SR :: Volume #16

#1504: Final ruins

A brand-new road? Perhaps, but also no one comes to the end! 一条全新的路吗?或许,还没有人走到尽头! The Chu Feng nature is joyful, inspired, this means that once who treads the end point of radical, perhaps that can sit cross-legged there, becomes Immortal Emperor! 楚风自然喜悦,振奋,这意味着一旦谁踏足路之终点,那或许就可以盘坐在那里,成为一位仙帝 This is at present known highest Realm, is not restricted in World of the Living, includes All Heavens, even Firmament is counted, immediately also never hears to have high lifeforms of this boundary. 这是目前已知的最高境界,不限于阳间,囊括诸天,甚至连上苍都算上,当下还从未听闻有高过此境的生物 Under this soil, among this heaven and earth, has mystical powers everywhere, who is not remains, which person is not founds, existed.” “这土壤下,这天地间,到处都有灵,不是谁留,不是哪个人开创,原本就存在。” Chu Feng stands in the land, looks up to the vault of heaven, looks to the boundless land, felt spirituality sincerely, saw that the innumerable light granules danced in the breeze, if in the glow in nighttime sky, resembled in the dark universe to sparkle, but present stars. 楚风站在大地上,仰望天穹,又看向无边的土地,深切感受到了一种灵性,恍惚间见到无数的光粒子飘舞而起,若夜空中的萤火中,似黑暗宇宙中闪耀而现的颗颗星辰。 I must evolve on this road, since does not turn head!” “我要在这条路上进化下去,自从不回头!” A say/way arrives black, the original significance is probably poor, but he is to hold this faith now. 一条道走到黑,原本的意义好像不怎么好,但是现在他就是要抱着这种信念。 His stone jar following light cry, shivered, but in this flash, Chu Feng even saw a dim picture. 恍惚间,他身上的石罐都跟着轻鸣,颤动了一下,而在这一刹那,楚风甚至看到了一片朦胧的画面。 Long ago, the world was very prosperous, the pollen granule floated, thick falling, lustrous shine, like fairy tale world like that rose beautiful, not only let trim land light rain everywhere, but also rushed to beyond the day. 很久以前,天地很繁盛,花粉粒子飘洒,纷纷扬扬,莹莹发光,如同童话世界那般瑰美,不仅让整片大地光雨漫天,还涌向天外。 This is the scene of flash, but, actually as if framed, congealed, was Chu Feng shows one mystically and gradually the great picture. 这是一刹那的景象,但是,却仿佛定格了,凝住了,为楚风展现出一副神秘而又渐渐宏大的画面。 The vault of heaven was broken through by the light granule, they surpassed the world, turned into up the rain, ran out of All Heavens, to extra mundane! 天穹被光粒子冲破,它们超世了,化成光雨,冲出诸天,到了世外! Is that...... Firmament? 那是……上苍吗? The pollen floats, each grain clear, inexhaustible, and beautiful, raised Firmament, in the super world of that length and breadth thick falling. 花粉飘洒,每一粒都晶莹,无穷无尽,而又美丽,扬到了上苍,在那片更为广袤的超级世界中纷纷扬扬。 The trim world, therefore is fresh, the light rain are innumerable, full of vitality, above Firmament therefore is beautiful, the pure light granule everywhere is. 整片天地,都因此而清新,光雨无数,生机勃勃,上苍之上都因此而美丽,纯净的光粒子到处都是。 This simply is pure lands, nearly the dream, the holy light granule like the rain, brings fragrantly, falls gently to each region. 这简直是一片净土,近乎梦幻,神圣光粒子如雨,带着芬芳,飘落向各地。 Chu Feng shocks, what does this mean? 楚风震撼,这意味着什么? He saw this moment ago, what kind of past revealed to him? 他刚才看到这一幕,向他揭示了怎样的一段过去? In that extremely remote endless ancient time, was the pollen system very once radiant? 在那极其遥远无尽的古老时代,花粉体系曾无比璀璨吗? It once entered Firmament, leads several big time the brilliance! 它曾进入上苍,引领数个大时代的绚烂! Bang! 轰! In the Chu Feng state of mind had the mighty waves, gaze past tense, big change, just like the chaos immortal caps and dynamite opens, makes a sound in his ear bank. 楚风神思起波澜,注视过去时,一声剧震,宛若混沌仙雷炸开,响在他的耳畔。 Actually, all these are because stone jar vibrated finally, but makes Chu Feng see was different. 其实,这一切都是因为石罐最后震动了一下,但让楚风看到的却不同了。 The innumerable light granules, above that Firmament, had been delimited by the dazzling light together, finally, the pollen sprinkled, returned All Heavens, returned old. 无数光粒子,在那上苍之上,被一道刺目的光划过,最终,花粉洒落,退回了诸天,回归旧地。 Because of what, returned to World of the Living finally? 因为什么,最后退回到阳间了? It is not limited to this, that light beam mystically and the monster, with diving, Star River bursts a dike probably, seems like the lightning source to fall in torrents. 不止于此,那光束神秘而又很妖,跟着俯冲下来,像是星河决堤,又像是闪电源头倾泻下来。 The light granule are innumerable, the pollen dances in the air, everywhere ebullition! 光粒子无数,花粉飞舞,漫天沸腾! But finally, all gradually were gloomy, what did Between Heaven and Earth have? 但最后,一切都渐渐暗淡了,天地间剩下了什么? The fearsome light beam was submerged by the light granule, extinguished, but these clear pollen light corpuscle, disappears, is only left over the scorched earth, remaining deterioration. 可怖的光束被光粒子淹没,熄灭了,而那些晶莹的花粉光粒子呢,也都不见了,只剩下焦土,剩下衰败。 The entire mountain scene river, the trim world, the deathly stillness, degenerated into the giant ruins. 片山河,整片天地,都死寂了,沦为巨大的废墟。 All Heavens that World of the Living, the pollen once had been to incessantly, some every large or small world, so, thorough gloomy, a piece dry lonesome. 不止阳间,还有花粉曾经到过的诸天,一些大大小小的世界,也都如此,彻底暗淡,一片枯寂。 Pollen road, once to the utmost radiant, but declined, was driven back?!” “花粉路,曾经极尽璀璨,但是没落了,被逼退了回来?!” Chu Feng shocks, he felt, oneself as if sees an corner/horn truth, brutally and long ago, was lost in thought in him, shows at present. 楚风震撼,他觉得,自己似乎看到一角真相,残酷而古远,于他出神间,展现在眼前。 Has not seen the blood, has not seen great war , these possibly boiled by that light/only granule covered, might hide an unimaginable solemnness and stirring. 没有看到血,也不曾看到大战,但是,这些可能都被那光粒子沸腾时遮盖了,有可能隐藏了一段不可想象的悲壮。 So was silent? Once the bright light granule, the innumerable pollen raised, to Firmament above, fell to the final deathly stillness result finally. 就这么寂静了?曾经灿烂的光粒子,无数的花粉扬起,都到了上苍之上,结果落到最后死寂的结局。 Now, you recover, must shine, is radiant?” “如今,你们又复苏了,要重新发光,璀璨起来吗?” Chu Feng looks at this stretch of the world, as if sees the innumerable light granules, the countless pollen materials, in this mountains, under this land, must raise, must sprinkle. 楚风看着这片天地,似乎看到无数的光粒子,数不尽的花粉物质,在这山川中,在这大地下,要扬起,要洒落。 The silence is very long, not knows many eras! 寂静很久,不知道多少个纪元! Once brilliant Greater World, became the deathtrap, became the ruins, after long time, had the vitality, but the road is different. 曾经的绚烂大世界,成为死地,成为废墟,漫长光阴后才有生机,但路已经不同。 Until one day, the immortal road broke, mysticalness that these once had, these light/only granule, the radiance that was laid down by the ashes by the dust, appears once again. 直到有一天,仙路又断了,那些曾经存在的神秘,那些光粒子,那被尘埃被灰烬埋下的璀璨,又一次浮现。 After that as well as three Celestial Emperor agitation time rivers, the surging trim land mountains, making these god secret item natures recover , to continue the abruption again. 经过那位,以及三天帝搅动光阴河流,激荡整片大地山川,让那些神秘物质复苏,就此再续断路。 Is this truth that an corner/horn can link up? 这就是一角可以连贯起来的真相吗? The destruction, the deathly stillness, was because past this road can't be born Immortal Emperor? No one may guard. 覆灭了,死寂了,是因为当年这条路没能诞生出仙帝吗?无人可镇守。 Said, evolved that lifeforms, but was killed, therefore all gravity heads start now, waited for the successor to come to the end again, sat cross-legged, changed into Immortal Emperor? 还是说,进化出了那种生物,但都被杀死了,所以如今一切重头开始,等待后来者再走到尽头,盘坐下去,化为仙帝吗? To rise from the ruins, to revive amidst the dissipation!” Chu Feng was tranquil, but the look was sharper, first is looks down to the land, then looks up to the vault of heaven, looks to the extra mundane. 在破败中崛起,在寂灭中复苏!”楚风平静了,但眼神却更犀利了,先是低头看向大地,接着又仰望向苍穹,看向世外。 You seem like have become aware, have a feeling, realized from experience anything.” Still Feather is astonished. “你像是有所悟,有所感,体悟到了什么。”羽尚讶异。 The Chu Feng serious nod, said: Yes, I as if in the flash, experienced Reincarnation, strolls in years, absent-minded, dim, sees some fuzzy scenes.” 楚风郑重点头,道:“是,我仿佛在一瞬间,经历了一场轮回,漫步在一段岁月中,恍恍惚惚,朦朦胧胧,看到一些模糊景象。” Still Feather hearing this, is very dignified, he thought of some people in legend, seems this experience, said: Yes, some people can so, then be eternal, instantly is first, settles down shortly, resembled Reincarnation one time, had some strange matter to happen on you probably.” 羽尚闻言,无比凝重,他想到了传说中的个别人,似有这种经历,道:“是,有人可以如此,一眼便是永恒,刹那就是一世,短暂驻足,都似去轮回了一遭,在你身上像是有某种奇异的事发生。” The Chu Feng forced smile, said: I really do not have such Reincarnation experience, felt, the change that looked at the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the radiant big world ended, belongs to the gloomy ruins.” 楚风苦笑,道:“我不是真的有那样的轮回经历,就是感觉,一眼望到了沧海桑田的变迁,璀璨大世落幕,归于暗淡之墟。” At this time, stone jar was thorough, does not have any sound. 这时,石罐彻底安宁,没有任何动静了。 Chu Feng thinks deeply, is this coincidence? Why, he seems like experiencing some similar matter unceasingly. 楚风一阵深思,这是巧合吗?为什么,他像是在不断经历某种类似的事。 Earth once Kuji, then recovered. 地球曾枯寂,然后复苏。 At that time, some people told him, Earth was the ruins, recovered in ruined. 那时,有人告诉他,地球是废墟,在破败中复苏。 Then is trim Little World of the Dead, was regarded as the cemetery by the outside world, in Reincarnation alternates recovers, the whole is the ruins. 接着是整片小阴间,被外界视为坟场,在轮回更迭中复苏,整体为墟。 At the present even this can World of the Living be regarded as the ruins? 而今连这阳间都可以看做是墟吗? Even, the genuine ruins are All Heavens! 甚至,真正的墟是诸天 vast oceans turn to dust, the thunder and lightning dries up, altogether is only gloomy with that granule, all elapse, cannot recall again, rotates until hundred million ten thousand years years, can this final ruins recover?” 沧海成尘,雷电枯竭,与那光粒子共暗淡,一切都逝去,不可再追忆,直到亿万载岁月轮转,这最终的墟要复苏了吗?” Chu Feng is lost in thought that at this time, he is realizing from experience, is contemplating, is pondering over, the present as well as in the future. 楚风出神,此时,他在在体悟,在冥想,在思忖过去、现在以及未来。 These mysterious spirits, existed, but fled the capital, extinguished, but will happen one day you can also reappear.” “那些神秘的灵,原本就存在,只是蒙尘了,熄灭了,而终有一天你们还能再现。” Now, Chu Feng starts to ponder, fester of Great Universe Level, ugly, decayed, actually to contaminate other materials, a tribulation that should have? Transforms castoffs into delicaties, transforms in inconceivable! 现在,楚风开始思考,大宇级的溃烂,丑陋,腐朽,究竟是沾染上了其他物质,还是本就应该存在的一个劫?化腐朽为神奇,于不可思议中蜕变! Chu Feng has not concealed, oneself will notice, as well as thinks to tell Still Feather, discusses with him together. 楚风并未隐瞒,将自己看到的,以及所思告诉羽尚,与他一同探讨。 After all, Still Feather has heard many hearsay, has seen many rare book books, is very profound, various aspects once browsed many. 毕竟,羽尚听到过很多传闻,看到过不少孤本书籍,很渊博,各方面都曾涉猎甚多。 Senior, you said Great Universe to be rotten, is legitimate lineage, should so? During this process, the body mutation, for example were many several heads, some people were many several opponent arms, several wings, were many a scale, were many vertical eye wait/etc., actually to strengthen?” “前辈,你说大宇腐烂,是不是正统,本就应该如此?在此过程中,身体异变,比如多了几颗头颅,也有人多了几对手臂,几只翅膀,多了一身鳞片,多了一颗竖眼等,其实都是为了增强?” The Chu Feng's idea is very bold, evolution that in his opinion, the light granule and pollen material facilitate, this is must give them more in Great Universe Level. 楚风的想法很大胆,在他看来,光粒子与花粉物质促成的进化,这是要在大宇级给予他们更多。 Still Feather said: You said, the body mutation, are many many spots, actually must grant us various abilities, or opens the gate in within the body, opens immeasurable immortal conceals?” 羽尚道:“你是说,身体异变,多出很多部位,其实是要赠与我们各种能力,或者说开启体内的门,打开无量仙藏?” Yes, must to us the ability, the desperate hard stopper, urging us to evolve, but, many people really could not want so many, therefore appeared the surplus, extremely fat, somewhat deteriorated, corrupted, obviously ugly.” Chu Feng nods. “是,要给我们能力,拼命的硬塞,促使我们进化,但是,许多人真的要不了那么多,所以就显得赘余,臃肿,有些恶化了,腐烂了,愈显丑陋。”楚风点头。 Then, he also added: Perhaps, facing rotten, facing ugly, were many so many organs, we first should calm the mind, how should not consider to remove unnecessary spot on the variant fast, but wants to follow up confidently, the initiative cross coupling, conducts the evolution of deep level, then surrenders itself.” 接着,他又补充道:“或许,面对腐烂,面对丑陋,多了那么多器官,我们先应静心,不该考虑怎么快速除掉变异体上的多余部位,而是要坦然去跟进,主动交感,进行深层次的进化,然后降服自身。” Surrenders itself?!” Still Feather really changed countenance, he thought that some Chu Feng's idea indeed ultra outlines, too the bracelet, did not accommodate with the universal principle. “降服自身?!”羽尚真的动容了,他觉得楚风的想法的确有些超纲,太跳脱了,与普世之理不容。 Yes, surrenders itself, the pollen road lets our become stronger, gives too, we want is actually only these abilities, can face confidently, with it blending, resonance, true absorbs these inconceivable abilities, rather than repels to become malignant, when obtains all, is complete of transformation, this can go to calm surrendering fleshly body again, at that time, perhaps on the True Body regression.” “是,降服自己,花粉路让我们变强,给予太多,我们要的其实只是那些能力,可以坦然面对,与之交融,共鸣,真正的去吸收那些不可思议的能力,而不是排斥恶变,当得到所有,也算是一次蜕变的圆满,这样可以再去从容的降服肉身,那时,说不定就真身复归了。” Quick, Chu Feng supplemented, perhaps finally must surrender own spirit. 很快,楚风又补充,或许最后也要降服自己的精神。 Still Feather is in a daze, admits on own initiative rottenly, ugly, even must hug and satisfy this condition, gets down to cultivate quietly with concentration, the resonance cross coupling, evolves after like this, then surrenders itself? 羽尚发呆,主动接纳腐烂,丑陋,甚至要拥抱与满足于这种状态,沉静下去潜心修炼,共鸣交感,这样进化完后,再降服自己? Such road, walks unlike the present age very! 这样的路,跟当世走的很不同! From the past to the present, who is not such as evades the viper, discussed Great Universe, but the look changes, wants to walk temperate Paramount Road, the former was the choice of having no recourse. 自过去到现在,谁不是如避蛇蝎,谈大宇而色变,都想走温和的究极路,前者是迫不得已的选择。 However, as if no one lives, can only resist, delays that deterioration, as far as possible keeps live enough remote. 但是,似乎从来没有人活下来,只能对抗,延缓那种恶化,尽量保持活的足够久远。 Even but if can strike to kill True Immortal, finally, one era, will deteriorate to the end eventually thoroughly, in corruption, in craftily changed died. 但哪怕可以击杀真仙,最终,也不过一个纪元就到头了,终究会彻底恶化,在腐烂中,在诡变中死去。 You said truly...... some truth, but, do not forget, the light granule and pollen no longer such as the ancient time are so possibly pure, in the contamination other materials, for example were unlucky and strange, many people guessed, this is the Great Universe Level rotten basic reason.” “你说的确实……有些道理,但是,你不要忘了,光粒子与花粉可能不再如古老时代那么纯净,沾染上了其他物质,比如不祥与诡异,许多人猜测,这才是大宇级腐烂的根本原因。” Has part such reason, but not completely, but to me, the present age is the gray era, strange matter is difficult to injure my body, even makes up the thing!” The Chu Feng pupil light is shining, is very confident. “有部分这样的原因,但绝非全部,而对于我来说,当世为灰色纪元,诡异物质难伤我体,甚至是补物!”楚风眸光灿灿,很有信心。 Side, Zi Luan shocks, wants to call, kidnapper was insane, can eat strange matter? 旁边,紫鸾震惊,很想叫出来,人贩子疯了,要吃诡异物质 Jun Tuo also shocks, but a few words could not say, he understands finally why this later generation demon can exceed him, arrives today this step, the courage was too fat! This demon anything road dares to walk, more importantly, as if also really made him succeed the most distance. 钧驮也震撼,但一句话也说不出,他终于明白,为什么这个后辈魔头能够远超越他,走到今天这一步,胆子太肥!这个魔头什么路都敢走,重要的是,似乎还真让他成功了大半路程。 Still Feather is serious, said: You are careful, I always felt, you accumulate the time and cooling is too short, the evolution is too quick, the issue that the body accumulates is extremely serious, one day comprehensive big eruption!” 羽尚严肃,道:“你要小心,我总觉得,你积淀与冷却的时间太短,进化太快,身上积累的问题极其严重,总有一天会全面大爆发!” Chu Feng in the eyes divine light is bright, said: Orderly, the normal road, in me does not have the significance, the time not to wait for the person. I felt, this accumulating over a long period of time terrifying, might as well be able to be adopted by us, could in it such as the flood bursts a dike , helping me break through Great Universe condition various gates under in within the body, opens the brand-new road!” 楚风双目中神光熠熠,道:“按部就班,正常的路,于我没有意义,时间不等人。况且,我觉得,这种日积月累的恐怖,未尝不能为我所用,说不定可以在它如洪水决堤时,助我冲破大宇状态下的体内的各种门,开启出全新的路!” Still Feather sighed, said: „The Great Universe Level condition is very fearful, rotten, decrepit, but within the body has the large expanse of gate, not necessarily is immortal conceals, in the gate back, the legend is linking various terrifying sources, the average people seal off, who dares to open?!” 羽尚叹气,道:“大宇级的状态无比可怕,腐烂,衰朽,而体内更是有成片的门,不见得是仙藏啊,在门的背后,传说连着各种恐怖源头,一般人都是封堵,谁敢开启?!” Yes, is very fearful, but I have to open, conceals to lead to Immortal Emperor, rather is the immortal buries, but is also worth exploring, research!” “是,很可怕,但我不得不开启,与其说是通向仙帝之藏,不如说是仙葬,但也值得探索,研究!” Chu Feng redefines, since the gate back is the terrifying, perhaps the incomparable danger, really can bury to summarize with the immortal. 楚风重新定义,既然门的背后都是恐怖,无比危险,也许真的可以用仙葬来概括。 Senior I must walk!” Chu Feng said goodbye, he must start off, evolves, the time in a hurry, was insufficient, he did not have the time to spend freely. “前辈我要走了!”楚风告辞,他要上路了,去进化,时间太匆匆,根本不够用,他没有光阴可以挥霍了。 Still Feather sees off, visits him to go far away. 羽尚送别,看着他远去。 Zi Luan cried, some not good premonitions, will always leave from now on, not knows this returns alive whether to meet again, perhaps this is this life finally one side. 紫鸾哭了,总有种不好的预感,自此一别,不知道此生还能否再相见,也许这就是今生最后一面。 Three leaders 三掌门 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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