SR :: Volume #16

#1519: The heart is, Abyss is at

Blooms three flowers, is one, I and others never forgot that actually the family background is, but was actually harmed by the native land, is pitiful.” “一株开三花,原本是一家,我等从未忘记出身究竟是谁,可却总被故土误,最是可悲。” The World of the Living wall was penetrated the place, that lifeforms was very unexpectedly sad, filled disconsolately, making people feel a very miserable condition. 阳间界壁被击穿处,那个生物竟无比感伤,充满了惆怅,让人感受到一种非常凄凉的境况。 Across World of the Living, various creature of teaching are very surprised, is some old monsters is frowning. 阳间各地,各教的生灵都很吃惊,就是一些老怪物都在蹙眉。 About Fallen Immortal King Clan, 90% above Great Clan did not understand, but looks like Zhou Clan, Li Family, Dao Race wait/etc., naturally knows his foot, they indeed once were similar. 关于堕落仙王族,九成以上的大族都不了解,但是像周族黎族道族等,自然知晓其根脚,他们的确曾是同类。 Even can say, Immortal Race to the utmost radiant, magnificent shining was once eternal, its source may trace Celestial Emperor, once was legitimate lineage! 甚至可以说,仙族曾经极尽璀璨,辉煌耀万古,其源头可追溯到天帝,曾为正统 But, they were polluted, the comprehensive variation, fleshly body is rotten, then degenerates thoroughly, moves toward boundless Abyss, since becomes the enemy! 可是,他们被污染了,全面变异,肉身腐烂,而后彻底堕落,走向无边的深渊,自从成为了敌人! Now, in them the degeneration powerhouse, some people open the mouth unexpectedly like this, sad life experience, very dismal appearance, really surprised uncertain. 现在,他们中的堕落强者,居然有人这样开口,感伤身世,很悲凉的样子,实在让人惊疑不定。 Sighed, after the millenium, who knew my clan, whether also some people recalled, remembered us, originally was same root with different branches, this life actually massacres mutually.” “叹,千秋后谁知吾族,是否还有人追忆,记得吾等,本是同根同源,今世却相互残杀。” Now, some of my clan people really awaken, even produces the antibody, many clansmen are returning, understand completely previous life this life, the name that Fallen Immortal King Clan this fills the blood and crime, making me and others feel like a knife twisting in the heart.” “如今,吾族有些人真的觉醒了,甚至产生抗体,不少族人都在回归,彻悟前世今生,堕落仙王族这个充满血与罪的名字,让我等心如刀绞。” Is this really or false? Fallen Immortal King Clan awakens, really understood completely? 这是真的还是假的?堕落仙王族觉醒,真的彻悟了? Naturally, this world has the light to have the darkness, is ten days across the sky is then impossible to shine to each corner, some clansmen crash into Abyss to be very far, did not come back. But I and others actually do not want to go on a punitive expedition against with World of the Living again.” “当然,这世间有光就有暗,便是十日横空也不可能照耀到每一个角落,有些族人坠入深渊很远,回不来了。可我等这些人却不想再与阳间征伐。” As that lifeforms told, people knows some situations. 随着那个生物诉说,人们知道了一些情况。 The Fallen Immortal King Clan differentiation, some people are willing to reconcile with World of the Living, no longer is the enemy. 堕落仙王族分化,有人愿与阳间和解,不再为敌。 But somewhat degenerates True Immortal to further crash into fearsomer Abyss, is unable to turn head again, being determined to fight. 而有些堕落真仙则更进一步坠入更可怖的深渊,再也无法回头,执意要战。 Especially this time, All Heavens universal, finds a way out, carrying too far degeneration lifeforms could not bear, must die to knock World of the Living, destruction this. 尤其是这一次,诸天大一统,死中求活,走极端的堕落生物忍不住了,要死磕阳间,覆灭此界。 Comes, who fears anyone, in the past various who hasn't killed True Immortal? The monster that as long as a little fame, wants to rise, must kill a head, otherwise does not have the face to see the person!” “来就来,谁怕谁,当年各家谁没杀过真仙?但凡有点名气的,想要崛起的怪物,都要去杀一头,不然都没脸见人!” The Li Family old man called out, that may really not fear. 黎族的老头子叫道,那可真是一点都不怕。 Across World of the Living, many Evolver are in a daze, what abnormal age is that? Various clan powerhouses are all militant, take killing True Immortal as the honor! 阳间各地,许多进化者都发呆,那是什么样的变态年代?各族强者皆好战,以杀真仙为荣! Many people are stunned, by heavy of being startled, was World of the Living that losing past so unexpectedly strong? Fallen Immortal King Clan is regarded as the prey, discussed by. 许多人愕然,被惊的不轻,阳间那段失落的过去竟这么强势吗?堕落仙王族被视为猎物,以头来论。 Wall there, that lifeforms sighed: We are willing to fight again, particularly present Great Influence, finds a way out, struggles a slim chance of survival, our why bother internal friction?” 界壁那里,那个生物叹道:“我们愿再战,尤其是现在的大势,死中求活,争一线生机,我们何苦内耗?” The Li Family old man said: I have not said you, I was saying falls into Abyss thoroughly, is unable lifeforms then, making them come freely, the old man also wants to imitate the ancestor, kills several heads!” 黎族老者道:“我没说你,我是在说彻底堕入深渊,无法回头的生物,让他们尽管来,老夫也想效仿先祖,杀几头!” Old Man Li shuts up, keeps silent!” “黎老头闭嘴,噤声!” Even some World of the Living old monsters were unable to continue watching, making him do not say again, the present stage can not hit no one to be willing dead to knock, such will bleed dead very creature. 阳间一些老怪物都看不下去了,让他不要再说了,现阶段能不打没人愿意死磕,那样会流血死很生灵 The wall place, that lifeforms is very fuzzy, but can see is the human form, he opened the mouth again, said: I hope, stops the dagger-axe, common origin your I am bloodless and chaotic!” 界壁处,那个生物很模糊,但是可以看到是人形的,他再次开口了,道:“我希望,就此止戈,同源的你我再无血与乱!” You said that can for really?!” “你所说,可为真?!” A Buddha Race's old man could not bear, the white eyebrows is very long, the body illuminates in void obviously, walked from the ancient times like ancient Buddha, the whole body was rune, with ten thousand resonances! 佛族的一位老者忍不住了,白眉很长,身体在虚空中显照,如同古老的佛陀从远古走来,周身都是符文,与万道共鸣! Paramount lifeforms! 究极生物 Buddha Race, really mastery thick scary, the present stage has the creature recovery of Paramount level directly, talked with the Fallen Immortal King Clan person. 佛族,果然底蕴厚的骇人,现阶段直接有究极层次的生灵复苏,与堕落仙王族的人对话。 Naturally is real!” Wall place, that creature opens the mouth. “自然是真!”界壁处,那个生灵开口。 However, he also whispered: But, some issues need to be solved, some of my clan True Immortal will drop forever Abyss, did not have the recovery day again, must suppress.” 不过,他又低语:“不过,有些问题需要解决,吾族部分真仙永堕深渊,再无复苏日,需镇压。” "Um?! ” “嗯?!” This view makes the World of the Living major strong clans surprised, can Fallen Immortal King Clan direct to help kill another True Immortal?! 这种说法让阳间各大强族都惊讶,堕落仙王族要引强援去杀另一部真仙?! Unexpectedly directs World of the Living powerhouse take action, copes to fall into the clansman in Abyss, was some thorough that True Immortal breaks off seriously? 居然引阳间强者出手,去对付堕入深渊中的族人,这当真是彻底那部分真仙决裂了吗? Various World of the Living clans, many powerhouse great happiness, weaken Fallen Immortal King Clan, that is absolutely correct, is Great Influence. 阳间各族,有不少强者都大喜,消弱堕落仙王族,那绝对是正确的,是大势 How to suppress?!” Buddha Race old man opens the mouth, his can accomplish all the good fortune, before the body, behind is the special golden symbols, constructs full cassock. “如何镇压?!”佛族老者开口,他功参造化,身前背后都是特殊的金色符号,构建成一张铺天盖地的袈裟 This cassock vibrates gently, as if can suppress Eight Desolates! 袈裟轻轻抖动,仿佛可以镇压八荒 When enters Abyss!” lifeforms of wall place opens the mouth in the dense fog. “当入深渊!”界壁处的生物在迷雾中开口。 Across World of the Living, many people change color immediately, is this also the sincerity? 阳间各地,许多人顿时变色,这还算是诚意吗? If the World of the Living's Paramount powerhouse enters degenerates the region that Immortal Race is, but also there is a safeguard that anything maintains a livelihood, this is brings death mostly. 如果阳间的究极强者进入堕落仙族所在的区域,还有什么活命的保障,这多半就是去送死。 what intent, is this is playing jokes upon World of the Living's Evolver? 何意,这是在戏耍阳间的进化者吗? creature of various clans are silent at this time, the look is ugly. 各族的生灵此时都沉默,神色难看。 I said that all for, please look, Abyss adds my body!” In wall there, the big hole near, bang, the mist blasts out, is all of a sudden bright. “我所说皆为真,请看,深渊加吾身!”在界壁那里,大窟窿近前,轰的一声,雾气炸开,一下子明朗起来。 That lifeforms, the human form, has an immortal aura, but also likes the Abyss demonic nature, very contradictory individual, seems like the middle-aged man, but makes people feel incomparably ancient, probably with world coexistence infinite years. 那个生物,人形,带着仙道气息,但也有如深渊般的魔性,很矛盾的个体,看起来是个中年男子,但是却让人感觉到无比古老,像是与天地共存无穷岁月了。 He is degenerates at least True Immortal! 他最起码是个堕落真仙 Suddenly, the accident appears, in his back, appears Abyss! 突然,变故出现,在他的背后,浮现一个深渊 Meanwhile, his body split, works loose to arrive at fuzzy silhouette from his flesh, dark, ominous, comprised of rune, blends with that Abyss. 同时,他的身体裂开了,从他的血肉中挣脱出一到模糊的身影,黑暗,不祥,由符文组成,与那深渊交融。 This scene very fearsome, what condition is he? 这一场面很可怖,他到底是什么状况? His body is bleeding, probably was stood chops is two pieces, works loose some rune silhouette that to congeal with that black Abyss from middle as one. 他的身体在流血,像是被立劈为两片了,从当中挣脱出的部分符文身影与那黑色的深渊凝结为一体。 But even if his fleshly body split, is actually still living, had not died, but also is starting talking. 而他的肉身即便裂开了,却也活着,不曾死去,还在开口说话。 Looks at Finally, this is Abyss, helping me suppress!” “看到了吗,这就是深渊,帮我镇压!” This seems like the silkworm changes, but also is different, a silkworm cocoon, hatches two lifeforms, in splitting fleshly body, integrates back Abyss. 这像是蚕变,但却又不同,一个蚕茧,孵化出两个生物,一个在裂开的肉身中,一个融入背后的深渊 That cocoon, or that fleshly body, in unceasing bleeding, seems like very fearsome. 那茧,或者说那肉身,在不断的流血,看起来非常的可怖。 World of the Living, all powerhouses are frightened, was blown. 阳间,所有强者都惊悚,被镇住了。 This lifeforms condition makes people feel that the monster is evil! 这个生物的状况让人感觉妖邪! This was you said that having no interest with me and others was the enemy?” The Li Family old man could not bear, the anger upwells, said: This is clearly challenging the enemy to battle, provocation, to make war, might as well directly!” “这就是你说的,无心与我等为敌?”黎族的老者又忍不住了,火气上涌,道:“这分明就是在叫阵,挑衅,如果想开战,不如直接一点!” Some person shall be gratefuls as a personal favor, thought that was played jokes upon, in the end must with this lifeforms showdown. 一些人感同身受,觉得被戏耍了,到头来还是要与这个生物对决。 No, I really awakened, recovered previous life all sorts, but, has Abyss to add the body, therefore invited the World of the Living expert suppression!” The body almost lists as two halves the degeneration powerhouse opens the mouth. “不,我真的觉醒了,复苏了前世的种种,但是,却有深渊加身,所以请阳间高手镇压!”身体几乎列为两半的堕落强者开口。 "hē hē...... ” in his back, in Abyss hears the sneering sound, comprised of rune, slurred silhouette, has the fearful demonic nature, after letting World of the Living many Evolver hear, the headache wants to crack, probably was cursed. “呵呵……”在他的背后,深渊中传来冷笑声,那个由符文组成,模糊不清的身影,有可怕的魔性,让阳间许多进化者听到后,头疼欲裂,像是被诅咒了。 This quite strange, is a body pregnant two creature? 这相当的诡异,一体孕两个生灵 People are startled, have puzzled, confuses, suspicion. 人们吃惊,有不解,也有迷惑,还有怀疑。 Really like that needs the person to suppress and his connected Abyss as he said? 真的如他所说那般,需要人镇压与他相连的深渊吗? What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Some people do not believe, thinks Fallen Immortal King Clan profanes World of the Living, intentionally such affection, is actually shame all Evolver. 有人根本不相信,认为堕落仙王族轻慢阳间,故意这样作态,实则是羞辱所有进化者 Also some people suspected, perhaps this degeneration powerhouse said not empty, his indeed body both sides, he recalled previous life, but in his flesh also dark powerhouse who fell into Abyss. 也有人怀疑,或许这个堕落强者所言非虚,他的确一体两面,他忆起前世,但在他的血肉中也有一个堕入深渊的黑暗强者。 You should not tell us, so-called Fallen Immortal King Clan had some people to awaken, such as you so?” Buddha Race's that Paramount creature opens the mouth. “你该不会告诉我们,所谓的堕落仙王族有部分人觉醒了,都如你这般吧?”佛族的那位究极生灵开口。 That is true!” That lifeforms has not concealed, like this replied. “的确如此!”那个生物没有掩饰,这样回答。 That added anything, war!” World of the Living's Paramount creature could not bear, even more thought that Fallen Immortal King Clan goes too far. “那还说什么,战吧!”阳间的究极生灵忍不住了,越发觉得堕落仙王族欺人太甚。 Please listen to me saying that I really with the sincerity, please wait to suppress, killed him, I naturally then with you and others stood, I am imprisoned by Abyss at the present, often is not free!” “请听我说,吾真的怀着诚意,请你等来镇压,杀了他,我自然便与你等站在一起,而今吾被深渊禁锢,时常不自由!” That lifeforms said is very earnest, but its fleshly body crack is two halves, bloody, seeming like quite fierce and fearful, making one be afraid. 那个生物说的很认真,不过其肉身裂为两半,血淋淋,看起来相当的狰狞与可怕,让人不寒而栗。 This is really or false, can unexpectedly so? 这是真的还是假的,竟能如此? Suddenly, in World of the Living many hearts lacks self-confidence. 一时间,阳间许多人都心中没底。 Heart is, Abyss is, when executes the heart to be good!” World of the Living, some people opened the mouth. “心之所在,深渊所在,当诛心才行!”阳间,有人开口了。 I suppress!” “我去镇压!” The Buddha Race's powerhouse leaves, overtakes directly, must meet Fallen Immortal King Clan the lifeforms. 佛族的强者动身,径直赶了过去,要一会堕落仙王族的这个生物 World big quake! 天下大震! Because, that is one degenerates True Immortal, powerful being able imagine, Buddha Race's Paramount creature can cope? 因为,那可是一头堕落真仙,强大的不可想象,佛族的究极生灵能够对付的了吗? Several years later, Great Evil Spirit appeared finally, had nothing saying that killed it!” World of the Living, some places, have ancient creature to whisper. “时隔多年,大邪灵终于又出现了,没什么可说的,杀之!”阳间,有些地方,有古老的生灵低语。 Buddha Race's that powerhouse, the movement is quick, after one step starts to walk , the mountains and rivers reverse, cross the world, passes through endless void, arrived at wall there. 佛族的那位强者,动作很快,一步迈开后山河倒转,横渡天地,贯穿无尽的虚空,来到了界壁那里。 Come, kills my True Body, levels to degenerate Abyss!” That lifeforms opens the mouth. “来吧,杀我真身,填平堕落深渊!”那个生物开口。 His that two halves flesh and blood sends out radiance, unexpectedly has the iron chain in the sound, carefully looked, he locked , the split body was fettered before Abyss. 他那两半血肉之躯发出光华,居然有铁链在响,仔细看,他被锁住了,裂开的身子被束缚在深渊前。 But in Abyss, that fuzzy body comprised of rune is smiling, the tooth is very white, but actually gives people the frightened feeling, his whole body is the symbol, is whispering, suddenly makes World of the Living regional innumerable Evolver headaches want to crack again, was being degenerated the True Immortal no difference attack. 深渊中,那个由符文组成的模糊身体在笑,牙齿很白,可是却又给人惊悚的感觉,他周身都是符号,在低语,一时间让阳间各地无数进化者都再次头痛欲裂,在被堕落真仙无差别攻击。 Fortunately, the Buddha Race's powerhouse arrived, cassock covers forward, blocks all dark Dao marks, suppresses this lifeforms. 还好,佛族的强者到了,一张袈裟向前覆盖过去,挡住所有黑暗道纹,镇压这个生物 Instantly, the low sound of talking vanishes, corrodes the numerous Evolver's fearful fluctuations to be defeated and dispersed. 刹那,低语声消失,侵蚀众多进化者的可怕波动溃散。 cassock by the golden symbol construction, covers on Abyss, divine radiance shines, probably is purifying all. 袈裟由金色的符号构建而成,覆盖在深渊上,神圣光辉普照,像是在净化一切。 Unexpectedly made war like this!” “居然就这样开战了!” World of the Living, in the Zhou Clan palace, Old Gu sighed, never expected to develop today this step. 阳间,周族的殿宇中,老古叹道,没有想到今天会发展到这一步。 Chu Feng also changes countenance, the situation change quick is above the imagination, Fallen Immortal King Clan came, body both sides, initiate World of the Living Paramount creature take action. 楚风也动容,局势变化之快超乎想象,堕落仙王族来了,一体两面,引发阳间究极生灵出手 Bang! 轰! Dazzling radiance blooms together, that cassock burns unexpectedly instantaneously, then becomes the ashes, was burnt down by black flame. 一道刺目的光华绽放,那袈裟居然瞬间燃烧,而后成为了灰烬,被一股黑色的火焰焚毁了。 This is above the expectation of people, unexpectedly fought had the result? 这超乎人们的预料,居然才一交手就有了结果? Then, that Abyss emits the flaming flame, jet black incomparable, is strange and fearful, swallowed that Buddha Race's Paramount powerhouse directly. 接着,那口深渊冒出熊熊火焰,漆黑无比,诡异而慑人,将那佛族的究极强者直接吞噬了进去了。 A Buddha Race powerhouse low roar, but, actually without working loose, the whole body was submerged by the black fire, sinks to Abyss, in an instant disappears. 佛族强者一声低吼,但是,却没有挣脱出来,周身被黑火淹没,沉入深渊,转眼就不见了。 World of the Living loses one's voice! 阳间失声! Actually that is lifeforms, since ancient times did the rare peerless powerhouse, fight unexpectedly suffers a defeat and flees?! 那可是究竟生物,古来难得一见的绝世强者,居然才交手就败亡了?! The world was dark, the Sun and Moon star disappeared, a World of the Living gloominess, Paramount creature was swallowed unexpectedly directly, did that degenerate True Immortal what kind of fearfulness? 天地暗下来了,日月星都不见了,阳间一片灰暗,一个究极生灵居然直接就被吞了,那堕落真仙何等的可怕? Even, many hearts vibrate, suspected that is degenerates True Immortal? Should not be Fallen Immortal King! 甚至,许多人心头震动,怀疑那还是堕落真仙吗?该不会是一尊堕落仙王吧! Was in this time, the big hole on vault of heaven gradually closed, Primal Chaos Mace, Myriad Tribulation Mirror and Reincarnation Lantern these three Artifact completely hidden. 正在这时,天穹上的大窟窿渐渐闭合,混沌锏万劫镜轮回灯这三件器物全部隐去。 Offered a sacrifice to also disappears at this time, vanished! 祭地也在这时不见了,就此消失! The sound is going far away together, is dissipating: Finds a way out, a slim chance of survival.” 一道声音在远去,在消散:“死中求活,一线生机。” Officiating also retreats with that three Artifact back lifeforms! 主祭者与那三件器物背后的生物同时退走! At present, dim, as if all things catch up in the same place. 眼下,一片昏暗,似乎所有的事情都赶在一起。 People cannot see clearly the direction, even Paramount creature feels confusedly, the heart has the fear, how then should? 人们看不清方向,连究极生灵都感觉迷茫,心有恐惧,接下来该如何? Heart is, Abyss is, invites puts to death!” Wall there, the degeneration powerhouse opens the mouth again. “心之所在,深渊所在,请来诛杀!”界壁那里,堕落强者再次开口。 However, across World of the Living, various clan powerhouses were discrete, expression grave. 但是,阳间各地,各族强者都谨慎了,神色凝重 Who can kill him? Buddha Race's expert is very strong, but, a blink was swallowed, making people think that must suffocate. 谁能杀他?佛族的高手已经很强了,可是,一眨眼就被吞掉,让人觉得要窒息了。 My Li Family fearless!” The Li Family old monster got angry, previously when is also his temperament to be worst. “我黎族无惧!”黎族的老怪物怒了,早先时也属他脾气最差。 However, at this time, the Harmony Province direction leapt the big piece the light rain, the person first moved. 不过,这时,雍州方向腾起大片的光雨,有一人先动了。 Feather Sovereign?!” Some people call out in alarm. 羽皇?!”有人惊呼。 At this moment, even if in Zhou Clan, the Chu Feng's complexion still changed, by the Zhou Clan side crystal wall wall, looks at powerful silhouette in that light/only rain. 此刻,即便身在周族,楚风的脸色也不禁变了,透过周族的一面晶壁墙,看着那光雨中的强大身影 Person who Chu Feng nature knows that person, doubtful Qin Luoyin previous life likes. 楚风自然知道那个人,疑似秦珞音前世所喜欢的人。 Was he unexpectedly the Paramount powerhouse? Chu Feng changes countenance, has thought he is lifeforms of accurate Paramount level , this after the powerhouse who Lunatic Wu and Li Da rise, has stood the World of the Living high point. 他竟是究极强者了?楚风动容,一直以为他是准究极层次的生物,没有想到,这个在武疯子黎龘之后崛起的强者,已经站上阳间最高峰。 No wonder initially when tripartite battlefield great war, he routed southern Gaze Province Overlord rapidly, daring, must unify World of the Living. 难怪当初在三方战场大战时,他迅速击溃南部瞻州霸主,气吞山河,要统一阳间 At this time, on a World of the Living mountain peak, a graceful bearing peerless female looks into the universe, saw flies high to Feather Sovereign that crosses to go. 此时,阳间一座山峰上,一个丰姿绝世的女子眺望天宇,看到了凌空横渡而去的至羽皇 Her precisely Qin Luoyin, has this big today, is in World of the Living, she has naturally induced. 正是秦珞音,今天发生这种大,身在阳间,她自然有所感应。 „Can Feather Sovereign strike to kill the Fallen Immortal King Clan powerhouse?!” Some World of the Living places, some people are whispering. 羽皇能够击杀堕落仙王族的强者吗?!”阳间一些地方,有人在低语。 Do the words that cannot kill, how unify World of the Living? He resolves to be the Celestial Emperor's person!” Has the old monster opens the mouth. “不能杀的话,怎么统一阳间?他可是立志要做天帝的人!”有老怪物开口。 But also some people shake the head, said: Feather Sovereign, naturally does not need saying that but, Harmony Province lineage/vein must unify World of the Living, not necessarily is the Feather Sovereign final name reveres, the water of this lineage/vein is very deep!” 但也有人摇头,道:“羽皇至强,自然无需多说,但是,雍州一脉要统一阳间,不见得是羽皇最终称尊,这一脉的水很深!” The Feather Sovereign journey, the divine glow trillion wisps, the light rain sprinkles, sacred incomparable, illuminates the most vault of heaven, really seems like the emergence flying immortal, shines world. 羽皇出行,神芒亿万缕,光雨洒落,神圣无匹,照亮大半个苍穹,真的像是羽化飞仙般,普照世间。 He passes through the chaos, hurries to toward wall there. 他贯穿混沌,向着界壁那里赶去。 Old Gu could not bear, said: Today, is your my brother blooming ray day, has not thought that was this grade of big deal, I felt that the crest of wave was all snatched up.” 老古忍不住了,道:“今天,原本是你我兄弟绽放光芒的日子,没有想到出了这等大事,我感觉风头全被人抢光了。” Old Gu refuses to accept, said there: „Do we want to do a big matter?!” 老古不服,在那里又道:“我们是不是要干件大事儿?!” Chu Feng is speechless, is very on the other hand calm. 楚风无言,相对来说很沉稳。 His Soul River has rushed, although world does not know its prestige, but, he has the energy. 他连魂河都闯过了,虽然世间不知其威,但是,他相当的有底气。 However, not knows why, at this time in some of his also hearts uneasy. 不过,不知道为何,这时他也有些心中不宁了。 What matter has to happen, wants the drastic change? Chu Feng was suspecting seriously. 是有什么事情要发生,要剧变吗?楚风在严重怀疑。 „It is not right, what condition, I always thought that must have the matter, concerns really in a big way!” Blames dragon opens the mouth, the whole face dignified and alarmed and afraid color, even, some of his scalp tingles. “不对劲儿,什么状况,我总觉得要出事儿,关乎甚大!”怪龙开口,满脸凝重与惊惧之色,甚至,他都有些头皮发麻了。 Old Gu also suddenly raising the head, he thought that the scalp must blast open, can present what kind of accident?! 老古亦霍的抬头,他觉得头皮要炸裂了,到底要出现何等变故?! Even, Zhou Clan some old monsters are also frightened, in heart intense anxious. 甚至,周族的一些老怪物也惊悚,心中强烈不安。 Meanwhile, Feather Sovereign rushes to wall there, trillion light rain spurt, to Peak, he was very sacredly strong, the under foot is treading radiant Great Dao runes, is born just like Celestial Emperor! 此际,羽皇赶到界壁那里,亿万光雨飞洒,神圣到了极致,他很强势,脚下踏着璀璨的大道符文,宛若天帝降世! Bang! 轰! No words, he in the pressure toward Abyss falls single-handed, covered the darkness. 没有任何话语,他单手向着深渊中压落过去,覆盖了黑暗。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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