SR :: Volume #16

#1518: Once killed Immortal Race

Is this what kind of lifeforms behavior? Unexpectedly punctures the World of the Living Greater World barrier, really the terrifying letting person is afraid. 这是何等的生物所为?居然将阳间大世界壁垒打穿,实在恐怖的让人不寒而栗。 This creature inevitably can accomplish all the good fortune, if intends to aim at some World of the Living's ancient Dao Lineage, implements the fixed-point extermination of the clan, that was fearful. 这个生灵必然功参造化,若是有意针对阳间的一些古老道统,实行定点灭族的话,那就可怕了。 Zhou Clan high and low all terrified, even some old monsters could not sit still. 周族上下皆悚然,连一些老怪物都坐不住了。 In the hanging islands, in the golden palace is hanging ancient mirror, lustrous shine, monitors World of the Living, the fuzzy picture will pass on, Shining Upon void. 悬空的岛屿上,黄金殿宇中挂着一面古镜,莹莹发光,监控阳间,将模糊的画面传了过来,映照虚空中。 A jet black big hand, such a palm of the hand brandishes directly, hits to burst the chaos, the puncture wall, appears in World of the Living! 一只漆黑的大手,直接就那样一巴掌抡来,打溃混沌,击穿界壁,浮现在阳间 In there, Order rune is crowded, in the texture of black big hand appearing mountains Sun and Moon, greatly was extremely boundless, this can extinguish the world simply. 在那里,秩序符文密集,黑色大手的纹理上映现山川日月,太过宏大无边了,这简直可以灭世。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Zhou Clan that valuable mirror is split up, cannot again the scene of Shining Upon World of the Living wall place. 周族的那面宝镜四分五裂,不能再映照阳间界壁处的景象。 „The war must approach, all Order of this world must be overthrown, dangerously also the most fearful time towering coming, is my clan possibly can the destruction!” “界战要来临了,这世间的一切秩序都要被推翻,最危险也最可怕的时代突兀到来,便是我族都可能会覆灭!” Zhou Bochan the sound said, the catastrophe arrived, this is incomparably fearful tumultuous times, the bleeding time arrives. 周博颤声道,大灾难到了,这是一个无比可怕的乱世,流血时代就此到来。 At this time, Chu Feng has found, Dharma Decree that previously Zhou Clan received is anything, simple one line of characters: Universal, a slim chance of survival! 这时,楚风已经了解到,早先周族接到的法旨是什么,只有简单的一行字:大一统,一线生机! Is this to the enlightenment that high creature gives? 这是至高生灵给予的启示吗? Therefore, some time ago the World of the Living each region chaos, were discussing how must unify World of the Living. 所以,不久前阳间各地大乱,都在商议,要如何统一阳间界。 But now looks like, the so-called universality, involves All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, rather than a territory, this was scary, was Paramount creature could be extinguished, cannot be left over several. 可是现在看来,所谓的大一统,是涉及到了诸天万界,而非一域,这就骇人了,便是究极生灵都可能要被灭,剩不下几个。 If really All Heavens bleeds, from all walks of life to the war, in world so-called immortal inheritance, Paramount Dao Lineage wait/etc., is nothing radically, must be hit remnantly, nine entirely succeed must by the crew cut. 真要是诸天流血,各界对战,世间所谓的不朽传承,究极道统等,根本算不了什么,都要被打残,九成都要被推平。 This is, is not the disaster, why must inspire me and other universal, isn't the present situation good?” “这是,不是天灾,为什么要启示我等大一统,现状不好吗?” A senile Supreme Being opens the mouth, voice tremble, the whole body is the decayed aura, he could not live for several years, was not considering for oneself, but worries about Zhou Clan, worry later generation. 一位衰老的大能开口,声音发抖,满身都是腐朽的气息,他活不了几年了,不是在为自己考虑,而是忧周族,担心后辈。 Keeps silent!” “噤声!” Zhou Bo scolded in a low voice, could not bear look up a vault of heaven, that big hole has not vanished, three Emperor Artifact and sacrifice phantom still, confronted as before. 周博低声呵斥,忍不住抬头望了一眼天穹,那大窟窿还没有消失呢,三件帝器与祭地虚影还在,依旧对峙。 Looks Dharma Decree that the ancestor palace arrives at newly wrote anything!” Week Unzen opens the mouth. “看一看祖殿新降临的法旨写了什么!”周云仙开口。 Also a moment ago, Dharma Decree flew from that day arched on big hole place, fell in the Zhou Clan ancestor palace. 刚才,又有一张法旨从那天穹上的大窟窿处飞来,落在周族的祖殿中。 In fact, Zhou Clan, leading ancient Dao Lineage receives newest Dharma Decree incessantly. 事实上,不止周族,排名靠前的古老道统都接到最新法旨 Distant place, that ancient palace in void float, middle have several a more ancient powerhouse to assume personal command, is in the Zhou Clan history the ancestor level exists, they are decayed, the deterioration, did not have the human form quickly. 远处,那座古殿于虚空中悬浮,当中有数位更加古老的强者坐镇,都是周族史上祖宗级存在,他们腐朽,衰败,都快没人形了。 However, they actually difficult and diligently is living, only to increase the Zhou Clan mastery, protects the family. 但是,他们却都在艰难而努力的活着,只为增加周族的底蕴,保护家族。 These people once were clan head of all previous generations, although the strength of non- family pyramid most apex, was not Great Universe Level lifeforms, but also shocked everybody, weakest on two points compared with Zhou Boqiang. 这几人曾是历代的族长,虽非家族金字塔最顶点的战力,不是大宇级生物,但也惊世骇俗,最弱的都比周博强上两分。 At this time, some people sighed: Chaos arrive, this is final a slim chance of survival, is final crazy, can harvest from all walks of life?” 此时,有人叹道:“大乱到来,这是最后的一线生机,还是最终的疯狂,要收割各界?” „The choice, can delay the destruction at present at least, making various clans live some years.” “还有选择吗,眼下最起码可以延缓毁灭,让各族多活上一些年。” No choice, otherwise, once offers a sacrifice to arrives, but I and others did not turn, lifts the clan to extinguish.” “没的选择,不然,一旦祭地降临,而我等不投靠过去,举族皆灭。” But, in my heart anxious, three Emperor Artifact back lifeforms, making World of the Living unify, making All Heavens universal, is really sheltering me and others?” “可是,我心中还是不安,三件帝器背后的生物,让阳间统一,让诸天大一统,真的是在庇护我等吗?” Several old monsters grasp Zhou Clan most core the secret, many that rotten Great Universe lifeforms that even the ratio cannot shun the world understands, after all is clan head of Zhou Clan all previous generations, does it yourself, chancellor many years! 几位老怪物掌握周族最核心的秘密,甚至比避世不出的腐烂大宇生物都了解的更多,毕竟是周族历代的族长,亲力亲为,主事多年! Also will not necessarily really evolve the frigidity of All Heavens bloody battle, this does not have the indication, various clans can discuss safely, draws back step words, can perhaps stop the dagger-axe.” “也不见得真的会演化诸天血战之惨烈,这不是有预示吗,各族可以稳妥的商谈,退一步的话,或许就能止戈。” But, the true strong clan, inherits ancient and complete Greater World, who will lower the head? Lives this position, whose not knows, is the tumultuous times, is powerhouse permanent, being doomed that first lowers the head will degenerate into the repercussions, so-called a slim chance of survival for the strongest preparation!” “可是,真正的强族,传承古老而完整的大世界,谁会低头呢?活到这种境地,谁不知道,越是乱世,越是强者恒强,先低头的注定会沦为劫灰,所谓一线生机都是为最强一界准备的!” A half body rotten old man sighed, he in big beginning of the universe level precipitation many time, became the beginning of the universe powerhouse of permanent character title quickly, powerful incomparable. 一位半边身子腐烂的老者叹道,他在大混元层次沉淀很多个时代了,都快成为恒字称号的混元强者了,强大无比。 First discussed that if can stop the dagger-axe, always dyes All Heavens to be better than the blood.” “先谈吧,若是能止戈,总比血染诸天好一些。” My Zhou Clan, in World of the Living, although ranks in first several, but takes a broad view at from all walks of life, the opponent were too many, making one deeply feel anxious.” “我周族阳间虽然排位前数名内,但放眼各界,对手太多了,令人深感焦虑。” Meanwhile, their several people are also staring at ancient mirror, is plainer than that side that in golden ancient palace bursts. 同时,他们几人也都在盯着一面古镜,比黄金古殿中破裂的那一面还要古朴。 Several people saw the fuzzy picture, is staring at the wall to damage the place, and guessed that is which take action. 几人看到了模糊的画面,都在盯着界壁破损处,并猜测出是哪一界出手 Fallen Immortal King Clan really domineering, they first cannot bear, is this wants to control Myriad Worlds?” 堕落仙王族真的强势啊,他们最先忍不住,这是想统驭万界?” Although is the method of this/should clan, but there gap is linking actually does not seem like degenerates Immortal World!” “虽然是该族的手段,但那里的缺口连着的却不像是堕落仙界!” Is that world that they support, Fallen Immortal King Clan is responsible for the puncture wall, indulges that creature to straddle zones.” “是他们扶持的那个世界,堕落仙王族负责击穿界壁,放纵那一界的生灵跨界过来。” Finally, they one discussed in private, will see, as well as rune Shining Upon on Dharma Decree went out, passed to Zhou Clan all famous elders at present. 最终,他们一番密议,将所看到的,以及法旨上的符文映照出去,传到了周族所有名宿的眼前。 The Dharma Decree general idea/careless is, All Heavens universal, finds a way out, a slim chance of survival period. 法旨大意就是,诸天大一统,死中求活,一线生机可期。 After Zhou Bo, Zhou Yunxian and the others saw these, does the complexion change suddenly, finds a way out? 周博、周云仙等人看到这些后,都脸色骤变,死中求活? Did this seriously, what degree deteriorate?! 这得多么严重,恶化到了什么程度?! Chu Feng and Old Gu complexion also changed, at this time, had a premonition that the reign of terror the time arrives, the heaven shaking change in situation started seriously. 楚风老古的脸色也变了,此时,都预感到腥风血雨的时代到来,惊天变局当真是开始了。 Fallen Immortal King Clan, is very strong, very fearsome, they appeared! Great Realm that this/should clan supports first launches an attack, moreover comes to World of the Living directly.” Zhou Yunling complexion is also ugly. 堕落仙王族,很强,很可怖,他们又出现了!该族扶持的大界最先发难,而且直接冲着阳间而来。”周云灵也脸色难看。 Obviously, this and other immortal Dao Lineage, World of the Living ranks the most family near the top, understanding many astonishing ancient secret, the imagination of far ultra world. 显然,这等不朽的道统,阳间排名最靠前的家族,了解很多惊人的古老秘辛,远超世人的想象。 If there is a bloody battle, the first war, being doomed to do with Fallen Immortal King Clan, just started is this incomparable terrifying ethnic group, was too fearful.” “如果有血战,第一战,注定要与堕落仙王族打交道,刚开始就是这一无比恐怖的族群,太可怕了。” At this time, the anxiety that Supreme Being is filled with, Zhou Clan was even worried, it can be imagined issue how serious. 此时,一位大能满心的忧虑,连周族都在担心,可想而知问题多么的严重。 Old Gu does not make noise, this place atmosphere is dignified. 老古都不出声了,此地气氛凝重。 In the Chu Feng also heart uneasy, World of the Living must have great war, but that so-called Fallen Immortal King Clan, absolutely is a Great Evil Spirit clan. 楚风也心中不宁,阳间界要有大战了,而那所谓的堕落仙王族,绝对就是大邪灵一族。 "hē hē, nothing fearful, although called Fallen Immortal King Clan, but you really think that was the immortal, that was too absurd. ” An old man opens the mouth. “呵,没什么可怕的,虽然叫堕落仙王族,但你们真以为都是仙啊,那岂不是太荒谬了。”一位老者开口。 Now, they discussed in the palace, without carrying Chu Feng and Old Gu, because these matters must spread over World of the Living immediately, Fallen Immortal King Clan can be the world altogether enemy. 现在,他们在殿中商议,都没有背着楚风老古,因为这些事马上就要传遍阳间,堕落仙王族会是天下共敌。 The week abundant opens the mouth, said: What to be anxious, what is afraid? Any Immortal King clan, had to kill in the past, moreover kills may be True Immortal, does not hang the unwarranted reputation lifeforms!” 周博开口,道:“紧张什么,害怕什么?什么仙王族,当年又不是没弄死过,而且杀的可都是真仙,不是挂虚名的生物!” He said this secret unexpectedly, making everyone be startled, even Old Gu vibrated greatly. 他居然说出这种秘辛,让所有人都吃惊,连老古都大为震动。 Chu Feng is astonished, the Zhou Clan mastery was too terrifying, once had killed some True Immortal? 楚风更是惊异,周族的底蕴太恐怖了,曾杀过一些真仙 Do not think that Fallen Immortal King Clan is great, not when the enemy, did not draft the immortal in the past, my Zhou Family is also the strong main force.” Week Boda , Hungary, raises the morale. “不要觉得堕落仙王族多么了不起,并非不可敌,当年征仙时,我周家也是强大的主力呢。”周博道,鼓舞士气。 At this time, Chu Feng thought of some past events suddenly, the World of the Living ancients once slaughtered with Immortal Race, then separated that stretch of battlefield, now looks like, spelled with the Fallen Immortal King Clan blood? 这时,楚风突然想到一些旧事,阳间界的先民曾与仙族厮杀,而后断开了那片战场,现在看来,就是与堕落仙王族血拼? This is the different systems, different evolution branch road showdown, but also has other secrets inevitably. 这是不同体系,不同进化支路的对决,但其中必然还有其他隐秘。 Does Immortal Race, how become Fallen Immortal King Clan? 仙族,何以成为堕落仙王族 Chu Feng thinks that dog sovereigns, nine one, carrions and the others some words, some clear(ly) became aware, the road has broken, once crashes magnificently dark. 楚风想到狗皇、九道一、腐尸等人的一些话,有些明悟了,路已断,曾经的辉煌坠落到黑暗。 True Immortal Race ? Almost becomes Fallen Immortal King Clan! 真正的仙族,还有吗?几乎都成为堕落仙王族 This holds to the part of truth of blood? 这就是粘着血的一部分真相吗? Our Zhou Clan ancient ancestor, once in the past the achievement Great Universe body, arrived in Paramount Dominion, will kill the immortal on own initiative. Who magnificence hasn't gone to kill has degenerated True Immortal? This was the past prevailing custom!” “咱们周族古祖,当年一旦成就大宇身,走到究极领域中,就会主动去杀仙。试问,辉煌者谁没去杀过堕落真仙?这就是当年的风尚!” The relaxedness that Zhou Bo said as far as possible, otherwise, has not made war, oneself morale is first low, that definitely incomparable bad. 周博尽量说的轻松,不然的话,还未开战,自家士气先低落下去,那肯定会无比的糟糕。 What some words he said is real, but some naturally many moisture contents. 有些话他说的是真的,但有些自然有不少水分。 The Zhou Clan ancestor once killed True Immortal, this is real, but does not march into Great Universe Level to achieve, must obtain late stage to have the possibility. 周族先祖曾经杀真仙,这是真的,但绝非一步入大宇级就能做到,必须得到了中后期才有可能。 Rotten Great Universe lifeforms, cannot resist with all one's strength True Immortal level creature. 腐烂的大宇生物,不能力敌真仙生灵 Naturally, Zhou Family once old Paramount, endured long years Great Universe lifeforms, the indeed powerful oddness, had truly killed True Immortal in years past. 当然,周家曾经的老究极,还有熬过漫长岁月大宇生物,的确强大的离谱,昔年确实都杀过真仙 Also, how many clans may compare with Zhou Family, how many Dao Lineage they after all are the rank in strongest, grasps one of the Evolutionary Civilization fiercest breathing method, how can not be bright? 可是,又有几族可与周家相比,他们毕竟是排位在最强的几个道统内,掌握有这个进化文明最厉害的呼吸法之一,怎能不灿烂? Has killed True Immortal? My clan is so powerful, but now living ancient ancestor, can achieve this?!” “杀过真仙?我族这么强大,而现在活着的古祖呢,也能够做到这一步吧?!” Those present are encouraged, warm-blooded surged. 在场的人都无比振奋,热血都激荡了起来。 Naturally, my clan Paramount powerhouse, kills True Immortal not to have the issue.” The week proudly, is abundantly confident about own ancient ancestor. “当然,我族究极强者,杀真仙毫无问题。”周博傲然,对自家的古祖充满信心。 Then, he supplemented, said: Told you also to might as well, my clan even has to kill True Immortal’s Old Ancestor to live in the past the present age from the past years.” 而后,他又补充,道:“告诉你们也无妨,我族甚至有当年杀过真仙的老祖从当年一直活到当世来。” This makes one group of people shocking, is then excited, the morale rises suddenly, how even if end the world does arrive? Some generations people of Zhou Clan prehistoric also in! 这让一群人震惊,而后兴奋,士气暴涨,哪怕末世到来又如何?周族史前的列祖列宗有些人还在呢! That person underwent the blood and fire test top powerhouse absolutely, the confidence of Zhou Clan person explodes immediately. 那种人绝对是经过了血与火考验的至强者,周族人的信心顿时就爆了。 Ok old Zhou, several words on ignition clansman magnificent faith.” Old Gu said. “可以啊老周,几句话就点燃族人辉煌信念。”老古说道。 Zhou Bopie his eyes, said: Your this material for negative education, living failure case, let alone the words, I feared that has a bad effect on the elite juniors of my clan.” 周博瞥了他一眼,道:“你这反面教材,活着的失败案例,就别说话了,我怕带坏我族的精英子弟。” Then, he supplemented, sincere, said: Many and your elder brother studies one study, although he heart sinister hand is spicy, is not the good person, but is very indeed strong, in the past was to also kill the True Immortal’s person.” 接着,他又补充,语重心长,道:“多和你兄长学一学,他虽然心黑手辣,不是什么好人,但的确很强,当年也是杀过真仙的主儿。” Li Da this score, somewhat Old Gu not knows, making him be somewhat in a daze. 黎龘这种战绩,有些连老古都不知道,让他有些发呆。 However, is quick he to recover, this Zhou Bo is scolding him, once again said that he is the material for negative education. 但是,很快他就回过神来,这周博在骂他呢,又一次说他是反面教材。 The Old Gu nose is almost air/Qi crookedly, said: How I failed, you look at you, living such for a long time is also the big beginning of the universe, I now was also this level the powerhouse!” 老古鼻子差点气歪,道:“我怎么失败了,你看你,活了这么久也就是大混元吗,我现在也是这个层次了强者了!” At this time, the bronze tower in not far away shone suddenly, the week abundant facial color changed, his knows, that is the contact tower of World of the Living strongest several clan. 这时,不远处的一座青铜塔突然亮了起来,周博面色变了,他知道,那是阳间最强几族的联络塔。 Obviously, should be Buddha Race, Heng Clan, Ji Clan wait/etc. must with the Zhou Clan private talk. 显然,应该是佛族恒族姬族等要与周族密谈。 Zhou Bo walks into the bronze tower rapidly, appears the old monster of strongest several clan in inside, knew, is very serious, discussed in private rapidly. 周博迅速走入青铜塔,在里面浮现出最强几族的老怪物,彼此间都认识,都很严肃,迅速密议起来。 Fallen Immortal King Clan, through and supports another Greater World, the first choice is to break through my World of the Living, malicious strong, this will extinguish the war, was impossible to be friendly, did not die continuous!” 堕落仙王族,借道与扶持另外一个大世界,首选就是要攻破我阳间,恶意浓重,这将是灭界之战,不可能善了,不死不休!” Hits!” “打吧!” „Must hit, moreover must kill the True Immortal blood dyes red vault of heaven, immortal corpse Large expanse, otherwise forever is unable to stop the dagger-axe!” “必须得打,而且要杀到真仙血染红天穹,仙尸成片,不然的话永远无法止戈!” World of the Living several clans, the unexpected domineering, the anger of several old fogies seem like especially big, just a conversation almost must make war comprehensively, shouts must go to the slaughter immortal! 阳间几族,出乎意料的强势,几个老家伙的火气像是格外的大,刚一交谈几乎就都要全面开战,嚷着要去屠仙! Because, their knows, Fallen Immortal King Clan was too terrifying, this Evolutionary Civilization once radiant scary, illuminated All Heavens and Myriad Worlds. 因为,他们知道,堕落仙王族太恐怖了,这一进化文明曾经璀璨的骇人,照亮了诸天万界 Regarding this obviously degenerates, no longer is the True Immortal’s race, must result in fights to the last drop of blood, according to record, so long as World of the Living flinches slightly, their even more fierce, comprehensive invasion. 对于这一明显堕落,不再为真仙的种族,必须得血战到底,依据记载来看,只要阳间稍微退缩,他们就会愈发的凶猛,全面入侵。 Cannot be weak to this clan, otherwise the consequence is serious, only then to kill to stop the dagger-axe, projected on their pain, feared, can subside the blood and chaotic, had better be able kill true Fallen Immortal King!” “对这一族绝不能软弱,否则后果严重,只有以杀止戈,打到他们痛了,怕了,才能平息血与乱,最好能够杀一头真正的堕落仙王!” Hiss! 嘶! Including some discussing old monster person of suck in a cold breath, always thought that Li Family that old fogy is far-fetched, shouts must kill Fallen Immortal King, this war party domineering was excessive. 连正在商议的老怪物都有人倒吸冷气了,总觉得黎族那老家伙不靠谱,都嚷嚷着要杀堕落仙王了,这个主战派强势的过分了。 We should pray, does not have past Immortal King to live remnantly, otherwise the consequence is dreadful.” “我们应该祈祷,已经没有当年的仙王残活下来,不然的话后果不堪设想。” Feared that what I and other ancestors once killed True Immortal, makes the take action section let Fallen Immortal King die, as a later generation, how could weak ancestor prestige, kills and that's the end!” “怕什么我等祖上曾杀真仙,更使出手段让堕落仙王殒落,身为后人,岂能弱了祖先威名,打杀就是了!” fuck you, should not weak be good, but you become this appearance stimulated are also the major problem! Several old monster unstated criticism. 你大爷,不应该软弱是好,可你亢奋成这个样子也是大问题!几个老怪物都腹诽。 However, when the strongest several clans consulted, World of the Living had the accident. 然而,在最强几族相商时,阳间界发生了变故。 Bang! 轰隆! The big hole violent expansion on wall, invincible creature is developing probably, must two pass through thoroughly, melting is one. 界壁上的大窟窿猛烈的扩张,像是一头无敌的生灵在开拓,要将两界彻底贯穿,融为一界。 At this time, had the fearful sound to transmit, passed across World of the Living. 此时,有可怕的声音传来,传到了阳间各地。 Is “Wú, the same source, what Xuxue and chaotic? Although I and others was insulted as Fallen Immortal King Clan, but, who we never forget oneself body are. This opens, to not break the price record, the outmoded blade soldier, does not bleed with the tears, only wants to sit the discussion with various clans. ” “唔,本是同一源头,何需血与乱?虽然我等被侮为堕落仙王族,但是,我们从未忘过己身是谁。今次开界,不为破关,不兴刀兵,不流血与泪,只想与各族坐下来商谈。” Who this is, Fallen Immortal King Clan lifeforms in opens the mouth? Unexpectedly said this words! 这是谁,堕落仙王族生物在开口?居然说出这种话! High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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