SR :: Volume #16

#1506: Old Gu aid

Old Gu pulled out an ear, believes firmly oneself have not misunderstood, in the near, he cannot start to Chu Feng is not possible otherwise. 老古又掏了一遍耳朵,确信自己没有听错,也就是不在近前,要不然他非得对楚风下手不可。 You by Lebanese greatly black body possession?!” He asked. “你被黎大黑夺舍了吧?!”他质问道。 Since knows by own big brother pit, he became by the past respect did not venerate, always thought that Li Da was a big black hole. 自从知道被自家大哥坑了后,他由过去的敬仰变得不是那么尊崇了,总觉得黎龘是口大黑洞。 You by body possession, my strength, must be naturally many!” Chu Feng corrects. “你才被夺舍了呢,我实力强,所需自然多!”楚风纠正。 Old Gu gets angry saying: Mouthful runs barbarian dragon, takes 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) Supreme Being Level mutated soil, were you insane?” 老古黑着脸道:“满嘴跑蛮龙,要十万斤大能级异土,你疯了吧?” Person and person cannot compare, I evolve again, needs to be magnanimous, otherwise how with Dominion unmatched in the world? This is my unique element!” “人和人不能比,我再次进化,就是需要海量,不然何以同领域天下无敌?这就是我的特殊之处!” Old Gu is away from the screen, does not take the good look to visit him, said: You not bashful bashful? It is not Everlasting King, even you are good. But, you must evolve now are Heavenly Venerate, what wants so many Supreme Being Level mutated soil to make?” 老古隔着屏幕,不拿好眼神看他,道:“你不羞臊吗?不就是一个恒王吗,就算你不俗。可是,你现在只是要进化为天尊,要那么多大能级异土做什么?” Supplements, I now am double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, just killed Great Heavenly Venerate, unlike others, this time must be really big!” “补充一下,我现在已是双恒王道果,刚弄死一个大天尊,跟别人不一样,这次所需甚大!” This supplement a little touches somebody's sore spot, Old Gu wants to spit his face spittle, oneself just now become Great Heavenly Venerate, he in the opposite stressed that more than once just killed one, he was too ignominious! 这种补充有点扎心,老古很想啐他一脸唾沫星子,自己才刚成为大天尊,他就在对面不止一次强调刚弄死一个,太他么可耻了! Chu Feng also said: I was too strong, Heavenly Venerate Level mutated soil is not necessarily effective to me , promotes double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, I used many Heavenly Venerate Level soils.” 楚风又道:“我太强了,天尊级异土对我不见得有效,因为,晋升双恒王道果时,我就用了不少天尊级土壤。” The complexion that Old Gu suppresses a little blushes, then turns green, you cannot other cocky, knows you, stress, listens to whom? 老古憋的脸色有点发红,然后发青,你就不能别得瑟吗,知道你强,一个劲儿地强调,给谁听呢? Old man progresses by leaps and bounds, needs massive super soil texture, immediately must enter that Dominion, prepared three Supreme Being Level mutated soil for oneself.” Old Gu said. “老夫突飞猛进,也需要大量超级土质,马上就要杀入那一领域了,为自己准备了三份大能级异土。”老古说道。 He must save face for himself, otherwise, really became the weak chicken? Breaks through with great difficulty, becomes Great Heavenly Venerate, but also thinks renowned one. 他得为自己挽回点面子,不然,真成弱鸡了吗?好不容易一路突破,成为大天尊,还想显耀一下呢。 Finally, this hateful demon bastard, grips his heart, making the lung that Old Gu suppresses hurt, therefore he shows a stance proudly now. 结果,这可恨的魔崽子,一个劲儿的扎他心,让老古憋的肺都疼,所以现在他摆出一副傲然的架势。 He must make Chu Feng understand, he wanted the promote step, is pressing him as before, surpassed his Demon Chu Realm. 他要让楚风明白,自家又要晋阶了,依旧压着他,超过他楚魔头境界 Old Gu, you relax, accumulate the insufficient depth, the cooling time is not very long, can have the matter, is certainly prudent, cannot act unreasonably!” A Chu Feng sincere stance. 老古,你悠着点,积淀不够深,冷却时间不够长,会出事儿的,一定要慎重,不能乱来!”楚风一副语重心长的架势。 The nose of Old Gu air/Qi was crooked, your youngster body, progresses by leaps and bounds, did not say oneself accumulate insufficiently, but also urged others, whom this ridicules? 老古气的鼻子都歪了,你自己一个少年身,这么突飞猛进,不说自己积累不够,还劝别人,这是奚落谁呢? The Old Gu nose is not the nose, the eye is not the eye, really does not want to look at this demon again. 老古鼻子不是鼻子,眼睛不是眼睛,真不想再看这个魔头了。 But he bore, must remind Chu Feng, because this issue is truly serious, said: „When you said me, hasn't thought of you?” 但他还是忍住了,必须得提醒楚风,因为这个问题确实无比严重,道:“你说我时,就没想到过你自己吗?” Old Gu is serious, said: Pollen road is too dangerous, accumulates the insufficient words, the hurricane like you, had 10,000 lives also to die a tragic death. I urged you, from now on will close up, or went to mortal world the experience next hundred condition life, do not evolve again, otherwise the fate was frigid.” 老古郑重起来,道:“花粉路太危险,积淀不足的话,像你这样狂飙,就是有一万条命也得惨死。我劝你,从现在开始闭关,或者去红尘中体验下百态生活,不要再进化,不然下场惨烈。” This is not the lies, is pulls out the pit of the stomach the words, really takes one carelessly, managing you are talent, is the capital of Paramount, can die is very miserable. 这不是虚言,是掏心窝子的话,真要一个不慎,管你是天骄,还是究极之资,都会死的很凄凉。 From ancient to present, has no accident/surprise, as long as evolutionary rate excessively ferocity, will not have the good fate. 自古至今,都没有什么意外,但凡进化速度过猛者,都不会有太好的下场。 Early period of pollen Evolution Road good, is smooth, but rose suddenly to the late stage mortality rate, there is no level road. 花粉进化路前期还好,也算平坦,但到了中后期死亡率暴涨,没有任何坦途可言。 Ordinary in Divine King, did not say that but has natural talent, close to the Heavenly Venerate boundary, is Quasi-Heavenly Venerate this special Divine King, wants to become Heavenly Venerate, the successful proportion is extremely also low, hundred less than one. 神王中的普通者,也就不说了,而有天资者,接近天尊境,也就是准天尊这种特殊的神王,想成为天尊,成功的比例也极低,百不足一。 If counted ordinary Divine King, this proportion cannot imagine! 那如果算上普通神王呢,这比例不可想象! But Heavenly Venerate is more difficult, wants more further words, the proportion to be only lower! 天尊更艰难,想更进一步的话,比例只会更低! Old Gu, let alone I, you, rise quickly, isn't jumps for joy?” Chu Feng asked. 老古,别说我,你自己呢,这么快就崛起,不也是活蹦乱跳吗?”楚风问道。 Your how knows I have not experienced the dead tribulation, has almost the matter in the Heavenly Venerate boundary, when to become Great Heavenly Venerate, meets mind Great Calamity, met the distress of corrupting, almost died, depending on my method is unusual, the ability went against heaven's will, trades tries personally, guarantees the corpse to become stale certainly, 100 lives insufficiently counter-balanced.” “你怎么知道我没有经历死劫,在天尊境差点出事儿,在成为大天尊时,更是遇上心灵大劫,也遇到了腐烂之厄,几乎死掉,倚仗我手段超凡,本领逆天,换个人试试,保准尸体都发臭了,就是有一百条命都不够抵消。” The Old Gu serious warning, has the ingredient that shows off and boasts, but majority is true, this process is extremely dangerous. 老古严肃告诫,有炫耀与吹嘘的成分,但大部分还是属实的,这个过程极其危险。 Relax, you can be good, I will be more powerful!” Chu Feng is striking one's chest saying that really did not look on as an outsider with Old Gu, has anything to say anything. “放心,你能行,我会更强大的!”楚风拍着胸脯说道,跟老古真不见外,有啥说啥。 Old Gu air/Qi must die, this will damned child, speak the logical expression not? How wants especially to think that the violent does punch his?! 老古气的要死,这死孩子,会说人话不?怎么想特别想暴揍他一顿?! Old Gu endured, then the stiff back, restores being proud stance again, at the back of both hands, said: You are different from me, who you do not have a look at my Old Gu are!” 老古忍了,而后再次挺直脊背,恢复自负姿态,背着双手,道:“你跟我不一样,你也不看看我老古是谁!” Then, he was sincere, spoke the truth. 然后,他语重心长,讲了实话。 We have the difference, I buried the innumerable years by Nine Nether condition only in Yin Mansion, has been dormant to the present from the prehistoric, remoulds itself, can say, this time is best accumulation , long age beyond comparison passes by, I wait for in the darkness, for this blooms radiantly!” “咱俩有区别,我以九幽祇的状态在阴府埋了无数岁月,从史前到现在一直蛰伏,重塑自身,可以说,这是一次最好的积淀,无以伦比,漫长年代过去,我在黑暗中等待,为的是这一世绽放璀璨!” Old Gu this time is very serious, has not chatted, this is the real situation. 老古这次很严肃,没有说笑,这是真实情况。 His accumulation enough, from prehistoric to the present, how many years? Has been waiting for this opportunity, experienced the baptism of infinite years. 他的积淀足够了,从史前到现在,多少年了?一直都在等待这一世的机会,经历了无穷岁月的洗礼。 Chu Feng also enforces, said: My situation, my knows, you could rest assured that surely does not have the issue. So long as there is a Supreme Being Level soil, the guarantee is well, now I need was the time, this heaven and earth must end, there is no in the future, now does not rise, thinks anything to accumulate, dying was quicker!” 楚风也严肃起来,道:“我的情况,我自己知道,你放心,肯定没问题。只要有大能级土壤,保证无恙,我现在需要的就是时间,这天地要完了,没什么未来可言,现在不崛起,去想什么积淀,死的更快!” Old Gu is staring at him stubbornly, this fellow came from Little World of the Dead, so to be how special, doesn't need to accumulate? 老古死死地盯着他,这家伙从小阴间而来,怎么会这么特殊,都不用积淀吗? He a little suspected the life, wants Chu Feng to the slice research , the youngster body, double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, now also to shout is wanting the promote step immediately? 他都有点怀疑人生了,想将楚风给切片研究下,少年身,双恒王道果,现在又嚷着马上要晋阶了? Chu Feng also said: Old Gu, you have the appropriate pollen, you leave evolve randomly, really the incorrect words, later I search several quality extraordinary adult plants for you.” 楚风又道:“老古,你有合适的花粉吗,你别乱进化,实在不行的话,以后我为你寻觅几株品质超绝的植株。” Old Gu cheek twitch, but also is urging the Chu Feng attention, finally he educated him in turn. 老古面皮抽动,还在叮嘱楚风注意呢,结果他反过来教育他了。 I have certainly, in the past prepared, is very full, past several god wondrous medicines trees, went against heaven's will very much, was all collected by me, plants in some piece of Mystic Realm. Previous time I looked, on, some medicine trees the fruit quickly was ripe, so long as gives massive mutated soil, can shorten the mature time fast.” “我当然有,当年都准备好了,特别充分,昔日有几株神圣药树,都很逆天,全被我珍藏起来了,种在某一片秘境中。上次我看了下,都还在,有的药树上果实快熟了,只要给予大量异土,可以快速缩短成熟时间。” These different old trees, blossoming and bearing fruit, is the corresponding not same Realm level. 那些不同的古树,开花结果,都是对应不同境界层次的。 Subsequent hand naturally incessantly one type of Old Gu preparation, even, he also has another three medicine gardens. 老古准备的后手自然不止一种,甚至,他还有另外三片药园子。 However this time looked, some varieties have corrupted, even the flower seed grows again, still defect some adult plants, but enough he uses generally speaking. 不过这次去看,有些品种早就腐烂了,即便是花籽再生长,也缺失了一些植株,但总体来说足够他用。 At this point, some Old Gu doubt, said: „When I in the prehistoric, while my big brother reigned, for rare variety that oneself prepared, could somewhat be called peerless, but, where you had the pollen, bright wondrous medicines tree?” 说到这里,老古有些狐疑,道:“我是在史前,趁着我大哥在位时,为自己准备的稀珍品种,有些称得上绝世,可是,你哪里有花粉,有神圣药树吗?” He warned Chu Feng, the choice of pollen was important, cannot act unreasonably, the ordinary pollen, the ordinary fruit, will affect an upper limit of person achievement. 他告诫楚风,花粉的选择至关重要,不能乱来,平常的花粉,普通的果实,会影响一个人成就的上限。 Chu Feng said: You could rest assured that I found prehistoric Mystic Realm, saw that several old trees had the flower bud, because the property was too strong, in the normal condition could wait for several years to be able the blooming flower petal, but, so long as there is a Supreme Being Level mutated soil accelerate ripening, how long could not want to be OK.” 楚风道:“你放心,我找到一个史前秘境,看到几株古树结出花蕾了,因为药性太强,正常情况下可能要等几年才能绽放花瓣,但是,只要有大能级异土催熟,要不了多久就可以了。” He is really not suddenly good to explain three seeds, particularly is away from the network to talk, has no way to relate in detail, if leaked, that influence too was terrifying. 他一时间还真不好解释三颗种子,尤其是隔着网络对话,没法细说,万一泄密,那影响就实在太恐怖了。 Although Old Gu suspected, but has not questioned in detail, when this type of matter not suitable use communication goes into seriously. 老古虽然怀疑,但也没有细问,这种事不适合使用通讯器时深究。 Then, he said proudly: "Um, my accelerate ripening own sacred old tree, needs three Supreme Being Level mutated soil! ” 接着,他傲然道:“嗯,我催熟自己的神圣古树,需要三份大能级异土!” This was very astonishing, generally speaking, a Supreme Being Level soil was naturally enough, may support one to correspond the level the big medicine. 这很惊人了,一般来说,一份大能级土壤自然就足够了,可养活一株相对应层次的大药。 But, Old Gu increases three additionally, means that this time he evolves to need to consume four Supreme Being Level mutated soil, obviously his medicine quality. 可是,老古又额外增加三份,意味着这次他进化需要耗用四份大能级异土,可见他那种药的品质。 Chu Feng looks at his manner, asked curiously: „Is 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) Supreme Being Level soil texture, how many shares equal to?” 楚风看他那神态,不禁好奇问道:“十万斤大能级土质,等同于多少份?” Old Gu wants to spurt him, I show off, but also waits for you to exclaim in surprise, when you are scared, finally you are so indifferent, but also grips my heart in turn?! 老古想喷他,我这么炫耀,还等你惊叹,等你傻眼呢,结果你就这么淡然,还反过来扎我心?! Chu Feng saw his condition, immediately embarrassed smiled, said: You are fierce, what preparation is what Medicinal Herb, is what kind of treasure old tree?” 楚风看出他的状态了,顿时尬笑,道:“你厉害,准备的是什么药草,是何等的奇珍古树?” Is my big brother had formerly used some medicine tree, you told that I his pollen Evolution Road used give the preparation to be complete Holy Tree and immortal herb that!” “是我大哥从前用过的某种药树,这么跟你说吧,我将他的花粉进化路用到的圣树、仙草给准备齐全了!” Your this gnaws the elder brother clan!” Chu Feng curls the lip. “你这啃哥族!”楚风撇嘴。 Old Gu has not heard luckily, otherwise was not air/Qi unbearably may not. 幸好老古没听到,不然非又被气够呛不可。 Old Gu said: „A your knows Supreme Being Level soil multiple, is different, from 100-200 jin (0.5 kg) to 2000 jin (0.5 kg)! Therefore, you understood you oddly, but also 100,000 jin (0.5 kg)?!” 老古道:“你知道一份大能级土壤多重吗,种类不同,从100-200斤到两千斤!所以,你明白你有多离谱了吧,还十万斤?!” Chu Feng is in a daze, after the moment, recovers, said: Your you prepare 10-20 to me, after you enter step Supreme Being in any case, remaining was also useless. Let alone no, you gnaw the character of elder brother clan by that in the past prepared a big pile absolutely, having a hill is so high?” 楚风发呆,片刻后才回过神来,道:“那你就你给我准备10-20份吧,反正你进阶大能后,剩下的也没用了。别说没有,你以那啃哥族的性格,当年绝对准备了一大堆,有一座小山那么高吧?” Old Gu really wants to kill him, anything gnaws the elder brother clan, was too coarse, moreover oneself by pit also yowled, laughed foolishly, quick insanity. 老古真想打死他,什么啃哥族,太难听了,况且自己被坑的又是恸哭,又是傻笑,都快疯魔了。 I can squeeze out two to you.” Old Gu thinks saying that this was he prepared the abundant result in the past, this thing value is unable to estimate. “我能给你挤出两份。”老古想了想道,这是他当年准备充裕的结果,这种东西价值无法估量。 Words that wants to buy, is impossible unable to buy, this type of thing, any Dao Lineage Jane|treasure, if the life, will not sell. 想要买的话,根本不可能买不到,这种东西,任何道统都珍若性命,绝不会出售。 Old Gu, although you are very really kind, but, to me, is really futile attempt, insufficient ?” Chu Feng sighed, Old Gu indeed morality reaching up to the clouds. 老古,虽然你很够意思,但是,对我来说,真的是杯水车薪,不够啊,还有没有?”楚风叹气,老古的确义薄云天 The Supreme Being Level soil value, is not enough to describe with invaluable and priceless, is the genuine priceless treasure, was too rare. 大能级土壤价值,用价值连城根本不足以形容,是真正的无价瑰宝,太稀有了。 But, his seed is a bottomless pit, always cannot force-feed. 可是,他的种子是个无底洞,总是喂不饱。 I under trying to find the solution, could look for more than one to you again point, right, you where? I make one deliver to you.” Old Gu asked. “我在想下办法,或许能给你再找一份多点,对了,你在哪里?我让人给你送过去。”老古问道。 Yuezhou.” Chu Feng informs. “越州。”楚风告知。 He ponders over this, Old Gu looks for three to him, in addition some on hand, as well as scheduled that three, it is estimated that were also ahead of time similar. 他琢磨这,老古给他找三份,再加上自己手头的一些,以及提前预定的那三份,估计也差不多了。 How did you run Yuezhou?” The Old Gu serious suspicion, this fellow has not suppressed the great idea. “你怎么跑越州去了?”老古严重怀疑,这家伙没憋好主意。 I was scheduled three Supreme Being Level mutated soil, waits to come to take.” Chu Feng replied. “我预定了三份大能级异土,等着上门去取呢。”楚风答道。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Specifically said is, prepares to copy the Yuan Clan three Supreme Being old nests.” Chu Feng replied. “具体说就是,准备抄沅族三位大能的老窝。”楚风答道。 Old Gu one hear, on the high tide, abandoned the wine glass at that time, turns around to run outward, simultaneously shouting: I!” 老古一听,当时就高潮了,扔下酒杯,转身就向外跑,同时喊着:“等我!” High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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