SR :: Volume #16

#1509: Peerless double reveres

The medicine tree type, suddenly, six zhang (3.33 m) high, three had really turned into three crotches, the chaos mist fills the air, turns there wells up. 药树真的种出来了,眨眼间,就已经六丈高,三叶化成三条树杈,混沌雾气弥漫,在那里翻涌。 Indistinct within, sets up the end to spread the intermittent scrip­tures sound. 隐约间,树端传出阵阵经文声。 This tree too strange, raises to six zhang (3.33 m) rapidly, then stops growing. 这树太奇异,迅速拔高到六丈,便停止生长。 Its tree trunk is the purple brown, the old skin to split open, probably grew the long years, is engraving great changes of years, each piece of old tree skin has the palm of the hand to be big, opens just like dragon scales. 它的树干呈紫褐色,老皮开裂,像是生长了漫长岁月,镌刻着岁月的沧桑,每一片老树皮都有巴掌大,宛若龙鳞张开。 Sets up on the body, three twigs seem like in the derivation myriad things, the chaos are dim, the leaf blade is luxuriant, is purple sparkling, each leaf seems like a world. 树体上,三根枝杈像是在衍生万物,混沌朦胧,叶片繁茂,全都是紫莹莹,每一片叶子都像是一个世界。 Purple leaf blade too much is different, brings the dewdrop, each water drop seems like the stars, hangs on the leaf, refracts the world all phenomena on earth, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields. 紫色叶片太特殊,带着露珠,每一颗水珠都像是星辰,挂在叶子上,折射出人间万象,沧海桑田 Six zhang (3.33 m) big tree, does not seem like grows radically, endless ancient intent, as if among splitting heaven and earth apart exists forever in this. 六丈大树,根本不像是才生长出来的,给人无尽的古意,仿佛开天辟地间就长存在此。 The full leaf piece is calm, lustrous shine, is accompanying the chaos, has Ziyun to cover, the sacred meteorology is astonishing. 满树叶片无风自动,莹莹发光,伴着混沌,更有紫云覆盖,神圣气象惊人。 When leaf collision, gets up just like the scrip­tures sound, opens a day of time to transmit from that. 当树叶彼此间碰撞时,宛若经文声响起,自那开天时代传来。 Old Gu shocked, he felt, oneself had said the words really must eat, because, he indeed seems like has not seen the world, opened the mouth. 老古震惊了,他觉得,自己说过的话真要吃回去了,因为,他的确像是没见过世面般,张大了嘴巴。 Now, he was startled stupidly! 现在,他被惊傻了! Old Gu believes, this is too absurd, this matter should not happen, but, the real situation indeed is performing, but he is witnessing. 老古认为,这实在太荒谬,这种事不应该发生,可是,真实情况的确在上演,而他则在亲眼目睹。 Inconceivable, unbelievable, he once suspected the own dementia, made an effort to pinch oneself, the sore his cheek twitches. 不可思议,难以置信,他一度怀疑自己精神错乱了,用力掐了自己一把,疼的他面皮抽搐。 He is opening mouth, is staring, then arrives at the near step by step, touches old tree, is rough and hard, covers just like the scale of ancestral dragon on the branch. 他张着嘴,瞪着眼,然后一步一步走到近前,去摸古树,粗糙而坚硬,宛若祖龙的鳞片覆盖在主干上。 The entire old tree is luxuriant, its root hair are innumerable, spreads from the jar, the abatement derives outside mutated soil , the Earth Vein strength of under absorption mid-hill. 整株古树繁茂,其根须无数,从罐子中蔓延出来,除却汲取异土外,也在吸收山腹下的地脉之力。 Chu Feng closed eyes, does not have any sound, he is listening respectfully to the scrip­tures sound, at the sensibility strange and special Great Dao sound. 楚风闭目,没有任何动静,他在聆听经文声,在感悟奇异而特殊的大道音。 Indistinct within, he sees the innumerable light granules, sprinkles in the dim land, is dancing in the air, this is the heart has a feeling, therefore there is a sleep/felt, has become aware? 隐约间,他看到无数的光粒子,在昏暗的大地上洒落,在飞舞,这是心有所感,所以有所觉,有所悟吗? He understood that pollen Evolution Road some secrets, currently have in the heart see these scenes. 他才了解到花粉进化路的一些秘密,现在就有在心中看到这些景象。 That scrip­tures sound is very mystical, is very special, reverberates unceasingly, as if outside the world, above Firmament, in the endless various extra mundanes, some people chanted sutras. 那经文声很神秘,也很特别,不断回响,仿佛在天地之外,在上苍之上,在无尽的诸世外,有人诵经。 Does not listen clearly, is very fuzzy, but, it can actually just like by the baptism, the life level seems like jumping, the whole person is tranquil. 听不真切,很模糊,但是,它却可以让人宛若被洗礼般,生命层次都像是在跃迁,整个人都宁静下来。 In this moment, Chu Feng many years of confusing, in the heart many issues about evolution, as if had certain answers. 在这一刻,楚风多年的迷惑,心中一些关于进化的不少问题,都仿佛有了某些答案。 He stands, closes one's eyes, seemed directed, must comprehend, was enlightened, deducts invincible Great Dao in heart. 他站起来,闭着眼睛,仿佛受到指引,要开悟,被启迪,演绎自己心中的无敌大道 Under the big tree, Chu Feng stretches the body, wields Ultimate Fist, suddenly, fist mark rushes, such as thunder Ruxian, blasts out this place, making this mid-hill thunder. 大树下,楚风舒展躯体,挥动终极拳,瞬息间,拳印澎湃,如雷如仙,炸开此地,让这山腹都在轰鸣。 The next quarter, he displays Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique, several divine light surge, immortal lord who like space he complements, to is high and dignified, the god capital is incomparable. 下一刻,他又施展七宝妙术,数种神光激荡,将他映衬的如同天上的仙主,至高而威严,神资无匹。 Old Gu backs up, he holds breath cold air, this has not blossomed and borne fruit, did Chu Feng this comprehend? 老古倒退,他倒吸一口凉气,这还没开花结果呢,楚风这就开悟了? Heavenly Venerate Level should not be important, the legend, can listen respectfully to the breath of Firmament, may sense to the Great Dao highest good of splitting heaven and earth apart time, can with the immortal resonance. 天尊级别至关重要,传说,能聆听到上苍的呼吸,可感悟到开天辟地时代的大道至理,能与不朽共鸣。 Old Gu saw, Chu Feng grasped principles directly, as if in counter models the time, along time River on, must go to the source, must go to Absolute Beginning, comprehends to high Dao Fruit. 老古看出,楚风直接就悟道了,仿佛在逆塑光阴,沿着时间长河而上,要去源头,要去太初,领悟至高道果 However, the pollen has not appeared, the fruit does not have to be long, he how in baptism by that special scrip­tures? 但是,花粉还没有出现呢,果实也没长出来呢,他怎么就被那特殊的经文上洗礼了? Old Gu suspected, is really puzzled. 老古怀疑,甚是不解。 He also heard the scrip­tures sound, probably from the uncertain various extra mundanes, the rivers of unique time, transmits here directly. 他也听到了经文声,像是来自不可预测的诸世外,超脱时光的河流,径直传递到这里。 However, he is unable to comprehend, cannot realize anything. 但是,他无法开悟,并不能体会到什么。 Old Gu believes, this big tree monster, is very very special, is very strange, lets he shocks at the same time, awes very much. 老古认为,这株大树很妖,很特殊,很古怪,让他震惊的同时,也很敬畏。 „It is not good, Chu Feng, awakes, you stepped the wrong road, the insanity, your fleshly body was rotten!” Old Gu shouted. “不好,楚风,醒一醒,你这是踏上了歧途,疯魔了,你的肉身要烂了!”老古喝道。 Under the big tree, Chu Feng fist mark is incomparable, the whole body shines, but, he actually has problems, the whole body is festering, the flesh is sending out decayed, the whole must fall off. 大树下,楚风拳印无匹,周身放光,可是,他却出了问题,周身都在溃烂,血肉都在散发腐臭,整体要脱落下来了。 This scene is extremely fearful! 这一景象极其可怕! Old Gu clear knows, this means anything, when 100 Quasi-Heavenly Venerate promote steps, 99 will be defeated, miserable tragic death. 老古清楚的知道,这意味着什么,一百位准天尊晋阶时,有九十九个都会失败,会凄凉的惨死。 Rotten, this is one of the most terrifying events, after pollen Evolution Road arrives at late stage here, that being doomed to meet greatly troublesome, is a calamity. 腐烂,这是最恐怖的事件之一,花粉进化路走到后期这里后,注定会遇到的这种大麻烦,是一场厄难。 Generally speaking, after having this situation, is very difficult to reverse, only if the body has the special life-saving elixir. 一般来说,出现这种情况后很难逆转,除非身上有特殊的救命仙药。 Old Gu have come across this issue, naturally, his issue is not serious, is only somewhat is slightly rotten, by his hard boiling. 老古自己都遇到过这种问题,当然,他问题不严重,也只是稍微有些腐烂,被他生生硬熬了过来。 Now, Chu Feng is terminally ill simply probably, the whole body fester, the flesh is separating, the whole must fall off, decomposed odor is especially strong. 现在,楚风简直像是病入膏肓,周身溃烂,血肉在分离,整体要脱落了,腐烂气味儿格外浓重。 Even if his fist mark is still radiant, but also is blooming auspicious light, is actually so ominous, is more serious than ten thousand years of carrion. 哪怕他的拳印依旧璀璨,还在绽放瑞光,可是自身却如此的不祥,比万年腐尸还严重。 However, no matter what Old Gu shouts out there, Chu Feng does not hear does not listen, has probably not induced completely, is revolving as before various mystique method, shows own say/way. 然而,任老古在那里呼喝,楚风根本不闻不听,像是完全没有感应,依旧在运转各种秘法,展现自己的道。 Arrived afterward, him even started to practice Seven Death Body. 到了后来,他甚至开始练七死身 hēi hēi......” makes the person have one's hair stand on end laughter transmit, gloomy and cold and icy cold, lets the person such as the falling icehouse. 嘿嘿……”让人毛骨悚然的笑声传来,阴冷而冰凉,让人如坠冰窖。 The grey creature difficulty-relief, is approaching Chu Feng, must throw! 灰色生灵脱困,正在逼近楚风,要扑上去! Old Gu was anxious, this thing also mixes at crucial moments, the consequence is more dreadful. 老古急了,这东西在关键时刻还来掺和,后果更加不堪设想。 dang! 当! In his hand is carrying the stone jar cover, patted directly, grey lifeforms did not fear Old Gu, may see is part of jar, immediately reveals to fear intent, toward Chu Feng more violent throws. 他手中拎着石罐的盖子呢,直接就拍了上去,灰色生物原本是不怕老古的,可见到是罐子的一部分,顿时露出惧意,向着楚风更加猛烈的扑去。 You give me in this!” Old Gu acts crazy. “你给我在这吧!”老古发飙。 However, has not waited for him to begin, although Chu Feng closes one's eyes, is evolving own say/way, the self-closing in the inner world, but, actually like can perceive the danger, oneself moved. 然而,没有等他动手,楚风虽然闭着眼睛,在演化自己的道,自闭于内心世界,可是,却像能觉察到危险,自己动了。 Behind him leaps five divine light, swept grey lifeforms all of a sudden, carries in the hand, and a fist passes through, almost kills it! 他背后腾起五道神光,将灰色生物一下子扫了过来,一把拎在手中,并一拳贯穿,几乎打死它! Grey lifeforms yelled, pitiful incomparable, the body small half was defeated and dispersed, changes to grey matter, by Chu Feng that rotten body absorption, refining was been clean. 灰色生物大叫,凄惨无比,身体小半截溃散了,化作灰色物质,被楚风那腐烂的身体吸收,炼化干净。 Then, Chu Feng throws it on the ground, is stepping on, once again evolves own law, immerses in a special position. 接着,楚风将它扔在地上,一脚踩着,又一次演化自己的法,沉浸在一种特殊的境地中。 Old Gu is dumbfounded, he is yelling, you were dying, the flesh is falling off, awakes! 老古傻眼,他大叫着,你都要死了,血肉正在脱落,醒一醒吧! That is true, the Chu Feng's situation deteriorated, the flesh of big piece falls off, the rotten aura fills the air, was stronger. 的确如此,楚风的情况恶化了,大片的血肉脱落下来,腐烂气息弥漫,更加的浓重了。 Quickly, Chu Feng opened both eyes, he wakes from that marvelous comprehending, sees flesh that oneself fall off, rotten body, nature changes countenance. 倏地,楚风睁开了双目,他从那种奇妙的开悟中醒了过来,看到自己脱落的血肉,腐烂的身体,自然变色了。 Pollen Evolution Road is really fearful, seriously is lucky, walks step by step, in the end must come across the dead tribulation that there is no eventually. 花粉进化路果然可怕,当真是没有任何的侥幸可言,一步一步走下去,到头来终究要遇到死劫。 This road more arrives at late stage is the danger, almost must lose everyone's life! 这条路越到后期越是危险,几乎要断送掉所有人的性命! This is also an era, Paramount creature not many reasons. 这也是一个纪元来,究极生灵不多的原因。 Even if Great Universe, to is also finally difficult to escape dies, because very unendurable earlier checkpoint, will corrupt eventually, will become malignant, in died before late stage. 哪怕是大宇,到最后也难逃一死,因为很难熬过前期的关卡,终究会腐烂,会恶变,在接近中后期之前就死掉了。 Chu Feng looks down the palm, the flesh falls off, reveals the clear pure white phalanx, but he actually cannot feel the pain, when wields the fist, the fist light is still brilliant, overbearing incomparable. 楚风低头看着手掌,血肉脱落,露出晶莹洁白的指骨,可他却感觉不到痛,挥动拳头时,依旧拳光绚烂,霸道无匹。 What is this? Does he want dead? In completely spiritless, in not painful, becomes the dust rottenly? 这是什么?他要死去了吗?于无知无觉中,在不痛苦中,腐烂成尘埃? Chu Feng realized that the crisis, all previous past worthies, many people died, cannot boil. 楚风体会到了危机,历代前贤,很多人都是这么死掉的,根本熬不过去。 Especially like him, has not passed through accumulates, Gao Ge advances vigorously, to afterward if eventually were criticized, this road seemed like cursed generally! 尤其是像他这样,没有经过积淀,一路高歌猛进,到后来终究要是被清算,这条路像是被诅咒了一般! Now, he has this feeling, this road has broken, had/left the big problem, he seems to be cursed now. 现在,他就是有这种感觉,此路已断,出了大问题,他现在似乎被诅咒了。 What cursed?!” “诅咒什么?!” Who can curse this Evolution Road, who can the rope I assign/life?!” “谁能诅咒这条进化路,谁能索我命?!” Chu Feng is unwilling, raised head towards sky, the flash, the expression is fearful, the delicate face, half cheek fell off rottenly, only leaves behind the white bones. 楚风不甘心,仰头望天,一刹那,表情可怕,原本清秀的面孔,半张面皮腐烂脱落下来了,仅留下白骨。 Bang! 轰! His body leaps holy light flame, grey Little Millstone in within the body is revolving crazily, is, this is also useless, he as in corruption. 他的身体腾起神圣光焰,体内的灰色小磨盘在疯狂运转,可是,这样也无用,他依旧在腐烂中。 The next quarter, he starts to inscribe on golden rune from stone jar, but, cannot change anything. 下一刻,他开始铭刻源自石罐上的金色符文,可是,还是改变不了什么。 This seems like the internal cause of evolution, inevitable, the external force is unable to prevent, his body, even his soul light as if must corrupt. 这像是进化的内因,不可避免,外力无法阻止,他的身体,甚至连他的魂光都似乎要腐烂掉了。 At this time, Chu Feng spread out the palm, he discovered that the pure white bone started gloomily, must decay. 这时,楚风摊开手掌,他发现洁白的骨头都开始暗淡,要朽掉了。 I do not believe that I will die, with Dominion , I have not defeated, this becomes malignant with Realm's with me one time rottenly, is anything, rolls to me!” “我不信,我会死掉,同领域中,我还没有败过呢,这不过是与我同境界的一次腐烂恶变而已,算什么,都给我滚!” Chu Feng shouts out, body illumination, even if the most flesh falls off now, he also holds up the head to stand, has not dreaded, is wielding fist mark as before. 楚风大喝,身体发光,哪怕现在大半血肉脱落了,他也昂首而立,没有畏惧,依旧在挥动拳印 , He is gradually quiet, no matter oneself whether in rotten, but realizes from experience the process of evolution with single-hearted devotion. 渐渐的,他沉静下来,不管自身是否在腐烂,而是专心体悟进化的过程。 In the scrip­tures sound, his 60-70% flesh fell off, fearsome and scary, but, the Chu Feng's heart even more is auspicious and tranquil. 在经文声中,他六七成的血肉都脱落了,可怖而吓人,但是,楚风的心却越发的祥和与宁静。 Becoming aware unites with the line, he had once said to Still Feather, fearless rotten, so-called indescribable, that should be only in Great Universe evolution must a tribulation. 悟与行合一,他曾对羽尚说过,无惧腐烂,所谓的不可名状,那应该只是大宇进化过程中必经的一个劫。 A moment ago, even did he vacillate? 刚才,连他自己都动摇了吗? Now, he was dauntless, died died, if not die he to be stronger, now he realizes from experience this process, completely fearless rotten death process. 现在,他无畏了,死就死去,若不死他会更强,现在他体悟这个过程,完全无惧腐烂的死亡过程。 Really, the transformation of mentality, did not have the success and failure, now he further falls into comprehends, is grasping principles. 果然,心态的转变,没有了得失,现在他又进一步陷入开悟中,正在悟道。 The scrip­tures acoustic image that tree body sends out is visible rune, sprinkles, making Chu Feng further become malignant, to afterward, his whole body eight entirely succeed corrupted, fell off. 那树体发出的经文声像是有形的符文,洒落下来,让楚风进一步恶变,到了后来,他全身八成都腐烂了,都脱落了。 Even, the bone wanted decayed, did not have the shining white gloss. 甚至,骨头都要腐朽了,没有了莹白的光泽。 However, more arrives at behind, this deterioration also even more was feeble, stopped gradually, cannot go a step further. 但是,越到后面,这种恶化却也越发的衰弱了,渐渐止住了,不能更进一步。 Evolution, gets rid of the bad and retains the good, forgets the life and death, did not have to be insane, will be safer?!” Old Gu shocks. “进化,去芜存菁,忘记生死,没有了得失心,会更安全吗?!”老古震撼。 Because, he discovered that Chu Feng stopped the declining tendency, not only that the whole body starts to have the flesh wriggling to move, has the skeleton to make noise sonorously, the shining white is firmer. 因为,他发现楚风止住了颓势,不仅如此,周身开始有血肉蠕蠕而动,有骨骼铿锵作响,更加莹白坚固。 However, many people arrived at this moment to be calm, can be dauntless, saw one corrupted, the 90% above person must go crazy, must resist. 但是,有多少人到了这一刻会从容,能无畏呢,看到自身腐烂,九成以上的人都要发疯,都要抗争。 Can be light, several people can live through, not necessarily can succeed. 就是能平淡,又有几人能熬过来,不见得能成功。 Old Gu looked that the Chu Feng's look changed, this demon talent is very strong, in the meantime, this body resistance was also too terrifying, resisted the distress of corrupting unexpectedly! 老古楚风的眼神变了,这个魔头天赋很强,同时,这身体抗性也太恐怖了,竟抵住了腐烂之厄! Old Gu suspected, if Chu Feng takes the Great Universe road, whether really a success, can arrive at the head?! 老古怀疑,楚风若是走大宇路,能否真个成功,一路走到头?! Wants knows, throughout the ages, does not seem to lived final Great Universe, finally died a tragic death, could not endure various fearsome mutations. 知道,古往今来,似乎还没有活到最后的大宇呢,最终都惨死了,熬不过各种可怖的异变。 Naturally, Chu Feng today's corruption, is unable with comparing of Great Universe level, moreover Great Universe may not only be rotten becoming malignant, tribulation that various types are inconceivable. 当然,楚风今天的腐烂,远无法与大宇层次的比,况且大宇可不光是腐烂一种恶变,还有各种难以想象的磨难。 Arrived afterward, his flesh came back to life, gradually restored. 到了后来,他血肉复生,逐渐全部恢复过来了。 But at this time, on the big tree, a flower bud is growing, all scrip­tures acoustic images turned into visible rune, toward flower bud gathering. 而在这时,大树上,一朵花蕾正在生长,所有的经文声像是都变成了有形的符文,向着花蕾汇聚。 The purple leaf blade twinkle, presents a pure white flower bud in them, can have the large bowl is so big, then it such towering blooming of bo. 紫色的叶片闪烁,在它们中间出现一朵洁白的花骨朵,能有海碗那么大,然后啵的一声它就这样突兀的绽放了。 Old Gu is in a daze in the distant place, this medicine tree was too mystical, grows into instantaneously, blossoms instantly, is unable to imagine, has not heard this Medicinal Herb in the prehistoric. 老古在远处发呆,这药树太神秘了,瞬间长成,刹那开花,根本就无法想象,在史前都没有听说过这种药草 The next quarter, the gigantic medicine flower drags, has no time pure white, falls in torrents the big piece from middle the white fog, covers toward Chu Feng, fragrant intoxicant. 下一刻,硕大的药花摇曳,洁白无暇,从当中倾泻下来大片的白雾,向着楚风笼罩过去,芬芳醉人。 In a flash, the Chu Feng whole body pore diastole, is all over the body comfortable, the whole person must takeoff, wanted the emergence to flutter, light and lively incomparable. 一瞬间,楚风全身毛孔舒张,通体舒泰,整个人都要离地而起,要羽化飘起来了,轻灵无比。 He was submerged by the light granule, the whole person was nourished. 他被光粒子淹没,整个人都被滋养。 Double Dao Fruit of his within the body is sublimating, is transforming, comprehensive evolution. 这他体内的双道果都在升华,都在蜕变,全面进化。 Chu Feng fleshly body in become stronger, the spirit is expanding vigorously, is even more unusual, he can feel, oneself strength is increasing sharply. 楚风肉身变强,精神在蓬勃扩张,越发超凡,他自己都能够感受到,自身实力在激增。 Bang! 轰隆! His body big change, the broken boundary, entered in higher Dominion! 他身体剧震,自身破境了,进入更高的领域中! Double Dao Fruit the promote step, the Chu Feng's physical quality comprehensively was improved simultaneously, the strength rose suddenly, strong winds swung, making Old Gu unable to stand, was forced by that powerful imposing manner staggered to back up to be very far! 道果同时晋阶,楚风的身体素质全面提升,实力暴涨,一股狂风荡起,让老古都站立不住,被那强大的气势逼迫的踉跄倒退出去很远! But at this time, the Chu Feng's body actually became malignant once again, the whole body had the inexplicable change, various strange marks wound spread all over the body, probably the wire rope, must tie up him, must strangling to death! 而在这时,楚风的身体却又一次恶变,周身都出现莫名的变化,各种诡异纹络遍体蔓延,像是铁索,要将他捆住,要将勒死! And finally, Old Gu shock, because his clear heard the iron chain to collide the sound that ice-cold and ear-spitting. 到了最后,老古震惊,因为他真切的听到了铁链碰撞的声音,冰冷而震耳。 In the Chu Feng's body surface, reappearing veined pattern like the real iron chain, is tighter, tied up his soul, must strangle thoroughly! 楚风的体表,浮现的纹路如同真实的铁链,越勒越紧,将他灵魂都捆住了,要彻底扼杀! This also has the natural justice, Heavenly Venerate Realm, has this big Killing Tribulation, this strange change, was too fearful!” Old Gu worries, actually cannot help. “这还有天理吗,才天尊境界,就有这种大杀劫,这种诡异的变化,太可怕了!”老古干着急,却帮不上忙。 That is the internal cause, is Evolver own issue, possibly is accumulates insufficiently, evolution too quick reason, was the ordinary day has possibly messed with the ominous thing. 那是内因,是进化者自身的问题,可能是积淀不够,进化太快的原因,也可能是平日早已沾惹上了不祥的东西。 The Chu Feng not happy no worries, there martial arts, study to show as before oneself, revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, among mouth and nose is completely the white fog. 楚风依旧无喜无忧,在那里演武,将自身所学都展现出来,运转盗引呼吸法,口鼻间尽是白雾。 He is attempting, fused after a wonderful technique fist together, becomes his thing truly. 他在尝试,将一身的妙术拳经等都融合在一起,真正成为他自己的东西。 At this time, his fearless life and death, did not fear to become malignant, although in the end the body also had the rotten sign, and that iron chain was tighter, but he actually also in become stronger. 这个时候,他无惧生死,不怕恶变,到头来身体虽又有了腐烂的迹象,且那铁链越勒越紧,可他却也在变强 Bang! 轰! His body blooms the dazzling ray, collapsing iron chain mark wound, fleshly body has no time, the soul is pure, does not have these strange marks to wind again. 他身体绽放出刺目的光芒,生生崩断了身上的铁链纹络,肉身无暇,灵魂纯净,再也没有那些诡异的纹络。 In the ground, was stepped on grey creature in soil to be frightened by Chu Feng, it trembles, cannot believe simply, this man can obliterate that veined pattern. 地面上,被楚风踩进泥土中的灰色生灵惊悚,它颤栗,简直不敢相信,这个男子连那种纹路都能磨灭。 It looks like in it, this mark winds is the strange strangeness, so long as, contamination must corrupt, the inadequate corpse servant, must wither away. 在它看来,这种纹络是诡异中的诡异,只要一出,沾染者必腐烂,不成尸仆,就得消亡。 Grey lifeforms recognizes, this is the aura that this/should clan ancestor level lifeforms falls in torrents, but some time ago Soul River there matter, did don't tell me this person go to there to contaminate? 灰色生物认出,这是该族祖宗级生物倾泻出的气息,而不久前魂河那里出事儿了,难道此人去过那里沾染上的? Chu Feng is transforming, the whole body has no time, and even more radiant, returns magnificently intense compared with Sun, the fist grips slightly tightly, then lets the void collapse, overbearing incomparable. 楚风在蜕变,周身无暇,并且越发的璀璨,比太阳还盛烈,拳头稍微攥紧,便让虚空塌陷,霸道无匹。 Can become?” Old Gu is startled. In the Chu Feng heart is very tranquil, this time unexpectedly was the double Dao Fruit together promote step, he also wants to look for the opportunity detoxify Great World of the Dead's aura another Dao Fruit. “要成了吗?”老古吃惊。楚风心中很平静,这次居然是双道果一同晋阶,他还想将另一个道果找机会去沾染大阴间的气息呢。 However, at present cannot control so many, later had the opportunity to enter Great World of the Dead to say again. 不过,眼下也管不了那么多了,以后有机会进大阴间再说。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! His body illumination, the soul is brilliant, outside the body light rain sprinkles, just like elapsing the scene reappears, the innumerable light granules appear, submerged him. 他身体发光,灵魂绚烂,体外光雨洒落,宛若逝去的景象再现,无数的光粒子出现,将他淹没了。 This is Ancient Road, a abruption, evolution branch road of disappearance endless years, reappears now! 这是一条古路,一条断路,一条消失无尽岁月的进化支路,现在再现出来! Peerless double reveres!” “绝世双尊!” The Old Gu light language, does not need to think much, light/only sees this phenomenon, relative perfect of his knows Chu Feng evolution, succeeded, this Dominion also whose enemy?! 老古轻语,都不用多想,光看到这种异象,他就知道楚风进化的相当完美,成功了,这个领域还有谁可敌?! Three leaders 三掌门 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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