SR :: Volume #16

#1514: The world big 1 series arrives

Is staying at the same time!” “一边呆着去!” Chu Feng does not want to listen to him to tease, the strange dragon has not suppressed the great idea from the start. 楚风可不想听他调侃,怪龙压根就没憋好主意。 I am the sincerity am hello/you good!” Long Dayu smiles not likely good person. “我是真心为你好!”龙大宇笑的不像个好人。 Chu Feng rubbish with him, finds the clue make to kill directly, calm and touches his head firmly, strange dragon thinks revolts cannot. 楚风也不和他废话,直接“摸头杀”,淡定而坚决地抚摸他的头,怪龙想反抗都不能。 You bully the dragon, Long Dayu is indignant, it Heavenly Venerate, how does not revolt now?! 你这是欺负龙,龙大宇愤愤,它现在连天尊都不是呢,怎么反抗的了?! The moonlight like the water, trim Dao Field was covered by the holy mist, is dim and peaceful, if no Supreme Being blood dyes red this place, is very sacred. 月华如水,整片道场被圣洁的云烟覆盖,朦胧和安宁,如果不是有大能血染红此地,真的很神圣。 Several people sweep clear the battlefield, the opening mausoleum chamber, seeks for the treasure. 几人清扫战场,开启地宫,寻找宝物。 Books ancient book piles in heaps, having much is the rare treasured copies, related to Yuan Clan some cultivation method, had the ancient books of other clans, how could is the collection of Supreme Being ordinary? 书籍古册成堆,有不少都是稀珍秘本,涉及到了沅族的一些功法,更有其他族的典籍,大能的收藏岂能平凡? The most important thing is, beginning of the universe level mutated soil has one, sends out the green and lush radiance in the moonlight, the good luck is rushing, contains the astonishing energy. 最为重要的是,混元级异土有一份,在月光中散发着绿莹莹的光华,瑞气澎湃,蕴含着惊人的能量。 Only has one.” Chu Feng regretted. “只有一份啊。”楚风遗憾。 How many people speechless, does not want to respond him Old Gu, you think that this is the cabbage, finds at everywhere? 几人都无语,连老古都不想搭理他了,你以为这是大白菜,随处可见? Is content, if not this old fogy life essence were insufficient, wants to train the successor, it is estimated that even this cannot save, this soil texture is very difficult to seek.” Supreme Being Qi Feng sighed. “知足吧,若非这老家伙寿元不足了,想培养继承人,估计连这一份都积攒不下,这种土质真的很难寻。”大能祁锋感叹。 According to him said, this beginning of the universe level level soil texture needs Supreme Being to spend the long years to save, tens of thousands years do not want to collect. 按照他所说,就这一份混元级级土质都需要一位大能花费漫长岁月积攒,没几万年别想收集到。 Looks carefully, looks at the Great Universe Level soil texture!” Chu Feng said. “仔细找,看一看有没有大宇级土质!”楚风说道。 Naturally, he doesnot can find one, but wants to look that the luck is whether good enough, can find one jin (0.5 kg), then even several two, were enough. 当然,他并不是非要找到一份,只是想看一看运气是否足够好,能找到一斤,甚至那么几两,就足够了。 At this moment, even Old Gu rolled the eyes, that type of thing wants not to need to think, the Supreme Being Level powerhouse of this deterioration simply does not have the qualifications to have. 此刻,连老古都翻白眼了,那种东西想都不用想,这种衰败的大能级强者根本没资格拥有。 Only if Buddha Race and Supreme Being in extremely Heng Clan this supreme Dao Lineage, blood energy like sea, in the prime of life, the most important thing is really of hopeful the big beginning of the universe level powerhouse broken boundary, will have the qualifications to contact the Great Universe Level soil texture!” Qi Feng sighs with emotion. “除非佛族恒族这种无上道统中的绝顶大能,血气如海,年富力强,最重要的是真有希望破境的大混元级强者,才会有资格接触大宇级土质!”祁锋感慨。 Even his ancient Supreme Being, after the long years, lives from Prehistoric Era now, has not seen Great Universe Level mutated soil. 连他这种古老的大能,历经漫长岁月,从史前时代活到现在,都从来没有见到过大宇级异土 Because, this soil texture is too rare, uses the strength of clan, the consumption most era is very difficult to collect 12. 因为,这种土质太稀有,举族之力,耗费大半个纪元都很难凑齐一两份。 Perhaps, only then Dao Race, Li Family and other World of the Living strongest several Great Clan have, was too rare, this is compared with anything important material. 或许,也只有道族黎族阳间最强的几大族拥有,太稀珍了,这是比什么都重要的物质。 Chu Feng big , he so long as thinks that the later road, a little fresh does not have the feeling of being possible the love, the seed in stone jar can eat, swallows the earth beast simply, is a bottomless pit. 楚风头大,他只要想一想以后的路,就有点生无可恋的感觉,石罐中的种子太能吃了,简直是吞土兽,是一个无底洞。 The beginning of the universe level soil texture he also has the means solution, what to do to Great Universe Level should? 混元级土质他还有办法解决,到了大宇级该怎么办? Especially, the quantity that he needs is so big, only if gives the looting first ten big Dao Lineage, or all hollows out the World of the Living top several famous mountains! 尤其是,他需要的量那么大,除非将前十大道统都给洗劫,或者将阳间排名在前数十位的名山全挖空! But, this reality? 可是,这现实吗? Chu Feng face upwards the deep sigh, he has the premonition, the road is too difficult to walk! 楚风不禁仰天长叹,他有预感,路太难走! How can bridge over the natural moat, the connection cannot see the abruption of hope? 怎么才能跨过天堑,接续看不到希望的断路? Old Gu said: You sighed what air/Qi, this evening, has harvested five -and-a-half beginning of the universe level soil texture!” 老古道:“你叹什么气,就这一晚而已,已经收获五份半混元级土质了!” Cultivates the behavior not too Cao De!” Long Dayu is fills resentment thought to say. “做人不太曹德!”龙大宇更是充满怨念地说道。 The strange dragon contributed two, his sworn brothers deliver two -and-a-half , harvests one in this place, the speed that this type accumulates Supreme Being Level mutated soil is too scary. 怪龙贡献了两份,他的结拜兄弟送上两份半,又在此地收获一份,这种积累大能级异土的速度太吓人。 If this passes on, across World of the Living must make a stir. 这要是传出去,阳间各地都要轰动。 My also two mutated soil outside, walk, hurries to harvest!” Chu Feng said, has regarded Yuan Clan another two Supreme Being Dao Field is in the plate the meat. “我还有两份异土在外面呢,走,赶紧去收割!”楚风说道,早已视沅族另外两位大能道场为盘中肉。 Late at night, Between Heaven and Earth silence reigns. 后半夜,天地间万籁俱寂。 Chu Feng one group of cross void, several Supreme Being, in addition Chu Feng this type is soon close double to revere the fruit special powerhouse permanently, can be called heavenly dumpling. 楚风一行人横渡虚空,数位大能,再加上楚风这种快要接近双恒尊果位的特殊强者,称得上天团 This type combines one, how many people there are able to block? 这种组合一出,有几人挡得住? Only if Yuan Clan rotten Great Universe Level lifeforms appears, otherwise, this/should clan opens the powerhouse being doomed metropolis/can tragedy of cave mansion outside. 除非沅族腐烂的大宇级生物出现,不然的话,该族在外开辟洞府的强者注定都会悲剧。 Second Dao Field is very peaceful, a pure white bamboo grove is flowing the holy brilliance, this Dao Field scenery quite exquisite. 第二处道场很安静,一片洁白的竹林流淌着圣洁的光辉,这处道场景色相当的优美。 In the Baizhu forest, the blue sparkling lake, middle greets the nostrils fragrantly, in the rivers and lakes impressively is the beginning of the universe level life lotus that the Supreme Being Level powerhouse needs, is world rare long life Medicinal Herb. 白竹林中,有一个蓝莹莹的湖泊,当中芬芳扑鼻,水泽中赫然是大能级强者需要的混元级命莲,是世间罕有的延寿药草 Old Gu, the strange dragon and Chu Feng said fortunately, is quite calm, because they now are the youngster bodies, does not care to this type of thing. 老古、怪龙、楚风还好说,相当淡定,因为他们如今是少年身,对这种东西不怎么在意。 Supreme Being of another three sending out decayed aura, that was different, the respective both eyes brave the green light in the night, excited incomparable, simply has not thought that here will have this harvest. 另外三位散发腐朽气息的大能,那就不一样了,各自的双目在夜里冒绿光,激动无比,根本没有想到在这里会有这种收获。 Two purple plants, are the beginning of the universe level life lotuses, respective top a seed case of lotus flower, close to mature, can see that lotus seed resembles like purple small Sun, fills the delicate fragrance in the night wind. 两株紫色植物,都是混元级命莲,各自顶着一个莲蓬,接近成熟,能够看到莲子如同紫色的小太阳似的,在夜风中弥漫清香。 This lake has the issue, is the creature flesh and essence condenses, my knows, how does the general place possibly raise this life lotus flower?” Old Gu changes countenance. “这湖泊有问题,都是生灵的血肉与精华凝聚而成,我就知道,一般的地方怎么可能养出这种生命莲花?”老古动容。 On the scene does not have the weak one, was very strong, looks understands to the lake immediately what's the matter. 在场的没有弱者,都很强,望向湖泊中立刻明白了怎么回事。 The lake is not big, but contains the rich life aura, every day needs to invest a lot of flesh, has powerful beast, there is strength astonishing Human Race Evolver's. 湖泊不大,但蕴含着浓郁的生命气息,每日都需要投入大量的血肉,有强大的蛮兽的,也有实力惊人的人族进化者的 Lake bottom withered bone are innumerable, least had several thousands. 湖底枯骨无数,最少都有数万了。 What is most essential, middle does not have the mortal, is evolution level not low creature. 最为关键的是,当中没有凡人,全都是进化层次不低的生灵 Because, the strength is stronger, own life level is higher, the essence of implication are more, if only the mortal, perhaps several millions, even more than ten million not necessarily have the present effect. 因为,实力越强,自身的生命层次越高,蕴含的精华越多,而如果只是凡人的话,恐怕数百万,甚至上千万都不见得有眼下的效果。 Really should kill!” even/including Guailong tone is cold, the sense of justice erupted, he saw several barbarian dragon skeletons in middle, dead many years. “真是该杀!”连怪龙都语气寒冷,正义感爆发了,他在当中看到了几头蛮龙的尸骨,死去很多年了。 Who?!” An old man like the ghosts and demons emergence, is vigilant looks at several people that and is startled. “谁?!”一个老者如同鬼魅般出现,警惕而吃惊的看着几人。 His lay out Domain, is unexpectedly unfruitful, these people meet no resistance, arrives at him silently with Mystic Realm that in the outside world isolates. 布下场域,居然毫无效果,这些人如入无人之境,就这么无声无息的来到他与外界隔绝的秘境中。 This type by the lotus flower of life irrigation, must not exposed to the light radically, even if Yuan Clan is very strong, is hard to hoodwink the public. 这种以生命浇灌的莲花,根本见不得光,哪怕是沅族很强,也难以只手遮天。 Various clans have the agreement, the powerhouses who any senile will die cannot because of life essence but completely other cracking-off creature life Concise Essence, you dare so, to torment the world unexpectedly!” “各族有约定,任何衰老将死的强者都不能因为寿元将尽而剥脱其他生灵的生命精粹,你居然敢如此,荼毒天下!” Old Gu shouted, this was the agreement that reached from Prehistoric Era. 老古断喝,这是从史前时代就达成的共识。 Otherwise, on this day under was early chaotic! 不然的话,这天下早乱了! If strictly does not observe, no matter what the old monster in world runs amuck, Concise Essence of cracking-off all living things, World of the Living will change into the deathtrap, will become the bleak cemetery. 如果不严格遵守,任世间的老怪物横行,剥脱众生的精粹,阳间会化为死地,会成为荒凉的坟场。 The Yuan Clan old man is skinny, the whole body is the rotten aura, oneself assign/life Yuan dry, soul light is gloomy, looked could not live the too remote person. 沅族的老者枯瘦,周身都是腐烂的气息,自身命元干涸,魂光暗淡,一看就是活不了太久远的人。 No wonder he carries too far, does not hesitate to slaughter the Evolver training life lotus flower. 难怪他走极端,不惜屠戮进化者培养生命莲花。 who are you, dares to rush to Yuan Clan Mystic Realm!” He shouted, was obviously outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, to beginning of the universe level, how he unable to see at present several people of fearfulness. 你们是什么人,胆敢闯沅族秘境!”他喝道,明显色厉内荏,到了混元这种层次,他怎么看不出眼前几人的可怕。 Good Yuan Clan, how many evils you to make, how many people killed? Yuan Clan was known as Dao Lineage that does not extinguish, stretches across incessantly a family of era, what made, must face the world, making everyone look at this place?” Supreme Being shouted. “好一个沅族,你这是造了多少孽,杀了多少人?沅族号称不灭的道统,横跨不止一个纪元的家族,都做了什么,要不要面对天下,让所有人看一看此地?”一位大能喝道。 Bang! 轰! The Old Gu sending out fluctuation of energy, wants take action, as the big beginning of the universe level powerhouse, character in extremely Supreme Being, he to this old man absolutely is overwhelming. 老古散发能量波动,就要出手,身为大混元级强者,大能中的绝顶人物,他对上这个老者绝对是压倒性的。 Slow!” Chu Feng stops, this he must begin time personally, examines his strength. “慢!”楚风制止,这一次他要亲自动手,检验自身的实力。 You court death!” The Yuan Clan old man lowers roars, the whole body illumination, everywhere is rune, illuminates void, this is giving the message outward. “你们找死!”沅族老者低吼,浑身发光,漫天都是符文,照亮虚空,这是在向外传递消息呢。 Does not have, I have blocked this place.” Chu Feng informs tranquilly. “没有的,我已封锁此地。”楚风平静地告知。 This war, inevitable, the Yuan Clan old man goes all out, whole body withered blood energy was activated forcefully, rune like metal founding, brand mark in Between Heaven and Earth. 这一战,无可避免,沅族的老者拼命,浑身干枯的血气被强行激活,符文如同金属浇铸而成,烙印在天地间 He is deriving Greater World Dao marks, coincides with, wants to rumble to kill Chu Feng. 他在汲取大世界道纹,与自身相合,想轰杀楚风 Even if dies he also to draw in one, particularly his knows the Chu Feng's status, wants to kill him. 哪怕死他也要拉上一个,尤其是他知道楚风的身份,就更想弄死他了。 Bang! 轰! great war is quite intense, Chu Feng shows Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique, the back presents five ray of light bunches, clank called like five immortal swords, sharp incomparable. 大战颇为激烈,楚风展现七宝妙术,背后出现五道光束,如同五柄仙剑般铮铮而鸣,锋利无匹。 If seven Heaven and Earth treasure materials get together, that was seven immortal light soars to the heavens. 若是七种天地奇珍物质齐聚,那就是七道仙光冲霄了。 But in the Chu Feng's preview, nine color light beams will even pass through All Heavens in the future! 而在楚风的预演中,将来甚至有九色光束贯穿诸天 At this time, he shakes Supreme Being hardly, the hit place thunders, Greater World Dao marks struck off by him, two world innumerable symbols bloom, energy ebullition. 此时,他硬撼大能,打的此地轰鸣,大世界道纹都被他击断了,两人间无数的符号绽放,能量沸腾。 This service, killed Sun and Moon lost radiance, is astonishing, Chu Feng by double reveres the Yuan Clan beginning of the universe level powerhouse mouth and nose overflowing blood that Dao Fruit hits, the body is tattered. 这一役,杀的日月无光,非常惊人,楚风以双尊道果打的沅族混元级强者口鼻溢血,身体破烂。 The eye that the surrounding person looks is straight, shocks incomparably. 周围的人看的眼直,震撼无比。 Especially Long Dayu, making the vigor swallow saliva, the shock, this son of a bitch, this virtue character generation, was too in secret fierce, making him be scared. 尤其是龙大宇,使劲儿咽了一口唾沫,暗中震惊,这狗东西,这德字辈,太厉害了,让他直发毛。 His sighs woefully, later really cannot, probably take Four Handsomes as the honor, but cannot instead Chu Feng. 他一声哀叹,以后真不能对着来了,要以四大美人为荣,而不能反楚风了。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Chu Feng the five colors light beam turns into five immortal swords behind, respective release different rune, radiant incomparable, composes a sword wheel, swept away directly. 楚风身后五色光束化成五口仙剑,各自释放不同的符文,璀璨无比,组成一个剑轮,直接横扫了出去。 ! 噗! Supreme Being was cut to kill, even soul light has not fled, was extinguished! 一位大能被斩杀,连魂光都没有走脱,就此被灭! Chu Feng is a little unsatisfied, unexpectedly battled, has the disparity compared with Old Gu. 只是,楚风有点不满意,居然激战了一番,比起老古有差距。 Old Gu is who, the eyelash is spatial, instantaneous knows he is thinking anything, the complexion is unattractive immediately, said ill-humoredly: „Am I am the big beginning of the universe level powerhouse good, can throughout the ages, how many have? You are only Great Heavenly Venerate of double fruit position, although is close to revere permanently, but after all is also not, is away from Great Realm!” 老古什么人,眼睫毛都是空的,瞬间知道他在想什么,脸色顿时不好看了,没好气地说道:“我是大混元级强者好不好,古往今来,能有多少尊?你只是双果位的大天尊,虽然接近恒尊,但毕竟还不是,隔着大境界呢!” Old Gu unstated criticism, you, although is close, but double reveres after all permanently, if can exist side by side with me now, my he kills to consider as finished, loses face too! 老古腹诽,你虽然接近,但毕竟还是双恒尊,如果现在就能与我并立,我他么一头撞死算了,太丢人! However, in his heart has the sense of crisis, the Chu Feng evolution is too quick, immediately wanted double to revere permanently, even the beginning of the universe was also quick, when the time comes he absolutely was not an opponent. 不过,他心中还是有危机感,楚风进化太快,马上就要双恒尊了,甚至混元也快了,到时候他绝对不是对手。 Only has half beginning of the universe level soil texture?!” “只有半份混元级土质?!” Chu Feng is disappointed, how saying that is also Yuan Clan Supreme Being, saved for a lifetime, the life must end, such soil texture? 楚风非常失望,怎么说也是沅族大能,积攒了一辈子,此生都要结束了,才这么点土质? How many people want to spurt him, you were an evening see the Supreme Being Level soil texture, wasn't really serious mutated soil of this strategy level? 几人又想喷他了,你这是一晚上见多了大能级土质,真不将这种战略级的异土当一回事了吧? Although Chu Feng is disappointed, however Qi Feng on the scene and other Supreme Being actually in excited, excited. 楚风虽然失望,但是在场的祁锋等三位大能却在激动,兴奋不已。 The process that although the life lotus flower grows, creates the frigid disaster, died massive Evolver, but its effect is indeed astonishing. 虽然生命莲花成长的过程,造成惨烈灾祸,死了大量进化者,但其功效的确惊人。 This is not Qi Feng and the others created , picks and takes lotus seed, three Supreme Being have not felt strange. 这不是祁锋等人造成的,因此,采摘与服食莲子时,三位大能并未觉得不妥。 Although also misses for several years to be mature finally, but, they impossible to get down, Yuan Clan died Supreme Being, this/should clan will find sooner or later this place startled changes. 虽然还差几年才能最终成熟,但是,他们不可能等下去,沅族死了一位大能,该族早晚会发现此地惊变。 Grains of purple lotus seed, like small Sun, were divided equally by three Supreme Being, they are all shivering, this can prolong life absolutely for many years for them. 一粒粒紫色的莲子,都如同小太阳,被三位大能平分,他们全都在颤抖,这绝对能为他们延寿多年。 First has the soul to be colored, then has the life lotus, to their lives is a start of transition, brings the infinite possibility. 先有魂花,再有命莲,对他们的生命是一次转折的开始,带来无限可能。 Quick, they kill to third Dao Field, finally came up empty-handed, Yuan Clan the Supreme Being return family, because he emergency call, had/left the big matter! 很快,他们杀向第三处道场,结果扑空了,沅族的这位大能回归家族了,因为他得到紧急召唤,出大事儿了! In fact, Dao Lineage that at this moment many Great Clan, do not extinguish, was shocked. 事实上,这一刻许多大族,不灭的道统,都被震撼了。 Between Heaven and Earth, has Dharma Decree to arrive, illuminates obviously in void, melts together another Dao rune brand mark, in Buddha Race, Zhou Clan, Dao Race, Ji Clan and other ancestor palaces obviously. 天地间,有法旨降临,显照在虚空中,化出一道又一道符文烙印,在佛族周族道族姬族等内部祖殿显化。 „The World of the Living universal time arrived!” Some old men muttered, shock incomparably. 阳间大一统的时代到来了!”有老者喃喃自语,震撼无比。 Even, All Heavens universal! 甚至,诸天都要大一统了! Chu Feng and the others smashed third Dao Field at the same night, obtains beginning of the universe level mutated soil again, but cannot kill that Supreme Being. 楚风等人连夜将第三处道场端掉了,再次获得一份混元级异土,只是没有能击毙那位大能 Enough did you promote double revere permanently?” Old Gu asked. “足够你晋升双恒尊了吧?”老古问道。 However, Chu Feng had the trauma, feared that this time insufficient, thought that sought two to be safe again. 然而,楚风有心理阴影了,怕这次还是不够,觉得再寻上两份才稳妥。 He feared that leaves again accidentally/surprisingly, the card is suspended in midair in the halfway. 他怕再次出意外,卡在半途中不上不下。 I dare by the life guarantee, to be enough!” Old Gu said. “我敢以性命担保,足够了!”老古说道。 This...... does not have the natural justice!” When strange dragon knows Chu Feng must promote double reveres permanently, when needs so many beginning of the universe level mutated soil, the face was green, no wonder the virtue character generation is so powerful! “这……没天理!”当怪龙知道楚风要晋升双恒尊,需要这么多混元级异土时,脸都绿了,难怪德字辈这么强大! Generally, I am close double to revere permanently, has a distance to beginning of the universe Dao Fruit.” Chu Feng said humbly. “一般,我才接近双恒尊,离混元道果都还有段距离呢。”楚风谦逊地说道。 But, this words make one want to kill him. 可是,这种话语却让人想打死他。 Do not tell me, when you become big beginning of the universe level Evolver, then can strike the rotten Great Universe Level old monster horizontally!” Long Dayu doubt. “别告诉我,你成为大混元级进化者时,便可以横击腐烂的大宇级老怪物!”龙大宇狐疑。 I try hard!” Chu Feng said. “我努力吧!”楚风说道。 Strange dragon: „......” 怪龙:“……” He actually wants saying that doesn't install to die? Really wants to kill the virtue character generation! 他其实很想说,不装能死吗?真想打死德字辈! Across World of the Living no longer tranquil, in instantly, many old monsters that the rosy-colored clouds at dawn raise by being startled mind uneasy, in their ancestor palaces, there are to high rune obviously, is making clear to some will! 阳间各地不再平静,在朝霞升起的刹那,许多老怪物都被惊的心神不宁,在他们的祖殿中,有至高符文显化,昭示着某种意志! World of the Living must unify......” had the old monster to shiver repeatedly was saying. In this early morning, even Chu Feng their knows, Dao Lineage that although they from do not extinguish, has not obtained Dharma Decree, but actually heard. 阳间要统一了……”有老怪物一遍又一遍颤抖着说道。在这个清晨,连楚风他们都知道了,尽管他们不是来自不灭的道统,没有得到法旨,但是却听说了。 Because, this matter influence was too big, the news passed on! 因为,这件事影响太大了,消息传了出来! Any situation, must understand clearly, this is Great Influence, I and others cannot violate, must take advantage of opportunity the line!” Old Gu said. “到底什么情况,要了解清楚,这可是大势,我等不能违背,要顺势而行!”老古说道。 First ten big races, rank most Dao Lineage near the top, surely the understanding truth, needs to inquire to them.” Supreme Being Qi Feng said. “前十大种族,排位最靠前的道统,肯定了解真相,需要向他们打听。”大能祁锋说道。 This place is away from Zhou Clan is not very far, I find the person to inquire.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, must see Young Lady Xi. “此地距离周族不是很远,我去找人打探一番。”楚风开口,要去见少女曦 Very long, he should also look for this old friend, has wanted to see her. 很久了,他也该去找这位故人了,一直想见她。 Now, his strength enough, can protect oneself in World of the Living, across the world has been possible to go. 现在,他实力够了,可以在阳间自保了,天下各地已可去得。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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