SR :: Volume #16

#1517: Visit son-in-law

Opens the main entrance, seems like the extraordinary courteous reception? Chu Feng is astonished. 开启正门,似乎是了不得的礼遇?楚风惊异。 Quick, his knows, main entrance what kind of uncommonness of Zhou Clan! 很快,他就知道,周族的正门何等的不凡! Usually, cannot see that so-called gateway, needs to activate this place, it can appear. 平日间,根本看不到那所谓的门户,需要激活此地,它才能够显现。 The sea is grand, the golden great waves fluctuate, front celestial mountain Large expanse , the white fog winds around, the beautiful scene are innumerable, is among the ordinary days not the so-called entrance. 大海壮阔,金色浪涛起伏,前方仙山成片,白雾缭绕,美景无数,可是平日间并没有所谓的山门。 Now, as Zhou Yunling told, in the celestial mountains the light rain are innumerable, has probably the top powerhouse flying immortal in mortal world, brings the vast vitality and light beam. 现在,随着周云灵吩咐,仙山间光雨无数,像是有红尘中的至强者飞仙,带起浩瀚生机与光束。 A giant gateway emerges out of thin air, is rich there Dao Ancestral Matter, divine nature particles is turbulent, the clear light rain sprinkles, sacred incomparable. 一座巨型的门户凭空出现,在那里道祖物质浓郁,神性粒子汹涌,晶莹的光雨洒落,神圣无比。 Please!” Zhou Yunling opens the mouth. “请!”周云灵开口。 She as Great Heavenly Venerate, in the Supreme Being status compared with clan is not weak, in addition her potential is huge, in the future can hope big beginning of the universe Dao Fruit, therefore the right to speak is big. 她身为大天尊,不比族中的大能身份弱,加之她潜力巨大,未来可以期许大混元道果,所以话语权不小。 She and is called the Zhou Clan spirit immortal with week Unzen double arrogant, is regarded as be likely to touch the potential powerhouse in Great Universe Level edge. 她与周云仙并称为周族的灵仙双骄,被视为有望触及大宇级边缘的潜力强者。 Now, she leads all these, several Supreme Being had not opposed with these famous elders, approved. 现在,她主导这一切,几位大能与那些名宿都没有反对,表示认可。 Chu Feng has not thought, previously most ominous, shut out his old woman now to be unexpectedly warmest to him to him very much, this result makes him not think. 楚风没有想到,早先对他最凶、很嫌弃他的老妪现在对他居然最热情,这个结果让他没有想到。 The giant gateway, the light rain spurts, Order rune constructs golden light road, spreads out all over to the near rapidly, Immortal Vapours fills the air, the Dao Ancestral Matter transpiration, the path of rays spreads to the Chu Feng's under foot. 巨大的门户,光雨飞洒,秩序符文构建出一条金光大道,迅速铺展到近前来,仙雾弥漫,道祖物质蒸腾,光路蔓延到楚风的脚下。 In addition, in the nearby of radiant broad path, various phenomenon numerous, for example void is taking root in big piece Golden Lotus, has fiery red Vermilion Bird and golden Heavenly Dragon wait/etc. circled, the Great Dao fragment appears, accompanies the chaos to fluctuate. 除此之外,在璀璨的宽阔道路的附近,各种异象纷呈,比如虚空中扎根着大片的金莲,更有火红朱雀与金色天龙等盘旋,大道碎片浮现,伴着混沌起伏。 Several Supreme Being take a step to take this main road, hints Chu Feng to come up. 几位大能都迈步走上这条大路,示意楚风上来。 The Zhou Xi nature in the row, she is also one of the today's leads. 周曦自然在列,她也是今天的主角之一。 As for these young men and women, somewhat envies at first, but was actually also permitted finally, stepped this road. 至于那些年轻的男女,起初都有些羡慕,但最终却也被允许,踏上了这条路。 Quick, why Chu Feng knows Zhou Xi that male cousin is startled, and incomparably envied. 很快,楚风知道周曦那位堂兄为什么吃惊,并且无比羡慕了。 This so-called main entrance, contains the good fortune unexpectedly. 这所谓的正门,居然蕴含着造化。 At this time, Dao Ancestral Matter turns into the light beam, shines, making everyone's fleshly body insightful, unexpectedly for the person baptism on this road. 此时,道祖物质化成光束,普照下来,让所有人的肉身都通透起来,居然在为这条路上的人洗礼。 Meanwhile, the sutras sound gets up, has the large expanse of character to bloom, the brand mark in void, then turns toward the people on road to fall. 同时,还有诵经声响起,有成片的字符绽放出来,烙印在虚空中,而后又向着路上的众人落下。 At this moment, in Chu Feng heart tranquil, realized from experience boundless Great Dao, a holy and broad world, he as if saw Firmament. 这一刻,楚风心中宁静,体悟到了一种苍茫的大道,一种圣洁与广阔的天地,他仿佛看到了上苍 Instant settling down, he grasps principles unexpectedly probably, falls into to an inexplicable position. 刹那的驻足,他居然像是悟道,陷入到一种莫名的境地中。 Quick, he recovers, such short instance, he realizes from experience many things unexpectedly, probably closes up and grasps principles for several years. 很快,他回过神来,这么短暂的瞬间,他居然体悟出许多东西,像是闭关与悟道数年般。 This let just shortly after the promote step, close to double revered Chu Feng of fruit position permanently, deeply felt to shock, he consolidated Realm, as if had precipitated of several years. 这让刚晋阶不久,接近双恒尊果位的楚风,深感震撼,他巩固了境界,似乎已经沉淀了数年之久。 This was terrifying, walked Zhou Clan main entrance a time, unexpectedly had such big advantage? 这就恐怖了,走一次周族的正门,居然有这么大的好处? My clan honored guests do not arrive, will not open this door lightly.” Zhou Xi explained in side low voice. “非我族贵客到来,不会轻开此门。”周曦在旁小声解释。 Obviously, Zhou Family attaches great importance to Chu Feng very much, regarded the extremely old monster in Supreme Being Level to treat him. 显然,周家楚风很重视,将他当成了大能级中的绝顶老怪物般对待。 At this time, Zhou Yunling was no longer swift and fierce, although did not have to say anything face to face, but expressed the apology in secret. 这时,周云灵不再凌厉,虽然没有当面说什么,但暗中表达了歉意。 This old woman is strong, hating the wicked as if they were personal enemies, looked when the person is not pleasing to the eyes, not covering up, the expression is bad, but when looks at the cross-eye warm strong excess. 这个老妪性格强势,嫉恶如仇,看人不顺眼时,不加掩饰,言辞不善,而看对眼时则热情浓烈的过分。 At this time, another Great Heavenly Venerate week Unzen smile, opens the mouth for its explanation. 此时,另一位大天尊周云仙微笑,开口为其解释。 She was very temperate to Chu Feng, responds with the good intentions. 她原本就对楚风很温和,报以善意。 Zhou Yunling the heart does not go bad, she must consider for my clan, you killed Extreme Martial, with Lunatic Wu for enemy, offended Yuan Clan, does not die with Human King Mo Family continuous, we welcomed you like this, indeed is going against very tremendous pressure.” “周云灵心地不坏,她要为我族考虑,你杀了太武,与武疯子为敌,又得罪了沅族,更与人王莫家不死不休,我们这样迎你,的确顶着很大的压力。” Did not need her saying that Chu Feng naturally understood what situation. 不需她多说,楚风自然明白什么情况。 He antagonizes people much, and is the extremely strong clan, like Lunatic Wu this creature, how many people there are to keep in balance? 他树敌不少,且全都是绝顶强族,像武疯子这种生灵,有几人可以制衡? Regardless of Zhou Clan has anything to display today, he does not feel the accident/surprise. 无论周族今天有什么表现,他都不觉得意外。 Zhou Clan is essentially harmless to him, previously was sets out two Great Heavenly Venerate to see him, actually considered him how, is incomparably attaches great importance. 况且,周族本质上对他并无恶意,早先更是出动两位大天尊来见他,考量他究竟如何,已经算是无比重视了。 Naturally, he is still far from feels extremely flattered, light of very performance. 当然,他也谈不上受宠若惊,表现的很平淡。 In this world, not love and hate with no reason at all, want to earn the respect, but must enough. 这个世上,没有无缘无故的爱与恨,想要获得尊重,还得自身足够强。 Otherwise, how does Zhou Clan dare to brave to offend the Sovereign Wu risk to welcome sees him? 不然,周族何以敢冒着得罪武皇的风险迎见他? Today, terrifying of very Chu Feng performance, making Zhou Clan open the main entrance for him. 今天,楚风表现的很恐怖,让周族都为他开启了正门。 Immediately when is going to step into the celestial mountains, Chu Feng another hesitates, can have rotten Great Universe Level lifeforms to recover, he does not want to face that monster. 当即将要踏入仙山间时,楚风又一阵迟疑,会不会有腐烂的大宇级生物复苏,他可不想面对那种怪物。 He believes Zhou Xi, saw that Zhou Clan is harmless to him, even can say that now was full of the good intentions. 他相信周曦,也看出周族对他无恶意,甚至可以说现在充满了善意。 However, he has dreaded to old Paramount as well as rotten Great Universe Level lifeforms very much, does not want to contact. 但是,他对老究极以及腐烂的大宇级生物一直都很忌惮,不想接触呢。 Present he, if bumps into with that monster, without the strength to hit back, the disparity is huge. 现在的他,万一与那种怪物碰上,没有还手之力,差距巨大。 Blames the Lebanese black mole, on me the supreme weapon, the self-preservation, was also walked by him sufficiently finally black!” In the Chu Feng heart talked to oneself. “都怪黎黑子,原本我身上还有一件无上兵器呢,足以自保,结果被他给黑走了!”楚风心中自语。 When Soul River great war, Li Da once word, may I ask the world whether also had the emperor soldier, taking advantage of used. 魂河大战时,黎龘曾言,敢问天下是否还有帝兵,借来一用。 Then, on Chu Feng some long linearity azure copper billet...... flew away! 然后,楚风身上的某件长条形青铜块就……飞走了! After that it again also without coming back, Li Da from the start , there would be no also! 此后,它就再也没有回来,黎龘压根就没还! That is Chu Feng the thing that brings from the Supreme restricted area, from the remnant block that on Celestial Emperor's bronze coffin crashes. 那是楚风太上禁地中带出来的东西,是自天帝的青铜棺椁上坠落的残块。 Sinister Hand Li, you black my coffin board, has taking advantage of not to borrow again difficultly, hateful!” The Chu Feng unstated criticism, fills resentment thought. 黎黑手,你黑了我的棺材板,有借有还再借不难,可恶啊!”楚风腹诽,充满怨念 Although on him has stone jar, but, the recovery of this thing was not controlled by him. 虽然他身上有石罐,但是,这东西的复苏不受他控制。 The Zhou Xi big eye winks, has the smart-alecky smiling face, the light language said: Don't worry, the divine young girl protects you!” 周曦大眼眨动,带着俏皮的笑容,轻语道:“不用担心,神一样的少女保护你!” She too knew about Chu Feng, a look can understand, some knows his scruples. 她对楚风太了解了,一个眼神就能懂,知道他有些顾忌。 Meanwhile, she also sighed in secret, knows he was very not really easy, rushed to World of the Living from Little World of the Dead, such short time had such achievement, paid too many blood and tears. 同时,她也暗中叹气,知道他真的很不容易,从小阴间闯到阳间,这么短的时间就有如此成就,付出了太多的血与泪。 These years, she has been seeking for Chu Feng, in inquiry and understanding, knows about his many matters. 这些年,她一直在寻找楚风,在打探与了解,知道了关于他的许多事。 Chu Feng speechless, the divine young girl is far from Heavenly Venerate now, how to protect him, but he naturally trusts Zhou Xi very much, is willing to lead the way along with her. 楚风哑然,神一样的少女现在离天尊还远呢,怎么保护他,不过他自然很信任周曦,愿随她前行。 Naturally, Chu Feng also has the energy, although did not have the coffin board remnant block, but if compelled anxiously him, there is a method self-preservation. 当然,楚风也是有底气的,虽然没有了棺材板残块,但要是逼急了他,还是有手段自保的。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the sea level of distant place blasted out, exactly said that is the void large explosion, causes the golden color to rush, the great waves pat the day. 突然,远方的海面炸开了,确切的说是虚空大爆炸,引起金色澎湃,浪涛拍天。 Who is feeling embarrassed my brother?!” “谁在为难我兄弟?!” Some person of shouts out, the energy substance is dreadful, the mushroom cloud leaps one after another sky over the sea, the radioactive substance was too rich, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. 有人大喝,能量物质滔天,一朵又一朵蘑菇云在大海上空腾起,放射性物质太浓郁了,毁天灭地 Old Gu came, he continuously in the distant place follows, induced the great war aura, therefore killed. 老古来了,他一直在远方跟着,感应到了大战的气息,所以杀过来了。 In addition, after Old Gu arrives, the strange dragon also killed with three Supreme Being, they are decorating in a farther place. 此外,老古降临后,怪龙与三位大能也杀到了,他们在更远一些的地方缀着。 Several people have the arrangement early, if not feel right, aids Chu Feng. 几人早有安排,若是感觉不对,就来接应楚风 The Zhou Clan person changes countenance, did a powerhouse of big beginning of the universe level rush? In addition, three Supreme Being come in waves. 周族的人动容,一位大混元级的强者赶到了?此外,还有三位大能联袂而来。 Old Gu, do not misunderstand.” Chu Feng shouts. 老古,别误会。”楚风喊道。 The surrounding person understands immediately, some Chu Feng so many Supreme Being Level friends, bring up the rear for him unexpectedly, in rear area follows he to travel together. 周围的人立时明白,楚风居然有这么多大能级的朋友,为他压阵,在后方跟着他同行。 Finally, Old Gu and strange dragon they were also invited Zhou Clan. 最终,老古、怪龙他们也被请进了周族 The main entrance rear area is the stair road, goes nonstop to the vault of heaven, there many islands, cloud and steam luxuriant glow, Immortal Vapours surges, is indistinct. 正门的后方是台阶路,直通天穹上,那里许多岛屿,其中一座云蒸霞蔚,仙雾涌动,非常飘渺。 Today honored guest incessantly.” “今天贵客不止一位啊。” In the islands, the ancient palaces, an incomparably old powerhouse goes out, greets the people personally, he impressively is a big beginning of the universe level powerhouse. 岛屿上,有一座古老的殿宇,一位无比苍老的强者走出,亲自迎接众人,他赫然是一位大混元级强者。 He is very old, the back camel, the body has the rich decayed aura, but, Zhou Clan everyone is respectful to him. 他很老,脊背都驼了,身上带着浓郁的腐朽气息,但是,周族所有人都对他恭敬无比。 Because, this old man lived the too long years, and is the Zhou Clan Great Universe and Paramount lifeforms one under of several most powerhouses! 因为,这个老者活了太长的岁月,并且是周族大宇与究极生物之下的几位最强者之一! How are you...... a bit like my old friend?” Zhou Clan the old man opens the mouth, is staring at Old Gu. “你……怎么有点像我的一位故人?”周族的这位老者开口,盯着老古 Zhou is Bo, your old fogy also living?!” Old Gu is startled. “周博,你这老家伙还活着?!”老古吃惊。 Really is "Um, you? As before, is dissolute and frivolous, your gnaws the elder brother clan! ” The Zhou Clan Old Ancestor week abundant look is staring at Old Gu bad. “嗯,真是你?和以前一样,放浪而轻浮,你这个啃哥族!”周族老祖周博神色不善地盯着老古 Old Gu had a fit of bad temper immediately, fuck you, was recognized , but also is in front of one group of juniors, raised him in the past the tommyrot. 老古顿时炸毛了,你大爷,被认出来也就罢了,还当着一群小辈的面,提他往昔荒唐事。 Chu Feng is in a daze, he has not really spoken incorrectly, Old Gu was said in the past gnaws the elder brother clan! 楚风发呆,他还真没说错啊,老古当年就被人说是啃哥族了! Zhou Clan one group of people are startled , is very speechless, Old Ancestor what words dare saying that this isn't queers? 周族一群人都吃惊,同时也很无言,老祖什么话都敢说,这不是得罪人吗? Week Boda , Hungary: Come, under I introduced to you, he was I often to the negative example that you proposed, he was that Gu Chenhai!” 周博道:“来,我给你们介绍下,他就是我常对你们提的反面案例,他就是那个古尘海!” Zhou Bo, the old ordinary man, you were too hateful, unexpectedly I work as the model, dirties me before the junior, hateful hateful!” Old Gu is resentful, he became the material for negative education unexpectedly. “周博,老匹夫,你太可恶了,居然那我当范例,在小辈面前埋汰我,可恨可恶!”老古愤懑,他居然成反面教材了。 At this time, Zhou Family one group of old men, as well as these young direct descendant elites, revealed the strange color, is staring at Old Gu. 这时,周家一群老者,以及那些年轻的嫡系精英,都露出怪异之色,全都在盯着老古 Long heard the name, the material for negative education character of this prehistoric arrives unexpectedly livingly at present, appeared in this place, making them very curious. 闻其名,这个史前的反面教材人物居然活生生走到眼前,出现在此地,让他们都无比好奇。 Old Gu gas channel/angrily said: Old fogy, Zhou Bo, I warned you, do not annoy me, my big brother Li Da came some time ago, but also living, I am making him open your entrance be careful!” 老古气道:“老家伙,周博,我警告你,别惹我,我大哥黎龘不久前现身了,还活着,当心我让他来拆了你们的山门!” Sees not to have, but also just like the past years, frequently raised his big brother Li Da.” Zhou Bo laughs, then, he complexion is also bad, said: Li Da where, you make him come, ancient ancestor of my clan has wanted to look for him, was the past years he pats my clan ancient ancestor back of the head black brick?!” “看到没有,还和当年一样,动辄就提他大哥黎龘。”周博哈哈大笑,然后,他又脸色不善,道:“黎龘在哪里,你让他过来,我族的古祖一直想找他呢,当年是不是他拍我族古祖后脑一记黑砖?!” This type of secret, this type of old debt, did not have the shade to say by Zhou Family this Old Ancestor unexpectedly, making one group of people dumbfounded. 这种隐秘,这种旧账,居然就被周家这位老祖毫无遮拦的说了出来,让一群人都目瞪口呆。 Chu Feng is also in a daze, Li Da did the who god altogether indignant broken matter, some where arrives at people to hit him! 楚风也发呆,黎龘都干了什么人神共愤的破事,走到哪里都有人想打他! However, Chu Feng does not feel the accident/surprise, after all heard to cross more than once, Li Da in the past to practice Ultimate Fist, was once bold, looks to have first ten big breathing method family's old clan head to start, it may be said that ate the immortal will of the people Celestial Emperor guts, hit the staggering blow of several people! 不过,楚风也不觉得意外,毕竟不止一次听人说过了,黎龘当年为了练终极拳,曾经胆大包天,找拥有前十大呼吸法的家族的老族长下手,可谓吃了仙人心天帝胆,打了好几个人的闷棍! Naturally, after was sneak attacked goes well, once in very long years, that several old clan head was seeking for Li Da, wants to kill him. 当然,被偷袭得手过后,曾在很长的岁月中,那几位老族长都在寻找黎龘,想打死他。 Makes your big brother come, my clan ancient ancestor is very certainly happy and ensure entertains him personally!” Zhou Bo further said. “让你大哥来啊,我族古祖一定很开心,保证亲自招待他!”周博进一步说道。 Old Gu hearing this, some, helpless, he was supposing, Li Da is not willing to be close to Zhou Clan, after all is in the wrong, in the past fired off the staggering blow to travel. 老古闻言,有些无奈了,他估摸着,黎龘是不愿意接近周族的,毕竟理亏,当年打完闷棍就跑路了。 However, such mixes after Old Gu, Chu Feng felt, even Zhou Clan Great Universe Level lifeforms recovers, he did not fear that Sinister Hand Li brothers this, is a scapegoat the hero after all inborn. 不过,经老古这样一搅和,楚风觉得,即便周族大宇级生物复苏,他都不怕了,毕竟黎黑手的兄弟此呢,天生背锅侠。 What do you look at me to make?” Old Gu is scared, always thought that the Chu Feng's look is not right. “你看我做什么?”老古发毛,总觉得楚风的眼神不对劲。 He after being unjustly discredited that visiting you bears.” The strange dragon opens the mouth at the right moment, too understood Chu Feng, personal experience excessively multiple. “他在看你后背上的黑锅呢。”怪龙适时开口,太了解楚风了,亲身经历过多次了。 fuck you, I come to the wrong place?” Old Gu awakens, a lingering fear. 你大爷,我是不是来错地方了?”老古醒悟,一阵后怕。 He prayed, Zhou Clan prehistoric old clan head really do not induce, revives, when the time comes does not distinguish between right and wrong, first punches his, then on injustice. 他祈祷,周族的史前老族长千万不要真有所感应,苏醒过来,到时候不分青红皂白,先揍他一顿,那就冤了。 At this moment, Old Gu always felt, Zhou Clan this celestial mountain deep place, the probably rotten old monsters are staring at him, making his back send intermittently coolly. 这一刻,老古始终觉得,周族这片仙山深处,像是有一个腐烂的老怪物在盯着他,让他后背阵阵发凉。 Zhou Clan is very polite to Chu Feng, is very satisfied, making the strange dragon unable to bear want to open the mouth, was this is seeing the visit son-in-law? 周族楚风很客气,也很满意,令怪龙忍不住想开口,这是在看上门女婿吗? Because, various topics are revolving Chu Feng and Zhou Xi. 因为,各种话题都是在围绕楚风周曦 My brother is borrows the earth!” The Old Gu opens the mouth, he to Zhou Clan point impolite, was mainly been also exciting by Zhou Bo. “我兄弟是来借土的!”老古开口,他对周族一点也不客气,主要是被周博刺激的。 Chu Feng and Zhou Xi had many words to say, two people are whispering, since left in the past, although saw in the tripartite battlefield, but did not have the opportunity to gather. 楚风周曦有很多话语想说,两人在低语,自从当年一别,虽然在三方战场见到,但是没有机会相聚。 Do not listen to him to speak irresponsibly.” Chu Feng does not want to make Old Gu say. “别听他乱说。”楚风不想让老古说下去。 He looks for Zhou Xi , because not, when she is a bystander, incomparably trusts her, wants to understand that World of the Living soon the universal matters, do not think the opens the mouth borrows mutated soil to Zhou Clan. 他来找周曦,是因为不当她是外人,对她无比信任,想来了解阳间即将大一统的事,不想开口向周族异土 "Oh, little friend, this is must urge the prepared medicine tree, marches Supreme Being Dominion? Too was whether quick, like this is not very good to you, is easy the major problem. ” A Zhou Clan Supreme Being opens the mouth. “哦,小友,这是要催熟药树,进军大能领域吗?是否太快了,这样对你自身很不好,容易出大问题。”周族的一位大能开口。 Should prepare ahead of time?” Another person asked. “应该是提前准备起来吧?”又一人问道。 Doesn't matter, whatever, you are the Zhou Xi friend, our unconditional supports.” Great Heavenly Venerate Zhou Yunling smilingly opens the mouth. “没关系,无论怎样,你是周曦的朋友,我们无条件的给予支持。”大天尊周云灵笑眯眯地开口。 Her attitude was entirely different, now, she is like week Unzen, was full of the good intentions to Chu Feng. 她的态度截然不同了,现在,她与周云仙一样,对楚风充满了善意。 Zhou Yunling first talked with Zhou Bo in secret, then, told directly the person took Supreme Being Level mutated soil, some quick people sends enough four! 周云灵暗中第一时间与周博交谈,然后,直接吩咐人去取大能级异土,很快就有人送来足足四份! Old Gu has said that really must break the step, three were enough, but four absolutely safe, considering all sorts of accidents/surprises and variables. 老古说过,真要破阶,三份就足够了,而四份则万无一失,考虑到了种种意外与变数。 Old Gu very heart startled, this Zhou Clan really has the boldness, suffices to be natural, he spoke thoughtlessly a saying, this/should clan did not bring to blink, first sent out four beginning of the universe level soil texture directly. 老古很心惊,这周族实在有魄力,够大方,他不过随口一说而已,该族都不带眨眼的,直接就先送出四份混元级土质。 The must know, more is this Paramount Dao Lineage considers are more, the strategy level capital grain is leaves in the clan, to the bystander, will not never have sold. 须知,越是这种究极道统考量越多,战略级资粮都是留给自己族内的,绝不会给外人,更是从未售出过。 Now, he spoke thoughtlessly raises, this/should clan granted Chu Feng like this, was this what kind of regarding as important? 现在,他随口一提,该族就这样赠与楚风,这是何等的看重? The strange dragon looks in side, was directly mouth-watering. 怪龙在旁边看着,直接都要流口水了。 Chu Feng is very embarrassed, his visit, really does not want to beg the rare beginning of the universe level soil texture like this. 楚风很不好意思,他这次登门,真没想这样讨要稀珍的混元级土质。 Zhou Xi small sound said: All right, you hurry withdraw to come, the insufficient words, want with my family Old Ancestor again!” 周曦小声道:“没事,你赶紧收起来吧,不够的话,再和我家老祖要!” Zhou Clan one group of people are speechless, does this child give others domestic? How to speak! 周族一群人无言,这孩子是不是给别人家养的?怎么说话呢! Chu Feng not artificial, he really needed Supreme Being Level mutated soil. 楚风没有矫情,他原本就真的需要大能级异土 Then, he takes out suet-white Clean Jade Bottle, gives Zhou Xi. 然后,他取出一个羊脂玉净瓶,送给周曦 This is the good thing, after I took a moment ago, almost turns into one...... True Dragon!” Long Dayu opens the mouth in side, he almost said inadvertently, oneself nearly turned into a maggot. “这是好东西,我刚才服食后差点变成一只……真龙!”龙大宇在旁边开口,他差点说漏嘴,自己险些变成一只蛆。 What is this?” The Zhou Xi hall sisters are curious, urges her to look in secret. “这是什么?”周曦的堂姐妹们好奇,暗中撺掇她看一看。 Zhou Xi and Chu Feng do not look on as an outsider, nothing embarrassed, is working as surface direct opening of person on one's own side, does not feel disrespectful, she turned on the suet bottle. 周曦楚风不见外,没什么不好意思的,当着自己人的面直接开启,并不觉得失礼,她打开了羊脂瓶。 "Um? This is...... Bloodline Fruit! ” “嗯?这是……血脉果!” At this moment, is Zhou Family Old Ancestor, that big beginning of the universe level powerhouse Zhou Bo, is startled, in the eyes projects bright divine glow. 此刻,便是周家老祖,那位大混元级强者周博,都在吃惊,双目中射出灿烂的神芒 What, unexpectedly is Bloodline Fruit, can promote a strongest bloodlines big truncation, achieves beginning ancestor's true blood purity?!” “什么,竟是血脉果,能提升最强血脉一大截,达到初祖的真血纯度?!” Other Zhou Family people also change countenance, this thing was too rare. 周家其他人也都动容,这东西太难得了。 If they choose, beginning of the universe level mutated soil, fine Bloodline Fruit. 如果他们选择,宁舍混元级异土,也要得血脉果 Because, as world's sixth Dao Lineage, although Supreme Being Level mutated soil is not ample, is the strategic capital grain, may be able to save after all, may seek. 因为,身为天下第六道统,大能级异土虽然也不宽裕,属于战略性的资粮,可毕竟能积攒,可寻到。 But Bloodline Fruit was different, on this day next within not over three, and almost vanished, could not find again. 血脉果就不同了,这天下间不超过三株,且几乎都消失了,再也找不到。 At this moment, the Zhou Family person looked that Chu Feng was getting more and more gentle, more looks is more pleasing to the eyes. 这一刻,周家的人看楚风越来越慈祥了,越看越顺眼。 Good, Zhou Xi has not misread the person.” Zhou Yunling is smiling kindly, compared with the previous swift and fierce makings, simply just like two people. “不错,周曦没看错人。”周云灵和蔼地笑着,与早先的凌厉气质相比,简直宛若是两个人。 Chu Feng comes the Zhou Family goal, wants to understand in the future Great Influence, thinks on the knows vault of heaven confronted to high level lifeforms, has what result, World of the Living how universal. 楚风周家的目的,就是想了解未来大势,想知道天穹上的至高级生物对峙,有什么结果了,阳间怎么大一统。 "Um, World of the Living must unify immediately, this is irreversible Great Influence, various clans will discuss together, will have the fierce bloody conflicts, must select emperor, perhaps is Harmony Province that perhaps is Congratulatory Province that. ” “嗯,阳间马上就要统一了,这是不可逆的大势,诸族将共商,甚至会有剧烈的流血冲突,要选出一位帝者,或许是雍州那位,或许是贺州那位。” Zhou Clan has not concealed, informs the situation directly. 周族没有隐瞒,直接告知情况。 Chī! 哧! At this time, in the sky also had Dharma Decree to fall, falls in the Zhou Clan ancestor palace in celestial mountain deep place I felt, bigger matter happened. ” The week abundant complexion changed. 这时,天空中又有法旨落下,落在仙山深处的周族祖殿内我觉得,更大的事情发生了。”周博脸色变了。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, world big change, the Zhou Clan celestial mountain is even thundering, shakes fiercely, but in the sky the float islands shiver, as if must crash. 突然,天地剧震,连周族的仙山都在轰鸣,剧烈摇动起来,而天空中悬浮的岛屿更是颤抖,仿佛要坠落了。 Was bad, had/left the big matter!” The distant place, is responsible for monitoring in World of the Living regional gold palaces to hear the screams. “糟了,出大事儿了!”远方,一座负责监控阳间各地的黄金殿宇中传来惊呼声。 What had?” Zhou Bo shouts a question. “发生了什么?”周博喝问。 „The World of the Living's Greater World barrier was punctured, must have the war!” 阳间的大世界壁垒被人打穿了,要发生界战了!” What? don't tell me, really is not only the World of the Living unification, but also is All Heavens universal?!” Zhou Clan one crowd of old person all complexion sudden changes. “什么?难道说,真的不仅是阳间统一,而且是诸天大一统?!”周族一群老人全都脸色骤变。 They realized, matter deteriorated and serious to not the unimaginable situation, this era unprecedented catastrophe. 他们意识到,事情恶化与严重到了无法想象的地步,这个纪元一场史无前例的大灾难到了。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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