SR :: Volume #16

#1520: Cultivating the behavior is low-key

Has the situation, I felt that the strong evil intention, has the scoundrel dog eight to aim at me!” The Old Gu opens the mouth, the complexion is ugly. “有情况,我感觉到浓重的恶意,有混账狗八要要针对我!”老古开口,脸色难看。 Then, he looked to the old acquaintance, repeatedly powerhouse-- Zhou Bo who once coerced his Zhou Clan big beginning of the universe level. 然后,他就看向了老熟人,曾经一再挤对他的周族大混元层次的强者——周博。 Your what meaning?” Zhou Bo is lending the decayed aura, narrows is seeing Old Gu. “你什么意思?”周博散发着腐朽的气息,眯缝着眼看老古 He sees Old Gu to stare at him, quite injured, because, he currently where has the mood to pay attention to this aspect teaching material. 他见老古盯着他,颇为受伤,因为,他现在哪有心情理会这个方面教材。 old Zhou, you wants to do, do not cope with me?!” Blames dragon opens the mouth, then, his happy from the bright status, who informing him is. “老周,你想干啥,不会也要对付我吧?!”怪龙开口,然后,他痛快的自亮身份,告知他是谁。 You are that small dragon, how now to turn into one...... the maggot?!” Zhou Bo is astonished. “你是那头小龙,现在怎么变成一只……蛆了?!”周博讶异。 I...... you!” A strange dragon old blood almost puffs out. “我……你!”怪龙一口老血差点喷出去。 Zhou Bo is what status, big beginning of the universe level lifeforms, powerhouse in extremely Supreme Being, must touch Great Universe Dominion, naturally sees strange dragon present True Body. 周博是什么身份,大混元级生物,大能中的绝顶强者,都要触及大宇领域了,自然看出怪龙现在的真身 Therefore, he took for strange dragon True Body is...... the insect. 所以,他误认为怪龙真身是……虫了。 In a flash, the strange dragon has a fit of bad temper, fucking, you are the maggot, your entire family is! 一瞬间,怪龙炸毛,特么的,你才是蛆,你全家都是! Naturally, he does not dare to shout, Zhou Bo entire family what status? World of the Living sixth Dao Lineage, the illustrious magnificent family, does not lack rotten Great Universe creature, has the Paramount powerhouse to assume personal command. 当然,他没敢喊出来,周博的全家什么身份?阳间第六的道统,赫赫有名的辉煌家族,不缺少腐烂的大宇生灵,更有究极强者坐镇。 He really must shout, it is estimated that but actually big mildew. 他真要喊出来,估计会倒大霉。 I...... Divine Silkworm, you see clearly, I have exceeded Heavenly Dragon!” Correction of strange dragon indignation. “我……神蚕,你看清楚点,我已超越天龙!”怪龙愤慨的纠正。 Zhou Bo a face strange color, this dragon turned into the insect, felt all right to say exceeds? Fortunately, he does not have again exciting Long Dayu! 周博一脸诡异之色,这龙都变成虫子了,也好意思说超越?还好,他没有再刺激龙大宇 Bang! 轰! At this time, the World of the Living peripheral zone, wall there appeared startled changes, spread the fluctuation of energy of fear world, the infinite Great Dao runes spread, there Paramount creature collision was intense. 这时,阳间边缘地带,界壁那里出现惊变,传出慑世的能量波动,无穷的大道符文蔓延,那里究极生灵碰撞激烈。 Feather Sovereign is incomparable, is seriously terrifying, after that big hand pats, covers Abyss, illuminates void, changes into the light the darkness. 羽皇无匹,当真恐怖,那只大手拍过去后,将深渊覆盖,照亮虚空,将黑暗化为光明。 As can be seen, bottom of Abyss, the Buddha Race old monk died during meditation, seems to have burnt down in the black flame. 可以看到,深渊底部,佛族老僧似乎已经坐化,在黑色火光中焚烧。 Buzz prosperous! 嗡隆! The Feather Sovereign big hand pressure falls, must fish from Abyss the Buddha Race's Paramount powerhouse. 羽皇大手压落,要将佛族的究极强者从深渊中捞出来。 Do not touch, he is not good.” Degenerates True Immortal to sigh. “不要触及,他不行了。”堕落真仙叹道。 His body both sides, the bright immortal physique crack is two halves, was fettered in the Abyss bank, in the reminder light rain sacred, but to strong Feather Sovereign. 他一体两面,光明仙体裂为两半,被束缚在深渊畔,提醒光雨中神圣而至强的羽皇 One side his darkness, assumes in Abyss, is indifferent and brutal, is lending the terrifying aura, the refining Buddha Race's old monk. 他的黑暗一面,坐镇深渊中,冷漠而无情,正在散发恐怖的气息,炼化佛族的老僧。 Buzz! 嗡! Shivers void fiercely, the Feather Sovereign vanguard, True Body approaches Abyss, the big hand also enters in more rapid searching. 虚空剧烈颤抖,羽皇前行,真身逼近深渊,大手也在更为迅速的探入。 But, all without enough time, Buddha Race's old man, even if powerful such as he, can look disdainfully the present age, but finally still turn into ashes in flame. 可是,一切都来不及了,佛族的老者,即便强大如他,可以睥睨当世,但最终也还是在火光中化成灰烬 And, at this time, Abyss expanded, must embezzle Feather Sovereign. 并且,在这个时候,深渊扩张,要将羽皇吞没进去。 World of the Living countless people call out in alarm, particularly Buddha Race, final reading wants not to have, this/should clan that outcome powerhouse died during meditation, was swallowed unexpectedly cleanly by Abyss. 阳间无数人惊呼,尤其是佛族,最后的念想都没有了,该族那位究竟强者居然坐化了,被深渊吞噬干净。 Feather Sovereign!” 羽皇!” At this time, many people called out in alarm, even he must downcast. 这时,许多人惊叫,连他也要陷落进去了。 Countless people are paying attention, the innumerable powerhouses are tense. 无数人在关注,数不清的强者都紧张起来。 On famous mountains that Harmony Province, never some people dare to be close, lifeforms sits cross-legged, by void, stares at the World of the Living wall place, his aura is powerful. 雍州,一座从未有人敢接近的名山上,有一位生物盘坐,透过虚空,凝视阳间界壁处,他的气息强大无匹。 At this moment, even past Harmony Province Overlord, relaxed the hands to stand, such as the young lad stood in this person behind. 此刻,连当年的雍州霸主,都垂手而立,如童子般站在此人的身后。 Who Harmony Province is Overlord? In the past one of the tripartite battlefield leaders, recovered and was born after its Sect Elder Feather Sovereign, he is drawing back. 雍州霸主是谁?当年三方战场的主导者之一,直到其师门长辈羽皇复苏并出世后,他在退下去。 This is troops, it may be said that the strong astonishment, is actually living which monsters, the outside world is unable to estimate. 这一系人马,可谓强的惊人,究竟都活着哪些怪物,外界无从揣度。 If doubted common, they are absolutely fearful, have energy that aspires to seize the world, otherwise first is Harmony Province Overlord, is Feather Sovereign, how dares to be put into action, can unify World of the Living? 如庸置疑,他们绝对可怕,有问鼎天下的底气,不然先是雍州霸主,而后又是羽皇,何以敢付诸行动,要统一阳间 „It is not good!” “不好!” On this mountain, the place of distant place, the There is still one young people, call out in alarm, because, he saw Feather Sovereign by the picture that Abyss will embezzle. 在这座山上,更远处的地方,还有一个年轻人,惊呼起来,因为,他看到了羽皇将被深渊吞没的画面。 This young people have an imposing appearance, brilliant, looks is not a mortal, his talent different reported. 这个年轻人气宇轩昂,头角峥嵘,一看就不是凡人,他天赋异禀。 If Chu Feng here, is certainly surprised, in the past he sneaked across Reincarnation by pure fleshly body, initially when World of the Living, once left behind karma, causing nine orifices stone embryo to breed creature ahead of time. 若是楚风在这里,一定要惊疑,当年他以纯肉身偷渡轮回,初来阳间时,曾留下因果,导致某一九窍石胎提前孕育出生灵 This young is people is spatial, originally is Immortal Embryo in nine orifices pebble, after being born, finally was received by Harmony Province lineage/vein is disciple. 这个年轻是人大空,本是九窍石卵中的仙胎,出世后,最终被雍州一脉收为弟子 Might as well!” “无妨!” Sits cross-legged the creature opens the mouth only on mountain peak, is not very real, is fuzzy and illusory, even Harmony Province Overlord is only his young lad. 唯一盘坐在山峰上的生灵开口,很不真实,模糊而虚幻,连雍州霸主都只是他身旁的童子。 At this moment, he opens the mouth is the true words, said the sound rumble, principle Large expanse, flowed the immortal ripple in void. 此刻,他开口就是真言,道音隆隆,法则成片,在虚空中流淌不朽的波纹。 World of the Living, by our lineage/vein universal!” He opens the mouth again, is very light, but actually such as the immortal 'Dao (道)' character symbol inscribes in Between Heaven and Earth, becomes Dharma Decree. 阳间,当被我们这一脉大一统!”他再次开口,很轻,但是却如仙道字符铭刻在天地间,成为法旨 "hē hē! ” World of the Living, the land of the polar north, Lunatic Wu seemed like has induced, opened the eye, talked to oneself: „The monster of this lineage/vein is really also living.” “呵!”阳间,极北之地,武疯子像是有所感应,睁开了眼睛,自语道:“这一脉的怪物果然还活着。” Meanwhile, underground world, some Dark Source there, some people whispered: No wonder Harmony Province has the energy, must set up Celestial Emperor, unexpectedly this ancient existence!” 与此同时,地下世界,某一黑暗源头那里,也有人低语:“难怪雍州有底气,要立天帝,竟还有这种古老的存在!” Thus it can be seen, the great strength of this lineage/vein. 由此可见,这一脉的强大。 At this time, it may be said that is a focus of public attention, World of the Living many people are paying attention to Feather Sovereign. 此时,可谓万众瞩目,阳间许多人都在关注羽皇 Qin Luoyin is also staring, looks takes the scene in mirror surface obviously 秦珞音也在凝视,看着显照于镜面上的景象 Was bad, Feather Sovereign also crashed into Abyss!” Some people call out in alarm. “糟了,羽皇也坠入深渊了!”有人惊呼。 Wall there, dark Abyss expands, making the infinite holy light rain extinguish, swallowed Feather Sovereign. 界壁那里,黑暗深渊扩张,让无穷的神圣光雨熄灭,将羽皇也吞了进去。 Everyone was vibrated greatly, World of the Living another extremely powerhouse, was known as that the myth in myth, has never had defeat Feather Sovereign, unexpectedly also suffers a disaster. 所有人都大受震动,阳间又一位绝顶强者,号称神话中的神话,从未有过一败的羽皇,居然也遭劫。 Plot!” “阴谋!” In a flash, some Evolver shouted the birth, thought Fallen Immortal King Clan to play tricks, was not the so-called fair showdown, was far from asks the person to help one side its suppression darkness. 一瞬间,有进化者大喊出生,认为堕落仙王族耍手段,根本就不是所谓的公平对决,更谈不上请人帮其镇压黑暗一面。 Wants not to need to think, this does not degenerate True Immortal, should be Fallen Immortal King!” “想都不用想,这不是堕落真仙,应该是一尊堕落仙王!” Some people flutter saying that does not shout fairly. 有人颤声说道,大喊不公平。 Ignominious, Fallen Immortal King Clan was too despicable!” Some people in the indignation, are agitated. “可耻,堕落仙王族太卑劣了!”一些人在愤慨,情绪激动。 However, World of the Living's Paramount lifeforms actually in silent, they are how powerful, can the clear induction, that not be Fallen Immortal King. 不过,阳间的究极生物却在沉默,他们何其强大,能够清晰的感应到,那并非堕落仙王 „, Feather Sovereign has not don't worry defeated, he enters Abyss on own initiative, perhaps a while killed!” Some people open the mouth. “不用担心,羽皇还没有败,他只是主动进入深渊而已,说不定一会儿就杀出来了!”有人开口。 In that Abyss, really flashes on and off erratically, swings the light rain, gradually fades in Feather Sovereign silhouette. 那口深渊中,果然明灭不定,荡起光雨,渐渐显化出羽皇身影 However, quick there was also dark. 不过,很快那里又黑暗了下去。 Old Gu revealed the look of surprise, said: „When this Feather Sovereign just came out, is sacred and powerful, overbearing boundless, wants to make Celestial Emperor, unexpectedly was killed?!” 老古露出异色,道:“这个羽皇刚出来时,神圣而强大,霸道无边,想做天帝,居然就这么被人干掉了?!” Zhou Bo laughs, said: Having neither learning nor skill, the look is disappointing, what looks, Feather Sovereign devotes to the position of Celestial Emperor, can be so easy dead?!” 周博嗤笑,道:“不学无术,眼神差劲儿,看什么呢,羽皇有志于天帝之位,能够这么容易死去吗?!” Old Gu said: I do not want to speak with you, I have felt you to my strong evil intention, but, I warned you, my big brother Li Da was also alive, do not annoy me!” 老古道:“我不想与你说话,我已经感受到了你对我浓重的恶意,不过,我警告你,我大哥黎龘还在世呢,别惹我!” Zhou Bo disdains, looks directly to Old Gu, said: Your this gnaws the elder brother clan!” 周博不屑,直接看向老古,道:“你这个啃哥族!” The strange dragon also follows to mutter: „It is not right, I even more felt anxiously, what situation, I do not think that the old weekly assembly started to me, he most was also kills near arriving surnamed Gu!” 怪龙也跟着咕哝:“不对呀,我越发觉得不安了,到底什么情况,我不认为老周会对我下手,他最多也就是弄死姓古的到边了!” This words almost give to irritate Old Gu, is one group, will speak the logical expression not?! 这种话差点把老古给气死,还是一伙儿的吗,会说人话不?! However, he does not think the internal conflicts, but is staring at Zhou Bo, said: You were so old , the later world was our young people peacefully.” 不过,他也不想窝里反,而是盯着周博,道:“你都这么老了,就安静点吧,以后的天下都属于我们年轻人了。” Zhou Bo is in a daze, is pointing at him, said: „Haven't you been concerned about face?” 周博发呆,而后指着他,道:“你还要脸不?” Zhou Clan one group of people are also speechless, this material for negative education is really the face is thick-skinned. 周族一群人也都无言,这个反面教材还真是脸皮厚。 Old Gu shoulders both hands, paces there, installs very much, said: old Zhou, you cares for the aged safely, my such young people, rise in this time, definitely will solve Fallen Immortal King Clan, I am doomed am a lead of time, magnificent shining is eternal!” 老古背负双手,在那里踱步,很装,道:“老周,你安心养老吧,我这样的年轻人,在这个时代崛起,必然会解决掉堕落仙王族,吾注定为一个时代的主角,辉煌耀万古!” Even Chu Feng was unable to continue watching, wants to him a palm of the hand, making him awake. 楚风都看不下去了,想给他一巴掌,让他醒一醒。 Let alone, we still in Zhou Clan, old Zhou anxious killed you be careful!” Strange dragon small sound said. “别说了,我们还在周族呢,当心老周急了打死你!”怪龙小声道。 Old Gu shoulders both hands to pace, careless, goes out of the palace, to raise head towards sky, then said: Has what fears it, on this day under I may go!” 老古背负双手踱步,毫不在乎,走出殿宇,抬头望天,然后道:“有何惧之,这天下我都可去得!” Then...... almost did not have then! 然后……差点就没有然后了! Startling thunderclap, ka-cha, the bang in his top of the head, belches smoke the whole body that he chops, poured at the scene, twitched directly, faints! 一声惊雷,喀嚓一声,轰在他的头顶上,将他劈的浑身冒烟,当场倒了下去,直接抽搐,昏死了! I go, what situation?!” The strange dragon is startled, pokes head, looks to Old Gu outside palace, then, his complexion also changed. “我去,什么情况?!”怪龙吃惊,探出头去,看向殿外的老古,然后,他的脸色也变了。 Of bang, huge thunder light, falls from another sky, chops on his body, making him all over the body burned black, braves the light smoke, staggers, almost falls down, he is prepared fortunately. 轰的一声,一道巨大的雷光,从另一片天空落下,劈在他的身上,让他通体焦黑,冒青烟,一个踉跄,也差点摔倒在地,还好他有准备。 Strange Dragon Qi ruins anxiously, said: Divides me to do, chops Old Gu, he in that side, your heaven anything look, admitting mistakes person! This dragon I always knows one's place, do not criticize me!” 龙气急败坏,道:“劈我干什么,劈老古啊,他在那边呢,你这老天什么眼神,认错人了!本龙我一向安分守己,别清算我!” Everyone is in a daze, what condition is this? 所有人都发呆,这是什么状况? Old Gu!” Chu Feng yelled. 老古!”楚风大叫。 Fortunately, the Old Gu talent different reported that even if were killed suddenly, was shelled the severe wound, but , a carp hit , the whole body belches smoke, the recovery existed side by side to be in the ground. 还好,老古天赋异禀,哪怕是突遭袭杀,被轰击成重伤,但还是挺过来了,一个鲤鱼打挺,周身冒烟,复苏并立身在了地上。 His instantaneous knows what's the matter, threatened from the space, making his fine body hair but actually vertical, that is-- Heavenly Tribulation! 他瞬间知道怎么回事了,威胁来自天上,让他寒毛倒竖,那是——天劫 You to my distant point, our both wanted Transcends Tribulation, but the thunder light prestige can be different, you crossed by me nearly will die!” Old Gu reminded the strange dragon rapidly. “你离我远点,我们两个都要渡劫了,而雷光的威能不一样,你挨着我过近会死掉!”老古迅速提醒怪龙。 Whiz! 嗖! Strange dragon very fine, first also understands that what condition, he ate Bloodline Fruit previously, oneself were similar to evolved, was more powerful, being doomed to cross Heavenly Tribulation. 怪龙很精,第一时间也明白什么状况了,他早先吃了血脉果,自身如同进化了般,强大了很多,注定要渡天劫 Indeed, I become creature of big beginning of the universe level, how possibly not to have Heavenly Tribulation, but was late!” Old Gu whispered there. “我说呢,我成为大混元层次的生灵,怎么可能没天劫,只是迟到了而已!”老古在那里低语。 The Zhou Clan people change countenance, some people were pondering over, quick yes what's the matter. 周族的人都动容,有人在思忖,很快明白怎么回事了。 Previously, on the vault of heaven, three Emperor Artifact to seal/confer heaven, with offering a sacrifice to back creature confronted, that was to the contest that had high, gave to block Heavenly Tribulation. 早先,天穹上,三件帝器封天,与祭地背后的生灵对峙,那是至高存在的较量,将天劫都给挡住了。 Even can say, two to exist to shock all high, Evolver's Great Calamity does not dare to approach, is unable to appear. 甚至可以说,两位至高存在震慑一切,连进化者的大劫都不敢临近,无法出现。 A moment ago, three Artifact and sacrifices vanished, no longer blocked All Heavens, therefore, Heavenly Tribulation of Old Gu and strange dragon started to appear. 刚才,三件器物与祭地都消失了,不再封锁诸天,所以,老古与怪龙的天劫又开始出现了。 But Chu Feng compared with Zhou Clan many of person understanding, he believes that after three Emperor Artifact and sacrifices vanish, his stone jar also helped Old Gu cover up the moment. 楚风周族的人了解的更多,他认为,三件帝器与祭地消失后,他身上的石罐也帮助老古遮掩了片刻。 Therefore, really installed until Old Gu a moment ago, shoulders both hands to pace to go out of the palace, when to Chu Feng is excessively far, he starts to suffer to be struck by lightning! 所以,直到老古刚才实在太装了,背负双手踱步走出殿宇,离楚风过远时,他才开始挨雷劈! "Áo! ” Old Gu is very miserable, struggles in the distant place, because, he became the powerhouse of big beginning of the universe level, this was character in extremely Supreme Being, but its disaster arrived, nature big fearsomeness. “嗷!”老古很惨,在远处挣扎,因为,他成为大混元层次的强者了,这是大能中的绝顶人物,而其劫难才到来,自然大的可怖。 He was submerged by thunder light, the whole body is the electric arc, was the blood, skin bone and internal organs is punctured, the time was not long met life and death Great Calamity. 他被雷光淹没了,满身都是电弧,都是血,皮骨与脏腑都早已被打穿,时间不长就遇到了生死大劫 The distant place, the strange dragon also is very more miserable, first has hair dishevelled, finally turns into a silkworm directly, all over the body is the fissure. 更远处,怪龙也很惨,先是披头散发,最后更是直接化成一只蚕,通体都是裂痕。 Two people in Transcends Tribulation, suffering in life and death. 两人在渡劫,在生死中煎熬。 Saw, that material for negative education extremely, the heaven was even unable to continue watching, started to divide him!” Week abundant opens the mouth, even if knows what's the matter, cannot bear coerce Old Gu. “看到了吧,那反面教材太过了,连老天都看不下去了,开始劈他!”周博开口,哪怕知道怎么回事,也忍不住挤对老古 Painful ghost I, damn, this Heavenly Tribulation comes was not too the time, I have not prepared!” Old Gu is resentful. “痛煞我也,该死的,这天劫来的太不是时候了,我都没有准备好!”老古愤懑。 However, now said that anything was useless, thunder light is infinite, submerges his there. 但是,现在说什么都没用了,雷光无穷,将他那里淹没。 This Great Calamity continued long time, the Old Gu strange dragon, almost died thoroughly, difficult struggling, some each one half body turn into ash. 这场大劫持续了很长时间,无论是老古还是怪龙,都几乎彻底死掉,艰难的挣扎,各自都有半边身子成灰烬了。 Finally, they crawl in the scorched earth, slowly recovers. 最终,他们在焦土中爬起来,慢慢恢复身体。 Chu Feng actually should also Transcends Tribulation, but, his body has stone jar, even if it does not recover now comprehensively, hoodwinks Heavenly Mystery, making Great Calamity is unable to appear, cannot the sensation to him. 楚风其实也应渡劫,但是,他身上有石罐,哪怕它现在不全面复苏,也蒙蔽天机,令大劫无法出现,不能感知到他。 After Old Gu and strange dragon Transcends Tribulation, restores fleshly body, after for a long time, enters in the palace. 老古与怪龙渡劫后,又修复肉身,很长时间后才进入殿宇中。 But at this time, World of the Living wall there had many things. 而这时,阳间界壁那里发生了很多事。 „The Li Family old monster also went, crashes into Abyss?” 黎族的老怪物也去了,坠入深渊中?” „Was the Ji Family's Paramount powerhouse also out?” 姬家的究极强者也下场了?” Old Gu and strange dragon are startled. 老古与怪龙都吃惊。 In that wall place, were many two True Immortal, now three degeneration powerhouses, three Abyss open wide, during three big powerhouses downcast. 在那界壁处,多了两个真仙,现在共有三位堕落强者,三口深渊都敞开,三大强者陷落当中。 However, Abyss that Feather Sovereign is shining, he has not been defeated, even saw his silhouette, must surrender that to degenerate True Immortal. 不过,羽皇所在的深渊在发光,他并未失败,甚至看到了他的身影,要降服那位堕落真仙 Beside shed this, Fallen Immortal King Clan several people, Realm under True Immortal, was very faint, relies on very much, challenges the eminents of various World of the Living clans. 舍此之外,堕落仙王族还来了几人,境界真仙之下,都很淡漠,也很自恃,挑战阳间各族的翘楚。 This my Zhou Clan entered the stage, several big strong clans are doomed to be out.” The Zhou Xi whole face worries about the color, feared that the elder unfavorable situation in clan, dies there. “该我周族出场了,几大强族都注定要下场的。”周曦满脸担忧之色,怕族中的长辈失利,死在那里。 Don't worry, has me, I solve several people!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, comforts Young Lady Xi. “不用担心,有我在,我去解决几人!”楚风开口,安慰少女曦 After Old Gu hears, smiled, looks at Zhou Bo, said: old Zhou, you looked, striving for hegemony of younger generation also started, asked me, as present age young outstanding, I can for your Zhou Clan take action!” 老古听闻后,更是笑了,看着周博,道:“老周,你看,年轻一代的争霸也开始了,求我啊,作为当世年轻俊杰,我可以替你周族出手!” „Haven't you been concerned about face?” The week abundant complexion is jet black, this material for negative education shook unexpectedly, but, seemingly also really needed this type young big beginning of the universe level lifeforms take action. “你还要脸不?”周博脸色漆黑,这反面教材居然抖起来了,不过,貌似还真需要这种“年轻”的大混元级生物出手 Old Gu proudly, said: My Gu Chenhai, valiant, with my brother Chu Feng was known as that peerless double arrogant, is going to sweep away to degenerate below together True Immortal all powerhouses!” 老古傲然,道:“我古尘海,英姿勃发,与我兄弟楚风号称绝代双骄,将要一起去横扫堕落真仙以下的所有强者!” The strange dragon was anxious, said: I, in addition my, even I cannot take action, but I still am one in Four Handsomes combination, cannot dismiss me, this great war must read aloud my prestige.” 怪龙急了,道:“我呢,加我一个,即便我不能出手,但我也是四大美人组合中的一员,不能将我开除啊,此次大战也要诵我之威名。” Old Gu has not responded him, looks to Zhou Bo, said: old Zhou, asked me, asks present age the who is in control? Also looks at our younger generation peerless double arrogant!” 老古没搭理他,看向周博,道:“老周,求我吧,试问当世谁主沉浮?还看我们年轻一代的绝世双骄!” Zhou Clan one crowd of person complexions are strange, silent visits him, thinks that this lord is not too concerned about face! 周族一群人都脸色诡异,无声的看着他,认为这主太不要脸了! Zhou Bo cheek twitches, said: In the past you gnaw the elder brother clan, depended on Li Da, now can become gnaws the younger brother demon?!” 周博则面皮抽搐,道:“当年你是啃哥族,倚仗黎龘,现在又要成为啃弟魔了?!” Three leaders 三掌门 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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