SR :: Volume #16

#1521: 10,000 years

Old Gu always smiling that an impulsion that kills Zhou Bo, an opposite party face ridicules particularly, half rotten senile condition, but also an appearance that looks at the bad boy is staring at him, regards him for the younger generation. 老古总有一种打死周博的冲动,尤其是对方一脸揶揄的笑,半腐烂的衰老状态,还一副看坏小子的样子盯着他,视他为晚辈。 I have to take, in the past, you had the Li Da asylum, this life found a small monster, in some sense, your material for negative education does not calculate that was too failed.” “我不得不服,当年,你有黎龘庇护,今世又找到一个小怪物,从某种意义上来说,你这反面教材也不算是太失败。” Old Gu is who, hears the week to coerce him abundantly again, the direct incarnation is the big sprayer, the fleck of saliva scatters, opens directly spurts. 老古什么人,听到周博再次挤对他,直接化身为大喷子,吐沫星子四溅,直接开喷。 old Zhou, your half body is buried the villain, whole body rots quickly, you looked to me carefully, the father I also now am the powerhouse of big beginning of the universe level, no one needed to depend on, is doomed to meet unmatched in the world! You are so fierce, then can cocky, now not be this Dao Fruit? Moreover, you, partly corrupted, but when my present precisely morning morning sun, rising sun rising east, vigorous and vital, will be my such young people in the future!” “老周,你这半截身子入土、浑身都快烂掉的恶棍,你给我看仔细了,老子我也现在是大混元层次的强者,谁都不用倚仗,注定会天下无敌!你那么厉害,那么能得瑟,现在不也是这种道果吗?而且,你老了,半腐烂了,而我现在正是早上的朝阳,旭日东升时,蓬勃而充满生机,未来属于我这样的年轻人!” Big person, but also is tender there attire, you are a leather bag are also smooth, other places, you ask others, where isn't old? Especially your soul light, your spirit, and prehistoric was equally filthy, the mud could not hold the wall, forever could not make a name, as before was the typical failure teaching material case!” “多大的人了,还在那里装嫩,你也就是一层皮囊还光滑,其余的地方,你问问别人,哪里不老?尤其是你的魂光,你的精神,与史前一样污浊,烂泥扶不上墙,永远成不了气候,依旧是典型的失败教材案例!” Zhou Bo the mouth is vicious, is not used to Old Gu. 周博的嘴巴狠毒,一点也不惯着老古 This, this life must hold the younger brother, is self-supportive personally Immortal Emperor!” Old Gu proudly, to Zhou Bo a disdaining appearance, did not challenge the enemy to battle with him. “本座,今世要扶弟,亲手自养出一个仙帝!”老古傲然,对周博一副不屑的样子,不与他叫阵了。 Then, he thinks instantaneously his organization-- holds the emperor! 接着,他瞬间想到了自己的那个组织——扶帝! In his heart beats a drum, don't tell me also really must fulfill, does not hold he himself, but has someone else? 他心中一阵打鼓,难道还真要应验了,不是扶他自己,而是另有其人? Little said two, we first prepare again depart.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, otherwise, to/clashes the attribute of Old Gu this big sprayer, and condition of week abundant this venomous tongue and ensure the slapping in the face corner/horn has not ended. “都少说两句吧,我们先准备一下再出发。”楚风开口,不然的话,就冲老古这大喷子的属性,以及周博这个毒舌的状态,保证打嘴角没完。 Chu Feng and Zhou Xi whispered, tell her, oneself must temporarily leave gets down the evolution. 楚风周曦低语,告诉她,自己要暂时离开一下去进化。 What, can you evolve?” Zhou Xi is startled, bright red small mouth slightly, on the face writes all over to worry, Chu Feng this evolutionary rate is too unusual, feared he has an accident. “什么,你又要进化了?”周曦吃惊,鲜红的小嘴微张,脸上写满担忧,楚风这种进化速度太异常,怕他出事。 Young Lady Xi most knew about Chu Feng when Little World of the Dead with his onset and retreat, was together long time, how witnesses him to rise. 少女曦楚风最为了解,在小阴间时与他共进退,相处了很长时间,亲眼目睹他是如何崛起的。 Then how long, after entering World of the Living, but more than ten years, Chu Feng wanted the promote step, she was afraid him to step a road of no return. 这才多长时间,进入阳间后,不过才十几年,楚风又要晋阶了,她害怕他就此踏上一条不归路。 What are you saying?” Other Zhou Clan person of astonishment, some people hear their dialogues. “你们在说什么?”周族其他人惊异,有人听到他们的对话。 When they learned, after Chu Feng must evolve, each and every one stares dumbfounded, does this...... also make sense? 当他们得悉,楚风要去进化后,一个个都瞠目结舌,这……还有道理可言吗? A youngster madman, arrives at World of the Living more than ten years, already Great Heavenly Venerate, but must evolve again, was this must march Supreme Being Dominion? 一个少年狂人,来到阳间十几载而已,已经大天尊了,还要再进化,这是要进军大能领域了吗? Everyone is shocked! 所有人都震惊! This...... does not have the natural justice! 这……没天理! Especially Zhou Clan one group of young people, the Zhou Xi father's cousin's sons and hall sisters and others, are all in a daze, it may be said that by the stimulation, they are in the person Dragon and Phoenix, after all is World of the Living sixth Dao Lineage's direct descendant, is, compared with Chu Feng, they thought that one missed far. 尤其是周族的一群年轻人,周曦的堂兄弟与堂姐妹等,全都发呆,可谓倍受刺激,他们都算是人中龙凤,毕竟是阳间第六道统的嫡系,可是,同楚风相比,他们觉得自身差远了。 I said Little Xi, how did you look for a monster?” The Zhou Xi male cousin could not bear, asked low voice. “我说小曦,你到底找了怎样一个怪物?”周曦的堂兄忍不住了,小声问道。 Yes, how does this make us live? Felt that on the face feels hot. Do not tell me, he prepared in Old Ancestor with clan to strive for hegemony, will treat as an equal!” A beautiful young girl also opens the mouth, once self-confidence, is shaken now intensely. “是啊,这让我们怎么活?感觉脸上发烫。别告诉我,他都准备与族中的老祖们争雄了,将平起平坐!”一位美艳的少女也开口,曾经的自信,现在被人强烈的撼动了。 Long Dayu wants saying that you do discover? This dragon had been attacked does not know that many times, what is most hateful, all from taking the rap to start! 龙大宇很想说,你们才发现吗?本龙早就被打击不知多少次了,最为可恨的是,一切都是从背黑锅开始! Youngest brother Qi Feng of strange dragon is also speechless, remains silent, the youngster who this knows, took to them too many accidents/surprises! 怪龙的老兄弟祁锋也是无言,保持沉默,这个才认识的少年,带给了他们太多的意外! They Supreme Being that lives from the prehistoric, what talent hasn't seen? However, this special case, makes them deeply feel to shock. 他们是从史前活下来的大能,什么样的天才没见过?但是,这种特殊的个例,还是让他们深感震撼。 I have not heard, has Supreme Being under 500 years old!” even/including Zhoubo are sighing with emotion. “我从来没有听说过,有500岁以下的大能!”连周博都在感慨。 What 500 years old, below several thousand are only the hearsay, words that research truly, are all incredible, this...... is not normal!” Another old monster corrects. “什么五百岁,数千岁以下的都只是传闻,真正去考证的话,皆不可信,这……太不正常了!”另一位老怪物纠正。 Do not take risk.” Zhou Xi looks at Chu Feng, earnest is worried, this evolutionary rate wants to kill oneself body simply, moves toward the self- destruction. “不要冒险了。”周曦看着楚风,认真中充满忧虑,这种进化速度简直是想杀己身,走向自我毁灭。 Do not be worried, I am all right!” Chu Feng gave her a self-confident smile, wants to make her feel at ease. “不要担心,我没事儿!”楚风给了她一个自信的微笑,想让她安心。 I feared after you, is unable to turn head, cannot see true you in the time.” Zhou Xi light language. “我怕你以后再也无法回头,在时光中看不到真正的你。”周曦轻语。 All previous generations enter the step too quick people not to have the good end, even if are living finally reluctantly, live to might as well die, by suffered Spiritual Body degenerates into the convict in rotten fleshly body thoroughly. 历代进阶过快的人都没有好下场,哪怕最后勉强活着,也都生不如死,倍受折磨的精神体彻底沦为腐烂肉身中的囚徒。 Do not be irritable, you need to precipitate!” Old Gu also strongly opposed, thinks Chu Feng can have the matter this way absolutely. “别急躁,你需要沉淀!”老古也极力反对,认为楚风再这样下去绝对会出事儿。 Can under the examination!” Week abundant opens the mouth. “可以检测下!”周博开口。 Zhou Clan what kind of great strength, grasps one of the World of the Living most breathing method, sixth in Dao Lineage ranking, had never been shaken since old times, in some time ranks and even higher. 周族何等的强大,掌握有阳间呼吸法之一,在道统排名中第六,自古从未被撼动过,在有的时代排位甚至更高。 They have the special method, can investigate the Evolver's condition, looked whether he also suits in transforms using the pollen. 他们有特殊的方法,可以探查进化者的状态,看他是否还适合在利用花粉蜕变下去。 Chu Feng is amazed, is the method of this/should clan so fierce? 楚风惊诧,该族的手段这么厉害? He pours did not oppose, how also wants to look at now own condition. 他倒也不反对,也想看一看现在自身的境况到底如何。 Finally, Chu Feng fed in a pure white palace, it all over the body is the bone, does not have the gloomy feeling, probably the suet beautiful jade builds. 最终,楚风被送进一座洁白的殿宇中,它通体都是骨质的,没有阴森之感,像是羊脂美玉筑造而成。 According to Zhou Clan said, the white bones predecessor should be comes to the Paramount end, even starts to attempt to continue the abruption lifeforms! 按照周族所说,白骨前身应该是一位走到究极尽头,甚至开始尝试接续断路的生物 Therefore, even the material quality of this clean white bones palace cannot imagine! 所以,连这洁白骨殿的材质都不可想象! But is most appropriate by the orphan examination of this lifeforms, after the Zhou Clan all previous generations past worthies sacrifice refining up, inscribes on the innumerable symbols, is connected with the Between Heaven and Earth pollen road, can be called priceless Supreme Treasure. 而以这种生物的遗孤检测最恰当不过,被周族历代前贤祭炼后,铭刻上无数的符号,与天地间的花粉路相连,称得上无价至宝 The quick, pure white bone palace shines, is nearly transparent, can see Chu Feng in palace including outside person is what condition. 很快,洁白的骨殿发光,近乎透明起来,连外面的人都能够看到殿中的楚风是什么状态。 This is......” “这是……” Chu Feng is startled, he saw anything, the innumerable light granules float in Between Heaven and Earth, sprinkles in that mountains, this bone palace is not really ordinary. 楚风吃惊,他看到了什么,无数的光粒子在天地间漂浮,在那山川中洒落,这骨殿果然不一般。 He saw the essence of fuzzy pollen road once again! 他又一次看到了模糊的花粉路的本质! Especially, he looks to some position, that is the World of the Living wall place, unexpectedly can appear, there is the light granule especially rich, in ebullition. 尤其是,他看向某一个方位,那是阳间界壁处,居然可以映现出来,那里是光粒子格外的浓郁,在沸腾。 Chu Feng is in trance, he thought. 楚风神情恍惚,他想到了很多。 World of the Living universal, the All Heavens normalizing, all these must go on an expedition, must pass through from all walks of life, must murder innumerably, don't tell me this can make the secret of pollen road hidden better presents? 阳间大一统,诸天归一,这一切都是要征战,要贯穿各界,要杀伐无数,难道这样可以让花粉路隐藏的秘密更好的呈现吗? Perhaps, three Emperor Artifact back people, as well as officiating, they want is this result? 或许,三件帝器背后的人,以及主祭者,他们所要的都是这一结果吗? Harvesting from all walks of life, is not meaningful to that creature! 收割各界,对那种生灵没有任何意义! What they are looking , is don't tell me these light/only granule, the source of pollen road? Let them reappear completely!? 他们在找什么,难道就是这些光粒子,花粉路的源头吗?让它们全部再现出来!? The person outside bone palace is also observing Chu Feng, they are more surprised, quick shocked, some people of worried colors. 骨殿外的人也在观察楚风,他们更为吃惊,很快则是震撼了,还有部分人充满忧虑之色。 Through the special white bones wall, can Shining Upon have some Chu Feng's conditions, his whole body brings the dense fog, unexpectedly some restraint bone palaces, are unable to illuminate completely obviously. 通过特殊的白骨墙壁,能够映照楚风的部分状态,他周身带着迷雾,居然有些克制骨殿,无法全部显照出来。 Naturally, some truth that but reveals also makes the people stare dumbfounded, even is terrified. 当然,只是流露的部分真相也让众人瞠目结舌,甚至悚然。 The Chu Feng's body detail was enlarged infinitely, as can be seen, his some corrupted, has the fearsome aura, as if will die momentarily. 楚风的躯体细节被无限放大,可以看到,他有些部分腐烂了,带着可怖的气息,仿佛随时会死去。 Looked outside, he stands in the dense fog, just like the skeleton, fleshly body a large area of withers, unceasing was corroded, is lending the decayed aura. 在外面看,他站在迷雾中,宛若骷髅,肉身大面积的枯萎下去,不断的被侵蚀,散发着腐朽的气息。 What situation is this?” Even Old Gu was frightened, he does not understand the secret of Zhou Clan this bone palace. “这是什么情况?”连老古都惊悚了,他并不了解周族这座骨殿的秘密。 Long Dayu is scalp tingles, said: „Was Chu Feng this...... must hang?!” 龙大宇更是头皮发麻,道:“楚风这是……要挂了?!” The week abundant look is serious, said: This is his future, un, the one who is accurate is he, if evolves again, matter that possibly can have, the situation is very grim.” 周博神色严肃,道:“这是他的未来,嗯,确切的是他如果再进化的话,可能会发生的事,形势很严峻。” Then, some ancients explained, said: Do not be worried, each of us enters ancient palace, the future scene that Shining Upon comes out, can be the rotten body, even is more serious than him!” 接着,又有宿老解释,道:“不要担心,我们每个人进入古殿,映照出来的未来景象,都会是腐烂体,甚至远比他还要严重!” Because, if Shining Upon comes out, True Body is perfect, this explained that evolves not to have the issue again, will not have what risk. 因为,如果映照出来,真身完好无损,这就说明再进化毫无问题,不会有什么风险。 But, like the old fogy of week abundant this big beginning of the universe level, the words that he evolves again, was lifeforms of Great Universe level! 可是,像周博这种大混元层次的老家伙,他再进化的话,就是大宇层次的生物了! Evolves Great Universe Level creature, how many people throughout the ages has to succeed? 进化成大宇级生灵,古往今来有多少人能成功? Therefore, if lets Zhou Bo and ancient bones in the palace, the scene that the photo leaves reveals comes to be scarier. 所以,如果让周博以及宿老去骨殿中,显照出的来的景象会更为骇人。 This was also very fearful, Chu Feng cannot evolve again.” The Zhou Xi opens the mouth, is Chu Feng worries. “这样也很可怕了,楚风不能再进化了。”周曦开口,为楚风而忧。 night/lodge Old Daoist: According to his condition, he should precipitate at least for 10,000 years, can eliminate this hidden danger, then can walk again.” 一位宿老道:“按照他的状态来看,他最起码应该沉淀一万年,才能消除这种隐患,然后才可以再走下去。” If makes Chu Feng hear, he felt certainly that must fall insanely, where he has the time to cool for 10,000 years, he wishes one could to ascend a height to get a broad view immediately certainly the summit. 若是让楚风听到,他一定感觉要疯掉了,他哪里有时间去冷却一万年,他恨不得立刻就登临绝巅。 Because, in this time, even All Heavens came to the end point, individual where also has the time to accumulate anything, inadequate Ultimate One must die! 因为,在这个时代,连诸天都走到了终点,个人哪里还有时间去积淀什么,不成终极者就得死! However, at present one group of people actually change countenance, even shocks. 然而,眼下一群人却都动容,甚至震惊。 Especially Zhou Clan one group of young people, envy incomparably, shocks incomparably, so long as takes 10,000 years, this Chu Feng can aspire to seize Supreme Being Dominion? 尤其是周族的一群年轻人,羡慕无比,也震撼无比,只要需要一万年,这个楚风就能够问鼎大能领域了? This speed is very absolutely astonishing! 这个速度绝对很惊人! Although, this speed not necessarily can stand in line first several, but, quite went near. 虽然,这种速度不见得能排上前几名,但是,也相当靠前了。 "Um, if the luck is good enough, perhaps several thousand years can evolve again! ” Zhou Bo supplemented. “嗯,如果运气足够好,也许几千年就可以再进化了!”周博补充。 At this time, even/including Guailong and Old Gu were speechless, this abnormal speed made them not want to speak, was too quick. 这时,连怪龙与老古都无语了,这种变态的速度让他们都不想说话了,实在太快了。 Notice, they, for this can the fast promote step, actually pay what? Enough first! 须知,他们为了这一世能快速晋阶,究竟付出了什么?足足一世! From the prehistoric to the present, they are accumulating, that is the most precious time, discarded the friends and relatives, puts behind that once young person, traded the life the mastery. 从史前到现在,他们都在积淀,那是最宝贵的光阴,舍弃了亲故,忘却曾经的红颜,才换来此生的底蕴。 Chu Feng came out from the bone palace , when he hears the Zhou Clan famous elder consoles him to need the reprecipitation 10,000 years, directly goes wild, he can wait, but can world wait for him? The strange source, the ominous lord, offers a sacrifice to as well as officiating, these must appear, is not powerful, he did not have the opportunity! 楚风从骨殿出来了,果然,当他听到周族名宿劝解他需要再沉淀一万年时,直接抓狂,他可以等,可世间会等他吗?诡异源头,不祥之主,祭地以及主祭者,这些都要出现了,再不强大起来,他就没机会了! Even, steps on mysterious creature that the emperor bone must return. 甚至,还有踩着帝骨要回归的神秘生灵等。 But these explained that among this heaven and earth has the unknown secret, even above Firmament could not sit still to high lifeforms, must compete for anything. 而这些都说明,这天地间有不为人知的秘密,连上苍之上的至高生物都坐不住了,要来争夺什么。 Was too slow, don't tell me my aptitude unusually poor is incomparable, not suitable evolution?!” Chu Feng whispered. “太慢了,难道我的资质奇差无比,不适合进化吗?!”楚风低语。 People: „......” 众人:“……” Even if the Zhou Clan famous elder, the cheek is twitching, you in earnest? 纵然是周族的名宿,面皮都在抽搐,你这是在认真吗? Whom did you scold?! The strange dragon wants to spurt him. 你骂谁呢?!怪龙则是想喷他。 Old Gu a little could not bear want to kill him, thinks oneself for this life, did not hesitate to crash into Yin Mansion to turn into Nine Nether on own initiative, spends in distress to be delivered from oppression from the prehistoric now, oneself had not complained that but he said that 10,000 years were too slow, the clear/pain insanity of this scoundrel dared so the affection, this was not content, intentional!? 老古都有点忍不住想打死他了,想到自己为了今世,不惜主动坠入阴府中化成九幽祇,从史前苦熬到现在才重见天日,自己都没抱怨呢,而他却说一万年太慢了,这混账的楚疯魔竟敢如此作态,这样不知足,故意的吧!? Everyone does not want to manage him, envied to him including Zhou Clan these direct descendant, at this time closed the mouth that young envies, does not want to speak. 所有人都不想理他了,包括周族那些原本对他嫉妒羡慕的年轻嫡系,这时都闭上嘴巴,不想说话。 Chu Feng face upwards to sigh, said: Cannot think that I come across the life setback unexpectedly, has shackles that is hard to break. 10,000 years, I really cannot wait!” 楚风仰天而叹,道:“想不到啊,我居然遇到人生挫折,有难以打破的桎梏。一万年,我实在等不起啊!” How this person urged, how to praise? 这种人怎么去劝,如何去夸赞? The Zhou Clan famous elder also thinks excited and stimulated told him, this talent was rare since ancient times, the speed was fast enough, accumulated years to become Paramount. 原本周族的名宿还想激动与亢奋的告诉他,这种天赋古来罕见,速度足够快了呢,积淀一段岁月必成究极 But, the Zhou Clan ancients, get angry now, swallowed back the words. 可是,现在周族的宿老们,都黑着脸,将话语咽回去了。 Only the week abundant opens the mouth, said: „The care that I looked at a moment ago, your body has the strangeness, while future rotten, you will have silk threads vigor manifestation, perhaps at some subtle state of equilibrium, you can break confinement, will break through to a better aspect, will reduce accumulates the time.” 只有周博开口,道:“我刚才看的仔细,你身上有古怪,在未来腐烂的同时,你也有丝丝缕缕的蓬勃生机化生,处在某种微妙的平衡状态,或许你能打破樊笼,向更好的方面突破,会缩短积淀时间。” I will break through, 10,000 years were too long!” Chu Feng serious nod. “我会突破的,一万年太久了!”楚风郑重的点头。 You are earnest? One group of people are speechless. 你是认真的吗?一群人都无言。 Chu Feng and Old Gu several people started off, in the Zhou Clan the accompaniment of ancient and under old monster, catches up to wall there. 楚风老古几人上路了,在周族宿老与老怪物的陪同下,赶向界壁那里。 Now, two passed through places, are setting up many Dao Body shades, not only there is to degenerate True Immortal, has World of the Living's Paramount lifeforms. 现在,两界被贯穿的地方,立着很多道身影,不仅有堕落真仙,更有阳间的究极生物 In addition, has such big matter, it may be said that attracts worldwide attention, outside the abatement peerless powerhouse, various clans also came large numbers of troops, the short distance to observe. 此外,发生这么大的事,可谓举世瞩目,除却绝世强者外,各族也来了大批的人马,近距离观战。 At this time, the World of the Living three big Paramount powerhouses in a big way fell into three to degenerate in True Immortal’s Abyss, but also is resisting, the life and death does not know, has not had one person to determine the final outcome. 这时,阳间三大究极强者落入三大堕落真仙的深渊中,还在对抗,生死不知,并未有一人决胜出来。 Perhaps, first shakes off the fetter, first step surrenders to degenerate the True Immortal’s person to be Feather Sovereign. 或许,最先挣脱束缚,先一步降服堕落真仙的人会是羽皇 At this time this scenery, the entire world people are paying attention, wait for the Feather Sovereign suppression opponent, shows disdain for various immortal! 此时此景,全天下人都在关注,等待羽皇镇压对手,傲视诸仙! The distant place ground has the blood, this is True Immortal following creature fights to be the result. 更远处地上有血,这是真仙以下的生灵交手所致。 Unexpected, in blood mist, there is a holy light bunch to flow, void takes root has Great Dao Golden Lotus, in the ground in the surging fresh-tasting spring water, the place bloody and auspicious coexistence of complementing. 出乎预料,在血雾中,也有神圣光束流淌,虚空中扎根着有大道金莲,地面上在涌动甘泉,映衬的此地血腥与祥和共存。 Do not take a life, eventually is a person on one's own side, we anticipated that World of the Living's Fellow Daoist helps one another, helping us dispel the cause of disease.” “不要杀生,终究都是自己人,我们期待阳间的道友相助,帮我们祛除病源。” Degenerates the True Immortal opens the mouth, told the Supreme Being Level clansman, level the killer to various World of the Living clans Heavenly Venerate and under super elite disciple of beginning of the universe. 一位堕落真仙开口,吩咐大能级的族人,不要对阳间各族的天尊与混元层次的超级精英弟子下杀手。 Right, looks like in True Immortal, managing your beginning of the universe level lifeforms big age is later generation disciple, no matter what your Great Heavenly Venerate eats to continue the life medicine to live the present from Prehistoric Era is also only a younger generation. 没错,在真仙看来,管你混元级生物多大年龄都是后辈弟子,任你大天尊吃了续命药从史前时代活到现在也只是小字辈。 Degenerates True Immortal in the release good intentions? 堕落真仙在释放善意吗? But, the blood of ground explained all, the contest of this place was not simple. 可是,地上的血说明一切,此地的较量并不简单。 Dao Race, Ji Clan, Peng Race, Six-eared Macaque Race wait/etc., World of the Living each region came too many Great Clan, some people remain unmoved, some people are full are the colors of anxiety. 道族姬族鹏族六耳猕猴族等,阳间各地来了太多的大家族,有人不为所动,有人则满是忧虑之色。 For example, Sub Immortal Clan also came, they want on the battlefield eventually, some World of the Living's top Great Clan, usually enjoyed enough many resources, and was been globally recognized, in the war, World of the Living presents the big crisis, they must fulfill one's obligation, need on the driving battlefield. 比如,亚仙族也来了,他们终究是要上战场的,阳间的一些顶尖大族,平日享受了足够多的资源,且被世人尊敬,当发生界战,阳间出现大危机时,他们必然都要尽义务,需主动上战场。 Chu Feng is astonished, he saw the acquaintance, has a very handsome man in Sub Immortal Clan there, is frowning, precisely Ying Wudi. 楚风讶异,他看到了熟人,在亚仙族那里有个十分俊朗的男子,皱着眉头,正是映无敌 He should not be brought to work as the cannon fodder? Chu Feng guessed. 他该不会是被带来当炮灰的吧?楚风猜测。 In fact, various clans came many people, has core successor in clan, most disciple, naturally also has to for the family fight, elite disciple that being doomed to bleed. 事实上,各族都来了不少人,有族中的核心传人,最弟子,自然也有要为家族而战,注定要流血的精英弟子 Ying Wudi is very strong when Little World of the Dead, in the same time person ranks to go near, after World of the Living, as World of Death's Seed, obtains complete Greater World to nourish, it may be said that progresses by leaps and bounds. 映无敌小阴间时很强,同时代人中排名靠前,到了阳间后,身为阴间种,得到完整大世界滋养,可谓突飞猛进。 However, pitifully, he is not the core in Sub Immortal Clan very much as before, therefore this time goes to battle with the family, has the die danger. 但是,很可惜,他在亚仙族依旧算不上核心,所以这次随家族出征,有殒落的危险。 At this time, Sub Immortal Clan, Ying Xiaoxiao, Ying Zhexian and family's many powerhouses, are watching wall there through the giant valuable mirror at the same time, the two sisters incomparably worried, feared Ying Wudi died. 此时,亚仙族内部,映晓晓映谪仙与家族的诸多强者,都正在通过一面巨大的宝镜观看界壁那里,姐妹两人无比担心,怕映无敌死掉。 "Ah, Chu Feng, how he?! ” Ying Xiaoxiao shouted lowly, but he was worried. “啊,楚风,他怎么去了?!”映晓晓低呼,而他担心。 She is startled incomparably, was kidnapper this insane? Did not fear that was struck to kill by Sovereign Wu lineage/vein? Furthermore, even if he is very strong, but can participate there peerless great war? 她吃惊无比,人贩子这是疯了吗?不怕被武皇一脉击杀?再者,他纵然很强,可是能够参与那里的绝世大战吗? I go, whom did I see? Great Demon Chu appeared, True Body arrives, was too rampant, what signal is his is sending?” In some clan, reincarnation body of Old Donkey, now loose clean Lu Bahu, direct dumbfounded “我去,我看到了谁?楚大魔头出现了,真身降临,实在太嚣张了,他这是在传递什么信号?”某一族中,老驴的转世身,如今风流倜傥的吕伯虎,直接目瞪口呆 The time is not long, many people then pay attention to Chu Feng gradually. 时间不长,许多人便都渐渐关注到楚风 However, he has not cared, the Zhou Clan old monster with, him appeared by True Body has no issue, he wants to rectify names, does not want to hide again. 不过,他没怎么在乎,周族的老怪物跟来了,他以真身出现没什么问题,并且,他原本就想正名,不想再躲藏了。 He looks to Ying Wudi of not far away, thinks something, this fellow sees each time oneself with his elder sister as well as his sister when together, face such as being unjustly discredited bottom. 他看向不远处的映无敌,想到了过去的一些事,这家伙每次看到自己同他姐姐以及他妹妹在一起时,脸都如黑锅底。 Chu Feng cannot bear the opens the mouth, greeted, said: Reflects the black mole, called the elder brother, a while guaranteed you to be well!” 楚风忍不住开口,打招呼,道:“映黑子,叫哥,一会儿保你无恙!” Ying Wudi raised the head fiercely, saw this familiar old friend, he believed firmly has not misread, did not have the auditory hallucination, did this demon dare to appear in this place? He opens mouth. 映无敌猛地抬头,一眼看到了这个熟悉的故人,他确信没有看错,也没有幻听,这个魔头竟敢出现在此地?他张了张嘴。 Three leaders 三掌门 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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