SR :: Volume #16

#1516: The low key is showing off of best ben

This stretch of region is all of a sudden peaceful, only has the golden ocean waves to fluctuate. 这片地带一下子安静下来,唯有金色的海浪在起伏。 Before dawn, just killed Supreme Being, that matter.” “天亮前,刚杀一位大能,就那么一回事儿吧。” Some people whispered in the distant place, repeated Chu Feng to say words, this just like an immortal incantation, reverberated in the ear bank of people unceasingly. 有人在远处低语,重复楚风说过的话,这宛若一则仙咒,在人们的耳畔不断地回响。 Especially, matter, these characters really have the demonic nature, probably cannot stop, if still thunder sound is intermittent. 尤其是,就那么一回事儿吧,这几个字实在有魔性,像是停不下来,犹若雷音阵阵。 Finally, some people are driven beyond the limits of forbearance, for example that domineering old woman, wears Great Heavenly Venerate of red long skirt, her cold snort/hum, both eyes were very layer on layer cold. 终于,有人忍无可忍,比如那位强势的老妪,身穿红色长裙的大天尊,她重重地冷哼了一声,双目很冷。 The Zhou Clan person has been very low-key, teaches related with the ancestor, therefore they do not like making widely known the overbearing person very much, particularly that type does not have strength actually rampant Evolver. 周族的人一直很低调,与祖训有关,所以他们很不喜欢张扬霸道的人,尤其是那种没有实力却嚣张的进化者 This domineering Great Heavenly Venerate, even more looks at Chu Feng to be bad, said: Life in Between Heaven and Earth, when there is a sense of awe, should be humble, you do not live like this for a long time.” 这位强势的大天尊,越发看楚风不善,道:“人生在天地间,当有敬畏之心,应谦逊,你这样活不长久。” If this is not the Zhou Xi elder, Chu Feng wants to stretch the body, gives her a palm of the hand, can take action not talk, has not compared this convincingly. 如果这不是周曦的长辈,楚风很想舒展身体,给她一巴掌,能出手绝不动嘴,没有比这更有说服力的了。 However, this has not seen Zhou Xi, if he first Zhou Clan Great Heavenly Venerate hitting, is really not good to see the old friend. 但是,这还没见到周曦呢,如果他先将周族大天尊给打了,实在不好见故人。 Snort, the old man most unhappy insolent person, does not have the corresponding strength, actually must show off, this vanity is most ignominious!” “哼,老夫最不喜张狂的人呢,没有相应的实力,却非要炫耀,这种虚荣心最可耻!” In the sea in the celestial mountains, the bad fog surges, broadcasts a voice of old man, is very discontented, thought that this young people extremely empty boasting, the high-profile excess, lacks the connotation. 海中仙山间,大雾涌动,传来一个老者的声音,很不满,觉得这个年轻人太过浮夸,张扬的过分,缺少内涵。 At this time, is is very satisfied and puts on about Chu Feng Great Heavenly Venerate of white armor clothes, reveals helpless the color, thought that Zhou Xi the old friend was too much. 此时,就是对楚风很满意、穿着白色甲衣的大天尊,也露出无奈之色,觉得周曦的这个故友有点过了。 In their opinion, regardless of Everlasting King is extraordinary, striking to kill Great Heavenly Venerate is very difficult, do not say that executes Supreme Being! 在他们看来,无论恒王多么了不得,击杀大天尊也很难,就更不要说是毙掉一位大能了! When their not knows Chu Feng kills Great Heavenly Venerate, has double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, in the ancient times, is in the present age, this could hardly be imagined. 只是,他们并不知道楚风大天尊时,拥有双恒王道果,无论是在古代,还是在当世,这都是不可想象的。 As for guessing Chu Feng evolves again, once again the promote step, that appeared empty fluttered, was not realistic, impractical. 至于猜测楚风再进化,又一次晋阶了,那更加显得虚飘了,根本不现实,不切实际。 Because, they have understood Chu Feng through Zhou Xi, this is young people, his such evolutionary rate could have been called shockingly, the past and present are rare. 因为,他们通过周曦已经了解过楚风,这就是一个年轻人,他这样的进化速度已经称得上惊艳,古今罕有。 If he in this ages, broke into the Heavenly Venerate boundary directly, that really damn, did not need others to begin, he must corrupt and die. 如果他在这个年龄段,直接破入了天尊境,那才真是见鬼了,都不用其他人动手,他自己就得腐烂而死。 Therefore, the Zhou Family person also thinks that he is list Everlasting King Dao Fruit, now saw that he is so high-profile, shows off the score, person who had the prejudice to him naturally does not believe, disliked. 所以,周家的人还认为他是单恒王道果呢,现在见到他这么高调,炫耀战绩,原本就对他有成见的人自然不相信,更加不待见了。 What I said is really.” Chu Feng is tranquil, is very calm, there is nothing to conceal, moreover he thought that oneself was very modest, and has nothing exaggeratingly. “我说的真是的。”楚风平静,很淡定,这没什么好隐瞒的,而且他觉得自己真的很谦虚了,并无任何夸张。 You also really dare saying that I asked you, how many years stepped into World of the Living, was more than ten years? All gravity heads come again, such short time, can you looking disdainfully world, despise Supreme Being?!” “你还真敢说,我问你,踏入阳间多少载,是不是才十几年?一切重头再来,这么短的时间,你就可以睥睨天下,藐视大能了?!” Great Heavenly Venerate that wears the red long skirt, the tone is extremely severe, scolded Chu Feng there, and told him, can walk. 那位身穿红色长裙的大天尊,语气极其严厉,在那里呵斥楚风,并且告诉他,可以走了。 Chu Feng is speechless, what degree was this shuts out? Caught up with him to walk directly. 楚风无语,这是被嫌弃到了什么程度?都直接赶他走了。 Suddenly, his body starts to fill the silk threads the energy, gradually strengthens, but, this sea area had the induction immediately. 一时间,他的身上开始弥漫出丝丝缕缕的能量,逐渐增强,但是,这片海域顿时有了感应。 Golden leaps rune, just like flame, resembles said innumerably Order rune is interweaving, making the trim sea turbulent. 金色的中腾起符文,宛若火焰,又似无数道秩序符文在交织,让整片大海都动荡了起来。 Obviously, arrangement of Zhou Family in sea astonishing Domain, so long as this place energy equivalent enhances slightly, this stretch of region will be activated, ahead of time forewarns. 显然,周家在海中布置下了惊人的场域,只要此地能量等阶稍微提高,这片地带就会被激活,提前预警。 Therefore, if really has the super powerhouse to arrive, once sends out the energy, or launches an attack in secret, Zhou Family will have the induction immediately. 所以,如果真有超级强者到来,一旦散发能量,或者暗中发难,周家会立时生出感应。 Chu Feng sighed, has not promoted own energy equivalent again, does not think that driving deactivate Zhou Family security Domain, feared shattering. 楚风叹气,没有再提升自己的能量等阶,不想主动去激活周家的警戒场域,怕给震裂。 Wears the old woman of red long skirt, domineering Great Heavenly Venerate Zhou Yunling reveals one wisp startled to accommodate, somewhat suspected, this youngster is very indeed strong, although had not seen that he fully erupts, but truly surprised her a little a moment ago. 身穿红色长裙的老妪,强势的大天尊周云灵露出一缕惊容,有些怀疑,这个少年的确很强,虽然没有见到他全面爆发,可刚才确实让她有点意外了。 „Have you really killed Great Heavenly Venerate?” At this time, wore the old woman of pure white armor clothes, that to Chu Feng very genial Great Heavenly Venerate week Unzen, could not bear the opens the mouth. “你真击毙过大天尊?”这时,身穿洁白甲衣的老妪,那位对楚风很和善的大天尊周云仙,忍不住开口。 Because, she indeed somewhat suspected, don't tell me this youngster compared with wants the talent terrifying that they imagine, if there is this ability, that was really scary. 因为,她的确有些怀疑了,难道这个少年远比他们想象的还要天赋恐怖,若是有这种能力,那就真的骇人了。 This talent, this ages, this strength, can be called surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries absolutely, in any event, Zhou Family should leave behind him. 这种天赋,这个年龄段,这种实力,绝对称得上震古烁今,无论如何,周家都应该留下他。 This is the suspicion and thought of week Unzen, therefore, she discretely and inquired earnestly, looks at Chu Feng, waits for him to reply seriously, rather than exaggerating showing off. 这是周云仙的怀疑与念头,所以,她谨慎而认真地询问,看着楚风,等待他严肃的回答,而非夸张的炫耀。 Has killed, several days ago, I killed hostile Dao Lineage's Great Heavenly Venerate, un, but that Supreme Being that killed a moment ago before dawn is also the person of this/should clan.” “杀过,就在数日前,我杀了一个敌对道统的大天尊,嗯,而刚才天亮前击毙的那位大能也是该族的人。” Chu Feng replied, has the smiling face, itself relaxed very much, was not anxious and serious feeling, because he had not really thought that had anything, this was the reality. 楚风答道,带着笑容,本身很放松,毫无紧张与严肃感,因为他真没觉得有什么过了,这就是现实。 But, looks like in some Zhou Family people, this seems insufficiently serious. 可是,在周家有些人看来,这显得不够郑重。 Wears Great Heavenly Venerate week Unzen of pure white armor clothes, opens mouth, wants to say anything, she somewhat believes Chu Feng has to strike to kill the Great Heavenly Venerate strength. 身穿洁白甲衣的大天尊周云仙,张了张嘴,想说什么,她是有些相信了楚风有击杀大天尊的实力。 She loves Zhou Xi very much, heard this later generation to say in detail Chu Feng's all, thinks that his potential was boundless. 她很疼爱周曦,听到这个后人详细说过楚风的一切,认为他潜力无边。 However, looks like in some people, he said that has killed Supreme Being, some are not convincing. 但是,在有些人看来,他笑着说杀过大能,就有些不让人信服了。 You walk, do not see sunlight!” At this time, in the sea the celestial mountain deep place, the white fog filled the air, the old man who that once opened the mouth previously said like this. “你走吧,不要见曦儿了!”这时,海中仙山深处,白雾弥漫,那个早先就曾开口的老者这样说道。 Obviously, this is Supreme Being, the status or the age, compares outside two Great Heavenly Venerate to be high. 显然,这是一位大能,无论是身份还是年岁等,都比外面的两位大天尊还要高。 I must see Zhou Xi.” Chu Feng is helpless, what matter did this call? “我要见周曦。”楚风无奈,这叫什么事? However, thinks carefully, he pours also understood, after all he is special, normal, this ages indeed no one can kill Supreme Being. 不过,仔细想了想,他倒也理解,毕竟他是特殊的,正常来说,这个年龄段的确没有人可以击毙大能 Thinks that my Zhou Clan ancient ancestor, has ascended a height to get a broad view Great Universe peak prehistoric invincibility, although in the past incomparably went against heaven's will, but according to record, has not had this terrifying score in the youth.” “想我周族古祖,登临过大宇巅峰的史前无敌者,当年虽然无比逆天,但依据记载,也不曾在少年时代有过这种恐怖的战绩。” Old woman Zhou Yunling who wears the red skirt opens the mouth desolately, she also urged Chu Feng to depart, does not need to see Zhou Xi. 身穿红裙的老妪周云灵冷淡地开口,她也催促楚风离去,没有必要见周曦了。 "hē hē, is quite fierce, can kill Great Heavenly Venerate, may execute Supreme Being, the youth was more powerful than my family ancestor last year. ” At this time, had the voice of young woman to transmit. “呵呵,好厉害,能杀大天尊,可毙大能,比我家祖上年少时都强大哦。”这时,有年轻女子的声音传来。 Yes, Heroes come out from the Youth, is only powerful somewhat was rather odd, un, exactly said some empty boastings was excessive.” Another young man said. “是啊,英雄出少年,只是强大的未免有些离谱了,嗯,确切地说有些浮夸的过分了。”另一位年轻男子道。 In the sea in the celestial mountains, presents many young men and women, is the Zhou Clan direct descendant elite, came from the entrance. 海中仙山间,出现多位年轻的男女,都是周族嫡系中的精英,从山门中而来。 They happen to hear the dialogue of Chu Feng and Great Heavenly Venerate, immediately cannot bear the voice. 他们正好听到楚风大天尊的对话,顿时都忍不住发声。 You are saying anything, law-abidingly!” Female who elusive Ruoxian, is elegant the dust, pretty astonishing, world is rare, in crowd especially outstanding, the ultra dust is it may be said that refined. “你们在说什么,都安分点吧!”一个空灵若仙,雅洁出尘的女子,貌美惊人,世间少见,在人群中格外的出众,可谓超尘脱俗。 precisely Zhou Xi, she rushed. 正是周曦,她赶到了。 Chu Feng...... you came!” 楚风……你来了!” The Zhou Xi kind and delightful sound conveys, flies high to cross from that auspicious red clouds ten thousand wisps of celestial mountains, beautiful like goes out from the picture scroll, as if Ruoxian near the dust, swiftly catches up. 周曦亲切而甜美的声音传来,从那瑞霞万缕的仙山中凌空而渡,美丽的如同从画卷中走出,宛若仙子临尘,迅速赶来。 Many years passed by, her many changes, the face still, the tone is not outstanding, is such fresh refined, the sunlight is bright. 很多年过去了,她并没有多少变化,面庞依旧,气韵出众,还是那样的清新脱俗,阳光灿烂。 However, words that carefully looks, she grew, after all in the past wandered about destitute to Little World of the Dead is only more than ten years old, has not finalized thoroughly. 不过,仔细看的话,她又长高了一些,毕竟当年流落到小阴间时才十几岁,还未彻底定型呢。 Present she is slim and graceful, figure particularly slender, beautiful tall and graceful, is very shocking, such as an immortal lotus blooms. 如今的她亭亭玉立,身段分外的修长,婀娜挺秀,无比惊艳,如一株仙莲绽放。 I have the matter to delay for a long time, come to see you......” the Chu Feng light language, looks at Zhou Xi temperately. “我有事耽搁这么久,才来看你……”楚风轻语,温和地看着周曦 She has no change, after seeing him, is to proceed from the joy of sincerity, happy, is very intimate, rapidly to near. 她没什么变化,见到他后是发自真心的喜悦,高兴,很亲热,迅速到了近前。 Zhou Yunling is very unsatisfied, the red color long skirt waves with the wind, she followed Zhou Xi to the near, was not very good to the Chu Feng's attitude, was not willing two people to walk excessively near. 只是,周云灵很不满意,大红色的长裙随风舞动,她跟着周曦到了近前,对楚风的态度很不好,不愿两人走的过近。 Non- evening, I have waited for you to come!” Zhou Xi smiles to be very sweet, very beautiful, making this stretch of the world particularly bright. “不晚,我一直等你来呢!”周曦笑起来很甜,也非常的明媚,让这片天地都分外灿烂起来。 This caused some Zhou Clan person disaffection of even more. 这导致周族一些人越发的不满了。 At this time, with a young woman whispered: I had said that although sunlight is intelligent, but is also good, elusive like celestial fairy, not eating the food of common mortals, in the person to earthliness believes, the chromatophilic dust, was cheated.” 这时,跟着过来的一个年轻女子低语道:“我早就说了,曦儿虽聪慧,但也过于善良,空灵的如同天仙子,不食人间烟火,对俗世中的人过于相信,易染尘埃,被人蒙骗。” fuck you, this slanders me, thought that I am an unprincipled person? Chu Feng was not happy that can tactful, this was in front of my to speak the malicious remarks. 你大爷,这是诋毁我,觉得我是坏人?楚风不高兴了,能不能委婉一点,这可是当着我的面说坏话呢。 Comes is a guest, leaving is so direct.” A young man said that is, his excuse, is not how indirect. “远来是客,别这么直接。”一位年轻男子道,可是,他这种说辞,也不是多么间接。 Chu Feng quick was speechless, this group of people regard the swindler him, regarded as the disciple of empty boasting? 楚风都快无言了,这群人都将他当成骗子,视为浮夸之徒了? Some Zhou Xi vitality/angry, facing this group of older female cousin male cousins and others, the look were bad, said: Do not reach an agreement like this well, he is the friend of mine, the friend, has shared hardships, sharing life and death, you went too far.” 周曦有些生气了,面对这群堂姐堂兄等,神色不善,道:“你们不要这样说好不好,他是我的朋友,知己,共患难过,生死与共,你们太过分了。” When hears this words, some people complexions change. 当听到这种话,一些人脸色都微变。 Great Heavenly Venerate Zhou Yunling is the complexion becomes dark. 大天尊周云灵更是脸色发黑。 A young girl cannot bear the opens the mouth, said: Zhou Xi, you should be clear, a family/home clan head generation of originally is very enlightened, sets out two Great Heavenly Venerate to see him directly, this is going against very tremendous pressure, Great Clan that after all he offends is very terrifying, our Zhou Clan enough regarded as important him, but, you looked at his performance, was too disappointing.” 一位少女忍不住开口,道:“周曦,你应该清楚,家族长辈原本很开明,直接出动两位大天尊来见他,这可是顶着很大的压力呢,毕竟他得罪的大族都很恐怖,我们周族足够看重他了,可是,你看他的表现,太差劲儿了。” Zhou Xi just about to opens the mouth, Chu Feng could not bear, said: I was how disappointing, not in other words some truth?” 周曦刚要开口,楚风忍不住了,道:“我怎么差劲了,不就是说了一些实话吗?” At this time, a Zhou Xi male cousin went forward, arrived at side Chu Feng directly, is patting his shoulder, said: Brothers, you did not know about our Zhou Family, some elders most loathe are proud rampantly do not have the person of corresponding strength, even if there is the natural talent is not worth training. For these years, our family's Old Antique respectfully follow the ancestor to obey, moreover what talent hasn't seen? Saw too many premature die evildoer/monstrous talent. Summarizes, only has these dispositions to be superior, the steady and low-key day can walk is farther.” 这时,周曦的一位堂兄上前,直接来到楚风身边,拍着他的肩头,道:“兄弟,你对我们周家不了解,一些长辈最厌恶嚣张自负却没有相应实力的人,纵有天资也不值得培养。这么多年来,我们家族的老古董谨遵祖遵,而且什么样的天才没看到过?见到了太多过早殒落的妖孽。总结下来,唯有那些心性超常,稳重而低调的天才能走的更远。” Chu Feng wants saying that at least here, I am very low-key, was very steady, has not shown off. 楚风很想说,最起码在这里,我已经很低调,很稳重了,不曾炫耀。 Zhou Xi the male cousin said: You, if said, has defeated Great Heavenly Venerate, was similar, who once thinks, your such excess, Supreme Being also dares to speak thoughtlessly said kills.” 周曦的这位堂兄道:“你要是说,击败过大天尊,也就差不多了,谁曾想,你那么的过分,大能也敢随口就说击毙。” Zhou Xi did not like listening, with white of the eye her male cousin, said horizontally: What are you saying? Chu Feng defeats Great Heavenly Venerate naturally not to have the issue, although he likes boasting, but never will also be very odd. Also, said how, young is not frivolous, when goes frivolous, this is self-confident, has the goal, is ambitious, quick can achieve!” 周曦不爱听了,用眼白横她堂兄,道:“你在说什么?楚风击败大天尊自然没问题,他虽然爱吹牛,但也从来不会很离谱。再说了,说说又怎么了,年少不轻狂,什么时候去轻狂,这是自信,有目标,有理想,很快就能达成!” Your this is protecting too didn't speak the truth obviously? One group of young people are speechless. 你这护着的也太明显不讲道理了吧?一群年轻人都无语。 In fact, Chu Feng is also very speechless , even Zhou Xi is very in the final analysis afraid, does not think Supreme Being powerhouse who he can kill the beginning of the universe level. 事实上,楚风也很无语,说到底,连周曦都很心虚,不认为他能杀混元级的大能强者。 After all Supreme Being was too terrifying, keeps aloof, can young people strike to kill can it be that? 毕竟大能太恐怖了,高高在上,岂是一个年轻人可以击杀的? I actually really do not want to show off.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, a little could not bear. “我其实真的不想炫耀。”楚风开口,有点忍不住了。 One group of young people are Zhou Clan direct descendant, has relates with Zhou Xi very well, there is relations generally even desolately. 一群年轻人都是周族的嫡系,有与周曦关系很好的,也有关系一般甚至冷淡的。 Now some people see Chu Feng this appearance, immediately despises, some people disliked very much he, thinks that he refused stubbornly to repent as before. 现在一些人看到楚风这个样子,顿时鄙夷,有人很不待见他了,认为他依旧死不悔改。 Chu Feng has not spoken, the whole body shines again, rune expands, making the sea area rapidly turbulent. 楚风没说话,周身再次发光,符文扩张,让海域迅速动荡起来。 "Um, don't tell me can you really kill Great Heavenly Venerate? ” Zhou Yunling is astonished, the red color long skirt flap flap dances in the air, she one step goes forward, must think over Chu Feng to be strong. “嗯,难道你真的可以击毙大天尊?”周云灵惊异,大红色的长裙猎猎飞舞,她一步上前,要掂量楚风到底多强。 Has that Great Heavenly Venerate week Unzen revealed the look of surprise of favorable impression to Chu Feng, in her heart slightly startled, somewhat suspected and anticipated unexpectedly, did don't tell me everyone misread? 楚风有好感的那位大天尊周云仙则露出异色,她心中微惊,竟有些怀疑与期待了,难道所有人都看错了? Senior, you go lower, I feared that dashes you.” Chu Feng looks that wants to be out to think over his old woman Zhou Yunling. “前辈,你还是靠后吧,我怕冲撞到你。”楚风看着有心要下场来掂量他的老妪周云灵。 At this time, Chu Feng are withdrawing, and made Zhou Xi hide in into the celestial mountain , to promote that his energy rune continued, unceasing become stronger, even if affected the breakage the Zhou Clan entrance, wants to come them also to be insufficient the fresh anger, this did not blame him. 这时,楚风自己在退后,并让周曦躲入仙山中,他身上的能量符文持续的提升,不断的变强,哪怕将周族的山门波及到破损,想来他们也不至于生怒了吧,这不怪他。 "hē hē, you are very strong, but, I cannot approach, isn't able with your gives a hand?! ” “呵,你很强,但是,连我都不能靠近,无法与你搭手了?!” Zhou Yunling slights, really thought that this youngster boasts shamelessly, even if this Chu Feng can resist with all one's strength Great Heavenly Venerate, don't tell me can also injure to her is inadequate? 周云灵冷淡,真是觉得这个少年大言不惭,纵然这个楚风可以力敌大天尊,难道还能伤到她不成? Rumble! 轰隆隆! However, the next quarter, her complexion changed, in the sea energy rune are innumerable, activated completely, the dramatic turbulence, the golden great waves strike the day! 然而,下一刻,她的脸色变了,海中能量符文无数,全部激活了,剧烈的动荡,金色浪涛击天! Not is only she, week Unzen, as well as that Supreme Being in celestial mountain, the complexion followed was changing, how was this possible?! 不仅是她,连带着周云仙,以及仙山中的那位大能,脸色都跟着变了,这怎么可能?! The energy rank of this youngster was too high, basic does not tally with its status and ages, around him void is caving, is twisting, but the sea water of under foot was the ebullition. 这少年的能量等级太高了,根本与其身份以及年龄段不相符,他周围的虚空都在塌陷,都在扭曲,而脚下的海水更是沸腾了。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 In the sea, original security Domain is caving , after many Order rune were compelled, is breaking in an instant. 海中,原本的警戒场域都在塌陷,有不少秩序符文被逼出来后都在刹那间断裂了。 Bang! 轰隆! Great waves ten thousand heavy, soars to the heavens on, the clouds of space and other complete racket powder, trim universe in turbulent, is trembling, presented the fearsome black fissure. 浪涛万重,冲霄而上,将天上的云朵等全部拍散,整片天宇都在动荡,都在颤栗,出现了可怖的黑色裂痕。 Senior, you withdraw!” “前辈,你退后吧!” Chu Feng said calmly, looks at Zhou Yunling. 楚风平静地说道,看着周云灵。 Zhou Yunling red long skirt dances in the air violently, she was about unable to come to a stop in this powerful aura, she was simply unbelievable, this youngster unexpectedly really...... so peerless terrifying? 周云灵身上的红色长裙猛烈飞舞,她在这股强大的气息中都快站不稳了,她简直难以相信,这个少年竟然真的……如此的绝世恐怖? She does not believe in evil doctrines, are oneself Great Heavenly Venerate, don't tell me could not have blocked this youngster manifestation energy? Wants the knows opposite party not to have take action. 她不信邪,自己身为大天尊,难道还挡不住这个少年外放的能量?要知道对方还没有出手呢。 She stepped a stride suddenly forward, close to Chu Feng, being determined to think over he to be strong, this was somewhat swayed by personal feelings, obviously old woman very just. 她猛然向前迈了一大步,接近楚风,执意要掂量他到底多强,这就有些意气用事了,显然老妪很刚。 However, this youngster just like peerless Great Demon King, its surrounding space twisted, caves in unceasingly, energy rank high scary. 然而,这个少年宛若一个绝世大魔王,其周围的空间都扭曲了,不断塌陷,能量等级高的骇人。 Bang, the old woman was shaken to leave by piece of radiant rune, almost flies up at angle, finally she staggers to back up, the corners of the mouth overflow a wisp of bloodstain. 砰的一声,老妪被一片璀璨的符文震了出了去,几乎斜飞起来,最终她踉跄倒退,嘴角都溢出一缕血迹。 Is this what kind of power and influence? Too overbearing, she was shocked. 这是何等的威势?太霸道了,她震惊了。 At this time, Chu Feng has no concealing, he looked, the evil intention of Zhou Family to his not deep level, what dislike was only his empty boasting, thinks that he was too rampant, did not consider resources bite off more than can chew. 此时,楚风没有任何的掩饰,他看出来了,周家对他并无深层次的恶意,厌恶的只是他浮夸,认为他太嚣张,太自不量力了。 Now, can his having something low key, what conceal? The release strongest energy, shows invincible Dao Fruit that oneself that is close to double revering permanently heartily. 现在,他有什么可低调的,何需掩饰?尽情释放最强能量,展现自己那接近双恒尊的无敌道果 In this Dominion, in the Heavenly Venerate level, unrivaled he, what Great Heavenly Venerate wait/etc., really must with comprehensive eruption Chu Feng to, not beat! 在这个领域中,在天尊层次内,无人可敌他,什么大天尊等,真要与全面爆发的楚风对上,根本不敌! Therefore, when the old woman steps into his Human King Field, was shaken to draw back, this time his Myriad Laws Immunity, lifeforms of same level dares to be close, naturally injured! 所以,老妪踏入他的人王域中时,被震退了出去,此时的他万法不侵,同层次的生物敢接近,自然要受伤! ka-cha! 喀嚓 The distant place, the Zhou Clan entrance is shining, presents the fissure, triggers the giant bellow, alarmed many people. 远处,周族的山门在发光,出现裂痕,引发巨大的轰鸣声,惊动了很多人。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Several old people appear fully, first arrives, is not Heavenly Venerate is Supreme Being, was all vibrated greatly, is staring at the youngster in golden sea! 足有十几位老人出现,第一时间降临,不是天尊就是大能,皆大受震动,盯着金色大海中的少年! A Zhou Xi male cousin cries out strangely: I...... go! He said real, had not boasted, does not have the exaggeration, can he resist with all one's strength Great Heavenly Venerate? No, he said that once had killed one!” 周曦的一位堂兄怪叫:“我……去!他说的都是真的,并没有吹嘘,没有夸大,他可以力敌大天尊?不,他说曾杀过一个!” In the entrance, the Zhou Xi male cousin older female cousins shock incomparably. 山门中,周曦的堂兄堂姐们震撼无比。 He many big ages, gave to shake to fly my clan Great Heavenly Venerate unexpectedly directly, corners of the mouth overflowing blood, what monster was this?!” “他才多大的年龄,居然将我族大天尊都给直接震飞了出去,嘴角溢血,这是什么怪物啊?!” One group of young people rush out of the nest, is in a daze completely, cannot believe own eye. 一群年轻人炸窝,全部发呆,不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Then has several young girls of competitive relations with Zhou Xi, in the heart surges up, when beautiful face changing colors, this anything evildoer/monstrous talent, what kind of monster, is younger than Zhou Clan all previous Old Ancestor fierce! 便是与周曦有竞争关系的几位少女,也都心中波澜起伏,花容失色,这什么妖孽,何等的怪物,比周族的历代老祖年少时都厉害! Brothers, you really rush conceited, too was previously low-key.” Zhou Xi male cousin sound transmission, is slightly excited. “兄弟,你是真的牛气澎湃啊,早先实在太低调了。”周曦的一位堂兄传音,略显激动。 Zhou Clan presents more than ten ancients, is a powerhouse, several people are Supreme Being, included previously hidden in the fog, was severe to Chu Feng, scolds that Supreme Being that he departed. 周族出现十几位宿老,全都是强者,有数人更是大能,其中就包括早先隐在云雾中,对楚风严厉,呵斥他离去的那位大能 At this time, he was also vibrated greatly, moreover what thought of instantaneously, did don't tell me this youngster kill Supreme Being is not the lies? 这时,他也大受震动,而且瞬间想到了什么,难道这少年杀大能也不是虚言? He turns into a lightning, bang, let blast out void, energy rune like the smoke cloud, the terrifying was boundless, causing in the sea to leap the giant mushroom cloud, he moved, take action, thinks over personally Chu Feng. 他化成一道闪电,轰隆一声,让虚空炸开了,能量符文如烟云,恐怖无边,导致大海中腾起巨大的蘑菇云,他动了,亲自出手,去掂量楚风 Supreme Being attacks, causes the world phenomenon, the thunder, the black void big crack were innumerable, spreads on the vault of heaven. 大能出击,导致天地异象,电闪雷鸣,黑色的虚空大裂缝无数,蔓延到了天穹上。 Chu Feng stands in same place, the under foot has not moved, sees the old man to kill, he lifts an arm directly, a fist pounded, but the both feet sews on the ground as before. 楚风站在原地,脚下都没有动,看到老者杀来,他直接抬起一条手臂,一拳就砸了过去,而双脚依旧钉在地上。 Bang! 轰隆! Between Heaven and Earth, the dazzling light blooms, probably had large expanse of Sun to crash, blasted out, submerged this place. 天地间,刺目的光绽放,像是有成片的太阳坠落了,炸开了,淹没此地。 Fortunately, here expert are many enough, does not lack Supreme Being, many rapid take action, suppress this place, avoids collapsing the entrance, in the wound and sea innocent. 还好,这里高手足够多,不缺少大能,多人迅速出手,镇压此地,避免崩坏山门,伤及海中无辜等。 Happy!” “痛快!” That charges into Chu Feng's Supreme Being to be very excited, is laughing, now he believed firmly, this youngster has not lied from beginning to end, even can say, this youngster was too low-key. 那位冲向楚风的大能很激动,在哈哈大笑,现在他确信了,这个少年从头到尾都没有说谎,甚至可以说,这个少年太低调了。 He like the lightning, collides with Chu Feng rapidly, fights intensely. 他如同闪电,迅速与楚风碰撞,激烈交手。 However, is quick stuffily his one, because Chu Feng moved, the whole body is blooming special rune, the strength is dreadful, rumbles to fly him. 但是,很快他就一声闷哼,因为楚风动了,全身都在绽放特殊的符文,战力滔天,将他轰飞出去。 Then, Chu Feng stops in same place, no longer moved, is very tranquil, stands erect like a palatial Magic Mountain. 而后,楚风停在原地,不再动了,很宁静,如同一座巍峨的魔山矗立。 Zhou Clan that Supreme Being, the whole body shivers, flew horizontally, was flown by the ray bang of Chu Feng invincible fist mark release, pū tōng, he pounds golden, surges the dreadful spray! 周族的那位大能,浑身颤抖,横飞了出去,被楚风无敌的拳印释放的光芒生生的轰飞了,噗通一声,他砸进金色的中,激荡起滔天的浪花! How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” Zhou Clan one group of young people call out in alarm, the man, how many beautiful moving females is, the look all changed, Supreme Being isn't the opponent of that youngster? 周族一群年轻人惊呼,无论是男子,还是几位美丽动人的女子,眼神全都变了,连大能都不是那少年的对手? Some young men and women look to Zhou Xi, with is Zhou Clan direct descendant, they have the competitive relations, is now, some people tremble, Zhou Xi goes out casually one time, meets such a monster? Too inconceivable, was too astonishing! 一些年轻的男女看向周曦,同为周族嫡系,她们有竞争关系,可是现在,一些人都震颤,周曦随便出去一遭,就遇上这样一个怪物?太不可思议了,太惊人了! This......” “这……” Let alone the younger generation, is one group of old fogies, the Zhou Clan famous elder and others, these Heavenly Venerate and Supreme Being were also feared, scalp tingles. 别说年轻一代,就是一群老家伙,周族的名宿等,那些天尊大能也都被惊住了,头皮发麻。 What kind of monster is this? Today they shock inexplicably, such as in dream! 这是怎样的一个怪物?今天他们震撼莫名,如在梦中! Opens the main entrance, in asking the Zhou Xi friend to enter!” Previously was strongest, did not have favorable impression Great Heavenly Venerate to Chu Feng, Zhou Yunling who wore the red women's clothing opened the mouth, the attitude thoroughly changed, her knows, wrongly accused Chu Feng previously. “开启正门,请周曦的朋友入内!”早先最强硬,对楚风没有好感的大天尊,身穿红色衣裙的周云灵开口,态度彻底变了,她知道,早先错怪楚风了。 Opens the Zhou Clan main entrance? I go, many years no things!” A Zhou Xi male cousin is in a daze, was blown. “开周族的正门?我去,多少年没有的事情了!”周曦的一位堂兄发呆,被镇住了。 Then his clashes, held on Chu Feng for a while, probably whether there is feeling completely, said: Even I have not passed through that Dao Sect household, is always sealing!” 然后他第一时间冲了过来,拉住楚风,像是有无尽的感慨,道:“连我都没走过那道门户呢,从来都是封着的!” Then, he sighed: Brothers, you started is also low-key, but, this was also showing off of best ben, your intentional?!” 接着,他叹道:“兄弟,你开始也太低调了,不过,这也是最牛犇的炫耀,你故意的吧?!” At this time, several young girls look to Zhou Xi, has to envy also has the envy, but each other has the blood relationship after all, all walks up, with her light language, pulls closer the relations rapidly. 此时,几位少女看向周曦,有羡慕也有嫉妒,但毕竟彼此有血缘关系,全都走上前去,与她轻语,迅速拉近关系。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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