SR :: Volume #16

#1503: Pollen Evolution Road source

Celestial phenomenon was broken out a slit......” Still Feather to look at the sky, whispered there, recalls few words that the ancestor left behind, unified itself the tip record that saw from many rare book old books, as well as various clues, told the past event. “天像是被劈开一道缝隙……”羽尚看着天空,在那里低语,回忆祖上所留下的只言片语,结合自己从许多孤本古籍上看到的点滴记载,以及各种线索,讲述旧事。 On that day, the fog was very big, that a ray of light cut the tranquility of the world, making the world be possible to practice henceforth, continued the abruption. 那一天,云雾很大,那一道光划破了世界的宁静,让天地从此又可修行,接续了断路。 At that time, no one knows, why the pollen and presently, why falls gently suddenly. 当时,没有人知道,花粉因何而现,为什么突然飘落下来。 This really affects is too big, this involved an origin of Evolution Road, absolutely was the source of pollen road. 这实在影响太大,这涉及到了一条进化路的起源,绝对算是花粉路的源头。 Unexpectedly was summarized by Still Feather such several words simply, lets Chu Feng shocks at the same time, is somewhat in a daze. 居然就被羽尚这么几句话简单概括了,让楚风震撼的同时,也有些发呆。 Can be more exhaustive, that is the lightning, is the sword light?” Chu Feng asked that he thought knows urgently, don't tell me was artificial, wasn't the world restores the Evolution Road result? “能更详尽一些吗,那到底是闪电,还是剑光?”楚风问道,他迫切想知道,难道是人为的,不是天地自我修复进化路的结果? Still Feather said: My not knows, is the lightning or the sword light/only, this world some all sorts of legends, but the day, blustery, had too many big events, left behind various guesses, is the riddles to be proved.” 羽尚道:“我也不知道,是闪电还是剑光,这世间有种种传说,不过那一日,风起云涌,发生了太多的大事件,也就留下了各种猜测,都算是有待证实的谜。” Which has!” Chu Feng makes him say in detail. “都有哪些!”楚风让他详细讲来。 Some people said, Firmament was broken out, from now on will be many a pollen road, the clear granule scattered on that day, continued the evolution abruption.” “有人说,上苍被人劈开了,自此多了一条花粉路,晶莹的粒子在那一天飘散,接续了进化断路。” Is who breaks out?” Chu Feng was touched greatly, some people break out Firmament, brings in the new system from that various extra mundane, brings in the brand-new path, letting the world can practice again, this is the immeasurable big merit! “是谁劈开的?”楚风大受触动,有人劈开上苍,从那诸世外引来新的体系,引来全新的道路,让世人可以再修行,这是无量大功绩! Handing down, is not that is three Celestial Emperor behaviors.” “相传,不是那位,就是三天帝所为。” That, should refer to does not save in Gushi, repeatedly by invincible creature that nine mentioned, he was aloof not knows several eras. 那位,应该是指不存于古史,屡次被九道一提及的无敌生灵,他超脱出去不知道几个纪元了。 Three Celestial Emperor, Chu Feng naturally also clear, each is startled certainly colorfully, suppresses in various worlds, previous in which affiliation Copper Coffin illuminates obviously, once offering a sacrifice to punctured! 天帝,楚风自然也清楚,每一个都惊才绝艳,镇压诸世上,上一次其中一位藉铜棺显照,曾将祭地打穿! Actually is who?” The Chu Feng light language, to that level, really may not estimate. “究竟是谁呢?”楚风轻语,到了那个层次,真的不可揣度了。 No matter , the latter world for this side world, enabling them as before to evolve, but can also tread stronger one step, realizes the jump of life level. 不管是谁,都是为了这方天地的后世人,让他们依旧可以进化,还能够踏出更强的一步,实现生命层次的跃迁。 Is which really does not say, because has the possibility!” Still Feather said. “是哪位真的不好说,因为都有可能!”羽尚道。 On that day, people noticed that Firmament was broken out, probably the Supreme Existence sword light, naturally thought of that together. 那一天,人们看到上苍被人劈开了,像是一道至高无上的剑光,自然想到了那位。 But, at that moment, the fog turns wells up, but also had many things, some people witness, three Celestial Emperor are going on an expedition, is slaughtering, has strange impediment, has the ominous entanglement. 可是,那一刻,云雾翻涌,还发生了很多事,有人亲眼目睹,三天帝在征战,在厮杀,有诡异阻止,有不祥纠缠。 Three Celestial Emperor take action?!” “三天帝出手了?!” Yes, according to various traces, and limited rare book record, was very at that time terrorist, the world must tilt, three Celestial Emperor exhaust ability take action!” Still Feather told the past. “是,依据各种蛛丝马迹,以及有限的孤本记载,当时很恐怖,天地都要倾覆了,三天帝竭尽所能出手!”羽尚讲述过去。 That time, the world changed, the later generation is unable to take the road ahead again, desperate. 那个时代,天地变了,后人无法再走前路,令人绝望。 In that years, three Celestial Emperor once vanished long time, people guessed, they are closing up, is creating the law, is thinking his way in addition. 在那段岁月,三天帝曾消失很长时间,人们猜测,他们在闭关,在创法,在另想他途。 Until, Between Heaven and Earth sprinkles up the granule, the space presents an opening, world pollen dances in the air, they also reappear, therefore people guessed that is related with them. 直至,天地间洒落光粒子,天上出现一个口子,世间花粉飞舞,他们才同时再现,所以人们猜测与他们有关。 Has the rumor, the pollen road perhaps is manifestation of their Dao Fruit.” “更有传言,花粉路或许是他们道果的体现。” On that day, various great war eruptions, Jianghai evaporation, some people saw Celestial Emperor across the sky, bled, the strength put together various enemy, the emperor cauldron thunders, once brought some Artifact to resonate. 那一天,各种大战爆发,江海蒸干,有人看到天帝横空,喋血,力拼诸敌,帝鼎轰鸣,曾带着某件器物共振。 Still Feather told slowly, is various hearsay, he cannot determine that is the truth. 羽尚慢慢讲述,都是各种传闻,他也不能确定是不是真相。 However, after Chu Feng hears here, immediately was shocked, the whole person somewhat becomes stiff, what did he think of? stone jar as well as seed! 然而,楚风听到这里后,顿时惊呆了,整个人都有些发僵,他想到了什么?石罐以及种子! Right, this is not listens, but was he had once seen with one's own eyes that brand mark, when the emperor cauldron thundered, stone jar crashed from inside, lost outside. 没错,这可不是听来的,而是他曾亲眼看到过那烙印,帝鼎轰鸣时,石罐是从里面坠落出来的,失落在外。 At that time, Celestial Emperor and enemies are pursuing, is competing for stone jar! 那时,天帝与敌人都在追逐,都在争夺石罐 Finally, for various reasons, the stone jar accident/surprise to Little World of the Dead, fell on Kunlun Mountain. 最终,由于种种原因,石罐意外到了小阴间,落在昆仑山。 Therefore, Chu Feng suitable shock, nearly petrify there. 所以,楚风相当的震撼,近乎石化在那里。 Pollen Evolution Road, if three Celestial Emperor draws out, the evolution, is manifestation of their supreme Dao Fruit, for its source. 花粉进化路,如果是三天帝引出的,演化的,是他们无上道果的体现,为其源头。 Then, what are three seeds? His surging emotions fluctuate, fluctuation incomparable fierce! 那么,三颗种子是什么?他心潮起伏,波动无比的剧烈! If takes that three people of Dao Fruit as the source, presents the pollen road, in that stone jar has three seeds, should really not correspond with three Celestial Emperor?! 如果是以那三人的道果为源头,才出现花粉路,那石罐中有三颗种子,该不会真与三天帝对应吧?! Can be their Dao Fruit? Chu Feng was really ignorant! 会是他们的道果楚风真的懵了! Quick, his train of thought fluttered, thought of many strange issues. 很快,他的思绪就飘了,想到了不少古怪的问题。 Said, not only later can plant the grace and talent peerless white clothing fairy maiden, but can also plant two grown men, I...... go! He makes an effort to shake! 这么说,以后不仅能种出风华绝代的白衣仙子,还能种出两个大男人,我……去!他使劲甩了甩头! This thinks where? He rubbed the temples, cannot the train of thought be too floating, wants too many is not good, oneself have a headache. 这都想到哪里去了?他揉了揉太阳穴,不能思绪太飘,想太多也不好,自己头疼。 Really is the pollen road that three Celestial Emperor direct?!” Chu Feng closely examines. “真是三天帝引出来的花粉路?!”楚风追问。 Naturally is unascertainable, I do not mean, but may also be with that related!” Still Feather replied. “当然不能确定,我不是说了吗,还有可能是与那位有关!”羽尚回答。 On that day, lightning such as bright sword light, unparalleled incomparable, broke out Firmament, making the vault of heaven present an opening, how regardless to see too the coincidence. 那一天,闪电如煌煌剑光,盖世无匹,劈开上苍,让天穹出现一道口子,无论怎么看都太巧合了。 That method, that type of sword light, looks like in history gradually the defect record, about that his all memories diverge gradually. 那种手段,那种剑光,太像史上渐渐缺失记载,关于他一切的记忆都逐步散去的那位了。 Therefore, is unable to determine, is actually who to do. 所以,根本无法确定,究竟是谁做的。 Many people favor related, with four people. 许多人倾向于,与四人都有关。 Still Feather also said: Actually, I favor a last view, one type is close to the guess of truth.” 羽尚又道:“其实,我更倾向于最后一种说法,一种更接近于真相的猜测。” „A view?” The Chu Feng surprise, the past matter was really confusing, even the Celestial Emperor family's descendants did not talk clearly, was too mystical. “还有一种说法?”楚风诧异,当年的事情果然扑朔迷离,连天帝家族的后裔都说不清,太神秘了。 Still Feather as far as possible by oneself tranquil, told that in the clan a past ancestor's speculation, as well as all sorts of deductions, returned to original state an corner/horn fuzzy truth. 羽尚尽量让自己平静,讲述族中当年一位祖先的猜测,以及种种推演,还原一角模糊的真相。 This road, who is not creates, is not who deducts, but is it exists, our world have spirituality.” “这条路,不是谁创,不是谁演绎,而是它本身就存在,我们的天地有灵性。” Each grain of pollen has mystical powers, from underground, from mountain Haijian, this/should they are born, they came, they are related with the hero soul.” “每一粒花粉都有灵,来自地下,来自山海间,该它们出世时,它们就来了,它们都与英灵有关。” Hero soul, is the ancients who that elapses, is these heroic powerhouses on the wane, does not know the age, perhaps is deep, perhaps before not knows many eras, is born from the age that is unable to research.” “英灵,是那逝去的先民,是那些凋零的英雄强者所化,不知年代,也许是冥古,也许不知道多少个纪元前,诞生自无法考证的年代。” Our world load bearings too many misery, eras, the deterioration, the recovery, died out, not knows rise and fall alternated many years, some, was decayed forever, dissipated, some remain, have too many elegies, has left behind the countless gloomy riddle topic, throughout non-solution.” “我们的这片天地承载了太多的苦难,一个又一个纪元,衰败,复苏,寂灭,不知道兴亡更迭了多少年,有些界,永远腐朽,消散了,有些还存在着,有太多的悲歌,留下过数之不尽的灰暗谜题,始终无解。” But to the present age, we are not cannot deduce, is unable to associate, this day, this place, once by the big sacrifice, had the forgotten solemnness and stirring repeatedly.” “但到了当世,我们不是不能推演出,并非无法联想到,此天,此地,曾多次被大祭,有许多被遗忘的悲壮。” However these people, these matters, they sank to sleep, was decayed, died, became the hero soul to dissipate, what finally stayed behind was what? spirituality, accumulates in the soil, floats in this heaven and earth, everywhere, they are spirit, can call it the hero soul final spirit granule.” “而那些人,那些事,他们沉眠了,腐朽了,死去了,成为英灵又消散,最后留下的是什么?一点灵性,积淀在土壤中,漂浮在这天地间,无处不在,他们就是灵,也可以称之为英灵最后的灵粒子。” Still Feather was telling, not anxiously not slow, probably was saying with the matter that this world has nothing to do with, is, the sound is very hoarse, is very low and deep, how can have nothing to do truly? 羽尚在讲述,不急不缓,像是在说着一件与此天地无关的事,可是,声音却很沙哑,很低沉,怎能真正无关呢? According to his ancestor said that the deduction and guess, each pollen is corresponding a hero soul, is spirituality granule that they kept finally. 依照他那位祖先所言,所推演与猜测出的,每一颗花粉都对应着一位英灵,是他们最后所留的灵性粒子。 In the past the world drastic change, no longer suited evolves, broke the road, but also reveals the photo to have the spirit granule, transmits some mood, therefore that is three Celestial Emperor, induced, be only that level had a sleep/felt, had a feeling, they were angry, take action!” “当年天地剧变,不再适合进化,断了路,但也显照出灵粒子,传递出某种情绪,所以无论是那位,还是三天帝,都感应到了,只有到了那个层次才有所觉,有所感,他们愤怒了,出手了!” Still Feather told again, said that ancestor knows with guessing all. 羽尚再次讲述,说出那位祖先知道与猜测出的一切。 That, three Celestial Emperor, should once take action. 那位,还有三天帝,应该都曾出手 Therefore, had that sword, breaks out Firmament, reveals a big opening, moreover three Celestial Emperor attack strongly, they swung the years, lifted the dust, let in the soil, making Between Heaven and Earth is hiding the thing appear, spirit granule float, everywhere floated, that was past, because, is today's fruit.” “所以,才有了那一剑,劈开上苍,露出一个大口子,而且有三天帝强势出击,他们荡起了岁月,也掀开了尘埃,让土壤中,让天地间掩藏着的东西出现了,灵粒子悬浮,漫天飘洒,那是昔日的因,也是今日的果。” Chu Feng really shocked, what he heard, understood that the origin of pollen Evolution Road, did clarify the true source?! 楚风真的震撼了,他都听到了什么,了解到花粉进化路的起源,弄清楚了真正的源头?! This road, who is not creates, existed, itself there, some people surges the years, raises the dust, making their spirituality expose, therefore this road did appear? 这条路,不是谁创,原本就存在,本身就在那里,有人激荡起岁月,掀起尘埃,让它们灵性展露,所以这条路出现了? Senior, you believes firmly that...... is this? How I felt, some fans, do return the myth compared with the myth?” Chu Feng's really has the puzzled place. “前辈,你确信……是这样?我怎么觉得,有些迷,比神话还神话?”楚风的确有许多不解之处。 As for side, Zi Luan and Jun Tuo have listened dumbfounded, they have been walking pollen Evolution Road, who has cared about the origin? 至于旁边,紫鸾钧驮都早已听傻眼,他们一直在走花粉进化路,可是谁关心过起源? Until today, they find for the first time, the upward backward, has this and that source unexpectedly, was too mysterious and astonishing. 直到今天,他们才第一次了解到,向上追溯,居然有这样或那样的源头,太神奇与惊人了。 Still Feather nods, said: Indeed some were subjective, but, I feel most real, is very credible, should be Between Heaven and Earth has anything, then that mixed the years with three Celestial Emperor, making them reappear.” 羽尚点头,道:“的确有些过于主观了,但,我觉得大部分真实,很靠谱,应该是天地间本身就存在着什么,然后那位与三天帝搅动了岁月,让它们再现。” Still Feather felt, the so-called each hero soul corresponds a spirit granule, is product that the hero soul leaves behind finally, this possibly not necessarily for, is the solemnness and stirring that in that ancestor heart outlined, although was very indeed sad in the past, but not necessarily was the fact that this Evolution Road therefore presented. 羽尚觉得,所谓每一位英灵对应一颗灵粒子,是英灵最后留下的产物,这可能不见得为真,是那位祖先自己心中勾勒出的悲壮,尽管过去的确很悲,但不见得是这条进化路因此而出现的事实。 However, among this heaven and earth, definitely has the secret, among this All Heavens has ancient day conceals, appeared through the pollen, blooms the light of some type of spirituality. 但是,这天地间,绝对有秘密,这诸天间有古老的天藏,通过花粉映现了出来,绽放出某种灵性之光。 Otherwise, how officiating must appear, strange and ominous why so rigid, throughout, pestered eras, what they actually want to make, what is also looking for?” “要不然,主祭者何以要出现,诡异与不祥为什么那么执着,始终都在,纠缠了一个又一个纪元,他们到底想做什么,又在找什么?” The Still Feather sound is very low, is very heavy. 羽尚声音很低,也很沉重。 Among this heaven and earth has the unimaginable big secret, in that ancient time, not knows left behind anything, some people are seeking. 这天地间有不可想象的大秘密,在那古老时代,不知道留下了什么,有人在寻找。 But what is the truth of big sacrifice? Does not know by the present. 而大祭的真相又是什么?到现在都不知。 The pollen, cannot evolve, road to bring up the rear the appearance in this heaven and earth, presents spirituality, although it is pestering other materials, will have the hidden danger. 花粉,在这天地间不能进化、路已断后出现,呈现出灵性,尽管它纠缠着其他物质,会有隐患。 Perhaps undeniably, this road has made clear to anything. 但不可否认,这条路或许已经昭示了什么。 Chu Feng said: I believe that this view, the spirit granule, not necessarily is the hero soul remains, but indeed accumulates and has in this soil, float in this heaven and earth, Shining Upon in the pollen, by us is being used, promoting us to evolve now, develops a brand-new path.” 楚风道:“我相信这种说法,灵粒子,不见得是英灵所留,但的确积淀与存在这土壤中,悬浮在这天地间,映照在花粉中,现在正被我们用,促进我们进化,开拓出一条全新的道路。” Still Feather nods, about these, was very far from them in the past, he does not want to say that was not meaningful, their Realm were far from enough, guess and understanding how? 羽尚点头,关于这些,在过去离他们很远,他不想多说,没有任何意义,他们的境界远远不够,猜测与了解到又如何? But is now different, All Heavens must lose in the future, all these started to leave them to be near, there is no, even if guessed, was proofless, can say. 但现在不同了,诸天都要失去未来了,这一切都开始离他们近了,没有什么不可说,哪怕只是猜测,无证据,也可以讲。 Senior, this road some people came to the end, do some people become...... Immortal Emperor? I think, should not have!” “前辈,这条路有人走到尽头吗,有人成为……仙帝吗?我想,应该没有!” Then, Chu Feng was excited, was excited, said after these words, he straightens up the back, holds up the head saying: I take a say/way to arrive black!” 然后,楚风就激动了,兴奋了,说完这些话后,他挺直脊背,昂首道:“我要一条道走到黑!” All sorts of signs showed, a road walks, to end, if improves, if radiant, must be possible to have-- Immortal Emperor! 种种迹象都表明,一条路走下去,到了尽头,若是完善,若是璀璨,应当可出——仙帝 This fruit position, then to high, representative the past and present was invincible! 这个果位,便是至高,代表了古今无敌! I do not fear rottenly, did not fear that grows several heads or other things, when the time comes all a palm of the hand racket, I must walk, did not change the road!” “我不怕腐烂,不怕多长出几个脑袋或其他东西,到时候全都一巴掌一个的拍回去,我要一路走下去,不换路了!” Everyone can treat at home bit by bit at home, if must go out certainly carefully, the attention security, the book friends in Hubei especially Wuhan take care particularly. Everyone takes care. 大家能在家待着着就在家吧,如果非要出门一定小心,注意安全,尤其是湖北特别是武汉的书友保重。大家都保重。
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