 前段日子,地下世界的黑都让人给端掉,事后证明,都是这个人贩子干的,他不爽有人要猎杀他,主动跑过去,提前下手。 If explodes him again is Ji Dade, then Human King Race Mo Family will also go wild, but initially the world chased down him and Long Dayu. 如果再爆出来他是姬大德的话,那么人王族莫家也会抓狂,当初可是满世界追杀他与龙大宇呢。 He once had happening together with you, the present stage looked, the strength seems like astonishment of very improvement, even World of the Living sixth Dao Lineage Zhou Clan walks with him in the same place, is this person potential very big?” “他曾与你们有交集,现阶段看,实力似乎提升的很惊人,连阳间第六道统周族都与他走在一起,这个人潜力很大吗?” In the Sub Immortal Clan's entrance, some people whispered, to Ying Zhexian understanding. 亚仙族的山门中,有人低语,向映谪仙了解情况。 Chu Feng strong? The Sub Immortal Clan's old monster wants to know the real situation, why Zhou Clan dares to shelter him, does not care about the Sovereign Wu and other influence of the feeling. 楚风到底有多强?亚仙族的老怪物想摸个底,为什么周族敢庇护他,不在意武皇等势力的感受。 Perhaps the Ying Zhexian facial color was tranquil, informs in the clan the ancient, Chu Feng enters in Heavenly Venerate Dominion, she quite knew about the style of this old friend. 映谪仙面色平静,告知族中宿老,楚风或许进入天尊领域中了,她对这位故人的行事风格颇为了解。 Without certain strength self-preservation, this old friend will not appear like this, impossible to shield the life complete request in others. 如果没有一定的实力自保,这位故人不会这样出现,不可能将自家性命完全托庇于别人。 Quick, various clans change countenance, is somewhat in a daze, opponent who that named Chu Feng's youngster madman, what level he is looking at? Beginning of the universe level! 很快,各族动容,全都有些发呆,那个名为楚风的少年狂人,他在看什么层次的对手?混元级! Does he dare to cut down Supreme Being? This...... was too absurd! 他敢伐大能?这……太荒谬了! No one believes, a youngster will have the so high strength, this is not realistic. 没有人相信,一个少年会有如此高的实力,这根本不现实。 Three big degenerate True Immortal and Paramount lifeforms showdown, has not dropped the curtain, the victory or defeat life and death does not know. 三大堕落真仙究极生物的对决,还没有落下帷幕,胜败生死不知。 But this side, True Immortal following degeneration clan, come is not the simple character, each and every one is very strong, as well as above all has to the big beginning of the universe from Great Heavenly Venerate. 而这一边,真仙以下的堕落族,来的都不是简单人物,一个个都很强,从大天尊到大混元以及以上皆有。 The ground has the blood, World of the Living some time ago with their showdowns, although does not have the deceased person, but some people are seriously battered, the blood dyes the battlefield. 地上有血,阳间不久前与他们的对决中,虽然没死人,但有些人遭受重创,血染战场。 The present stage, no one is willing to be easily out. 现阶段,没有人愿意轻易下场了。 Zhou Clan one group of people were naturally paid attention, because as the World of the Living strong clan, they must pay, make certain contribution, but their also not take action. 周族一群人自然被人关注,因为身为阳间强族,他们必须得付出,做出一定的贡献,而他们还未出手呢。 Chu Feng goes out from the Zhou Clan team, this on behalf of anything, without a doubt, his is being for the Zhou Clan fate, suddenly lets many revealed the look of surprise. 楚风周族的队伍中走出,这代表着什么,毋庸置疑,他这是替周族下场了,一时间让许多人都露出异色 People want to look that Zhou Clan braves to offend Sovereign Wu, braves with the underground world inharmonious risk, wins over this youngster madman to be worth. 人们想看一看周族冒着得罪武皇,冒着与地下世界不睦的风险,拉拢这个少年狂人到底值不值。 Old Gu also followed, with his same onset and retreat. 老古也跟着走出来了,与他同进退。 Among you, who strongest?” Chu Feng is very direct, looks at opposite one group of degeneration powerhouses, these person of weak ones, do not have saying that the terrifying of this system, everyone is reserved the astonishing energy, each and every one is being similar to the dark war immortal. “你们当中,谁最强?”楚风很直接,看着对面的一群堕落强者,这些人没有一个弱者,不得不说这个体系的恐怖,每一个人都内敛着惊人的能量,一个个都如同黑暗战仙般。 „Do you want to challenge most powerhouse? I and others elected as you like!” “你想挑战最强者?呵,我等随你选!” A whole body is the Black Gold Full-Body Armor male opens the mouth, looks at its appearance is the youth condition, but, this person lived absolutely was very long, blood energy was prosperous, pupil like two great changes Abyss. 一个满身都是黑金甲胄的男子开口,看其外貌是青年状态,但是,这个人绝对活了很久了,血气鼎盛,眸子如同两口沧桑深渊 Do not say others, is the powerhouses of extremely Old Gu this big beginning of the universe level feels the palpitation, after looking, the soul must perish. 不要说其他人,就是老古这种大混元层次的绝顶强者都感觉心悸,望之后,灵魂都要沉沦了。 This is a degeneration powerhouse close to True Immortal level. 这是一个接近真仙层次的堕落强者。 It can be said that he is half-step True Immortal! 可以说,他是半步真仙 This lifeforms was too powerful, only if rotten Great Universe Level take action, otherwise no one is his opponent. 这种生物太强大了,除非腐烂大宇级出手,不然的话没有人是其对手。 Besides him, stands with him in one row of also several people, was close to degenerate the True Immortal level, all was peerless expert under True Immortal. 除他之外,与他站在一排的还有几人,也都接近堕落真仙层次了,全都是真仙之下的绝世高手 Chu Feng grins, even if he is frivolous, will not do, hits degenerates certainly True Immortal, then has no difference from the suicide. 楚风咧嘴,他纵然再轻狂,也不会去作死,打准堕落真仙,那与自杀没什么区别。 Old Gu, these gave you!” Chu Feng said. 老古,这些交给你了!”楚风说道。 The head of Old Gu swings with rattle-drum, cracking a joke, he is very strong, is almost invincibility in Supreme Being, but related to accurate True Immortal, is ok. 老古的脑袋摇的跟拨浪鼓似的,开什么玩笑,他是很强,几乎算是大能中的无敌者,但涉及到准真仙,还是算了吧。 Only if he has permanent level Dao Fruit! Again or, he becomes rotten Great Universe Level lifeforms initially. 除非他拥有恒级道果!再或者,他初步成为腐烂的大宇级生物 Great Universe this level spans is very big, just since, whole body rotten primary Great Universe, wants to kill true degeneration True Immortal, the difficulty and price are enormous, is very difficult to complete, but to late stage that on terrifying. 大宇这个层次跨越很大,刚进入时,周身腐烂的初级大宇,想杀真正的堕落真仙,难度与代价极大,很难完成,而到后期那就恐怖了。 Chu Feng each and every one looked at the past, earnest choice. 楚风一个个望过去,认真选择。 This astonishing, does he also really want to make war with accurate True Immortal? 这让人吃惊,他还真要与准真仙开战? You?” Chu Feng looks to several other people. “你们呢?”楚风又看向另外几人。 With the words that your World of the Living's strength standard divides, I in big beginning of the universe level.” The man who that wears silver Full-Body Armor is very young, has an imposing appearance, valiant. “用你阳间的战力标准划分的话,我在大混元级。”那个身穿银色甲胄的男子很年轻,气宇轩昂,英姿勃发。 His pair of pupil is jet black, like two black holes, the letting of person looking is scared. 只是,他的一双瞳孔漆黑,如同两口黑洞,望之让人发毛。 I asked one again, among you who weakest?” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “我再问一句,你们当中谁最弱?”楚风开口。 Who is willing to acknowledge are oneself weak? However, some people opened the mouth eventually, that is several people of rear, they only said own Realm is low. 谁愿意承认自己弱?不过,终究还是有人开口了,那是最后边的几人,他们只说自己境界还低。 Simply put, they will be strong in the future. 言下之意,他们将来可能会非常强。 So-called Realm is low, is Great Heavenly Venerate starts unexpectedly, this is Evolver that Fallen Immortal King Clan sends out, is the elite in elite. 所谓的境界低,竟都是大天尊起步,这就是堕落仙王族派出的进化者,皆是精英中的精英。 Old Gu, you select a big stature, did not want weakly own status!” Chu Feng serious opens the mouth. 老古,你挑一个大个儿的,不要弱了自己的身份!”楚风郑重的开口。 Then, he also starts to choose the opponent, said: Which weakest, fights with me!” 然后,他自己也开始挑选对手,道:“哪个最弱,与我一战!” The people are speechless, you called was so ominous, in the end chose weakly? 众人无语,你叫的这么凶,到头来就选个最弱的? Various World of the Living clans, the corners of the mouth of many old monsters are twitching, is this youngster credible? Do not come up to fight with the fists dead. 阳间各族,许多老怪物的嘴角都在抽搐,这少年靠谱吗?别上去就被人一拳打死。 I must fight beginning of the universe level expert, but does not want the big beginning of the universe!” Old Gu also aggressive opens the mouth. “我要战混元级高手,但不要大混元!”老古也霸气的开口。 „Do you want to look for in beginning of the universe Dominion to have the permanent level Dao Fruit person?” “你是要找混元领域中有恒级道果的人吗?” A Fallen Immortal King Clan female opens the mouth, is graceful, the full head blue color long hair, the face has no time fine, pure white like jade, both eyes similarly also black like Abyss. 堕落仙王族的一位女子开口,体态婀娜,满头蓝色长发,面孔精致无暇,洁白如玉,双目同样也黑如深渊 She wears green golden armor zhou, valiant, stares at Old Gu, informs him, oneself are creature of permanent Yuan level! 她身穿绿金甲胄,英姿飒爽,盯上老古,告知他,自己就是恒元级的生灵 Everyone suck in a cold breath, is so young, a female, unexpectedly is the permanent character generation, whose enemy in beginning of the universe Dominion? 所有人都倒吸冷气,这么年轻,一个女子,居然是恒字辈的,在混元领域中谁可敌? Old Gu righteousness expression, then...... rejection! 老古义正言辞,然后……拒绝了! Excuse my not attending, I only looks for the beginning of the universe level powerhouse, not with permanent character generation of battle!” “恕不奉陪,我只找混元级强者,不与恒字辈的开战!” The people are once again speechless, do you do that awe-inspiring really? Is clearly refusing battle, escaping, seemed like to your mouth very brightly to be how bright? 众人又一次无言,你这么正气凛然作甚?分明是在避战,逃脱,怎么到你嘴里像是很光明灿烂了? Let alone others, are in Zhou Clan, the strange dragon the Old Gu face feels hot for Chu Feng and on, muttered low voice: This dragon really shames in you are a companion!” 别说其他人,就是周族内,怪龙都替楚风老古脸上发烫,小声咕哝道:“本龙真是羞于你们为伍!” Beautiful female who wears green golden armor zhou, on the beautiful face is very desolate, said: Sorry, here does not have creature of ordinary beginning of the universe level, is not the big beginning of the universe, is the permanent level fruit position!” 身穿绿金甲胄的婀娜女子,绝美的面孔上很冷淡,道:“对不起,我们这里没有普通混元层次的生灵,不是大混元,就是恒级果位的!” This......” Old Gu helpless. “这……”老古也无奈了。 This person seems like looks familiar , should he not be that...... Gu Chenhai?” Finally, some people recognized the Old Gu identity. “这个人看起来十分眼熟,他该不会是那个……古尘海吧?”终于,有人认出了老古的身份。 After all, in the past he was Brother Li Da's, side that forever glorious giant, how he not to make every effort to succeed again, must stare, was known by the world. 毕竟,当年他是黎龘的兄弟,在那种光芒万丈的巨头身边,他再怎么不争气,也得被人盯上,被世人认识。 Even if passed many years, Prehistoric Era dissipates, the scene had the old fogy to recognize him. 哪怕过去了很多年,史前时代消逝,现场还是有老家伙认出了他。 At this moment, Old Gu had no way to draw back, he cannot throw that person, was recognized True Body, was Brother Li Da's, he cannot to belittle absolutely. 这一刻,老古没法退了,他丢不起那个人,被人认出真身,身为黎龘的兄弟,他绝对不能让人小觑。 Sir, Fallen Immortal King Clan is so how abnormal, I became the big beginning of the universe, but also wants to come here looking disdainfully outstanding heroes, the blooming immeasurable ray, finally, this abnormal race, was "Great" character generation and the permanent character generation!” Old Gu indignantly. “大爷的,堕落仙王族怎么都如此变态,我成为大混元了,还想来这里睥睨群雄,绽放无量光芒呢,结果,这变态的种族,都是大字辈与恒字辈的!”老古愤愤不已。 Naturally, who knows, how does Fallen Immortal King Clan possibly have normal beginning of the universe level lifeforms, that level was big expert. 当然,谁都知道,堕落仙王族怎么可能有没有正常的混元级生物,那个层次的都算是大高手了。 But, today is the special time, come is the elite in elite, special Dao Fruit is unable to be selected in this team. 可是,今天是特殊时刻,来的都是精英中的精英,没有特殊的道果无法入选这个队伍。 „The powerhouse who that comes a big beginning of the universe level, I suppress it , helping you cut completely dark, is separated from the degeneration clan!” Old Gu shoulders both hands, is lonely there attire. “那就来一个大混元级的强者吧,吾镇压之,助你斩尽黑暗,脱离堕落族!”老古背负双手,在那里装寂寞无敌。 Then, the black flame beats, Old Gu...... vanished directly! 然后,黑色火光跳动,老古就……直接消失了! No one has thought, Fallen Immortal King Clan lifeforms such resolute, so rapid, after hearing he challenges the enemy to battle, rushes over without delay, Abyss covered Old Gu, swallowed. 谁都没有想到,堕落仙王族生物这么的果决,如此的迅速,听到他叫阵后二话不说就冲了过去,一口深渊老古覆盖,吞了进去。 shit, is not really tasteful!” 玛德,真不讲究!” Unbearable of Old Gu air/Qi, does not install thoroughly, is in Abyss, starts to resist, must obliterate the so-called darkness, making this person split the light again. 老古气的够呛,彻底不装了,身在深渊中,开始对抗,要磨灭所谓的黑暗,让此人重绽光明。 Chu Feng goes forward, the tranquil opens the mouth, said: Come, the big Heavenly Venerate Level degeneration clan powerhouse please stand a row, my one by one helps you and others purify fleshly body, baptism soul light, but also your original appearance!” 楚风上前,平静开口,道:“来,大天尊级的堕落族强者请站成一排,我一一帮你等净化肉身,洗礼魂光,还你们本来面貌!” At first, people also thought that he is far-fetched, after all he first asked that who strongest, finally finally actually must challenge most weak one. 起初,人们还觉得他不靠谱,毕竟他先问谁最强,结果最后却要挑战最弱者。 However now people change countenance, because, he starts the blooming ray, the whole body symbol is densely covered, is very strong, more importantly, he is Great Heavenly Venerate. 不过现在人们动容了,因为,他开始绽放光芒,周身符号密布,很强,重要的是,他是一位大天尊 People sighed, neglected the lots a moment ago, this was a youngster, but he has Great Heavenly Venerate Dao Fruit in hearsay at the present unexpectedly. 人们叹气,刚才忽略了很多东西,这才是一个少年,可是而今他竟已经拥有传闻中的大天尊道果 This achievement, shocks everybody! 这种成就,惊世骇俗! Normal, creature of this ages, possibly was so how strong, said that made people feel absurdly, was not real! 正常来说,这个年龄段的生灵,怎么可能这么强,说出去让人感觉荒谬,不真实! I come!” “吾来!” Some people go forward, put on scarlet golden armor zhou, handsome, the supernatural might is uncommon, this is a very powerful man, confronts with Chu Feng, must fight. 有人上前,穿着赤金甲胄,相貌堂堂,神武不凡,这是一个很强大的男子,与楚风对峙,要交手了。 Chī! 哧! a ray of light falls into Abyss of man wears scarlet golden armor zhou, Chu Feng not unnecessary words, quite bold, leapt forward directly on own initiative, makes war. 一道光落入身穿赤金甲胄的男子的深渊中,楚风没有多余的话语,相当的大胆,径直主动跃入,开战了。 Until now, World of the Living this side has not obtained the victory of filling people with enthusiasm. 到现在为止,阳间这一方还没有取得振奋人心的战果。 Mainly is, Buddha Race's Paramount lifeforms suffers a defeat and flees, by black fire burn to ashes, being caused the morale to fall greatly. 主要是,佛族的究极生物败亡,被黑火烧成灰烬,导致士气大落。 But Feather Sovereign still with three big is degenerating the True Immortal resistance with another two Paramount powerhouses, has not worked loose. 羽皇与另外两位究极强者还在与三大堕落真仙对抗,没有挣脱出来。 Now, True Immortal following creature also made war. 现在,真仙以下的生灵也开战了。 Well, Feather Sovereign must succeed, must come out!” Some people call out in alarm. “咦,羽皇要成功了,要出来了!”有人惊呼。 Powerful True Immortal that his opponent, that presents earliest, its Abyss blooming brilliance, no longer jet black like black ink, starts to be bright, clear and brilliant, the light rain are innumerable, raises the half sky that sprinkles is. 他的对手,那个最早出现的强大真仙,其深渊绽放光彩,不再漆黑如墨,开始明亮起来,晶莹而绚烂,光雨无数,扬洒的半边天空都是。 Feather Sovereign is working loose from inside slowly, how long cannot want, can purify this to degenerate True Immortal, wins comprehensively. 羽皇正从里面缓缓挣脱,要不了多长时间,就能净化这尊堕落真仙,全面大胜而出。 At this moment, widely-noted, the entire world people are paying attention! 这一刻,举世瞩目,全天下人都在关注! Various clans need Feather Sovereign magnificent win, raises divine might, manifesting World of the Living's is immeasurably deep. 各族需要羽皇华丽的大胜,扬神威,体现出阳间的深不可测。 Then may warn All Heavens from all walks of life, do not open lightly with the World of the Living's outbreak of war. 如此一来可警告诸天各界,不要轻启与阳间的战端。 Major Dao Lineage, including Heng Clan, Dao Race, Yuan Clan, Ji Clan, are all paying attention to this war. 各大道统,包括恒族道族沅族姬族等,全都在关注此战。 It is not as good as some Peng Race, Six-eared Macaque Race, Sub Immortal Clan wait/etc., is closely watching out, and interior was also discussing, the words that Feather Sovereign wins, this lineage/vein really do control World of the Living hopefully? 略逊一些的鹏族六耳猕猴族亚仙族等,也都在密切注视,并且内部亦在讨论,羽皇大胜的话,这一脉是否真有希望统驭阳间 Qin Luoyin and temple fairy maiden, some Prehistoric Era have the person of foot, even including Sovereign Wu, is also paying attention to the war of this place at this time. 秦珞音、神庙仙子等,一些史前时代有根脚的人,甚至包括武皇,此时也都在关注此地之战。 Feather Sovereign...... won! That was degenerates the peerless powerhouse in True Immortal, the opponent defeated, he must suppress and purify thoroughly!” Some person of stimulated calling out. 羽皇……胜出了!那可是堕落真仙中的绝世强者,对手败了,他要彻底镇压并净化了!”有人亢奋的叫道。 What he said is the truth, that is not general degeneration True Immortal, but is the middle top powerhouse, rotten Great Universe lifeforms did not cope. 他说的是实情,那可不是一般的堕落真仙,而是当中的顶尖强者,腐烂的大宇生物根本对付不了。 However, in this moment, side has a piece of radiant radiance first step to bloom, tears the darkness thoroughly, first works loose. 然而,就在这一刻,旁边有一片璀璨的光华先一步绽放,彻底撕裂黑暗,第一个挣脱出来。 Who?! 谁?! The people are shocked! 众人震惊! Everyone looks to there, unexpectedly is that youngster madman-- Chu Feng, didn't he just leap forward in Abyss? How to break through instantaneously? 所有人都看向那里,竟然是那个少年狂人——楚风,他不是刚跃进深渊中吗?怎么瞬间就突破出来了? People are startled, he failed, was forgiven the life, the release? 人们吃惊,他是失败了,被人饶过性命,释放出来了吗? But, seems like at all not like! 可是,看起来根本不像! That Abyss was clearly brilliant, is no longer dark, and there is a golden lotus flower Large expanse, light rain a large area of spurting, sacred such as Heavenly State reveals itself. 那口深渊分明绚烂了起来,不再黑暗,并且有金色莲花成片,光雨大面积的飞洒,神圣如天国出世。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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