SR :: Volume #16

#1512: Is moved to tears

Long Dayu is really moved to tears, must cry, is very difficult to explain this type of taste, for and other person, he unexpectedly such...... suffering! 龙大宇真的热泪盈眶,要哭了,很难说明白这种滋味,为了等一个人,他居然这么的……煎熬! Waited for three nights, was put the pigeon again, is blowing the icy cold mountain breeze, facing the cold and dreary moonlight, his whole person was insane. 足足等了三夜啊,一而再地被放鸽子,吹着冰凉的山风,面对凄冷的月光,他整个人都要疯了。 Under the bright moonlight, Chu Feng emptied clear(ly), but dust, a white clothing, the wide coat cultivated floatingly, was close from the horizon heart fast, such as night stream of light. 皎洁月光下,楚风空明而出尘,一身白衣,宽大衣修飘飘,从地平线心头快速接近,如深夜的一道流光 The three youngest brothers of strange dragon, are all dormant at this time, have been interrupting the escape route and ensure will not make this youngster run away. 怪龙的三位老兄弟,此时皆在蛰伏着,已经截断后路,确保不会让这个少年逃走。 Great Universe!” Being away from is very far, Chu Feng called intimately, is wielding the sleeves, shouts: I am your Brother Dade (Great Virtue)!” “大宇!”隔着很远,楚风就亲热地叫了起来,挥动着衣袖,喊道:“我是你大德哥!” Strange dragon this called air/Qi! 怪龙这叫一个气! Haven't I known you? Melts turn into ash I to identify, what calling to be! 我还不认识你吗?化成灰我都辨认出,叫什么叫! Especially now, met, you also shout, is in front of my youngest brother to give me to become the elder brother, occupying me is cheap, kills you! 尤其是现在,都见面了,你还嚷嚷,当着我老兄弟的面给我当哥,占我便宜,打死你! The strong winds writings, under the snow white moonlight, the flying sand and rocks, a blink, Chu Feng arrived at the near from the remote place, making on the mountain top the large expanse of old pine tree sway fiercely, loosen big wave is intermittent. 狂风大作,雪白月光下,飞沙走石,一眨眼,楚风就从遥远之地来到了近前,让山头上成片的老松树都剧烈摇晃,松涛阵阵。 He runs was too quick, including surrounding void twisted, after arriving here, it hears the intermittent fearful sonic boom sound behind, the white fog ebullition. 他跑的太快了,连周围的虚空都扭曲了,当到这里后,其身后才传来阵阵可怕的音爆声,白雾沸腾。 For a long time does not see, you...... the eye was red, the corner of the eye was moist, Great Universe, I have not misread you, and my equally heavy sentiment, good brothers!” “好久不见,你……眼睛都红了,眼角都湿润了,大宇,我没看错你,和我一样重感情,好兄弟!” Chu Feng is saying, flushed, to a Long Dayu warm hug, intimate serious, friends in adversity, the warm picture that the old friend has a reunion. 楚风说着,冲了过来,给龙大宇一个热烈的拥抱,亲热的不得了,一副患难之交,故友重逢的温暖画面。 Whose corner of the eye was moist, who cried? Long Dayu shoved open him, simply is being able to bear that dislikes, your not knows do I want to kill you? I will be moved, will I cry? Thinks anything! 谁眼角湿润了,谁哭了?龙大宇一把推开了他,简直是膈应的受不了,你不知道我想打死你吗?我会感动,我会哭?想什么呢! At this moment, he really uncomfortable incomparable, the whole body is goosebumps, particularly by Chu Feng has held the shoulder, probably crawled completely caterpillar. 这一刻,他真的难受无比,浑身都是鸡皮疙瘩,尤其是被楚风抱过的肩头,像是爬满了毛毛虫似的。 He made an effort to fling the waving the arms about arm, backed up several steps, clenched teeth saying: Cao De, Ji Dade, did you also really come?!” 他使劲甩了甩手臂,倒退几步,咬牙道:“曹德,姬大德,你还真来了?!” Great Universe, I bridge over the long and trying journey, even if Supreme Being chases down, I carry the severe wound, catches up in tonight, finally has a reunion with you!” Chu Feng flushes the look that cuts. “大宇,我跨过千山万水,哪怕大能追杀,我身负重伤,也在今夜赶来,终于与你重逢!”楚风一脸热切的神色。 Go away! 滚! Long Dayu made an effort and flung the waving the arms about arm, always feels disgustingly, dislikes, this damn Ji Dade, I want to peel you exactly, set of anything nearly. 龙大宇使劲又甩了甩手臂,总感觉肉麻,膈应,这该死的姬大德,我想活剥了你,套什么近乎。 However, at this moment, he finally had the energy, so long as Chu Feng came, no being able to pass threshold, all value, can concoct him well. 不过,这一刻,他总算是有底气了,只要楚风来了,没什么过不去的槛,一切都值了,可以好好炮制他了。 When thinks of here, he deeply inspires, thorough is calm, carries a chair from space Magical Artifact, sitting of big horse golds blade there. 当想到这里,他深吸一口气,彻底淡定下来,从空间法器中拎出来一把椅子,大马刀的坐在那里。 He takes out a jade table case, displays Divine Level mutated fruit, the clear desire under the moonlight drops, greets the nostrils fragrantly, made pot tea again, the delicate fragrance curled. 他又取出一张玉桌案,摆上一盘神级异果,在月光下晶莹欲滴,芬芳扑鼻,再泡了一壶茶,清香袅袅。 The strange dragon also kept up appearances, how many youngest brothers in secret making speechless, this received the big stimulation, was the extent that? 怪龙还摆谱了,让暗中的几个老兄弟都无语,这是受了多大刺激,才至于如此? The bright moonlight overhangs, mountain top Firmament loosen Large expanse , the spring water murmur, is covering light smoke, the harmony and peacefulness. 明月高挂,山头上苍松成片,泉水潺潺,笼罩着薄烟,和谐而安谧。 Ji Dade, can you know the crime?!” Strange dragon shouted, this appeared in court interrogation probably, watched intently Chu Feng behind the jade table case, he can have a foul odor finally. 姬大德,你可知罪?!”怪龙一声断喝,这像是过堂审问似的,在玉桌案后面逼视楚风,他终于可以出一口恶气了。 What crime knows, several times is not makes you carry over to be unjustly discredited, mutated soil that right, I wanted did you prepare?” Chu Feng languid response, was disinclined to install. “知什么罪,不就是让你背过几次黑锅吗,对了,我要的异土你准备好了吗?”楚风懒洋洋的回应,也懒得装了。 He will not coordinate Long Dayu, first after instigating the fear, he does not give the strange dragon refreshed opportunity directly, walked negligently, takes up divine fruit to gnaw, immediately the bright red juice flows and shines, the rich fruit is fragrant, fills the air on the summit, making one immerse. 他才不会配合龙大宇呢,先怂后慑,他直接就不给怪龙爽快的机会,大咧咧的走了过去,拿起一颗神果就啃,顿时鲜红的汁液流淌并发光,浓郁果香沁人心脾,在山顶上弥漫,令人沉醉。 You put down to me, who made you eat?!” Strange Dragon Qi went bad, this Ji Dade is really the good guts, this is to make up the thing that he is nourishing greatly, now takes to keep up appearances to use, finally, this son of a bitch has really not looked on as an outsider, dares to rush to eat. “你给我放下,谁让你吃了?!”怪龙气坏了,这姬大德真是好胆,这可是他滋养身体的大补物,现在拿出来装门面用的,结果,这狗东西还真不见外,敢抢着吃。 mutated soil, with!” Chu Feng opens the mouth, what making Long Dayu not think, the opposite party first is more impatient than him. 异土呢,都拿出来!”楚风开口,让龙大宇没有想到的是,对方比他还先不耐烦了。 Strange dragon shouted: Ji Dade, your inexpensive embryo, too the scoundrel, making me take the rap, including is putting my pigeon 2-3 times, making the face of this/Ben dragon lose completely, now also dares to disrespect to me, today you were finished!” 怪龙喝道:“姬大德,你这个贱胚,太混账了,让我背黑锅,连着放我鸽子2-3次,让本龙的脸丢尽了,现在还敢对我不敬,今天你完蛋了!” Surprise him again, Chu Feng is more decisive than him, getting angry of reaching one's goal instantly, said: Rubbish, hands over mutated soil, I told you, this was not the purchase, was not the transaction, this was extorts, was the threat, was the looting!” 让他再次意外,楚风比他还果断,一步到位的翻脸,道:“别废话,将异土都交出来,我告诉你,这不是购买,不是交易,这是勒索,是威胁,是洗劫!” fuck you, getting angry this/Ben dragon is quick, but also thoroughly, you are snatch my, loots this dragon? Long Dayu felt, the serious lung oxygen deficit, the stomach is hurting, really bullies the dragon very! 你大爷,翻脸比本龙还快,还彻底,你是来抢我的,洗劫本龙?龙大宇觉得,严重肺缺氧,胃都在疼,真是欺龙太甚! Brother buddy, come, starts to me, first plants trees, a person on this summit sets up!” Strange dragon called out , was really angry. “老哥哥们,来,给我下手,先来栽树,在这山顶上种一棵人树!”怪龙叫道,嗷嗷地,实在气坏了。 How venting, only has take action, the violent punches this Cao De, makes to be remnant he, but does not permit to kill him, tidying up well, lesson and tossing about slowly. 何以解气,唯有出手,暴揍这个曹德,弄残他,但不准弄死他,好好的收拾,慢慢的教训与折腾。 At this moment, Chu Feng actually first take action, found out a hand to grasp to him. 这一刻,楚风却先出手了,探出一只手向他抓去。 Two people were the friendship boat said turned turns. 两人可谓是友谊的小船说翻就翻了。 The strange dragon sneers, is unhurried, quite calm, looks at Chu Feng there, does not have the avoidance, that meaning is, your ability my what? 怪龙冷笑,一点也不慌,相当的淡定,在那里看着楚风,都不带躲避的,那意思是,你能耐我何? He naturally did not fear, is standing erect in his behind pinery Supreme Being, the evolution years are long, if powerful are fearful, its Dominion opens, a Everlasting King natural talent is shocking, insufficiently looks. 他自然不怕,就在他身后的松林中就屹立着一位大能,进化岁月漫长,若实力强大而慑人,其领域张开,一个恒王天资再惊艳,也不够看。 The class/flow of Heavenly Venerate is not good, a palm of the hand claps sufficiently! 天尊之流等都不行,一巴掌就足以拍死! Therefore, Long Dayu sneers, was too calm, probably looked fool looks at Chu Feng, the corners of the mouth curled upwards, the color of whole face disdaining, such a wisp proudly. 所以,龙大宇冷笑,太淡定了,像是看傻子似的看着楚风,嘴角都翘了起来,满脸不屑之色,还有那么的一缕傲然。 Who I am, Long Dayu, who dares to move me?!” “我是谁,龙大宇,谁敢动我?!” This is thought sound transmission, ridiculed Chu Feng. Such short in an instant, wants to open the mouth without enough time, the glib lips are not quick, but he wants to ridicule Chu Feng, therefore ridiculed with the soul light fluctuation. 这是意念传音,嘲弄楚风。这么短的刹那间,想开口来不及,嘴皮子没那么快,但他想奚落楚风,所以用魂光波动来嘲笑。 Before its, the a ray of light curtain appears, detains him just like the clear cauldron there, that is Supreme Being Dominion, covers him, Myriad Laws Immunity! 在其身前,一道光幕浮现,宛若晶莹的大锅将他扣在那里,那是大能领域,将他覆盖,万法不侵 Any Everlasting King, what Heavenly Venerate, cannot puncture absolutely, shakes motionless, in front of this beginning of the universe Dominion is a joke! 什么恒王,什么天尊,绝对打不穿,撼不动,在这混元领域面前就是个笑话! And, in the sky a big hand appears, the congealing reality, covers pure white toward the Chu Feng's head, this is to plant trees, pats Chu Feng. 并且,天空中一只大手出现,洁白而凝实,向着楚风的头颅盖去,这是要想栽树,将楚风生生拍进地里去。 Naturally, this process is doomed is very painful, looks like knocks nail with the hammer, pounds a person. 当然,这个过程注定会很痛苦,就像是用锤子敲钉子似的,将一个人砸进地里。 But Long Dayu has given the name, frames somebody the tree! 龙大宇早就给起好名字了,栽人树! All are so happy, Long Dayu is narrowing the eye now, has the happy expression, he felt, finally can have a foul odor, carefree. 一切都是如此美好,龙大宇现在眯缝着眼睛,带着笑意,他觉得,终于可以出一口恶气了,畅快啊。 Moreover, this time his feelings, climbed up the life peak unexpectedly probably. 而且,此时的他居然有种感觉,像是攀上了人生巅峰。 His knows, this was constrained to go bad recently, was been angry, now finally can release heartily. 知道,这是最近被压抑坏了,被气坏了,现在终于可以尽情的释放了。 What a pity, the wishes are good, looked forward to that is beautiful, but reality actually being unable to withstand such, grievous. 可惜,愿望是美好的,憧憬是美丽的,但现实却是这么的不堪,让人忧伤。 Bang, he felt the earthquake, the entire mountain top swayed fiercely, the mountain massif crack, he almost reversed on the ground. 砰的一声,他觉得地震了,整座山头都剧烈摇晃,山体龟裂,他几乎翻倒在地上。 Those who most make him shock, covers in the clear cauldron in outside the body, that matter beginning of the universe Dominion, unexpectedly...... was punctured, then he saw a hand, presses toward his head! 最让他震惊的是,覆盖在体外的晶莹大锅,那层混元领域,居然……被人打穿了,然后他就看到了一只手,向着他的头按来! The strange dragon was ignorant, then, he feels the severe pain, own head a palm of the hand patting above, although under does not have the extreme methods, but also painful his jumped high. 怪龙懵了,然后,他就感觉剧痛,自己的脑袋被人一巴掌给拍在上面,虽然没有下死手,但也痛的他一蹦老高 Wants not to need to think, the head almost splits, at this moment, by the speed that the naked eye sees, his head had a large package, high of very ballooning! 想都不用想,脑袋差点裂开,这一刻,以肉眼看见的速度,他的头上起了一个大包,鼓胀的很高! "Áo...... ” “嗷……” The Long Dayu tears tears long class/flow, really hurts, the pain dead dragon, then, he saw that big hand got down, pats again above him. 龙大宇涕泪长流,真特么疼啊,痛死龙了,然后,他就看到,那只大手又下来了,再次拍在他头上。 Another large package sticks out, the bilateral symmetry, making him feel that the head must blast out, head for no reason seemed like steadily two very thick big horn. 又一个大包隆起,左右对称,让他觉得脑袋都要炸开了,头上平白像是长了两根很粗的大犄角 What most makes his unendurable is, Chu Feng smiles, after giving him two palms of the hand, but also in his head gently patted several,...... finds the clue make the stance of killing. 最为让他难以忍受的是,楚风笑眯眯,给了他两巴掌后,还又在他头上轻轻拍了几下,一副……摸头杀的姿态。 Long Dayu shocked, was angry, was oneself youngest brother distracted? That mixes the Primeval Light curtain, should Myriad Laws Immunity be right, how to shelter itself? 龙大宇震惊了,也愤怒了,自己的老兄弟走神了吗?那可是混元光幕,理应万法不侵才对,怎么没有庇护住自己? His pitiful yell, bellows by soul light: Youngest brother, has not defended, should not be distracted, even facing small Everlasting King, you must attach great importance, do not kill me!” 他一声惨叫,以魂光大吼:“老兄弟,没防住,你别走神,即便是面对一个小小的恒王,你也要重视,不要害死我!” Small Everlasting King? After Chu Feng hears, gave him to come two, let the strange dragon Teng tears long class/flow, does not want to cry, but that son of a bitch pounded a fist on his nose moderately, the bitterness and pain in physiology, let crying that he controlled. 一个小小的恒王楚风听到后,又给他来了两下,让怪龙疼的眼泪长流,不想哭,可是那狗东西在他鼻子上不轻不重的砸了一拳,生理上的酸涩与痛苦,让他不由控制的落泪。 That dog son of a bitch is still urging him, said: Great Universe, do not cry!” 偏偏那狗狗东西还在劝他,道:“大宇啊,别哭!” Youngest brother, kills him, only Everlasting King!” Long Dayu crazy sound transmission, he really must explode with rage in secret. “老兄弟,弄死他,区区一个恒王!”龙大宇暗中疯狂传音,他真要气炸了。 Today he must sit the summit high, overlooks the captive, examines first trial Cao De well, pulled out to empty his secret, the result is instead hit, the dropping variance was too big. 今天他原本是要高坐山巅,俯视阶下囚,好好审一审这曹德,掏空他的秘密,结果反被人打了,落差实在太大了。 Trivial Everlasting King? In his behind, that Supreme Being is speechless, has not seen clearly the reality, can despise the opponent? This lord may firmly resist Supreme Being! 区区恒王?在他的身后,那位大能无语,没看清现实吗,能这么蔑视对手吗?这主可硬抗大能 That Supreme Being take action, wants to frame somebody the tree early immediately, finally when the big hand racket pounds, was resisted by Chu Feng another directly, resounds a thunderclap in the midair. 那位大能早在第一时间出手了,原本想栽人树的,结果大手拍砸下去时,被楚风另一手直接抵住,在半空中响起个炸雷。 As Supreme Being, he naturally powerful oddness, first knows, this youngster is an archenemy, where is what Everlasting King, immeasurably deep, is not good to cope! 身为大能,他自然强大的离谱,第一时间知道,这个少年是大敌,哪里是什么恒王,深不可测,不好对付! The strange dragon waited for the moment, the tears tears flowed a while, finally saw clearly the reality, had a big hand rumble to thunder in that midair, but cannot fall, was blocked by Cao De single-handed! 怪龙等了片刻,涕泪流了一会儿,终于看清现实,在那半空中有一只大手隆隆轰鸣,但就是落不下来,被曹德单手挡住了! I......” “我……” The strange dragon shocked, first time so rude, he wants to shout 'motherfucker', what situation, this abnormal Ji Dade, did his ability shake Supreme Being?! 怪龙震惊了,第一次这般的失态,他想骂娘,什么情况,这个变态的姬大德,他能力撼大能了?! Does this have the natural justice? 这还有天理吗? Then many years, a young fellow, arrives unexpectedly this step, is quicker than his day dragon's blood lineage/vein evolution, shocked the dragon heart! 这才多少年,一个毛头小子而已,居然走到这一步,比他这个天龙血脉者进化还要快,太震撼龙心了! Youngest brother, comes out, seizes this evildoer/monstrous talent, his body has the ultimate Evolver's secret!” Long Dayu does not dare to summon visibly, but was yelling in secret, summoned another two Supreme Being. “老兄弟,都出来,捉住这个妖孽,他身上有成终极进化者的秘密!”龙大宇不敢明着召唤,但暗中却在大叫,呼唤另外两位大能 Arrived this, he really somewhat flustered, if falls in this small clever hand does not have, shouted another two youngest brother take action crazily. 到这一步了,他真有些慌了,要是落在这小贼手上没有好啊,疯狂喊另外两位老兄弟出手 In fact, does not need him to pray for rescue, the other two had appeared, intimidates, indifferent is staring at Chu Feng, if is not cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, early next extreme methods. 事实上,不用他求救,另外两人早就出现了,威逼过来,冷漠的盯着楚风,若非投鼠忌器,早下死手了。 However, they also prepared to start, was Supreme Being, three simultaneously appeared, if erupting in an instant, should be able to rescue Long Dayu, and suppressed this youngster. 不过,他们也准备发动了,身为大能,三尊齐现,若是在刹那间爆发,应该可以救下龙大宇,并镇压这个少年。 You...... are Great Heavenly Venerate, even was close to revere permanently?” And a Supreme Being opens the mouth, in the heart trembles. “你……是一位大天尊,甚至接近恒尊了?”其中一位大能开口,心中震颤。 What?!” The Long Dayu eye stared straight, cannot believe that simply oneself ear, what he did hear? “什么?!”龙大宇眼睛瞪直了,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,他听到了什么? Cao De, Ji Dade, was not Everlasting King, spanned Great Realm?! 曹德,姬大德,不是恒王了,又跨越了一个大境界?! The heaven did you keep eyes open? He shouts wildly in the heart. 老天你长眼了吗?他在心中狂叫。 Then, he and alarmed and afraid, feels uneasy for own situation. 而后,他就又惊惧了,为自己的处境感觉不安。 Meanwhile, he brothers were worried. 同时,他更为自家兄弟担心。 In the Long Dayu heart feels nervous, does not feel wonderfully, this small is always very insolent, in the past just knew when sees in the Ji Dade following to subdue|grams, cross step great war, is not far from Supreme Being now, can his youngest brother block? 龙大宇心中发慌,感觉不妙,这小贼向来张狂,当年刚认识时就看到姬大德以下克上,跨阶大战,现在离大能都不远了,他的老兄弟挡得住吗? The strange dragon is intense, some unexpectedly have one's hair stand on end, feared own brothers have an accident, fears by Cao De killing. 怪龙强烈不安,竟有些毛骨悚然,怕自家兄弟出事,怕被曹德给打死。 At this moment, an undercurrent, a strange fluctuation transmits, above the nighttime sky, presents a person, is bathing the moon/month splendor, he just like arrives from moon. 就在这时,一股暗潮,一片奇异的波动传来,就在夜空上方,出现一个人,沐浴着月辉,他宛若是从月亮上降临而来。 Naturally is Old Gu, he noticed that Supreme Being of opposite party appeared, does not hide, Shining Upon under bright moonlight, air-splitting however. 自然是老古,他看到对方的大能都出现了,也不隐藏了,映照在明月下,破空而来。 At this time, he will do old, made into about 30 -year-old appearances, because, now he was the true big beginning of the universe level extremely powerhouse, exceeded previous life. 此时,他将“做旧”了,弄成了三十岁左右的样子,因为,现在他是真正的大混元级绝顶强者了,超越前世 He felt, if now is handsome, the delicate delicate appearance, that is really some...... disgraced, does not have a row of surface, he feels embarrassed. 他觉得,如果现在还是唇红齿白、秀气柔弱的样子,那真是有些……丢人,没有排面,他自己都觉得不好意思。 Therefore, he restored the past graceful bearing, prehistoric Old Gu returned. 故此,他恢复了当年的风姿,史前老古回归。 At this time, three Supreme Being natures first induced, suddenly raising the head, looked at Old Gu. 这时,三位大能自然第一时间都感应到了,霍的抬头,一眼望到老古 One of them changes countenance, said: You......, but surnamed Gu?” 其中一人动容,道:“你……可是姓古?” Old Gu surprise, but the nod, said: Yes.” 老古诧异,但还是点头,道:“是。” He has nothing fearfully, how do some people recognize him? His big brother Li Da is also living, even if now the old monster recovers, wants to move him also to first think over. 他没什么可怕的,就有人认出他又如何?他大哥黎龘还活着,现在哪怕又老怪物复苏,想动他也要先掂量一下。 "Ah , we...... possibly are the relatives! ” That Supreme Being startled sound said. “啊,真是,我们……可能是亲戚!”那位大能惊声道。 At this moment, the strange dragon shocked, the Chu Feng's helpers and are the brothers the relatives? Perhaps has the favorable turn, he thorough safe and sound. 这一刻,怪龙震惊了,楚风的帮手和自家兄弟是亲戚?或许有转机,他将彻底安然无恙。 He was anxious a moment ago, was a little afraid, is now, the situation seems like the twinkling to be improved. 他刚才紧张死了,都有点害怕了,可是现在,情况似乎瞬息好转。 Strange dragon knows, oneself this youngest brother, live years distant in several sworn brothers oldest, the background is very mystical, rank to people high oddness, unimaginable. 怪龙知道,自家这位老兄弟,活的岁月悠远在几位结拜兄弟中年岁最大,来头无比神秘,辈分对于常人来说高的离谱,不可想象。 When thinks of here, the strange dragon could not bear smile, in the sky that middle-aged person, mostly was the later generation juniors of youngest brother. 当想到这里,怪龙忍不住笑了起来,天空中那个中年人,多半是自家老兄弟的后辈子弟。 Then, today he is not only shocking but not dangerous, but can also let in Chu Feng and sky that middle-aged person calls him an elder together? A moment ago the strange dragon feared must die, but smiles now. 这么说来,今天他不仅有惊无险,还能让楚风与天空中那个中年人一起叫他一声长辈?怪龙刚才怕的要死,但现在笑了。 However, the reality is very brutal, is contrary with the guess of strange dragon. 然而,现实很残酷,与怪龙的猜测相背。 Old man Gu Chenhai!” At this time, Old Gu in sky advanced from the report name, he also thought knows, met what old friend. “老夫古尘海!”这时,天空中的老古先行自报姓名,他也想知道,到底遇上了什么故人。 "Ah?! ” After Long Dayu that youngest brother hears, yelled, then, knelt directly, excited incomparable, shouts: Uncle master!” “啊?!”龙大宇那位老兄弟听到后,一声大叫,然后,直接跪了下去,激动无比,喊道:“叔爷!” I...... scratch!” No one knows Long Dayu this moment mood! “我……擦!”没有人知道龙大宇这一刻的心情! At this time, he has been moved to tears. 此时,他已经热泪盈眶。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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