SR :: Volume #16

#1511: Being a scapegoat the chivalrous person is insane

Long Dayu hears his affirmative reply, on the face somewhat is still discontented, but in innermost feelings actually excited incomparable, finally can pack this son of a bitch! 龙大宇听到他肯定的回答,脸上依旧有些不满,但内心中却激动无比,终于可以收拾这狗东西了! Then, he does intentionally to shut out, even is a little indifferent, with Chu Feng again agreed location. 然后,他故作嫌弃,甚至有点淡然,又与楚风重新约定地点。 This time, Chu Feng happy complying and ensure cannot be late. 这次,楚风痛快的答应,保证不会迟到。 When ended the telephone conversation, when withdraw communication, Chu Feng discovered that a Old Gu face strange color, is staring at him there. 当结束通话,收起通讯器时,楚风发现老古正一脸诡异之色,在那里盯着他。 You must blame Longkeng dead that.” Old Gu said leisurely. “你这是要将那头怪龙坑死啊。”老古悠悠说道。 Now, Chu Feng had almost double revered Dao Fruit permanently, powerful boundless, definitely had the method of preying on the Supreme Being Level strong person. 现在,楚风几乎拥有了双恒尊道果,实力强大无边,绝对有搏杀大能级强人的手段。 At this time, Chu Feng honored an agreement, if that strange dragon the in high spirits appearance, wants to cry unable to cry finally. 这个时候,楚风去履约,那头怪龙如果兴高采烈的出现,最后想哭都哭不出来。 Chu Feng refuted, said: Words cannot say, clearly is he wants the pit I, this dragon too black heart, I just must go to the justifiable defense.” 楚风反驳,道:“话不能这么说,分明是他要坑我,这龙实在太黑心了,我只不过要去正当防卫。” Has not heard, ahead of time prepares, and scurries to please, visits on own initiative the justifiable defense.” Old Gu despises. “没听说过,提前准备好,并上赶着,主动登门去正当防卫的。”老古鄙视。 Then, he is suddenly serious, said: You must bring carefully, do not capsize, because this strange dragon dares does that has the safe method to harvest you mostly.” 然后,他突然郑重起来,又道:“你得小心带点,别翻船,因为这怪龙敢这么做,多半有稳妥的手段收割你。” Chu Feng hearing this, enforces immediately, he also detected, some oneself negligences, were possibly negligent. 楚风闻言,顿时严肃起来,他也发觉,自己可能有些疏忽,过于大意了。 Strange dragon can/but is not the simple generation, since dares to hunt he, starting to be definitely black. 怪龙可不是简单之辈,既然敢狩猎他,下手肯定会非常黑。 You want knows, you are only revere after all permanently, has not entered into that Dominion truly, you slaughter with Supreme Being possibly make a big noise, impossible silent killing, but the lifeforms powerful far ultra imagination of that level! If two, even three, even four, so powerful creature advances on hand in hand, can you be able to block?” “你要知道,你毕竟只是准恒尊,还没真正迈入那个领域中呢,你与一位大能厮杀都可能闹出不小的动静,不可能无声的击毙,而那个层次的生物强大的远超想象!若是两位,甚至三位,甚至四位呢,如此强大的生灵联袂进击,你能挡得住?” Old Gu this words make Chu Feng have a scare, perhaps the strange dragon also really can look for four Supreme Being, if this instead by Long Dayu tidying up, that was miserable. 老古这种话语让楚风吓了一跳,怪龙还真没准能找来四尊大能,这要是反被龙大宇给收拾了,那就惨了。 What is most essential, Chu Feng thinks, Supreme Being fierce combat that if brings with Long Dayu, the sound is oversized, the tactical situation is shocking, will cause the Yuan Clan attention and vigilance. 最为关键的是,楚风想到,如果与龙大宇带来的大能激战,动静过大,战况惊世,会引起沅族关注与警惕。 In that case, his scheduled three Supreme Being old nest, not necessarily can pull out spatially. 那样的话,他预定的三个大能的老窝,就不见得能掏空了。 Therefore, I first kill Yuan Clan, destroys completely them , then, then harvests Long Dayu mutated soil?” Chu Feng feels the chin, ponders over. “所以,我先去杀沅族,一个一个的灭掉他们,神不知鬼不觉,然后,再去收割龙大宇异土?”楚风摸着下巴,琢磨起来。 In this case, must put the Long Dayu pigeon, he is supposing, the strange dragon will therefore be mad half dead, is dreadful to his resentment. 这样的话,又要放龙大宇鸽子了,他估摸着,怪龙会因此气个半死,对他怨气滔天。 However, Chu Feng can affirm, even so, puts pigeon again a time, when next time again approximately, Long Dayu will comply to attend a meeting as before. 但是,楚风敢肯定,即便如此,再放一次鸽子,当下次再约时,龙大宇依旧会答应赴会。 All are because, the strange dragon is further deepening to his resentment thought. 一切都是因为,怪龙对他的怨念在进一步加深。 Actually, without is so troublesome, puts a that strange dragon pigeon also to might as well again, slings his appetite, when I go out, we go together, what issue resolvable.” “其实,没有那么麻烦,再放那头怪龙一次鸽子也无妨,吊起他的胃口,等我出关,咱俩一块去,什么问题都可解决。” Old Gu said that self-confident. 老古说道,自信满满。 He wants to march in Supreme Being Dominion, making Chu Feng protect the law for him, waits again previous some time. 他想进军大能领域中,让楚风为他去护法,再等上一段时间。 Does not fear 10,000, fears the eventuality, if this strange dragon real face is very big, the method is exceedingly high, invited four, even five Supreme Being, in I was also not true double revere in the Dao Fruit situation permanently, perhaps really met falling miserably in a very easy task.” “不怕一万,就怕万一,如果这头怪龙真的面子很大,手段通天,一口气请来四位,甚至五位大能,在我还不是真正双恒尊道果的情况下,说不定真会阴沟里翻船。” Chu Feng now is very calm, not, because after promote step lowers one's guard, his self- introspection, serious earnest, decided that accompanies Old Gu to step onto. 楚风现在很冷静,并未因为晋阶后麻痹大意,他自我反省,严肃认真了起来,决定陪老古走上一趟。 Chu Feng secretly thought, the strange dragon, sorry, you stamp one's foot, no matter seething with rage of air/Qi, spat up blood, temporarily did not close my matter! 楚风暗道,怪龙,对不起了,你去跳脚去吧,不管是气的七窍生烟,还是呕血,暂时都不关我的事了! Then, the strange dragon was put the pigeon once again! 就这样,怪龙又一次被放了鸽子! At this time, the strange dragon is just stimulated, summoned the youngest brother. 此时,怪龙正亢奋呢,呼唤老兄弟。 Indeed let Old Gu and Chu Feng expected, had the worst case scenario to perform. 的确让老古楚风料到了,有最坏的情况在上演。 The strange dragon one breath gave to shout the old friends of previous life understanding, as for can come several, he was indefinite, but, at least no less than 3-4. 怪龙一口气将前世认识的故人都给喊遍了,至于能来几个,他也不确定,但是,最起码不少于三四个。 Son of a bitch, this time you cannot escape, I do not believe in evil doctrines, but could also not tidy up you, does not think that who the dragon master I was, having a grudge must report, never suffered a loss, you died!” “狗东西,这次你插翅难逃,我就不信邪了,还收拾不了你,也不想想龙爷我是谁,有仇必报,从不吃亏,你死定了!” His not knows, oneself will come up empty-handed from the start, the virtue character generation will also fail to keep an appointment, if knows, at this time must certainly spout an old blood. 他压根不知道,自己又将扑空,德字辈还将失约,若是知晓,这时肯定要喷出一口老血来。 Also goes?!” “还去?!” „Should this time, not be played jokes upon?” “这次,该不会又被人戏耍吧?” Sign of the dragon, ok, listens to elder brother's words, do not provoke that fellow, I always feel disturbed, that is not a fuel-efficient lamp.” “大龙,算了吧,听哥的话,不要招惹那家伙了,我总觉得不安,那不是个省油的灯。” Three people responded to Dalong space immediately, once was his best friend, attended a meeting for the first time , these three people once followed to leave. 有三人都在第一时间回应了大龙宇,都曾是他的至交好友,第一次赴会时,这三人就都曾跟着动身。 Finally, they waited for the greater part of the night, the including root wool not to see. 结果,他们等了大半夜,连根毛都没见到。 Relax, his time will definitely come. Furthermore, will not have any issue, I made several people, if they also rush, I thought that can annoy old Paramount, even overcame several famous mountains!” “放心,他这次肯定会来。再有,不会有任何问题,我又约了几人,他们如果也赶到,我都觉得可以去惹老究极,甚至去打下几座名山了!” Long Dayu vowed solemnly, making them feel relieved. 龙大宇信誓旦旦,让他们放心。 Then, he ended the exchange, conscientiously prepared. 然后,他结束交流,认真去做准备了。 The time passes, another arrives at night, Long Dayu keeps an appointment on time. 时间流逝,又一个夜晚降临,龙大宇准时赴约。 The bright moonlight overhangs, the bright brilliance sprinkles on the beautiful mountain massif, making the entire mountain dim, just like covering a sacred silvery brilliance. 明月高挂,皎洁的光辉洒落在秀丽的山体上,让整座青山都朦胧起来,宛若覆盖了一层神圣银辉。 Lane Long Dayu a deck chair, was very contented, ahead of time, lay down by there, snort/hum the song, is waiting for Chu Feng to appear, anticipated very much. 龙大宇了一张躺椅,很是自得,提前来了,躺靠在那里,哼着小曲,等着楚风出现,很期待。 Shortly, five phantom appear, in a flash however does not have, is greeting with him in secret. 不久后,共有五道虚影浮现,一晃而没,都在暗中与他打了招呼。 Five Supreme Being! 五位大能 If this passes on, will initiate the big disturbance absolutely, a barren hill, a night inspires five Supreme Being to arrive unexpectedly together, this is big! 这若是传出去,绝对会引发大风波,一片荒山而已,一夜间居然引动五位大能共同降临,这是大! The personal connection of conceivable, strange dragon is strong. 可以想象,怪龙的人脉多么强。 Everyone, the brothers I must have the compensation, I dare by the personality guarantee, his body to have the huge secret, otherwise is impossible rapidly to rise, becomes Everlasting King.” “各位,兄弟我必有补偿,我敢以人格担保,他身上有天大的秘密,不然不可能迅速崛起,成为恒王。” Under the strange dragon gives up the initial capital, please have the youngest brothers, not totally to have a foul odor, he also wants to fish a ticket to be big, relying on the instinct intuition, he thinks that on Chu Feng has the strangeness, is hiding the big secret. 怪龙舍得下血本,请出老兄弟们,也不完全是为了出一口恶气,他还想捞一票大的,凭着本能直觉,他认为楚风身上有古怪,藏着大秘密。 The bright moonlight, loosen big wave is in the sky intermittent, clear mountains and rivers upper reaches, scenery like picture. 明月当空,松涛阵阵,清泉石上流,景色如画。 The Long Dayu mood is excellent, static and other Chu Feng walked into a trap. 龙大宇可谓心情大好,静等楚风自投罗网。 Then...... 然后…… Did not have then! 就没有然后了! He has waited till the dawn, the youngest brothers are speechless, silent, each and every one departs in secret, finally has not seen a virtue character generation of emergence! 他一直等到天明,老兄弟们都无语,沉默着,一个个暗中离去,最后也没见到德字辈出现! "Ah...... ” “啊……” The Long Dayu noisy wail, was angry, he thought that oneself really must spit blood , he the person cannot be so shameless, he meow put his pigeon. 龙大宇长嚎,气坏了,他觉得自己真要吐血了,他么的,人不能这么无耻,又他喵的放他鸽子了。 He a little does not think clearly, damn virtue character generation of this is any wicked interest, is really whiles away the time intentionally he, is no interesting. 他有点想不明白,该死的德字辈这是什么恶趣味,真是故意消遣他吗,根本没什么意思啊。 Long Dayu wanted insanely, if saw Chu Feng, must kill him absolutely! 龙大宇要疯了,如果见到楚风,绝对要打死他! Most makes him feel what is ashamed, will a person fall in the same pit twice? 最为让他觉得羞耻的是,一个人怎么会摔进同一个坑中两次呢? Very unfortunately, he is such person, was being deceived the bleak open country to eat the dew including two days, blows the mountain breeze, that damn virtue character generation! Is this matter that the person does? 很不幸,他就是这样的人,连着两天被骗到荒凉的野外吃露水,吹山风,那该死的德字辈!这是人干的事吗? The one who most lets his grief and indignation is, although how many youngest brothers have not said what, is silent departure, but, this affects more serious, how this sees him? 最为让他悲愤的是,几位老兄弟虽然没说什么,沉默着离去,但是,这影响更严重,这是怎么看他呢? virtue character generation, does not have the thing , he the dragon master I was insane!” Long Dayu really must cough up blood, at present becomes dark, wants to kill people. “德字辈,没好东西啊,他么的,龙爷我要疯了!”龙大宇真要咳血了,眼前发黑,很想去杀人啊。 In this time, his communication sound. 正在这时,他的通讯器响了。 Then, who he sees is, the eye is red immediately, the air/Qi whole body trembles, wishing one could to pinch to explode communication. 然后,他一看到是谁,眼睛立时通红,气的浑身哆嗦,恨不得想捏爆通讯器。 However, finally, he endured to put through, he must look that but actually Cao De also had what words to say, really went too far! 但是,最终,他还是忍着接通了,他倒要看一看曹德还有什么话可说,真是欺人太甚! However, Chu Feng's a few words, almost make his violent walk, mentality blasting open. 然而,楚风的一句话,就差点让他暴走,心态炸裂。 Great Universe, I am your Brother Dade (Great Virtue)!” “大宇,我是你大德哥!” Introduced itself with you, my knows was you! Long Dayu wants to shout, furthermore, becomes the elder brother to whom, you retract from an engagement once again, but also dares to come up to say the elder brother, enduring you were very long, I must kill you! 用你介绍自己吗,我知道是你!龙大宇想嘶吼,再有,给谁当哥呢,你又一次爽约,还敢上来就自称哥,忍你很久了,我非打死你不可! However, Chu Feng not to the strange dragon acts crazy from the opportunity, the fast explanation, the saliva scatters, the tongue does not bring to tie a knot, said unusual is smooth. 不过,楚风没给怪龙发飙自的机会,快速解释,口水四溅,舌头都不带打结的,说的非常溜。 Supreme Being, chased down my one night fully, I almost died, you look, my whole body was the blood, the whole body is the wound, the bone broke many, was too miserable, I pledged that must revenge!” “一位大能,整整追杀了我一夜,我差点死掉,你看,我满身是血,浑身是伤,骨头都断了好多根,太惨了,我发誓要报仇!” The strange dragon is dumbfounded, looks at screen that end, that damn and ignominious virtue character generation of indeed whole body is the blood, collapses to the ground weakly on, the upright mouth gasps for breath, the tongue wants tired spat. 怪龙目瞪口呆,看着屏幕那一端,那该死与可耻的德字辈的确满身是血,虚弱地瘫坐在地上,正大口喘气呢,舌头都要累的吐出来了。 Long Dayu dark crisp, in the heart was more comfortable, if do not put on an act, he wants to loudly call out, the heaven kept eyes open finally! 龙大宇一阵暗爽,心中舒坦了很多,如果不是要装样子,他都想大叫一声,苍天终于长眼了! Great Universe, I first heals from a wound to restore now, tonight I am crawl also to crawl, then has the words that accidental/surprised cannot keep an appointment, lets my may heaven strike me with lightening five times, encountering rottenly, strange and ominous, entanglement life.” “大宇啊,我现在先去养伤恢复一下,今夜我就是爬也要爬过去,再出意外不能赴约的话,让我天打五雷轰,遭遇腐烂、诡异、不祥,纠缠一生。” Chu Feng pledged, the vicious, listened strange dragon is in a daze, sighed this fellow really to be ruthless secretly enough, dares to pledge that means this time won't retract from an engagement? 楚风发誓,狠毒,听的怪龙都发呆,暗叹这家伙还真够狠的,敢这么发誓,那意味着这次不会爽约了? Tonight, the previous place does not leave till we meet, if I do not pass, I let my Dao Foundation ruptured, soul light turn into ashes, waits for me!” “今夜,老地方不见不散,我若不过去,我让我道基崩开,魂光化成灰烬,等我!” Chu Feng said that ended the dialogue. 楚风说完就结束了对话。 Long Dayu is speechless, originally unbearable of air/Qi, is actually lost in thought now, in the meantime, he is very puzzled, must believe again. 龙大宇无语,本来气的够呛,现在却一阵出神了,同时,他还很纠结,到底要不要再相信呢。 If believes that but can also invite youngest brothers take action again? 如果相信吧,还能再请老兄弟们出手吗? His some grief and indignation, including are walking in three times, is the blood brother a little will be bothersome, this made the strange dragon want to kill Chu Feng, this son of a bitch put his pigeon repeatedly, making him build too many favors, had no way to confess to the youngest brothers. 他有些悲愤,连着找上门去三次,就是亲兄弟都会有点烦,这让怪龙更加想打死楚风了,这狗东西屡次放他鸽子,让他搭进去了太多的人情,都没法对老兄弟们交代了。 Now, does he also open opens the mouth? 现在,他还怎么张得开嘴? Finally, he clenches teeth, contacted with the youngest brother again, in any event, does not want to let off straightens up the Chu Feng's opportunity, if did not hang Chu Feng, he thought that did not have the natural justice! 最后,他一咬牙,还是再次联系老兄弟了,无论如何,都不想放过拾掇楚风的机会,要是不将楚风吊起来,他觉得没天理了! He pledged, must hold that hateful hateful Ji Dade! 他发誓,必须抓住那个可恶可恨的姬大德 However, several youngest brothers, some people do not want to speak with him. 然而,几位老兄弟,有人都不想与他说话了。 The strange dragon is shameless, explained in every possible way, finally also only then three youngest brothers comply with again leave the mountain, will step onto with him. 怪龙老脸通红,百般解释,最终也只有三位老兄弟答应再次出山,会跟他走上一趟。 Damn virtue character generation, your person does not appear even, still made me carry a pot, my several brothers all think that I was insane! But this is your pot , because you do not appear cause!” “该死的德字辈,你即便人不出现,也让我又背了一次锅,我的几位兄弟全认为我疯了!可这都是你的锅啊,是因为你不出现导致的!” The strange dragon grief and indignation, unbearable of air/Qi, the full belly is the fire, vented nowhere, he thought that oneself was really insane. 怪龙悲愤,气的够呛,满肚子都是火,无处发泄,他觉得自己真要疯了。 Regardless of because of anything, several youngest brothers to his some views, this completely because of the past friendship, his face were big, can link is inviting leave the mountain. 无论因为什么,几位老兄弟都对他有些看法了,这完全是因为过去的交情,他面子大,才能连着请出山 On and other tonight, you, if has not appeared, my world issues a warrant for arrest you, clears the family property, I must let the underground world ebullition, all expert are uneven to chase down you!” “就等今晚了,你如果还不出现,我满世界通缉你,散尽家财,我也要让地下世界沸腾,所有高手齐出都去追杀你!” Long Dayu makes a determined effort in secret, because, after he was linked inexplicably two are putting the pigeon late, the body and mind is exhausted, quick same place explosion. 龙大宇暗中发狠,因为,他被莫名连着两晚放鸽子后,身心疲累,已经快原地爆炸了。 At this time, Chu Feng returns to Mystic Realm, is staring at a ginseng/partake Heavenly Medicine tree with Old Gu. 此时,楚风回归一处秘境,与老古正盯着一株参天药树呢。 Many days ago, Old Gu buries accelerate ripening tree two Supreme Being Level mutated soil, today last mutated soil will also post. 很多天以前,老古就将两份大能级异土埋进去催熟此树,今天将最后一份异土也置入了。 In fact, two mutated soil made the flower bud on medicine tree want thoroughly ripe, 12 days then must bloom again. 事实上,两份异土就让药树上的花蕾要熟透了,再有一两日便要绽放了。 Now, he lays down third mutated soil, but for the sublimation of pollen quality, as well as flower bud by blooming of quicker speed! 现在,他埋下第三份异土,不过是为了花粉品质的升华,以及花蕾以更快速度的绽放! Old Gu, you had confidence that was ready?” Chu Feng asked. 老古,你有把握吗,做好准备了吗?”楚风问道。 Relax, I and other this day was very long, I accumulate from the prehistoric now, background thick in the extreme, if I will be defeated, on this day next within on few creature may the achievement Supreme Being fruit position!” “放心,我等这一天很久了,我从史前积淀到现在,底子厚的无以复加,如果我会失败,这天下间就没有几个生灵可成就大能果位了!” Old Gu confidence bursting, incomparable being proud. 老古信心爆棚,无比的自负。 Waited till the noontime, the full tree flower bud finally starts to bloom, this medicine tree is really uncommon, has five different flowers unexpectedly, is divided into the five colors. 等到了午时,满树花蕾终于开始绽放,这株药树果然不凡,竟结出五种不同的花朵,共分五色。 Five flowers, are almost simultaneously burst opened put, the pollen sprinkles, thick falling, covered Old Gu, like tissue, if five colors rosy cloud. 五种花朵,几乎是一齐绽放,花粉洒落,纷纷扬扬,将老古覆盖了,如同薄纱,又若五色云霞。 The evolution of Old Gu starts, sets out toward Supreme Being! 老古的进化开始,向着大能进发! Favored, this is the Supreme Being road, mixes the Heaven and Earth Dao mark, holds the Yuan of Greater World, the name said the beginning of the universe!” “看好了,这就是大能的路,混合天地道纹,容纳大世界之元,名曰混元!” Old Gu shouted, the mood scene released and guidance, how told the Chu Feng subsequent road to walk. 老古喝道,还有心情现场释放与教导呢,告诉楚风此后的路怎么走。 Has saying that Old Gu has one, is very indeed strong, particularly about the subsequent evolution, was too sufficient, was concrete all details that he prepared. 不得不说,老古有一手,的确很强,尤其是关于后续的进化,他准备的太充足了,具体到了所有细节。 For example, every time the quantity of absorbing the pollen has many, how during breath must let the body diastole, should evolve many, already clarity of accurate computation. 比如,每一次吸收花粉的量有多少,一次呼吸间要让身体怎么舒张,该进化多少,都早已精准计算的清清楚楚。 This may be more exquisite than Chu Feng, Old Gu controls the overall situation completely, this was his big brother had used the medicine tree, he had massive experiences to use for reference, all deduced clearly. 这可比楚风细腻多了,老古完全是把控住了全局,这是他大哥曾经用过的药树,他有大量的经验可借鉴,全都推演清楚了。 Therefore, he now is very self-confident, is very calm. 所以,他现在很自信,也很从容。 Beginning of the universe, mixes All Heavens Dao marks, accommodates the vitality of Myriad Worlds!” The Old Gu low roar, generally speaking, can hold and catch the source marks of some world to wind is very good. “混元,混合诸天道纹,容万界之元气!”老古低吼,一般来说,能容纳与捕捉到部分世界的本源纹络就很不错了。 Now, he goes all out like this, naturally is attempts big. 现在,他这样拼命,自然是所图不小。 Naturally, Supreme Being Level, is the beginning of the universe boundary, no one really can mix All Heavens Dao marks, accommodates the Yuan of Myriad Worlds, that is empty refers. 当然,大能级,也就是混元境,没有人真的可以混合诸天道纹,容万界之元,那是虚指。 A person evolves in this Realm, when must go all-out to hold and sense and that's the end. 只是,一个人在此境界进化,当需尽全力容纳与感悟就是了。 I want become stronger, I must break through in big beginning of the universe Dominion, I must become the permanent Yuan boundary powerhouse, becomes true Supreme Being!” “我要变强,我要突破进大混元领域中,我要成为恒元境强者,成为真正的大能!” The Old Gu low roar, starts to go crazy, absorbs everywhere the five colors pollen, goes crazy the evolution there, was similar to by own flesh burnt down. 老古低吼,开始发疯,吸收漫天的五色花粉,在那里发狂般进化,让自己的血肉都如同焚烧了起来。 He is transforming, he is sublimating! 他在蜕变,他在升华! So-called Supreme Being, in the person eyes of different level, the significance of representative is definitely different. 所谓大能,在不同层次的人眼中,代表的意义肯定是不同的。 Sometimes, in the eye of small Cultivator, Heavenly Venerate has to be called Supreme Being. 有些时候,在小修士的眼中,天尊都有被称为大能 However, as universal, as some consensus appear, people called the beginning of the universe level above person gradually are Supreme Being, Heavenly Venerate already not that qualifications. 不过,随着普世,随着一些共识出现,人们渐渐才将混元层次以上的人称为大能,天尊已经没有那种资格了。 As for Old Gu, is very proud, is very self-confident, he thinks that has big beginning of the universe Dao Fruit above Evolver is true Supreme Being! 至于老古,很骄傲,也很自信,他认为拥有大混元道果以上的进化者才算是真正的大能 However, although Old Gu is very confident, and prepares sufficiently, all the possible consequences will calculate, but, comes across the accident/surprise in the evolution. 然而,老古虽然很有信心,且准备充足,将各种可能的后果都推算出来了,可是,在进化过程中还是遇到意外。 The five colors pollen blended, had some strange changes, making his evolutionary rate now fast and now slow, more than he expected, the body vibrated, is bearing the huge misery and pressure of transformation. 五色花粉交融,产生了一些奇异的变化,让他的进化速度忽快忽慢,这超出他的预料,身体抖动,承受着蜕变的巨大的苦难与压力。 Then, his body has some rotten signs. 然后,他的身体有部分腐烂的迹象。 Chu Feng changed color immediately, the evolution of Old Gu has the hardship and danger, has the difficulty, has the possibility to leave carelessly accidentally/surprisingly. 楚风当即变色了,老古的进化有艰险,有难度,一个不慎就有可能出意外。 Bang! 轰! He wants not to think, stands in the distant place, deducts own say/way, unceasing Visualising, clear(ly) became aware that real road, hidden innumerable light granule innumerable god secret item nature resonance with this heaven and earth. 他想也不想,站在远处,演绎自己的道,不断的观想,明悟那条真路,与这天地间暗藏的无数光粒子无数的神秘物质共鸣。 Really, he succeeded, making that real road appear fuzzily a tiny part. 果然,他成功了,让那条真路模糊浮现出一小段 However, when compared with he evolves, this road reappearing empty is paler, hardly obviously. 不过,比他自己进化时,这条路浮现的虚淡多了,几乎不可见。 But this has made him have enough to do, after all this is not he is evolving, the real road that the photo leaves this is contemplated forcefully, reveals comes. 而这已经让他很吃力,毕竟这不是他在进化,这是被强行冥想,显照出的来的真路。 Old Gu stood firm! 老古稳住了! He is staring at the empty pale road, unifies own evolution, realizes from experience many things, then, he roars lowly, the body blood scatters, skin shell cracks, starts to sublimate. 他盯着虚淡的路,结合自身的进化,体悟出许多东西,而后,他低吼,身体血液四溅,皮壳开裂,开始升华。 This process is very dangerous, tosses about very much, continued the big half day, Old Gu a narrow escape, the evolution success of being shocking but not dangerous, boiled! 这个过程很危险,也很折腾,足足持续了大半日,老古才九死一生,有惊无险的进化成功,熬了过来! Brothers, too thanked you!” Old Gu flushed, shakes the Chu Feng's shoulder, this gratitude from the sincerity, he just nearly capsizes. “兄弟,太感谢你了!”老古冲了过来,摇动楚风的肩头,这种感激是发自真心的,他方才险些翻船。 Even if had his big brother’s past medicine tree, what accepted was the strongest catalyst, what absorption was to the strong pollen, he also had almost the accident/surprise. 哪怕拥有他大哥当年的药树,接受的是最强触媒,吸收的是至强花粉,他也差点出现意外。 If by he himself, he should be able to boil, lives is rushing in Supreme Being Dominion, but, can become the powerhouse of big beginning of the universe level, that did not say. 如果是凭借他自己,他应该能熬下来,活着闯进大能领域中,但是,能否成为大混元层次的强者,那就不好说了。 But now, he with accumulates from the prehistoric to the present mastery, real road phantom that the invincible medicine tree that as well as Li Da left behind, in addition Chu Feng showed that he succeeded, bridged over an average man not unimaginable big stair! 而现在,他凭着自史前积淀到现在的底蕴,以及黎龘留下的无敌药树,再加上楚风展现的真路虚影,他成功了,跨过一个常人无法想象的大台阶! He from the Great Heavenly Venerate level, strided in big beginning of the universe Dominion directly! 他从大天尊层次,直接跨入了大混元领域中! How many people earnestly seek, but can't? He achieved today, becomes the powerhouse of big beginning of the universe level directly! 多少人渴求而不能?他在今天做到了,直接成为大混元层次的强者! The permanent Yuan powerhouse, he did not go to think, to accept fate, felt oneself could not achieve, but, the present is peerless Supreme Being of big beginning of the universe level, was enough. 恒元强者,他不去想了,已经认命,感觉自己做不到,但是,现在是大混元层次的绝世大能,也足够了。 This world , do how many people have almost perfect beginning of the universe Dao Fruit? Coming of number! 这世间,又有多少人拥有几乎完满的混元道果?数的过来! It looks like in Old Gu, perhaps also can only wait for Chu Feng to break through, moreover is double Dao Fruit! 老古看来,或许也只能等待楚风去突破了,而且是双道果 Allows me more consolidated, then, our depart!” Old Gu is self-confident. “容我巩固一些,然后,我们就出发!”老古自信满满。 Old Gu this consolidated, was directly to moon/month of upper culmination time. 老古这一巩固,就是直接到了月上中天的时候。 Chu Feng has no issue, peaceful waiting. 楚风没什么问题,安静等待。 But, on some mountain top, Long Dayu wanted insanely, put my pigeon? He is blowing the icy cold mountain peak, looks at the cold and dreary moonlight, the feeling whole person is not good. 可是,某座山头上,龙大宇要疯了,又放我鸽子?他吹着冰凉的山峰,看着凄冷的月光,感觉整个人都不好了。 The strange dragon mentality must explode! 怪龙心态要炸了! He is very anxious, is very anxious, even is disturbed, if this time that virtue character generation has not appeared, how he confessed to several youngest brothers, without the face saw the person! 他很焦急,很不安,甚至忐忑,这次如果那德字辈还不出现,他怎么对几位老兄弟交代,没脸见人了! Come, you hurry to appear, my he...... wants dead you!” “来吧,你赶紧出现吧,我他么……想死你了!” Long Dayu read in secret broken, but also often scratched the cold sweat, his not knows this was what mentality, is hoping the revenge, was the anticipation is rather advocating to appear, good to have a confession to several youngest brothers. 龙大宇暗中碎碎念,还不时擦冷汗,他都不知道自己这是什么心态了,与其说是盼着复仇,不如说是期待正主出现,好对几位老兄弟有个交代。 Otherwise, his face did not have the place to put. 不然的话,他这张脸没地方搁了。 In Mystic Realm, Old Gu sets out finally, handsome, was even more young, after the strength rises suddenly, his whole person also even more self-confident, both eyes condense like the god electricity. 秘境中,老古终于起身,唇红齿白,越发的年轻了,实力暴涨后,他整个人也越发的自信,双目如同神电凝聚而成。 First kills the Yuan Clan three old monsters, then straightening up strange dragon?” Old Gu asked. “先去杀沅族的三个老怪物,再去拾掇怪龙?”老古问道。 Time not early, first keeping an appointment strange dragon, otherwise, I feared that he falls insanely, then two cannot repeatedly over and over.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “时间不早了,还是先去赴约怪龙吧,不然的话,我怕他疯掉,再一再二不能再三啊。”楚风笑道。 If strange dragon knows, virtue character generation rare thought of one time him, not knows wants filled with grief weeping bitterly. 如果怪龙知道,德字辈难得的为他着想了一次,不知道是不是要悲怆的痛哭。 Arrived, Chu Feng disappeared late at night as before, at this moment, the heart of strange dragon cool cool, then, grief and indignation at the same time, has wanted the violent to walk. 都到后半夜了,楚风依旧不见踪影,此刻,怪龙的心哇凉哇凉的,然后,悲愤的同时,已经要暴走了。 In this time, his youngest brother is opening the mouth suddenly, said: Came!” 正在这时,他的一位老兄弟忽然开口,道:“来了!” After the strange dragon hears, immediately awakens, stands on the mountain top, looks into the distance toward the distant place. 怪龙听到后,顿时惊醒,站在山头上,向着远方眺望。 Land end, a youngster under night moon/month elusive, but the dust, just like Zhexian, strolls to come, taking a step is not very big, but actually Shrink the Ground to an Inch, approaches fast, precisely Chu Feng. 大地尽头,一个少年在夜月下空灵而出尘,宛若谪仙,漫步而来,迈步不是很大,但是却缩地成寸,快速逼近,正是楚风 Even burned to ashes, Long Dayu can still recognize this virtue character generation. 即便是烧成灰,龙大宇也能认出这个德字辈。 At this moment, he unexpectedly is not angry, is not thinking the revenge, but has almost tears streaming down the face, said: Your he...... appeared finally!” He is clenching teeth to say. 这一刻,他居然不是愤怒,不是想着复仇,而是几乎泪流满面,道:“你他么的……终于出现了!”他咬着牙说道。 The blessing was late, wishing everyone Lantern Festival reunites the health to be joyful! 祝福迟到了,祝大家元宵节团圆健康快乐! 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