SR :: Volume #16

#1532: Emperor, truth

Is the empress in that Great World of the Dead?! 女帝身在那大阴间?! Earth-shaking, deafening, making the person mind turbulent, ratio astonishing event? 石破天惊,震耳欲聋,让人心神动荡,还有比这个惊人的事件吗? How many years, does world has been searching three Celestial Emperor, only currently have the whereabouts to Empress tall? 多少年了,世间一直都在寻觅三天帝,唯一的至高女帝现在有了下落? Naturally, can Empress knows, and clear(ly) understands her certainly the colorful incomparable family number to be limited in the past, is only restricted on the scene have several top Dao Lineage. 当然,能知道女帝,并明晓她当年多么绝艳无匹的家族数量有限,也仅限于在场的有数顶级道统 But in an instant, people calm down, was not so mood fluctuating is fierce including Fallen Immortal King Clan. 但刹那间,人们又冷静下来,包括堕落仙王族也不是那么情绪起伏剧烈了。 So many years pass by, if the empress still, should be born, how not to have the message? 这么多年过去,若是女帝还在,应该早就出世了,何以没有了音讯? Many person faces are serious, in the heart also sinks. 许多人面孔严肃,心中亦是一沉。 Most likely is, in the past she encroached upon Great World of the Dead. 最有可能的就是,当年她只是借道大阴间 The time of dissipation, the ancients once heard, the empress passes through the burial pit, unprecedented, steps one unable resolutely again the bridge then, from now on will not turn over. 消逝的时代,先民曾听到,女帝走过葬坑,一往无前,毅然踏上一座再也无法回头的桥,自此无归。 People analyzed, she once passed by Great World of the Dead. 人们判断,她曾路过大阴间 It seems like, Fellow Daoist had to guess.” That mouthful yellow tooth old man grins to smile. “看来,各位道友有猜测到了一些。”那个满嘴黄牙的老者咧嘴笑了笑。 Then he shakes the head, said: Empress not only passed by, actually in me in the world quite long years, but early period the ancients does not know its status.” 接着他又摇头,道:“女帝不仅是路过,其实在我界驻世相当长的一段岁月,只是先民早期不知其身份。” The ancients in his mouth, are the long time ago powerhouse, even he has not seen, elapses does not know that many time, it can be imagined is how ancient period's past event. 他口中的先民,是漫长光阴前的强者,连他都不曾见到过,都逝去不知多少个时代了,可想而知是多么古老时期的旧事。 Meanwhile, this also makes the person palpitation, the god tremble more, the empress is stationed in the world unexpectedly, that years, what did she make? 同时,这也倍加让人心悸,神颤,女帝居然驻世,那段岁月,她做了什么? She is closing up, is preparing, probably and other who, but, she has not waited till finally.” The old men said. “她在闭关,在准备,也像是在等什么人,可是,最终她没有等到。”老者慢慢道来。 This matter even in Great World of the Dead is secret, few individual knows, all previous generations are lifeforms as well as their direct disciple of True Immortal level has hearing. 这种事即便是在大阴间都是秘辛,没有几个人知道,历代都是真仙层次的生物以及他们的亲传弟子才有耳闻。 However, at this time is different in those days, the big world drastic change, All Heavens all phenomena on earth will destroy, no future, these did not need to conceal. 不过,今时不同往日,大世剧变,诸天万象都将溃灭,没有什么未来了,这些不需要在隐瞒。 Empress closes up, resembles to go, naturally this is others looks like in me, is very solemn and stirring, is very moved, is her, actually that light, calmly decides.” “女帝闭关,似是要赴死般,当然这是在我等看来,很悲壮,很伤感,可是于她而言,却是那么的平淡,静而定。” The old men were saying some past events, some are they look, some guess. 老者说着一些旧事,有些是他们看出来的,有些则是猜出来的。 The Great World of the Dead ancients feel, the empress is duty-bound not to turn back, wants to tread a brand-new say/way, rushes out one to be possible the road of live all living things. 大阴间先民感觉到,女帝义无反顾,想要去踏出一条全新的道,闯出一条可活众生的路。 Some ancients saw, the empress is attempting, she was once embezzled by oneself dark, was corroded by that fog comprehensively, marches into silver blood pond...... 有先民见到,女帝在尝试,她曾让自己被黑暗吞没,更被那灰雾全面侵蚀,又步入银色血池中…… When people hear here, changes countenance all, is this does the experiment with the life? 当人们听到这里,无不动容,这是拿性命做实验吗? The ancients see, these strange, these ominous, is unable to corrode the empress, is invalid in her. 先民看到,那些诡异,那些不祥,全都无法腐蚀女帝,于她无效。 But she without hesitation, totally gives up resisting, only to fall into the darkness by oneself, simultaneously crosses the fog, dyes ominous Silver Blood. 而她毫不犹豫,彻底放弃抵御,只为让自己堕入黑暗,同时渡灰雾,又染不祥银血等。 Once for sometime, she really fell into Abyss. 曾有一段时间,她真的堕入深渊 She to save me and others...... by body severe law, seeking, way vanguard!” “她是为了救我等……以身厉法,求索,寻路前行!” Degenerates the True Immortal opens the mouth, the sound trembles, this is not in dark Abyss, but is the happy sustenance of his True Body, saves the world the prospect. 一位堕落真仙开口,声音发颤,这不是黑暗深渊中的自我,而是他真身的美好寄托,存世的愿景。 Then, he does not wait for the yellow tooth old man to respond, oneself is a sigh, if the empress found the way out, how not to turn over to? 然后,他不等黄牙老者回应,自己就是一声叹息,如果女帝找到生路,何以无归? Fallen Immortal King Clan understands, creature of empress that level, oneself fearless ominous, what she must rescue is all the successor of their path! 堕落仙王族都明白,女帝那个层次的生灵,自身无惧不祥,她要救的是所有走他们道路的后来者! She falls into dark...... yellow tooth old man opens the mouth comprehensively. “她全面堕入黑暗……”黄牙老者开口。 Hears here, everyone's heart sank. 听到这里,所有人的心都沉下去了。 The empress truly is eternally shocking, but this kills oneself body on own initiative, can be good? 女帝确实惊艳万古,可她这样主动杀己身,能行吗? Her regression, oneself were too strong, although was all generations adds the body, supreme wanted the die bureau, but she crossed as before tranquilly.” “她复归了,自身实在太强,虽是万劫加身,无上都要殒落的局,但她依旧平静地渡过。” She can take such road, but others are not good. 只是,她自己可以走出那样的路,但其他人却不行。 Such a road, is unable universal, only has passing that the colorful person walked since ancient times most certainly, the empress the vertical day goes finally, treads dead bridge. 这样的一条路,无法普世,唯有古来最绝艳的人走的通,女帝最终纵天而去,去踏死桥。 That, she also once seemed like in and the others, but anything has not waited till finally.” “那一世,她也曾像是在等人,可最终什么也没有等到。” Therefore, she departed, from now on world not obvious. 所以,她离去了,自此世间再不可见。 It is reported that throughout the ages, doubtful all creature that walks that bridge died. 据悉,古往今来,疑似所有走那座桥的生灵都死了。 Burial pit, buried at least is Celestial Emperor!” That oldest degeneration True Immortal opens the mouth deeply. “葬坑,葬的最起码都是天帝!”那位最年老的堕落真仙深沉地开口。 Relatively speaking, the burial pit actually steps one of the that bridge small barrier, it can be imagined, the following dense fog, the opposite shore is what kind of terrifying. 相对而言,葬坑却只是踏上那座桥的一个“小障碍”,可想而知,后面的迷雾,对岸是何等的恐怖。 At this time, even if somewhat lost, steps in ball of light that the time granule that always insolent Lunatic Wu listens composes, the whole person lends the aura that does not extinguish, the prestige oppressed the person, the space and time is separated. 此时,纵然是一向张狂的武疯子都听的有些出神,踩在时光粒子组成的光团上,整个人都散发不灭的气息,威压迫人,时空都被割裂了。 Feather Sovereign in another side, the whole body is dim, dreamlike, does not reduce to the strong aura, his type of creature nature is looking out the abruption opposite shore, Emperor to become is their ultimate objectives. 羽皇在另一边,周身朦胧,如梦似幻,至强气息不减,他这种生灵自然在遥望断路对岸,成帝是他们的终极目标。 Bang! 砰! The space turbulence, thunders to continue. 空间动荡,轰鸣不止。 A fuzzy road is partly visible, Reincarnation reveals itself again! 一条模糊的路若隐若现,轮回再出世! Yaoyao kills Reincarnation Hunter continually, cuts completely that team of Supreme Being, enraged this to organize? 妖妖连杀轮回狩猎者,斩尽那一队大能,激怒这个组织了吗? A coffin that this time especially terrifying, fuzzy Ancient Road end presents, especially heavy, can probably collapse by pressure a side big universe, is sending out aura that extinguishes the world. 此次尤为恐怖,模糊的古路尽头出现的一口棺,格外的沉重,像是能够压塌一方大宇宙,散发着灭世的气息。 This time does not illuminate obviously, as if really must arrive, it just like in the drop blood, the red letting person thought all over the body sends to terrify. 这次不是显照,仿佛真的要降临了,它通体宛若在滴血,红的让人觉得发瘆。 And, had breath all at once to fill the air, locked the Great World of the Dead's person, including the powerful yellow tooth old man, as well as stood in his Old Gu. 并且,有一股气息弥漫,锁定了大阴间的人,包括强大的黄牙老者,以及站在他身边的老古 Ended!” In the Old Gu heart wails, this brings disaster to the mackerel shad. “完了!”老古心中哀嚎,这是殃及池鱼。 However, the yellow tooth old man is unhurried, the alarmed and afraid, tranquil opens the mouth, had not said: Such day coffin altogether has nine, was burying in some history the incomparably important person, you so use ? Doesn't fear the calamity, the past and present does not exist? The courage was too big!” 然而,黄牙老者却不慌,未曾惊惧,平静开口,道:“这样的天棺共有九具吧,原本葬着一些史上无比重要的人,你们如此动用,好吗?不怕天塌地陷,古今不复存在吗?胆子太大了!” Everyone heart startled, including Fallen Immortal King, heard the extraordinary big event, this from Great World of the Dead's Paramount lifeforms knows many matters. 所有人都心惊,包括堕落仙王等,听到了不得的大事件,这个来自大阴间的究极生物知道许多事。 This type...... about the Reincarnation Road's secret, don't tell me is the information that empress leaves behind. 这种……关于轮回路的秘密,难道是那位女帝所留下的信息。 That, once deducted Reincarnation, the resurrecting friends and relatives, person who must reappear that but what status you are, dares to go bad that Reincarnation Road absurdly?” “那位,曾演绎轮回,复活亲故,更要再现那一世的人,而你们是什么身份,妄敢坏了那条轮回路吗?” Yellow tooth old man really knows shakes the world secret, such remarks, two battlefield no one do not change color, the soul must tremble. 黄牙老者果然知道震世的秘辛,此言一出,两界战场无人不变色,灵魂都要发抖了。 He mentioned that unexpectedly, has the person of this name, does not dare stated clearly creature, a small number knows, can contact the secret person slightly, stands in them the family like this in pyramid peak. 他居然提及了那位,有此称呼的人,不敢被人言明的生灵,只有少部分人知晓,稍微能接触秘辛的人,都在他们这样站在金字塔顶端的家族。 But they also through the vestige, remnant tablet, copper palace on incomplete record, many knows odds and ends. 而他们也都是通过遗迹、残碑、铜殿等上的残缺记载,多少知道了一鳞半爪。 That, is too mystical, was too fearful, as the years pass, are going about his all pale, even if powerful degeneration True Immortal wait/etc., for sometime does not look at the record, in the heart will also obliterate about his trace gradually. 那位,太神秘,也太可怕了,随着岁月流逝,关于他的一切都在淡去,哪怕强大的堕落真仙等,有段时间不看记载,心中关于他的痕迹也会渐渐磨灭。 As long as understood, knows that powerhouse, incomparably attaches great importance to about his any tip news none who does not! 但凡了解,知道那位的强者,莫不无比重视关于他的任何点滴消息! First hears the news of empress, hears that secret again, two, how do not make those present shock, even is frightened?! 先是听到女帝的讯息,又再次听闻到那位的秘辛,前后两则,怎不让在场的人震撼,甚至是惊悚?! But all these, Great World of the Dead understood unexpectedly! 而这一切,大阴间居然都了解! At this time, people judge, this Reincarnation Road doubtful is that deduction. 此时,人们判断出,这条轮回路疑似是那位演绎的。 Different from Reincarnation Road of hell! 不同于地府的轮回路 Seriously is fearful, many years, without many of knows this secrets, but also thinks that all Reincarnation Road are related with the hell. 当真是慑人,多少年了,没有多少人知道这则秘密,还以为所有轮回路都与地府有关呢。 This is very special, is that models again. 这一条很特殊,是那位再塑的。 However, has probably problems. 不过,像是出了什么问题。 That road, measures you not to dare to act unreasonably, but the nine day coffin on this road, do you dare to act rashly?” The yellow tooth old man shouts a question. “那位的路,量你们也不敢乱来,可这条路上的九口天棺,你们就敢妄动吗?”黄牙老者喝问。 At this time meanwhile, after people hear this words, the scalp was numb, nine brilliant red such as ancient coffin of blood with that related? 此时此际,当人们都听到这种话后,都头皮都酥麻了,九口红艳如血的古棺都与那位有关? One crowd of old monster fine body hair but are actually vertical, seriously is before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises! 一群老怪物都寒毛倒竖,当真是一波未平一波又起 Behind Reincarnation Hunter the organization what background? 轮回狩猎者背后的这个组织到底什么来头? Nature...... does not dare.” “自然……不敢。” Unexpectedly has the sound to transmit, from that Ancient Road end, the nearby of bright red big coffin, has to send out World of the Living with the sound fluctuation of machinery very ancient. 居然有声音传来,自那古路的尽头,朱红大棺的附近,有很古老与机械的声音波动散发到阳间 Suddenly, all parties are silent, in no individual heart can be tranquil, is the wild waves volume day. 一时间,各方寂静,没有一个人心中可以平静,全都是骇浪卷天。 Was this end the world approaches seriously? Various secret, various types the biggest secret must surface since ancient times, even Reincarnation Road of that deduction also illuminates today obviously. 这当真是末世来临了吗?各种秘辛,各种古来最大的秘密等都要浮出水面,连那位演绎的轮回路也在今日显照。 But, the road seems changing, will that what condition, have changes?!” The yellow tooth old man voice has the penetrating power very much. “可是,路似乎在变,那位到底什么状态,会有变吗?!”黄牙老者声音很有穿透力。 don't said that various World of the Living clans, is Fallen Immortal King Clan, by being startled petrify, divine soul was trembled, today arrived here to hear so many scary big events unexpectedly. 莫说阳间各族,就是堕落仙王族,也都被惊的石化,神魂颤栗,今天来到这里居然听到这么多骇人的大事件。 Nine day coffins, are burying unusual creature, has that parent-child, is waiting for resurrecting, do you and others dare to make an issue with them?” Yellow tooth old man vigorous sound stern countenance. “九口天棺,葬着非同寻常的生灵,其中就有那位的亲子,等着复活,你等敢拿他们做文章?”黄牙老者疾声厉色。 Suddenly, old Paramount, is dark True Immortal, is terrified, the soul must be startled the hole, heard news more and more fear world. 一时间,无论是老究极,还是黑暗真仙,全都悚然,灵魂都要惊出窍了,听到的消息越来越慑天地。 This seriously is earth-shaking, can be the inestimable big deal? 这当真是翻天覆地,要出不可估量的大事了吗? Small stone is also living......” “小小石头还活着……” At this moment, among ancient land, breaks on the mountain, nine are moved to tears, what did he hear? 这一刻,古地间,断山上,九道一热泪盈眶,他听到了什么? When thinks and that in his heart reappearing many elapsing the god sound of person, great war was too frigid, even that parent-child offered sacrifices. 当思及那一世,他心中浮现很多逝去的人的神音,大战实在太惨烈了,连那位的亲子都献祭了。 Now, he heard unexpectedly, that only heir was buried in a day of coffin. 现在,他居然听到了,那位唯一的子嗣被葬天棺中。 Nine whole face tears, he was past experiencing, witnessing first was miserable. 九道一满脸泪水,他是当年的亲历者,见证了一世凄凉。 Past, for sometime, he once believes that parent-child should be reactivated, but, all sorts of signs showed afterward, is not such. 昔日,有段时间,他曾认为,那位的亲子应该被复活了,可是,后来种种迹象表明,不是那样。 Now, he has not expected, that inherits his father, should the Heaven-Blessed invincible person, without the dissipation , buries in in day coffin as before! 现在,他不曾料到,那个遗传其父、本应天纵无敌的人,没有消散,依旧在,葬于某口天棺中! Nine could not bear, vertical day on, must go to two battlefields! 九道一忍不住了,纵天而上,也要去两界战场! Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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