SR :: Volume #16

#1505: When does not need I

I want become stronger, Zi Luan to sob whispering, got hold of the fist, always thought that could not see that demon again, later did not have the opportunity. 我要变强,紫鸾哭泣着低语,握紧了拳头,总觉得再也见不到那个魔头了,以后都没有机会了。 Past events reappearing hearts, from the opposition, to were held, to to become captive, timid, but arrogant and pampered she, unexpectedly once some repugnant Demon Chu dependences to this. 往事一幕幕浮现心头,从对立,到被抓住,到成为俘虏,胆怯而傲娇的她,不知不觉间竟对这个曾经讨厌的楚魔头有些依恋了。 Zi Luan cried, cannot bear moved. 紫鸾哭了,忍不住伤感。 At this time, a gentle face appeared, Still Feather gave a fruit, sparkling was shining, has the special say/way rhyme, was indistinct is similar not the dead immortal luan at the light cry. 这时,一张慈祥的面孔出现,羽尚递给一颗果实,莹莹灿灿,有特殊的道韵,隐约间仿佛有一只不死仙鸾在轻鸣。 What is this? The Zi Luan tearful eyes dance, looks puzzled to Still Feather. 这是什么?紫鸾泪眼婆娑,不解地看向羽尚 Thinks become stronger, this eating.” “想变强,把这个吃掉。” What?” Zi Luan is puzzled, contains in the big eye of tears full is being confused. “什么啊?”紫鸾不解,蕴含着泪水的大眼中满是迷茫。 Still Feather explained: Bloodline Fruit, Chu Feng stays behind to you, lets your bloodlines promotion, achieves purely strongest Dominion, I help you protect the law.” 羽尚解释:“血脉果,楚风给你留下的,让你的血脉提升,达到最纯净最强的领域,我帮你护法。” „Does he...... leave my?” “他……留给我的?” ...... …… Chu Feng does not see, when does not want to leave sees moved with the tears, knows this arrogant and pampered female is actually very vulnerable, grows up in spoiling of elder. 楚风早已不见,不想离别之际见到伤感与眼泪,知道这个傲娇女其实很脆弱,是在长辈的溺爱中长大的。 become stronger! 变强 This is his faith, moreover must clash in a short time, raised the head to look up to big hole on a vault of heaven, offered a sacrifice to fuzzily, has not vanished! 这是他的信念,而且要在短时间内冲起,抬头仰望了一眼天穹上的大窟窿,祭地模糊,还未消失呢! Not knows which after day, did not have the future. 知道哪一天过后,就没有了未来。 When does not need I, he always to think that the time is insufficient! 时不待我,他总觉得时间不够用了! However, no choice, he can only walk along the current road forward. 不过,没的选择,他只能沿着当下的路向前走。 Chu Feng takes a long journey, some ethnic groups are doomed to, he studies Yuan Clan to open cave mansion various habits and strengths of powerhouse outside. 楚风远行,有些族群注定要对上,他研究沅族在外开辟洞府的强者的各种习性与实力。 Yuan Clan, he has to collide! 沅族,他不得不碰撞! Not only for Still Feather, for Chu Feng, because, when the tripartite battlefield, when the Supreme restricted area, he has wrestled the life with this/should clan, is unable to co-exist. 不仅是为了羽尚,也是为了楚风自己,因为,在三方战场时,还有在太上禁地时,他自身早已与该族搏过命了,势不两立。 Collects evolution earth from Dao Field of Yuan Clan powerhouse, this is the quickest shortcut, he has no psychological burden. 沅族强者的道场中收集进化土,这是最快的捷径,他没有任何心理负担。 In addition, he must take revenge for one person, that is Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate, should be also related with Yuan Clan. 此外,他还要为一人复仇,那就是石狐天尊,应该也与沅族有关。 Stone Fox was sent into exile by his master in Foreign Territory, whole body petrify waits for death. 石狐被其师放逐在异域,全身石化等死。 When Little World of the Dead, Chu Feng once entered Foreign Territory with many talents from Great Dream Pure Land, practices there , therefore contaminated on grey matter, was pestered strangely. 小阴间时,楚风曾与诸多天才从大梦净土进入异域,在那里修行,也因此而沾染上了灰色物质,被诡异纠缠。 He also knows Stone Fox there, the old fox helped him be many, even has saved him, and presented as a gift him the World of the Living buried treasure chart. 他亦是在那里认识石狐,老狐帮了他很多,甚至救过他,且还赠他阳间宝藏图。 After he arrives at World of the Living, had not explored. 只是,他来到阳间后,一直都还未去探索。 Because, could not use previously, he has been walking Strongest Road, suppresses cultivation base, cuts oneself body from high Realm, finally whets downward to Golden Body, making fleshly body walk in world like Buddha. 因为,早先用不到,他一直在走最强路,压制修为,从高境界斩己身,最后磨砺向下到金身,令肉身如同佛陀在世间行走。 Recently completed this process, then he started to use the pollen, at one fell swoop breakthrough to double Everlasting King Dominion. 最近才完成这一过程,而后他开始动用花粉,一举突破到双恒王领域 Now wants to come, he has the words of time, can look for Stone Fox to keep the World of the Living's buried treasure. 现在想来,他有时间的话,可以去找石狐留在阳间的宝藏了。 However, he has the psychological expectation, the use is not mostly big, he does not lack the evolution ingenious method, at present is enough! 但是,他有心理预期,多半用处不大,他不缺少进化妙法,目前足够了! What he most lacks is only and evolution related mutated soil. 他最缺的只是与进化有关的异土 Not knows Stone Fox in Earth is whether well, at the present whether comprehensive petrify, cannot move, hopes that does not want the thorough deathly stillness, has the opportunity he to go back to rescue! 知道石狐在地球是否安好,而今是否全面石化,不能动弹了,希望不要彻底死寂,有机会他要回去相救! Although Stone Fox has not stated clearly, but Chu Feng through the traces, had realized, his master stems from Yuan Clan mostly. 石狐虽然没有明说,但楚风通过蛛丝马迹,已经意识到,其师多半出自沅族 Now, various signs are even more obvious, his master is almost in Yuan Clan that promotes the Great Universe Level old monster several hundred years ago! 现在,各种迹象越发明显,其师差不多就是沅族中那位在数百年前晋升大宇级的老怪物! Past Supreme Being, becomes the Great Universe Level fearful powerhouse at the present. 昔日的大能,而今成为大宇级可怕强者了。 Told through Still Feather, Yuan Clan has two terrifying creature, one is Great Universe Level lifeforms, a Paramount monster. 通过羽尚讲述,沅族有两个恐怖生灵,一个是大宇级生物,一个究极怪物。 After Chu Feng detailed understanding, had confirmed, the Great Universe Level monster is the Stone Fox master, is skilled in the time principle, and once had entered Foreign Territory. 楚风详细了解后,已经确认,大宇级的怪物就是石狐的师傅,精通时间法则,且曾进入过异域 Foreign Territory, the time speed of flow is not very right, was too quick, Stone Fox has guessed, his master must become time Supreme Treasure Foreign Territory refining! 异域,时间流速很不对,太快了,石狐猜测过,其师要把异域炼化成时间至宝 In World of the Living, the famous old monster, grasps Natural Law of Time lifeforms really rarely, Lunatic Wu is on outwardly, his law has been through repeatedly a narrow escape to dig from famous mountains. 阳间,出名的老怪物,掌握有时间规则生物真的罕有,武疯子是明面上的,他的法是从一座名山中历经九死一生挖出来的。 Still Feather actually incomparably knew about Yuan Clan, knows this/should clan also has the time law! 羽尚却对沅族无比了解,知道该族亦藏有时间法! This supreme mystique method, only then some Yuan Clan extremely people were allowed the view to read, wants to realize is very difficult. 只是,这种无上秘法,只有沅族极个别人被允许观阅,想练成很艰难。 The Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate master, was very once powerful, same Realm pushes horizontally, is invincible in its time, definitely has the qualifications to practice! 石狐天尊的师傅,曾经无比强大,同境界是一路横推过去的,在其时代是无敌的,绝对有资格去练! Can put down a time, leads the world the monster, the absolute terrifying is boundless! 能够扫平一个时代,引领天下的怪物,绝对的恐怖无边! Naturally, when he rises, without with the Li Da same world, with the Lunatic Wu same time, otherwise, who same level is not weak whose, that must endure the fearful test. 当然,他崛起时,没有与黎龘同世,不曾与武疯子同时代,不然的话,同层次孰弱孰强,那就要经受可怕考验了。 However, since oddness of this person indeed monster, the recent antiquity, the rare person can promote Great Universe Level, he absolutely is a monster! 不过,这个人的确妖的离谱,近古以来,罕有人能晋升大宇级,他绝对是一个怪物! The past Supreme Being first person, forcing several time, was one foot treads invincible creature World of the Living, Great Universe, no one may keep in balance. 当年的大能第一人,力压数个时代,于阳间来说算是一只脚踏进准无敌的生灵,大宇不出,无人可制衡。 Now he is the Great Universe Level monster, the Stone Fox teacher, to the Chu Feng very tremendous pressure. 现在他自己已是大宇级怪物,石狐的师尊,给楚风很大的压力。 If stone jar does not recover independently, Chu Feng really must have many hides far. 如果石罐不自主复苏,楚风真的得有多远躲多远。 He does not lack self-confidently is brave with the blood, but actually cannot go to work as the boorish fellow, the reality fills the blood and bone, the impulsive words do not have the good end. 他不缺自信与血勇,但却也不能去当莽夫,现实充满血与骨,冲动的话没有好下场。 At least, he currently does not have to challenge the Great Universe Level monster the strength. 最起码,他目前远不具备去挑战大宇级怪物的实力。 "Um, to! ” “嗯,到了!” Chu Feng arrived at Yuezhou, the great distance is very far, looks into the beautiful mountain peak of distant place, there silver-colored waterfall hangs down, light smoke transpiration, in rosy-colored clouds at dawn, entire mountain scene forest one sacredness bright with many colors, is somewhat born. 楚风来到了越州,相隔很远,眺望远方的一片秀丽山峰,那里银瀑垂挂,薄烟蒸腾,在朝霞中五光十色,整片山林都一片神圣,有些出世。 Here Dao Field, is occupying Yuan Clan Supreme Being! 这里的道场,居住着沅族的一位大能 Right, Chu Feng stared at Supreme Being Dao Field, wants to come to this place not to lack quality astonishing mutated soil, he somewhat could not have a liking for regarding Heavenly Venerate Dao Field. 没错,楚风盯上了大能道场,想来这种地方不缺少品质惊人的异土,对于天尊道场他有些看不上了。 Must do time comes great generosity, anti- precisely must loot. 要做就来一次大手笔,反正是要洗劫。 Naturally, really must to Supreme Being, he lack self-confidence, kills Great Heavenly Venerate, although examined the strength, but creature of Supreme Being that progression, was too powerful, he does not have a point assurance. 当然,真要对上大能,他没底,杀死大天尊虽然检验了实力,但是大能那个级数的生灵,太强大了,他没有一点把握。 Can not die to knock, naturally must avoid, best take advantage that Supreme Being does not patronize when Dao Field. 能不死磕,自然要避开,最好趁大能不在道场时光顾。 Chu Feng does not feel to lose face, how long he steps Evolution Road, but these old rivals were before the ancient times monsters, lived the long years, accumulating was too deep. 楚风并不觉得丢脸,他才踏上进化路多久,而这些老敌手都是远古以前的怪物,活了漫长岁月,积淀太深了。 He around walking, studied this Dao Field thoroughly, then leaves. 他绕着走了一圈,将这个道场研究透彻了,然后就此离开。 Yuan Clan, stared by him, naturally incessantly a goal, moreover he does not want to loot Dao Field, if there is a possibility he not to mind that will open cave mansion the money to buy coffin of several powerhouses to give to pull out outside spatially. 沅族,被他盯上,自然不止一个目标,而且他也不想洗劫一个道场,如果有可能他不介意将在外开辟洞府的几位强者的棺材本都给掏空。 Chu Feng went to Zhuozhou, shoulders both hands, both eyes are deep and quiet, paced back and forth outside a basin long time, investigated the topography carefully. 楚风去了涿州,背负双手,双目幽邃,在一座盆地外徘徊良久,仔细探查了地势。 Then, he went to a Huizhou. 接着,他又去了一趟惠州。 He has not begun, but looked up sky, he and other opportunity, always thought that will have startled changes happened. 他并未动手,而是抬头看了一眼天空,他在等一个机会,总觉得会有惊变发生。 outside territory, offers a sacrifice to dimly, partly visible, with three confronts, this will not continue to be very long, will upset the balance eventually a result. 域外,祭地朦胧,若隐若现,与三器对峙,这不会持续很久,终究会打破平衡有个结果。 Chu Feng guessed, Yuan Clan is also waiting, perhaps now has started preparing in the clan to hold the congress, closes door to discuss in the future the trend. 楚风猜测,沅族也在等待,或许现在就已经着手准备在族内开大会了,闭门商谈未来走向。 After all, clouded over, on difference last result. 毕竟,变天了,就差最后一个结果了。 Yuan Clan turned, they paid more attention to the result on vault of heaven compared with others. 沅族投靠出去了,他们比别人更关注天穹上的结果。 Chu Feng, if three Supreme Being left, returns to Yuan Clan, his opportunity arrived. 楚风在等,若是三位大能先后离开,回归沅族,他的机会就到了。 If the blood puts together Supreme Being, the direct cross two Great Realm showdowns, this is very unwise, may build he himself, since there is an opportunity, that is waiting and that's the end. 如果血拼大能,直接跨两个大境界对决,这很不明智,或许会将他自己搭进去,既然有机会,那等着就是了。 Well, Huizhou, does the Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate concealed treasure trove have one here?” “咦,惠州,石狐天尊的藏宝地有一处就在这里?” The Chu Feng heart moves, the careful research, then he left, goes far away toward a side along the mountain range, according to taking down the valuable chart clue searches. 楚风心头一动,仔细研究,然后他动身了,沿着山脉朝着一方远去,依照记下的宝图线索寻觅。 Studies the Domain powerhouse regarding one specially, no one was more suitable than to do this matter him. 对于一个专门研究场域的强者来说,没有人比他更适合做这种事了。 Has the clear concealed treasure trove clue, this at all is not the difficult matter. 有清晰的藏宝地线索,这根本不是什么难事。 A stretch of swampy ground, looks very silent, the fog fills the air, only then some demon alligators are dormant, but the magical skill is not profound. 一片沼泽地,看起来很寂静,雾霭弥漫,只有一些魔鳄蛰伏,但道行并不高深。 Some sparse big trees, are very thick, take root in the swamp, blocks from this stretch of region, appearing gloomy and moist, year to year does not see the sunlight. 稀稀疏疏的一些大树,都很粗大,扎根沼泽中,遮住这片地带,显得阴暗而潮湿,常年不见阳光。 After Chu Feng found here, a fist gets down, drives out the swampy ground, then penetrates. 楚风找到这里后,一拳下去,轰开沼泽地,而后深入下去。 Quick, he is startled, do some people act swiftly to get there first? This place had been opened, mausoleum chamber restrictions broke open! 很快,他吃了一惊,有人捷足先登?这地方被人开启过,地宫禁制破开了! Some people responded that is more intense than him, in an instant, ten spoken parts light lasings, pierce void. 有人反应比他还激烈,刹那间,十道白光激射而出,洞穿虚空。 However, Chu Feng lifted the hand easily to block, after all, his present strength is very strong, World of the Living ordinary person radically nearly his body. 不过,楚风抬手都轻易挡住了,毕竟,他现在的实力很强,阳间一般的人根本近不了他的身。 Then, he one dull, saw the acquaintance! 然后,他不禁一呆,见到了熟人! A curve moving female, like viperous beauty, beautiful fluctuating, small waist and slender jade leg very clear, some reveal outside fighting skirt. 一个曲线动人的女子,如同美女蛇,婀娜起伏,小蛮腰与修长的玉腿都很晶莹,有部分露在战裙外。 If her skin cream, palm of the hand big small face snow white clear, to a slight defect, the beautiful excess, the big eye is not fine bright and intelligent, brings spirituality. 她肤若凝脂,巴掌大的小脸雪白晶莹,精致到没有一点瑕疵,美丽的过分,大眼水汪汪,带着灵性 But what is most conspicuous is behind her ten busy white fox tails, immediately makes one guess correctly her race-- Heavenly Fox! 而最惹眼的是她背后的十条无暇的白色狐尾,顿时让人猜到她的种族——天狐 Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox, is the Heaven-Blessed character in Fox Race, the talent is rare, since ancient times was rare. 九尾天狐,就已经是狐族中的天纵人物了,天赋罕见,古来少有。 But this female ten, her acme of beauty and deportment, has to plant the makings of unexpectedly inverting all living things, this is race inherent strange attracts the strength. 而这个女子居然有十尾,她千娇百媚,有种颠倒众生的气质,这是种族与生俱来的奇异魅惑力。 Is you!” Two people almost also open the mouth. “是你!”两人几乎同时开口。 Chu Feng naturally recognizes, this is the Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate later generation, once had seen in the tripartite battlefield, illustrious Fox Race rare talent Ten-Tailed Heavenly Fox. 楚风自然认出,这是石狐天尊的后人,曾在三方战场见到过,赫赫有名的狐族奇才十尾天狐 Initially, he was discovered by the black dog, was seized by its projection, must seize the small black wooden spear elixir in his hand, finally when it put, direct transmission mistake. 当初,他被黑狗发现,被其投影抓走,要夺其手中的小黑木矛炼药,结果将其放回来时,直接传送失误。 That far-fetched dog, gives to feed at present in the bath barrel of this women's him, being startled the water splash are innumerable. 那个不靠谱的狗,将他给送进眼前这个女子的浴桶中,惊起水花无数。 „Do you really know my ancestor?” “你真认识我的祖上?” The present female makings are unique, this is the true seductress, has to invert the posture of all living things, glances to see him there greatly. 眼前的女子气质独特,这是真正的狐狸精,有颠倒众生之姿,在那里瞟动大眼看着他。 Previous time, when tripartite battlefield awkward relative, Chu Feng has explained that knows Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate, and said name Su Can of old fox. 上一次,在三方战场尴尬相对时,楚风解释过,认识石狐天尊,并说出老狐的名字苏灿 Yes, how otherwise I found here.” Chu Feng nods, has not belittled to this female, this is a true talent. “是,不然我怎么找到这里。”楚风点头,对这个女子并未小觑,这是一个真正的天才。 Initially, when tripartite battlefield, he as Great Saint, but felt that about on this females certain pressure, because of this female compared with him also first step, cut to fall from Great Saint to Golden Body Dominion, Dao Foundation firm was too astonishing. 当初,在三方战场时,他身为大圣,可是对上这个女子都感觉到一定的压力,因为这个女子比他还先一步,从大圣斩落到金身领域,道基坚固的太惊人了。 However, now Ten-Tailed Heavenly Fox compared with him, misses one section, at present in Divine Level Dominion. 不过,现在十尾天狐与他相比,就差了一截,目前只是在神级领域中。 Naturally, this also makes the outside world shocking sufficiently, Dao Foundation is still very solid, is a fierce character who Fox Race is doomed to rise. 当然,这也足以让外界震惊,道基依旧无比坚实,是狐族注定要崛起的一个厉害人物。 In fact, Ten-Tailed Heavenly Fox must shock compared with Chu Feng, some time has not seen, initial Cao De, present was Chu Feng, unexpectedly Everlasting King? 事实上,十尾天狐楚风要震撼多了,才一段时间没见,当初的曹德,眼前的楚风,居然是恒王了? Two people discussed, Chu Feng has not concealed anything, informed own Realm, otherwise she cannot see. 两人相谈,楚风没隐瞒什么,告知了自己的境界,不然她是看不出的。 Therefore, here, if hides away, I do not need, you continue to cultivate in this and that's the end, I want to look for mutated soil now.” “所以,这里如果有秘藏,我不需要,你继续在此修炼就是了,我现在只是想找异土。” Chu Feng does not hold anything to hope, Stone Fox gave several concealed treasure troves, here one looks like without mutated soil appearance. 楚风并不抱什么希望,石狐给了几处藏宝地,这里一看就不像有异土的样子。 Really, Ten-Tailed Heavenly Fox shakes the head, then, she smiles, the trim mausoleum chamber is suddenly bright, too much left, this is natural attracting of Fox Race. 果然,十尾天狐摇头,接着,她又嫣然一笑,一时间整片地宫都明亮起来,太特别了,这是属于狐族的天然魅惑。 Do not smile to me, my children had!” Chu Feng is serious. “别冲我笑,我孩子都有了!”楚风一本正经。 The Ten-Tailed Heavenly Fox complexion was black immediately, really thinks that a tail sweeps him. 十尾天狐的脸色顿时黑了,真想一尾巴将他扫出去。 I want thank you to tell the news of my ancestor, you do not use, can cultivation here, this place has cultivation method about spirit, is very abstruse.” Fox Race talent female said ill-humoredly. “我是想谢谢你告诉我祖上的消息,你不用走,也可以在这里修炼,此地有一片关于精神的修炼法门,很深奥。”狐族天骄女没好气地说道。 Chu Feng is somewhat curious, is actually how powerful spiritual cultivation method? He with, saw law about soul light evolution, the indeed incomparable mystery, writes down at the scene. 楚风有些好奇,究竟是多么强大的精神修炼法门?他跟了进去,看到一篇关于魂光进化的法,的确无比奥妙,当场记了下来。 However, has Plundering Guide Breathing Method, has golden rune on stone jar, as well as arsenal that moves out from Lunatic Wu there, he does not lack cultivation method. 不过,有盗引呼吸法,有石罐上的金色符文,以及从武疯子那里搬走的武库,他早已不缺少功法 Chu Feng does not want to delay the time here, feared that misses to copy the opportunity in Supreme Being old nest, is about to leave immediately. 楚风不想在这里耽搁时间,怕错过抄大能老窝的机会,准备立刻离开。 However, before departure, he thinks, told his several concealed treasure troves to say Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate, told Ten-Tailed Heavenly Fox. 不过,临离开前,他想了想,将石狐天尊告诉他的几个藏宝地都讲了出来,告诉十尾天狐 He felt, this should belong to Heavenly Fox Race. 他觉得,这本就该属于天狐族 Ten-Tailed Heavenly Fox changes countenance, realized, this person is very honest, has no interest in have to these buried treasures, gave her unexpectedly directly. 十尾天狐动容,意识到,这个人很坦诚,对这些宝藏无心拥有,竟都直接给了她。 My ancestor......” she wants to inquire whether Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate can live through, may fear obtained the sad news. “我的祖上……”她想询问,石狐天尊能否熬过来,可又怕得到噩耗。 He, the situation is very difficult, but I felt, he assigns/life very hardly, you try hard to evolve, later I lead you to go to Little World of the Dead, rescues him together!” “他,处境很难,但我觉得,他命很硬,你努力进化吧,以后我带你去小阴间,一起解救他!” Then, Chu Feng walked, must take he scheduled below the Supreme Being Level soil. 然后,楚风就走了,要去取他预定下的大能级土壤。 Some words he had not said, clouded over, who not knows how, the premise is he can live tomorrow, otherwise after where can also discuss anything . 有句话他没有说,变天了,谁都不知道明天会怎样,前提是他能活下来,不然哪里还能谈什么以后。 How to have chapter of Yuan Clan?!” Chu Feng knits the brows. “怎么还没回沅族?!”楚风皱眉。 On this day, he arranges Domain in Huizhou, Zhuozhou and Yuezhou, the round-trip multiple, finally discovered that three lethargic, the old fogy of vitality deterioration is always dormant, had not moved. 这一天间,他都在惠州、涿州、越州布置场域,往返多次,结果发现三个暮气沉沉、生机衰败的老家伙始终在蛰伏,一直没动。 Clouded over, won't they be convened to discuss the important matter together?” “都变天了,他们不会被召集回去一同商谈大事吗?” Chu Feng calms down, decides to wait again. 楚风沉住气,决定再等。 Looks for Old Gu, looked that he can collect massive Heavenly Venerate Level soils, as well as Supreme Being Level mutated soil!” Chu Feng thought of Old Gu. “找老古,看他能不能收集到大量的天尊级土壤,以及大能级异土!”楚风想到了老古 After all, suffering extreme distress that Old Gu cries, discovered finally he swears brotherhood big brother Li Da also to live, under the Lebanese black mole must compensate him mostly, gives him a confession. 毕竟,老古哭的死去活来,最终发现他结拜大哥黎龘还活着,黎黑子多半要补偿下他,给他个交代。 Moreover, Old Gu was gnawed the elder brother clan in the past typically, conceals many good things, buried in each region mountain. 另外,老古当年可是典型的啃哥族,藏了很多好东西,都埋在各地大山中了。 In addition, Old Gu also founded more than ten organizations, although the long years pass by, mostly withered away, but also leave behind-- Emperor's Pillar Organization. 此外,老古还开创了十几个组织,尽管漫长岁月过去,大多都消亡了,但还留下一个——扶帝组织 Such coquettishly with narcissistic name, only then Old Gu can think, how does he want to become Immortal Emperor is? 这么风骚与自恋的名字,也只有老古能想的出,他想成仙帝还是怎么着? Chu Feng and Old Gu once borrowed the potential of this organization several times, making them strive, for example initially they and person conflicted, Old Gu transferred over a hundred Divine King to enter the stage to bring up the rear with the token directly in secret, initially shocked a state, had a great influence! 楚风老古曾数次借用这个组织的势,让他们出过力,比如当初他们与人冲突,老古用令牌直接暗中调动了上百位神王出场压阵,当初可是震动一州,影响巨大! In addition, Chu Feng previous time smashes Black Capital, extinguished a nest killer, in the dark net issue news, uses this organization to investigate the Black Capital detailed information ahead of time. 此外,楚风上次端掉黑都,灭了一窝杀手,也是在暗网发布消息,利用这个组织提前调查出黑都详细信息的。 Chu Feng found a place, arrives belongs to the scientific civilization region, even/including net registers some special dark net, this is he and Old Gu independent contact method, leaves behind the code. 楚风找了个地方,来到属于科技文明的区域,连网登录某一特殊的暗网,这是他与老古单独的联系方式,留下密语。 Has not thought that but also without he withdrew, was replied by the second, Old Gu obviously also in the scientific civilization region. 不曾想,还没有等他退出呢,就被秒回复了,老古显然也在科技文明区域。 Then, Chu Feng decisive uses the communication direct link with him, the front projection, talked with him face-to-face. 然后,楚风果断与他用通讯器直接联系,直接投影,与他面对面交谈。 Old Gu will really enjoy, in one resplendent in gold and jade green, in the office in magnificently decorated building, is drinking wine, the side two looks outstanding beautiful women seem also helping him pour out wine. 老古真会享受,在一个金碧辉煌、雕梁画栋的会所中,正在饮酒,旁边似乎还有两位姿容出众的丽人在帮他斟酒。 However, that two beautiful women all in the screen, do not look clearly. 不过,那两位丽人不全在屏幕中,看不真切。 Old Gu, saw your big brother Li black, did he have to you a confession, hasn't left behind a buried treasure to you? Has immortal level mutated soil?” 老古,见到你大哥黎黑了吧,他有没有给你个交代,没给你留下一笔宝藏吗?有没有仙级异土?” Rolls you!” The Old Gu fire is big, the liquor sprinkled to the mouth outside, his far-fetched big brother, making him shed bitter tears, was sad, suffering extreme distress of crying, finally...... unexpectedly was a big swindler, but now travels, has not come to see him. “滚你!”老古火大,酒都洒落到嘴外面了,他那不靠谱的大哥,让他痛哭流涕,那么悲伤,哭的死去活来,最后……居然是个大骗子,而现在又跑路了,都没来见他。 Not knows has the shame, is excuse me, finally leaves behind a paper to him, writes breathing method with three wonderful technique, making him go to practice well, the person have not made an appearance! 知道是有愧,还是不好意思,最终只是给他留下一张纸,写着一篇呼吸法与三种妙术,让他去好好练,人都没露面! Old Gu suppressed a lot of fires, but also really wants to see his big brother, asked face to face, Li Dahei, your conscience, was unashamed? Even the brothers want the pit desire to live to want, not knows should cry to smile. 老古憋了一肚子火,还真想见到他大哥,当面问下,黎大黑,你的良心呢,不惭愧吗?连兄弟都要坑的欲生欲死,不知道该哭还是该笑。 Old Gu, do not drink, prepares to select mutated soil to me, I am urgently needed!” Chu Feng frontline propaganda. 老古,别喝了,给我准备点异土,我急需!”楚风喊话。 Then said again, I want to drink, was irritated quickly, I really want to find the person to hit my big brother, does, no one can hit him!” Old Gu is indignant. “回头再说,我就想喝酒,快被气死了,我真想找人打我大哥一顿,奈何,没人能打过他!”老古愤愤。 Looks for me, invests me, making me have enough Evolution Soil, the rapid rise, then helps you hit your big brother to go!” Chu Feng is striking one's chest to say. “找我啊,投资我,让我有足够的进化土壤,迅速崛起,回头帮你打你大哥去!”楚风拍着胸脯说道。 Do not blow, you could not have been victorious I, ok, did not speak with you, I must in the sweetheart with my dream drink.” Obviously, the Old Gu mood is not thick, but also loses very much agitated with. “别吹了,你还打不过我呢,算了,不和你说话了,我要和我梦中情人喝酒去了。”显然,老古谈兴不浓,还很失落与烦躁呢。 The Chu Feng's face was black immediately, said: A while, you said that drinks with whom?!” 楚风的脸顿时黑了,道:“等会儿,你说跟谁喝酒?!” His knows, who in the Old Gu dream the sweetheart is, was the Qin Luoyin's previous life body, prehistoric's first beautiful woman-- Qing Yin. 他可知道,老古的梦中情人是谁,是秦珞音的前世身,史前第一丽人——青音 Naturally is my Qing Yin!” Old Gu said. “当然是我的青音!”老古说道。 I kill you! That is my kid's mother, although I had not related with her, but, Old Gu you dare to start randomly, do not blame me to arrive.” “我打死你!那是我孩子他娘,虽然我跟她没关系了,但是,老古你敢乱下手,别怪我降临过去。” Was too hateful, Li Dahei is a bastard, your also such scoundrel, is really absurd, opposes with me! Especially you, why blasphemed Qing Yin, although I was about to blur to her impression, but was once one reads after all thinks, you talked nonsense again, I ensure first arrived to beat savagely you!” Old Gu indignantly. “太可恶了,黎大黑是混蛋,你也这么混账,真是岂有此理,都与我作对!尤其是你,为何亵渎青音,尽管我对她印象都快模糊了,但毕竟是曾经的一个念想,你再胡说八道,我保证先降临过去暴打你!”老古愤愤不已。 fuck you! Did not have the means to speak the truth, Chu Feng was speechless, this Old Gu also thinks that he sexually harassed him, blasphemed that goddess, entirely does not believe that he had the sons. 你大爷!没办法讲道理了,楚风无语,这老古还以为他调戏他呢,亵渎了那位女神,完全不相信他连儿子都有了。 Then, he saw, the Old Gu opposite swayed a turning yellow picture scroll, the above person is very similar to Qin Luoyin, was that prehistoric's first beautiful woman Fairy Qing Yin. 然后,他就看到了,老古对面摆着一张发黄的画卷,上面的人还真与秦珞音很相似,是那史前第一丽人青音仙子 Chu Feng does not speak, was not the honorable person, no longer stimulated Old Gu. 楚风不说话了,又不是真人,不再刺激老古 Finally he also said: Old Gu your temperament sees to rise, do not delay, I wanted the promote step, did not give me mutated soil, immediately asked you to trouble to go!” 最后他才又道:“老古你脾气见涨啊,别耽搁,我要晋阶,再不给我异土,马上找你麻烦去!” Come, I now am Great Heavenly Venerate, hits your two, do not think Everlasting King to be great, can kill Heavenly Venerate to be great? I can suppress you now in the same old way!” Old Gu is handsome, an appearance of handsome beautiful youngster, quite young condition, but now also is very hot tempered. “来啊,我现在是大天尊,一个打你两个,别以为恒王了不起,能杀天尊了不起啊?我现在照样可以压制你!”老古唇红齿白,一副翩翩美少年的样子,相当年轻态,但偏偏现在又很暴躁。 Chu Feng was really feared, this fellow became Great Heavenly Venerate, the evolution was also too quick! 楚风真的被惊住了,这家伙成大天尊了,进化也太快了! However, is quick he to feel relaxed, previous life of this old fogy saved many good things in each region, for this preparation. 不过,很快他又释然,这老家伙的前世在各地存了许多好东西,就是为这一世准备的。 Furthermore, Old Gu fleshly body is not the new body, his fleshly body from the start is that but for complete, unique, the potential is more astonishing, he took Nine Nether path only, oneself will bury in Yin Mansion, came again one time. 再者说,老古肉身都算不上新身,他的肉身压根都是那一具,不过是为了圆满,超脱,更加潜力惊人,他走了九幽祇的道路,将自己埋在阴府中,重来了一次。 "cough, Old Gu, I......, just killed Great Heavenly Venerate a moment ago shortly, Yuan Clan. ” “咳,老古,我刚才……没多长时间呢,刚弄死一个大天尊,沅族的。” What did you say?!” Old Gu shocked, does not believe, he wants to shout 'motherfucker', I just became Great Heavenly Venerate, wants low-key shows off, you told me, did you just kill one? “你说啥?!”老古震惊了,不相信,他想骂娘,我刚成为大天尊,想要低调的显摆显摆,你告诉我,你刚弄死一个? Therefore, I now am very urgent, is very anxious, wants to transform again, just needs the evolution earth!” Chu Feng said. “所以啊,我现在很迫切,很急切,想要再蜕变,正需要进化土呢!”楚风说道。 How many do you...... want?” Old Gu is half believing and half doubting. “你……想要多少?”老古将信将疑。 Supreme Being Level mutated soil, gives me to come 100,000 jin (0.5 kg)!” Chu Feng shouts. 大能级异土,给我来十万斤!”楚风喊道。 How many?!” Old Gu almost communication discarding the ground, then, he dug the ear, feared oneself misunderstood. “多少?!”老古差点将通讯器给扔掉地上,然后,他去挖了挖耳朵,怕自己听错了。 100,000 jin (0.5 kg)!” “十万斤!” Three leaders 三掌门 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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