SR :: Volume #16

#1510: Deletes the dust, real path prominent

Ancient Road horizontally at present, to lead to distant place, but, in that remote end, the road is cut off as can be seen! 一条古路横在眼前,通向远方,但可以看到,在那遥远的尽头,路是断掉的! This quite strange, in the process of Chu Feng evolution, really the road appears unexpectedly, crosses Between Heaven and Earth, is very fuzzy, is very deep and quiet. 这相当的诡异,在楚风进化的过程中,居然真的有一条路浮现出来,横贯天地间,很模糊,也很幽邃。 It had hundred million ten thousand years years probably, once was submerged by the dust, forgot by the history, but now reveals the a tiny part dim abruption the outline. 它像是存在亿万载岁月了,曾被尘埃淹没,被历史遗忘,而现在露出一小段朦胧的断路的轮廓。 Will Chu Feng satisfy present cultivation base? He also wants to be stronger! 楚风怎么会满足现在的修为?他还想要更强! Now, although he double Dao Fruit sublimates together, within the body radiant like scorching sun, the double Dao Fruit resonance, enhances one another's beauty in its flesh. 现在,他虽然双道果共同升华,体内璀璨如骄阳,双道果共鸣,在其血肉中交相辉映。 But this is not the end point, then, he must break open the Great Heavenly Venerate boundary. 但这不是终点,接下来,他还要破开大天尊境。 You?!” “你?!” Old Gu changes countenance, the pupil is contracting, said: „Aren't you...... also Great Heavenly Venerate?!” 老古动容,瞳孔都在收缩,道:“你……还不是大天尊?!” This made him frightened, how possibly? 这让他惊悚了,怎么可能? Because, he just clearly felt powerful aura, him attacked backs up, Chu Feng will not compare Great Heavenly Venerate to be weak. 因为,他方才分明感觉到了强大的气息,将他都被冲击的倒退出去,楚风绝不会比大天尊弱啊。 Buzz! 嗡! Trembles void, world instantaneously to dark, distant place anything could not see. 虚空颤栗,天地瞬间至暗,远处什么都看不到了。 At this moment, in mid-hill if still the universe deep place, is boundless and distant, becomes the big background jet black. 这一刻,山腹中犹若宇宙深处,苍茫而悠远,漆黑成为了大背景。 That road was even more real! 那条路越发的真实了! Old Gu suck in a cold breath, today, he like has not really seen the world, was startled to shake repeatedly, finds it hard to believe own eye. 老古倒吸冷气,今天,他真的如同没见过世面般,被惊撼多次,难以相信自己的眼睛。 The surroundings of this road, are dim, just like the dim light of night, is easy to lose, the distant place is the boundless darkness, cannot see any scenery. 这条路的周围,非常昏暗,犹如夜色,容易让人迷失,更远处是无边的黑暗,看不到任何的景物。 Only has the nearby of road, the light granule dances in the air, sprinkles, the direction forwards, what a pity, the road broke, the front seems like the black natural moat, just like broken out by the sharp blade. 唯有路的附近,光粒子飞舞,洒落下来,指引向前,可惜,路断了,前方像是黑色的天堑,宛若是被利刃劈开的。 This is very evil, is very fearful! 这很邪,也很可怕! Evolution Road, is only the road in people heart, how it will reappear like this, and presents scene that was divided?! 一条进化路,只是人们心中的路,它怎么会这样浮现,并且呈现出被劈断的景象?! The black break place, is the end of road, is away from boundless jet black Abyss. 黑色的断裂处,就是路的尽头,隔着无边的漆黑深渊 Opposite shore not knows how, the bad fog fills the air, howling, as if has any terrible thing to wail in the opposite. 对岸不知道怎样,大雾弥漫,呼啸着,仿佛在对面有什么可怕的东西在哀嚎。 Old Gu stands in the distant place, calmly looks, felt the back sends coolly, is this pollen Evolution Road end point that they must walk? 老古站在远处,静静地看着,感觉后背都发凉,这就是他们要走的花粉进化路的终点吗? One day really arrived at the end, how not knows can! 真有一天到了尽头,还不知道会怎样呢! He sees this phenomenon today for the first time, in he passing multiple evolution, never such special real road appears in the side. 他今天第一次见到这种异象,在他过往多次的进化过程中,从来就没有这样特殊的“真路”出现在身边。 Chu Feng was also touched greatly, this is following after stone jar there looks at the latter corner/horn truth, another Celestial cross coupling, exactly said, is the mutual inductance of person and real road? 楚风也大受触动,这是继在石罐那里看后一角真相后,又一次的天人交感,或者,确切的说,是人与真路的互感吗? Bang! 轰! His whole body spurts the thin dazzling light, deducts own law, takes own road, he must break through again, becomes Great Heavenly Venerate. 他全身喷薄刺目的光,演绎自己的法,走自己的路,他要再突破,成为大天尊 But, this pollen quantity obviously tails off, even/including tree the body somewhat was gloomy. 可是,这一次花粉量明显变少,连树体都有些暗淡了。 „It is not good!” The Chu Feng mind is trembling, matter that he most is worried about happened, Supreme Being Level is mutated soil not very sufficient? “不好!”楚风心神都在颤,他最为担心的事情发生了,大能级异土不够充足吗? The Old Gu also eye straightens, he naturally sees, the leaf blade on tree was not that bright, various essence and energies strongly to flowers. 老古也眼睛发直,他自然看出,树上的叶片不是那么灿烂了,各种精气与能量都集中向花朵。 Six zhang (3.33 m) high big tree, the old tree skin cracks were more, chaos fog also thin many. 六丈高的大树,老树皮开裂的更多了,混沌雾也稀薄了不少。 Damn!” Old Gu is in a daze, no matter Heavenly Venerate, is Great Heavenly Venerate, is in same big Dominion, consumes several Supreme Being Level soil texture unexpectedly. “见鬼了!”老古发呆,不管是天尊,还是大天尊,都算是同一大领域中,竟耗掉数份大能级土质。 Moreover, is this insufficient?! 而且,这还不够吗?! Dark, a black long blade approaches slowly, so clear, is cold and fearful, separates Great Dao! 冥冥中,一杆黑色的长刀缓缓逼近,是如此的清晰,冷冽而慑人,割裂大道 It points to the Chu Feng forehead, silent cuts to fall to him! 它直指楚风眉心,无声地向他斩落下来! "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Chu Feng is astonished, what is this? 楚风惊异,这是什么? In his outside the body, leaps light screens independently, just like wall of the thick god, prevents this blade. 在他的体外,自主腾起一片光幕,宛若一堵厚厚的神之墙壁,阻挡此刀。 However, the blade edge ice is cold, quiet black fearful, probably the Reincarnation blade from hell, cuts to break all, his protecting body light screen cannot block, was easily cut open. 然而,刀锋冰寒,幽黑慑人,像是来自地狱的轮回刃,斩破一切,他的护体光幕挡不住,被轻易的剖开了。 This road also is really strange measures not, meeting anything is not extraordinary, has this physical blade edge attack unexpectedly!” “这条路还真是诡异莫测,遇上什么都不出奇,竟有这种实物般的刀锋来袭!” Chu Feng raises the fist slowly, uses Ultimate Fist, and inscribing stone jar has melted obviously golden rune, he does not dare to have any general idea/careless, will have the negligence dead in the evolution slightly miserably, must whole-heartedly. 楚风缓缓举起拳头,动用终极拳,且铭刻上石罐所显化过的金色符文,他不敢有任何的大意,在进化过程中稍有疏忽都会凄凉死去,需全力以赴。 "Dang!" “当!” His fist, blooms the dazzling light beam, strikes on the black blade edge, sends out the real metal vibrato unexpectedly, sonorous ear-spitting. 他的拳头,绽放刺目的光束,击在黑色的刀锋上,竟发出真实的金属颤音,铿锵震耳。 The flash, the black blade edge retrocedes, then disintegrates automatically, turns into dozens, and transforms into the pitch-black light beam, to the inconceivable speed, crash in Chu Feng's within the body from all around quickly. 一刹那,黑色刀锋后退,而后自动瓦解,化成数十块,并转变为乌黑光束,以快到不可思议的速度,从四面八方冲进楚风的体内。 My knows, the ancestor level has the aura that leaves behind possibly so to be how easy to be solved, the true killing type here, cursed him!” “我就知道,祖宗级存在留下的气息怎么可能会那么容易被解决掉,真正的杀式在这里,诅咒了他!” The Chu Feng's under foot, grey creature is excited, is in secret excited and stimulated incomparable. 楚风的脚下,灰色生灵兴奋,暗中激动与亢奋无比。 Chu Feng is stuffy, dozens ray of light bunches clash in within the body randomly, he suffered the inexplicable blockade, even before his body, that flashed on and off the uncertain abruption to vanish. 楚风闷哼,数十道光束在体内乱冲,他遭受了莫名的阻击,连他身前那条明灭不定的断路都要消失了。 Blocks my road, breaks me to evolve the future?!” “阻我路,断我进化前程?!” He realized, is that strange energy, like the iron chain entanglement on his body, now is some time ago swifter and fiercer. 他意识到,还是那种诡异的能量,不久前如同铁链般纠缠在他的身上,现在更为凌厉了。 In his body, the grey Little Millstone rotation, absorbs these light beams crazily, conducts refining, simultaneously he also in revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method. 在他的身体中,灰色小磨盘转动,疯狂吸收那些光束,进行炼化,同时他自己也在运转盗引呼吸法 "Áo! ” “嗷!” Suddenly, not far away, in Reincarnation Soil the human form monster of seal worked loose, flushed, threw the Chu Feng's body. 突然间,不远处,轮回土中封印的人形怪物挣脱,冲了过来,扑上楚风的身体。 It was too swift and violent, avoids radically. 它太迅猛了,根本就躲避不及。 This is the blood-color monster that Chu Feng once cut, in the little Great Universe Level pollen because of the unexpected contamination causes, the itself is the material formation that his blood mixes craftily is changing. 这是楚风曾经斩出去的血色怪物,因意外沾染上少许大宇级花粉导致的,本就是他的血混合着诡变的物质形成。 Now, at critical moment that he evolves, the blood-color human form monster also attacks, fuses together with him again. 现在,在他进化的关键时刻,血色人形怪物也来袭,重新与他融为一体。 Old Gu is anxious, this non-solution, these things submerge Chu Feng within the body simply directly, with its normalizing, he wants to go forward to help not be good. 老古焦躁,这简直无解,那些东西都是直接没入楚风体内,与其归一了,他想上前帮助都不行。 The internal disorder and foreign invasion, all not good things crowd together, all happened, changes a person to die without doubt, the scene wants body dies and Dao disappears. 内忧外患,所有不好的事情都凑在一起,全都发生了,换一个人必死无疑,现场就要身死道消 Even if Chu Feng, is the body shakes fiercely, the whole body pore is bleeding, will be carelessly beyond redemption, possibly died a tragic death in this place. 纵然是楚风,也是身体剧烈摇动,全身毛孔都在淌血,一个不慎就会万劫不复,可能惨死在此地。 Also good, all hidden dangers erupt, I all one and solve, such tempering is the best touchstone, if boils, I am strongest!” “也好,所有的隐患都爆发吧,我全都一并解决,这样的磨砺是最好的试金石,如果熬过去,我就是最强!” However, another not good matter also appears! 然而,另外一件不好的事情也随之出现! Before his body, six zhang (3.33 m) high old tree, even more gloomy, the purple leaf blade has the potential of withering, the whole in rustle shaking. 在他身前,六丈高的老树,越发的暗淡,紫色叶片有枯萎之势,整体在簌簌的摇动。 Especially the flowers wanted unexpectedly on the wane, no pollen is sprinkling. 尤其是花朵竟要凋零了,没有花粉在洒落下来。 Chu Feng takes a step, arranges unceasingly, activates this famous mountains Domain, derives the underground ancestor lineage/vein the energy, big tree that accumulated raises the bark to split open. 楚风迈步,不断布置,激活这座名山的场域,汲取地下祖脉的能量,蕴养树皮开裂的大树。 Even so, cannot make the flower bud bloom, makes people think that what only comfort is, preventing it from continue wither. 即便如此,也没有能够让花蕾重新绽放,唯一让人觉得安慰的是,阻止了它继续枯萎。 The next quarter, the entire tree body reduces, contracts unceasingly, condenses three chi (0.33 m) high, is tying the flower bud of semi-closure, falls in stone jar. 下一刻,整株树体缩小,不断收缩,凝聚成三尺高,结着半闭合的花蕾,落在石罐内部。 It seems like the hibernation, if is still dormant, was silent motionless. 它像是冬眠,犹若在蛰伏,寂静不动了。 This is very bad, Chu Feng is still evolving, he wants to continue to break through as before, and was threatened by the life and death, within the body has various hidden dangers, had/left the big problem. 这很糟糕,楚风还在进化中,他依旧想继续突破呢,且受到生死威胁,体内有各种隐患,出了大问题。 But, the pollen did not have, cannot provide the boost for him! 可是,花粉却没有了,不能为他提供助力! Old Gu did not endure to witness, the complexion was pallid, this was, Heaven is jealous of heroic genius? 老古不忍目睹了,脸色煞白,这是怎么了,天妒英才吗? He was really Chu Feng regrets, was evolving the most critical moment, the medicine tree has problems, this was most fatal, has not compared this injury in a big way. 他真的为楚风惋惜了,在进化最为关键时刻,药树出了问题,这是最致命的,没有比这种伤害更大的了。 Without the catalyst, without evolution catalyst, is very difficult to communicate the mysterious factor between this heaven and earth, lets in within the body cell liveness sharp increase, is hard to evolve. 没有触媒,没有进化的引子,就很难沟通这天地间的神秘因子,让体内细胞活跃性剧增,难以进化。 Even, experiences lifeforms of this disastrous incident, but might also let the original body degeneration, will have the fearsomest failure! 甚至,经历这种惨变的生物,还有可能会让原本的身体退化,出现最可怖的衰竭! Chu Feng closes the eye, he calmed the mind by himself, revolution breathing method, is not only the fleshly body pore is breathing, even soul also with expiration and inspiration, with breath, both resonance. 楚风闭上眼睛,他让自己静心,运转呼吸法,不仅是肉身毛孔在呼吸,连灵魂也在跟着吐纳,随着呼吸,两者共鸣。 And finally, he forgot all, deducts own law repeatedly, treads own say/way. 到了最后,他忘记了一切,一遍又一遍的演绎自己的法,踏出自己的道。 Bang! 轰! small bell thunders in within the body, from a central expansion, opens outward, was shaken to disperse many black light. 一口小钟在其体内轰鸣,从中心一点扩张,向外撑开,将不少乌光被震散了出来。 Then, the innumerable small swords, fully several thousands several thousands, are golden rune, to hardly obviously, flows in his blood small, flushes the whole body. 接着,无数的小剑,足有数千数万,都是金色符文所化,微小到几乎不可见,在其血液中流淌,冲洗全身。 In sound, in letting sad and shrill cry of person scalp tingles, just like having another terrifying evil spirit was being eliminated, was being cut the head. 在哧哧声中,在让人头皮发麻的凄厉叫声中,宛若有一头又一头恐怖的厉鬼在被消灭,在被斩下头颅。 In the Chu Feng's body, becomes malignant the material to be cut many, was obliterated, was discharged outside the body by him. 楚风的身体内,恶变物质被斩出很多,而后被磨灭,被他排出体外。 The next quarter, in his flesh, five divine light to/clashes, bright incomparable, this is Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique, he just only seeks five treasure materials at present, therefore there is five colors auspicious red clouds to appear, brilliant blooming. 下一刻,在他的血肉间,五道神光冲起,灿烂无比,这是七宝妙术,他目前刚只寻到五种奇珍物质,故有五色瑞霞出现,绚烂的绽放。 This type of light does not have the thing not to sweep, starts from his body, also has to become malignant the material to obliterate blood mist, drives away, purification. 这种光无物不扫,自他身体内开始,将血雾还有恶变物质磨灭许多,驱赶出来,生生净化。 Quick, Chu Feng uses various laws, the Undying Bird Race's Nirvana method that such as displays moves in the ancient book that records from Lunatic Wu arsenal there and other countries. 很快,楚风施展各种法,如施展从武疯子武库那里搬来的典籍中记载的不死鸟族的涅槃法等。 In addition, Lightning Fist, Vairocana Fist, various methods, he is uneven, each other fusion, all contains to strong golden rune, to his self- purification. 此外,闪电拳,大日如来拳,各种手段,他齐出,彼此融合,皆蕴含着至强的金色的符文,对他自我净化。 Arrived afterward, all becoming malignant materials was eliminated, he depends on himself completely to solve the hidden danger unexpectedly! 到了后来,所有的恶变物质都被清除,他竟靠自己彻底解决隐患! However, the Chu Feng's body was also tattered and torn, had/left the big problem, he is shutting the pupil, remained unmoved, diligently before contemplation body, fuzzy abruption. 但是,楚风的身体也千疮百孔,出了大问题,他闭着眸子,不为所动,努力观照身前模糊的断路。 He read silently the scrip­tures, revolution breathing method, rouses light granule that among this heaven and earth had, that was he had seen the-- spirituality material. 他默诵经文,运转呼吸法,勾动这天地间原本就存在的光粒子,那是他曾经看到过的——灵性物质。 Was is once covered by the years, by innumerable special pollen granules that the dust laid down, started presents. 是曾经被岁月掩盖,被尘埃埋下的无数的特殊的花粉粒子,开始呈现。 Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, the world moves back and forth, Reincarnation reverses, all probably were different, the road before Chu Feng body even more clear, the abruption tentacle may touch. 这一刻,天地往复,轮回倒转,一切都像是不同了,楚风身前的路越发的清晰,断路触手可摸。 Old Gu is frightened, cannot help but touched one to extend to his near road, actually...... really existed! 老古惊悚,不由自主摸了一把延伸到他近前的路,竟然……真的存在! Instantly, the Chu Feng station, the distant place was the boundless darkness, but on the road had up the granule, in the firefly like night is dancing in the air, gathered toward him. 刹那,楚风站了上去,远处是无边的黑暗,但路上有光粒子,如同黑夜中的萤火虫在飞舞,朝他聚集。 I want become stronger, if one day, loses the seed, did not have stone jar, I am also same can evolve!” “我要变强,若是有一天,失去种子,没了石罐,我也一样能进化!” He whispered, was very tranquil, was very faint, this time he completely immersed in special Dao Realm, according to Ancient Road, contemplated these light/only granule obviously, derived the god secret item nature of illumination. 他低语,很平静,也很淡漠,此时的他完全沉浸在特殊的道境中,显照古路,冥想那些光粒子,汲取发光的神秘物质。 These materials, existed in this heaven and earth, who is not creates, does not remain for whom, can have obtained, entire intimate body. 这些物质,原本就存在于这天地间,不是谁创,不为谁留,能有所得,全靠己身。 Buzz! 嗡! At the resonance, the innumerable light granules dances in the air void, in the darkness, wells up to shut, submerged Chu Feng, he seems like together the human form light beam. 虚空在共鸣,无数的光粒子飞舞,在黑暗中,一齐涌上断路,将楚风淹没了,他像是一道人形光束。 His tattered body is repairing, in the meantime, he is fusing oneself law, even more had to realize from experience, the whole person is sublimating. 他破烂的身体在修复,同时,他在融合自己的法,越发的有体悟了,整个人都在升华。 At this moment, he experienced for a lot of years is so remote probably, this seemed like instant eternal, a spirit of person was short the hole to go to Reincarnation. 这一刻,他像是经历了千百年那么久远,这像是刹那的永恒,一个人的精神短暂出窍去轮回 Finally, Chu Feng in abruption firm and self-confident treads a solid stride forward! 最后,楚风在断路上坚定而自信的向前踏出坚实的一大步! Bang! 轰! The sole falls instantly, the entire road at the light cry, is shaking, the dust are innumerable, rustle crashed, making this Ancient Road even more clearly discernible. 脚掌落下的刹那,整条路都在轻鸣,都在摇动,尘埃无数,簌簌坠落,让这条古路越发的清晰可见了。 He cleans the treasure probably, making this road be delivered from oppression. 他像是擦拭出瑰宝,让此路重见天日。 Chu Feng recovered, and strength rises suddenly again , to promote a big truncation, he broke through, has not depended on the pollen, his double Dao Fruit evolves again. 楚风身体恢复了,并且实力再次暴涨,提升一大截,他突破了,没有倚仗花粉,他的双道果都再次进化。 Was somewhat a pity, only almost, he becomes permanent Heavenly Venerate! 只是,有些可惜,只差一点,他就成为恒天尊 As for Great Heavenly Venerate, the nature had been overstepped by him, now he is permanent Heavenly Venerate, the strength arrives at the boundary! 至于大天尊,自然早已被他踏过,现在他算是准恒天尊,实力强到极境! All finished, here is peaceful. 一切都结束了,这里安静下来。 Old Gu stupidly there, has not recovered good long while, today this evolution three waves to a single stroke, looked he is fearful and apprehensive, the innermost feelings are very hurried, too bad risk. 老古傻在那里,好半天都没有回过神来,今天这场进化一波三折,看的他心惊胆战,内心很慌,实在太凶险了。 Fortunately, Chu Feng evolves successfully, is very perfect! This makes Old Gu grow the one breath. 还好,楚风进化成功,很完美!这让老古长出一口气。 Grey lifeforms is miserable, was stepped on by Chu Feng in the soil, oneself almost by the suck dry, only have half fist is so big now, horrible to look. 灰色生物非常惨,被楚风踩在泥土中,自身差点被吸干,如今只有半个拳头那么大了,惨不忍睹。 Chu Feng whole body clear, launching in salvos the silk is bright, particularly Human King Blood of his within the body is transforming slowly, sends out the light purple multi-colored sunlight, must also the promote step. 楚风周身晶莹,连发丝都是灿烂的,尤其是他体内的人王血正在缓慢的蜕变,发出淡紫色霞光,要随之晋阶了。 Close to double revered the fruit position permanently, has this addition again, making him reveal the greatest mighty force, now is to meet Supreme Being, how can also, what fear it! 原本就接近双恒尊果位了,再有这种加成,让他举手投足间都露出莫大的伟力,现在就是遇到大能,又能怎样,何惧之! Became?” Old Gu look is fiery, felt mutated soil very value that oneself send out, today really broadens the outlook, sees that Ancient Road unexpectedly. “成了?”老古眼神火热,感觉自己送出的异土很值,今天真的大开眼界,竟然看到那条古路 This absolutely is unexpectedly of far-reaching influence, some people of contemplations has the real road that vanishes, was too surprising, Old Gu felt, this had the reference by the later evolution, after all, he followed to see some different things a moment ago! 这绝对影响深远,竟有人观照出那消失的真路,太意外了,老古觉得,这让自己以后的进化都有了参照,毕竟,他刚才跟着看出一些不一样的东西! Became, but, I must hurry to make the seed grow again, oneself should also become Everlasting King to be good thoroughly!” “成了,不过,我必须赶紧让种子再生长,自身也应该彻底成为恒王才好!” Now, what Chu Feng most is worried is the seed, after long prepared medicine tree, reduced, stagnates unexpectedly there, did not enter does not draw back, had/left too many accidents/surprises. 现在,楚风最担心的是种子,长成药树后,又缩小了,竟停滞在那里,就此不进不退,出了太多的意外。 They walk the leave the mountain abdomen, arrives at a stretch of down country, in an instant, Chu Feng communication keeps ringing crazily, then he received various video and music to keep the news. 他们走出山腹,来到一片平原地带,刹那间,楚风身上通讯器就狂响个不停,然后他就接到了各种影音留讯。 Ji Dade, where did you die? Puts my pigeon, this dragon has not ended with you!” 姬大德,你死哪去了?放我鸽子,本龙跟你没完!” Cao De, your scoundrel, played jokes upon me once again, this place remembered, wait and see, I will not let off your!” 曹德,你这混账,又一次戏耍了我,本座记住了,等着瞧,我不会放过你的!” virtue character generation, no good thing, the timid as a rabbit, to reach an agreement attending a meeting, your integrity, your conscience?” “德字辈,没有一个好东西,胆小如鼠,说好了赴会,你的诚信呢,你的良心呢?” ...... …… All is the strange dragon sends, scolded stream of abuse Chu Feng, is indignant he not to appear, Long Dayu waited to be very long in the reaching agreement place, consumed the time dry, but the including root wool has not seen. 全都是怪龙发来的,将楚风骂了狗血喷头,气愤他不出现,龙大宇在相约的地点等了很久,枯耗时间,可连根毛都没见到。 He is in an uncontrollable rage, thought that once again by Chu Feng sexually harassing, played jokes upon, wishes one could to swallow whole him. 他怒不可遏,觉得又一次被楚风给调戏了,戏耍了,恨不得将他生吞活剥。 Especially, he prepared one gift, waits to tidy up Chu Feng, but that bastard unexpectedly! 尤其是,他准备了一份“大礼”,就等着收拾楚风呢,可那王八蛋居然不来! Chu Feng first contacts with him, said: Great Universe, where are you at? I am Brother Dade (Great Virtue), had the matter to delay on the road. You said a place, my to go through water and tread on fire, does not refuse under any circumstances, immediately overtakes!” 楚风第一时间联系上他,道:“大宇,你在哪?我是大德哥,有事在路上耽搁了。你说个地方,我赴汤蹈火,在所不辞,立刻赶过去!” Your this son of a bitch, do not want to deceive me again, this dragon was not swindled!” Long Dayu is indignant. “你这狗东西,别想再蒙骗我,本龙不上当了!”龙大宇气愤无比。 Has not really deceived you, this time really passes!” Chu Feng very solid saying, because, he indeed has not deceived people, was to loot the strange dragon in the past! “真没骗你,这次是真的过去!”楚风很实在的说道,因为,他的确没骗人,就是要过去洗劫怪龙! Even if the strange dragon supposes to ambush, ahead of time called Supreme Being to block, he did not fear, whose looked at pit anyone. 哪怕怪龙设下埋伏,提前叫上了大能来阻击,他也不怕,看谁坑谁。 Really?” The Long Dayu eyeground deep place braves the green light. “真的?”龙大宇眼底深处冒绿光。 Really!” Chu Feng replied in the incomparably affirmative tone! “真的!”楚风以无比肯定的语气答道! High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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