SR :: Volume #16

#1508: Testimony ultimate

Old Gu, I must evolve, I prepare a medicine, you protect the law to me!” 老古,我要进化了,我准备种药,你给我护法!” Chu Feng is serious, he really could not wait, first enhances the strength, then looks for the resources, this is more effective. 楚风严肃无比,他真的等不及了,先提升实力,然后再去找资源,这样更有效。 Only then oneself powerful, can easily the steamroll enemy, be able to look for many mutated soil, can increase to higher Evolutionary Dominion. 只有自身强大,能够轻易碾压敌人,才可以找来更多的异土,能够攀升到更高的进化领域中。 Chu Feng has planned, the god sacred land nature that the resources that he needs, he wants, toward the enemy wants, to visit from them to request, will not have any psychological burden. 楚风已经打算好了,他需要的资源,他想要的神圣土质,都朝敌人要,登门向他们索取,并不会有任何心理负担。 You plant the medicine now, prepares the accelerate ripening? But, god wondrous medicines tree, where?” Old Gu is surprised. “你现在种药,准备催熟?可是,神圣药树呢,在哪里?”老古惊疑不定。 He has been suspecting, Chu Feng has no foot, that what medicine tree evolution? Was not his such old fogy of prehistoric, can prepare ahead of time magnanimously capital grain. 他一直在怀疑,楚风并无什么根脚,那什么药树进化?并不是他这样史前的老家伙,可以提前准备海量的“资粮”。 Now, he must see an corner/horn truth finally. 现在,他终于要看到一角真相了。 Walking, this place is not good, looking for underground ancestor lineage/vein is vigorous, focus number state spiritual energy place, if Supreme Being Level mutated soil is insufficient, but can also borrow strength.” “走,这地方不行,找一个地下祖脉雄浑,聚焦数州灵气的地方,万一大能级异土不够,还能够借力一下。” Chu Feng guides before, xue touches in Yuezhou, Bright Province, Huizhou, Azure Province, Zhuozhou and other places, seeks for the true ancestor hole, the good fortune place in legend. 楚风在前带路,在越州、明州、惠州、青州、涿州等地踅摸,寻找真正的祖穴,传说中的造化地。 Has the main domain is not good to alarm, but, he now is Heavenly Master in what Domain Dominion, about Earth Vein, has what strange place not to hide the truth from him. 有主的地盘不好惊动,但是,他现在是什么场域领域中的天师,关于地脉,有什么奇异之处瞒不过他。 Finally, Chu Feng chose famous mountains! 最终,楚风选了一处名山! The Old Gu complexion immediately changed, suck in a cold breath, said: A while, this place cannot enter, this is one of the World of the Living thousand strong famous mountains, without entering first hundred, but still has the strangeness, middle possibly has the trillion years ago skeletons, several eras ago old monsters, have the possibility...... not to breathe!” 老古脸色当即变了,倒吸冷气,道:“等会儿,这地方不能进,这可是阳间千强名山之一,即便没有入前百名,但是也有古怪,当中可能有亿万年前的尸骸,有几个纪元前的老怪物,有可能……没咽气呢!” Chu Feng said: Right, you were fooled, this place has become the place of without owner, I can induce, the interior has the rich Earth Vein vitality/angry, but does not have the air/Qi of live person.” 楚风道:“是吗,你被唬住了,这地方已成为无主之地,我能够感应到,内部有浓郁的地脉生气,但却没有活人之气。” Recently, Chu Feng experienced all sorts of different matters, even Soul River this terrifying region had once arrived, various sensibility about Domain was quite deep, has become true Heavenly Master, was no longer close, but strided in this being as deep as a well Dominion thoroughly. 最近,楚风经历了种种异事,连魂河这种恐怖地带都曾亲临过,关于场域的各种感悟颇深,已经成为真正的天师,不再是接近,而是彻底跨入这个高深莫测的领域中了。 Old Gu suck in a cold breath, how this place said that in the past was also the place famous mountains, generally speaking, few Supreme Being do not dare to explore jointly. 老古倒吸冷气,这地方怎么说当年也算是座名山,一般来说,没有几个大能联手是不敢探险的。 Even, some famous mountains look common, declined the innumerable years, not doing well words, Paramount lifeforms goes will suffer a loss! 甚至,有些名山看着不起眼,没落无数岁月了,一个弄不好的话,究极生物进去都会吃大亏! Do not outsmart oneself!” Old Gu reminder. “你别弄巧成拙!”老古提醒。 He always felt, Chu Feng this demon extremely dragged in lots of people, is somewhat odd, what big medicine wants accelerate ripening? 他总觉得,楚风这魔头太过兴师动众了,有些离谱,到底要催熟什么大药? Furthermore, before evolution, such transplanting medicine tree, really? The question of his full belly. 再者说,临进化前,这样移栽药树,真的好吗?他满肚子的疑问。 He guessed, perhaps Chu Feng has the space treasure of Small World level, the medicine tree plants in middle, can therefore in very safe transfer famous mountains. 他猜测,或许楚风小世界级的空间瑰宝,药树就栽种在当中,所以可以很稳妥的移到名山中。 This mountain massif ash throws, really common, but, very ancient past was famous, world many lifeforms do not dare to be close. 这座山体灰扑扑,真的不起眼,但是,很古老的过去负有盛名,天下没有多少生物敢接近。 Naturally, this famous mountains active period is on an era, after this discipline, it had almost no sound. 当然,这座名山较活跃的时期是上个纪元,到了这一纪后,它几乎没什么动静了。 Also precisely because of so, it dropped to about thousand. 正是因为如此,它才跌落到千名左右了。 „It is not good, you cannot go, was too dangerous.” Old Gu stop. “不行,你还是不能去,太危险了。”老古阻拦。 However, no matter what he consoles, a Chu Feng say/way arrived black, insisted on going. 然而,任他劝解,楚风一条道走到黑了,执意前往。 Naturally, he also requests Old Gu not to approach, although he had confidence very much, but also fears accidentally/surprisingly, prepared Teleportation Domain to Old Gu on the mountain top of distant place, can escape momentarily. 当然,他也要求老古不得靠近,尽管他很有把握,但也怕出意外,给老古在远处的山头上准备了个传送场域,随时能远遁。 Bang! 轰隆! The Chu Feng opening mid-hill, passes through the rock slit, during enters. 楚风开启山腹,走过岩石缝隙,进入当中。 Inside, skeleton everywhere, but was decayed, touching broke to pieces slightly, and everywhere was the dust, the words that stepped on swung a lot of mist and dust. 里面,尸骸遍地,但都腐朽了,稍微触之就碎掉了,且满地都是尘埃,踩上去的话荡起来大量的烟尘。 Really dry lonesome, here did lifeforms die?” Old Gu shock. “真的枯寂了,这里的生物都死掉了?”老古震惊。 For these years, has the person to dare to think of a way, but, flinched finally, because of the high antiquity, here also erupted murderous intention, executed Supreme Being that excelled at rushing. 这么多年来,不是没有人敢打主意,但是,最终都退缩了,因为远古时代,这里还爆发出过杀机呢,毙掉了一位擅闯的大能 Obviously, the skeleton of this place has not been advocating, is in the historical years stays behind, perhaps is an enemy, possibly main disciple disciple. 显然,这地方的尸骸等还不是正主,是历史岁月中留下的,也许是敌人的,也可能是正主的弟子门徒。 Is advocating not knows is several era ago lifeforms, being dormant this discipline is not really easy. 正主不知道是几个纪元前的生物,蛰伏到这一纪真的不易。 Finally, Chu Feng found, in biggest the stone chamber in the mid-hill found is advocating, a place broken bone, some tattered person skins. 最后,楚风找到了,在山腹中最大的石室内找到正主,一地碎骨,还有部分破烂的人皮。 What thing this was is eaten, said that he did transform the failure? Chu Feng thinks that is the latter. 这是被什么东西吃掉了,还是说他蜕变失败了?楚风认为是后者。 What especially pitifully is, anything has not stayed behind, is advocating the choke-out pass/test to exhaust all, was absorbed by him including the energy of treasure cleanly, the treasure broke to pieces place. 尤为可惜的是,什么都没有留下,正主闭死关耗尽了一切,连身上的瑰宝的能量都被他吸收干净了,宝物等碎了一地。 The underground ancestor lineage/vein, nearby region dried up continually, only then dust and ashes. 连地下祖脉,附近这片区域都枯竭了,只有尘埃与灰烬。 Old Gu also came, said: Really died!” 老古也来了,道:“真死了!” Then, he also said: If the time is enough, finds the person to unearth this famous mountains Earth Vein, in five years can seize and quenching a Supreme Being Level soil texture!” 接着,他又道:“如果时间足够,找人挖掘这座名山的地脉,五年内就能攫取与淬炼出一份大能级土质!” After all, this place many years have not refined. 毕竟,这地方很多年没有提炼过了。 World mutated soil, where do these rare special soil texture come? Stems from the famed sceneries, bit by bit screens from the underground ancestor lineage/vein, slowly quenchings. 天下异土,那些稀珍的特殊土质都是哪里来的?都是出自名山大川间,都是从地下祖脉中一点一点筛选,慢慢淬炼出来的。 It can be said that each grain of mutated soil is very precious, is mixing the blood and bone. 可以说,每一粒异土都无比珍贵,混着血与骨。 Because, needs to murder, needs to compete, the existing famed scenery, as well as various types of cultivation pure lands and ancestor lineage/vein, was occupied. 因为,需要杀伐,需要争夺,现有的名山大川,以及各种修炼净土以及祖脉等,都被人占据了。 But these are various clans fight to be the result, the division domain, hits. 而这些都是各族交手所致,划分地盘,生生打下来的。 Chu Feng sighed, this place was good, but he did not have the time, where can wait till for five years by to refine the earth? 楚风叹气,这地方非常好,但是他没有时间,哪里能等到五年以上去炼土? Ok, was here!” Chu Feng takes out three seeds. “好了,就是这里了!”楚风取出三颗种子。 And a grotesqueness, the bright red desire drops, takes the form of Eight Trigrams Furnace. 其中一颗怪模怪样,鲜红欲滴,形似一个八卦炉 Naturally, Old Gu has not recognized this, in his eyes only has two . Moreover, was also compressed probably. 当然,老古没认出这颗,在他眼里只有两颗,而且,其中一颗好像还被压扁了。 „Does your he tease me?” “你他么逗我?” The Old Gu look is extremely bad, is this teases him to play? 老古眼神极其不善,这是逗他玩吗? He thinks, Chu Feng does not have the root foot, not the background of prehistoric, this most was the luck is good to find Mystic Realm, and can receive in the space treasure. 他以为,楚风没有根脚,并无史前的来头,这次多半是运气好找到了一处秘境,且能收在空间瑰宝中。 Finally, Chu Feng this demon flips the pocket casually, takes out two broken seeds, is its big medicine? Looks at the appearance of that seed, dark, perhaps said that is the deep purple, was pressed shrivelled, crushed! 结果,楚风这魔头随便翻了翻口袋,取出两颗破种子,就是其大药?瞧那种子的卖相,黑乎乎,或许说是深紫色,都被压瘪,压坏了! Can this thing plant? 这东西能种出来吗? Also, was which family/home big medicine the temporary type? Which did not raise the quite distant years, had the flower bud, then can consume the huge price accelerate ripening! 再说,谁家大药是临时种的?哪个不是养了相当悠远的岁月,结出了花蕾,然后才能耗费巨大代价催熟! You picked two beans casually, selected two grains of wild grass seeds, does this dare to deceive me to come? Deceives my mutated soil! The Old Gu nose must be mad crookedly. 你这是随便捡了两颗豆子,挑了两粒野草籽吗,这就敢蒙我来了?骗我异土老古鼻子都要气歪了。 No rush, a while makes you witness the miracle!” Chu Feng is serious, has not really cracked a joke, can work as the surface evolution of Old Gu, this is manifestation of complete trust. “别急,一会儿让你见证神迹!”楚风一脸严肃,真的没开玩笑,能够当着老古的面进化,这是完全信任的体现。 This time, Old Gu suitable upholding justice, a person does about four Supreme Being Level evolution earth for him directly, this favor owed in a big way. 这一次,老古相当的仗义,一个人就直接为他搞来近四份大能级进化土,这人情欠大了。 Chu Feng felt, later well under repayment Old Gu. 楚风觉得,以后得好好报答下老古 The Old Gu even more doubt, always does not feel credibly, has not seen must evolve goes to a medicine temporarily! 老古越发狐疑,总觉得不靠谱,没见过要进化才临时去种药的! Chu Feng also sighed, said: Medicine does not have the issue, what I most am worried, mutated soil is insufficient!” 楚风也叹气,道:“药没问题,我最担心的是,异土不够!” Then, he turns around to walk, decided that transfers again, otherwise is somewhat unwilling. 然后,他转身就走,决定再去转一圈,不然真有点不甘心。 „Do you want to go?” Old Gu asked. “你要去哪?”老古问道。 I want to take a look at Yuan Clan that three old fogies to move not to have again.” Chu Feng replied. “我想再去看看沅族那三个老家伙动窝没有。”楚风答道。 Old Gu looked, this demon has not lain, but was earnest, went mad because of poverty simply, to earnestly seeking of mutated soil to a demented situation. 老古看出来了,这魔头没有撒谎,而是认真的,简直穷疯了,对异土的渴求到了一个癫狂的地步。 Old Gu accompanied him to walk, finally two people were disappointed, particularly Chu Feng, was somewhat silent on the road, was somewhat disturbed, always thought that mutated soil was insufficient. 老古陪他走了一趟,结果两人失望,尤其是楚风,在路上有些沉默,有些忐忑,总觉得异土不够。 Old Gu intertwines, finally clenches teeth saying: This, I go to collect one for you again, but you must also I, my some Medicinal Herb die as soon as possible otherwise!” 老古一阵纠结,最后咬牙道:“这样吧,我再去为你凑一份,不过你要尽快还我,不然的话我的一些药草会死掉的!” He has not believed in evil doctrines, clenches teeth to help Chu Feng, looked that he can plant the wha gadget, really can be so evil?! 他还不信邪了,咬牙助楚风,看他到底能种出什玩意儿来,真能这么邪吗?! Old Gu, your previous life certainly is my sweetheart, the lifetime makes us be predestined friends gathers!” Chu Feng is excited, holds his arm. 老古,你前世一定是我情人,辈子让咱们有缘又相聚!”楚风激动,抓住他的手臂。 Go away!” Old Gu shoved open him, then makes an effort to fling own hand, felt that goosebumps fell place, the whole body sent coldly, particularly that hand simply cold air/Qi whiz whiz. “滚!”老古一把推开了他,而后又使劲甩自己的手,感觉鸡皮疙瘩掉了一地,全身都发寒,尤其是那只手简直冷气嗖嗖。 Old Gu besides several god wondrous medicines trees, in Prehistoric Era, but also prepared three medicine gardens, he feared that the medicine sets up accidentally/surprisingly, cannot live this time. 老古除了几株神圣药树外,在史前时代,还准备了三片药园子,他怕药树出意外,活不到这个时代。 Fortunately, his subsequent hand, several strongest medicine trees does not have the loss. 还好,他的后手都在,几株最强药树无损失。 I go to the medicine garden to dig an earth, but, after your promote step, in a short time must hurry to give me to make up, otherwise, I feared that Medicinal Herb in garden will die!” “我去药园子挖点土,但是,你晋阶后,短期内必须赶紧给我补上,不然的话,我怕园子中的药草会死掉!” Then, Old Gu left, really excavated earth! 然后,老古离开了,真的去挖土了! After quite a while, Old Gu returns, is Chu Feng brings -and-a-half Supreme Being Level soil texture, shining, the spirit essence rushes, energy rich is very astonishing. 半天后,老古返回,为楚风带来一份半的大能级土质,流光溢彩,灵粹澎湃,能量浓郁度无比惊人。 Old Gu is earnest, said: Let me tell you, this is finds from three medicine gardens, in the near future will not make up, some Medicinal Herb could not preserve, my loss huge boundless.” 老古认真无比,道:“我跟你说,这是从三片药园子匀出来的,近期不补回去,有些药草就保不住了,我的损失将巨大无边。” This sentiment I remembered!” The Chu Feng serious nod said. “这情我记住了!”楚风郑重点头道。 Favor!” Old Gu flies into a rage, corrects to him. “人情!”老古急眼,对他纠正。 This adds, had seven Supreme Being Level mutated soil fully. 这样前后加起来,就足有七份大能级异土了。 After returning to the famous mountains, enters the mid-hill, Chu Feng starts carefully to get ready. 回到名山后,走进山腹,楚风开始认真准备。 Old Gu was truly slung the appetite, he is unbelievable, the Chu Feng scene plants the medicine, what astonishing pollen will present? Does not feel credibly. 老古确实被吊起了胃口,他还是难以相信,楚风现场种药,会出现什么惊人的花粉吗?感觉不可信。 Especially, when he saw when seed that Chu Feng finally chooses, the startled chin almost fell on the ground, the eye must stare. 尤其是,当他看到楚风最终选择的种子时,惊的下巴差点掉在地上,眼睛都要瞪出来了。 You is that when my fool, you takes what gadget?!” The Old Gu not indignation, was really driven beyond the limits of forbearance, Chu Feng this demon deceives him unexpectedly, took small Eight Trigrams Furnace, prepares to plant. “你当我傻子,你拿的那是什么玩意儿?!”老古不忿,实在忍无可忍了,楚风这魔头居然这么糊弄他,拿了个小八卦炉,准备栽种。 Is you thinks, I have not seen the world, wonderful Variation of not knows world, I told you, the invincible medicine tree, I had, the grass seed of what undefeated, the unparalleled fruit, I have also seen in my big brother there, do you dare to deceive ancient Ye like this?!” Old Gu really somewhat flew into a rage. “是你是不是以为,我没见过世面,不知道天下的奇异种子,我告诉你,无敌药树,我自己就有,什么不败的草籽,无双的果实,我也在我大哥那里见到过,你敢这样蒙骗古爷?!”老古真有些急眼了。 Because, he felt, this clear/pain Pianzi hurt his feelings, deceived people continually is so crude, did not speak the skill! 因为,他觉得,这楚骗子伤害了他的感情,连骗人都这么粗暴,不讲技巧! Is patient!” “稍安勿躁!” Chu Feng makes him should not be excited, he takes out stone jar, poured some inside chaotic 7-8 bad things. 楚风让他不要激动,他取出石罐,将里面一些乱七八糟的东西都倒出来了。 These include Reincarnation Soil, Old Gu has naturally experienced, and was bestowed by Chu Feng when the previous distinction, but cannot bear eyes are red once again! 这其中就包括轮回土,老古自然见识过,并且在上次分别时被楚风赠送了一些,但还是忍不住又一次眼红! But after, Old Gu sees grey lifeforms, immediately the complexion changed, suspected how to have this ominous material, what Chu Feng this makes, is what status?! 可是,当老古看到灰色生物后,顿时脸色变了,更加怀疑,怎么会有这种不祥物质,楚风这是做什么,是什么身份?! Do not worry, I now am fearless, with them is not one group, this thing was subdued by me, can kill it momentarily.” Then, Chu Feng patted the head of grey creature, said: Son of a bitch, gave regards to your ancient Ye.” “别担心,我现在无惧不祥,跟他们不是一伙儿的,这东西被我收服了,随时能弄死它。”接着,楚风拍了拍灰色生灵的头,道:“狗子,向你古爷问好。” I will make you live to might as well sooner or later die!” Grey creature makes a determined effort, it was suppressed the shape of turn into ash dog by Chu Feng forcefully, had a mortal hatred of him simply. “我早晚会让你生不如死!”灰色生灵发狠,它被楚风强行压制成灰狗的形状,简直恨死他了。 The eye that Old Gu looks at straightens, today really witnesses various strangeness. 老古看的眼睛发直,今天真的见证了各种古怪。 Then, he stared at another ominous, blood-covered, a monster of human form. 然后,他又盯上了另外一桩不祥,血糊糊,一个人形的怪物。 That was Chu Feng caused in the Supreme restricted area not careful contact electrode few Great Universe Level pollen pellet initially, once craftily changed by own body, he cut. 那是楚风当初在太上禁地不小心接触极少的大宇级花粉颗粒导致的,曾经让自己身体诡变,他斩了出来。 All right, this blood-color human form monster is now ignorant, ignorant, not initiative will, after then my promote step, processes him.” Now, Chu Feng buries it to be good with Reincarnation Soil, as of late, it is even more peaceful. “没事儿,这血色人形怪物现在蒙昧了,浑浑噩噩,毫无主动意志,回头我晋阶后就处理掉他。”现在,楚风轮回土埋上它就行,最近这段时间,它越发的安静了。 „The time of testimony miracle to!” Chu Feng said to Old Gu, loads into various Supreme Being Level mutated soil stone jar, put the seed. “见证神迹的时刻到了!”楚风老古说道,将各种大能级异土装进石罐中,又将种子放了进去。 Finally, he buries under stone jar the soil texture of mid-hill. 最后,他将石罐埋入山腹的土质下。 Chu Feng also said: Perhaps, the miracle is also nothing unusual, after all, I now the ultra god, is double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, should express like this, witnesses the ultimate time to!” 楚风又道:“或许,神迹也不足为奇,毕竟,我现在超神了,已是双恒王道果,应该这样表达,见证终极的时刻到了!” Old Gu curls the lip, wants saying that I thought your several days can plant to come out, need many days to be able the accelerate ripening. 老古撇嘴,很想说,我看你几天才能种出来,又需要多少天才能催熟。 Moreover, he suspected seriously, even plants some Medicinal Herb, its effect not necessarily much is still strong. 而且,他严重怀疑,即便种出某种药草,其效果也不见得多强。 However, the next quarter Old Gu eye was straight, the quick to become fight callus, he saw anything, the rich energy ebullition, in the jar has the change of terrifying. 然而,下一刻老古眼睛直了,都快成斗鸡眼了,他看到了什么,浓郁的能量沸腾,罐子中发生恐怖的变化。 , He was noticing anxiously wiped the purple light to bloom, has the leaf blade to withstand/top from the soil texture of shining, was divided three, just like in splitting heaven and earth apart, is filling the chaos fog. 急着,他看到一抹紫霞绽放,有叶片从流光溢彩的土质中顶了出来,一株分三叶,宛若在开天辟地般,弥漫着混沌雾。 Three, as if are deducting, Dawson one, Three gave birth to Myriad Things. 一株三叶,仿佛在演绎,道生一,三生万物 Really germinated, quickly was so long?!” Old Gu is startled. “真发芽了,这么快就长出来了?!”老古吃惊。 Let also in behind that he shocks, that three plant, the rapid growth, rises straight from the ground, turned into a big tree directly! 让他震撼的还在后面,那一株三叶的植物,迅速生长,拔地而起,直接化成了一株大树! I go, is not the flowers and plants, is the tree? This is how possible, did a blink grow into?!” Old Gu cries out strangely, the eye braves the green light, was blown thoroughly. “我去,不是花草,是树?这怎么可能,一眨眼就长成了?!”老古怪叫,眼睛冒绿光,彻底被镇住了。 Chu Feng is more excited than him, unexpectedly really became, plants the big medicine unexpectedly, he can evolve, advances vigorously Gao Ge! 楚风比他更激动,居然真的成了,竟种出大药,他又可以进化了,将高歌猛进! High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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