SR :: Volume #16

#1502: A total of many evolution branch road

That two lifeforms...... are very strong, I want to be at least divide the bifurcation to unite again, becomes the true space to investigate the level lifeforms.” Still Feather said, makes this judgment. “那两个生物……都很强,我想最起码应该是分叉路再合一了,成为了真正宇究层次的生物。”羽尚道,做出这种判断。 Chu Feng nods, Li Da is actually very strong, can easily kill Great Universe Level lifeforms, he definitely was two bifurcation normalizing, took Yu Jiulu. 楚风点头,黎龘却是很强,能够轻易弄死大宇级生物,他肯定是两条分叉路归一了,走上宇究路。 Was fearful to this level, tyrannical incomparable. 到了这个层次就可怕了,强横无比。 Meanwhile, Lane Li Da a coffin, stopped up in Great World of the Dead and World of the Living's intermediate area, attempts really in a big way, it is estimated that wants to penetrate some type of shackles. 同时,黎龘了口棺材,堵在大阴间阳间的缓冲地带,所图甚大,估计是想击穿出某种桎梏呢。 Even, does he think the road of counter pollen? 甚至,他想逆花粉之路? At this time, Chu Feng is also frowning, wants to come, to use the pollen and fruit evolution carefully, unexpectedly has such big hidden danger, in the end will erupt eventually. 此时,楚风也在蹙眉,仔细想来,利用花粉与果实进化,居然存在这么大的隐患,到头来终究会爆发。 Accumulates enough depth, then can safe, walks Paramount Road, but he is not willing to work as old Paramount, where has the long time to rub the issue in within the body to him. 积淀足够深,那么可以稳妥一点,走究极路,但是他不愿意当老究极,哪有漫长的光阴给他去磨体内的问题。 At that moment, he needs to progress by leaps and bounds, wishes one could ten thousand li in a day, every time must progress every second is good. 当下,他需要突飞猛进,恨不得一日千里,每时每秒都要进步才行。 Raised the head to look up to the sky, the big hole did not have thoroughly closed, offers a sacrifice to, with three confronts as before, day knows what happened. 抬头仰望天空,大窟窿还没彻底闭合,祭地依旧在,与三器对峙,天知道会发生什么事。 Perhaps tomorrow, even must have the big matter tonight, All Heavens died, everyone loses the future! 说不定明天,甚至今晚就要出大事儿,诸天死去,所有人都失去未来! „The Immortal Race road broke, walks does not pass?” Chu Feng asked that but also somewhat moved, how past was Evolution Road, worth attempting? 仙族的路断了,走不通了?”楚风问道,还真有点动心,过去的进化路到底如何,是否值得尝试? Still Feather shakes the head, said: „It is not good, the world changed, that road not knows had anything, will walk to have a more terrifying problem, once Immortal Race became degenerates Immortal Race.” 羽尚摇头,道:“不行了,天地变了,那条路不知道发生了什么,走下去会出现更恐怖的问题,曾经的仙族成为堕落仙族。” In fact, even if can walk, Still Feather did not have the law, has been lost. 事实上,纵然能走,羽尚也没有法了,早就失传。 Only if Chu Feng enters another evolution branch road, degenerates Immortal World to find. 除非楚风打进另一条进化支路,去堕落仙界才能找到。 Chu Feng thinks inevitably Great Evil Spirit that Heaven Connecting Immortal Waterfall there rushes, that female should from another evolution branch road, belong to degenerate Immortal Race! 楚风不可避免的想到了通天仙瀑那里闯出来的大邪灵,那个女子应该就是来自另一条进化支路,属于堕落仙族 My one say/way arrives black, pollen road evolution!” Chu Feng said that and also inquires Yuan Clan these to leave behind to Still Feather in detail opens cave mansion the condition of powerhouse outside. “那我就一条道走到黑,将花粉路进化到底!”楚风说道,并且还详细向羽尚打探沅族那些落单在外开辟洞府的强者的状况。 He must loot, he must fish enough mutated soil, he must evolve rapidly, cannot control so many! 他要去洗劫,他要去捞足够的异土,他要迅速进化,管不了那么多了! Naturally, said does not care, said that in heart confident, that is not definitely comprehensive, he is guarding, once when the time comes the evolution has problems must suppress decisively. 当然,说不在意,说心中坦然,那肯定不全面,他在防备,到时候一旦进化出问题的话要果断镇压。 You evolved are too quick!” Still Feather reminded, the complexion was serious, warned that his can have the matter. “你进化太快了!”羽尚提醒,脸色严肃,告诫他这样会出事儿。 Freely, he is not a little able to understand, Chu Feng has not accumulated years, why has not had the matter now, but his knows, this will be more fearful. 尽管,他也有点无法理解,楚风并没有积淀一段岁月,为什么现在还未出事儿,但他知道,这可能会更可怕。 Like this accumulates over a long period of time, in the future will perhaps concentrate the big eruption, is more violent! 这样日积月累,将来或许会集中大爆发,更为猛烈! Side, Jun Tuo Ancient Saint eye of reveal none, its knows, this kidnapper is not normal, where has evolution such quick lifeforms, look, body quickly long black wool. 旁边,钧驮古圣目露精光,它就知道,这人贩子不正常,哪里有进化这么快的生物,看吧,身体快长黑毛了。 Won't Chu Feng be able to see old Jun Tuo in the heart dark crisp? 楚风怎么会看不出老钧驮在心中暗爽呢? „Doesn't old turtle, you want to be unlucky, thinks the muddy height green wool?!” Chu Feng a throat, making distracted Jun Tuo almost lie on the ground grazes. “老龟,你是不想不祥,想浑身长绿毛?!”楚风嗷嗷一嗓子,让走神的钧驮差点趴在地上啃草。 Jun Tuo big, shouted secretly damn, this demon how knows he is thinking anything. 钧驮头大,暗呼见鬼了,这个魔头怎么知道他在想什么。 Chu Feng does not respond it, starts to think that own issue, really has no alternative but to attach great importance, Still Feather said is very reasonable, in the future his condition will be serious. 楚风不搭理它,开始想自己的问题,真不能不重视,羽尚说的很有道理,未来他的状况可能会非常严重。 Once Chu Feng breaks through, inevitably is the Great Universe road, does not need to think, does not have to choose, if pollen repercussion releases comprehensively, is doomed not able to imagine violently! 楚风一旦突破,必然是大宇路,都不用想,没得选择,花粉后遗症若是全面释放,注定猛烈到无法想象! After all, his in the jar is also closing an ominous body by the present! 毕竟,到现在他的罐子中还关着一个不祥体呢! That is he enters the Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace restricted area, sees the Great Universe Level flowers and plants there, does not contact limited several pollen pellets to cause carefully. 那是他进入太上八卦炉禁地,在那里看到大宇级花草,不小心接触有限几点花粉颗粒导致的。 His is Realm high? Then touches slightly becomes malignant, wanting and ominous, is really the fearful excess, at that time he nearly had/left the matter. 他的境界才多高?这才稍微触及就恶变,欲死而不祥,实在是可怕的过分,当时他就险些出事儿。 I, once enters Great Universe, after can present is unprecedented, becoming malignant of no future, don't oneself want to look at oneself shape?” Chu Feng is scared. “我一旦进入大宇,会不会出现前无古人后无来者的恶变,自己都不想看自己的形态?”楚风发毛。 At this moment, he thought of many issues. 这一刻,他想到了很多问题。 The muddy height red hair, in the eye class/flow Dark Blood and grows the sarcoma decayed, the whole body...... this makes him be afraid! 浑身长红毛,眼睛里流黑血并长出肉瘤,满身腐臭……这让他不寒而栗! Suddenly, he thinks and the scene that sees in land of the polar north Lunatic Wu Dao Field, at that time, Lunatic Wu closed up is detaining 2-3 rotten bodies, looked like...... Lunatic Wu very much! 忽然,他思及在极北之地武疯子道场中看到的景象,那个时候,武疯子闭关地关押着2-3具腐烂体,都很像……武疯子 He told Still Feather this situation, consults to him. 他将这一情况告诉了羽尚,向他请教。 Really worthily is Lunatic Wu, from the bone, looking from the gene deep place, is crazy, really not awfully!” Still Feather expression grave exclamation. “真不愧是武疯子,源自骨子里,从基因深处看,都是疯狂的,真不要命了!”羽尚神色凝重地惊叹。 He analyzed, after Lunatic Wu passes through Paramount Road, is attempting to take the Great Universe road, does not think the simple normalizing, but wants two-circuit to unite! 他判断,武疯子走过究极路后,又在尝试走大宇路,不想简单的归一,而是想双路合一! „A possibility, he is possibly also practicing cultivation method that strange measures not, he does not think that True Body braves hardships and dangers to practice, fears to have problems, but the Moulding Shape body, practices for him again.” “还有一种可能,他可能也在练诡异莫测的功法,他不想真身涉险去练,怕出问题,而是再塑形体,替他去练。” Still Feather gives a guess, but perhaps this is close to the reality. 羽尚又给出一种猜测,而这或许更接近现实。 After all, according to at present looks, Lunatic Wu is very strong, should the normalizing, become the space to investigate the level lifeforms, does not need to take a Great Universe road again. 毕竟,依照目前看,武疯子很强,应该已经归一了,成为宇究层次的生物,没有必要再走一遍大宇路。 “Wú, this reminded me actually, making me many a choice, later I can take two roads simultaneously, after all, I had pair of Everlasting King Dao Fruit! ” “唔,这倒是点醒我了,让我多了一种选择,以后我可以同时走两条路,毕竟,我有双恒王道果!” The Chu Feng's eye shone immediately, in this case, when the time comes he strong?! 楚风的眼睛顿时亮了起来,这样的话,到时候他会有多强?! Naturally, the premise is, he can live through, can not die. 当然,前提是,他能熬过来,能够不死。 If successful, this perhaps is the unprecedented road! 若是成功,这或许是前无古人之路! In any case, he is doomed to be indescribable, that first loses Dao Fruit, making him resist to become malignant, goes to that not to have the Great Universe road of choice. 反正,他注定要不可名状,那就先丢出去一个道果,让他去抗争恶变,去走那没有选择的大宇路。 Then, is clever by another Dao Fruit, walks Paramount Road, finally two-circuit unites! 然后,以另一个道果偷天换日,走究极路,最终双路合一! I will be invincible!” Chu Feng smiles there person hēi hēi. “吾将无敌!”楚风在那里一个人嘿嘿直笑。 Jun Tuo wants saying that you smile a wool, the corners of the mouth wanted to be crooked! 钧驮很想说,你笑个毛啊,嘴角都要咧歪了! Still Feather suck in a cold breath, he understood the Chu Feng's intention, this not awfully? Takes a Great Universe road, is a narrow escape, at least at present cannot live. 羽尚倒吸冷气,他明白了楚风的意图,这不要命了吗?走一条大宇路,已经是九死一生,最起码目前没有能活下来的。 He must increase the burden for himself, two groups walk together, this is more serious than the suicide, the fate will be very possibly miserable. 他还要为自己增加负担,两路一起走,这比自杀都严重,下场可能会很惨。 You are clear, Paramount Road will also possibly become malignant, if modest pass, once the disassimilation, may also are more fearful than the ugly as well as grotesque rotten shape of Great Universe, when the time comes you and others, if two-circuit simultaneously craftily will change, that intensity will unable imagine, you, like Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, is unable to return simply, day knows you will turn into what monster!” “你要明白,究极路也可能会有恶变,若是温和的度过也就罢了,可是一旦异化,可能会比大宇的丑陋以及奇形怪状的腐烂形态还要可怕很多,到时候你等若是双路同时诡变,那种激烈程度不可想象,于你个人来说,简直如同天崩地裂般,无法返回,天知道你会变成什么怪物!” Still Feather advised, in the meantime, was only thinks that fearful scene, he felt afraid, deeply feels scared. 羽尚劝告,同时,仅是想一想那种可怕的场面,他就觉得不寒而栗,深感发毛。 In that case, just like perhaps Chu Feng think, will be unprecedented, but is actually not the good aspect, but becomes malignant Peak, exceeds the past and present all drastic change that creature experiences that takes the pollen road! 那样的话,或许正如楚风自己所想,将前无古人,可却并非是好的方面,而只是恶变到极致,超过古今所有走花粉路的生灵经历的剧变! He will corrupt, disassimilation, to being inconceivable frigidly. 他会腐烂、异化、惨烈到难以想象。 Hears the elaboration of Still Feather, and grave warning, the Chu Feng complexion changed, said: I understand, the future road will walk in the future, really or feasible, perhaps I discard Dao Fruit, first Bulgaria may live.” 听到羽尚的阐述,以及严正告诫,楚风脸色变了,道:“我明白,未来的路未来走,真要不可行,我或许舍弃一个道果,先保自己可活。” Then, Chu Feng takes out a jade chest from the body, gives Still Feather, after opening, in the purple light rushes, the thoroughly ripe fruits, the clear desire drops, Purple Mist hikes up, greets the nostrils fragrantly. 然后,楚风从身上又取出一个玉匣,交给羽尚,打开后里面紫霞澎湃,有一颗熟透的果实,晶莹欲滴,紫雾飘起,芬芳扑鼻。 This is the soul fruit, wants to be stronger than solar bright soul flower drug efficacy, this thing Heavenly Venerate takes somewhat reluctantly. 这是魂果,比太阳般灿烂的魂花药效还要浓烈许多,这种东西天尊服食都有些勉强。 Chu Feng said: Senior, this soul fruit you can go to refining slowly, time to the words, by your year after year accumulation, may become the Supreme Being Level powerhouse inevitably!” 楚风道:“前辈,这魂果你可以慢慢去炼化,时间到了的话,以你长年累月的积淀,必然可成大能级强者!” Has these soul medicines, solves the Still Feather body problem sufficiently, may remove various hidden dangers. 有这些魂药,足以解决羽尚的身体问题,可去掉各种隐患。 Side, Jun Tuo swallows the saliva, exclaimed in surprise secretly how many pile make the blood boil cases this kidnapper made, can collect so many good things? 旁边,钧驮直咽口水,暗自惊叹,这人贩子到底做了多少桩令人发指的大案,才能收集到这么多好东西? Was too precious!” Still Feather said. “太贵重了!”羽尚道。 Relax, my anything else!” Chu Feng said. “放心,我这里还有呢!”楚风道。 After the moment, Chu Feng arranges Domain here, leading them to cross goes void, finally found Zi Luan in a mountain scene forest. 片刻后,楚风在这里布置场域,带着他们横渡虚空而去,最终在一片山林中找到了紫鸾 He must rise, must evolve, definitely the bad risk, must have the bloody battle since then, is not naturally able to bring Zi Luan again, entrusted to Still Feather. 他要去崛起,要去进化,自此之后肯定一路凶险,必有血战,自然无法再带着紫鸾,托付给了羽尚 this Highness is doomed achievement Great Universe Level Dao Fruit, you abandon me now, in the future do not regret!” Zi Luan muttered, the big eye shoots a look at shoots a look. 本宫注定要成就大宇级道果,你现在抛弃我,将来别后悔!”紫鸾咕哝,大眼瞥啊瞥。 You look for me to Great Universe Level again!” Chu Feng knocked her shining white forehead. “等你到大宇级再来找我!”楚风敲了她莹白的脑门一记。 You shut out me!” Zi Luan is indignant, said: You are waiting, I certainly will awaken previous life Dao Fruit, exceeds Great Universe Level to return!” “你嫌弃我!”紫鸾愤愤,道:“你等着,我一定会觉醒前世道果的,超越大宇级归来!” Chu Feng is speechless, this bird will also really take seriously in the words that Phoenix Queen there will boast, he wants to come to her back of the head, making her sober. 楚风无语,这小鸟还真将在凤王那里吹牛的话当真了,他很想给她后脑勺来一下,让她清醒清醒。 Then, he stared at Jun Tuo, said: The tortoise that I buy, is a little thin, but the senior do not forget to make soup, builds up one's health.” 然后,他又盯上了钧驮,道:“我买的这只王八,有点瘦,但前辈千万别忘记煲汤,补补身体。” I...... Jun Tuo want to bite to death him, wants saying that this antiquity spirit turtle! 我……钧驮想咬死他,非常想说,本座上古灵龟是也! Side, the Zi Luan eye straightens, this was not past Jun Tuo Ancient Saint, overawed Little World of the Dead, unexpectedly fell to kidnapper, her knows discovered at this time. 旁边,紫鸾眼睛发直,这不是当年的钧驮古圣吗,威震小阴间,居然落到人贩子手里了,她知道这时才发现。 Still Feather will not eat Jun Tuo obviously, but also prepares to keep the old turtle to speak Yaoyao passing. 羽尚显然不会吃掉钧驮,还准备留着老龟讲妖妖的过往呢。 Great Demon Chu do you want to walk? Be careful!” On point of departure , the Zi Luan longing small sound said, no one knows, the this heaven and earth drastic change, can reach an agreement now does not have tomorrow. 楚大魔头你要走了?小心啊!”临别之际,紫鸾依依不舍小声道,现在谁都知道,这天地剧变,说不好就没有明天了。 You can count on that I soar to the heavens inevitably on, progresses by leaps and bounds in the evolution every time, Gao Ge vanguard!” Chu Feng said. “你们放心,我必然冲霄而上,每时每刻都在进化中突飞猛进,一路高歌前行!”楚风道。 He looks at the horizon, on point of departure, also thinks of some issues, how he does to be stronger, strongest? 他看着天边,临别之际,又想到一些问题,他怎么做才能更强,最强? Li Da, stops up the sarcophagus outside World of the Living, perhaps really must work loose the road of pollen, in addition he is First Mountain disciple, inherits before several eras, has other roads to walk mostly early.” 黎龘,将石棺堵在阳间外,或许真的要挣脱花粉之路,再加上他是第一山弟子,传承源自几个纪元前,多半早有其他路可走。” Chu Feng knits the brows, Li Da will be very possibly strong, aloofly. 楚风皱眉,黎龘可能会很强,会超然而起。 Does he have such road to walk? 他有这样的路可走吗? Still Feather shakes the head, said: He cannot get away, the inheritance of First Mountain actually also broke, the law has not possibly lost, but this heaven and earth is not suitable, the successor only has the pollen road.” 羽尚摇头,道:“他也走不了,第一山的传承其实也断了,法可能未失,但是这天地已经不适合了,后来者唯有走花粉路。” "Um? Also is the world is not suitable! ” Chu Feng knits the brows. “嗯?又是天地不适合!”楚风皱眉。 Actually, First Mountain and my is a road, naturally does not adapt.” Still Feather sighed. “其实,第一山和我这一系走的都是一条路,自然不适应了。”羽尚叹道。 But I always felt, the pollen road is somewhat strange, perhaps some pits, are walking, fell into ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Abyss.” Chu Feng said. “可我总觉得,花粉路有些诡异,有些坑啊,说不定走着走着,就掉进万丈深渊中了。”楚风说道。 Because indeed, the pollen road has the strangeness, contains very big hidden danger, moreover is accumulating over a long period of time, day after day deepens, in the end eventually time of overall big eruption. 的确,因为花粉路有古怪,蕴藏着很大的隐患,而且是在日积月累,逐日加深,到头来终究会有一个总体大爆发的时刻。 Although Chu Feng is very self-confident, very stubborn to admit mistakes, but if said did not dread, does not guard, that is impossible. 虽然楚风很自信,也很嘴硬,但是如果说不忌惮,不防备,那是不可能的。 Immortal Race, has not been the immortal, degenerated thoroughly, why is this?” Chu Feng asked that then also asked: Among this heaven and earth, how many can Evolution Road walk?” 仙族,早已不是仙,彻底堕落了,这是为什么?”楚风问道,接着又问:“这天地间,到底有多少条进化路可走?” The Still Feather forced smile, their has declined, was somewhat secret, he is not naturally able to know, can only make some speculations through ancestor few words of staying behind. 羽尚苦笑,他们这一系早已没落,有些秘密,他自然无法知晓了,只能通过祖上的留下的只言片语做出一些推测。 Although the All Heavens ten thousand spaces, big Small World are innumerable, but takes the complete road truly, from ancient to present should over ten Great Realm, the roads in other world, actually by these road influences, the variation not come, mostly the same except for minor differences.” “虽然诸天万宇,大小世界无数,但真正走出完整路的,自古至今应该不超过十个大界,其他世界的路,其实都是受这几条路影响,变异而来,大同小异。” Chu Feng hears, suck in a cold breath, even so, means that at least has ten complete and terrifying evolution branch road! 楚风听闻,倒吸冷气,即便如此,也意味着最起码有十条完整而恐怖的进化支路 By the present, his also only knows pollen road, as well as that degeneration immortal road. 到现在,他也只知道花粉路,以及那条堕落仙路。 Still Feather looks at his, shakes the head, said: What I said is throughout the ages puts together the road that, some group of early cut-offs, some Great Realm were early decayed, did not exist.” 羽尚看他这样子,摇了摇头,道:“我说的是古往今来加在一起的路,其中,有些路早断了,有些大界早腐朽,不复存在了。” Until now, according to clue that the Still Feather ancestor leaves behind, completely and once incomparably magnificent path, but also was walked by the later generation, perhaps side also 45 arrived. 到现在为止,按照羽尚祖上留下的线索,完整而曾经无比辉煌的道路,还在被后人走的,或许也就四五条到边了。 „The road that Celestial Emperor, once passed through, that immortal road, how is cut off, now isn't why suitable to practice?” 天帝,曾走过的路,那条仙路,到底是怎么断掉的,为什么当今不适合修行了?” On point of departure, Chu Feng asked seriously. 临别之际,楚风郑重问道。 Still Feather said: Does not know why changes, all later generation and disciples, are unable to take that road again, otherwise degenerated, making once emperor be at a loss.” 羽尚道:“不知因何而变,所有后人与门徒,都无法再走那条路,否则堕落,让曾经的帝者都束手无策。” This is most terrifying, desperate! 这才是最恐怖的,让人绝望! Even, Celestial Emperor felt the road ahead to be gloomy, cannot see to hope, their inheritance can cut off, from now did not have the successor. 甚至,天帝都觉得前路灰暗,看不到希望了,他们的传承会断绝,从此以后再无后来者。 But they are doomed to go on an expedition, must go to above Firmament, needs the continuous successor, fights together! 而他们注定要去征战,要去上苍之上,需要源源不断的后来者,一起去战斗! Finally, the world mutation, broke the escape route, how can this not be desperate? 结果,天地异变,断了后路,这怎能不让人绝望? Moreover, this is the non-solution, the world has changed, that road was really hard, was almost thorough. 而且,这是无解的,天地已变,那条路真的难以走下去了,几乎彻底断了。 Can achievement Celestial Emperor, even the Immortal Emperor road, how break, isn't don't tell me able to practice forever?” Chu Feng asked. “能成就天帝,甚至仙帝的路,怎么会断,难道永远无法修行了?”楚风问道。 Will infect, will degenerate, is very fearful.” Still Feather is very heavy, but also the supplement, said: But, Celestial Emperor has had the inference, some extremely people can walk to pass, moreover possibly the variation, will not degenerate, instead will be stronger, but this is not the universal law, lost the original significance.” “会感染,会堕落,很可怕。”羽尚很沉重,但也补充,道:“不过,天帝有过推断,极个别人可以走通,而且可能会变异,不会堕落,反而会更强,但这不是普世之法,失去了原有的意义。” Chu Feng wants to say very much, I give a try! 楚风想很说,我去试试看! However, after being slightly calm, he does not want to do, how can guarantee, he can the mutation not degenerate? 但是,稍微冷静后,他就不想去作死了,如何能保证,他会异变不堕落? How does pollen road appear?” Chu Feng asked. “花粉路怎么出现的?”楚风问道。 Is after very long, among this heaven and earth, sprinkles the sparkling shining granule, should that be the most initial pollen?” The Still Feather light language, looks to the sky. “很久后,这天地间,洒落下来莹莹灿灿的粒子,那应该是就最初始的花粉吧?”羽尚轻语,望向天空。 Suddenly sprinkled the pollen...... to continue the abruption?” Chu Feng is startled, this is not the World of the Living inherent road, but is one day happened towering. “突然洒落下来花粉……接续了断路?”楚风吃惊,这不是阳间固有的路,而是某一天突兀发生的。 This involved an origin issue of road, its influence was too profound, but the internal cause was mysterious and terrifying is boundless, simply unimaginable! 这涉及到了一条路的起源问题,其影响太深远了,而内因更是神秘与恐怖无边,简直不可想象! Yes, on that day, the fog was very big, in the sky presents together the dazzling lightning, some people said that is together the sword light, broke out all......” “是的,那一天,云雾很大,天空中出现一道刺目的闪电,有人说,那是一道剑光,劈开了一切……”
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