SR :: Volume #16

#1515: Sheds turning by lifeforms that oneself shut out demented

The rosy-colored clouds at dawn are bright, sprinkle in the sea level, just like fine gold gold/metal, as the sea fluctuates to proliferate, Golden-Red Clouds everywhere is, has the rich vitality to ripple. 朝霞灿烂,洒落海面上,宛若大片大片的鎏金,随着大海起伏而扩散,金霞到处都是,有浓郁的生机荡漾。 This is an inland sea, Chu Feng is preparing, must go to Zhou Clan. 这是一片内陆海,楚风正在做准备,要去周族 The Zhou Xi family, was known as that the World of the Living sixth clan, is next to Heng Clan and Buddha Race, Dao Race several most ancient Dao Lineage, the strength is really terrifying. 周曦的家族,号称阳间第六族,仅次于恒族佛族,道族几个最为古老的道统,实力着实恐怖。 Dao Field that they open, situated in this inland sea deep place, the celestial mountain fluctuates, the island was hanging, is bathing from the prehistoric in the immortal rain of flowing. 他们开辟的道场,就位于这片内陆海深处,仙山起伏,海岛悬空,沐浴着自史前就在流淌的仙雨。 You wait in the open sea, otherwise, we pass together, not knows also thinks that must attack Zhou Family.” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “你们就等在外海吧,不然的话,我们一起过去,不知道的还以为要进攻周家呢。”楚风开口。 Regardless of where, several beginning of the universe level powerhouses but hand in hand the line will initiate the giant mighty waves. 无论在哪里,数位混元级强者联袂而行都会引发巨大波澜。 Then was the prehistoric family, does not do well is punctured Dao Field by several beginning of the universe level lifeforms. 便是史前家族,一个弄不好都会被数位混元级生物打穿道场 For example, Human King Clan Mo Family, entire world issued a warrant for arrest Chu Feng and strange dragon initially, once by the angry strange dragon retaliation, looked for several youngest brother take action, the bang put on the Mo Family exterior entrance. 比如,人王家族莫家,当初全天下通缉楚风与怪龙,就曾被愤怒的怪龙报复,找了几个老兄弟出手,轰穿莫家外部的山门。 Naturally, Mo Family is unable to compare with world's sixth Dao Lineage, difference is far. 当然,莫家无法与天下第六的道统相比,差的较远。 Aiyu, how I do not feel right, nervous that the whole body burns.” Long Dayu opens the mouth. “哎呦,我怎么感觉不对劲儿,浑身烧的慌。”龙大宇开口。 Late at night, he ate did not have the attribute, to bring chaos material Bloodline Fruit, continuously in slow transformation. 后半夜时,他吃掉了无属性、带着混沌物质的血脉果,一直在缓慢蜕变中。 Now, the sublimation of this life level accelerated, when the solar initial rise, myriad things recovery, his body activeness achieves strongly. 现在,这种生命层次的升华加速了,在太阳初升,万物复苏时,他的身体活性达到最强。 "Áo! ” Long Dayu pitiful yell. “嗷!”龙大宇惨叫。 Even he has not thought, he will send out wild animal shouting unexpectedly, quite frigid, the whole body is the blood, was cracked all over the body unexpectedly. 连他自己都没有想到,自身竟会发出野兽般的嘶吼,相当的惨烈,满身是血,通体竟龟裂了。 Several people are startled, is Chu Feng and Old Gu changes countenance, the feeling is strange. 几人都吃惊,便是楚风老古都动容,感觉诡异。 Wants knows, this is no attribute Bloodline Fruit, not that contains the Heavenly Dragon shadow special fruit, is not the extent that intensely is right. 知道,这是无属性的血脉果,并非那枚蕴含着天龙影的特殊果实,不至于如此激烈才对。 virtue character generation, do you give my fruit real?!” Long Dayu is trembling, the whole body is bloody, the body must be split up. “德字辈,你给我的这颗果实是真的吗?!”龙大宇颤颤巍巍,浑身血淋淋,身体都要四分五裂了。 You look at me such plainly pure good, not like good person?” Chu Feng realized, this strange dragon also guards against him now, does not trust him. “你看我这么质朴纯善,不像好人吗?”楚风意识到,这怪龙现在还防备他呢,不怎么信任他。 Ended, you really must kill me!” Strange dragon pain tumbling everywhere. “完了,你果然要害死我!”怪龙痛的满地翻滚。 Your what meaning?” Chu Feng gets angry, looks down him. “你什么意思?”楚风黑着脸,低头看他。 Because, you indeed are not a good person, you asked me, does not want to tell me, you were the normal operation, must kill me!” A Long Dayu incomparable grief and indignation appearance. “因为,你的确不是好人啊,你这么问我,不就是想告诉我,你这是正常操作吗,要害死我!”龙大宇一副无比悲愤的样子。 Chu Feng wants to doubt a dragon bone to break the muscle booklet, simultaneously he also somewhat suspected the life, didn't oneself seem like the good person? This broken strange dragon anything look! 楚风想打怪龙一个骨断筋折,同时他还真有点怀疑人生了,自己真不像是好人吗?这破怪龙什么眼神! Can see the strange dragon is not an attire, his whole body twitches, sways back and forth everywhere, the blood plasma gave the ground incarnadine, moreover his body is reducing, the bone flip-flop kept ringing, unexpectedly in collapsing. 看得出怪龙不是装的,他浑身抽搐,满地打滚,血浆把地面都给染红了,而且他的身体在缩小,骨头噼啪响个不停,居然在崩断 This is a little odd, is not the extent that is right! Even some Old Gu hearts startled, this dragon do not die? Where has problems. 这有点离谱,不至于如此才对!连老古都有些心惊,这头龙不会要死掉了吧?哪里出了问题。 The Long Dayu three youngest brothers were all scared, walked together from the prehistoric, how can visit him dead? 龙大宇的三个老兄弟全都慌神了,一起从史前走过来,怎么能看着他死去? Uncle master, this does not transform normally, Bloodline Fruit is overbearing, being insufficient makes his body tattered, whole body bone cuns (2.5 cm) break?” Qi Feng is anxious. “叔爷,这蜕变不正常,血脉果再霸道,也不至于让他身体破烂,全身骨头都寸寸断裂吧?”祁锋焦急。 If not trusts Old Gu very much, he couldn't help beginning to Chu Feng. 若非对老古很信任,他都忍不住要对楚风动手了。 At this time, rising sun rising east, surging upward even more, everywhere Golden-Red Clouds sprinkled, Long Dayu Shining Upon of seashore even more was pitiful, whole body fissure, blood-stained. 这时,旭日东升,越发的高涨,漫天金霞洒落过来,将海边的龙大宇映照的却越发凄惨,满身裂痕,血迹斑斑。 He melts the main body, becomes a strange dragon, some bodies are jet black, some pure white, condenses a body just like the Yin-Yang, this is the startled queue body that his world evolves. 他化出本体,成为一头怪龙,部分躯体漆黑,部分洁白,宛若阴阳凝聚一体,这是他此世进化出的惊人龙体。 pā! 啪! It tumbles everywhere, the pair of wings flaps, stirs the boundless great waves in the sea. 它满地翻滚,双翼拍动间,在海中搅起无边的浪涛。 However, the next quarter blood scatters, ka-cha, his pair of wings broke unexpectedly, falls off from the body. 然而,下一刻血液四溅,喀嚓一声,他的双翼竟然断了,自身体脱落下来。 Sign of the dragon!” Several youngest brothers call out in alarm, this was too frigid, any evolution is impossible to make the body break, had/left the matter absolutely. “大龙!”几位老兄弟惊叫,这太惨烈了,任何进化都不可能让身体断裂,绝对出事儿了。 At this moment, even Chu Feng suspected, because fruit don't tell me the retention time is too long, was the variation, what ominous thing or by corroded? 这一刻,连楚风都怀疑了,果实难道因为保存时间太长,变异了,或者被什么不祥的东西侵蚀了? crackle and rattle! 噼里啪啦 Long Dayu within the body, all skeletons were similar to blasted out, the total collapse, almost became the powder, its dragon body paralysis there, almost became the pasta, was gradually flat. 龙大宇的体内,所有骨骼都如同炸开了般,全面崩溃,几乎成为粉末,它的龙体瘫在那里,几乎成为面团般,渐渐扁平下去。 Three Supreme Being come up on the strategic place, Old Gu blocked them, say/way no rush, no induces to the ominous material . Moreover, although he very chilly fierce, but his within the body cell activeness increases sharply, waits to look again!” 三位大能就要冲上去,老古一把拦住了他们,道“别急,没有感应到不祥物质,而且,他虽然很凄烈,但他体内细胞活性激增,再等等看!” As for Chu Feng, does not have the right to speak now temporarily, three Supreme Being were suspecting that his fruit has the issue. 至于楚风,现在暂时没话语权了,三位大能都在怀疑他的果实有问题。 Buzz! 嗡! Trembles void lightly, dragon scales blasting open of strange dragon whole body, blood splattering, then Dragon claw separates, his body is reducing unceasingly, then dragon scales, claw, corner/horn, skin fell off completely. 虚空轻颤,怪龙满身的龙鳞炸裂,血液喷溅,接着龙爪断开,他身体在不断缩小,而后龙鳞、爪、角、皮等全部脱落。 Sign of the dragon, do not die, hang there!” “大龙,不要死,坚持住!” At this time, three Supreme Being could not bear again, Qi Feng overran, transported the aniline black for him, helping him continue the life. 这时,三位大能再也忍不住了,祁锋冲过去,为他输送精元,帮他续命。 In an instant, Long Dayu becomes beach flesh, is very fuzzy, almost could not see clearly is what species, was a little really miserable. 刹那间,龙大宇就成为一滩血肉,很模糊,几乎都看不清是什么物种了,实在有点惨。 Great Universe, I really am not intentionally, does not want to harm you.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, he was even frightened, this is must have dragon life/command! “大宇,我真不是故意的,绝非想害你。”楚风开口,连他都惊悚了,这是要出龙命啊! I...... was dying, the virtue character generation is world biggest ominous, since meets you...... this dragon to pour the blood mildew unceasingly!” “我……要死了,德字辈才是世间最大的不祥啊,自从遇上你……本龙就不断倒血霉!” Long Dayu became the meat to roll, in the there difficult opens the mouth, not knows was resentful, was aggrieved, he had seen, Cao De did not intend to harm him, but he was dead, poured the big mildew. 龙大宇成为肉团了,在那里艰难开口,不知道是愤懑,还是憋屈,他已经看出,曹德不是有意害他,但他就是要死了,倒大霉了。 All right, here can be saved the having good luck ever after medicine!” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “没事儿,我这里有救命大药!”楚风开口。 How to say again, he has also rushed to the Soul River person, carves up the oversized medicine from the black dog and bald male there, perhaps, exactly said that extorts. 再怎么说,他也是闯过魂河的人,从黑狗与光头男子那里瓜分过大药,或许,确切地说是勒索过来的。 On him has Heavenly Immortal to continue the life to be colored, the life and death flesh white bones, did not chat, so long as there is one breath to revive! 他身上有天仙续命花,生死人肉白骨,绝非说笑,只要有一口气就能救活! However, has not allowed Chu Feng to take out the immortal to be colored, Long Dayu has the remarkable change, the body concentration , to continue to reduce, then blooms dazzling radiance. 不过,未容楚风取出仙花,龙大宇发生惊人的变化,身体浓缩,继续缩小,而后绽放出刺目的光华。 Then, his all tattered flesh start to scar, and binds one group him, its in middle. 接着,他所有的破烂血肉都开始结疤,并将他裹成一团,将其封在当中。 What does this seem like? Like a meat cocoon, lustrous shine, the blood energy transpiration, the interior has the intense transformation. 这看起来像是什么?如同一个肉茧,莹莹发光,血气蒸腾,内部发生激烈的蜕变。 How "Ah...... my was, hand, leg and foot?! ” Long Dayu pitiful yell. “啊……我这是怎么了,手呢,腿脚呢?!”龙大宇惨叫。 The same time, the meat cocoon is further still reducing, and finally, the fist is big. 同时间,肉茧还在进一步缩小,到了最后,已经不过拳头大了。 What concentration is the essence.” The Old Gu opens the mouth, by this moment was not worried that Bloodline Fruit has no issue. “浓缩的是精华。”老古开口,到这一刻一点也不担心了,血脉果没什么问题。 The one who has the issue is the strange dragon, his physique seems special, this time might obtain the huge advantage, otherwise were the words so how intense? 有问题的是怪龙,他的体质似乎无比特殊,这次有可能得到了巨大的好处,不然话何以这么激烈? Qi Feng and other Supreme Being also revealed the look of surprise, look at the meat cocoon, they also realized, this should be the luck rather than the calamity. 祁锋等三位大能露出异色,怔怔地看着肉茧,他们也意识到,这应该是福而不是祸。 Then, several people are shocked gradually, they are what kind of status, both eyes divine light like the electricity, can see internal some situations by the meat cocoon. 然后,几人都渐渐震惊,他们是何等的身份,双目神光如电,透过肉茧都能看到内部的一些情况。 The four limbs of Long Dayu vanished, he in Dragon Transformation? 龙大宇的四肢消失了,他在化龙 Exactly said, his is must turn into True Dragon from winged Heavenly Dragon? 确切的说,他这是要从有翼的天龙化成真龙 Bang! 砰! The meat cocoon reduces again, was pocket-sized, and blooms light beam that soars to the heavens. 肉茧再次缩小,更加袖珍了,并且绽放冲天的光束。 Until is very long, Long Dayu breaks out of their cocoons, the body changes is exceptionally small, makes one not recognize simply. 直到过了很久,龙大宇破茧而出,身体变的异常的小,简直让人认不出。 „Did I become True Dragon?!” He was also suspecting. “我成真龙了?!”他也在怀疑。 Is a bit like, but how don't I feel right?” Old Gu doubts. “有点像,可是我怎么觉得不对?”老古疑惑。 Three Supreme Being are also stunned, always thought where some are not right. 三位大能也愕然,总觉得哪里有些不对劲儿。 At this time, the Long Dayu finger is so long, fat, plump and fair-complected, head long horn, the body has not had the scale, holds to the dirty blood. 此时,龙大宇不过手指头那么长,肉乎乎,白胖胖,头上并未长犄角,身上也没有鳞片,粘着污血。 The True Body did not have the reveal from the blood stain to come out thoroughly, but, has been able to see some clue. 真身还没有彻底从血污中露出来,但是,已经能够看出部分端倪。 Is True Dragon?” Qi Feng identifies. “是不是真龙?”祁锋辨认。 „It is not!” Chu Feng shakes the head, then sighed, a little did not endure to expose the truth the appearance. “不是!”楚风摇头,然后叹气,一副有点不忍揭露真相的样子。 What do you look at me to look like?” The Long Dayu opens the mouth, he is also lowering the head to take a look at itself. “你们看我像什么?”龙大宇开口,他自己也在低头打量自身。 Maggot!” Chu Feng told him very much directly, and said the Daoist priest to be inferior to the short pain painful, accepted the reality earlier. “蛆!”楚风很直接的告诉了他,并言道长痛不如短痛,还是早点接受现实吧。 Maggot?!” Long Dayu screamed, looks down to oneself, then its sound even more grating and sharp, called out pitifully endlessly. “蛆?!”龙大宇尖叫,低头看向自己,然后其声音越发的刺耳与尖利了,惨叫个没完。 He naturally also looked, then, started to suspect the life directly, this he how transformation? 他自然也看出来了,然后,直接开始怀疑人生,这他么的怎么蜕变的? How will I turn into the maggot?! He makes an effort specific use hitting the ground. 我怎么会变成蛆?!他使劲用头撞地。 Maggot!” Old Gu also nods. “蛆!”老古也点头。 The Qi Feng three people of dumbfoundedness, then not knows said that what was good, there looks own brothers. 祁锋三人目瞪口呆,而后不知道说什么好了,在那里看着自家兄弟。 I do not live!” Long Dayu whiz jumps onto void, rapid traverse in sea level, like, too was like lightning astonishing. “我不活了!”龙大宇嗖的一声跃上虚空,在海面上快速移动,如同闪电般,实在太惊人了。 Great Universe, calm!” Qi Feng consoles. “大宇,冷静!”祁锋劝解。 Is calm, I became the maggot, my he reincarnation reincarnation, this whole life ended!” Long Dayu grief and indignation face upwarding noisy wail. “冷静个屁啊,我都成蛆了,我他么去转世投胎,这辈子结束了!”龙大宇悲愤的仰天长嚎。 You are not the maggot!” Qi Feng opens the mouth. “你不是蛆!”祁锋开口。 Another two Supreme Being are also suppressing smiling, at this time saw anything. 另外两位大能也憋着笑,这时都看出了什么。 „Do you have the sympathy, but also is smiling?!” Long Dayu shivers. “你们还有没有同情心,还在笑?!”龙大宇颤抖。 Then, he was demented, calling out: „Did I...... evolve a maggot?!” 然后,他就癫狂了,嚎叫着:“我……进化成了一只蛆?!” "cough, you look like the maggot, but also is not. ” Chu Feng said. “咳,你只是像蛆,但还不是。”楚风道。 Finally, Old Gu could not bear, said: Silkworm!” 最终,还是老古忍不住了,道:“蚕!” Long Dayu thorough was ignorant, is not the maggot, turned into the silkworm? How possibly, he is the dragon, how to transform the insect, but also was almost regarded the maggot! 龙大宇彻底懵了,不是蛆,变成蚕了?怎么可能,他可是龙啊,怎么就蜕变成虫子了,还差点被当成蛆! "Um, your within the body should flow the Divine Silkworm blood. ” Qi Feng opens the mouth. “嗯,你体内本就应该流淌着神蚕血。”祁锋开口。 Then, he explained that in the past when Prehistoric Era, Long Dayu first, there is a severe wound dying, finally the whole body spins a cocoon, the rebirth comes out again. 接着,他解释,当年在史前时代,龙大宇第一世时,有次重伤垂死,结果满身结茧,再次重生出来。 That time, changed into any creature dead, was impossible to live, but you actually lived.” Another Supreme Being also opens the mouth. “那次,换成任何一个生灵都死了,不可能活下来,可是你却活了。”另一位大能也开口。 Chu Feng opens the mouth seriously, said: Do not belittle the silkworm clan, perhaps is stronger, you may knows in the Soul River end, having supreme lifeforms are Divine Silkworm, can accomplish all the good fortune, was once invincible.” 楚风更是严肃地开口,道:“不要小觑蚕族,或许更强,你可知道魂河尽头,有个无上生物就是神蚕,功参造化,曾经无敌。” When Chu Feng, he does not control self to think that at this point makes him be scared with the frightened issue. 楚风说到这里,他不自禁想到一个让他发毛与惊悚的问题。 The dog sovereign and carrion they pick a dyes with blood silkworm skin in Soul River there, recorded a matter, Soul River end supreme Divine Silkworm had a younger brother before degeneration. 狗皇与腐尸他们在魂河那里捡到一张染血的蚕皮,纪录了一件事,魂河尽头的无上神蚕在堕落前有个弟弟。 That small silkworm once with dog sovereign and the others were the best friend, in the past when Celestial Emperor attacked Soul River together, saw his elder brother doubtful, finally disappeared without a trace, sad desperate under left behind the silkworm skin, reminded the successor. 那个小蚕曾与狗皇等人是至交好友,当年与天帝一起进攻魂河时,疑似见到其兄长,最终不知去向,伤心绝望下留下蚕皮,提醒后来者。 At this moment, the Chu Feng serious suspicion, the Long Dayu status, is don't tell me the descendant of that small silkworm? 这一刻,楚风严重怀疑,龙大宇的身份,难道是那小蚕的后裔? Even, it is actually the small silkworm main body, but has problems, falls to present this appearance? 甚至,它其实就是小蚕本体,只是出了问题,落到现在这个样子? Great Universe, your what foot, are the parents who?” Chu Feng asked. “大宇,你什么根脚,父母是谁?”楚风问道。 The response of Long Dayu really has the strangeness, who his not knows parents are, regaining consciousness is dragon body, crawls from some famous mountains. 龙大宇的回应果然有古怪,他自己都不知道父母是谁,苏醒就是龙身,是从某一座名山中爬出来的。 Chu Feng knits the brows, according to these, cannot determine anything. 楚风皱眉,依据这些,并不能确定什么。 Your small dragon, can hatch in the famous mountains, really has the strangeness.” Old Gu said. “你一个小龙,也能在名山中孵化出来,确实有古怪。”老古说道。 Ok, temporarily did not go to think these, you were all right well.” Chu Feng said. “算了,暂时不去想这些了,你没事就好。”楚风道。 What is all right, I now am so young!” Long Dayu indignantly, but, is good when him can melt the ChngRn shape, becomes the person once again, has not changed small many actually. “什么没事,我现在这么小!”龙大宇愤愤不已,不过,好在他能化ChngRn形,再次成为人身时,倒是没有变小多少。 In some restricted area has the silkworm clan, you are perhaps concerned with them, the possibility is related with Soul River that old silkworm.” Chu Feng said leisurely. “某一禁地内就有蚕族,你说不定与他们有关,还有可能与魂河那个老蚕有关。”楚风悠悠说道。 Ok, did not go to think!” Long Dayu shakes the head. “算了,不去想了!”龙大宇摇头。 Finally, Chu Feng started off, catches up to Zhou Clan, Old Gu follows in the distant place, but three Supreme Being and Long Dayu wait for near the coast. 最终,楚风上路了,只身赶向周族,老古在远处跟着,而三位大能龙大宇则在海岸边等待。 Really must have the words of matter, the fluctuation of energy in sea can be induced inevitably by them. 真要有事的话,海中的能量波动必然能被他们感应到。 After all, Chu Feng, is Old Gu, has the beginning of the universe level strength! 毕竟,无论是楚风,还是老古,都有混元级战力! The so-called beginning of the universe, in some All Heavens Small World, that was most creature, coincided with the say/way, was main existence. 所谓混元,在诸天一些小世界中,那就是最生灵了,与道相合,是界主般的存在。 This inland sea center, auspicious red clouds ten thousand, divine light leaps the clouds, celestial mountain absolute altitudes, the light beam winds around, the white fog surges, spiritual energy rich being able to melt. 这片内陆海中心,瑞霞万道,神光腾霄,一座座仙山拔海而起,光束缭绕,白雾涌动,灵气浓郁的化不开。 Has islands one after another, direct hanging, is sacred and aloof. 更有一座又一座岛屿,直接悬空,神圣而超然。 The fine jade house palace of the immortals stands erect on the vault of heaven, the immortal light flows. 琼楼玉宇矗立在天穹上,仙光流淌。 But the golden palace and bronze Tallinn and other types of ancient buildings also often appear intermittently in void, float in the cloud layer. 而黄金殿堂与青铜塔林等各种古老的建筑物亦在虚空中不时隐现,浮在云层上。 Sea center region cannot estimate, good fortune air/Qi rich astonishment. 海中心这块区域不可揣度,造化气浓郁的惊人。 This is Zhou Clan.” Chu Feng sighed, worthily was the World of the Living sixth clan, the affirmation that he saw was only the tip of iceberg, was its Dao Field the place of most surrounding. “这就是周族。”楚风叹气,不愧为阳间第六族,他所看到的肯定只是冰山的一角,是其道场的最外围之地。 Even so, is very astonishing, this place provides for some Supreme Being to practice together, does not have the issue. 即便如此,就已经很惊人了,这种地方供养一些大能共同修行,毫无问题。 Meanwhile, he believes firmly, in Zhou Clan definitely has old Paramount to assume personal command, otherwise, is unfair to the sixth Dao Lineage this invincible inheritance. 同时,他确信,周族中肯定有老究极坐镇,不然的话,对不起第六道统这种无敌的传承。 Naturally, rotten Great Universe, is relative state good old Paramount, should not at present this piece of Dao Field. 当然,无论是腐烂的大宇,还是相对状态好一些的老究极,应该都不会在眼前这片道场中。 That lifeforms, by own fleshly body suppression in the Zhou Clan good fortune source, does not hide in the inexplicable ancestor palace, the non- extermination of the clan and era alternate this important matter appearance, otherwise almost never make an appearance. 那种生物,不是以自己的肉身镇压于周族造化源头,就是藏在莫名的祖殿中,非灭族与纪元更迭这种大事出现,不然几乎从不露面。 Therefore, Chu Feng was not worried, has this monster to come out for him in secret specially. 所以,楚风一点也不担心,暗中有这种怪物特异为他而出来。 Although he now is very strong, but, insufficiently looks in that lifeforms heart. 他现在虽然很强,但是,在那种生物心中还远不够看。 After here, Chu Feng does not dare to be negligent, is treading the golden sea waves, looks the islands that the front celestial mountain as well as on void floats, hold the fist in the other hand directly. 到了这里后,楚风不敢大意,踏着金色的海波,看着前方的仙山以及虚空上漂浮的岛屿,直接抱拳。 Does not need him to open the mouth, some people discover him early. 不用他开口,早有人发现他。 Who?” “何人?” In the sea in a celestial mountain, a young-looking elderly old man opens the pupil, impressively is Heavenly Venerate, but is responsible for guarding the entrance of most surrounding. 海中一座仙山上,一位鹤发童颜的老者睁开眸子,赫然是一位天尊,但只是负责看守最外围的山门。 Chu Feng is very polite, is very humble, asking the old man to pass on a message, he came visiting the old friend. 楚风很客气,也很谦逊,请老者传讯,他来访故友。 Whom sees?” “见谁?” Zhou Xi, asking the senior to convey, the old friend visited the god same young girl.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, this is also a cipher. 周曦,请前辈转达,故人来拜访神一样的少女。”楚风开口,这也算是个暗号。 In the past, when Little World of the Dead, Zhou Xi quite smart-alecky, lively active, at that time urged the Chu Feng cultivation, often said the god same young girl visits you in the sky. 当年,在小阴间时,周曦相当的俏皮,活泼好动,那个时候督促楚风修炼,经常说神一样的少女在天空中看着你。 "Oh, do you know her? ” “哦,你认识她?” Yes!” Chu Feng nods. “是!”楚风点头。 Zhou Xi had once said that his grandfather is Zhou Clan outwardly on clan head, not because of its strength can accomplish all the good fortune, because their his ancestors are super, the old monsters are not willing to manage the family, only cares to practice, therefore the Zhou Xi grandfather can only take over passively, and what runs is only the Zhou Family outwardly on strength. 周曦曾说过,其祖父是周族明面上的族长,不是因为其实力功参造化,而是因为他们这一支其祖上超级强大,老怪物们不愿管理家族,只在意修行,所以周曦的祖父只能被动接掌,且掌管的只是周家明面上的力量。 Therefore, here mentioned Zhou Xi, Zhou Family definitely knows, after all was the direct descendant daughter of first wife. 所以,在这里提及周曦,周家肯定都知道,毕竟是嫡系中的嫡女。 Wait a bit!” The old men nod, lip opening and closing, soul light twinkle, obviously to celestial mountain pure land deep place sound transmission. “稍等!”老者点头,嘴唇翕动,魂光闪烁,显然在向仙山净土深处传音 The time is not long, divine light shines, the holy aura flows, void Great Dao Golden Lotus Large expanse, walks two old women hand in hand, is very powerful, the aura is fearful. 时间不长,神光普照,圣洁气息流淌,虚空中大道金莲成片,联袂走来两位老妪,全都很强大,气息慑人。 Young Lady Xi has not appeared, first came two Great Heavenly Venerate! 少女曦还未出现,先来了两位大天尊 Chu Feng is startled, this is the Zhou Clan mastery, in the outside world saw that Great Heavenly Venerate is very difficult, at present presents two directly. 楚风吃惊,这就是周族的底蕴,在外界看到一个大天尊都很难,眼前却直接出现两尊。 So far, Great Heavenly Venerate of Chu Feng contact are not really many, had heard, that is the powerful underground dark world, dark lion in some killer organization. 到目前为止,楚风接触的大天尊真不多,听说过一个,那便是强大的地下黑暗世界,某一杀手组织中的黑暗狮子。 There is still one, was some time ago by Yuan Clan Great Heavenly Venerate that he kills. 还有一个,就是不久前被他击毙的沅族大天尊 „The World of the Living sixth clan is really astonishing, immeasurably deep.” Chu Feng whispered secretly, but he believes firmly, was Zhou Clan is then impossible to have many Great Heavenly Venerate. 阳间第六族果然惊人,深不可测。”楚风暗自嘀咕,不过他确信,便是周族也不可能有多位大天尊 In his opinion, side can have the 3-4 position to arrive! 在他看来,能有三四位就到边了! Even, he a little suspected, perhaps only then these two Great Heavenly Venerate, all came out. 甚至,他有点怀疑,或许就只有这两位大天尊,全出来了。 Although no earliest possible time sees Young Lady Xi, but, Zhou Clan actually set out two Great Heavenly Venerate, this also enough attached great importance to him, not knows is good or bad. 虽然没有第一时间见到少女曦,但是,周族却出动了两位大天尊,这也对他足够重视了,就是不知道是好还是坏。 And an old woman, wears moon/month white clothing armor, seemingly is in high spirits, is quite valiant, looks is not that gentle and reserved deceitful person. 其中一位老妪,身穿月白衣甲,看起来精神矍铄,颇为英姿飒爽,一看就不是那种阴柔狡诈的人。 She is nodding, has the smiling face, seems very satisfied, said: Good, young, unexpectedly arrives this step, even/including the body a little could not completely understand.” 她正在点头,带着笑容,似乎很满意,道:“不错,年岁不大,居然走到这一步,连老身都有点看不透了。” She responds with the good intentions, smiles to Chu Feng. 她报以善意,对楚风微笑。 That old woman by her is not same, sends among the silk to insert gold/metal Buyao, the scarlet long skirt, does not yield to age very much, puts on brightly, but the look is somewhat swift and fierce. 在她旁边那位老妪却不相同,发丝间插着金步摇,大红长裙,很不服老,穿着鲜艳,而眼神更是有些凌厉。 You are Chu Feng , young is very wildly arrogant, heard that you have killed several Heavenly Venerate, killing the heart is actually big. But must remember, this is World of the Living, although you are Everlasting King, but meets Great Heavenly Venerate wait/etc., same can have the matter!” “你是楚风,呵,年纪轻轻却很骄狂,听说你杀过几位天尊了,杀心倒是不小。但要记住,这是阳间,你虽为恒王,但遇上大天尊等,一样会出事儿!” Her tone is bad, looks at Chu Feng very much severely. 她语气不善,很严厉地看着楚风 Chu Feng feels unfathomable mystery, two people attitude that Zhou Clan comes is unexpectedly entirely different. 楚风觉得莫名其妙,周族来的两人态度居然截然不同。 He always opens to persuasion but not to coercion, in this World of the Living, he does not need to look at the person complexion, finally evolves must depend on itself, therefore does not need to receive the popularity. 他向来吃软不吃硬,在这阳间,他无需看人脸色了,最终进化还是要靠自己,所以也没有必要受人气。 However, this eventually is the Young Lady Xi elder, and one of them is very genial to him, he pours not well for the first time to meet refutes anything. 不过,这终究是少女曦的长辈,且其中一人对他还很和善,他倒也不好第一次见面就反驳什么。 However, he thinks like this, is very peaceful, when is listening modestly, that domineering and swift and fierce old woman has not actually healed, but also is teaching. 然而,他这样想,很安静,虚心听着时,那个强势而凌厉的老妪却未收口,还在教训呢。 Even if another old woman hints, making her peaceful, she has not cared. 即便另外一名老妪示意,让她安静,她都没怎么在意。 World of the Living is very big, the powerhouse are innumerable, you handle affairs like this, will suffer a loss, does not do well is struck to kill, dies a violent death the open country, must feel not oneself are very strong, actually sets out Great Heavenly Venerate casually, you then escape difficultly die.” 阳间很大,强者无数,你这样行事,会吃大亏,弄不好就会被人击杀,暴毙野外,莫要觉得自己很强,其实随便出动个大天尊,你便难逃一死。” Chu Feng really does not want to listen to her to teach, feels the unexpected misfortune, first time meets, does not have the enmity with you, teaches me to do really? 楚风实在不想听她教训了,觉得无妄之灾,头次见面,与你又无仇怨,这么训我作甚? Naturally, he not good direct to reprimand, access road/simply said: „, Great Heavenly Venerate I have also seen fortunately, the self-preservation issue is not big.” 当然,他也不好直接斥责,便道:“还好吧,大天尊我也见过,自保问题不大。” Meeting Great Heavenly Venerate can protect oneself?!” That domineering old woman look was even more bad, felt that he is too insolent, the vanity is excessively strong, the impression was also bad several points. “遇到大天尊可自保?!”那位强势的老妪眼神越发不善了,感觉他太张狂,虚荣心过强,印象又糟糕了几分。 How do you protect oneself?!” Her voice was higher, and sends out the rich fluctuation of energy. “你怎么自保?!”她声音高了很多,且散发出浓郁的能量波动。 “Eh, some time ago, I once butchered Great Heavenly Venerate incautiously. ” A Chu Feng very low-key appearance, but score that in words may not be really low-key. “呃,不久前,我一不小心曾经宰了一个大天尊。”楚风一副很低调的样子,但是话语中的战绩那可真是一点也不低调。 The old woman look like divine glow, is even more swift and fierce! 老妪眼神如神芒,越发凌厉! However, has not waited for her to open the mouth, in the white fog of distant place also some people first spoke. 不过,还没等她开口,远处的白雾中又有人先说话了。 Right, even Great Heavenly Venerate can execute, you should not tell me, you can also fight one Supreme Being, the tone is really big!” This saying said is a little heavy, is questioning Chu Feng. “是吗,连大天尊都可以格杀,你该不会告诉我,你连大能也能战上一场吧,口气真不小!”这话说的有点重,在质疑楚风 Should no issue.” The Chu Feng nod said, does not fear. “应该没什么问题。”楚风点头道,一点也不怵。 Fights with Supreme Being...... does not have the issue?!” In the white fog broadcasts the bad sound, that person thought that Chu Feng was unsure, showing off and boasted that must be consistent with the reality being good, is really frivolous arrogantly. “与大能一战……没问题?!”白雾中传来不善的声音,那人觉得楚风太没谱了,炫耀与自夸也要符合现实才好,实在过于轻浮自大。 "hē hē...... ”, but that old woman who wears the scarlet women's clothing smiled, is somewhat grating, was even more desolate. “呵呵……”而那位身穿大红衣裙的老妪更是笑了起来,有些刺耳,越发的冷淡了。 "Um, truly no issue. ” Chu Feng is simple and simple, at least he felt very modest, said: „Before dawn, after midnight, I just killed Supreme Being, that matter.” “嗯,确实没什么问题。”楚风简单而朴实,最起码他自己觉得,已经很谦虚了,道:“就在天亮前,下半夜时,我刚杀了一位大能,就那么一回事儿吧。” High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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