SR :: Volume #16

#1507: I am your Brother

Old Gu came, simply is amazingly quick, with the aid of Teleportation Domain of some great city, arrives in Yuezhou rapidly, then air-splitting, rushes with the place of Chu Feng reaching agreement. 老古来了,简直是神速,借助某一座巨城的传送场域,迅速抵达越州,而后又破空,赶到与楚风相约之地。 „The matter that for a long time has not confiscated family's property dry/does, really fondly remembered Prehistoric Era, attacked and captured the powerful enemy, went to its old nest to look for the treasure, that was really one of the life big enjoys.” “好久没干抄家的事了,真怀念史前时代,攻克强敌,去其老窝淘换宝物,那真是人生的一大享受。” Old Gu has no shame, the handsome, special surface is tender, an appearance of pretty boy. 老古没羞没臊,偏偏还唇红齿白,特别面嫩,一副小白脸的样子。 I confiscated family's property the promote step, what were you stimulated?” Chu Feng is puzzled. “我抄家晋阶,你亢奋什么?”楚风不解。 You are not clear, this is a nostalgic mentality, a mood, experience the old friendship of elapsing, has a time to alternate, the the blue sea turned into mulberry fields solid feel.” “你不明白,这是一种怀旧的心态,一种情怀,体验的逝去的旧好,有种时光更迭、沧海桑田的厚重感。” Old Gu also literary arts model/pattern got up, looked Chu Feng wants to give him a palm of the hand. 老古还文艺范起来了,看的楚风想给他一巴掌。 You are the sickness, violated, when fondly remembered to gnaw the elder brother old years, later mixed with me, called my Brother Chu, later I am covering you!” Chu Feng said. “你这是病,犯了,怀念啃哥时的旧岁月了,以后跟我混吧,叫我楚哥,以后我罩着你!”楚风道。 Go away, do I gnaw you? You also want the Supreme Being Level treasure earth with me now, but also has a face to boast shamelessly?” Old Gu is quite sharp. “滚,我啃你?你现在还跟我要大能级宝土呢,还有脸大言不惭?”老古相当犀利。 No rush, you are the investment. My future is worth betting, what before you are Ultimate Chu, future to high Immortal Emperor, your chance is good, the life meets me.” “别急,你这是投资呢。我的未来值得你下注,在你面前的是楚终极,未来的至高仙帝,你机缘不错,此生遇我。” Chu Feng this insensitive stance, making Old Gu really want to begin to hit the person, but he equaled, this demon just killed Great Heavenly Venerate, he also really not necessarily was an opponent, therefore, gets angry to endure. 楚风这种厚脸皮的姿态,让老古真想动手打人了,可是他合计了一下,这魔头刚弄死一个大天尊,他还真不见得是对手,因此,黑着脸忍了。 Gives you, two Supreme Being Level mutated soil!” “给你,两份大能级异土!” Although wants to beat Chu Feng, but Old Gu is very really kind, really brings two incomparably rare mutated soil. 虽然想殴打楚风,但老古还是很够意思的,真的带来两份无比稀珍的异土 One blue golden color, was submerged the soil texture by the magnificently intense blue light completely, reveals the part from the household utensils slightly, immediately is torrential on the light beam, direct impact clouds! 一种蓝金色,完全被盛烈的蓝光淹没了土质,稍微从器皿中露出部分,顿时就光束滔滔,直冲云霄! Chu Feng hurries to cover, is this soil? Too astonishing, has the phenomenon that measures not compared with various it types of Rui treasures, does not need to examine carefully, on knows this is the priceless good thing. 楚风赶紧盖上,这还是土壤吗?太惊人了,比之各种瑞宝都更具有莫测的异象,都不用去细看,就知道这是无价的好东西。 On the other hand, he kills Extreme Martial, copied the soil texture that to be possible from there to be lighter, the dark-red, did not show one's self. 相对来说,他击毙太武,从那里抄来的土质可就平淡多了,暗红色,不显山露水。 Extreme Martial, is the leader in Heavenly Venerate, has been preparing to attack Supreme Being Dominion, but has been accumulating, and his mutated soil does not have the mysticalness and great strength of Old Gu, but also takes hundred years to be able the accelerate ripening his scarlet Supreme Being Level lotus flower, finally was smashed by Chu Feng. 太武,是天尊中的顶尖人物,早就在准备冲击大能领域了,不过一直在积淀,且他的异土没有老古的神秘与强大,还需要百年才能催熟他的赤色大能级莲花,最终被楚风端掉了。 This dark-red soil, when Chu Feng promotes double permanent Dominion, used up part. 只是,这种暗红色土壤,在楚风晋升双恒领域时,用掉了一部分。 However, good in his hands, one that copies from Extreme Martial Senior Sister there, that type of earth is the black, if still in the mire digs, but, embodiment spirituality is very astonishing. 不过,好在他手中,还有从太武师姐那里抄来的一份,那种土呈黑色,犹若泥沼中挖出来的,但是,内蕴灵性很惊人。 What kind of, this blue glod soil texture, the world is rare, my big brother had used in the past!” Old Gu is complacent. “怎么样,这种蓝金土质,天下罕有,我大哥当年用过!”老古得意洋洋。 This time, Chu Feng has to nod again and again, praises without cease. 这次,楚风不得不连连点头,赞叹不已。 Then, Old Gu takes out one, is one type pure white such as the jade soil, without full of lofty aspiration, light shoots vault of heaven, but, it is also very special, attracts the surrounding world essence automatically, making oneself spirituality even more rich. 接着,老古又取出一份,是一种洁白如玉石的土壤,没有气贯长虹,光射天穹,但是,它也很特别,自动吸引周围的天地精华,让自身越发的灵性浓郁了。 Old Gu said: Sees not to have, this earth is fiercer, now this way of the world could not find 12, it is said that this is digs from Floating Land of the Four Poles, is mixing using with other mutated soil, can for no reason enhance all mutated soil qualities.” 老古道:“看到没,这土更厉害,当今这世道找不到一两份了,据说,这是从四极浮土边上挖出来的,和其他异土混着用,能平白提升所有异土的品质。” Chu Feng is surprised, deeply feels astonished, is so mysterious? 楚风惊奇,深感讶异,这么神奇? Finally, he strokes this pure white soil texture, cannot bear ask: You said that this is the bone ash?” 最后,他抚摸这种洁白的土质,忍不住问道:“你说这是不是骨灰啊?” The corners of the mouth of Old Gu twitch, the face emitted the black muscle, can you chat Heaven, good did such thing, all change flavor to your mouth? 老古的嘴角抽搐,脸都冒出黑筋了,你会不会聊天啊,这么好的东西,到你嘴里怎么全变味了? However, he also cannot help but thinks, but also really perhaps, Soul River great war, various roars, various secrets, but passes on much. 不过,他也不由自主多想,还真没准啊,魂河大战,各种吼声,各种秘闻,可是传出来不少。 Now many knows, Floating Land of the Four Poles there possibly is invincible lifeforms cremation field, has Flame of Ancient Eternity to burn it with the Yin-Yang two firewood and Fire of Great Emptiness. 现在不少人都知道了,四极浮土那里可能是无敌生物的“火化场”,用阴阳二柴与大空之火还有古宙之焰焚之。 I also kept one, you said, I with haven't used?” Old Gu thought that the appetite hurts. “我自己也留了一份呢,你这么说,我还用不用?”老古觉得胃口疼。 Does not need to give me, I do not shut out.” Chu Feng where also manages this soil texture anything background now, can evolve on the line, now enhances the strength to be most important. “不用给我吧,我不嫌弃。”楚风现在哪里还管这土质什么来头,能进化就行,现在提升实力最重要。 Is staying at the same time, I can only give you these two.” “一边呆着去,我只能给你这两份。” Chu Feng said: You did not say, but can also look for more than one again?” 楚风道:“你不是说,还能再找一份多吗?” "Um, I try. ” One side Old Gu arrives, starts relates with communication and person. “嗯,我试试。”老古走到一边,开始用通讯器与人联系。 Unexpectedly is Emperor's Pillar Organization, now, he can transfer! 居然是扶帝组织,现在,他能调动了! Finally, really such as Old Gu expects like that Emperor's Pillar Organization can prepare to be close to two quantities for him. 最终,果然如老古所料那般,扶帝组织能够为他准备接近两份的量。 Ok, do you take over that underground organization now?” Chu Feng is surprised. “可以啊,你现在接掌那个地下组织了?”楚风惊讶。 Takes over anything, that is my!” Old Gu shoulders both hands, a very aloof appearance. “接掌什么,那本来就是我的!”老古背负双手,一副很超然的样子。 „It is not right, before you dreaded very much, does not dare to relate, thinks that they possibly betrayed you.” At this point, Chu Feng suddenly. “不对吧,以前你可是很忌惮的,都不怎么敢去联系,认为他们可能背叛你了。”说到这里,楚风恍然。 Because of Li Da, he is also living, therefore, this organization does not need you to clean, now they will also be very obedient, temporarily will not plot to murder you.” “因为黎龘,他还活着,所以,这个组织都不用你去清洗,现在他们也会很听话,暂时不会谋害你。” Chu Feng was pertinent, said the essence. 楚风一针见血,道出了本质。 Although Old Gu does not want to acknowledge, but, this is the reality, as before is his big brother’s ray, shines the world, now no one dares easily to move him. 老古虽然不想承认,但是,这就是现实,依旧是他大哥的光芒,普照天下,现在没人敢轻易动他了。 The Emperor's Pillar Organization efficiency is very high, is rapid, only quite a while the time collected, delivers place that assigns, is really close to two Supreme Being Level mutated soil. 扶帝组织效率很高,非常迅速,仅半天时间就凑齐了,送到指定的地点,果然是接近两份的大能级异土 Has saying that this/should organization is very strong, immeasurably deep, they have a premonition the world drastic change, must cloud over, will have attacked Supreme Being several Quasi-Heavenly Venerate to organize to close up hopefully, otherwise, mutated soil can also on many some! 不得不说,该组织很强,深不可测,他们也预感世界剧变,要变天了,已经将有希望冲击大能的几个准天尊组织起来去闭关,不然的话,异土还能多上一些! Chu Feng said: This has been close to four, in addition my -and-a-half, this five -and-a-half.” 楚风道:“这就已经接近四份了,再加上我自己的一份半,这就五份半了。” Old Gu said: Was OK completely, I and you said, according to the record, three Supreme Being Level soils makes any medicine tree mature sufficiently! If were worried, several plus one share, that was again absolutely safe!” 老古道:“完全可以了,我和你说,依照记载,三份大能级土壤足以让任何药树成熟!如果担心,再多加一份,那就万无一失了!” Suffices, my tree is the big hole, I always felt insufficient.” Chu Feng suspected, has this consciousness. “够吗,我那树是大坑,我总感觉,还是不足呢。”楚风怀疑,有这种觉悟。 Three is a mysterious number, the aspects is related with it, Three gave birth to Myriad Things, from ancient to present, all sacred greatly medicinal same level three top mutated soil guaranteed enough.” “三是个神奇的数字,方方面面都与它有关,三生万物,自古至今,所有神圣大药用同级的三份顶尖的异土保证足够了。” Old Gu is striking one's chest, tells Chu Feng, he is extraordinary for the mutated soil quality that to look for Chu Feng looks, beyond comparison, planting what Medicinal Herb must be the immortal flower bud is in full bloom, the flower fragrance passes on ten li (0.5 km)! 老古拍着胸脯,告诉楚风,他为找楚风找的异土品质超绝,无以伦比,种什么药草都得是仙蕾怒放,花香传十里! Right, you did not march Supreme Being, but breaks in Heavenly Venerate Dominion, was enough, you want to go against heaven's will, you wanted so many Supreme Being Level mutated soil are really luxurious!” “对了,你又不是进军大能,不过是冲入天尊领域而已,足够了,你想逆天吗,你要这么多大能级异土实在是太奢侈了!” The Old Gu look is bad, thinks that Chu Feng will definitely waste. 老古眼神不善,认为楚风肯定会浪费掉。 You could rest assured that grain of earth will not waste, then you look.” “你放心,一粒土都不会浪费,回头你看着好了。” Then, he ponders over, always does not feel safely, the earth is too few. 然后,他又琢磨,总觉得不稳妥,土还是太少。 But, Yuan Clan that three old fogies, the nail, did not move at home. 可是,沅族那三个老家伙,钉在家里了,就是不动窝。 Do not compel me to come to snatch directly!” Chu Feng did a lot of talking. “别逼我直接上门去抢!”楚风磨牙。 Then, he started to think the foreign aid, each household have given, suddenly thought of some strange dragon, being unjustly discredited hero Long Dayu. 然后,他又开始想外援了,各家各户都给过了一遍,突然就想到了某头怪龙,黑锅侠龙大宇 Old Gu, you make Emperor's Pillar Organization find a person to me, that person and your situation is similar, even is more evil, was reincarnated doubtful times three, day knows buried many previous life rare treasures.” 老古,你让扶帝组织给我找个人,那人和你情况差不多,甚至更邪,疑似转世三次了,天知道埋了多少前世的稀世宝物。” The Old Gu nose spurts the white smoke, was I evil? 老古鼻子喷白烟,我怎么邪了? Has saying that Emperor's Pillar Organization goes against heaven's will very much, for the colossus of present underground world, his leader what Realm no one may know worthily now. 不得不说,扶帝组织很逆天,不愧为现在地下世界的一个庞然大物,其首领现在什么境界无人可知。 Their system is huge, walks the powerhouse in gloominess to be numerous. 他们体系庞大,行走在灰暗中的强者众多。 Quick, the news has come, the strange dragon is not a law-abiding lord, once traded with the underground world several times, not knows its where lane rare things. 很快,消息已经传来,怪龙不是一个安分的主,曾数次与地下世界交易,不知道它哪里弄来的珍物。 It by thing changed/easy thing, finds the person frequently for him over, needs in the underground exchange exchange for him. 它经常以物易物,找人替他出头,为他在地下交易所兑换所需。 Old Gu said: Had not found this strange dragon, he is surreptitious, the self-preservation ability is too strong, cannot clutch, but there is his communication, he will open occasionally, can relate on.” 老古道:“没找到这条怪龙,他行踪诡秘,自保能力太强,根本揪不出来,不过有他的通讯方式,他偶尔会开启,能够联系上。” Ok, I contact with him.” “行,那我联系他。” Chu Feng tried repeatedly, until next day, the relation , the opposite turned on communication finally. 楚风试了多次,直到隔天,才终于联系上,对面开启了通讯器。 Which?” “哪位?” Great Universe, is I.” Chu Feng specially intimate shouting. “大宇,是我啊。”楚风特别亲热的喊道。 The strange dragon is gnawing clear eats like precious coral divine fruit, the mouthful is fragrant, the multi-colored sunlight overflows, he is eating every day makes up the thing greatly, to be stronger, the evolution is perfect. 怪龙正在啃晶莹如红珊瑚般的神果吃呢,满嘴芬芳,霞光四溢,他每天都在吃大补物,为的是更强,进化完美。 Now, his divine fruit juice all puffs out, had goosebumps, this he, was too disgusting. 现在,他一口神果汁液全喷了出去,起了一身鸡皮疙瘩,这他么谁啊,太肉麻了。 You who?” He asked. “你谁?”他问道。 For a long time does not see, did you forget me? I am your Brother Dade (Great Virtue)!” Chu Feng said seriously. “好久不见,你忘了我了吗?我是你大德哥啊!”楚风一本正经地说道。 After Long Dayu hears, the whole person is not good, the mood is volatile immediately, was too fierce, called out loudly: Which grandson?” 龙大宇听到后,整个人都不好了,情绪顿时动荡起来,太剧烈了,高声叫道:“哪个孙子?” Called Dade (Great Virtue), this whole life he knew one, frequently clenches teeth, wishes one could to clutch immediately, beat that Ji Dade to become the sediment! 大德的,这辈子他就认识一个,经常咬牙,恨不得立刻揪过来,殴打那个姬大德成渣子! He now do not say the nose, even the eye also has the ear to spurt the white smoke, was angry, this son of a bitch, this damn Ji Dade, making him take the rap repeatedly, now also dares to contact with him, and says Brother Dade (Great Virtue), this is the provocation, courts death? 他现在不要说鼻子,连眼睛还有耳朵都在喷白烟,气坏了,这狗东西,这该死的姬大德,让他屡次背黑锅,现在还敢联系他,并且自称大德哥,这是挑衅呢,还是找死呢? Ji Dade, has to plant you to give me to come, Long Dayu is calling in that side, really went bad excitedly, was angry. 姬大德,有种你给我过来,我一只手就弄死你!”龙大宇在那边嗷嗷的叫着,真的激动坏了,也气坏了。 Old Gu looks at Chu Feng with the supercilious look, your did any dishonorable matter, making others mood collapse, wished one could to jump to hack you immediately. 老古拿白眼看着楚风,你这都是干了什么伤天害理的事,让人家情绪都崩坏了,恨不得立刻蹦过来剐了你。 Great Universe, we have a little misunderstanding, but we are brothers, I want to purchase some mutated soil from you now, do you sell?” “大宇啊,咱有那么一点误会,但咱是兄弟啊,我现在想向你购买一些异土,你卖吗?” I kill you, but also dares to ask mutated soil with me, Long Dayu gnaws divine fruit in that side crazily, first stops up that tone, was not spurted by oneself, he feared that own mentality explodes, not being able to bear want to roar dead Chu Feng. 我打死你,还敢跟我求异土,龙大宇在那边狂啃神果,先堵住那口气,不让自己喷出来,他怕自己心态爆炸,忍不住想吼死楚风 The strange dragon felt, must stand firm this scoundrel bastard, then found his whereabouts, goes to toss about him well. 怪龙觉得,要稳住这混账王八蛋,回头找到他的行踪,去好好的折腾他。 The previous time, saw this Ji Dade in the tripartite battlefield with great difficulty, was Cao De, finally was actually counterattacked, by its intimidation and threat, he compromised reluctantly. 上一次,在三方战场好不容易见到这姬大德了,也是曹德,结果却被反制,受其恫吓与威胁,他无奈妥协。 This time, he must act crazy absolutely. 这次,他绝对要发飙。 This your villain, the son of a bitch, to forget favors and violate justice, paying kindness with enmity......” Long Dayu one cussed out, finally exports the foul odor probably, asked: You wanted the promote step, was Heavenly Venerate?” “这你恶棍,狗东西,忘恩负义,恩将仇报……”龙大宇一顿臭骂,最后才像是出了口恶气,问道:“你要晋阶了,是天尊吗?” Right, is this, I want Heavenly Venerate Level soil 45, can trade with you, we after all are brothers, guarantees you not to suffer a loss, gains greatly! Before had the misunderstanding, may uncover and that's the end, then said, initially was you first pit my, finally I was only counter-attack passively successfully.” “对,是这样,我要天尊级土壤四五份,可以和你交易,咱毕竟是兄弟,保你不吃亏,大赚!以前是有误会,可揭过去就是了,再说,当初是你先坑我的,最后我只是被动反击成功而已。” Side, Old Gu hear of surprise, you do not want the Supreme Being Level soil, how to change to Heavenly Venerate? 旁边,老古听的诧异,你不是要大能级土壤吗,怎么改成天尊的了? Chu Feng is enduring roaring of Long Dayu, then, came to an arrangement finally, made a place with him, prepares to receive the goods. 楚风忍着龙大宇的咆哮,然后,总算谈妥了,和他约了个地点,准备去接货。 What's the matter, but needs Heavenly Venerate Level mutated soil, actually intentionally pit my?” The Old Gu look is bad. “你怎么回事,只是需要天尊级异土,却故意坑了我一把?”老古眼神不善。 Chu Feng shakes the head, said: No, is the Supreme Being Level soil. However, that dragon must make make trouble out of nothing, thinks the pit I, then I prepare the pit he to try.” 楚风摇头,道:“不,就是要大能级土壤。但是,那条龙要闹幺蛾子,想坑我,回头我准备坑他试试。” What situation?” Old Gu puzzled does not believe you to look that dragon will definitely look for 2-3 Supreme Being Level helpers, the place that agrees stops up me! ” “什么情况?”老古不解不信你看着,那头龙肯定会找2-3个大能级帮手,去约定的地点堵我!” Chu Feng felt, the strange dragon obtains this matter absolutely dry/does, the heart old was black. 楚风觉得,怪龙绝对干得出这种事,心老黑了。 And, the strange dragon has that strength to call the Supreme Being Level powerhouse. 并且,怪龙有那个实力召集大能级强者。 Initially, Long Dayu shouldered is unjustly discredited, when Human King Mo Family issued a warrant for arrest, finally indignant, but, found the previous life Supreme Being Level old friend actually, attacks Mo Family, the courage was too fat. 当初,龙大宇背负黑锅,被人王莫家通缉时,最后气愤不过,硬是找到前世大能级老友,去攻打莫家,胆子太肥了。 Chu Feng believes, the strange dragon is competent, there is a that black heart, this most wants to tidy up him. 楚风相信,怪龙有实力,也有那个黑心,这次多半想收拾他。 Temporarily does not go, is drying in the sun him, I first promote step give a try now, if can have double Heavenly Venerate Dao Fruit immediately, I keep an appointment, instead tidies up and loots the strange dragon!” “暂时不去了,晾着他,我现在先晋阶试试看,要是能立即拥有双天尊道果,我就去赴约,反收拾与洗劫怪龙!” Plants the medicine, making seed germination, Chu Feng probably give a try immediately, five many Supreme Being Level soils are sufficient, could succeed. 种药,让种子发芽,楚风要立即试试看,五份多的大能级土壤到底够不够用,或许能成功。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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